Displaying publications 801 - 820 of 17209 in total

  1. Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Salleh, Anita Talib, Mohamed Abdullah Marwi, Noor Hayati Mohd Isa, Syamsa Rizal Abdullah, Raja Muhammad Zuha Raja Kamal Bashah, et al.
    Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) dan Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) adalah merupakan dua spesies lalat penting yang boleh dijadikan sebagai penunjuk terbaik untuk menganggarkan selang masa kematian atau Post Mortem Interval (PMI) untuk kegunaan dalam sains forensik. Penentuan PMI adalah berdasarkan kepada saiz dan peringkat perkembangan larva. Kajian perkembangan telur, larva dan pupa lalat Ch. megacepahala dan Ch. rufifacies dijalankan di bawah suhu 27ºC, 30ºC dan 33ºC di makmal dengan menggunakan kebuk pertumbuhann serangga. Data daripada kajian digunakan untuk menghasilkan satu graf pertumbuhan dan Jam Darjah Terkumpul (ADH) bagi kedua-dua spesies. Ch. megacephala mengambil masa selama 9.15 hari pada suhu 27ºC, 8.54 hari (30ºC) dan 6.76 hari (33ºC) untuk melengkapkan satu kitar hidup. Pada C. rufifacies pula, kitar hidupnya lebih lama berbanding Ch. megacephala iaitu 9.92 hari pada suhu 27ºC, 9.13 hari (30ºC) dan 7.44 hari (33ºC). Telur bagi kedua-dua spesies menetas lebih cepat pada suhu 33ºC berbanding dua suhu yang lainnya. Nilai ADH yang rendah pada sesuatu suhu, menunjukkan sesuatu spesies lebih cepat melengkapkan suatu kitar hidup. Penemuan ini berguna dalam menganggarkan selang masa kematian bagi mayat yang dijumpai pada suhu persekitaran yang berlainan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  2. Hartini Yusof, Mohamed Kamel Abd. Ghani
    Giardia intestinalis merupakan parasit kosmopolitan dan infeksinya tersebar luas di seluruh dunia terutamanya di negara membangun yang tahap sanitasinya rendah dan kekurangan bekalan air yang bersih. Seramai 71 orang kanak-kanak Orang Asli dari Pos Lenjang, Pahang telah terlibat di dalam kajian ini. Sampel feses dikumpul dan diperiksa bagi mengesan infeksi G. intestinalis dengan menggunakan tiga teknik diagnosis iaitu teknik apusan langsung, konsentrasi formalin-eter dan perwarnaan trikrom. Prevalens infeksi Giardia intestinalis di kalangan kanak-kanak Orang Asli di Pos Lenjang, Pahang adalah tinggi iaitu 43.7%. Dari segi jantina, prevalens infeksi hampir sama di kalangan kanak-kanak perempuan (45.0%) berbanding kanak-kanak lelaki (41.9%). Infeksi juga didapati lebih banyak berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak bersekolah (48.6%) berbanding kanakkanak pra-sekolah (38.2%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  3. Zakaria, M.P., Yap, C.K., Eugene Ng, Y.J., Tan, S.G.
    In this study, a polluted site at Kg. Pasir Puteh was assessed for heavy metal pollution by using
    transplanted caged mussel (Perna viridis) from a relatively clean population, Sg. Melayu; both are located in the Strait of Johore. For control purposes, the P. viridis from Kg. Pasir Puteh were also simultaneously transplanted in Sg. Melayu at the same time. It was found that Zn was the metal which got accumulated fastest in the transplanted mussel while Cd was the slowest. This study indicated that the byssus of Perna viridis was most effective for biomonitoring of Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn, while the shell could be used for the biomonitoring of Cu, Ni and Pb and the total soft tissue for the biomonitoring of Ni since they were able to accumulate and eliminate the respective metals well. By using mussel as a biomonitor, the present study found that Kg. Pasir Puteh, which is located in the eastern part of the Strait of Johore, had significantly higher contamination and bioavailabilities of Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn. Therefore, the use of the transplanted caged mussels is very useful for heavy metal assessment purposes since it can increase the validity of data interpretation by minimizing ecological factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  4. Harold Criso Ajin, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Abdul Hamid Abd Aziz, Ahmad Zorin Sahalan, Wan Omar Abdullah
    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan prevalens jangkitan vaginosis bakteria di kalangan wanita yang berumur 20 hingga 59 tahun di Hospital Umum Sarawak, Malaysia melalui pemeriksaan ke atas lumuran Pap lazim. Prevalens jangkitan ini dikaji di kalangan lima kumpulan etnik yang utama iaitu kaum Iban, Cina, Melayu, Bidayuh dan kaum Orang Ulu. Penyaringan mikroskopi dijalankan ke atas 300 sampel slaid yang telah diproses dan dicelup menggunakan pencelup Papanicolaou. Berdasarkan kepada maklumat pada borang permohonan penyaringan lumuran Pap, tanda dan gejala jangkitan diambil kira sebagai petunjuk penting semasa penyaringan kerana melalui tanda dan gejala jangkitan, lumuran Pap mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan ciri gambaran sitomorfologi jangkitan yang berlaku ke atas sel–sel epitelium sekiranya ia mengalami jangkitan. Kategori umur untuk setiap golongan etnik juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu faktor pengukur bagi menilai tahap kekerapan jangkitan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan jangkitan vaginosis bakteria mencatatkan sebanyak 79.7% (239/300 kes). Jangkitan berlaku pada kesemua kumpulan etnik dan jangkitan lebih kerap ditemui pada golongan umur 20 tahun hingga 39 tahun. Majoriti kes (93.3%) menunjukkan tanda dan gejala jangkitan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan menjalani ujian lumuran Pap sebagai ujian mengesan jangkitan vaginosis bakteria selain saringan awal pengesanan kanser serviks.

    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  5. Hasnah Haron, Mamot Said
    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan kandungan nutrien dan antinutrien dalam kernel biji Mangifera pajang Kostermans (bambangan). Analisis proksimat untuk kernel biji bambangan menunjukkan komposisi nutriennya terdiri daripada 38.68% karbohidrat total, 3.08% protein, 4.79% gentian kasar, 9.85% lemak total, 2.23% abu total dan 41.38% air. Kernel ini juga mengandungi 2.04 mg sianogen glikosida/100 g sampel dan 0.64% tanin. Minyak yang diekstrak dari kernel biji bambangan telah menunjukkan ciri fizikokimia yang hampir sama seperti lemak koko. Takat lebur minyak ini adalah pada 34.87°C, indeks refraktif pada 1.458 dan nilai iodinnya adalah 32.97 mg iodin/100 g sampel lemak.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  6. Zamzuri, Z., Mohd Adham, S.Y., Mohamad Saufi, A., Azian, A.A., Mohamed Azril, M.A., Azlina, A.R.
    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant neoplasm arising from the mucosal epithelium of the
    nasopharynx, mainly within the lateral nasopharyngeal recess or Fossa of Rosenmuller. Distant metastasis to the cervical spine is the least common site in the vertebral system. This is a case of a 37-year-old lady with stage IV C nasopharyngeal carcinoma with local extension to the cervical spine who presented with right upper limb weakness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  7. Anuar Ahmad
    Normally, topographic map is produced using aerial photogrammetry. The recent development in aerial photogrammetry is the use of large format digital aerial camera for producing topographic map, however, the cost of the camera is too expensive and many mapping organization around the world could not afford to purchase it. In certain application, there is a need to map small area with limited budget. This issue has been solved by using small format camera (i.e. conventional or digital) to produce digital map. This study concentrates on the use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for producing digital map. UAV has been widely used in military for reconnaissance, planning, combat, and etc. Today, UAV can be used by civilian for reconnaissance, monitoring, mapping, and others. The objectives of this study are to investigate the capability of UAV in producing digital map and assess the accuracy of mapping using UAV. In this study, a light weight fixed wing UAV was used as a platform and a high resolution digital camera was used to acquire aerial digital images of the study area. The aerial digital images were acquired at low altitude. After capturing the aerial digital images, ground control points and check points were established using GPS. Then the aerial digital images were processed using photogrammetric software. The output of the study is a digital map and digital orthophoto. For accuracy assessment, the root mean square error (RMSE) is used. Based on the assessment, the results showed that accuracy of sub-meter can be obtained using the procedure and method used in the study. In conclusion, this study shows that UAV can be used for producing digital map at sub-meter accuracy and it can also be used for diversified applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  8. Hong, Choon Ong, Tilahun, Surafel Luleseged, Tang, Suey Shya
    Many studies have been carried out using different metaheuristic algorithms on optimisation problems in various fields like engineering design, economics and routes planning. In the real world, resources and time are scarce. Thus the goals of optimisation algorithms are to optimise these available resources. Different metaheuristic algorithms are available. The firefly algorithm is one of the recent metaheuristic algorithms that is used in many applications; it is also modified and hybridised to improve its performance. In this paper, we compare the Standard Firefly Algorithm, the Elitist Firefly Algorithm, also called the Modified Firefly Algorithm with the Chaotic Firefly Algorithm, which embeds chaos maps in the Standard Firefly Algorithm. The Modified Firefly Algorithm differs from the Standard Firefly Algorithm in such a way that the global optimum solution at a particular iteration will not move randomly but in a direction that is chosen from randomly generated directions that can improve its performance. If none of these directions improves its performance, then the algorithm will not be updated. On the other hand, the Chaotic Firefly Algorithm tunes the parameters of the algorithms for the purpose of increasing the global search mobility i.e. to improve the attractiveness of fireflies. In our study, we found that the Chaotic Firefly Algorithms using three different chaotic maps do not perform as well as the Modified Firefly Algorithms; however, at least one or two of the Chaotic Firefly Algorithms outperform the Standard Firefly Algorithm under the given accuracy and efficiency tests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  9. Sharma, Shobha, Hardial Singh, Baljit Kaur
    Pelbagai bentuk pendekatan pengendalian pergerakan lipatan vokal paradoksikal (PLVP) telah dibincangkan dalam kajian-kajian sebelum ini, tetapi adalah penting untuk mengiktirafkan sifat kompleksiti kecelaruan ini dan perlunya diagnosis yang betul bagi membolehkan pengendalian yang sewajarnya dijalankan. Dapatan penyelidikan mendapati bahawa kecelaruan ini lazimnya berlaku di kalangan wanita muda yang mempunyai sejarah masalah perubatan yang berkaitan. Artikel ini membincangkan tentang kajian kes tunggal tentang seseorang kanak-kanak lelaki berumur 11 tahun yang mempunyai kecelaruan PLVP. Keadaan PLVP ini telah didiagnosis oleh pakar Otorinolaringologi di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ujian nasendoskopi menunjukkan pergerakan lipatan vokal adalah normal dalam pernafasan senyap dan sewaktu serangan episodik. Kanak-kanak ini kemudiannya dirujuk untuk terapi pertuturan; kecelaruan PLVPnya dikendalikan khususnya menggunakan rehabilitasi pertuturan. Pengurusan kecelaruan bagi kanak-kanak lelaki ini dibincangkan daripada mula rawatan sehingga beliau didiscaj daripada rawatan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  10. Siti-Balkhis, A.B., Yaman, I.C., Siti-Hasmah, I., Khalil, M.Z., Muhammad-Shukri, M.Y., Zulfigar, Y., et al.
    ASM Science Journal, 2014;8(2):159-164.
    A survey on the diversity of marine macrogastropoda
    in Pulau Songsong, Pulau Bidan and Pulau Telor on the
    Northern Straits of Malacca was conducted. Specimens
    were collected on rocky shores following NaGISA protocol
    and the number of marine macrogastropod were recorded.
    Distances and the number of the same species were
    converted into Relative Abundance unit (individuals per
    100 m2
    ). A total of 15 species of marine macrogastropoda
    were found from seven families namely Neritidae,
    Trochidae, Ceriitidae, Littorinidae, Turbinidae, Muricidae
    and Potamididae. Seven macrogastropoda species were
    newly recorded from these three islands. Morula marginatra
    was the most dominant species and Pulau Songsong had
    the highest genera and species diversity among the three
    islands. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  11. Chandrasekharan N
    Med J Malaya, 1969 Mar;23(3):214-5.
    PMID: 4240077
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  12. Sivanandam S, Fredericks HJ
    Med J Malaya, 1968 Mar;22(3):237-8.
    PMID: 4234373
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  13. Bernstein IS
    Folia Primatol., 1967;7(3):198-207.
    PMID: 4967525
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  14. Bernstein IS
    Science, 1966 Dec 23;154(3756):1559-60.
    PMID: 4958933
    Two members of a troop of wild Macaca irus in Malaysia have been tentatively identified as hybrids of M. irus and M. nemestrina. Mechanisms prohibiting such hybridization in the natural habitat may have broken down under heavy predation pressure which finally resulted in the local extermination of M. nemestrinia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  15. Asshauer E
    Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr., 1966 May 27;91(21):1003-4.
    PMID: 5948793
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  16. Chong YH, Soh CC
    Med J Malaya, 1966 Mar;20(3):230-3.
    PMID: 4223072
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  17. Griffiths RB, Nagendram C
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Sep;20(1):60.
    PMID: 4221422
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  18. Sivanandam S, Yap Loy Fong
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Sep;20(1):63-4.
    PMID: 4221424
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
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