Displaying publications 801 - 820 of 1014 in total

  1. Bul Keluarga, 1979 Jul-Aug;97:4-5, 8.
    PMID: 12261448
    PIP: On August 15, 1978, the integrated parasite control/family planning program was launched by the National Family Planning Board in the Tanjong Malim Estate in Kuala Lumpur (the estate is a rubber oil palm plantation) to enhance the health status of the estate workers and their families. Personal hygiene, good toilet habits, and washing fruits and vegetables before eating were emphasized. Pre- and post-surveys of worm infestation of the estate population revealed that treatment with drugs dramatically reduced the rate of intestinal helminthiasis infection among the population. To sustain the prevention or total eradication of the disease, an ongoing educational program was initiated and included the following features: 1) increasing knowledge of the community as to how intestinal helminthiasis is transmitted, and ways of limiting transmission; 2) providing safe and sanitary toilet facilities for young children, and; 3) periodic deworming of susceptible population every 3 months. The estate members are also encouraged to plant vegetables in their backyard. The National Family Planning Board also helped the estate members organize different functional groups, such as Mothers' Group. This multifaceted approach to family planning appears to have an encouraging future, particularly in family development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  2. Goh SSL, Lai PSM, Liew SM, Tan KM, Chung WW, Chua SS
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0242051.
    PMID: 33175871 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242051
    To date, several medication adherence instruments have been developed and validated worldwide. However, most instruments have only assessed medication adherence from the patient's perspective. The aim was to develop and validate the PATIENT-Medication Adherence Instrument (P-MAI) and the HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL-Medication Adherence Instrument (H-MAI) to assess medication adherence from the patient's and healthcare professional (HCP)'s perspectives. The P-MAI-12 and H-MAI-12 were developed using the nominal group technique. The face and content validity was determined by an expert panel and piloted. The initial version of these instruments consisted of 12 items were validated from October-December 2018 at a primary care clinic in Malaysia. Included were patients aged ≥21 years, diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, taking at least one oral hypoglycaemic agent and who could understand English. The HCPs recruited were family medicine specialists or trainees. To assess validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and concurrent validity were performed; internal consistency and test-retest were performed to assess its reliability. A total of 120/158 patients (response rate = 75.9%) and 30/33 HCPs (response rate = 90.9%) agreed to participate. EFA found three problematic items in both instruments, which was then removed. The final version of the P-MAI-9 and the HMAI-9 had 9 items each with two domains (adherence = 2 items and knowledge/belief = 7 items). For concurrent validity, the total score of the P-MAI-9 and the H-MAI-9 were not significantly different (p = 0.091), indicating that medication adherence assessed from both the patient's and HCP's perspectives were similar. Both instruments achieved acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's α: P-MAI-9 = 0.722; H-MAI-9 = 0.895). For the P-MAI-9, 7/9 items showed no significant difference between test and retest whereas 8/9 items in the H-MAI-9 showed significant difference at test and retest (p>0.05). In conclusion, the P-MAI-9 and H-MAI-9 had low sensitivity and high specificity suggesting that both instruments can be used for identifying patients more likely to be non-adherent to their medications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  3. Natalia Che Ishak, Hayati Kadir Shahar, Rosliza Abdul Manaf
    Introduction: HIV-related stigma refers to prejudice, negative attitudes and abuse directed at people living with HIV (PLHIV) and interferes with both prevention and treatment efforts. This study was designed to examine drivers of HIV-related stigma among healthcare workers in health clinics in Hulu Langat, Selangor. Methods: This is a sin-gle-blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial (parallel groups). A total of 158 participants from the intervention group and 158 participants from the control group were randomised via balloting process at the cluster (clinic) level. A comprehensive self-administered questionnaire based on the stigma index tool was used. Data were analysed using IBM SPSS version 25 involving descriptive and bivariate analyses. The baseline results were analysed using the chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The response rate for the intervention group was 83.5% and 81.6% for the control group (82.3% combined response rate). Majority of the respondent’s age between 30 – 39 years old, female, nurses, have experience working with PLHIV and worked for 0 – 9 years in the healthcare setting. Comparison of total infection concern score (p = 0.001) and total willingness to treat key populations (KPs) score (p = 0.025) between intervention and control group at baseline were significant. However, comparison of total opinion/perception about PLHIV score, total knowledge about HIV score, total intention to stigmatise score and total health facility policies and guidelines score between intervention and control group at baseline showed no significant dif-ference. Conclusion: The significant difference between groups on certain scores above might be due to different job category between the two groups thus influence how willing they are in treating PLHIV. These findings may assist stigma reduction intervention programmes targeting healthcare providers in Hulu Langat, Selangor and ensure quality care for PLHIV.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  4. Njaka S, Edeogu OC, Oko CC, Goni MD, Nkadi N
    Heliyon, 2020 Sep;6(9):e04800.
    PMID: 32964153 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04800
    Background: WPV amongst healthcare workers has been reported as a public health challenge across the countries of the world, with more in the developing countries where condition of care and service is very poor.

    Objectives: We aimed to systematically produce empirical evidence on the WPV against health care workers in Africa through the review of relevant literature.

    Method: We sourced for evidence through the following databases: PubMed, Science direct and Scopus from 30th November to 31st December 2019 as well as the reference list of the studies included. A total of 22 peer reviewed articles were included in the review (8065 respondents). Quality appraisal of the included studies was assessed using critical appraisal tools for cross-sectional studies.

    Result: Across the studies, diverse but high prevalence of WPV ranging from 9% to 100% was reported with the highest in South Africa (54%-100%) and Egypt (59.7%-86.1%). The common types were verbal, physical, sexual harassment and psychological violence. The correlates of WPV reported were gender, age, shift duty, emergency unit, psychiatric unit, nursing, marital status and others. Various impacts were reported including psychological impacts and desire to quit nursing. Patients and their relatives, the coworkers and supervisors were the mostly reported perpetrators of violence. Doctors were mostly implicated in the sexual violence against nurses. Policy on violence and management strategies were non-existent across the studies.

    Conclusion: High prevalence of WPV against healthcare workers exists in Africa but there is still paucity of research on the subject matter. However, urgent measures like policy formulation and others must be taken to address the WPV as to avert the impact on the healthcare system.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  5. Nor Fadilah Othman, Hamidah Amin Abd. Latip, Fazlina Yusoff, Haslinda Hassan, Ziti Akthar Supian
    Introduction: Family planning practice is important among the high-risk mothers. Thus, the knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning among health care workers are very important in influencing the use of contraception among them. The objective of this study was to determine level of knowledge, attitudes and practices related to contraception among doctors and nurses in Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 300 doctors and nurses working in the Maternal and Child Health Unit from six large public health clin-ics in Petaling district was conducted in May 2019. A self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. Results: A total of 109 doctors and 149 nurses participated in this study. The response rate was 86%. The median duration of service in KKM and working in MCH were 9 years (IQR 6.0) and 3 years (IQR 6.0) respectively. Majority (74%) had attended CME on family planning. The mean score of knowledge was 9.0 (out of 13) (SD 1.899). In terms of attitude, 51.6% would often suggest family planning to relatives or friends. Three common perceived barriers for effective counselling on family planning were too many patients (94.5%), time constraint (91.7%) and inadequate knowledge on contraception (60.4%). Common preferred methods of contraception among users were hormonal method (33.1%), followed by barrier (condom) method (29.5%). Medical officers had better knowledge score as compared to nurses (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  6. Siti Hafsah Abdul Halim, Nor Afiah Mohamad Zulkefli
    ntroduction: The child health record book was long established in Malaysia, but no evaluation study on the util-isation of the book has ever been done. The objectives of the study were to determine the proportion of optimum record book use and the factors associated with it. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 415 ran-domly selected parents of children aged below six years old attending government health clinics in Putrajaya using a self-administered questionnaire. Optimum use of child health record book was defined by respondents reading all the sections and recording comments in the book. Factors studied were sociodemographic characteristics; ante-natal and breastfeeding history; child’s health and immunisation status; perceptions and level of knowledge on the book and child health; and healthcare providers’ performance. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify the determinants of optimum use. Results: In total, 36.1% of respondents optimally used the record book. The five de-terminants of optimum use identified were mother’s age group between 35-39 years and ≥40 years old (AOR: 2.24, 95% CI 1.13-4.44; AOR: 3.36, 95% CI 1.24-9.07), a mother with a higher level of education (AOR: 2.67, 95% CI 1.43-5.00), delivered in a government hospital (AOR: 3.01, 95% CI 1.11-8.16), had good level of knowledge on the record book and on general child health (AOR: 3.69, 95% CI 2.08-6.56; AOR: 2.07, 95% CI 1.19-3.60). Conclusion: The proportion of optimum child health record book use is relatively low. Based on the findings, improving the par-ents’ knowledge on the child health record book utilisation is vital to increase the optimum usage particularly among mothers with low education level, aged less than 30 years old and those who delivered in non-government hospitals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  7. Zun AB, Ibrahim MI, Mokhtar AM, Halim AS, Wan Mansor WNA
    PMID: 31185665 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16112054
    BACKGROUND: Patient feedback is an important tool in assessing health system quality. The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) was developed in 2006 as a standardized instrument to assess patient perceptions in the United States of America. This study aimed to translate and validate the HCAHPS questionnaire into the Malay language in order to assess patient perceptions of health services in Malaysia.

    METHODS: The original HCAPHS in English was translated into Malay based on the established guideline. The content validation involved an expert panel of 10 members, including patients. The face validation pilot testing of the HCAHPS-Malay version was conducted among 10 discharged patients. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) used principal axis factor, and varimax rotation was established based on a cross-sectional study conducted among 200 discharged patients from Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (Hospital USM).

    RESULTS: The overall content validity index was 0.87, and the universal face validity index was 0.82. From the EFA, the factor loading value ranged from 0.652 to 0.961 within nine domains. The internal consistency reliability with Cronbach's alpha was 0.844.

    CONCLUSION: The HCAHPS-Malay is a reliable and valid tool to determine patients' perception of healthcare services among inpatients in Hospital USM based on the content and face validation result together with a good construct validity and excellent absolute reliability. Further testing on HCAHPS-Malay version in other settings in Malaysia needs to be done for cross-validation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  8. Rumetta J, Abdul-Hadi H, Lee YK
    J Infect Public Health, 2020 Feb;13(2):199-203.
    PMID: 31431420 DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2019.07.027
    BACKGROUND: Vaccine-related diseases are increasing in developing countries. This study aimed to explore parents' reasons for refusal of childhood vaccinations in Malaysia and their recommendations on addressing their concerns.

    METHODS: A qualitative study design involving individual both face-to-face and online in-depth interview was used. The topic guide was developed from the Health Belief Model theoretical framework. Seven face-to-face and seven online interviews were conducted with parents in the Klang Valley (an urban area) who had refused childhood vaccination. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and checked. Thematic approach was used to analyze the data. Data was collected until data saturation was reached.

    RESULTS: Findings were summarized into two main categories: Personal Health Beliefs and Vaccine Related Concerns. Six personal health beliefs were identified: lack of confidence in modern medicine and health care personnel, pharmaceutical conspiracy to sell medicines, preference to a natural approach to health, personal instincts, religious beliefs and having a partner with similar beliefs. Four main vaccine-related concerns were identified: negative effects and content concerns, doubts of necessity and lack of information and knowledge regarding vaccines. Parents recommended that more empathy from healthcare professionals and evidence on safety and content purity would help them reconsider vaccination.

    CONCLUSION: Parents had multiple reasons for refusing childhood vaccinations but felt that communication and empathy from healthcare professionals was lacking. Besides individual consultations with parents, addressing these concerns at multiple levels in the health care system and society may help to increase the uptake of childhood vaccinations in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  9. Ahmad Zamree MR, Shaiful Bahari I, Faridah MZ, Norhayati MN
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Apr;13(2):173-179.
    PMID: 31435320 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.10.001
    Objectives: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of premature ejaculation and its associated factors among men attending a primary healthcare clinic in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 18- to 60-year-old sexually active men during at least the past 6 months. Patients with unstable psychiatric illnesses, mental retardation, and illiteracy were excluded. A questionnaire on sociodemographic factors, Malay version Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool, and Malay version International Index Erectile Function-5 were distributed. Premature ejaculation was defined as a Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool score of 9 and above. Descriptive analysis and simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed using SPSS version 22.

    Results: A total of 294 of 313 eligible men responded, with a response rate of 93.9%. The prevalence of premature ejaculation was 21.4% (n = 63). The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that mild [adj. OR (95% CI): 5.6 (1.89, 16.91); P = 0.002], mild-moderate [adj. OR (95% CI): 8.2 (2.72, 24.46); P health services. Research on the underlying comorbidities among men with premature ejaculation is recommended owing to its negative impact on psychosocial aspects and quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  10. Waqar, A.K., Nik Shamsidah N.I., Nor Aini M.N., Waqar, Abd Alqahar Al –Kubaisy
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(1):14-20.
    Background: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a major public health problem worldwide. About 130- 200 million people
    are infected with HCV worldwide leading to 500,000 deaths annually (WHO 2014). Healthcare workers (HCWs)
    have played an important role in the transmission of HCV infection, either as victims or as sources of infection.
    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of HCV, antibodies (Abs) RNA and genotypes among the female HCWs
    in Baghdad and to identify whether HCWs were infective or only infected.
    Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 1001 women attending 17 health care centres in
    Baghdad, Iraq, was carried out. Information on type and duration of their occupation was obtained. HCV Abs
    (anti-HCV) were tested using a third generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA-3) and immunoblot assay (Lia
    Tek-111). Molecular analysis using RT-PCR and DNA enzyme immunoassay (DEIA) for HCV-RNA and genotype
    detections were carried out for 63 serum samples.
    Results: Only 160/1001 (15.98%) were HCWs. Anti-HCV and HCV- RNA seroprevalence were significantly higher
    (6.37%, p=0.0057, 88.83%, p= 0.011 respectively) among HCWs than non HCWs. HCWs were at a significantly
    higher risk of exposure to HCV infection (OR=2.75, 95% C.I. =1.31-5.79). There was no significant association
    between HCV genotypes and the HCWs. HCV-4 showed higher expression (62.5%) among HCWs.
    Conclusion: Female HCWs were infective and infected with HCV, thus there is a need for medical equipment
    to be sterilized and cleaned thoroughly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  11. Pong KM, Teo JT, Cheah FC
    Front Pediatr, 2021;9:619035.
    PMID: 33643974 DOI: 10.3389/fped.2021.619035
    Simulation-based education (SBE) is increasingly used as an education tool to improve learning for healthcare providers. In newborn care practice, SBE is used in the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) and training in procedural skills. The NRP is a mandatory course in Malaysia for all house officers (interns) and medical officers (residents) during their pediatric rotation. Almost 30,000 of NRP providers have been trained over the last 5 years. The recent establishment of the Allied Healthcare Center of Excellence (AHCoE), an organization dedicated to promoting SBE, and Malaysian Society for Simulation in Healthcare (MaSSH) aims to enhance the integration of SBE into the healthcare training curriculum and set up a local healthcare simulation educator training program. Our experience in implementing SBE necessitated that we made several important choices. As there was no strong evidence to favor high-fidelity over low-fidelity simulation, and because simulation centers can be very costly to set up with limited resources, we chose SBE mainly in the form of low-fidelity and in situ simulation. We also identified an important developmental goal to train Malaysian instructors on structured debriefing, a critical activity for learning in SBE. Currently, debriefing is often carried out in our centers at an ad hoc basis because of time limitation and the lack of personnel trained. Finally, we aim to implement SBE further in Malaysia, with two axes: (1) the credentialing and recertification of physicians and nurses, and (2) the education of lay caregivers of high-risk infants before discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  12. Edhborg M, E-Nasreen H, Kabir ZN
    J Interpers Violence, 2020 11;35(21-22):4779-4795.
    PMID: 29294818 DOI: 10.1177/0886260517717489
    Intimate partner violence (IPV) during the first year postpartum is common in Bangladesh, and many infants are exposed to hostile and aggressive environment. The aim of the current study was to investigate how IPV (physical, emotional, and sexual) impacts on the mother's perception of her infant's temperament 6 to 8 months postpartum, and whether maternal depressive symptom at 6 to 8 months postpartum is a mediator in this association. A total of 656 rural Bangladeshi women and their children 6 to 8 months postpartum were included in this study. Data were collected by structured interviews. The women were asked about physical, sexual, and emotional IPV; depressive symptoms (Edinburgh Postnatal Depressive Symptoms [EPDS]); and their perception of infant temperament assessed by the Infant Characteristic Questionnaire (ICQ). Descriptive analyses were conducted for prevalence of IPV and maternal depressive symptoms. Mediation analysis was conducted with a series of linear regressions with types of IPV as independent variables, ICQ including its subscales as dependent variables and maternal depressive symptoms as potential mediator. All the analyses were adjusted for the woman's and her husband's ages and number of children of the couple. Nearly 90% of the mothers reported some kind of IPV at 6 to 8 months postpartum. All types of IPV were directly associated with the mother's perception of her infant as unadaptable. Maternal depressive symptom was a mediating factor between physical IPV and the ICQ subscales fussy-difficult and unpredictable. In addition, depressive symptoms mediated between sexual and emotional IPV, and the mother's perception of the infant as unpredictable. The results showed that IPV influenced how mothers perceived their infant's temperament. It is important that health care professionals at maternal and child health services enquire about IPV with possibilities to refer the family or the mother and infant for appropriate support.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  13. Muhammad Ridzwan Rafi’i
    Q Bulletin, 2019;1(28):26-34.
    Pregnant women with diabetes mellitus pose an increased risk of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. In Perlis, for the year of 2016, only 3 (0.3%) out of 1,114 reproductive women with diabetes mellitus were using an intrauterine device (IUCD) as their main contraceptive measure. This project aims to improve the usage of IUCD to 10% among reproductive women with diabetes mellitus in nine health clinics of Perlis.
    A retrospective contraception card review was undertaken to determine the baseline in providing IUCD services. Two sets of validated questionnaires were distributed to patients and healthcare providers in the pre and post-remedial period.
    Customised training sessions were organised for both doctors and nurses’ group. A quick reference for IUCD was developed to guide the healthcare providers during counselling sessions. The Model of Good Care (MOGC) was integrated into the Maternal and Child Health State Plan of Action 2016 to ease the supervision of quality improvement.
    Of the 244 diabetic women who had undergone counselling, 44 (18%) agreed to use IUCD and 38 (16%) of them inserted the IUCD within two weeks. Our project was able to increase the usage of IUCD among diabetic women in nine Perlis health clinics from 3 (0.3%) to 38 (3.4%) within six months. There was a gap reduction in achievable but not achieved (ABNA) from 9.7% to 6.6%. [ABNA = Achievable benefit not achieved]
    Low usage of IUCD among diabetic women is a challenging issue and patient refusal to use IUCD, lack of husband support and comfortable with the previous contraception method were among the main contributing factors. However, providing continuous awareness and new process of effort in promoting the usage of IUCD among diabetic women do improve the uptake of the approach
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  14. Sulaiman MH, Aizuddin AN, Hod R, Puteh SEW
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 03;76(2):145-150.
    PMID: 33742620
    INTRODUCTION: Influenza outbreak causes high economic burden to Malaysia and other countries in South East Asia. Scientists have found a relatively new way to detect influenza outbreaks early thus reducing the burden of disease by early intervention. This new technology is a social network information system which uses Facebook or Twitter data to detect potential influenza cases. Such system is good to be developed by the Malaysian government as it can detect influenza outbreaks three weeks earlier than the normal pathway. However, to implement this we require good evidence that the development will be accepted by potential users.

    OBJECTIVE: This study was looking at the acceptance towards using social network information system among public health workers.

    MATERIALS AND METHOD: This study was done on 205 Malaysian One Health University Network (MyOHUN) members through email and physical survey.

    RESULTS: Results show that 62.4% public health workers accepted the use technology. The acceptance was shown to be associated with performance expectancy (p<0.05). However, unlike the very famous Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, the acceptance of social network information system was not associated with effort expectancy, social factors, facilitating conditions and socio-demographic factors. Therefore, it is suggested that social network information system be developed by the authorities in Malaysia, and be developed in a way that the system could strongly increase performance in detection of outbreak earlier than the current normal pathways. As such the system to be accepted and used, it must be sensitive, specific and be able to detect influenza outbreak early CONCLUSION: The development of social network information system is feasible as it is highly accepted and it's potential to improve early detection of influenza outbreak.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  15. Low QJ, Teo KZ, Lim TH, Cheo SW, Yap WYE
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 03;76(2):212-217.
    PMID: 33742630
    INTRODUCTION: Excessive ultraviolet light (UV) can cause premature skin aging and potentially skin cancer. Currently there is a lack of awareness among health care professionals and the public on sun protection. The objectives of this study were to determine knowledge on sunscreen and skin cancer among health care professionals, to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, practice and perception of doctors and pharmacists toward the usage of sunscreen as protection against UV radiation.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study conducted among doctors and pharmacists in Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. Questionnaires were used in this study.

    RESULTS: A total of 384 participants completed the questionnaires. The participants consisted of 323 doctors (84.1%) and 61 pharmacists (15.9%). The age group of the participants ranged between 25 till 55 years old. Ninety doctors (27.9%) and thirty-one pharmacists (51.0%) reported used sunscreen daily (p<0.001). This finding showed that there was a deficit in the practice of sun protection. Pharmacists scored a higher knowledge score of median 12 (IQR=3.0) while the doctors scored 11 (IQR=2.0). This study showed a significant association between ethnicity and skin cancer knowledge (p<0.05).

    CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated a lack of knowledge of sunscreen and skin cancer prevention among health care practitioners. This finding supports better medical education program on this topic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  16. Haliza, A.M., Roslan Johari, M.G., Badrulnizam, M., Rosidah, S.S., Teng, S.C., Saiful Safuan, M.S., et al.
    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder with many vascular complications, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Malaysia has risen dramatically from 6.3% (NHMS 1 in 1986); to 8.3% (NHMS 2 in 1996); and to 14.9% (NHMS 3 in 2006). An audit was conducted on patient's medical records from selected MOH health facilities to assess the control of diabetes using HbA1c. The response rate was 69.6% and the control of diabetes was poor. Only 18.4% of patients with valid HbA1c had value less than 6.5%. This is notably worst amongst patients from younger age groups. Many recommended investigations such as fundoscopy and urine microalbumin had not been done regularly. Efforts to look for various vascular complications were under-reported. About 45% of patients had been treated with 2 oral antidiabetic agents; mainly the sulphonylureas and the biguanides. Only 13.3% of patients were on insulin despite having poorly controlled disease. There is an urgent need to improve the management of diabetes mellitus in these areas:- (i) improving the glycemic control status (particularly among younger diabetic patients) with early and optimal use of oral diabetic drugs and insulin; (ii) stringent monitoring of glycemic control with adequate funds for regular performance of HbA1c (at least every 6 monthly for all diabetic patients) (iii) organizing regular updates or interactive programme for diabetes healthcare providers from primary, secondary and tertiary care; (iv) ensuring regular and prompt review of diabetic complications so that the complications can be dealt with early; (v) producing more diabetes educators to strengthen and standardize the diabetes education programme; and promote patients adherence to non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  17. Siti Munira Yasin,, Kamarulzaman Muzaini, Ely Zarina Samsudin, Mohamad Ikhsan Selamat, Zaliha Ismail
    The outbreak of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared a Public
    Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization. The incidence
    of this pandemic continues to rise, with 40,665,438 confirmed cases and 1,121,843 deaths
    worldwide by 21 October 2020. During this public health crisis, healthcare workers are at the
    frontline of the COVID-19 outbreak response, and as such are at risk of being infected and
    developing job burnout while in the line of duty. This study reviews the history of COVID-19
    outbreak, infection control measures in hospitals during COVID-19 outbreak, healthcare
    workers’ risk of infection and other health effects from battling COVID-19, and challenges and
    recommendations for protecting healthcare workers during this pandemic. At present,
    healthcare workers are every country’s most valuable resources, and their safety must thus
    be ensured. Strong medical leadership, clear pandemic planning, policies and protocols,
    continuous educational training, adequate provision of personal protective equipment,
    psychological support, and the provision of food, rest, and family support for healthcare
    workers would augment a climate of safety in the workplace, ensure their wellbeing, and
    improve their capacity to battle this ongoing pandemic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  18. Chieng, Jin Yu, Yasotha Sugumaran, Pan Yan
    Hepatitis B is a well-recognized occupational risk for healthcare workers. This self-administered questionnaire study was designed to assess awareness and knowledge towards hepatitis B virus infection among 140 nurses at Serdang Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia from the period of 1st April to 30th September 2017. The response rate was 97.2% (n = 140/144). A total of 71.4% of participants showed adequate awareness of hepatitis B. Most participants had heard hepatitis B with the predominant sources receiving from friends, media and education. Majority of them did serology blood test of hepatitis B before. A total of 84.3% of participants were aware of vaccine available for hepatitis B, although 78.6% got vaccinated in the past. Antiviral treatment of hepatitis B was not well noticed by most of them. Education qualification determines the awareness of hepatitis B. Regarding the knowledge, 73.6% of participants showed poor knowledge of hepatitis B. Most participants understood that hepatitis B was caused by a virus infection and the organ most affected was the liver. Surprisingly, 77.9% of them failed to recognize that cancer could be caused by hepatitis B. Majority of participants were aware that transmission of hepatitis B could be mediated via sexual intercourse, as well as childbirth. Nevertheless, 14.3% of them believed that hepatitis B was able to spread by cough and sneeze. Older age, Chinese ethnicity, and having high educational qualification were factors leading to adequate knowledge of hepatitis B. Additional attention should be emphasized to strengthen knowledge towards hepatitis B among nurses and perhaps other healthcare workers in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
  19. Balqis-Ali NZ, Saw PS, Jailani AS, Yeoh TW, Fun WH, Mohd-Salleh N, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2020 03 26;10(3):e034128.
    PMID: 32220914 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034128
    INTRODUCTION: Person-centred care (PCC) has become a global movement in healthcare. Despite this, the level of PCC is not routinely assessed in clinical practice. This protocol describes the adaptation and validation of the Person-Centred Practice Inventory-Staff (PCPI-S) tool that will be used to assess person-centred practices of primary healthcare providers in Malaysia.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: To ensure conceptual and item equivalence, the original version of the PCPI-S will be reviewed and adapted for cultural context by an expert committee. The instrument will subsequently be translated into Malay language using the forward-backward translation method by two independent bilingual speaking individuals. This will be pretested in four primary care clinics and refined accordingly. The instrument will be assessed for its psychometric properties, such as test-retest reliability, construct and internal validity, using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Study findings will be disseminated to healthcare professionals and academicians in the field through publication in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations, as well as at managerial clinic sites for practice improvement. The study was approved by the Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC), Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM/NIHSEC/ P18-766 (14) and Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (2018-14363-19627).

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel
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