MATERIALS AND METHODS: Results that are possible to be compared in more than two articles were presented as forest plots. A 95% confidence interval was calculated for each effect size, and we calculated the I 2 statistic, which presents the percentage of total variation attributable to the heterogeneity among studies. The random effects model was used to calculate the effect size.
RESULTS: Seven articles were included to the final analysis. Case groups were composed of HTO without concurrent procedures and control groups were composed of HTO with concurrent procedures such as marrow stimulation procedure, mesenchymal stem cell transplantation, and injection. The case group showed a higher hospital for special surgery score and mean difference was 4.10 [I 2 80.8%, 95% confidence interval (CI) - 9.02 to 4.82]. Mean difference of the mechanical femorotibial angle in five studies was 0.08° (I 2 0%, 95% CI - 0.26 to 0.43). However, improved arthroscopic, histologic, and MRI results were reported in the control group.
CONCLUSION: Our analysis support that concurrent procedures during HTO for medial compartment OA have little beneficial effect regarding clinical and radiological outcomes. However, they might have some beneficial effects in terms of arthroscopic, histologic, and MRI findings even though the quality of healed cartilage is not good as that of original cartilage. Therefore, until now, concurrent procedures for medial compartment OA have been considered optional. Nevertheless, no conclusions can be drawn for younger patients with focal cartilage defects and concomitant varus deformity. This question needs to be addressed separately.
METHODS: An iterative airway pressure reconstruction (IPR) method is used to reconstruct asynchronous airway pressure waveforms to better match passive breathing airway waveforms using a single compartment model. The reconstructed pressure enables estimation of respiratory mechanics of airway pressure waveform essentially free from asynchrony. Reconstruction enables real-time breath-to-breath monitoring and quantification of the magnitude of the asynchrony (MAsyn).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Over 100,000 breathing cycles from MV patients with known asynchronous breathing were analyzed. The IPR was able to reconstruct different types of asynchronous breathing. The resulting respiratory mechanics estimated using pressure reconstruction were more consistent with smaller interquartile range (IQR) compared to respiratory mechanics estimated using asynchronous pressure. Comparing reconstructed pressure with asynchronous pressure waveforms quantifies the magnitude of asynchronous breathing, which has a median value MAsyn for the entire dataset of 3.8%.
CONCLUSION: The iterative pressure reconstruction method is capable of identifying asynchronous breaths and improving respiratory mechanics estimation consistency compared to conventional model-based methods. It provides an opportunity to automate real-time quantification of asynchronous breathing frequency and magnitude that was previously limited to invasively method only.
METHODS: Twenty-seven adolescents with OCD and 46 controls completed a predictive-inference task, designed to probe how subjects' actions and confidence ratings fluctuate in response to unexpected outcomes. We investigated how subjects update actions in response to prediction errors (indexing mismatches between expectations and outcomes) and used parameters from a Bayesian model to predict how confidence and action evolve over time. Confidence-action association strength was assessed using a regression model. We also investigated the effects of serotonergic medication.
RESULTS: Adolescents with OCD showed significantly increased learning rates, particularly following small prediction errors. Results were driven primarily by unmedicated patients. Confidence ratings appeared equivalent between groups, although model-based analysis revealed that patients' confidence was less affected by prediction errors compared to controls. Patients and controls did not differ in the extent to which they updated actions and confidence in tandem.
CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with OCD showed enhanced action adjustments, especially in the face of small prediction errors, consistent with previous research establishing 'just-right' compulsions, enhanced error-related negativity, and greater decision uncertainty in paediatric-OCD. These tendencies were ameliorated in patients receiving serotonergic medication, emphasising the importance of early intervention in preventing disorder-related cognitive deficits. Confidence ratings were equivalent between young patients and controls, mirroring findings in adult OCD research.
METHODS: A pragmatic randomised controlled trial was conducted on 29 healthy sedentary adults (seven males and 22 females) in a 12-week exercise program. They were randomly assigned to group A (75 min/week, N.=15) or group B (150 min/week, N.=14) of moderate intensity aerobic exercise groups. HRR at 1-minute (HRR1), HRR at 2-minute (HRR2), and peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) were measured pre- and post-intervention.
RESULTS: The improvements of HRR1 and HRR2 were seen in both groups but was only significant (P<0.05) for group A with HRR1, -4.07 bpm (post 24.47±6.42 - pre 20.40±5.51, P=0.018) and HHR2, -3.93 bpm (post 43.40±13.61 - pre 39.47±10.68, P=0.046). Group B showed increment of HRR1, -1.14 bpm (post 21.14±5.35 - pre 20.00±6.30, P=0.286) and HRR2, -2.5 bpm, (post 39.36±8.01 - pre 36.86±9.57, P=0.221). Improvement of the VO2peak was only significant in group B with an increment of 1.52±2.61 (P=0.049).
CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, our study suggests that improvements in heart rate recovery (HRR1 and HRR2) among sedentary healthy adults can be achieved by engaging in moderate intensity exercise at a dose lower than the current recommended guidelines. The lower dose seems to be more attainable and may encourage exercise compliance. Future studies should further explore the effects of different exercise volumes on HRR in a larger sample size and also by controlling for BMI or gender.