MATERIALS AND METHODS: 300 healthy women were recruited comprising 150 premenopausal and 150 postmenopausal women, aged from 20-76 years. All women were subjected to a pelvic ultrasonograph and were confirmed to be free from ovarian pathology on recruitment. Serum HE4 levels were determined by chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA, Abbott Architect). The reference intervals were determined following CLSI guidelines (C28-A2) using a non-parametric method.
RESULTS: The upper limits of the 95th percentile reference interval (90%CI) for all the women collectively were 64.6 pmol/L, and 58.4 pmol/L for premenopausal) and 69.0 pmol/L for postmenopausal. The concentration of HE4 was noted to increase with age especially in women who were more than 50 years old. We also noted that our proposed reference limit was lower compared to the level given by manufacturer Abbott Architect HE4 kit insert (58.4 vs 70 pmol/L for premenopausal group and 69.0 vs 140 pmol/L in the postmenopausal group). The study also showed a significant difference in HE4 concentrations between ethnic groups (Malays and Indians). The levels of HE4 in Indians appeared higher than in Malays (p<0.05), while no significant differences were noted between the Malays and Chinese ethnic groups.
CONCLUSIONS: More data are needed to establish a reference interval that will better represent the multiethnic Malaysian population. Probably a larger sampling size of equal representation of the Malay, Chinese, Indians as well as the other native ethnic communities will give us a greater confidence on whether genetics plays a role in reference interval determination.
METHOD: Data from 1,538 women were analyzed. At the first visit for prenatal care, the 50-gram glucose challenge test was followed by the 75-gram glucose tolerance test in those who screened positive. GDM was diagnosed based on the WHO (1999) criteria. Maternal complete blood count was obtained at the first visit, hospitalization for birth, and after birth. Receiver operator characteristic curves were generated to establish thresholds. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to establish independent predictors of GDM.
RESULTS: GDM was diagnosed in 182/1,538 (11.8%). GDM was associated with hemoglobin level, hematocrit and erythrocyte count at the first visit for prenatal care only. Hemoglobin threshold at the first visit was established at 11.5 g/dl. After adjustment, high hemoglobin [AOR 1.5 (95% CI 1.0-2.1); p = 0.027] remained predictive of GDM.
CONCLUSIONS: High maternal hemoglobin level at the first prenatal visit is independently predictive of GDM.