Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 267 in total

  1. Md Rowshon Kamal, Mohd Amin Mohd Soom, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff
    A GIS-based user-interface programme was developed to compute the geospatial Water ProductivityIndex (WPI) of a river-fed rice irrigation scheme in Northwest Selangor, Malaysia. The spatial analysisincludes irrigation blocks with sizes ranging from 20 to 300 ha. The amount of daily water use for eachirrigation block was determined using irrigation delivery model and stored in the database for both mainseason (August to December) and off season (February to May). After cut-off of the irrigation supply,a sub-module was used to compute the total water use including rainfall for each irrigation block. Therice yield data for both seasons were obtained from DOA (Department of Agriculture, Malaysia) of thescheme. Then, the Water Productivity Index (WPI) was computed for each irrigation block and spatialthematic map was also generated. ArcObjects and Visual Basic Application (VBA) programminglanguages were used to structure user-interface in the ArcGIS software. The WPI, expressed in termsof crop yield per unit amount of water used (irrigation and effective rainfall), ranged from 0.02 to 0.57kg/m3 in the main season and 0.02 to 0.40 in off season among irrigation blocks, respectively. Thedevelopment of the overall system and the procedure are illustrated using the data obtained from thestudy area. The approach could be used to depict the gaps between the existing and appropriate watermanagement practices. Suitable interventions could be made to fill the gaps and enhance water useefficiency at the field level and also help in saving irrigation water through remedial measures in theseason. The approach could be useful for irrigation managers to rectify and enhance decision-makingin both the management and operation of the next irrigation season.
  2. Rusdi Abdul Rashid, Muhammad Muhsin Ahmad Zahari, Mohammad Hussain Habil, Noor Zurani Md Haris Robson
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2009;10(2):202-209.
    Objective: The smoking rate among patients with mental health problem is higher than in the general population. Effective pharmacotherapy to treat nicotine addiction is thus needed to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with cigarette smoking among these patients. This article reviews the literature on the suitability of varenicline for smokers with mental health problems.
    Methods: A search of the literature was conducted using PubMed from year 2001 to July 2009 using key words varenicline alone and varenicline and mental health. Articles chosen were narrowed to those published in English. The type of articles chosen included clinical trials, metaanalyses, case reports, and review articles.
    Results: The search produced a total of 322 articles on varenicline and 14 articles on varenicline and mental health. Varenicline, a new drug for smoking cessation is an α4β2 partial agonist and partial antagonist at nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. As a partial agonist, varenicline relieves craving and withdrawal symptoms that occur during smoking abstinence and also reduce the rewarding effects of smoking in patients who relapse. However, at present, there is concern regarding the neuropsychiatric side effects such as aggressive behaviour, suicidal ideation, mania and depression associated with varenicline use in patients with mental health problems, but these reports did not show a causal-link or lack of link between these symptoms and varenicline.
    Conclusion: Current available data support the effectiveness of varenicline to treat nicotine dependence. However its safety among smokers with mental health problems remains to be elucidated. At present, further safety assessment is needed in this patient population. Until new data is available regarding the safety of varenicline in these populations, psychiatrists and physicians prescribing this medication should be extra cautious and monitor for possible psychiatric side effects when prescribing this medication to patients with pre-existing psychiatric disorders or have vulnerability to psychoses.
  3. Ruzinoor Che Mat, Abdul Rashid Mohd. Shariff, Pradhan, Biswajeet, Ahmad Rodzi Mahmud
    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and three dimensional (3D) World Wide Web (WWW) applications usage are on the rise. The demand for online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data has increased. Current users demand for more complex data which have higher accuracy and realism. This is aided by the emergence of geo-browsers in the market which provide free service and also cater for the commercialized market. Other new technology driving the market is the use of software such as CityGML, Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML)/ Entensive 3D (X3D), geoVRML, and Keyhole Markup Language (KML). These technologies also play an important role for this new era of online 3D terrain visualization. The aim of this paper is to implement the online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data by using VRML technology and launching the system into three different web servers. The data used for this system are contour data and high resolution satellite image (QUICKBIRD) for Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) area. Testing was done only for satellite image overlaid to 3D terrain data. The web servers used in this experiment were the Spatial Research Group Server in UPM, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) web server, and ruzinoor.my web server. The comparison was based on the performance of web servers in terms of accessibility, uploading time, CPU usage, frame rate per second (fps), and number of users. The results from this experiment will be of help and guidance to the developers in finding the right web servers for the best performance on implementing online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data.
  4. Mahirah Jahari, Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd. Shafri
    In this research wok, three different techniques of change detection were used to detect changes in forest areas. One of the techniques used a local similarity measure approach to detect changes. This new approach of change detection technique, which used mutual information to measure the similarity between two multi-temporal images, was developed based on correspondence of the pixel values, rather than the difference in their intensity. Pixels suffering any changes will be maximally dissimilar. The study was conducted using multi-temporal SPOT 5 satellite images, with the resolution of 10 m x10 m on 5th August 2005 and 13th June 2007. The experimental results show that local mutual information provides more reliable results in detecting changes of the multitemporal images containing different lighting condition compared to the image differencing and NDVI technique, specifically in areas with less plant growth. In addition, it can also overcome the problem on selecting the threshold value. Besides, the findings of this study have also shown that band 3, which is sensitive to vegetation biomass, gave the best result in detecting area of changes compared to the others.
  5. Oo, Mon Mon Tin, Naing, Lin, Mani, Shani Ann, Abdul Rashid Ismail
    Dental caries is an important community dental health problem with limited studies in the mixed dentition stage. The aim of this study was to determine the caries prevalence and treatment needs among 7- 9 year old school children in Kelantan which is situated in North East Malaysia. A retrospective dental record review of fully documented dental records belonging to primary school children attending a paediatric dental clinic was conducted. Dental caries was recorded using dmft index and DMFT index for deciduous teeth and permanent teeth respectively. Three hundred and nineteen dental records of 175 (54.9%) boys’ and 144 (45.1%) girls’ were selected and subjected to a ‘dental record study’. The prevalence of dental caries was 93% (95% CI : 89,97) in primary dentition and 50.5% (95% CI : 42.2, 58.8) in permanent teeth. Mean dmft and DMFT was 6.2(SD 3.39) and 1.04(SD 1.34) respectively. Regarding treatment needs in the primary dentition, 35.4% of teeth needed one surface filling, 34.7% needed extraction, 24.5% needed two or more surfaces filling and 5.6% needed pulp care. In the permanent dentition, 54.7% required sealants and 21.9% required one surface restoration. The caries prevalence and treatment needs were high among this study population in the mixed dentition stage, particularly showing the early involvement of newly erupted permanent teeth. It appears that high caries prevalence in the primary dentition is a risk factor for caries in newly erupted permanent teeth. Oral health promotions programmes are required in the mixed dentition stage and may reduce the risk of caries in permanent dentition.
  6. Tengku Hizir Tengku Abdul Rashid, Mohd Esa Baruji, Shahronizam Noordin, Mohd Kashfullah Razali
    There were a number of accidents reported throughout the implementation of the National Services Training
    Programme (NSTP) since 2004 until 2012. The National Services Training Department (NSTD) is responsible for
    the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) aspects in the NSTP camps. The study was conducted with its objective
    to compare the levels of OSH audit compliance at NSTP between 2011 and 2012. A cross sectional method was
    used, involving a total of 67 randomly selected NSTP camps. The data analysis was conducted on two types of
    audit checklists using SPSS version 2.1. The r-value of 0.197 obtained indicates a weak relationship between the
    document review and physical training element. The p-value of 0.118, meanwhile, shows that there is no statistically
    significant correlation between the results of document review and physical training element. Most of the elements
    show an increased percentage of compliance as a result of initiatives taken by the Camp Training Management and
    the Camp Operator. Despite an improved compliance level seen from 2011 to 2012, NSTD should look into certain
    critical elements considered high risk by the regulatory requirements. NSTD should also continue with its initiatives
    to enhance safety and health aspects in NSTP camps not only for the benefit of the trainees but also for themselves.
  7. Jayaselan, Helena Anusia James, Wan Ishak Wan Ismail, Nazmi Mat Nawi, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff
    Precision agriculture with regard to crop science was introduced to apply only the required and optimal amount of fertiliser, which inspired the present study of nutrient prediction for oil palm using spectroradiometer with wavelengths ranging from 350 to 2500 nm. Partial least square (PLS) method was used to develop a statistical model to interpret spectral data for nutrient deficiency of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca) and boron (B) of oil palm. Prior to the development of the PLS model, pre-processing was conducted to ensure only the smooth and best signals were studied, which includes the multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), first and second derivatives and standard normal variate (SNV), Gaussian filter and Savitzky-Golay smoothing. The MSC technique was the optimal overall pre-treatment method for nutrients in this study, with highest prediction R2 of 0.91 for N and lowest RMSEP value of 0.00 for P.
  8. Yukinori M, Leong SL, Kien CL, Mohamed Kamil Abdul Rashid, Shahbudin Saad
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1193-1196.
    In this study, we investigated the feeding behavior of the brown-marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus with light intensities ranging over eight orders of magnitude from 0–1000 lx to estimate the optimum light intensity for larval rearing. Artemia ingestion rates of E. fuscoguttatus of 36 days and 42 days old larvae were measured in feeding behavior experiments and they were significantly higher with light intensities ≥10 lx compared with feeding rates at ≤1 lx. E. fuscoguttatus larvae also exhibited Artemia ingestion rates in the dark or in dim lighting (0–1 lx) that were about 20% of the ingestion rates with ≥10 lx.
  9. Jamaludin Mail, Rafeezul Mohamed, Nor Farah, Abdul Rashid Aziz, Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed
    Haematological parameters decrease following one unit of whole blood donation which results in a detrimental effect on cardiorespiratory fitness and maximal exercise capacity. However, it remains unclear to what extent blood donation will impact exercise performance across varying levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of a standard blood donation on maximal exercise performance performed 24 h post-blood donation in individuals with varying levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. Methods: Forty-two males (mean age 22 ± 2.1 years) were recruited and segregated into Low, Moderate and Superior fitness groups. Subjects performed a multi-stage shuttle run test on the day prior to a standard blood donation procedure, and subsequently 24 h post-blood donation. Blood samples were taken on both test days and analysed for haematological parameters. Results: Exercise performance, represented by predicted VO2max were 0.6%, 1.0% and 4.1% lower in the Low, Moderate and Superior fitness groups respectively. However, the magnitude of reduction was only statistically significant in the Superior fitness group (p = 0.017). Compared to baseline, all fitness groups demonstrated significant reductions in haematocrit (Low: -8.4%, Moderate: -9.1%, Superior: -7.2%) and haemoglobin (Low: -7.6%, Moderate: -7.8%, Superior: -5.5%) levels at 24 h post-blood donation. Spearman correlation analysis revealed that changes in haemoglobin concentrations were not associated with changes in exercise performance in all groups. Conclusion: Exercise performance was only significantly reduced in the Superior fitness group. Well-trained individuals should be refrained from blood donation just prior to competitions.
  10. Farida Hussan, Aspalilah Alias, Faizah Othman, Aqilah Kamaruddin, Rafizul Yusof, Abdul Rashid Li
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1129-1136.
    This study was aimed to determine the effect of polysaccharide from guava fruit on paracetamol (PCM)-induced liver injury. Aqueous extract of Psidium guajava fruit was treated with 95% ethanol to collect the water soluble polysaccharide precipitates. Thirty-eight male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into control (C), PPG400, PCM, PPG200+PCM and PPG400+PCM. The control and PCM groups received 0.9% normal saline orally while the rest were given 200 and 400 mg/kg of freeze-dried polysaccharide (PPG) per oral for fourteen days. At day 15, the animals were orally received PCM (2 g/kg) except the control and PPG400 groups which received 5% dimethyl sulfoxide. At day 16, the blood was collected to determine serum liver enzymes such as transaminases (AST and ALT). The liver tissue was harvested for determination of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6(IL6), microscopic changes and glycogen content. The PCM group showed significant higher level of AST, ALT, TNF-α and IL6 than those of group C. The PCM group showed glycogen depletion, vacuolisation, loss of cell membrane, inflammatory cells infiltration and distorted hepatocelluar cords and narrow sinusoidal spaces. However, those PCM-induced alterations were attenuated by the PPG supplementation. Therefore, the polysaccharide of Psidium guajava possesses hepatoprotective activity and can be used as a dietary supplementation for protection of liver.
  11. Suzanah Abdullah, Khairul Nizam Tahar, Mohd Fadzil Abdul Rashid, Muhammad Ariffin Osoman
    In recent years, digital cameras have become one of the tools used by the new generation due to their unique advantages in capturing and processing data and usage in many applications, such as crop growth, forest monitoring and archaeological investigation. The quality of images captured by digital cameras originate from accurate measurements which are allied to the digital internal camera parameters. Instability of geometric cameras require consideration to achieve good accuracy in measurement. Therefore, camera calibration becomes an important task to ensure the stability of all internal camera parameters. This research is aimed to assess the internal camera parameters of non-metric cameras. The quantitative method was adapted by this research, which required an experimental implementation achieve quality in data acquisition. Several camera parameters needed to be emphasised in regard to camera calibration, which consisted of focal length, offset main point, radial lens distortion, and distortion of tangent lenses. The offset main point represents the image centre coordinates while the distortion of tangent lenses ensures image quality during image acquisition. The study found that Nikon SLR D60 camera provided a higher accuracy as compared to DJI 4 pro and iPad mini 4 cameras. In conclusion, all non-metric cameras can be used for mapping but it will provide various accuracy levels.
  12. Gill JS, Jambunathan ST, Muhsin M, Abdul Rashid R
    JUMMEC, 2005;8:61-62.
    A common practice in psychiatry when treating patients is the concurrent administration of anticholinergics along with antipsychotics, either to prevent or treat extrapyramidal syndrome reactions from occurring. However, most antipsychotics have inherent anticholinergic properties themselves. Therefore, this subtype of these patients have a higher than usual risk of developing anticholinergic side-effects, of which the central nervous manifestations can mimic psychosis, and may cloud judgement on patients’ progress towards their treatment.
  13. Gill JS, Jambunathan ST, Muhsin M, Abdul Rashid R
    JUMMEC, 2005;8:61-62.
    A common practice in psychiatry when treating patients is the concurrent administration of anticholinergics along with antipsychotics, either to prevent or treat extrapyramidal syndrome reactions from occurring. However, most antipsychotics have inherent anticholinergic properties themselves. Therefore, this subtype of these patients have a higher than usual risk of developing anticholinergic side-effects, of which the central nervous manifestations can mimic psychosis, and may cloud judgement on patients' progress towards their treatment. KEYWORDS: Anticholinergics, anticholinergig toxicity, antipsychotics
  14. Yasmin Mohd Idris Perama, Nur Shahidah Abdul Rashid, Syazwani Mohd Fadzil, Khoo Kok Siong
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:611-618.
    Mathematically, the human alimentary tract organs were simplified in the model structure as separate compartments with
    pathways of transfer that are kinetically homogenous and equally distributed. The development of gastro-compartment
    model follows the first order kinetics of differential equations to describe cadmium absorption, distribution and elimination
    in the human digestive system. With the aid of in vitro DIN assay, an artificial gastric and gastrointestinal fluid were
    prepared using water leach purification (WLP) residue as a sample that contained toxic metals cadmium. The Simulation,
    Analysis and Modelling II (SAAM II) V2.1 software is employed to design models easily, simulate experiments quickly and
    analyze data accurately. Based on the experimental inputs and fractional transfer rates parameter incorporated to the
    gastro-compartment model, the concentration of cadmium against time profile curves were plotted as the model output.
    The curve presented concentration of cadmium in both gastric and gastrointestinal fluid where initially absorption phase
    (first hour) occurred followed by the distribution phase (second to third hours) and elimination process (third to fifth
    hours). The concentration of cadmium obtained from the simulated model structures was in good agreement with the
    fitted model predicted measurements as statistical t-test conducted showed the values were not significantly different.
    Therefore, modeling approach with SAAM II software gave realistic and better estimation of cadmium dissolution into
    the human gastrointestinal tract.
  15. Hazwani Ahmad Yusof, Abdul Rashid Aziz, Nor Farah Mohamad Fauzi, Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed
    Exercise has been suggested as the best and the most affordable way for managing blood pressure. The insertion/ deletion of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) I/D gene polymorphism had been reported to be linked with sev- eral diseases such as hypertension and diabetic nephropathy. Several studies showed that blood pressure response to exercise training for health management also vary among individuals with different genotypes of ACE I/D gene poly- morphism. A study of 9 months of endurance exercise training at 75 to 85 % of VO2max showed that the decrease of resting blood pressure in I allele carriers wass greater than D allele carriers. In contrast, other study discovered that adult women with D allele had greater reduction in resting blood pressure than those with I allele, following a 12-week combined aerobic and resistance exercise training. Despite the inconsistencies of some findings, it has remained unknown if the ACE I/D gene polymorphism would also influence blood pressure response to isometric handgrip training that had been found to be superior to the dynamic resistance exercise training in controlling and preventing high blood pressure. Thus, this article was to review the literature on ACE I/D gene polymorphism and blood pressure response to exercise training that could serve as the basis for future research to identify individuals who will lower resting blood pressure the most with exercise training program for health management.
  16. Abdul Hadi Abdul Manap, Aneesa Abdul Rashid, Navin Kumar Devaraj, Nik Qisti Fathi Nik Hisyammudin Fathi
    Cases of penile siliconoma are unusual and less commonly present to medical practitioners. The siliconoma is a subsequence of injecting high viscous solution into the penis; commonly sillicone with the aim to enhance its size and performance. This case will look at a patient who developed penile siliconoma after a dubious penile implant injection gone wrong. It will also look at what surgical options are available to the unfortunate patients to ease their suffering. Physician should have a high index of suspicion on the use of such substances to enhance sexual perfor- mances in patients presenting with atypical penile swelling.
  17. Safri Zainal Abidin, Raizulnasuha Abdul Rashid, Muhammad Afiq Khairil Anuar, Wan Nordiana A. Abd Rahman
    The purpose of this study is to determine the technetium-99m pertechnetate (99mTcO4) intercellular uptake by different types of cell lines. HeLa, human fetal
    osteoblast (hFOB), glial and glioma cell lines grown in 6-wells culture plates were incubated with 99mTcO4 of activity of 200, 400, 600. 800 and 1000
    pCi for 30 minutes at 3T°C and 5% ( '< - humidified atmosphere. After incubation, the cells were washed 3 times with phosphate buffer saline to remove the
    extracellular traces of 99mTcO4. Measurements of the intercellular Q9mTcOjt radioactivity were performed using single head gamma
    camera and the percentage uptake of the yUwTcGpinto the cells was calculated. The intercellular uptake
    0fyUmTcO_( was found to be inversely correlate to the radioactivity HeLa cell shows the highest uptake
    followed by hFOB, glial and glioma cell lines. Comparison of uptake between normal and cancer cells
    present indistinguishable results. The findings of this study suggest that the intercellular uptake of
    yymTcOjt is highly dependent on the type of cells despite no significant different of uptake was found
    between normal and cancer cell lines. The level of radioactivity is also an important determinant
    factor that influence the uptake ofyUmTcG) into the cells. This study will be the first precedent toward
    understanding the cellular characteristic and pharmacokinetic of non-invasive imaging tracer for
    future molecular imaging and therapy.
  18. Samaila, Buda, Suhaidi Shafie, Suraya Abdul Rashid, Haslina Jafaar, Ali Khalifa
    In this study, nitrogen doped titanium dioxide-based dye-sensitised solar cell was successfully fabricated
    using screen printing technique to discover the optimisation of process parameters for the solar cell
    efficiency using response surface methodology (RSM). Parameter optimisation has been a major concern
    in solar cell fabrication. The selected parameters were: nitrogen concentration (15-25 mg of urea), the
    film thickness (25-60 µm) and dye loading time (12-24 hours), the optimum condition which yields the
    highest efficiency of 3.5% was at 15 mg nitrogen concentration, 25 µm film thickness and 24-hours dye
    loading time. Film thickness was found to have a significant influence on efficiency while the loading
    time exceeding 18 hours has the least significant effect.
  19. Zreaqat M, Hassan R, Ismail AR, Ismail NM, Aziz FA
    Oral Health Dent Manag, 2013 Dec;12(4):217-21.
    PMID: 24390019
    Assessment of orthodontic treatment need and demand helps in planning orthodontic services and estimating the required resources and man power. The aim of this study was to assess the orthodontic treatment need and demand and to assess the association between the orthodontic treatment demand and factors such as ITON, gender, and age.
  20. Noushad M, Kannan TP, Husein A, Abdullah H, Ismail AR
    Toxicol In Vitro, 2009 Sep;23(6):1145-50.
    PMID: 19505568 DOI: 10.1016/j.tiv.2009.05.025
    The aim of this study was to determine the genotoxicity of a locally produced dental porcelain (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) using the Ames and Comet assays. In the Ames assay, four genotypic variants of the Salmonella strains (TA98, TA100, TA1537 and TA1535) carrying mutations in several genes were used. The dental porcelain was incubated with these four strains in five different doses both in the presence and absence of metabolic activation (S9) and the result was assessed based on the number of revertant colonies. Concurrently, appropriate positive controls were used so as to validate the test. The average number of revertant colonies per plate treated with locally produced dental porcelain was less than double as compared to that of negative control. In the Comet assay, L929 (CCL-1 ATCC, USA) mouse fibroblast cells were treated with the dental porcelain in three different concentrations along with concurrent negative and positive controls. The tail moment which was used as a measurement of DNA damage was almost equal to that of the negative control, suggesting that the locally produced dental porcelain did not induce any DNA damage. The results indicated that the locally produced dental porcelain is non-genotoxic under the present test conditions.
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