Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 294 in total

  1. Cheah YT, Lakbir Singh HKK, Chan DJC
    Water Environ Res, 2021 Jan 23.
    PMID: 33484623 DOI: 10.1002/wer.1515
    Membrane distillation (MD) frequently deals with membrane biofouling caused by deposition of algal organic matter (AOM) from algal blooms, hampering the treatment efficiency. In this study, AOMs, which are soluble extracellular polymeric substance (sEPS), bounded EPS (bEPS), and internal organic matter (IOM) from three benthic species (Amphora coffeaeformis, Cylindrotheca fusiformis, and Navicula incerta) were exposed to a temperature range to resemble the MD process. Results showed that EPS had higher polysaccharide fraction than protein with 85.71%, 68.26%, and 71.91% for A. coffeaeformis, N. incerta, and C. fusiformis, respectively. Both the EPS polysaccharide and protein concentration linearly increase with temperature, but the opposite was true for IOM and high-molecular-weight (HMW) polysaccharide. At 80°C, 5812.94 μg/g out of 6304.28 μg/g polysaccharide in A. coffeaeformis was of low molecular weight (LMW); hence, these findings suggested that they were the major foulants to clog the narrow pores within virgin hydrophobic membrane, forming a conditioning layer followed by deposition of HMW and hydrophilic polysaccharides onto the macropores to cause irreversible fouling. Cell lysis occurring at higher temperature increases the total protein content about 25% within the EPS matrix, inducing membrane plugging via hydrophobic-hydrophobic interactions. Overall, the AOM composition at different temperatures will likely dictate the fouling severity in MD. PRACTITIONER POINTS: EPS production of three benthic diatoms was the highest at 80°C. EPS from diatoms consists of at least 75.29% of polysaccharides. Small molecular weight carbohydrates (<12 kDa) were potential foulants. Proteins of internal organic matter (>56%) give irreversible attachment towards membranes. A. coffeaeformis was considered as the most fouling diatoms with highest EPS amount of 6304.28 μg/g.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  2. Jing Wen Kok, Tengku Rozaina Tengku Mohamad, Tengku Rozaina Tengku Mohamad
    Mango is one of the popular fruits in Malaysia and has been used in the jam, puree and drinks production. Production of food products using mango pulp has generated by-products such as peel and kernel. Disposal of these by-products will cause environmental pollution if not properly treated. Mango peel contains high nutritional composition and antioxidant properties and can be utilised as food ingredients. The objectives of this study are to determine the nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of the peels of two selected mango varieties, namely Golden Lily and Chokanan. Analysis of proximate composition, minerals, total phenolic compounds, carotenoids, and antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS) were carried out in this study. Results of the proximate analysis showed that the peels of both mango varieties were a good source of fibre, which were 14.45% for Golden Lily and 14.89% for Chokanan. The crude fat, crude protein, and total carbohydrate of Chokanan peel (2.62%, 4.67% and 57.74%, respectively) were higher than the Golden Lily peel (1.13%, 2.90% and 53.16%, respectively). Contrastingly, the moisture content of the Golden Lily peel (24.67%) was higher than the Chokanan peel (16.61%). Potassium was the main mineral found in both Golden Lily and Chokanan mango peels (8802.10 mg/kg and 8443.60 mg/kg, respectively). The total phenolic compounds in the peels of both mango varieties were not significantly different. The Chokanan peel contained a higher carotenoids content (35.26 µg/g) than the Golden Lily peel (15.03 µg/g). The ABTS value for Chokanan peel was higher (1406.00 μmol TE/g) than Golden Lily peel (1314.00 μmol TE/g). This study showed that Chokanan and Golden Lily mango peels have the potential to be utilised as ingredient in food products due to their high fibre content.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates
  3. Siner A, Sevanesan MS, Ambomai T, Abd Wahab Z, Lasem L
    BMC Res Notes, 2020 Aug 28;13(1):404.
    PMID: 32859257 DOI: 10.1186/s13104-020-05250-8
    OBJECTIVE: Glycaemic Index (GI) ranks the body's response to carbohydrate content in food such that high GI food increases postprandial blood glucose levels. One of the popular drinks at food and beverage outlets is a drink made from calamansi, a citrus that is believed not to induce an increase in blood glucose levels. In this non-randomised single-blind (participants) study, capillary blood from 10 healthy males were sampled following consumption of either glucose or the calamansi drink. The blood glucose measurements were then used to calculate the GI for the drink.

    RESULTS: The GI of the calamansi drink tested was calculated as 37, a value within the range of low GI foods. Trial registration Clinical Trials identifier NCT04462016; Retrospectively registered on July 1, 2020.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates
  4. Siti Soraya Mohd Elias, Hazizi Abu Saad, Mohd Nasir Mohd Taib, Zubaidah Jamil
    Malays J Nutr, 2018;24(1):103-116.
    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of sports nutrition education intervention on improvements in sports nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP), and dietary intake among Malaysian team sports athletes. Methods: A total of 105 male participants representing four team sports under the elite sports programme were recruited based on a name list provided by National Sports Council of Malaysia. Teams were assigned by stratified random sampling to either the experimental group (EG) (n=52) or the comparison group (CG) (n=53). The EG received seven weeks of education intervention programme based on a validated booklet covering basic sports nutrition for team sports. A self-administered sports nutrition KAP questionnaire and dietary intake assessment of total energy, carbohydrates, proteins and fats based on three-day food records was conducted before and after the intervention. Results: There were significant increments (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  5. Aishah, M.S., Wan Rosli, W.I.
    Mushroom cultivation has been more popular recently in Malaysia. They are favoured due to their delicious flavour and low calorific value. Apart from that, they also contain high amount of protein and other essential nutrients. As recommended by food pyramid, people should take in more of their calories from whole grains-based foods than any other sources. Three selected carbohydrate based products namely rice-porridge (RP), paratha flat bread (PB) and conventional cake (CC) were formulated with dried Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC) powder. All three products were analyzed for proximate analysis and sensory evaluation. Result shows the percentage of moisture, ash, fat and protein of RP increased in line with the levels of PSC powder used except for carbohydrate. Whereas for PB and CCs added with 2%, 4% and 6% PSC, the percentage of all nutrients were higher than control (0%) except for fat. Mushroombased RP had significantly higher value of odour attribute as compared to control, with RP added with 6% PSC powder received the highest score. Meanwhile, mushroom-based PB received better score on textural attribute compared the control. In CC, panels prefer the cake added with 4% PSC powder as they gave higher scores for softness and flavour attributes. In conclusion, addition of PSC powder to partially replace rice and wheat flour in RP, CC and PB enhance essential nutritional components and well accepted by consumers. Thus, PSC powder can be considered to be utilized in carbohydrate–based food products with the purpose of enhancing nutrient compositions without affecting its sensory acceptance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  6. Nadzirah, K.Z., Zainal, S., Noriham, A., Normah, I., Siti Roha, A.M., Nadya, H.
    The aim of this study is to determine colour changes during storage and physico- chemical properties of peel, core and crown extracts of pineapple variety N36 for maturity indices of 1, 2 and 3. The L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values for peels increased significantly (p ≤ 0.05) at each maturity stage during seven days storage. pH of pineapple peel, core and crown extracts were in the range of 3.24 to 3.84. The titratable acidity, percentage of pulp and Total Soluble Solid (TSS) of pineapple peel, core and crown extracts were in the range of 0.16 to 0.36%, 1.37 to 2.91% and 1.4 to 5.3˚Brix, respectively. Fructose and glucose contents were significantly highest (p ≤ 0.05) in pineapple core extract followed by pineapple peel extract and pineapple crown extract for maturity index 2. Significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) was found in sucrose content between pineapple core and peel extracts with 8.92% and 3.87%, respectively for maturity index 3. However, sucrose was not detected in pineapple crown extract. Pineapple core extract was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) amount of total sugar content compared to pineapple peel and crown extracts for all maturity indices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates
  7. Kotnala, Savita, Dhar, Puspita, Chatterji, Anil, Das, Partha
    The growth performance of Indian major carp (Catla catla, Ham.) was assessed over a period of six months through formulated feeds consisting of three seaweeds, namely Chlorodesmis fastigiata, Padina tetrastomatica and Stoechospermum marginatum. A relatively slow average growth rate (6.48 g/month) in fishes was observed in the control group. Meanwhile, the maximum and rapid growth rate (13.38 g/month) was observed with Feed-A supplemented with C. fastigiata. Similarly, a comparable growth rate was also observed with Feed-B (11.56 g/month) with P. tetrastomatica. However, the growth rate in fishes was relatively lower (9.05 g/month) with Feed-C containing seaweed S.marginatum. The growth rate in each month was also compared. The maximum attainable growth rate was found to be 12 g in the control group, whereas this was 30 g with Feed-A. The attainable growth was 20 g and 15 g with Feed-B and Feed-C, respectively. In the control group, the maximum increments in weight was recorded in the third (September) and fifth (November) months of rearing, and the increment was considerably reduced after that. The maximum increment in weight was in the second month (August) with Feed-A, and this was followed by a considerable decrease in subsequent months. A similar trend was observed with Feed-B and Feed-C. The biochemical composition of all the four feeds used in the present study showed approximately the same protein (0.45-0.50 mg/ ml) and lipid contents (0.6 mg/ml). Carbohydrate was the only parameter which showed a relatively significant effect (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  8. Omar, N. A., Praveena, S. M., Hashim, Z., Aris, A. Z.
    Rice is a carbohydrate, one of the plant-based foods that can accumulate heavy metal from soil and the irrigation water. Since total heavy metal always overestimates the amount of heavy metal available in rice, bioavailability of heavy metal is always preferred. Many studies have been done and found that in vitro methods offer an appealing alternative to human and animal studies. They can be simple, rapid, low in cost and may provide insights which not achievable in the in vivo studies. In vitro digestion model for rice may differ from other in vitro digestion models applied in soil or other type of foods studies. This review aims to provide an overview of in vitro digestion model used to determine bioavailability of heavy metal in rice, summarize health risk assessment application of heavy metal in rice studies and highlight the importance of health risk assessment to be included in the studies. Future exploration of in vitro digestion model and health risk assessment application on the bioavailability of heavy metal in rice was also suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  9. Chong, L.C., Noor Aziah, A.A.
    Evaluation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of wheat flour doughnuts substituted with banana flour (BF) was investigated. Wheat flour was substituted with green banana (Musa paradisiaca var. Awak) flour at 0% (control), 10%, 20% and 30% levels in yeast-raised doughnut prepared by the straight dough method. Chemical (moisture, fat, protein, ash, carbohydrate, crude fibre, total dietary fibre and caloric content), physical (volume, specific volume and colour) and sensory evaluation were conducted on all samples. Chemical analyses result indicated a higher percentage of total dietary fibre and caloric content in doughnut substituted with BF than the control. Colour evaluation showed that the dough, crust and crumb of doughnut with BF ranged from 68.97 ± 0.59 – 84.78 ± 0.16 (red – yellow quadrant). The change from light to darker colour correlated with the amount of BF added. Results also showed that the volume and specific volume was significantly affected (p < 0.05) by levels of BF substituted. Doughnut substituted with 20% BF showed the highest score in overall acceptability (6.71 ± 1.40).
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  10. Wan Aida, W.M., Ho, C.W., Maskat, M.Y., Osman, H.
    Sensory attributes of four different palm sugars were related to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis using partial least squares regression (PLS). The sweet caramel and burnt-like sensory attributes were strongly associated with 2-furfural and 2-furan methanol volatile compounds. The sensory scores for roasty and nutty were also associated with the GC/MS ratings for roasty and nutty-like aroma by its highest scores obtained from 2-ethyl-5-methyl pyrazine, 2,5-dimethyl pyrazine and 2,3-dimethyl pyrazine volatile compounds along the PC1 dimension. PLS analysis did not show correlation for the character impact compound furaneol, 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazine (EDMP) and 2,3-diethyl-5-methyl pyrazine (DEMP), which are perceived to be responsible for the sweet caramel-like and roasty/nutty attributes of palm sugars, respectively. This lack of relationship could partially be explained by covariance among the sensory ratings for the samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  11. Rosnah, S., Wong, W.K., Noraziah, M., Osman, H.
    Changes in physical properties (weight, size, colour and weight loss) and chemical properties (proximate analysis, TSS, pH, freezing point, total acidity and sugar content) of two water apple (Syzgium samaragense) cultivars, Semarang Rose and Kristal Taiwan were evaluated during ripening at 10°C and 50% RH. The results showed that the Kristal Taiwan cultivar was larger in size and weight but smaller in length compared to Semarang Rose. The Semarang Rose cultivar was sweeter than Kristal Taiwan. In this study, data obtained suggests that the water apple fruit can be stored at cold storage until 19 days.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  12. Rabeta, M.S., Nur Faraniza, R.
    In this study, two types of plants materials were used namely Garcinia atrovirdis and Cynometra
    cauliflora to determine the proximate composition, mineral content and antioxidant activities. Total phenolic content (TPC) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay had been used to determine antioxidant activity in both samples. The moisture, ash, fiber, fat, protein and carbohydrate content in both samples were determined by using Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) methods. Mineral content in the sample was determined using Atomic absorption spectrophotpmetry (AAS). The results showed higher TPC and FRAP values in Cynometra cauliflora compared to Garcinia atrovirdis. Methanol extractions gave higher TPC and FRAP values compared to water extraction. The results obtained indicated that both samples have the potential to be as a source of natural antioxidants. Further study should be conducted to explore the benefits of underutilized fruits not only in antioxidant activity but other usages as well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  13. Ethaib, S., Omar, R., Mazlina, M., Radiah, A., Syafiie, S., Harun, M. Y.
    Agriculture residues are a promising feedstock for value-added products from lignocellulosic waste. However, pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials is essential to facilitate enzymatic
    hydrolysis and improve sugar yield. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of acid or alkali during microwave-assisted pretreatment of dragon fruit foliage (DFF) that
    would make hydrolysis process more efficient. In the present study, distilled water and three chemicals were examined for their effects on releasing monomeric sugar during microwave
    treatment. Microwave-assisted pretreatment namely microwave-distilled water (M-H2O) (control); microwave-sulfuric acid (M-H2SO4); microwave-sodium hydroxide (M-NaOH); and
    microwave-sodium bicarbonate (M-NaHCO3) pretreatment were performed using 5% (w/v) of DFF as substrate at 800 watt microwave power for 5 minutes exposure time. Highest yield
    of monomeric sugar was found at 15.56 mg/g using M-NaOH pretreatment at 0.1N NaOH. For M-H2SO4 pretreatment, 0.1N H2SO4 produced 8.2 mg/g of monomeric sugar. Application
    of M-NaHCO3 pretreatment using 0.05N NaHCO3 solution released 6.45 mg/g of monomeric sugar. While, soaking DFF in distilled water and subjecting to microwave irradiation released
    6.6 mg/g of monomeric sugar. Treatments with the lowest concentration (0.01 N) of the three chemicals released only small quantities of total monomeric sugars and less than that with distilled water. The changes in the physical structure of DFF prior to and after the microwaveassisted pretreatment are also reported.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  14. Ho, L.-H., Tang, J.Y.H., Mazaitul Akma, S., Mohd Aiman, H., Roslan, A.
    The objective of this research is to develop an “energy” snack bar supplying energy and
    electrolytes in one bar by utilizing local Malaysian ingredients. The local ingredients used to make
    this snack bar were banana, glutinous rice flour, and coconut milk. It is a wholesome nutritious
    food for different age groups from adolescents to elderly people. Proximate composition, total
    carbohydrate, energy value, and sensory quality of prototype were determined. The developed
    snack bar contains 13.23% of moisture, 1.13% of ash, 6.36% of crude protein, 22.39% of
    crude fat, 1.16% of crude fibre, 56.89% of total carbohydrate, and 454.51 kcal of energy. The
    “energy” snack bar was highly acceptable with desirable sensory quality by all consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates
  15. Othman NA, Abdul Manaf M, Harith S, Wan Ishak WR
    J Am Coll Nutr, 2018 04 13;37(7):583-588.
    PMID: 29652576 DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2018.1451408
    OBJECTIVE: The feasibility of developing reduced-fat muffins with avocado is investigated by preparing muffins with 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% avocado purée as a fat (butter) replacer.

    METHODOLOGY: The resulting products were compared to the control muffin, which was made with 100% butter. Muffins were analyzed for nutritional content, fatty acid profiles, and sensory acceptability.

    RESULT: Muffins incorporated with avocado purée revealed a significant increase (p < 0.05) with respect to moisture, ash, and carbohydrate in comparison with the control sample. However, no significant changes (p > 0.05) were detected in all muffin formulations for protein and dietary fiber content. Both fat content and caloric value of muffins incorporated with avocado purée were significantly decreased (p < 0.05). The fatty acid profile showed that there was an increment in the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) content by 16.51% at full-fat substitution. The sensory evaluation test demonstrated that muffins had acceptability at up to 50% substitution. Fat substitution at higher than 50% lead to undesirable flavor and aftertaste, which was significant (p < 0.05) to the panelists.

    CONCLUSION: The findings indicated the feasibility of avocado purée in fat-reduced muffin preparation with an optimal level of 50% avocado purée substitution.

    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  16. Siti Roha, A.M., Zainal, S., Noriham, A., Nadzirah, K.Z.
    Pineapple waste is a by-product resulting from canning processing of pineapple that produce about 35% of fruit waste and lead to serious environmental pollution. Pineapple waste contains valuable nutrient components of simple sugar such as sucrose, glucose and fructose. Analysis of sugar content is important for further processing such as fermentation. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of sugar in different parts of pineapple waste (peel, core and crown) from variety N36. The selected pineapple waste for maturity indices 1, 2 and 3 was cut into small pieces before crushed in a food processor. The crushed waste was then filtered through muslin cloth followed by membrane filter 0.45μm to produce pineapple waste extract. Sugar content was determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. It was found that fructose content was significantly higher in core (2.24%) followed by peel (2.04%) and crown (0.87%). It was also found that glucose content was significantly higher in core (2.56%) followed by peel (2.18%) and crown (0.53%). Significant difference (p < 0.05) was found for sucrose content between pineapple core and peel extract with the value of 8.92% and 3.87%, respectively. However, sucrose was not detected in pineapple crown. It means that pineapple core extract had the highest values of fructose, glucose and sucrose compared to the other parts of pineapple waste extract. Besides, it was found that sucrose content was significantly higher in pineapple core for index 3 as compared to indices 1 and 2. Glucose and fructose was significantly higher in pineapple core for index 2 compared to indices 1 and 3.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  17. Khairiatul Nabilah Jansar, Ahmad Muhaimin Roslan, Mohd Ali Hassan
    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the most planted trees in Malaysia for the palm oil production. Thus, solid biomass had been generated from this industry such as empty fruit bunch, shell, mesocarp fibre, frond and trunk produced that causes problematic to the nation and expected to escalate up to 85-110 million tonnes by 2020. Besides that, palm oil mill effluent and excessive steam also generated from the production of palm oil. In situ hydrothermal pretreatment means the utilisation of excessive steam produced by the oil palm mill and at the same time, generating value added product as well as reducing the biomass. Oil palm biomass is rich in lignocellulosic materials which comprised of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose. Refinement of lignocellulosic from oil palm biomass can be utilised to form fermentable sugar, bioethanol and other potential chemicals. Recalcitrant property of lignocellulosic reduces the ability of enzymes to penetrate, thus pretreatment is required prior to hydrolysis process. Pretreatment can be either physical, chemical, biological or combined. In this review paper, three types of hydrothermal pretreatment were discussed as suitable in situ pretreatment process for oil palm biomass; in palm oil mill. The suitability was measured based on the availability of excess steam and energy in the mill. Furthermore, physicochemical pretreatment also facilitate the saccharification process, whereby it loosened the lignocellulose structure and increase the surface area. The effects and factors in choosing right pretreatment are highlighted in this paper.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  18. Tan, L.S., Leila, M., Rabeta, M.S.
    Food Research, 2018;2(1):68-75.
    Formulation 2 (1 g w/w) was the most favourable and was chosen for further analyses to
    compare its composition with that of a control (0 g w/w). Total phenolic content (TPC) of
    the fresh noodles remained higher than that of the control even after cooking. However,
    after cooking, the carbohydrate and protein contents showed significant increases. The
    results showed that the lemuni-supplemented noodles have a longer shelf life compared to
    the control. The colour parameters L* and a* also showed significant differences as the
    lightness decreased, and the redness increased after the substitution. The L*, a* and b*
    values decreased significantly after the noodles of both formulations were cooked. The
    tensile strength, adhesiveness, and hardness of the lemuni noodles were significantly
    higher than those of the control. Thus, the Vitex negundo Linn. leaf has the potential to
    increase the health benefits of food products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  19. Nasser Shahsavari, Hasnah Mohd. Jais, Amir Hossein Shirani Rad
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1549-1555.
    The effects of zeolite and zinc foliar applications on the biochemical characteristics of canola cultivars under different moisture regimes were investigated in a study conducted during the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons. The study was completed using a factorial split-plot experiment based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII), Karaj, Iran. The treatments were: irrigation (I): complete (I1) and restricted (I2); zeolite (Z): 0 (Z1) and 15 ton ha-1 (Z2) and Zn: 0, 0.1 and 0.2% concentrations of zinc sulfate (Zn1, Zn2, and Zn3) at the pod formation stage. These treatments were applied during the pod formation stage to the Licord, RGS003 and Opera cultivars. This study showed that although applying Z and Zn had positive effects on the quality of canola, the highest performance and the best results were obtained using a combination of Z and Zn. The combined application of Z and Zn decreased the proline and carbohydrate contents to 44.35 and 34.42%, respectively. Therefore, with the low cost of natural Z and moderate Zn intake, these treatments can be used to enhance the performance of canola, especially in regions frequently subjected to water stress.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  20. Ng ZX, Rosman NF
    J Food Sci Technol, 2019 Feb;56(2):865-877.
    PMID: 30906044 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-018-3547-6
    This study aimed to investigate the effect of in vitro digestion on the antioxidant activity and carbohydrate-digestive enzymes inhibitory potential of five edible mushrooms after subjected to four domestic cooking; namely, boiling, microwaving, steaming and pressure-cooking. The water extracts of raw (uncooked), cooked and in vitro digested mushrooms were compared for their water-soluble phenolic content (WPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), radical scavenging activity (TEAC and DPPH), anti-α-amylase and anti-α-glucosidase activities. Among the raw samples, Lentinula edodes possessed the highest antioxidant activities (FRAP, TEAC, DPPH) and WPC while Pleurotus sajor-caju displayed the highest TFC, anti-α-amylase and anti-α-glucosidase activities. The antioxidant and carbohydrate-digestive enzyme inhibitory activities significantly varied according to mushroom species and cooking methods applied. Short duration of microwaving (Agaricus bisporus and Flammulina velutipes), boiling (Auricularia polytricha) and pressure cooking (L. edodes and P. sajor-caju) yielded the best antioxidant and carbohydrate-digestive enzymes inhibition values in the mushroom extracts. TFC was positively correlated with the antioxidant activities and anti-α-glucosidase activity in the mushroom extracts. In vitro digestion significantly improved the total antioxidant and anti-α-glucosidase activities but decreased the anti-α-amylase activity in the cooked mushroom extracts. Principle component analysis showed that in vitro digestion and the cooking process accounted for respective 48.9% and 19.7% of variation in the observed activities. Domestic cooking and in vitro digestion could potentiate the total antioxidant and carbohydrate-digestive enzymes inhibitory activities in the selected water extract of edible mushrooms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
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