Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 180 in total

  1. Muthia, D., Nurul, H., Noryati, I.
    This study evaluated the effects of different flours (tapioca, wheat, sago and potato) on the physicochemical properties of duck sausage. The examined physicochemical properties included proximate composition, cooking yield, color (lightness, redness and yellowness), folding, texture profile (hardness, elasticity, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness) and sensory properties. The study found that different flours have no effect on the cooking yield of duck sausage. The tapioca formulation showed a mid-range lightness value, folding score and textural properties. Duck sausages made with wheat flour had higher protein content and lightness value and a harder texture. Sausages made with potato flour had a darker color, the lowest folding scores and a softer texture. The addition of sago flour resulted in a higher folding score, greater elasticity and increased overall acceptability of sausage due to higher scores for texture and juiciness. These results show that the properties of duck sausage are influenced by the type of flour used.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  2. Muthia, D., Huda, N., Ismail, N., Easa, A.M.
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of using tapioca and sago flours with or without egg white powder (EWP) on the physicochemical and sensory properties of duck sausages. There was significant increase (P0.05) in hardness and cohesiveness attributes among all the samples examined but significant differences (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  3. Huda, N., Seow, E.K., Normawati, M. N., Nik Aisyah, N. M., Fazilah, A., Easa, A.M.
    Duck feet collagen was added to threadfin bream and sardine surimi to study its effect on physicochemical properties such as folding test, gel strength, cook loss, water holding capacity, expressible moisture, texture profile analysis and colour measurement. As compared to commercial fish scale collagen and cow collagen, the addition of duck feet collagen resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of the sardine surimi. Duck feet collagen was able to improve the folding test score of sardine surimi from 3.00 to 5.00; gel strength was increased from 275.70 g.mm to 2682.70 g.mm and hardness of gel was increased from 1.12kg to 6.00kg. Addition of duck feet collagen improved the gel strength of threadfin bream surimi from 1696.70 g.mm to 5579.40 g.mm and hardness of gel was increased from 4.55kg to 10.32kg. Colour of threadfin bream and sardine surimi also improve with the addition of duck feet collagen. The lightness was increased from 66.47 to 66.89 (threadfin bream) and from 62.32 to 63.60 for sardine. The results suggest that duck feet collagen has potential as an alternative source of protein additive for the improvement of the physicochemical properties of low grade surimi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  4. Wan Rosli, W.I., Solihah, M.A., Aishah, M., Nik Fakurudin, N.A., Mohsin, S.S.J.
    The optical and textural properties of chicken patty formulated with different level of grey oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) at 0, 25 or 50% to replace chicken meat were investigated. The addition of up to 50% oyster mushroom to chicken patty formulations did not change colour a*(redness),compared with the control patty. Chicken patties containing oyster mushroom had lower L* value ranging from 51.02 – 52.65 compared to that of the control patty (57.86). All oyster mushroom-based patties had lower colour b*(yellowness) value compared to chicken patty without mushroom. The hardness of chicken patty decreased proportionally with the level of oyster mushroom. On the other hand, oyster mushroom-based patties were springier than the control patty. Chicken which was replaced with 25% of fresh mushroom, recorded the highest moisture retention (77.19%) and cooking yield (80.71%), respectively. However, replacement of 25% of oyster mushroom with chicken breast in chicken patty formulation was not change the moisture retention, fat retention and cooking yield compared to control patty. Chicken patty added with 50% ground oyster mushroom the highest concentration of total dietary fibre (TDF) at 4.90 g/100 g compared to chicken patty containing 25% of mushroom (3.40 g/100 g) and control (1.90 g/100 g). In summary, the addition of oyster mushroom in chicken patties has decreased the lightness, yellowness, hardness and chewiness while no changes were noted in the redness of the patties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  5. Haj Najafi, A., Yusof, Y. A., Rahman, R. A., Ganjloo, A., Ling, C. N.
    In the current research, osmotic dehydration of red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizusis) cubes using sucrose solution at mild temperature (35ºC) was investigated. Sucrose solution (40, 50 and 60% w/w) was employed for osmotic dehydration process. Responses of weight reduction (WR), solid gain (SG), water loss (WL), color (L*, a* and b*) and texture (hardness) were evaluated. It was found that sucrose concentration significantly (p < 0.05) affected the mass transfer terms during osmosis process. The results obtained revealed an increase in yellowness (b*), decrease in lightness (L*) and redness (a*) as the sucrose concentration increased. Furthermore, osmotically dehydrated samples were considerably softer than untreated samples. Increasing of sucrose concentration and dehydration time caused softer tissue of dehydrated product compared with the fresh red pitaya.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  6. Nor NM, Carr A, Hardacre A, Brennan CS
    Foods, 2013 May 14;2(2):160-169.
    PMID: 28239106 DOI: 10.3390/foods2020160
    Pumpkin products confer natural sweetness, desirable flavours and β-carotene, a vitamin A precursor when added as ingredients to extruded snacks. Therefore, a potential use for dried pumpkin flour is as an ingredient in ready-to-eat (RTE) snack foods. Growth in this market has driven food manufacturers to produce a variety of new high value snack foods incorporating diverse ingredients to enhance the appearance and nutritional properties of these foods. Ready-to-eat snacks were made by extruding corn grits with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of pumpkin flour. Snacks made from 100% corn grits were used as control products for this work. The effect of formulation and screw speeds of 250 rpm and 350 rpm on torque and specific mechanical energy (SME, kWh/kg), physical characteristics (expansion ratio, bulk density, true density and hardness) and the microstructure of the snacks were studied. Increasing the screw speed resulted in a decrease of torque for all formulations. When pumpkin flour was added the specific mechanical energy (SME) decreased by approximately 45%. Increasing the percentage of pumpkin flour at the higher screw speed resulted in a harder texture for the extruded products. X-ray tomography of pumpkin flour-corn grit snacks showed that increased levels of pumpkin flour decreased both the bubble area and bubble size. However, no significant differences (p > 0.05) in bubble wall thickness were measured. By understanding the conditions during extrusion, desirable nutritional characteristics can be incorporated while maximizing expansion to make a product with low bulk density, a fine bubble structure and acceptable organoleptic properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  7. Salih, A.M., Wan Md. Zin Wan Yunus, Khairul Zaman Mohd Dahlan, Mohd Hilmi Mahmood, Mansor Ahmad
    Synthesis of palm oil based-urethane acrylate (POBUA) resins was carried out by acrylation of epoxidizedpalm oil (EPOP) using acrylic acid in the presence of a catalyst and followed by isocyanation to obtainthe POBUA. Using the monomer as a diluent in the formulation, 4% of photoinitiator and incorporationof organoclay (1-5% wt), nanocomposites were obtained upon UV irradiation. The X-ray DiffractoryXRD study revealed that the nanocomposites obtained were of the exfoliation type. The presence ofthe clay improved the hardness and did not affect the thermal stability. Similarly, it increased the glasstransition temperature Tg but reduced the modulus as the clay content was increased. The improvementof the tensile strength was only obtained when the clay concentration was 5 phr.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  8. Yusuf, Y., Juoi, J.M., Rosli, Z.M., Kwan, W.L., Mahamud, Z.
    Titanium alloy (e.g. Ti-6Al-4V) has an excellent combination of properties. However in many cases,
    the application is limited because of the poor wear property. In this work, a surface modification
    (plasma nitriding) is carried out to improve the surface properties of Ti-6Al-4V, as a treatment prior to a hardcoating deposition, leading to a duplex coating system. This is an effort to improve the surface and near surface property of Ti-6Al-4V. Plasma nitriding is performed utilizing microwave plasma method in 25% Ar- 75% N2 atmosphere at temperatures of 600°C and 700°C for different processing times (1, 3 and 5 hours). The phase and microstructure of plasma nitrided substrate were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The plasma nitrided Ti-6Al-4V properties (surface roughness, surface hardness and case depth) were determined using profilometer and microhardness, respectively. Results obtained showed a significant increase on the surface hardness of Ti-6Al-4V. This is due to the formation of TiN and Ti2N phases in the form of compound layer. Besides, it shows that the diffusion of nitrogen into the Ti-6Al-4V substrate produces case depth up to 130 µm and this contributes to the improvement of the near surface hardness due to the changes in the microstructures. It was also found that the surface hardness and surface roughness increased with the increases in the process temperature and times.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  9. Nura, M., Kharidah, M., Jamilah, B., Roselina, K.
    This study examined the physicochemical properties of rice flours with five different particle sizes (≤63, 80, 100, 125, and 140 μm) prepared by dry milling and their effects on textural properties of laksa noodles. Rice flour with the smallest particle size had the highest water absorption index, peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity, breakdown, final or cold paste viscosity and gel hardness, but the lowest gelatinization temperature. Reduction of rice flour particle size improved textural properties of laksa noodle. Laksa noodle produced from rice flour with the smallest particle size had the best textural properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  10. Yusof Abdullah, Abdul Razak Daud, Mohd Harun, Roslinda Shamsudin
    Al-Si/SiC composites with the fraction of 5 and 15 wt. % fine SiC particles were fabricated using stir casting process by which SiC powders were poured into aluminium melt and cast in a stainless steel mould to form ingot. Characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed the presence of constituent and intermetallic materials in the composites. Microstructure study revealed that both fine and course particles scattered in the Al-Si matrix. The characterization of thermal properties showed that the thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion decreased with the increase in SiC content. The conductivity and expansion behavior is correlated to the microstructure and weight fraction of the SiC particles. Meanwhile, the hardness of the composite increased with the increasing of SiC particles in the composites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  11. Mior Azrizal M. Ibrahim, Wan Zaripah Wan Bakar, Adam Husein
    Composite resins Amaris is claimed to have hydrophobic effect which minimizes the staining intake. This study is to investigate the colour stability of Amaris compared to Filtek Z250 in coffee solution. Sixty discs of composite resins Filtek Z250 (3M ESPE) and Amaris (Voco) with diameter of 5mm and depth of 2mm were fabricated by packing in a drinking straw and sectioned with hard tissue cutter (Exakt, Japan). The surfaces of the specimens were polished with Sof-Lex disc before each group of the samples is immersed in coffee solution. They were kept in the solution for 4 days at 370C and assessed at the period of 2 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, and 4 days. The staining was assessed visually and recorded using Lobene (1968) Stain Index and score was given accordingly. The colour changes of both groups were not statistically significant (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  12. Aslinah LNF, Mat Yusoff M, Ismail-Fitry MR
    J Food Sci Technol, 2018 Aug;55(8):3241-3248.
    PMID: 30065435 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-018-3256-1
    Adzuki bean is high in protein and fiber with a potential to be used as meat extender and fat replacer in the meat product. Replacement of both the corn flour and fat with different percentages of adzuki beans flour (ABF) has successfully produced acceptable reduced fat meatballs. Meatballs with 100% (w/w) ABF replacement exhibited highest cooking yield and higher moisture content compared to meatballs without the flour, which indicates its ability to bind water. Increasing the ABF content also increased the hardness and chewiness of the meatballs, whilst decreasing their lightness and yellowness. Replacing the corn flour and fat contents with ABF has obviously decreased the fat and calorie contents of the meatballs, yet their protein and carbohydrate contents remained the same compared to control. The sensory test revealed that meatball samples with 25% (w/w) and 50% (w/w) ABF showed no significant difference compared to control but received highest overall acceptability among the panelists. This indicates that replacement of corn flour and fat with ABF especially at 50% (w/w) in the production of reduced fat meatballs resulted with better physicochemical properties and acceptable sensory compared to original meatballs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  13. Amir, I.Z., Sharon, W.X.R., Syafiq, A.
    Impacts and relationships on physicochemical properties in dark chocolate produced from different substitution for cocoa butter by Xanthan gum (XG) and Guar gum (GG) blends were determined using D-optimal mixture design. This study involved three levels of substitution which are 5%, 10% and 15% with constrained cocoa butter content and random blend of gums. Linear design models were applied to analyze parameters including texture (hardness) measurement and melting profile of fat crystal. Products experienced undesirable raises of hardness jointly with the increment of gums incorporation across the level of cocoa butter replacement from 5% to 15%. Similar trend was also agreed with the melting behavior of products as their melting point increased with the gradual diminution of cocoa butter. After all, the replacement of cocoa butter using hydrocolloids was deemed possible as there were products whose melting point and hardness fell in the acceptable range.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  14. Tan, L.S., Leila, M., Rabeta, M.S.
    Food Research, 2018;2(1):68-75.
    Formulation 2 (1 g w/w) was the most favourable and was chosen for further analyses to
    compare its composition with that of a control (0 g w/w). Total phenolic content (TPC) of
    the fresh noodles remained higher than that of the control even after cooking. However,
    after cooking, the carbohydrate and protein contents showed significant increases. The
    results showed that the lemuni-supplemented noodles have a longer shelf life compared to
    the control. The colour parameters L* and a* also showed significant differences as the
    lightness decreased, and the redness increased after the substitution. The L*, a* and b*
    values decreased significantly after the noodles of both formulations were cooked. The
    tensile strength, adhesiveness, and hardness of the lemuni noodles were significantly
    higher than those of the control. Thus, the Vitex negundo Linn. leaf has the potential to
    increase the health benefits of food products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  15. Jeofry H, Ross N, Le Brocq A, Graham AGC, Li J, Gogineni P, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2018 11 01;9(1):4576.
    PMID: 30385741 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06679-z
    Satellite imagery reveals flowstripes on Foundation Ice Stream parallel to ice flow, and meandering features on the ice-shelf that cross-cut ice flow and are thought to be formed by water exiting a well-organised subglacial system. Here, ice-penetrating radar data show flow-parallel hard-bed landforms beneath the grounded ice, and channels incised upwards into the ice shelf beneath meandering surface channels. As the ice transitions to flotation, the ice shelf incorporates a corrugation resulting from the landforms. Radar reveals the presence of subglacial water alongside the landforms, indicating a well-organised drainage system in which water exits the ice sheet as a point source, mixes with cavity water and incises upwards into a corrugation peak, accentuating the corrugation downstream. Hard-bedded landforms influence both subglacial hydrology and ice-shelf structure and, as they are known to be widespread on formerly glaciated terrain, their influence on the ice-sheet-shelf transition could be more widespread than thought previously.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  16. Chitturi V, Pedapati SR, Awang M
    Materials (Basel), 2019 Nov 26;12(23).
    PMID: 31779107 DOI: 10.3390/ma12233901
    Automobile, aerospace, and shipbuilding industries are looking for lightweight materials for cost effective manufacturing which demands the welding of dissimilar alloy materials. In this study, the effect of tool rotational speed, welding speed, tilt angle, and pin depth on the weld joint were investigated. Aluminum 5052 and 304 stainless-steel alloys were joined by friction stir welding in a lap configuration. The design of the experiments was based on Taguchi's orthogonal array for conducting the experiments with four factors and three levels for each factor. The microstructural analysis showed tunnel defects, micro voids, and cracks which formed with 0° and 1.5° tilt angles. The defects were eliminated when the tilt angle increased to 2.5° and a mixed stir zone was formed with intermetallic compounds. The presence of the intermetallic compounds increased with the increase in tilt angle and pin depth which further resulted in obtaining a defect-free weld. Hooks were formed on either side of the weld zone creating a mechanical link for the joint. A Vickers hardness value of HV 635.46 was achieved in the mixed stir zone with 1000 rpm, 20 mm/min, and 4.2 mm pin depth with a tilt angle of 2.5°, which increased by three times compared to the hardness of SS 304 steel. The maximum shear strength achieved with 800 rpm, 40 mm/min, and a 4.3 mm pin depth with a tilt angle of 2.5° was 3.18 kN.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  17. Ishak Ahmad, Mohd Khairil Saat, Ibrahim Abdullah, Azizah Baharum
    Blends of fibre-reinforced rubber based on natural rubber-thermoplastic (NR/LLDPE) reinforced by aramid fibre have been done using melt blending process. Two different processing methods were used; internal mixer and extrusion compounding in twin screw extruder. Twaron loading in the system was varied from 0 to 30%. It was found that increasing the amount of aramid fibre led to an increase in the tensile strength, tensile modulus and hardness of the composites while the strain decreased rapidly. The results showed that the optimum composition of filler loading in NR/LLDPE blend is 20%. The ,echanical behaviour was caused by the strong Twaron-matrices interaction in the composites and effective stress concentrating function of Twaron. Composites prepared using the twin-screw extruder have a higher tensile strength and tensile using the twin-screw extruder have a higher tensile stength and tensile modulus but lower impact strength compared to those prepared using internal mixer. Study of the fracture surface by scanning electron microscopy showed that the composite prepared using the internal mixer produced random fiber orientation while the twin-screw extruder produced the fibers aligned to the longitudinal direction. The results indicate that the mechanical properties of the composite were significantly influenced by the processing technique.
    Penyediaan komposit getah asli termoplastik daripada NR/LLDPE yang diperkuat gentian Twaron telah dijalankan melalui proses adunan leburan. Dua kaedah penyediaan yang berbeza digunakan iaitu menggunakan mesin pencampur dalaman manakala kaedah kedua menggunakan pengekstrud skru kembar. Kandungan Twaron di dalam komposit telah diubah daripada 0 hingga 30%. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa penambahan Twaron telah meningkatkan nilai tegasan maksima, modulus Young dan kekuatan hentaman komposit tetapi menurunkan nilai terikan maksima. Kandungan Twaron yang optimum adalah 20%. Kehadiran Twaron telah membentuk satu jaringan saling tindak gentian-matriks menyebabkan kekuatan regangan komposit meningkat. Twaron juga berfungsi sebagai penyerap hentaman yang berkesan. Penyediaan komposit menggunakan pengekstrud skru berkembar telah menghasilkan nilai kekuatan regangan yang lebih tinggi berbanding penggunaan pencampur dalaman sebaliknya kekuatan hentaman yang lebih rendah. Kajian morfologi menggunakan mikroskop imbasan elektron mendapati komposit yang disediakan menggunakan pencampur dalaman menghasilkan gentian dengan orientasi rawak manakala pengekstrud skru kembar menghasilkan orientasi gentian yang selari. Keputusan ini menunjukkan bahawa sifat mekanik komposit NR/LLDPE yang diperkuat Twaron sangat dipengaruhi oleh teknik pemprosesan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  18. Reza Hashemi Farzad, Azman Hassan, M. Jawaid, M.A.M. Piah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:801-810.
    Polymeric materials such as polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) and ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) are widely used as insulators for cable applications. We investigated the effect of alumina trihydrate (ATH) loading on the mechanical properties of PP/EPDM blend. Preliminary study showed that PP/EPDM (60:40) was the optimum composition. ATH filled PP/EPDM composites was prepared by using twin screw extruder. In this study, the tensile properties and hardness of the composites were evaluated. The tensile modulus and hardness increased while elongation at break and tensile strength decreased with increasing ATH content. Scanning electron microscope was used to study the morphology of ATH in PP/EPDM blend.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  19. Wirawan R, Zainudin E, Sapuan S
    Poly (vinyl chloride), which is commonly abbreviated as PVC, is widely used due to it being inexpensive, durable, and flexible. As a hard thermoplastic, PVC is used in the applications such as in building materials pipe and plumbing. The factors that should be considered in using PVC is safety and environmental issues. Mixing PVC with natural fibres is an interesting alternative. The main challenge in the research on natural fibre/polymer composites is the poor compatibility between the fibres and the matrix because this will affect their bonding strength. During the mixing with PVC, some natural fibres may acts as reinforcing materials while other natural fibres only act as filler, which contribute less to mechanical strength improvement. However, generally natural fibres also give positive outcome to the stiffness of the composites while decreasing the density.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
  20. Chang BP, Hazizan Md Akil, Ramdziah bt Md Nasir
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:819-825.
    As of today, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a thermoplastic material normally used as bearing
    components for human joint replacements. However, formation of wear debris from UHMWPE after certain service
    periods may cause adverse effects which remain as unresolved issues. In this study, mechanical and dry sliding wear
    properties of UHMWPE reinforced with different loading of talc particles were investigated. The wear test was carried
    out using Ducom TR-20 pin-on-disc tester at different pressure velocity (pv) factors under dry sliding conditions. The
    worn surfaces and transfer films of pure UHMWPE and talc/UHMWPE composites were observed under scanning electron
    microscope (SEM). The experimental results showed that the microhardness increased with the increase of talc loadings
    in UHMWPE. The 20 wt. % talc/UHMWPE composites showed a 17% increment in microhardness as compared with pure
    UHMWPE. The dry sliding wear behaviour of UHMWPE was also improved upon the reinforcement of talc. The wear rate
    of UHMWPE decreased after incorporation of talc particles. The coefficient of friction (COF) increased slightly under low
    pv conditions. At high pv conditions, the COF decreased in values with increasing talc loadings. The improvement in
    wear behaviour may be attributed to the increase in load-carrying capacity and surface hardness of the talc/UHMWPE
    composites. SEM micrographs on worn surfaces showed that plastic deformation and grooving wear were dominant for
    UHMWPE. The plastic deformation and grooving wear were reduced upon the reinforcement of talc particles. The talc/
    UHMWPE composites produced smoother and uniform transfer films as compared to pure UHMWPE.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hardness
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