METHOD: This cross-sectional, methodological study was conducted among Iranian patients with cancer (n = 400). The participants were recruited using convenience sampling. The content, construct, convergent and discriminant validity, and reliability of the Persian version of the SWBS were evaluated.
RESULTS: A two-factor structure for the scale was indicated with the factors being: connecting with God and meaningless life that explained 54.18% of the total variance of the concept of spiritual well-being. The results demonstrated the model had a good fit. Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, and the inter-item correlation values of the factors indicated good internal consistency of the scale.
SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: These results suggest that the Persian version of the SWBS is a reliable and valid measure to assess the spiritual well-being of patients with cancer through 16 items related to connecting with God and meaningless life.
Study design: Qualitative.
Place and duration of study: The study was conducted with 32 key informants at the family physician program at the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences between May 2018 and June 2018. Method: This is a qualitative study. A purposeful sampling method was used with only one inclusion criterion for participants: five years of experience in the family physician program. The researchers conducted 17 individual and group non-structured interviews and examined participants' perspectives on the challenges faced in the implementation of the pay-for-performance system in the family physician program. Content analysis was conducted on the obtained data.
Results: This study identified 7 themes, 14 sub-themes, and 46 items related to the challenges in the implementation of pay-for-performance systems in Iran's family physician program. The main themes are: workload, training, program cultivation, payment, assessment and monitoring, information management, and level of authority. Other sub-challenges were also identified.
Conclusion: The study results demonstrate some notable challenges faced in the implementation of the pay-for-performance system. This information can be helpful to managers and policymakers.
METHODS: After the development of 12 hypotheses, a quantitative, cross-sectional, self-administered survey method was applied to collect data in 9 hospitals in Iran. After the collection of 382 usable questionnaires, the partial least square structural modeling was applied to examine the hypotheses and it was found that 11 hypotheses were empirically supported.
RESULTS: The results suggest that patients' trust in hospitals can significantly predict their perceived security but no significant associations were found between patients' physical protection mechanisms in the hospital and their perceived information security in a hospital. We also found that patients' perceptions about the physical protection mechanism of a hospital can significantly predict their trust in hospitals which is a novel finding by this research.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings imply that hospitals should formulate policies to improve patients' perception about such factors, which ultimately lead to their perceived security.
PURPOSE: This study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Farsi version of the meaning of life questionnaire in patients with cancer.
METHOD: In this cross-sectional study, after translating the questionnaire to Farsi, in a sample of 212 patients with cancer, feasibility, content and convergent validity, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, stability, and responsiveness were evaluated.
RESULTS: The results show that the content validity ratio of all ten items was greater than 0.49. Also, the modified Kappa coefficient of each item was greater than 0.6. The maximum likelihood exploratory factor analysis extracted one factor, which explains 76.13% of the total variance of the sample. Item nine was removed. The confirmatory factor analysis results show that the one-factor model had good fit indices. The Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, composite reliability, MaxR, and intraclass correlation coefficient were 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, and 0.98, respectively. The questionnaires had responsiveness and its response time was 3 s.
CONCLUSION AND POLICY SUMMARY: The nine-item Farsi version of the meaning of life questionnaire has good validity and reliability and responsiveness.
METHODS: This study with predictive cross-sectional design was done in 2023. Data was gathered from 398 patients with cancer that was selected with accessible sampling method from cancer center of Mazandaran university of medical sciences (Sari, Iran). Study constructs included the religious and existential wellbeing, cancer fear of progression, Snyder Hope, and quality of life. Analysis of a Moment Structures (AMOS) software (v27) was utilized for all study analyses. Covariance based-structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess the mediating role of hope.
RESULTS: The mean age of patients with cancer was 49.14 (SD = 16.16). The results of the direct effect showed a significant positive relationship between religious well-being and hope (B = 0.164, p < .001), and between hope and quality of life (B = 0.212, p < 0.001). Also, significant negative relationship between fear of progression and hope (B = -0.147, p < 0.05) was founded.
CONCLUSION: A significant positive relationship between hope and quality of life, as well as religious well-being and hope, suggests the influential effects of hope and religious well-being on improving quality of life in patients with cancer. Negative relationships between fear of progression and hope conclude that managing fear of progression may be an important factor in increasing hope and improving quality of life in patients with cancer.