Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 10946 in total

  1. Dhillon KS, Suntharalingam S, Maurer HJ
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Dec;48(4):453-6.
    PMID: 8183173
    To our knowledge extraosseous osteosarcoma has not been reported in the Malaysian literature. We report a case of extraosseous osteosarcoma which was treated by intra-arterial chemotherapy, embolization, wide resection of tumour and salvage of limb with good functional result.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  2. Kamaruzaman WS
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Dec;50(4):396-400.
    PMID: 8668063
    An analysis of 524 unclaimed prescriptions (which contributed 0.9% of the total prescriptions) showed that 23.8% were for vitamins, 17.7% for anti-inflammatory drugs, 16.4% medications for skin and mucous membrane and 9.9% for antibiotics. The unclaimed prescription rates varied inversely to the staff-strength working in the dispensary. Sixty-eight point nine per cent of the unclaimed drugs could be purchased at the pharmacy shops without doctor's prescription.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  3. Chin K, Singham KT, Masduki A
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Jun;38(2):108-11.
    PMID: 6621438
    Forty nine patients with sick sinus syndrome seen at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur are reviewed. The ages of patients ranged from 17 to 85 years. There were 21 males and 28 females. The diagnostic criteria were sinus bradycardia in 8 patients (Group I), sinus arrest or sinoatrial block in 24 patients. (Group Il), and bradycardia tachycardia syndrome in 17 patiens (Group Ill). The aetiology was unknown in the majority of patients. Ischaemic heart disease was the commonest known aetiological factor. Patients with symptomatic sinus bradycardia and sinus arrest were initially treated with oral isoprenaline, and if this failed, they were paced. Temporary transvenous pacing was necessary in 27 patients and subsequent permanent pacing performed on 23 patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  4. Yeoh NTL, Lim KH
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Sep;37(3):245-8.
    PMID: 7177006
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  5. Lokman S, Said H, Hakim J, Yusop S
    Med J Malaysia, 1989 Mar;44(1):64-8.
    PMID: 2626115
    Thirty one cases of malignant tumours of the maxillary sinus presenting to the Department of Otolaryngology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia over a four year period from 1982 to 1986 are reviewed. 18 cases (58.1%) were squamous cell carcinoma while seven cases (22.5%) were Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. There were four cases (12.0%) of adenoid cystic carcinoma while in two cases (6.5%) the tumours were undifferentiated. Presentation was generally late. Nasal obstruction, facial swelling and epistaxis were the main presenting symptoms. Nasal involvement was found in 61.3% of cases, while 51.6% had involvement of the palate as well. Metastasis to the cervical lymph node were uncommon (6.5%). Surgery and radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy were the main modes of treatment in the management of malignant tumours of the maxillary sinus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  6. Wong KT, Ng SC, Kuperan P, Yap SF, Menaka N, Bosco J
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Jun;45(2):136-43.
    PMID: 2152018
    A retrospective study of 37 cases of multiple myeloma admitted from 1980 to 1987 to the University Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was carried out to analyse the biodata, clinical presentation, laboratory and radiological profiles. The cases were selected after they had satisfied preset diagnostic criteria. The mean age was 60 years. There was no sex or ethnic preponderance. The most common symptom was bone pain. Pallor was detected in 73% of the patients. Haemoglobin was less than 120 g/L in 95%, and ESR was greater than 100 mm/hr in 70% of cases. Bone marrow and trephine biopsies were diagnostically important. Hypercalcaemia occurred in seven cases out of which three were IgA myelomas. Either serum creatinine or blood urea was raised in nearly 50% of cases. The most common heavy chain paraprotein was IgG while Kappa light chain was the commoner light chain type. 86% of cases had osteolytic lesions. These findings are, in general, similar to those of larger studies on multiple myeloma.

    Study site: University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  7. Jones JJ, Aimlt PP, Owyong LY, Kutty MK
    Med J Malaysia, 1976 Jun;30(4):285-6.
    PMID: 979729
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  8. Woi PJ, Kaur S, Waugh SJ, Hairol MI
    F1000Res, 2016;5:1961.
    PMID: 28184281 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.9410.1
    The human visual system is sensitive in detecting objects that have different luminance level from their background, known as first-order or luminance-modulated (LM) stimuli. We are also able to detect objects that have the same mean luminance as their background, only differing in contrast (or other attributes). Such objects are known as second-order or contrast-modulated (CM), stimuli. CM stimuli are thought to be processed in higher visual areas compared to LM stimuli, and may be more susceptible to ageing. We compared visual acuities (VA) of five healthy older adults (54.0±1.83 years old) and five healthy younger adults (25.4±1.29 years old) with LM and CM letters under monocular and binocular viewing. For monocular viewing, age had no effect on VA [F(1, 8)= 2.50, p> 0.05]. However, there was a significant main effect of age on VA under binocular viewing [F(1, 8)= 5.67, p< 0.05].  Binocular VA with CM letters in younger adults was approximately two lines better than that in older adults. For LM, binocular summation ratios were similar for older (1.16±0.21) and younger (1.15±0.06) adults. For CM, younger adults had higher binocular summation ratio (1.39±0.08) compared to older adults (1.12±0.09). Binocular viewing improved VA with LM letters for both groups similarly. However, in older adults, binocular viewing did not improve VA with CM letters as much as in younger adults. This could reflect a decline of higher visual areas due to ageing process, most likely higher than V1, which may be missed if measured with luminance-based stimuli alone.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  9. Abdul Sattar Arif Khammas, Hasyma Abu Hassan
    The most common cause of the chronic liver disease is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This study was designed to compare a mean subcutaneous tissue thickness (SCTT) and hepatic echo-intensity attenuation rate (HEIAR) among NAFLD grades. Sonography was carried out on 628 consecutive subjects. The distance between the skin surface and the liver capsule was measured and was labelled the SCTT. Also, the ultrasound of HEIAR was retrospectively quantified on an image archiving. HEIAR was calculated as the difference between mean intensity of echo for two regions of interest (ROIs) in near- and far-fields divided by the distance between these two ROIs multiply by frequency of the probe. Of the 628, 235 subjects were diagnosed with NAFLD. The age range was 45 – 75 years with mean 54.5 ± 6.7 years. There was a significant difference of mean SCTT among NAFLD grades (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  10. Koh, K.C., Hong, H.C.
    Malaysian Family Physician, 2018;13(2):29-31.
    Cardiovascular symptoms presenting in a patient with dengue fever may post a diagnostic
    dilemma. We describe a case of dengue myocarditis mimicking an acute myocardial infarction in a
    56-year-old woman.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  11. Chiu CJ, Yu YC, Du YF, Yang YC, Chen JY, Wong LP, et al.
    JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 2020 06 02;8(6):e14024.
    PMID: 32484448 DOI: 10.2196/14024
    BACKGROUND: Many technology-assisted innovations have been used to manage disease. However, most of these innovations are not broadly used by older adults due to their cost. Additionally, disease management through technology-assisted innovations has not been compared with other interventions.

    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we tested the employment of a free and widely used social and communication app to help older adults with diabetes manage their distress and glycemic control. We also compared the effectiveness of the app with 2 other methods, namely telephone and conventional health education, and determined which subgroup experiences the most effects within each intervention.

    METHODS: Adults aged ≥50 years with type 2 diabetes were recruited from Southern Taiwan (N=231) and were allocated to different 3-month interventions. Informed consent was obtained at the Ministry of Science and Technology and approved by the National Cheng Kung University Hospital Institutional Review Board (No. A-ER-102-425).

    RESULTS: Participants in the mobile-based group had significant reductions in hemoglobin A1c compared with the telephone-based and usual care groups (mean changes of -0.4%, 0.1%, and 0.03%, respectively; P=.02). Diabetes-specific distress decreased to a greater extent in the mobile-based group compared to the other 2 groups (mean changes of -5.16, -3.49, and -2.44, respectively, P=.02). Subgroup analyses further revealed that the effects on reducing blood glucose levels in the social and communication app groups were especially evident in patients with lower distress scores, and diabetes-related distress was especially evident in participants who were younger than 60 years or had higher educational levels.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study inform more flexible use of social and communication apps with in-person diabetes education and counselling.

    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  12. D Maryama, A.D., Nur Rasyiqah, A.R.
    Medicine & Health, 2018;13(2):145-157.
    Proximal stability consists of core and hip stability play a significant role in supporting the body weight in stationary and in motion. Thus, proximal stability could contribute to knee osteoarthritis (OA). Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the core stability and hip stability of knee OA patients. A total of thirty-two women aged between 45 to 60 years had volunteered to participate in this study, comprised of 16 knee OA patients and 16 normal. Hip stability was assessed using hip crossover test and core stability was assessed using core muscle endurance, core muscle strength and core muscle flexibility. Data of hip stability, core muscle strength and flexibility were analyzed using chi-square; and core muscle endurance data were analyzed using independent sample t-test. Compared to normal subjects, knee OA patients have poor hip stability [Hip Crossover Test (λ=0.500, p=0.033)] and core stability. Core stability was assessed based on core muscle strength [abdominal muscles (χ=12.157, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  13. Hassan FW, Mohd N
    Spec Care Dentist, 2021 Jan;41(1):92-97.
    PMID: 33125720 DOI: 10.1111/scd.12537
    BACKGROUND/AIM: Polycythemia rubra vera (PRV) is a myeloproliferative disease, which is characterized by the proliferation of all three major hematopoietic groups (erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets). This hematological condition presented with different clinical manifestations depending on the thrombohemorrhagic status of the patient. It is suggested patient with preexisting PRV may suffer complication during periodontal treatment. Thus, this case would therefore demonstrate periodontal management outcome in PRV patient.

    CASE PRESENTATION: A 60-year-old Malay gentleman presented to the Periodontic Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He was a known case of primary PRV for the past 5 years. Intraoral examination showed generalized periodontal deep pockets ranging from 5 to 10 mm. He was diagnosed as Stage III Grade C periodontitis. Nonsurgical periodontal therapy was provided, followed by surgical correction of residual periodontal deep pockets on teeth 17, 11, and 23. He was reviewed at 4-month intervals for supportive periodontal therapy after stabilization of his periodontal condition.

    CONCLUSION: Polycythemia rubra vera (PRV) patients should have preoperative therapeutic control for more than 4 months and have been treated with myelosuppressive agents prior to periodontal surgery. Good oral hygiene and periodical supportive periodontal therapy are the key factors for successful periodontal treatment outcomes in well-controlled PRV patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  14. Achour M, Muhamad A, Syihab AH, Mohd Nor MR, Mohd Yusoff MYZ
    J Relig Health, 2021 Feb;60(1):202-220.
    PMID: 31079348 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-019-00834-6
    This study examines how Salat (prayer) in Islam moderates the relationship between job stress and life satisfaction among Muslim nursing staff. The researchers sampled 335 nursing staff employed at the University of Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Their ages ranged from 21 to 60 years. The findings indicate the job stress was associated negatively with life satisfaction; there is a strong positive and significant correlation, respectively, between Salat and life satisfaction and that Salat reduces stress and increases the life satisfaction of Muslim nurses. Thus, Salat has a moderating effect on job stress and life satisfaction of Muslim nurses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  15. Jamil NA, Chau SH, Abdul Razak NI, Shamsul Kamar II, Mohd-Said S, Rani H, et al.
    BMC Med Educ, 2021 May 17;21(1):278.
    PMID: 34001119 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-021-02721-9
    BACKGROUND: A good understanding of the bi-directional relationship between diabetes and periodontitis is essential to ensure the successful management of both diseases. This study aimed to develop and evaluate an integrated diabetes-periodontitis nutrition and health education module.

    METHODS: The module was developed as an iterative and review process by five experts in nutrition and dietetics, periodontics, and dental public health. It consisted of three phases: (i) needs assessment on module contents and characteristics, (ii) module development and (iii) module evaluation by experts. Twelve healthcare professionals aged between 30 and 53 years (average 13.5 years of working experience) validated the module contents and its comprehensibility using the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for printable materials (PEMAT-P) and audio-visual materials (PEMAT-A/V). Scores of 0 (disagree) or 1 (agree) were given for sets of understandability and actionability statements and presented as a total percentage.

    RESULTS: Seventeen infographic-flip charts and 13 short-videos were developed in the Malay language and grouped into four topics: (i) Introduction to Diabetes and Periodontitis, (ii) Diabetes and Periodontitis Care, (iii) Lifestyle Modification, and (iv) Myths and Facts. Flip charts were rated between 76-100% for understandability and 80-100% for actionability, while videos rated between 90-100% for understandability and 100% for actionability, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: Overall, the newly developed module ranked high median scores for understandability and actionability. This finding reflects positive acceptance of the integrated module among the various healthcare professionals involved in managing patients with diabetes and periodontitis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  16. Alex D, Khor HM, Chin AV, Hairi NN, Cumming RG, Othman S, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2020;8:506238.
    PMID: 33304870 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.506238
    Falls are major issues affecting the older population with potentially serious complications, including fractures, head injury, institutionalization, fear of falling and depression. While risk factors for falls have been established across Western Europe and North America, geographical differences in falls risk have not been well researched. We aim to examine the clinical and physical risk factors for falls in a middle-income South East Asian country. Cross-sectional data from the Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) study involving 1,362 community dwelling individuals aged 55 years and above was utilized. Information on sociodemographic and medical history was obtained by computer-assisted questionnaires completed during home visits and hospital-based detailed health checks. Univariate and multivariate analyses compared non-fallers and fallers in the previous 12 months. Urinary incontinence, hearing impairment, depression, arthritis and cognitive impairment were risk factors for falls in the past 12 months after adjustment for age in our study population. Awareness about the risk factors in a population helps the design of fall prevention strategies that target specific or multiple risk factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  17. Röhr S, Pabst A, Riedel-Heller SG, Jessen F, Turana Y, Handajani YS, et al.
    Alzheimers Res Ther, 2020 12 18;12(1):167.
    PMID: 33339532 DOI: 10.1186/s13195-020-00734-y
    BACKGROUND: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is recognized as a risk stage for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias, but its prevalence is not well known. We aimed to use uniform criteria to better estimate SCD prevalence across international cohorts.

    METHODS: We combined individual participant data for 16 cohorts from 15 countries (members of the COSMIC consortium) and used qualitative and quantitative (Item Response Theory/IRT) harmonization techniques to estimate SCD prevalence.

    RESULTS: The sample comprised 39,387 cognitively unimpaired individuals above age 60. The prevalence of SCD across studies was around one quarter with both qualitative harmonization/QH (23.8%, 95%CI = 23.3-24.4%) and IRT (25.6%, 95%CI = 25.1-26.1%); however, prevalence estimates varied largely between studies (QH 6.1%, 95%CI = 5.1-7.0%, to 52.7%, 95%CI = 47.4-58.0%; IRT: 7.8%, 95%CI = 6.8-8.9%, to 52.7%, 95%CI = 47.4-58.0%). Across studies, SCD prevalence was higher in men than women, in lower levels of education, in Asian and Black African people compared to White people, in lower- and middle-income countries compared to high-income countries, and in studies conducted in later decades.

    CONCLUSIONS: SCD is frequent in old age. Having a quarter of older individuals with SCD warrants further investigation of its significance, as a risk stage for AD and other dementias, and of ways to help individuals with SCD who seek medical advice. Moreover, a standardized instrument to measure SCD is needed to overcome the measurement variability currently dominant in the field.

    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  18. Chopra A, Sivaraman K, Thomas BS
    Gerodontology, 2017 Jun;34(2):280-283.
    PMID: 27435832 DOI: 10.1111/ger.12246
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to highlight the distinguishing features of secondary varicella gingival infection in an older women.

    BACKGROUND: Herpes zoster is an acute sporadic, painful viral infection in older people caused by the reactivation of the latent varicella zoster virus. Herpes zoster affecting the gingiva without any dermal lesions is a rare pathological condition that mimics many intraoral vesiculobullous lesions. The ambiguous nature of this condition creates a diagnostic dilemma.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 58-year-old woman presented with an acute, unilateral and persistent burning sensation and pain in the gingiva with desqaumating vesicullobulous lesion.

    RESULTS: The women was diagnosed with secondary varicella zoster infection.

    CONCLUSION: Herpes zoster of the gingiva could manifest as painful desquamative vesicular lesions, pulpal or other painful neuralgic condition in older individuals which need careful diagnosis before formulating appropiate treatment plan.

    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  19. Anuar M, Ng KK, Chong KF
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Mar;31(3):244-6.
    PMID: 904521
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
  20. Med J Malaya, 1965 Jun;19(4):319-20.
    PMID: 4220861
    Matched MeSH terms: Middle Aged
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