Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 250 in total

  1. Pau, Allan Kah-Heng
    Oral health diseases are common in all regions of the world and their impact on anatomical
    and social functioning is widely acknowledged.Their distributions are unequal between and within countries, with the greatest burden falling on disadvantaged and socially marginalized populations. The risk factors and social determinants for oral diseases have been comprehensively documented, and the evidence base for their prevention is growing. However, decisions on health care are still often made without a solid grounding in research evidence. Translation of research into policy and practice should be a priority for all. Both community and individual interventions need tailoring to achieve a more equal and person-centered preventive focus and reduce any social gradient in health. The major challenges of the future will be to translate knowledge and experiences in oral disease prevention
    and health promotion into action programmes.The international oral health research community needs to engage further in research capacity building and in strengthening the work so that research is recognized as the foundation of oral health policy at global level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  2. Asma’, M., Saub, R.
    Ann Dent, 2010;17(1):15-20.
    The aim of the present study is to determine the “community indicator” for dental caries among secondary school children within the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (FTKL). School factors were investigated for their ability to be used as community indicators. The components encompassing school factors include: type of school, school’s examination performances at the Peperiksaan Menengah Rendah (PMR) level, in the subjects of Mathematics, Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language), Science and English, school’s socioeconomic circumstances and school’s material deprivation. The study design is ecological in nature where schools were the unit of analysis. It used aggregated data for caries experiences acquired from the Oral Health Management Information System and the school factors which were extracted from the schools’ database. The subjects involved in this study were all the (75) day type secondary schools in FTKL. However, only 55 schools had complete information both for the dental caries factor and the school factors which were available for analysis. The use of bivariate analysis suggested that the school mean DMFT was significantly associated with the schools’ performance in English (p= 0.02) and the schools’ socioeconomic code (p= 0.005). The schools’ performance in English and socioeconomic code were able to explain about 10 percent and 14 percent of the variation in the school mean DMFT respectively. The final model that included both variables together explained about 17 percent of the variation in school mean DMFT. As a conclusion, this study suggests that the schools’ performance in English at the PMR level and the schools’ socioeconomic code could be used as community indicator to identify secondary schools with higher caries level in FTKL. Nevertheless, further
    improvement of the model is needed in order to create a more reliable indicator.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  3. Loke, Shuet Toh
    The objective of this pilot cross-sectional study was to assess effcacy of training dental officers (DO) and nurses (DN) in the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). A conventional training method of lectures, manual; and md5,0n* exettise was used for bath Lest groups. 30 study models in all grades in the Aesthetic component (AC) and dental health component (DHC) were graded by 27 subjects (13 DO, 14 DN) after training. Results were cnrrlparedfor agreement with an exper; group, Kappa statistic: was used to assess strength in agreement in correct grouping of AC and DHC in the Categorie; gf treatment need, Wilcoxon Rank sum test was used to compare mean kappa and % 0 correct res ames in the test. Spearman rank correlation was used to test association of 11g experience with mean kappa values. There was ‘m0demte’ agreement in correct groupingfor ojjqcers in AC (K=O.5l) and DHC (K`=O.4l); Cmd 'fair’ j‘0'f TluTS€S in AC (K=O.40) and DHC (K:O,34). There was no significant difference between groups. Subjects were better at identifying cases with definite need than little/ borderline need for treatment. There was more inaccurate grading in DHC Gmde+qualifier for both groups (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  4. Seman, K., Abdul Manaf, H., Ismail, A.R.
    Limited information is available about the oral health of elderly people living in “Pondok” in Kelantan. This study aimed to assess the dentition status of elderly population staying in Islamic Religious Community Setup, “Pondok” in Kelantan. A cross sectional study involving 369 elderly people was carried out. A simple random sampling method was utilized for the selection of the subjects. Oral examination was done to assess the dentition status and data was analyzed using SPSS 11.5 version. The response rate was 95.6%. Majority of the subjects were edentulous (81.0%). The mean number of natural teeth, functional natural teeth, decayed teeth (D), missing teeth (M) and teeth indicated for extraction (X) were 3.22 (SD 7.54), 2.75 (SD 6.70), 0.06 (SD 0.48), 28.80 (SD 7.51) and 0.41 (SD 1.60) respectively. Among 70 dentate subjects, the mean number of natural teeth, functional natural teeth, occluding pair of functional natural teeth, decayed teeth (D), missing teeth (M), teeth indicated for extraction (X) and DMFX(T) index were 17.1 (SD 8.00), 14.5 (SD 8.11), 6.3 (SD 4.22), 0.3 (SD 1.06), 15.1 (SD 8.20), 2.2 (SD 3.14) and 17.6 (SD 8.08) respectively. There was no teeth had been filled (F). The proportion of subjects having minimum 20 functional natural teeth was 7.3%. The above results indicate that dental caries status of elderly people living in “Pondok” in Kelantan was unsatisfactory with high percentage of edentulism, contributing to the high value of the mean DMFX(T) index, 29.3 (SD 6.63).
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  5. Sarah H.A. Ghani, Sundralingam, S.
    Ann Dent, 1995;2(1):-.
    The preliminary investigation was carried out to assess the severity of malocclusion between two centres, the dental schools in Leeds, United Kingdom and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 99 study models were analysed using the Index ofOrthodontic Treatment Need (lOIN). Thestudy models were ofpatients aged 8to 15years, equally distributed between male and female patients taken from the undergraduate and staff clinics. Forty nine and fifty study models were analysed at the Leeds Dental School and FacultyofDentistry,University ofMalaya,respectively.Fromthisobservation, it appeared that the sample of patients treated at the Faculty of Dentistry, Kuala Lumpur presented approximately 25%higher with casesin the severe end of the malocclusion based on the dental health component and almost 70%more with the aesthetic component. Factors contributing to this finding are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  6. Rohaya Megat Abdul Wahab
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(1):32-33.
    Deviations from normal occlusion are known as malocclusion. Orthodontics treatment usually is the choice of management of irregularities and abnormalities of their relation to the surrounding structures i.e malocclusions. Patient or parent commonly seeks orthodontic treatment for aesthetic reasons rather than functional problems such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction. With greater demand for orthodontic treatment due to greater awareness of the people towards dental health, good orthodontic treatment outcome would be expected. Good orthodontic treatment outcome usually related to good clinical management of the patients. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  7. Nurjasmine Aida Jamani
    Oral health problem among pregnant woman has been shown to have possible
    association with preterm birth and low birth weight. Several studies found that pregnant women
    have limited knowledge of these adverse outcome .The aims of this study were to evaluate the
    knowledge, attitude and practices of pregnant women and to examine their practices in relation
    with their intraoral health status. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  8. Nur Ainatul Mardia Mohamad Nasir, Zurainie Abllah, Intan Azura Shahdan, Anil Azura Jalaludin
    As time progressed, our diet changed to include the types of foods that will promote
    decay and so dental caries became a widespread and serious concern. Dental caries had been
    reported adding to the significantly high number of oral health problem worldwide, causing a
    burden to health care system. Despite the existing of prevention courses, the numbers did not
    appear to decrease. Originated from natural resources, virgin coconut oil (VCO) has been proposed
    as an alternative treatment as it has been reported to demonstrate antimicrobial activity on various
    bacteria. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate whether VCO has antimicrobial effects on
    certain, selected cariogenic bacteria. (Copied from particle).
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  9. Mas Suryalis Ahmad, Fouad Hussain Al-Bayaty, Farhana Abdul Ghani
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2016;39(1):26-34.
    People with hearing and/or speech impairments (HSI) reported having difficulty communicating with the dental team, indicating the need for the profession to develop an effective communication strategy when dealing with these patients. This paper discusses the development of a toolkit designed to guide delivery of oral hygiene instruction, oral health education and dental consultation for patients with HSI, and how its use had resulted in an improved oral health outcome in a patient with such disabilities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  10. Ahmad R, Rahman NA, Hasan R, Yaacob NS, Ali SH
    Spec Care Dentist, 2020 Jan;40(1):62-70.
    PMID: 31774579 DOI: 10.1111/scd.12436
    AIMS: To investigate the oral health and nutritional status of children with cerebral palsy (CP).

    METHODS AND RESULTS: Oral health assessment included dental caries and dental plaque maturity scores (DPMS) while the nutritional assessment included children's height-for-age Z-score (HAZ), body mass index-for-age Z-score (BAZ), mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC), nutrient intake, cariogenic food frequency (CFF) and daily sugar exposure (DSE). Ninety-three CP children were recruited. The prevalence of caries was 81.7% (95% CI: 72.7%-88.3%). The median (IQR) of the DMFT and dft scores were 0.5(4.0) and 3.0(8.0), respectively. Most of the participants had acid-producing plaque (90.3%), severely stunted (81.4%), and 45% were severely thin with acute malnutrition. Intakes of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D and total fat were below 77% of the Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysian children (RNI 2017). Nine types of cariogenic foods/drinks were consumed moderately, and DSE indicated that 45% of the children were at moderate risk of dental caries.

    CONCLUSION: Untreated dental caries, severe stunting and thinness were prevalent, and cariogenic foods/drinks were consumed moderately suggesting a moderate risk of caries. Therefore, controlling cariogenic food intake is crucial, but monitoring daily nutrient intake is needed for the optimum growth of children with CP.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  11. Singh VP, Nettemu SK, Nettem S, Hosadurga R, Nayak SU
    J Hum Reprod Sci, 2017 Jul-Sep;10(3):162-166.
    PMID: 29142443 DOI: 10.4103/jhrs.JHRS_87_17
    Ample evidence strongly supports the fact that periodontal disease is a major risk factor for various systemic diseases namely cardio-vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, etc. Recently, investigators focussed on exploring the link between chronic periodontitis (CP) and erectile dysfunction (ED) by contributing to the endothelial dysfunction. Both the diseases share common risk factors. Various studies conducted in different parts of the world in recent years reported the evidence linking this relationship as well as improvement in ED with periodontal treatment. Systemic exposure to the periodontal pathogen and periodontal infection-induced systemic inflammation was thought to associate with these conditions. The objective of this review was to highlight the evidence of the link between CP and ED and the importance of oral health in preventing the systemic conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  12. Babar MG, Andiesta NS, Bilal S, Yusof ZYM, Doss JG, Pau A
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 2022 Dec;50(6):559-569.
    PMID: 35138648 DOI: 10.1111/cdoe.12710
    OBJECTIVES: This paper reports on the effect of 6-month dental home visits compared to no dental home visits on 24-month caries incidence in 5- to 6-year-olds.

    METHODS: 5- to 6-year-olds attending kindergartens were randomized to receive either 6-month dental home visits and education leaflets (Intervention group) or education leaflets alone (Control group) over 24 months. To detect a 15% difference in caries incidence with a significance level of 5% and power of 80%, 88 children were calculated to be needed in the Intervention group and 88 in the Control. Baseline clinical data included oral examinations at the kindergartens. Follow-up visits were made on the 6th, 12th and 18th month. At the end of the 24 months, both the Intervention and Control groups were visited for oral examinations. The primary outcome was caries incidence, measured by the number and proportion of children who developed new caries in the primary molars after 24 months. The secondary outcome was the number of primary molars that developed new caries (d-pms). Frequency distributions of participants by baseline socio-demographic characteristics and caries experience were calculated. The chi-square test was used to test differences between the caries experience in the Intervention and Control groups. The t test was used to compare the mean number of primary molars developing new caries between the Intervention Group and the Control Group. The number of children needed to treat (NNT) was also calculated.

    RESULTS: At the 24-month follow-up, 19 (14.4%) developed new caries in the Intervention Group, compared to 60 (60.0%) in the Control Group (p = .001). On average, 0.2 (95% CI = 0.1-0.3) tooth per child in the Intervention Group was observed to have developed new caries compared to 1.1 (95% CI = 0.8-1.3) tooth per child in the Control Group (p = .001). The number of children needed to treat (NNT) to prevent one child from developing new caries was 2.2.

    CONCLUSIONS: The present study has demonstrated that 6-month home visits to families of 5- to 6-year-olds are effective in caries prevention in 5- to 6-year-olds of low-income families in a middle-income country where access to health services, including oral health promotion services, is limited.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  13. Atif S, Abdul Wahab N, Ghafoor S, Azlina A, Tauseef A, Rana S, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(4):e0283995.
    PMID: 37027451 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283995
    Xerostomia is a subjective condition of dryness of the oral cavity that may lead to several oral problems deteriorating oral health-related quality of life. This study aimed to (1) determine the prevalence of xerostomia, (2) compare the general health status, unstimulated salivary flow rate, and oral health-related quality of life in xerostomics and non-xerostomics, and (3) investigate the potential of salivary aquaporin-3 (AQP-3) as a screening biomarker for xerostomia in patients with periodontal disease. Demographics and systemic health data were collected from 109 healthy participants, 20 to 55 years old, with Community Periodontal Index (CPI) score ≥ 3. For subjective assessment of xerostomia, Shortened Xerostomia Inventory (SXI) was used. For objective assessment of xerostomia, unstimulated salivary flow rate was measured. Shortened Oral Health Impact Profile (S-OHIP) was utilized for oral health-related quality of life assessment. The collected saliva samples were processed and stored at -80°C. Quantification of salivary AQP-3 protein was done with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Xerostomia was reported in 78% of the subjects based on SXI score. Median concentration of AQP-3 was significantly higher in xerostomics compared to non-xerostomics, p = 0.001. Moreover, oral health-related quality of life was significantly poor in xerostomics compared to non-xerostomics, p = 0.002. Furthermore, there were significant correlations between AQP-3 and SXI (r = 0.21, p = 0.025), AQP-3 and S-OHIP (r = 0.2, p = 0.042), S-OHIP and SXI (r = 0.37, p < 0.001), unstimulated salivary flow rate and random blood glucose level (r = 0.32, p = 0.001), and body mass index and mean arterial pressure (r = 0.44, p < 0.001). Regression analysis showed that body mass index, CPI score 3, and salivary AQP-3 were suitable predictors for presence of xerostomia. AQP-3 could be a potential screening biomarker for xerostomia in patients with periodontal disease for its early identification may help improve oral health-related quality of life of the individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  14. Quadri MFA, Ahmad B
    Int J Paediatr Dent, 2023 Jul;33(4):394-408.
    PMID: 36825995 DOI: 10.1111/ipd.13060
    BACKGROUND: The evidence for the impact of oral health on academic performance is still unclear.

    AIM: To assess the impact of oral health conditions on poor academic performance in schoolchildren by including a range of clinical and self-reported OH measures in a modified cross-sectional study.

    DESIGN: This study was carried out on schoolchildren aged 12-14 years in Jazan, Saudi Arabia, using a stratified and randomised cluster sampling method. Clinical indices from oral screening and self-reported OH conditions and behaviours and school absence from the self-administered questionnaire were recorded a month before the school examination. Results of passing or failing the examination were obtained after the examination. Statistical associations were examined using bivariate and multiple logistic regressions. The oral health measures were categorised based on the types of conditions and briefly appraised.

    RESULTS: Measures of dental caries, dental pain, soft tissue problems, oral hygiene, tooth discolouration, tooth mobility and school absence due to dental pain were associated with greater odds of failing the examination (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  15. Patil PG, Seow LL
    J Indian Prosthodont Soc, 2021 11 24;21(4):375-382.
    PMID: 34810365 DOI: 10.4103/jips.jips_328_21
    Aim: Single implant-retained mandibular overdentures (1IMO) is a viable alternative to 2 implant-retained overdentures (2IMO) in edentulous patients. However, literature lacks in the quality of life (QoL) of these patients when treated with immediate loading protocols. The purpose of this study was to compare oral health-related QoL (OHRQoL) of patients using 1IMO or 2 IMO with immediate loading protocols at 1 month and 1 year.

    Settings and Design: Randomized Controlled Trial.

    Materials and Methods: Fifty-two edentulous participants treated with mandibular overdentures using either single implant (n = 26) or two implants (n = 26) with immediate loading protocol by a single operator. The low-profile stud-attachments (LOCATOR; Zest Anchors) were attached to the implants and female attachments were picked up within 0-7 days of implant placement. The OHRQoL was recorded using Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) questionnaire either in English or in the Malay language before treatment and 1 month and 1 year after treatment.

    Statistical Analysis Used: Kruskal Wallis test was used to find out significant difference amongst 3 timepoints and 7 OHIP-14 domains and Mann-Whitney-U test to compare 1IMO or 2IMO groups.

    Results: Compared to baseline OHIP-14 scores, participants had a statistically significant decrease in total OHIP-14 at 1 month and 1 year after-treatment time points in both 1IMO and 2IMO groups (P < 0.05). The difference between 1 month and 1 year after-treatment total and subscale scores were also found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05). The overall QoL improvement was comparatively higher in 2IMO group than 1IMO group. The OHIP-14 scores were statistically different within seven domains (P < 0.05). Overall total scores between 1IMO and 2IMO groups were also found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05) at baseline and insignificant (P > 0.05) at 1 month and 1 year.

    Conclusions: Mandibular single and 2IMO improve the QoL of elderly edentulous Malaysian participants at 1 month of immediate loading and 1 year of recall. 1IMO may provide comparable QoL with the elderly patients using 2 implants.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  16. Alhajj MN, Al-Maweri SA, Folayan MO, Halboub E, Khader Y, Omar R, et al.
    BMC Oral Health, 2022 Jan 26;22(1):18.
    PMID: 35081945 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-022-02053-0
    OBJECTIVES: E-cigarette use has become popular, particularly among the youth. Its use is associated with harmful general and oral health consequences. This survey aimed to assess self-reported oral hygiene practices, oral and general health events, and changes in physiological functions (including physical status, smell, taste, breathing, appetite, etc.) due to E-cigarette use among dental students.

    METHODS: This online, multicounty survey involved undergraduate dental students from 20 dental schools across 11 different countries. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics, E-cigarette practices, self-reported complaints, and associated physiological changes due to E-cigarette smoking. Data were descriptively presented as frequencies and percentages. A Chi-square test was used to assess the potential associations between the study group and sub-groups with the different factors. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS at P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  17. Othman NH, Rajali A, Zulkifeli NRN, Shaharuddin IM, Hussein KH, Hassan MIA
    Spec Care Dentist, 2024;44(1):221-230.
    PMID: 37055924 DOI: 10.1111/scd.12858
    BACKGROUND: Athletes with disabilities may be at an even greater risk of orofacial trauma than their counterparts, and the risk may vary depending on the type of sports. This study aimed to assess the incidence of sports-related dental injuries and oral health status among Malaysian para-athletes.

    METHODS: A questionnaire survey was conducted to assess self-reported dental injuries and knowledge of their management. An intraoral examination was performed using the decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index following the World Health Organization guidelines.

    RESULTS: A total of 61 para-athletes (men = 90.16%, n = 55; women = 9.84%, n = 6) from different sports categories with different disabilities randomly participated in this study. The incidence of self-reported dental injuries was 18.0% (n = 11), with the most common injury being crown tooth fracture (72.7%) and lip laceration (63.6%). However, the majority of the athletes (70.5%, n = 43) did nothing after experiencing dental trauma, and 82.0% (n = 50) were unaware of the immediate management of dental trauma. Based on the intraoral examination, only 9.8% (n = 6) of the athletes had perfectly sound teeth. The mean total DMFT index was 3.49 ± 2.371, while the mean DMFT index for decayed, missing, and filled teeth was 1.28 ± 1.293, 0.74 ± 0.705, and 1.48 ± 1.120, respectively. The mean DMFT index for decayed, missing, and filled teeth and total DMFT index significantly differed among the types of disabilities (P  .05).

    CONCLUSION: The most commonly reported injuries among para-athletes are crown tooth fractures and lip lacerations. The total DMFT index among para-athletes is moderate, emphasising the need for improvements.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health
  18. Khedekar M, Suresh KV, Parkar MI, Malik N, Patil S, Taur S, et al.
    J Coll Physicians Surg Pak, 2015 Dec;25(12):856-9.
    PMID: 26691356 DOI: 12.2015/JCPSP.856859
    To determine the knowledge and oral hygiene status of orphanage children in Pune and changes in them after health education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health/education*
  19. Hashim AN, Yusof ZY, Esa R
    PMID: 26607665 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-015-0386-2
    The Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) is used to assess oral impacts on the quality of life of preschool aged children and their families. The objective of this study was to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the ECOHIS into Malay and assess its psychometric properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health/statistics & numerical data*
  20. Othman NA, Sockalingam SN, Mahyuddin A
    Haemophilia, 2015 Sep;21(5):605-11.
    PMID: 25757137 DOI: 10.1111/hae.12657
    This case-controlled study aimed to evaluate the existing oral health status in children and adolescents with haemophilia. A total of 50 haemophilia patients and 50 matched controls aged seven to 16 years were recruited into the study. Clinical examination was carried out to determine dental caries experience, oral hygiene status and gingival condition in these two groups. Information regarding previous dental history, oral hygiene practices and dietary habits were also obtained. No significant difference was found in mean caries experience in primary and secondary dentitions (P = 0.86 and 0.32) and in Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S, P = 0.20) between both groups. However, a significantly higher proportion of haemophilia patients (24%) had better oral hygiene status as compared to the controls (2%, P = 0.004). Furthermore, there was a significant difference in Modified Gingival Index (MGI, P = 0.02) between the two groups with the study group having less gingival inflammation. A total of 88% (n = 44) of the haemophilia patients were registered and received dental treatment in specialist dental clinics. More than half (56%, n = 28) had frequent dental visits and only one-third of the haemophilia patients had history of hospitalization due to oral problems. There was no significant difference in oral hygiene practices and dietary habits between both groups. In general, haemophilia children and adolescents in this study had similar caries experience, a significantly better oral hygiene status and gingival health as compared to healthy controls. The main reason for this is the multidisciplinary approach implemented by medical health-care professionals as primary care provider and the dental team.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oral Health*
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