Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 2683 in total

  1. Kumarasamy V, Kuppusamy UR, Jayalakshmi P, Govind SK
    Exp Parasitol, 2023 Aug;251:108564.
    PMID: 37308003 DOI: 10.1016/j.exppara.2023.108564
    Blastocystis is an enteric protozoan parasite with extensive genetic variation and unclear pathogenicity. It is commonly associated with gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain in immunocompromised individuals. In this study, we explored the in vitro and in vivo effects of Blastocystis on the activity of a commonly used CRC chemotherapeutic agent, 5-FU. The cellular and molecular effects of solubilized antigen of Blastocystis in the presence of 5-FU were investigated using HCT116, human CRC cell line and CCD 18-Co, normal human colon fibroblast cells. For the in vivo study, 30 male Wistar rats were divided into six groups, as follows; Control Group: oral administration of 0.3 ml Jones' medium, Group A: rats injected with azoxymethane (AOM), Group A-30FU: Rats injected with AOM and administered 30 mg/kg 5-FU, Group B-A-30FU: rats inoculated with Blastocystis cysts, injected with AOM and administered 30 mg/kg 5-FU, Group A-60FU: rats injected with AOM and administered 60 mg/kg 5-FU and Group B-A-60FU: rats inoculated with Blastocystis cysts, injected with AOM and administered 60 mg/kg 5-FU. The in vitro study revealed that the inhibitory potency of 5-FU at 8 μM and 10 μM was reduced from 57.7% to 31.6% (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Wistar; Rats
  2. Karkada G, Maiya GA, Arany P, Rao Kg M, Adiga S, Kamath SU
    Photochem Photobiol, 2023;99(4):1172-1180.
    PMID: 36477863 DOI: 10.1111/php.13754
    Individuals with diabetic foot ulcers have overlapped the inflammatory, proliferative and remodeling phase, making the tissue vulnerable to delayed healing responses. We aimed to establish the dose-response relationship of photobiomodulation therapy of different doses and matrix metalloproteinases in the healing dynamics of diabetic neuropathic ulcers. Diabetes was induced in 126 Albino Wistar rats, and neuropathy was induced to the hind paw by a sciatic nerve injury method. An excisional wound was created on the neuropathy-induced leg. Photobiomodulation therapy of dosages 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15 J cm-2 and wavelength 655 nm and 808 nm was irradiated. Photobiomodulation therapy of dosages 4, 6 and 8 J cm-2 showed better wound healing properties with optimized levels of matrix metalloproteinases-1 and 8. We observed a strong dose response in the experimental group treated with 6 and 8 J cm-2 . The findings from the present study conclude that photobiomodulation therapy of dosages 4, 6 and 8 J cm-2 is suggestive of usefulness in diabetic neuropathic ulcer healing. Markers like matrix metalloproteinases may give a clear direction on response to the therapy. Based on the findings from the present study, we recommend to validate the findings for safety and efficacy in future through human prospective randomized controlled clinical trials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Wistar; Rats
  3. Hao H, Ramli R, Wang C, Liu C, Shah S, Mullen P, et al.
    PLoS Biol, 2023 Jan;21(1):e3001958.
    PMID: 36603052 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001958
    Accumulating observations suggest that peripheral somatosensory ganglia may regulate nociceptive transmission, yet direct evidence is sparse. Here, in experiments on rats and mice, we show that the peripheral afferent nociceptive information undergoes dynamic filtering within the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and suggest that this filtering occurs at the axonal bifurcations (t-junctions). Using synchronous in vivo electrophysiological recordings from the peripheral and central processes of sensory neurons (in the spinal nerve and dorsal root), ganglionic transplantation of GABAergic progenitor cells, and optogenetics, we demonstrate existence of tonic and dynamic filtering of action potentials traveling through the DRG. Filtering induced by focal application of GABA or optogenetic GABA release from the DRG-transplanted GABAergic progenitor cells was specific to nociceptive fibers. Light-sheet imaging and computer modeling demonstrated that, compared to other somatosensory fiber types, nociceptors have shorter stem axons, making somatic control over t-junctional filtering more efficient. Optogenetically induced GABA release within DRG from the transplanted GABAergic cells enhanced filtering and alleviated hypersensitivity to noxious stimulation produced by chronic inflammation and neuropathic injury in vivo. These findings support "gating" of pain information by DRGs and suggest new therapeutic approaches for pain relief.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  4. Hassan Z, Singh D, Suhaimi FW, Chear NJ, Harun N, See CP, et al.
    Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 2023 Sep;143:105466.
    PMID: 37536550 DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2023.105466
    Mitragyna speciosa Korth also known as kratom, is an herbal drug preparation for its therapeutic properties and opioid-replacement therapy. Kratom is consumed in a brewed decoction form in Malaysia and to date, no studies have characterized its chemical and toxicity profile. Thus, this study aims to evaluate kratom decoction's safety and toxicity profile after 28 days of treatment. Mitragynine content was quantified in kratom decoction and used as a marker to determine the concentration. Male and female Sprague Dawley rats were orally treated with vehicle or kratom decoction (10, 50 or 150 mg/kg) and two satellite groups were treated with vehicle and kratom decoction (150 mg/kg). Blood and organs were collected for hematology, biochemical and histopathology analysis at the end of treatment. No mortality was found after 28 days of treatment and no significant changes in body weight and hematology profile, except for low platelet count. High amounts of uric acid, AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase were found in the biochemical analysis. Histological investigation of the heart and lungs detected no alterations except for the kidney, liver and brain tissues. In conclusion, repeated administration of kratom decoction provided some evidence of toxicity in the kidney and liver with no occurrence of mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  5. Ang HP, Makpol S, Nasaruddin ML, Ahmad NS, Tan JK, Wan Zaidi WA, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2023 Jul 31;24(15).
    PMID: 37569622 DOI: 10.3390/ijms241512248
    Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and the tryptophan-kynurenine pathway (TRP-KP) are upregulated in ageing and could be implicated in the pathogenesis of delirium. This study evaluated the role of IDO/KP in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced delirium in an animal model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion (CCH), a proposed model for delirium. CCH was induced by a permanent bilateral common carotid artery ligation (BCCAL) in Sprague Dawley rats to trigger chronic neuroinflammation-induced neurodegeneration. Eight weeks after permanent BCCAL, the rats were treated with a single systemic LPS. The rats were divided into three groups: (1) post-BCCAL rats treated with intraperitoneal (i.p.) saline, (2) post-BCCAL rats treated with i.p. LPS 100 μg/kg, and (3) sham-operated rats treated with i.p. LPS 100 μg/kg. Each group consisted of 10 male rats. To elucidate the LPS-induced delirium-like behaviour, natural and learned behaviour changes were assessed by a buried food test (BFT), open field test (OFT), and Y-maze test at 0, 24-, 48-, and 72 h after LPS treatment. Serum was collected after each session of behavioural assessment. The rats were euthanised after the last serum collection, and the hippocampi and cerebral cortex were collected. The TRP-KP neuroactive metabolites were measured in both serum and brain tissues using ELISA. Our data show that LPS treatment in CCH rats was associated with acute, transient, and fluctuated deficits in natural and learned behaviour, consistent with features of delirium. These behaviour deficits were mild compared to the sham-operated rats, which exhibited robust behaviour impairments. Additionally, heightened hippocampal IDO expression in the LPS-treated CCH rats was associated with reduced serum KP activity together with a decrease in the hippocampal quinolinic acid (QA) expression compared to the sham-operated rats, suggested for the presence of endotoxin tolerance through the immunomodulatory activity of IDO in the brain. These data provide new insight into the underlying mechanisms of delirium, and future studies should further explore the role of IDO modulation and its therapeutic potential in delirium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  6. Japarin RA, Harun N, Hassan Z, Shoaib M
    Behav Pharmacol, 2023 Apr 01;34(2-3):123-130.
    PMID: 36752325 DOI: 10.1097/FBP.0000000000000715
    Mitragynine (MG) is a pharmacologically active alkaloid derived from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa Korth (Kratom). This plant has sparked significant interest as a potential alternative treatment for managing opioid dependence and withdrawal due to its opioid-like pharmacological effects. However, whether MG exposure would trigger opioid-seeking behaviour following abstinence has not been investigated. The present study examined the effects of MG priming on morphine-seeking behaviour in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were initially trained to intravenously self-administer morphine (0.5 mg/kg/infusion) under a fixed ratio-3 schedule of reinforcement. Removal of both morphine infusions and drug-associated cues led to the subsequent extinction of the drug-seeking behaviour. Tests of reinstatement were made following exposure to a randomised order of intraperitoneal injections of MG (3, 10 and 30 mg/kg), morphine (5 mg/kg) and vehicle. Significant levels of drug-seeking behaviour were observed following extended access to morphine self-administration, which was extinguished following removal of morphine and cues indicative of morphine-seeking behaviour, supporting the relapse model. The present finding demonstrated that MG priming in a dose of 10 mg/kg resulted in the reinstatement of morphine-seeking behaviour, whereas the higher MG dose (30 mg/kg) tested suppressed the seeking response. This study indicated that exposure to a low MG dose may increase the likelihood of relapsing to opioids, suggesting that the potential of MG as a treatment for opioid management merits further scientific assessment of its ability to trigger relapse to opioid abuse.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  7. Al Qabbani A, Rani KGA, AlKawas S, Sheikh Abdul Hamid S, Yap Abdullah A, Samsudin AR, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(12):e0294291.
    PMID: 38127838 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294291
    The aim of this study was to compare the ability of demineralized (DMB) and decellularized (DCC) bovine bone granules to support bone regeneration in rat calvaria critical-size defects. DMB and DCC were prepared using a previously published method. The granule size used ranged between 500 and 750 μm. A total of forty-eight Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups (n = 24). A pair of 5 mm diameter defects were created on the calvaria of the rats in the right and left parietal bone in both groups. Group A animals received DMB granules and Group B received DCC granules in the right parietal defect side while the left parietal untreated defect acted as sham surgery for both groups. Four animals per group were euthanized in a CO2 chamber at day 7, 14 and 21 post-surgery and the calvaria implantation site biopsy harvested was subjected to osteogenic gene expression analysis. Another four animals per group were euthanized at days 15, 30 and 60 post surgery and the calvaria implantation site biopsy harvested was subjected to histological, immunohistochemistry, RAMAN spectroscopy and Micro-CT analysis at the mentioned time points. Statistical analysis was conducted using t-tests and ANOVA. Histomorphometry showed significantly higher new bone formation in the DCC sites (p<0.05) compared to DMB. Both DMB and DCC implantation sites showed distinct staining for osteocalcin and osteopontin proteins compared to their respective sham sites. By day 21 after implantation, DCC sites demonstrated significantly elevated mRNA levels of osteonectin (p<0.001), osteopontin (p<0.001), osteocalcin (p<0.0001), ALP (p<0.01), and BMP-2 (p<0.001) compared to DMB. However, VEGF expression showed no significant differences at this time point between the two groups. Micro-CT analysis also showed enhanced defect closure and higher bone density in DCC implanted sites while RAMAN spectra demonstrated increased abundance of collagen and bone minerals, especially, PO43- ions than DMB. In conclusion, both DMB and DCC granules demonstrated favorable osteogenic potential in critical-sized defects, with DCC exhibited superior osteoconductive, osteoinductive and osteogenesis properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  8. Isaeva EV, Kisel AA, Beketov EE, Demyashkin GA, Yakovleva ND, Lagoda TS, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(2):5-16.
    PMID: 37389022 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.2.01
    The aim of the study was to compare type I collagen-based and methacryloyl gelatin-based (GelMA) hydrogels by their ability to form hyaline cartilage in animals after subcutaneous implantation of scaffolds.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chondrocytes were isolated from the costal cartilage of newborn rats using 0.15% collagenase solution in DMEM. The cells was characterized by glycosaminoglycan staining with alcian blue. Chondrocyte scaffolds were obtained from 4% type I porcine atelocollagen and 10% GelMA by micromolding and then implanted subcutaneously into the withers of two groups of Wistar rats. Histological and immunohistochemical studies were performed on days 12 and 26 after implantation. Tissue samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, alcian blue; type I and type II collagens were identified by the corresponding antibodies.

    RESULTS: The implanted scaffolds induced a moderate inflammatory response in both groups when implanted in animals. By day 26 after implantation, both collagen and GelMA had almost completely resorbed. Cartilage tissue formation was observed in both animal groups. The newly formed tissue was stained intensively with alcian blue, and the cells were positive for both types of collagen. Cartilage tissue was formed among muscle fibers.

    CONCLUSION: The ability of collagen type I and GelMA hydrogels to form hyaline cartilage in animals after subcutaneous implantation of scaffolds was studied. Both collagen and GelMA contributed to formation of hyaline-like cartilage tissue type in animals, but the chondrocyte phenotype is characterized as mixed. Additional detailed studies of possible mechanisms of chondrogenesis under the influence of each of the hydrogels are needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Wistar; Rats
  9. Albaayit SF, Abba Y, Abdullah R, Abdullah N
    PMID: 25610488 DOI: 10.1155/2014/975450
    Clausena excavata (Lour.), locally known as "Kemantu hitam," is a common plant in Malaysian folklore medicine. This study evaluated the antioxidant properties of the solvent extracts of C. excavata leaves and determined the acute toxicity of methanolic extract C. excavata (MECE) leaves in Sprague-Dawley rats. Harvested leaves were dried and subjected to solvent extraction using petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol in succession. The antioxidant activity of each extract was determined using the ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl dihydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity. The total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoids content (TFC) were estimated by Folin-Ciocalteu and ethanolic aluminium chloride method, respectively. The chloroform extract was found to be highest in flavonoid content, while the methanolic extract showed the highest TPC and antioxidant activity. There was no mortality in rats treated with MECE leaves even at a high dose of 5000 mg/kg body weight. However, the MECE leaves produced mild to moderate pathological changes in the liver and kidneys, shown by mild degenerative changes and leucocyte infiltration. The extract did not affect the haematological parameters or relative weights of the liver or kidneys. Overall, the MECE leaves have potent antioxidant activity and are presumed safe to be used orally as health-promoting product at low to moderate doses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  10. Tajul Ariff AS, Soelaiman IN, Pramanik J, Shuid AN
    PMID: 22966245 DOI: 10.1155/2012/818072
    Testosterone replacement is the choice of treatment in androgen-deficient osteoporosis. However, long-term use of testosterone is potentially carcinogenic. Eurycoma longifolia (EL) has been reported to enhance testosterone level and prevent bone calcium loss but there is a paucity of research regarding its effect on the bone structural parameters. This study was conducted to explore the bone structural changes following EL treatment in normal and androgen-deficient osteoporosis rat model. Thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats aged 12 months were divided into normal control, normal rat supplemented with EL, sham-operated, orchidectomised-control, orchidectomised with testosterone replacement, and orchidectomised with EL supplementation groups. Testosterone serum was measured both before and after the completion of the treatment. After 6 weeks of the treatment, the femora were processed for bone histomorphometry. Testosterone replacement was able to raise the testosterone level and restore the bone volume of orchidectomised rats. EL supplementation failed to emulate both these testosterone actions. The inability of EL to do so may be related to the absence of testes in the androgen deficient osteoporosis model for EL to stimulate testosterone production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  11. Mohd Salleh H, Ablat A, Chong SL, Hazni H, Tohar N, Fauzi N, et al.
    Naturwissenschaften, 2024 Apr 01;111(2):20.
    PMID: 38558027 DOI: 10.1007/s00114-024-01907-7
    The Zingiber zerumbet rhizomes are traditionally used to treat fever, and the in vitro inhibitory effect of ethyl acetate extract from Zingiber zerumbet rhizomes (EAEZZR) against DENV2 NS2B/NS3 (two non-structural proteins, NS2 and NS3 of dengue virus type 2) has been reported earlier. This study was carried out to establish an acute toxicity profile and evaluate the anti-fever (anti-pyretic) activities of EAEZZR in yeast-induced fever in rats. The major compound of EAEZZR, zerumbone, was isolated using chromatographic methods including column chromatography (CC) and preparative thin-layer chromatography (PTLC). Additionally, the structure of zerumbone was elucidated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), liquid chromatography mass spectrometer-ion trap-time of flight (LCMS-IT-TOF), infrared (IR), and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy. The toxicity of EAEZZR was evaluated using Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Test Guideline 425 (OECD tg-425) with minor modifications at concentrations EAEZZR of 2000 mg/kg, 3000 mg/kg, and 5000 mg/kg. Anti-fever effect was determined by yeast-induced fever (pyrexia) in rats. The acute toxicity study showed that EAEZZR is safe at the highest 5000 mg/kg body weight dose in Sprague Dawley rats. Rats treated with EAEZZR at doses of 125, 250, and 500 mg/kg exhibited a significant reduction in rectal temperature (TR) in the first 1 h. EAEZZR at the lower dose of 125 mg/kg showed substantial potency against yeast-induced fever for up to 2 h compared to 0 h in controls. A significant reduction of TR was observed in rats treated with standard drug aspirin in the third through fourth hours. Based on the present findings, ethyl acetate extract of Zingiber zerumbet rhizomes could be considered safe up to the dose of 5000 mg/kg, and the identification of active ingredients of Zingiber zerumbet rhizomes may allow their use in the treatment of fever with dengue virus infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats
  12. Betterton C
    J Helminthol, 1976 Sep;50(3):157-61.
    PMID: 993573
    Neodiplostomum (Conodiplostomum) ramachandrani sp. n. is described from Rattus muelleri in Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia. It is characterised by having symmetrical dumbell-shaped testes, and vitellaria as a single ventral band in the hindbody. The taxonomic relations of Neodiplostomum, Conodiplostomum and Fibricola are discussed and possible significance of the fluke as an ecological indicator noted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats/parasitology*
  13. Tan CS, Adrus M, Rahman SPH, Azman HIM, Abang RAA
    BMC Vet Res, 2024 Apr 27;20(1):161.
    PMID: 38678268 DOI: 10.1186/s12917-024-03892-5
    BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2 is believed to have originated from a spillover event, where the virus jumped from bats to humans, leading to an epidemic that quickly escalated into a pandemic by early 2020. Despite the implementation of various public health measures, such as lockdowns and widespread vaccination efforts, the virus continues to spread. This is primarily attributed to the rapid emergence of immune escape variants and the inadequacy of protection against reinfection. Spillback events were reported early in animals with frequent contact with humans, especially companion, captive, and farmed animals. Unfortunately, surveillance of spillback events is generally lacking in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to address this gap by investigating the presence of SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies in wild rodents in Sarawak, Malaysia.

    RESULTS: We analysed 208 archived plasma from rodents collected between from 2018 to 2022 to detect neutralising antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 using a surrogate virus neutralisation test, and discovered two seropositive rodents (Sundamys muelleri and Rattus rattus), which were sampled in 2021 and 2022, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that Sundamys muelleri and Rattus rattus may be susceptible to natural SARS-CoV-2 infections. However, there is currently no evidence supporting sustainable rodent-to-rodent transmission.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rats/virology
  14. Mazaheri B, Emami F, Moslemi F, Talebi A, Nematbakhsh M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Jul;26(4):39-46.
    PMID: 31496892 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.4.5
    Backgrounds: Renal ischemia/reperfusion (RIR) is a major cause of kidney dysfunction in clinic. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-conditioning ischemia (IPC) and zinc (Zn) supplementation on renal RIR injury.

    Methods: A total of 63 unilateral nephrectomised male and female Wistar rats were divided into five groups. Group 1 (ShOPR): Rats as sham-operated group were subjected to surgical procedure without RIR. Group 2 (Isch): Rats underwent RIR (left kidney ischemia for 30 min followed by 48 h reperfusion). Group 3 (Zn+Isch): Rats were treated as group 2 but they received Zn sulphate (30 mg/kg) 1 h before induction of RIR. Group 4 (IPC+Isch): Rats were treated as group 2 but they underwent 1 min of ischemia followed by 3 min reperfusion as IPC, which was repeated for three times before induction of RIR. Group 5 (Zn+IPC+Isch): Rats were subjected to receive both Zn sulphate and IPC before induction of RIR. Urine samples were collected in the last 6 h of reperfusion, and finally biochemical and histological measurements were performed.

    Results: The serum level of creatinine (Cr), normalised kidney weight (KW) and kidney tissue damage score (KTDS) increased by RIR alone significantly (P < 0.05). These parameters were attenuated statistically by Zn supplementation (P < 0.05). However, IPC alone or co-treatment of Zn and IPC did not improve the biochemical and histological markers altered by RIR injury.

    Conclusion: Zn supplementation had a protective role against RIR while such protective effect was not observed by IPC alone or by co-treatment of Zn and IPC.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Wistar; Rats
  15. Omotoso GO, Kadir RE, Sulaimon FA, Jaji-Sulaimon R, Gbadamosi IT
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Sep;25(5):35-47.
    PMID: 30914861 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.5.4
    Background and aim: This study aimed to determine the effect of gestational nicotine exposure before neurodevelopment on the morphology and histology of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in rats.

    Methodology: Adult female Wistar rats were time-mated and grouped into three categories: (a) control-given 0.1 mL of normal saline, (b) low-dose nicotine-given 6.88 mg/ kg/d/0.05 mL, and (c) high-dose nicotine-given 13.76 mg/kg/d/0.1 mL in two divided doses. Treatment was given intraperitoneally from gestational days 2 to 6. On postnatal day 15 (P15), the pups were separated from their mothers, anaesthetised and sacrificed, followed by intracardial perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde. PFC was excised from the brain and processed for tissue histology, histochemistry, and morphology of brain cells.

    Results: Gestational nicotine exposure during the first week of gestation in rats significantly reduced birth weights in nicotine-treated groups compared with control; it, however, accelerated body weights, altered neuronal morphology, and elevated astrocytic count significantly, while oligodendroglial count was slightly increased in the PFC of juvenile rats examined at P15.

    Conclusion: These alterations revealed that gestational nicotine exposure before the commencement of the cellular processes involved in brain development negatively affects neurodevelopment, and this could result in neurological dysfunctions in later life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Wistar; Rats
  16. Hossain S, Rahman MA, Uddin B, Nahar T, Sarkar M, Joy SI, et al.
    Int J Med Mushrooms, 2024;26(8):1-11.
    PMID: 38967207 DOI: 10.1615/IntJMedMushrooms.2024053946
    Ganoderma lucidum is a medicinal mushroom that has been used since ancient times. We studied whether chronic oral administration of G. lucidum extract withstands increases in levels of proinflammatory TNF-α and lipid peroxide (LPO), an indicator of oxidative stress, in the gingival tissues of periodontitis model rats. G. lucidum extract was initially examined for inhibition of in vitro oxidative stress, produced by Fenton's reagents in whole homogenates of fresh gum tissues from rats. Prior to in vivo and in vitro experiments with rats, G. lucidum extract was quantitatively tested for its total polyphenol and/or flavonoid contents and ability to scavenge 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)-free radicals. Chronic oral administration of G. lucidum extract (300 mg/kg BW) significantly decreased TNF-α and LPO levels in the gingival tissues of periodontitis model rats. G. lucidum extract also inhibited (P < 0.05) in vitro oxidative stress, as indicated by reduced levels of LPO in G. lucidum extract-preincubated gum tissue homogenates of fresh rats. The in vitro results were, thus, consistent with the in vivo inhibition of lipid peroxidation, DPPH free radical-scavenging effects, and the presence of total polyphenols/flavonoids in G. lucidum extract. Our results provide the evidence, at least partially, for the beneficial effects of G. lucidum on periodontitis, an inflammatory condition of gums which is associated with oxidative stress and preceded by infectious gum diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Wistar; Rats
  17. Samat S, Nor NA, Nor Hussein F, Ismail WI
    PMID: 24885010 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-146
    Since ancient times, honey has been used for medicinal purposes in many cultures; it is one of the oldest and most enduring substances used in wound management. Scientific evidence for its efficacy is widely studied, but systemic safety studies are still lacking. It is essential to study the impact of consumption of honey on the health and proper development of the consumer. Therefore, the present study was designed to observe the effects of acute administration (14 days) of Gelam honey (GH), a wild harvesting honey and Acacia honey (AH), a beekeeping honey, on male and female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats, Sprague-Dawley; Rats/growth & development; Rats/metabolism*
  18. Gilmour CCB
    Malayan Medical Journal, 1934;9:177-81.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rats
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