Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 566 in total

  1. Husin MZ, Rajpar MN
    J Environ Biol, 2015 Jan;36 Spec No:121-7.
    PMID: 26591891
    The effects of logging and recovery process on avian richness and diversity was compared in recently logged and thirty year post-harvested hill dipterocarp tropical rainforest, using mist-netting method. Atotal of 803 bird individuals representing 86 bird species and 29 families (i.e., 37.90% from recently logged forest and 62.10% from thirty year post-harvested forest) were captured from October 2010 to September, 2012. Twenty one bird species were commonly captured from both types of forests, 37 bird species were caught only in thirty year post-harvested forest and 28 bird species were caught only from recently logged forest. Arachnothera longirostra--Little Spiderhunter, Malacopteron magnum--Rufous-crowned Babbler, Alophoixus phaeocephalus -Yellow-bellied Bulbul and Meiglyptes tukki--Buff-necked Woodpecker were the most abundant four bird species in the thirty year post-harvested forest. On the contrary, seven bird species, i.e., Trichastoma rostratum - White-chested Babbler, Lacedo pulchella - Banded Kingfisher, Picus miniaceus--Banded Woodpecker, Enicurus ruficapillus - Chestnut-naped Forktail, Anthreptes simplex--Plain Sunbird, Muscicapella hodgsoni--Pygmy Blue Flycatcher and Otus rufescens--Reddish Scope Owl were considered as the rarest (i.e., each represented only 0.12%). Likewise, A. longirostra, Pycnonotus eythropthalmos - Spectacled Bulbul, P. simplex--Cream-vented Bulbul and Merops viridis--Blue-throated Bee-eater were the most dominant and Copsychus malabaricus--White-rumped Shama Eurylaimus javanicus--Banded Broadbill /xos malaccensis - Streaked Bulbul and Harpactes diardii--Diard's Trogon (each 0.12%) were the rarest bird species in recently logged forest. CAP analysis indicated that avian species in thirty year post-harvested forest were more diverse and evenly distributed than recently logged forest. However, recently logged forest was rich in bird species than thirty year post- harvested forest. The results revealed that logging and retrieval process affect bird species richness and diversity. However, bird species may respond differently from habitat to habitat, i.e., forest logging causes disturbance of some avian species while recovery process may replace the loss of vegetation and harbour a wide array of avian species richness and diversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  2. Yin ZW, Li LZ
    PLoS One, 2014;9(11):e113474.
    PMID: 25409318 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113474
    A new genus and species of the subtribe Batrisina from western Sarawak, Bryantinus matangus gen. et sp. n., is described, illustrated, and compared with related taxa. In addition, examination of a small series of batrisine material from Thailand revealed a new country record for Cerochusa cilioceps Yin & Nomura, which was previously known only from the island of Hainan in southern China.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  3. Matsui M, Zainudin R, Nishikawa K
    Zoolog Sci, 2014 Nov;31(11):773-9.
    PMID: 25366161 DOI: 10.2108/zs140137
    A new megophryid species is described from southwestern Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. In appearance, Leptolalax marmoratus sp. nov. is most similar to L. hamidi also from southwestern Sarawak, but differs from it by mtDNA sequence, larger body size, and higher dominant frequency of advertisement call. The assumption that more than one species of Leptolalax coexist at one locality in Borneo is supported. The finding of the new species raises the species number of Leptolalax known from Borneo to nine, and the island is thought to be one of the diversification centers of the genus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  4. Yunos NY, Tan WS, Koh CL, Sam CK, Mohamad NI, Tan PW, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2014;14(7):11595-604.
    PMID: 24984061 DOI: 10.3390/s140711595
    Quorum sensing (QS) is a bacterial cell-to-cell communication system controlling QS-mediated genes which is synchronized with the population density. The regulation of specific gene activity is dependent on the signaling molecules produced, namely N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs). We report here the identification and characterization of AHLs produced by bacterial strain ND07 isolated from a Malaysian fresh water sample. Molecular identification showed that strain ND07 is clustered closely to Pseudomonas cremoricolorata. Spent culture supernatant extract of P. cremoricolorata strain ND07 activated the AHL biosensor Chromobacterium violaceum CV026. Using high resolution triple quadrupole liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, it was confirmed that P. cremoricolorata strain ND07 produced N-octanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C8-HSL) and N-decanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C10-HSL). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documentation on the production of C10-HSL in P. cremoricolorata strain ND07.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  5. Brodie JF, Giordano AJ, Zipkin EF, Bernard H, Mohd-Azlan J, Ambu L
    Conserv Biol, 2015 Feb;29(1):110-21.
    PMID: 25196079 DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12389
    Humans influence tropical rainforest animals directly via exploitation and indirectly via habitat disturbance. Bushmeat hunting and logging occur extensively in tropical forests and have large effects on particular species. But how they alter animal diversity across landscape scales and whether their impacts are correlated across species remain less known. We used spatially widespread measurements of mammal occurrence across Malaysian Borneo and recently developed multispecies hierarchical models to assess the species richness of medium- to large-bodied terrestrial mammals while accounting for imperfect detection of all species. Hunting was associated with 31% lower species richness. Moreover, hunting remained high even where richness was very low, highlighting that hunting pressure persisted even in chronically overhunted areas. Newly logged sites had 11% lower species richness than unlogged sites, but sites logged >10 years previously had richness levels similar to those in old-growth forest. Hunting was a more serious long-term threat than logging for 91% of primate and ungulate species. Hunting and logging impacts across species were not correlated across taxa. Negative impacts of hunting were the greatest for common mammalian species, but commonness versus rarity was not related to species-specific impacts of logging. Direct human impacts appeared highly persistent and lead to defaunation of certain areas. These impacts were particularly severe for species of ecological importance as seed dispersers and herbivores. Indirect impacts were also strong but appeared to attenuate more rapidly than previously thought. The lack of correlation between direct and indirect impacts across species highlights that multifaceted conservation strategies may be needed for mammal conservation in tropical rainforests, Earth's most biodiverse ecosystems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  6. Rusmili MR, Yee TT, Mustafa MR, Hodgson WC, Othman I
    J Proteomics, 2014 Oct 14;110:129-44.
    PMID: 25154052 DOI: 10.1016/j.jprot.2014.08.001
    Kraits (Bungarus spp.) are highly venomous elapids that are only found in Asia. In the current study, 103 and 86 different proteins were identified from Bungarus candidus and Bungarus fasciatus venoms, respectively. These proteins were classified into 18 different venom protein families. Both venoms were found to contain a high percentage of three finger toxins, phospholipase A2 enzymes and Kunitz-type inhibitors. Smaller number of high molecular weight enzymes such as L-amino acid oxidase, hyaluronidases, and acetylcholinesterase were also detected in the venoms. We also detected some unique proteins that were not known to be present in these venoms. The presence of a natriuretic peptide, vespryn, and serine protease families was detected in B. candidus venom. We also detected the presence of subunit A and B of β-bungarotoxin and α-bungarotoxin which had not been previously found in B. fasciatus venom. Understanding the proteome composition of Malaysian krait species will provide useful information on unique toxins and proteins which are present in the venoms. This knowledge will assist in the management of krait envenoming. In addition, these proteins may have potential use as research tools or as drug-design templates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  7. Mutafchiev Y, Mariaux J, Georgiev BB
    Syst Parasitol, 2014 Sep;89(1):3-14.
    PMID: 25079811 DOI: 10.1007/s11230-014-9507-2
    Proyseria decora (Dujardin, 1845) (the type-species of the genus Proyseria Petter, 1959) is redescribed on the basis of specimens from Alcedo atthis (L.) (Coraciiformes: Alcedinidae) from Iran. P. petterae n. sp. is described from Corythornis vintsioides (Eydoux & Gervais) (Alcedinidae) from Madagascar by light and scanning electron microscopy. Proyseria sp. from Alcedo euryzona Temminck from continental Malaysia is described on the basis of a single male specimen. Stegophorus alcedonis Puqin, Yanyin & Guocal, 1991 from A. atthis in China is transferred to the genus Proyseria as P. alcedonis n. comb. The generic diagnosis of Proyseria is amended. Review of the species of the genera Proyseria and Stegophorus Wehr, 1934 is presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  8. Das I, Min PY, Hsu WW, Hertwig ST, Haas A
    Zootaxa, 2014;3785:550-60.
    PMID: 24872245 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3785.4.4
    A new brightly-coloured (olive and red) species of microhylid frog of the genus Calluella Stoliczka 1872 is described from the upper elevations of Gunung Penrissen and the Matang Range, Sarawak, East Malaysia (Borneo). Calluella capsa, new species, is diagnosable in showing the following combination of characters: SVL up to 36.0 mm; dorsum weakly granular; a faint dermal fold across forehead; toe tips obtuse; webbing on toes basal; lateral fringes on toes present; outer metatarsal tubercle present; and dorsum greyish-olive, with red spots; half of venter bright red, the rest with large white and dark areas. The new species is the eighth species of Calluella to be described, and the fourth known from Borneo. A preliminary phylogeny of Calluella and its relatives is presented, and the new taxon compared with congeners from Malaysia and other parts of south-east Asia. 
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  9. Grismer LL, Wood PL, Cota M
    Zootaxa, 2014;3760:67-78.
    PMID: 24870072 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3760.1.4
    A new species of gekkonid, Hemiphyllodactylus chiangmaiensis sp. nov., from northwestern Thailand is separated from all other species of Hemiphyllodactylus by a set of features including: a maximum SVL of 41.2 mm; 8-12 chin scales extending transversely from unions of second and third infralabials and posterior margin of mental; lamellar formula on hand 3-3-3-3 or 3-4-3-3; lamellar formula on foot 3-3-3-3 or 3-4-4-4; continuous precloacal and femoral pores; a unique dorsal color pattern; and caecum and oviducts pigmented. These characters place this species in the speciose H. typus group. Hemiphyllodactylus chiangmaiensis sp. nov. fills a biogeographical hiatus in the distribution of this genus across northern Indochina.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  10. Grismer LL, Jr PL, Ahmad AB, Sumarli AS, Vazquez JJ, Ismail LH, et al.
    Zootaxa, 2014;3755:447-56.
    PMID: 24869832 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.5.4
    A new insular species Cnemaspis bidongensis sp. nov. (Squamata: Gekkonidae), is described from Pulau Bidong, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia and bears a unique suite of morphological and color pattern characters that differentiate it from all other congeners. Cnemaspis bidongensis sp. nov. is the sister species to C. kendallii (Gray) and represents the fifth insular endemic species of Cnemaspis on archipelagos along the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. This species survived massive deforestation of the small island of Bidong (260 ha) from the mid 1970s to the early 1990s when the island served as a Vietnamese refugee camp and harbored as many as 40,000 people at one time. We hypothesize that this species' generalized lifestyle contributed to its survival, allowing it to seek refuge in rocky microhabitats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  11. Schwarz CJ, Konopik O
    Zootaxa, 2014.
    PMID: 24870862 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3797.1.12
    We present the first checklist of praying mantids (Mantodea) of Borneo, with special reference to the specimens collected during the Scientific Expedition to Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary 2008. With 118 confirmed species in 56 genera (including subgenera), Borneo is the island with the highest mantodean diversity known to date. In Lanjak Entimau 38 specimens representing 17 genera and 18 species were collected around the station lights and in surrounding secondary and primary forest. A new synonymy in the genus Deroplatys is established. The observed diversity patterns among Bornean mantids are discussed with reference to the biogeographic history of the Sunda Shelf since the Miocene.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  12. Tan MK, Ingrisch S
    Zootaxa, 2014;3765:541-56.
    PMID: 24870920 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3765.6.3
    Four new species from three genera of Agraeciini from Malay Peninsula are described: Paragraecia temasek sp. n., Peracca mirzai sp. n., Peracca macritchiensis sp. n. from Singapore, and Lichnofugia malaya sp. n. from Peninsular Malaysia. The first records and descriptions of the female of Liara alata Ingrisch, 1998 and the male of Paragraecia gracilis Ingrisch, 1998 are given.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  13. Yao Z, Li S, Jäger P
    Zootaxa, 2014;3793:331-49.
    PMID: 24870173 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3793.3.2
    Four new species belonging to four genera of the subfamily Pholcinae are reported from Southeast Asia: Belisana protumida spec. nov. (male, female), Khorata bayeri spec. nov. (male), Pholcus schawalleri spec. nov. (male), and Uthina khaosokensis spec. nov. (male).
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  14. Kodada J, Jäch MA, Ciampor F
    Zootaxa, 2014;3760:383-95.
    PMID: 24870088 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3760.3.5
    Two new species of Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera: Elmidae) are described from Borneo: A. pulcherrimus (Brunei) and A. reticulatus (Sabah). Habitus views, illustrations of important characters as well as plastron structures of Ancyronyx reticulatus are presented and discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  15. Mutafchiev Y, Mariaux J, Georgiev BB
    Syst Parasitol, 2014 Jun;88(2):103-17.
    PMID: 24832183 DOI: 10.1007/s11230-014-9483-6
    Quazithelazia rostrata n. sp. from Ceyx erithaca (L.) (type-host) and Alcedo euryzona Temminck (Coraciiformes, Alcedinidae) and Q. alata n. sp. from Enicurus ruficapillus Temminck (Passeriformes, Muscicapidae) are described from vicinities of Gombak Biological Station, Selangor, Malaysia; both species are parasitic under the koilin lining of the gizzard. Paratypes of Schistogendra pelargopsis Nandi, De & Majumdar, 1985, a parasite of Pelargopsis capensis (L.) (Alcedinidae) from India, are redescribed and the species is recognised as a junior synonym of the type-species of Quasithelazia, Q. tenuis Maplestone, 1932 (new synonymy), a species originally described from Halcyon smyrnensis (L.) (Alcedinidae) in India. An amended diagnosis of the genus Quasithelazia Maplestone, 1932 is proposed. Currently, this genus includes eight species occurring in the Old World, six of them parasitic in kingfishers (Alcedinidae) and two species parasitic in flycatchers (Muscicapidae). These include, inter alia, Q. halcyoni n. comb. for Viktorocara halcyoni Ryzhikov & Khokhlova, 1964 from Halcyon smyrnensis and H. pileata (Boddaert) in Vietnam and the Russian Far East, Q. microcordonis n. comb. for Rusguniella microcordonis Schmidt & Kuntz, 1971 from Halcyon coromanda major (Temminck & Schlegel) in Taiwan and Q. multipapillata n. comb. for Schistogendra multipapillata Zhang, 1993 from Tarsiger cyanurus (Pallas) (Muscicapidae) in China. Comparative morphological data for Quasithelazia spp. are presented. Schistogendra oligopapillata Zhang & An, 2002 from domestic ducks in China is considered a species incertae sedis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  16. Matsuda I, Higashi S, Otani Y, Tuuga A, Bernard H, Corlett RT
    Integr Zool, 2013 Dec;8(4):395-9.
    PMID: 24344963 DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12033
    Although the role of primates in seed dispersal is generally well recognized, this is not the case for colobines, which are widely distributed in Asian and African tropical forests. Colobines consume leaves, seeds and fruits, usually unripe. A group of proboscis monkeys (Colobinae, Nasalis larvatus) consisting of 1 alpha-male, 6 adult females and several immatures, was observed from May 2005 to May 2006. A total of 400 fecal samples from focal group members covering 13 months were examined, with over 3500 h of focal observation data on the group members in a forest along the Menanggul River, Sabah, Malaysia. Intact small seeds were only found in 23 of 71 samples in Nov 2005, 15 of 38 in Dec 2005 and 5 of 21 in Mar 2006. Seeds of Ficus (all <1.5 mm in length) were found in all 3 months and seeds from Antidesma thwaitesianum (all <3 mm) and Nauclea subdita (all <2 mm) only in Nov and Dec, which was consistent with members of the study group consuming fruits of these species mostly at these times. To our knowledge, these are the first records of seeds in the fecal samples of colobines. Even if colobines pass relatively few seeds intact, their high abundance and biomass could make them quantitatively significant in seed dispersal. The potential role of colobines as seed dispersers should be considered by colobine researchers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  17. Song LM, Munian K, Abd Rashid Z, Bhassu S
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:917506.
    PMID: 24396312 DOI: 10.1155/2013/917506
    Conservation is imperative for the Asian snakeheads Channa striata, as the species has been overfished due to its high market demand. Using maternal markers (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (COI)), we discovered that evolutionary forces that drove population divergence did not show any match between the genetic and morphological divergence pattern. However, there is evidence of incomplete divergence patterns between the Borneo population and the populations from Peninsular Malaysia. This supports the claim of historical coalescence of C. striata during Pleistocene glaciations. Ecological heterogeneity caused high phenotypic variance and was not correlated with genetic variance among the populations. Spatial conservation assessments are required to manage different stock units. Results on DNA barcoding show no evidence of cryptic species in C. striata in Malaysia. The newly obtained sequences add to the database of freshwater fish DNA barcodes and in future will provide information relevant to identification of species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  18. Talei D, Valdiani A, Maziah M, Mohsenkhah M
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:408026.
    PMID: 24307869 DOI: 10.1155/2013/408026
    Germination is a key process in plants' phenological cycles. Accelerating this process could lead to improvment of the seedling growth as well as the cultivation efficiency. To achieve this, the effect of microwave frequency on the germination of rice seeds was examined. The physiological feedbacks of the MR 219 rice variety in terms of seed germination rate (GR), germination percentage (GP), and mean germination time (MGT) were analyzed by exposing its seeds to 2450 MHz of microwave frequency for one, four, seven, and ten hours. It was revealed that exposing the seeds to the microwave frequency for 10 hours resulted in the highest GP. This treatment led to 100% of germination after three days with a mean germination time of 2.1 days. Although the other exposure times of microwave frequency caused the moderate effects on germination with a GP(a3) ranged from 93% to 98%, they failed to reduce the MGT(a3). The results showed that ten-hour exposure times of microwave frequency for six days significantly facilitated and improved the germination indices (primary shoot and root length). Therefore, the technique is expected to benefit the improvement of rice seed germination considering its simplicity and efficacy in increasing the germination percentage and rate as well as the primary shoot and root length without causing any environmental toxicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  19. Singham GV, Vargo EL, Booth W, Othman AS, Lee CY
    Environ Entomol, 2012 Apr;41(2):426-31.
    PMID: 22507019 DOI: 10.1603/EN11228
    The fungus-growing termite, Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen), an indigenous species from Southeast Asia distributed from Myanmar to Indonesia and the Philippines, offers great potential as an ecological model system to elucidate the effects of geography on gene flow within this region. We used next generation sequencing (Roche 454 pyrosequencing) to identify microsatellite markers from the genomic DNA of M. gilvus. A modest sequencing volume generated 34,122 reads, with 1,212 (3.6%) reads contains microsatellites with di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexa-nucleotide repeat motifs. Thirty-seven loci were selected for primer development and tested for polymorphism across 22 colonies of M. gilvus. Eleven loci were found to be polymorphic with 2-4 alleles per locus. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged between 0.091-0.727 and 0.090-0.540, respectively. Cross taxa amplification was successful across a panel of four related termite species and four multiplex groups were designed for future population genetic studies. These markers will open new avenues for the study of phylogeography and population genetics of this fungus-growing termite. This study also has effectively demonstrated the use of 454 pyrosequencing for the rapid development of informative microsatellite markers from a termite genome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  20. Zare D, Muhammad K, Bejo MH, Ghazali HM
    J Chromatogr A, 2012 Sep 21;1256:144-9.
    PMID: 22885043 DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.07.083
    Urocanic acid (UCA) has been reported to be a mast cell degranulator and has also been suggested as a complementary agent in implicated scombroid fish poisoning. In this research, a new method is described to extract, clean up and perform simultaneous ion-pair chromatographic analysis of trans- and cis-urocanic acid (UCA) in fish samples. UCA was extracted using 0.05 M HCl and protein was removed from the extract by precipitation with 10% trisodium citrate and 10% citric acid. The HPLC method that is developed showed a rapid, precise and sensitive method with short retention time for simultaneous separation of UCA isomers in fish samples. Estimation of trans- and cis-UCA in the muscle of Indian mackerel, tuna and sardine showed that, as expected, no cis-UCA existed in fish muscles and the highest concentration of trans-UCA was found in Indian mackerel with 118.8 mg kg(-1) while the highest concentrations of trans-UCA in tuna and sardine were 12.1 and 17.5 mg kg(-1), respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
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