Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 293 in total

  1. Lin HC, Cho SH, Ghoshal AG, Muttalif ARBA, Thanaviratananich S, Bagga S, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2016 Jul;95(27):e3854.
    PMID: 27399064 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003854
    Chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis (AR), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and rhinosinusitis are becoming increasingly prevalent in the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific Burden of Respiratory Diseases (APBORD) study was a cross-sectional, observational study which examined the disease and economic burden of AR, asthma, COPD, and rhinosinusitis across Asia-Pacific using 1 standard protocol. Here we report symptoms, healthcare resource use (HCRU), work impairment, and associated cost in Taiwan.Consecutive participants aged ≥ 18 years presenting to a physician with symptoms meeting the diagnostic criteria for a primary diagnosis of asthma, AR, COPD, or rhinosinusitis were enrolled. Participants and their treating physician completed surveys detailing respiratory symptoms, HCRU, work productivity, and activity impairment. Costs including direct medical costs and indirect costs associated with lost work productivity were calculated.The study enrolled 1001 patients. AR was the most frequent primary diagnosis (31.2%). A quarter of patients presented with a combination of respiratory diseases, with AR and asthma being the most frequent combination (14.1%). Cough or coughing up phlegm was the primary reason for the medical visit for patients with asthma and COPD, whereas nasal symptoms (watery runny nose, blocked nose, and congestion) were the primary reasons for AR and rhinosinusitis. Specialists were the most frequently used healthcare resource by patients with AR (26.1%), asthma (26.4%), COPD (26.6%), and rhinosinusitis (47.3%). The mean annual cost per patient with a respiratory disease was US$4511 (SD 5395). The cost was almost double for employed patients (US$8047, SD 6175), with the majority attributable to lost productivity.Respiratory diseases have a significant impact on disease burden in Taiwan. Treatment strategies that prevent lost work productivity could greatly reduce the economic burden of these diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan/epidemiology
  2. Takiya DM, Dietrich CH, Viraktamath CA
    Zookeys, 2013.
    PMID: 24039527 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.319.4326
    The leafhopper subfamily Signoretiinae is redescribed and includes two tribes: Signoretiini Baker and Phlogisini Linnavuori. Redescriptions of included tribes, diagnoses and a taxonomic key to genera are provided. New records for genera of Signoretiinae are as follows: Phlogis in Central African Republic, Malaysia and Thailand; Preta in Thailand; and Signoretia in the Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan (China). Signoretia pacifica is newly recorded from Cameroon. In addition, detailed illustrations of the male genitalia of the previously described species, Chouious tianzeus, Preta gratiosa,and Signoretia yangli are provided; the male genitalia of Signoretia malaya are described for the first time; and two new species of Signoretia are described, Signoretia delicata sp. n. from the Philippinesand Signoretia kintendela sp. n. from the Republic of the Congo.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  3. Wang CC, Chen PY, Wang JD, Liu FC, Huang FL, Lee CY
    Pediatr Neonatol, 2009 Apr;50(2):54-8.
    PMID: 19453079 DOI: 10.1016/S1875-9572(09)60033-4
    An epidemic of influenza B/Malaysia/2506/2004 was reported in Taiwan during the 2006-2007 flu season. We investigated the flu vaccination history and clinical and Laboratory characteristics of children with influenza B infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  4. Taekul C, Johnson NF, Masner L, Polaszek A, Rajmohana K
    Zookeys, 2010.
    PMID: 21594118 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.50.485
    The genus Platyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae, Scelioninae) is a widespread group in the Old World, found from West Africa to northern Queensland, Australia. The species concepts are revised and a key to world species is presented. The genus is comprised of 6 species, including 2 known species which are redescribed: Platyscelioafricanus Risbec (Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zimbabwe); and Platysceliopulchricornis Kieffer (Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam). Five species-group names are considered to be junior synonyms of Platysceliopulchricornis: Platyscelioabnormis Crawford syn. n., Platysceliodunensis Mukerjee syn. n., Platysceliomirabilis Dodd syn. n., Platysceliopunctatus Kieffer syn. n., and Platysceliowilcoxi Fullaway. The following species are hypothesized and described as new taxa: Platyscelioarcuatus Taekul & Johnson, sp. n. (Western Australia); Platysceliomysterium Taekul & Johnson, sp. n. (Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa); Platysceliomzantsi Taekul & Johnson, sp. n. (South Africa); and Platysceliostriga Taekul & Johnson, sp. n. (Western Australia).
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  5. Lin C, Lee CJ, Mao WM, Nadim F
    J Hazard Mater, 2009 Jan 15;161(1):270-5.
    PMID: 18456397 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.03.082
    Sediment samples were analyzed for di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), an organic endocrine disruptor, in Houjing River in southern Taiwan. The average DEHP concentration at 10 sampling locations, spanning from upper, middle, and lower segments of the stream, was calculated at 3.81+/-6.36mgkg(-1)drywt. Highest concentration was recorded at the Jhongsing Bridge (20.22mgkg(-1)drywt.) near the Dashe Industrial Park, followed by the Renwu Bridge (8.93mgkg(-1)drywt.) near the Renwu Industrial Park. The surface sediment concentration of DEHP was found to be higher in the dry season (October and December), and lower in the wet (flood) season (August), indicating that sources of DEHP remained active and continued to recharge the Houjing River. Vertical sediment core analysis revealed that highest concentration occurred at the depth of 40-60cm, indicating that historical discharges of DEPH may have been higher than recent years. Domestic comparison of DEHP concentrations in sediment from highest to lowest could be categorized as northern, southern, central, and eastern Taiwan, respectively, and seemed to be positively correlated with population density and/or industrial activity. Compared to other countries, DEHP concentration of the Houjing River was relatively higher than rivers studied in Japan, Germany, Italy, and Malaysia, and was relatively lower than the Aire and Trent Rivers in the United Kingdom.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  6. Wong Ch, Goh K
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2006 Jul;2(3):e7.
    PMID: 21614253 MyJurnal DOI: 10.2349/biij.2.3.e7
    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the most well recognised human carcinogens. Since its discovery about 40 years ago, HBV has been studied extensively. This article summarises the evidence derived from various studies including epidemiological, animal model, histopathology studies and molecular genetics studies leading to the establishment of HBV as the main aetiological agent for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The reduction in the incidence of childhood HCC due to mass hepatitis B vaccination in Taiwan is a dramatic demonstration of the critical aetiological role of hepatitis B in HCC. Thus it is essential for interventionalists to understand the epidemiological and pathogenesis of HCC to ensure optimal patient care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  7. Chang KF, Fang GC, Chen JC, Wu YS
    Environ Pollut, 2006 Aug;142(3):388-96.
    PMID: 16343719
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are present in both gaseous and particulate phases. These compounds are considered to be atmospheric contaminants and are human carcinogens. Many studies have monitored atmospheric particulate and gaseous phases of PAH in Asia over the past 5 years. This work compares and discusses different sample collection, pretreatment and analytical methods. The main PAH sources are traffic exhausts (AcPy, FL, Flu, PA, Pyr, CHR, BeP) and industrial emissions (BaP, BaA, PER, BeP, COR, CYC). PAH concentrations are highest in areas of traffic, followed by the urban sites, and lowest in rural sites. Meteorological conditions, such as temperature, wind speed and humidity, strongly affect PAH concentrations at all sampling sites. This work elucidates the characteristics, sources and distribution, and the healthy impacts of atmospheric PAH species in Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  8. Cavaljuga S, Faulde M, Scharninghausen JJ
    Bosn J Basic Med Sci, 2003 May;3(2):46-55.
    PMID: 16223373
    At this moment, public health authorities, physicians and scientists around the world are struggling to cope with a severe and rapidly spreading new disease in humans called severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) this appears to be the first severe and easily transmissible new disease to emerge in the 21st century. Though much about the disease remains poorly understood, including the details of the causative virus, we do know that it has features that allow it to spread rapidly along international air travel routes. As of 10 May 2003, a cumulative 7296 probable SARS cases with 526 deaths have been reported from 30 countries on three continents (WHO, ProMED). In the past week, more than 1000 new probable cases and 96 deaths were reported globally. This represents an increase of 119 new cases and 8 new deaths compared with 9 May 2003 (China (85), Taiwan (23), and Hong Kong (7) represented the overwhelming majority, with one additional case each reported from France, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States). Only in China, as of 10 May 2003 (WHO) total of 4884 with 235 deaths have been reported. Some outbreaks have reassuring features.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  9. Koh MT, Liu CS, Chiu CH, Boonsawat W, Watanaveeradej V, Abdullah N, et al.
    Epidemiol Infect, 2016 Apr;144(6):1192-200.
    PMID: 26468043 DOI: 10.1017/S0950268815002393
    Surveillance data on the burden of pertussis in Asian adults are limited. This cross-sectional study evaluated the prevalence of serologically confirmed pertussis in adults with prolonged cough in Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand. Adults (⩾19 years) with cough lasting for ⩾14 days without other known underlying cause were enrolled from outpatient clinics of seven public and/or private hospitals. Single blood samples for anti-pertussis toxin antibodies (anti-PT IgG) were analysed and economic impact and health-related quality of life (EQ-5D) questionnaires assessed. Sixteen (5·13%) of the 312 chronically coughing adults had serological evidence of pertussis infection within the previous 12 months (anti-PT IgG titre ⩾62·5 IU/ml). Three of them were teachers. Longer duration of cough, paroxysms (75% seroconfirmed, 48% non-seroconfirmed) and breathlessness/chest pain (63% seroconfirmed, 36% non-seroconfirmed) were associated with pertussis (P < 0·04). Of the seroconfirmed patients, the median total direct medical cost per pertussis episode in public hospitals (including physician consultations and/or emergency room visits) was US$13 in Malaysia, US$83 in Taiwan (n = 1) and US$26 in Thailand. The overall median EQ-5D index score of cases was 0·72 (range 0·42-1·00). Pertussis should be considered in the aetiology of adults with a prolonged or paroxysmal cough, and vaccination programmes considered.
    Study site in Malaysia: Klinik Kesihatan Seremban, Negeri Sembilan; Primary Care Clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  10. Amerena J, Chen SA, Sriratanasathavorn C, Cho JG, Dejia H, Omar R, et al.
    PMID: 26279634 DOI: 10.4137/CMC.S22022
    A prospective 1-year observational survey was designed to assess the management and control of atrial fibrillation (AF) in eight countries within the Asia-Pacific region. Patients (N = 2,604) with recently diagnosed AF or a history of AF ≤1 year were included. Clinicians chose the treatment strategy (rhythm or rate control) according to their standard practice and medical discretion. The primary endpoint was therapeutic success. At baseline, rhythm- and rate-control strategies were applied to 35.7% and 64.3% of patients, respectively. At 12 months, therapeutic success was 43.2% overall. Being assigned to rhythm-control strategy at baseline was associated with a higher therapeutic success (46.5% vs 41.4%; P = 0.0214) and a lower incidence of clinical outcomes (10.4% vs 17.1% P < 0.0001). Patients assigned to rate-control strategies at baseline had higher cardiovascular morbidities (history of heart failure or valvular heart disease). Cardiovascular outcomes may be less dependent on the choice of treatment strategy than cardiovascular comorbidities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  11. Chen KH, Cann H, Chen TC, Van West B, Cavalli-Sforza L
    Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 1985 Mar;66(3):327-37.
    PMID: 3857010
    A group of Taiwan aborigines, the Toroko, was typed for 21 classical genetic loci. This is part of an ongoing program aimed at a comprehensive study of Taiwan aborigines. In this first paper a short summary of historical, archeological, and anthropological data in the literature is made, and results of the present survey are compared with older results from other aborigine tribes. An analysis of other neighboring populations from southeast Asia has also been carried out in order to give a preliminary answer to the question of origin of Taiwanese aborigines. Fifteen populations were studied for 13 loci by tree analysis, principal components, and isolation by distance. Tree analysis and principal component analysis gave results in fairly good agreement and indicate three major population clusters: a northeast cluster (Ainu, Korea, Japan, and Ryukyu); a southeast cluster (south China, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, and Toroko); and a third cluster including Malaya and Borneo. The positions of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia are somewhat peripheral. Analysis of the tree shows some potential cases of convergence, perhaps owing to admixture, and of divergence. The analysis of isolation by distance shows that geographic propinquity is a reasonably good predictor of general similarity in this area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  12. Bennett AE
    Biol Psychiatry, 1976 Jun;11(3):345-53.
    PMID: 938700
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  13. Zhu H
    Ecol Evol, 2017 12;7(23):10398-10408.
    PMID: 29238563 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3561
    The tropical climate in China exists in southeastern Xizang (Tibet), southwestern to southeastern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, southern Guangdon, southern Taiwan, and Hainan, and these southern Chinese areas contain tropical floras. I checked and synonymized native seed plants from these tropical areas in China and recognized 12,844 species of seed plants included in 2,181 genera and 227 families. In the tropical flora of southern China, the families are mainly distributed in tropical areas and extend into temperate zones and contribute to the majority of the taxa present. The genera with tropical distributions also make up the most of the total flora. In terms of geographical elements, the genera with tropical Asian distribution constitute the highest proportion, which implies tropical Asian or Indo-Malaysia affinity. Floristic composition and geographical elements are conspicuous from region to region due to different geological history and ecological environments, although floristic similarities from these regions are more than 90% and 64% at the family and generic levels, respectively, but lower than 50% at specific level. These differences in the regional floras could be influenced by historical events associated with the uplift of the Himalayas, such as the southeastward extrusion of the Indochina geoblock, clockwise rotation and southeastward movement of Lanping-Simao geoblock, and southeastward movement of Hainan Island. The similarity coefficients between the flora of southern China and those of Indochina countries are more than 96% and 80% at family and generic levels, indicating their close floristic affinity and inclusion in the same biogeographically floristic unit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  14. Jani J, Mustapha ZA, Ling CK, Hui ASM, Teo R, Ahmed K
    Data Brief, 2020 Dec;33:106388.
    PMID: 33102655 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106388
    In 2019, 10 million new cases of tuberculosis have been reported worldwide. Our data reports genetic analyses of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain SBH321 isolated from a 31-year-old female with pulmonary tuberculosis. The genomic DNA of the strain was extracted from pure culture and subjected to sequencing using Illumina platform. M. tuberculosis strain SBH321 consists of 4,374,895 bp with G+C content of 65.59%. The comparative analysis by SNP-based phylogenetic analysis using maximum-likelihood method showed that our strain belonging to sublineage of the Ural family of Europe-America-Africa lineage (Lineage 4) and clustered with M. tuberculosis strain OFXR-4 from Taiwan. The whole genome sequence is deposited at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under the accession WCJH00000000 (SRR10230353).
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  15. Shimizu S, Broad GR, Maeto K
    Zookeys, 2020;990:1-144.
    PMID: 33269011 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.990.55542
    The predominantly tropical ophionine genus Enicospilus Stephens, 1835 is one of the largest genera of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), with more than 700 extant species worldwide that are usually crepuscular or nocturnal and are parasitoids of Lepidoptera larvae. In the present study, the Japanese species of Enicospilus are revised using an integrative approach (combined morphology and DNA barcoding). On the basis of 3,110 specimens, 47 Enicospilus species are recognised in Japan, eight of which are new species (E. acutus Shimizu, sp. nov., E. kunigamiensis Shimizu, sp. nov., E. limnophilus Shimizu, sp. nov., E. matsumurai Shimizu, sp. nov., E. pseudopuncticulatus Shimizu, sp. nov., E. sharkeyi Shimizu, sp. nov., E. takakuwai Shimizu, sp. nov., and E. unctus Shimizu, sp. nov.), seven are new records from Japan (E. jilinensis Tang, 1990, E. laqueatus (Enderlein, 1921), E. multidens Chiu, 1954, stat. rev., E. puncticulatus Tang, 1990, E. stenophleps Cushman, 1937, E. vestigator (Smith, 1858), and E. zeugos Chiu, 1954, stat. rev.), 32 had already been recorded in Japan; three (E. biharensis Townes, Townes & Gupta, 1961, E. flavicaput (Morley, 1912), and E. merdarius (Gravenhorst, 1829)) have been erroneously recorded from Japan based on misidentifications, and four names that were previously on the Japanese list are deleted through synonymy. The following taxonomic changes are proposed: E. vacuus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981, syn. nov. (= E. formosensis (Uchida, 1928)); E. multidensstat. rev.; E. striatus Cameron, 1899, syn. nov. = E. lineolatus (Roman, 1913), syn. nov. = E. uniformis Chiu, 1954, syn. nov. = E. flatus Chiu, 1954, syn. nov. = E. gussakovskii Viktorov, 1957, syn. nov. = E. striolatus Townes, Townes & Gupta, 1961, syn. nov. = E. unicornis Rao & Nikam, 1969, syn. nov. = E. unicornis Rao & Nikam, 1970, syn. nov. (= E. pungens (Smith, 1874)); E. iracundus Chiu, 1954, syn. nov. (= E. sakaguchii (Matsumura & Uchida, 1926)); E. sigmatoides Chiu, 1954, syn. nov. (= E. shikokuensis (Uchida, 1928)); E. yamanakai (Uchida, 1930), syn. nov. (= E. shinkanus (Uchida, 1928)); E. ranunculus Chiu, 1954, syn. nov. (= E. yezoensis (Uchida, 1928)); and E. zeugosstat. rev. = E. henrytownesi Chao & Tang, 1991, syn. nov. In addition, the following new regional and country records are also provided: E. flavocephalus (Kirby, 1900), E. puncticulatus, and E. vestigator from the Eastern Palaearctic region, E. laqueatus from the Eastern Palaearctic and Oceanic regions, and E. maruyamanus (Uchida, 1928) from the Oriental region; E. abdominalis (Szépligeti, 1906) from Nepal, E. flavocephalus from Laos, E. formosensis from Laos and Malaysia, E. insinuator (Smith, 1860) from Taiwan, E. maruyamanus from India and Philippines, E. nigronotatus Cameron, 1903, E. riukiuensis (Matsumura & Uchida, 1926), and E. sakaguchii from Indonesia, E. pungens from 14 countries (Australia, Bhutan, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, and Taiwan), and E. yezoensis from South Korea. An identification key to all Japanese species of Enicospilus is proposed. Although 47 species are recognised in the present study, approximately 55 species could potentially be found in Japan based on ACE and Chao 1 estimators. The latitudinal diversity gradient of Enicospilus species richness is also tested in the Japanese archipelago based on the constructed robust taxonomic framework and extensive samples. Enicospilus species richness significantly increases towards the south, contrary to the 'anomalous' pattern of some other ichneumonid subfamilies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  16. Yusoff MSB
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2019 Jun;14(3):203-240.
    PMID: 31435411 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2019.03.006
    Objectives: Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) have been conducted across the globe in the student selection process, particularly in health profession education. This paper reported the validity evidence of MMI in various educational settings.

    Methods: A literature search was carried out through Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed, and EBSCOhost databases based on specific search terms. Each article was appraised based on title, abstract, and full text. The selected articles were critically appraised, and relevant information to support the validity of MMI in various educational settings was synthesized. This paper followed the PRISMA guideline to ensure consistency in reporting systematic review results.

    Results: A majority of the studies were from Canada, with 41.54%, followed by the United Kingdom (25.39%), the United States (13.85%), and Australia (9.23%). The rest (9.24%) were from Germany, Ireland, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Malaysia. Moreover, most MMI stations ranged from seven to 12 with a duration of 10 min per station (including a 2-min gap between stations).

    Conclusion: The results suggest that the content, response process, and internal structure of MMI were well supported by evidence; however, the relation and consequences of MMI to important outcome variables were inconsistently supported. The evidence shows that MMI is a non-biased, practical, feasible, reliable, and content-valid admission tool. However, further research on its impact on non-cognitive outcomes is required.

    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  17. Duong TV, Aringazina A, Kayupova G, Nurjanah, Pham TV, Pham KM, et al.
    Health Lit Res Pract, 2019 Apr;3(2):e91-e102.
    PMID: 31294310 DOI: 10.3928/24748307-20190225-01
    Background: No comprehensive short-form health literacy (HL) survey tool has been available for general use across Asia.

    Objective: This study aimed to develop and validate a short-form HL instrument derived from the 47-item European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47).

    Methods: A population survey (N = 10,024) was conducted from 2013 to 2015 using the HLS-EU-Q47 in 1,029 participants from Indonesia, 1,845 from Kazakhstan, 462 from Malaysia, 1,600 from Myanmar, 3,015 from Taiwan, and 2,073 from Vietnam. Validation of the short form was evaluated by principle component analysis, internal consistency, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis.

    Key Results: Based on responses from six countries, a 12-item short-form HL questionnaire (HLS-SF12) was developed, retaining the conceptual framework of the HLS-EU-Q47 and accounting for the high variance of the full-form (i.e., 90% in Indonesia, 91% in Myanmar, 93% in Malaysia, 94% in Taiwan, and 95% in both Kazakhstan and Vietnam). The HLS-SF12 was demonstrated to have adequate psychometric properties, including high reliability (Cronbach's alpha = .85), good criterion-related validity, a moderate and high level of item-scale convergent validity, no floor or ceiling effect, and good model-data-fit throughout the populations in these countries.

    Conclusions: The HLS-SF12 was shown to be a valid and reliable tool for HL surveys in the general public in six Asian countries. [HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice. 2019;3(2):e90-e102.].

    Plain Language Summary: A health literacy survey was conducted from 2013 to 2015 in six Asian countries using the European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47). The collected data were used to develop and validate a comprehensive short-form questionnaire. A health literacy questionnaire with 12 items (HLS-SF12) that retains the original conceptual framework of the HLS-EU-Q47 was demonstrated to be reliable and valid.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  18. Nature, 2018 06;558(7711):499.
    PMID: 29950639 DOI: 10.1038/d41586-018-05504-3
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  19. Tsai LH, Chien CY, Chen CB, Chaou CH, Ng CJ, Lo MY, et al.
    Risk Manag Healthc Policy, 2021;14:771-777.
    PMID: 33654444 DOI: 10.2147/RMHP.S272234
    Purpose: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an emerging contagious pathogen that has caused community and nosocomial infections in many countries. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on emergency services of the largest medical center in Taiwan by comparing emergency department (ED) usage, turnover, and admission rates before the COVID-19 outbreak with those during the outbreak.

    Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the ED of the largest tertiary medical center in Taiwan. Trends of adult, non-trauma patients who visited the ED during February-April 2019 were compared with those during February-April 2020. The number of visits, their dispositions, crowding parameters, and turnover rates were analyzed. The primary outcome was the change in ED attendance between the two periods. The secondary outcomes were changes in hospital admission rates, crowding parameters, and turnover rates.

    Results: During the outbreak, there were decreased non-trauma ED visits by 33.45% (p < 0.001) and proportion of Taiwan Triage and Acuity Scale (TTAS) 3 patients (p=0.02), with increased admission rates by 4.7% (p < 0.001). Crowding parameters and turnover rate showed significant improvements.

    Conclusion: Comparison of periods before and during the COVID-19 outbreak showed an obvious decline in adult, non-trauma ED visits. The reduction in TTAS 3 patient visits and the increased hospital admission rates provide references for future public-health policy-making to optimise emergency medical resource allocations globally.

    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
  20. Brandão A, Eng KK, Rito T, Cavadas B, Bulbeck D, Gandini F, et al.
    Hum Genet, 2016 Apr;135(4):363-76.
    PMID: 26875094 DOI: 10.1007/s00439-016-1640-3
    There has been a long-standing debate concerning the extent to which the spread of Neolithic ceramics and Malay-Polynesian languages in Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) were coupled to an agriculturally driven demic dispersal out of Taiwan 4000 years ago (4 ka). We previously addressed this question using founder analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences to identify major lineage clusters most likely to have dispersed from Taiwan into ISEA, proposing that the dispersal had a relatively minor impact on the extant genetic structure of ISEA, and that the role of agriculture in the expansion of the Austronesian languages was therefore likely to have been correspondingly minor. Here we test these conclusions by sequencing whole mtDNAs from across Taiwan and ISEA, using their higher chronological precision to resolve the overall proportion that participated in the "out-of-Taiwan" mid-Holocene dispersal as opposed to earlier, postglacial expansions in the Early Holocene. We show that, in total, about 20 % of mtDNA lineages in the modern ISEA pool result from the "out-of-Taiwan" dispersal, with most of the remainder signifying earlier processes, mainly due to sea-level rises after the Last Glacial Maximum. Notably, we show that every one of these founder clusters previously entered Taiwan from China, 6-7 ka, where rice-farming originated, and remained distinct from the indigenous Taiwanese population until after the subsequent dispersal into ISEA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taiwan
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