Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 121 in total

  1. Chow MF, Yusop Z, Toriman ME
    Water Sci Technol, 2013;67(8):1822-31.
    PMID: 23579839 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.048
    Urbanization and frequent storms play important roles in increasing faecal bacteria pollution, especially for tropical urban catchments. However, only little information on the faecal bacteria levels from different land use types and the factors that influence bacteria concentrations is available. Thus, the objectives of this study were to quantify the levels and transport mechanism of faecal coliforms (FCs) from residential and commercial catchments. Stormwaters were sampled and the runoff flow rates were measured from both catchments during four storm events in Skudai, Malaysia. The samples were then analysed for FC, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS) and ammoniacal-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentrations. Intra-storm and inter-storm characteristics of FC bacteria were investigated in order to identify the level and transport pattern of FC. The commercial catchment showed significantly higher event mean concentration (EMC) of FC than the residential catchment. For the residential catchment, the highest bacterial concentrations occurred during the early part of stormwater runoff with peak concentrations usually preceding the peak flow. First flush effect was more prevalent at the residential catchment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  2. Siri JG, Newell B, Proust K, Capon A
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2016 Mar;28(2 Suppl):15S-27S.
    PMID: 26219559 DOI: 10.1177/1010539515595694
    Extreme events, both natural and anthropogenic, increasingly affect cities in terms of economic losses and impacts on health and well-being. Most people now live in cities, and Asian cities, in particular, are experiencing growth on unprecedented scales. Meanwhile, the economic and health consequences of climate-related events are worsening, a trend projected to continue. Urbanization, climate change and other geophysical and social forces interact with urban systems in ways that give rise to complex and in many cases synergistic relationships. Such effects may be mediated by location, scale, density, or connectivity, and also involve feedbacks and cascading outcomes. In this context, traditional, siloed, reductionist approaches to understanding and dealing with extreme events are unlikely to be adequate. Systems approaches to mitigation, management and response for extreme events offer a more effective way forward. Well-managed urban systems can decrease risk and increase resilience in the face of such events.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  3. Roberts LW, Muul I, Robinson DM
    PMID: 411177
    Numbers of L. (L.) deliense larvae were determined in adjacent habitats over a 16 month period. Both R. argentiventer and R. tiomanicus were highly efficient hosts for L. (L.) deliense. R. argentiventer was host to significantly greater numbers of chiggers per rat than was R. tiomanicus. The 2 habitats were similar in numbers of chiggers collected. No consistent correlation was apparent between numbers of chiggers and any single weather factor, but the chigger population seemed to be adversely affected by a 2 month period during which total evaporation greatly exceeded total rainfall. Direct fluorescent antibody examination of tissues from unfed L. (L.) deliense showed that 2 of 420 larvae (0.5%) contained organisms morphologically resembling R. tsutsugamushi. Considering the vector load and numbers of chiggers being returned to the ground by a given host, a rate of 0.5% appeared adequate to account for the prevalence rate of R. tsutsugamushi observed in the 2 host species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  4. Roslan MA, Shafie A, Ngui R, Lim YA, Sulaiman WY
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 2013 Dec;29(4):328-36.
    PMID: 24551965
    Dengue is a serious public health problem in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to compare the vertical infestation of Aedes population in 2 apartments in Kuala Lumpur with different status of dengue incidence (i.e., high-dengue-incidence area and area with no reported dengue cases). The study was also conducted to assess the relationship between environmental factors such as rainfall, temperature, and humidity and Aedes population that may influence Aedes infestation. Surveillance with a mosquito larvae trapping device was conducted for 28 continuous weeks (January to July 2012) in Vista Angkasa (VA) and Inderaloka (IL) apartments located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The results indicated that both Aedes spp. could be found from ground to higher floor levels of the apartments, with Aedes aegypti being more predominant than Ae. albopictus. Data based on mixed and single breeding of Aedes spp. on different floors did not show any significant difference. Both rainfall (R3; i.e., the amount of rainfall collected during the previous 3 wk before the surveillance period began) and RH data showed significant relationship with the number of Aedes larvae collected in VA and IL. No significant difference was found between the numbers of Aedes larvae in both study areas as well as maximum and minimum temperatures. Results also indicated adaptations of Ae. aegypti to the ecosystem at each elevation of high-rise buildings, with Ae. albopictus staying inside of apartment units.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  5. Muhammad Syazni, Aidalina Mahmud, Suhainizam Muhamad Saliluddin
    Introduction: Dengue fever currently remains as one of the major public health issues in Malaysia. Dengue inci-dence in Malaysia has been increasing in the last 20 years. Dengue fever has been causing an economic burden to the country each year. Vector control is one of the preventions and control activities to reduce its incidence. Vector control activities, especially fogging is a resource-intensive activity. It uses most of the allocated budget of a district health office (33%). The major cost components of the prevention and control activities were human resources and pesticides with 60.7% were for human resources and 13.6% of the costs were for pesticides. Therefore, it is important to know, cost of each fogging activity and the factors that contribute to that cost. The objective of this study was to determine the costs of fogging activities carried out by Hulu Langat Health District Office, Selangor, Malaysia. Meth-ods: This study was a retrospective descriptive and analytical study using data from the Hulu Langat District Health Office for the year 2018. Cost analysis of fogging activities was carried out using the activity-based costing method-ology. The factors associated with, and predictors of, the costs of fogging activities were determined using chi-square and multiple linear regression. Results: In 2018, Hulu Langat District Health Office carried out total of 2,063 fogging activities. The average cost of each fogging activity was estimated as RM 1,579. Types of insecticides was statistically significant associated and predictive factor of the cost of fogging activity. Conclusion: The present study showed that the estimated average cost per fogging activity is RM 1,579 and water-based insecticide was found to be the cheaper option compared to oil-based insecticide. However, as this study did not determine the effectiveness of these insec-ticides, recommendations cannot be made as to which insecticide should be used.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  6. Rahman AM, Jamayet NB, Nizami MMUI, Johari Y, Husein A, Alam MK
    J Prosthet Dent, 2021 Jan 17.
    PMID: 33472753 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2020.07.026
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The climate of tropical Southeast Asia includes high humidity and ultraviolet radiation that reduce the lifespan of silicone prostheses by inducing changes in their mechanical properties and color stability. Studies on the surface roughness (SR) and mechanical properties of different silicone elastomers (SEs) subjected to the natural tropical weather of Southeast Asia are lacking.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the SR, tensile strength (TS), and percentage elongation (% E) of different SEs subjected to outdoor weathering in the Malaysian climate.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Type-II dumbbell-shaped specimens (N-120) (nonweathered=15, weathered=15) were made from 3 room-temperature vulcanized (A-2000, A-2006, and A-103) and 1 heat-temperature vulcanized (M-511) silicone (Factor II). For 6 months, weathered specimens were subjected to outdoor weathering inside a custom exposure rack. Simultaneously, the nonweathered specimens were kept in a dehumidifier. Subsequently, the SR was measured with a profilometer; TS and % E were measured by using a universal testing machine. Two-way ANOVA was used to compare the means of the tested properties of the nonweathered and weathered specimens, and pairwise comparison was carried out between the silicones (α=.05).

    RESULTS: After outdoor weathering, the SR, TS, and % E were adversely affected by weathering in the Malaysian environment. Among the silicone materials, A-2000 showed the least TS changes (2.51 MPa), while A-2006 demonstrated significant changes in percentage elongation after outdoor weathering (266.5%). M-511 exhibited the highest mean value (2.50 μm) for SR changes. In addition, A-103 SE showed statistically significant differences in most pairwise comparisons for all 3 dependent variables.

    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the evaluation of mechanical properties, A-103 can be suggested as a suitable silicone for maxillofacial prostheses fabricated for tropical climates. However, A-2000 can be a suitable alternative, although significant changes to surface roughness were detected after outdoor weathering.

    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  7. Norli, R., Azmi, M.T.
    Introduction : Johor Bahru has one of the highest rates of dengue disease in this country in spite of the implementation of COMBI (Communication for Behavioural Impact) in 2001.
    Methods : To identify factors contributing to this problem, a case control study was conducted, focusing on risk factors such as the weather (rainfall and temperature), environment and sociodemography. Cases were selected from confirmed dengue cases from January to June, 2006. Controls were selected from patients who had no past history of having dengue illness from Health Clinics in Johore Bahru. Both case group and control group were matched by age and sex. All risk factors were analysed using SPSS version 11.5.
    Results : Results from time-series analysis indicated that the cases of dengue illness were related to changes in the minimum temperature (r =-0.149; p
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  8. Raemaekers J
    Folia Primatol., 1980;34(1-2):46-60.
    PMID: 7439871
    The monthly medians of the distances traveled daily by siamang and lar gibbons are negatively correlated with rainfall and positively correlated with the separate and combined abundance of different food categories. The latter correlations indicate that the apes follow a policy of cutting their losses by reducing travel when food abundance falls.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  9. Lowe BG
    Health Phys, 1978 May;34(5):439-44.
    PMID: 568609
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  10. Rusli R, Haque MM, Saifuzzaman M, King M
    Traffic Inj Prev, 2018;19(7):741-748.
    PMID: 29932734 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2018.1482537
    OBJECTIVE: Traffic crashes along mountainous highways may lead to injuries and fatalities more often than along highways on plain topography; however, research focusing on the injury outcome of such crashes is relatively scant. The objective of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the likelihood that traffic crashes along rural mountainous highways result in injuries.

    METHOD: This study proposes a combination of decision tree and logistic regression techniques to model crash severity (injury vs. noninjury), because the combined approach allows the specification of nonlinearities and interactions in addition to main effects. Both a scobit model and a random parameters logit model, respectively accounting for an imbalance response variable and unobserved heterogeneities, are tested and compared. The study data set contains a total of 5 years of crash data (2008-2012) on selected mountainous highways in Malaysia. To enrich the data quality, an extensive field survey was conducted to collect detailed information on horizontal alignment, longitudinal grades, cross-section elements, and roadside features. In addition, weather condition data from the meteorology department were merged using the time stamp and proximity measures in AutoCAD-Geolocation.

    RESULTS: The random parameters logit model is found to outperform both the standard logit and scobit models, suggesting the importance of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity in crash severity models. Results suggest that proportion of segment lengths with simple curves, presence of horizontal curves along steep gradients, highway segments with unsealed shoulders, and highway segments with cliffs along both sides are positively associated with injury-producing crashes along rural mountainous highways. Interestingly, crashes during rainy conditions are associated with crashes that are less likely to involve injury. It is also found that the likelihood of injury-producing crashes decreases for rear-end collisions but increases for head-on collisions and crashes involving heavy vehicles. A higher order interaction suggests that single-vehicle crashes involving light and medium-sized vehicles are less severe along straight sections compared to road sections with horizontal curves. One the other hand, crash severity is higher when heavy vehicles are involved in crashes as single vehicles traveling along straight segments of rural mountainous highways.

    CONCLUSION: In addition to unobserved heterogeneity, it is important to account for higher order interactions to have a better understanding of factors that influence crash severity. A proper understanding of these factors will help develop targeted countermeasures to improve road safety along rural mountainous highways.

    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  11. Khan M, Kakar S, Marwat K, Khan I
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1395-1401.
    Time of weed control and fertilizer application usually decide the profitability of crop production. The effects of weed control and macronutrients on maize crop were investigated. The study was undertaken in March 2009, using a RCBD design with split plot arrangements. The experimental set up was established at the Agricultural University Peshawar and seedbeds were prepared with the proper moisture regime. Maize was planted with one plot left weed free for first six weeks while another infested with weed. The combinations of macronutrients used were nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen-phosphorus, nitrogen-potassium, phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. Control (no fertilizer) was included for comparison. The observations revealed that when a comparison was made between the application of fertilizers and weed control, the latter proved more important because weed infested plots had no harvestable maize plants. The role of main nutrients in crop production is well known and cannot be left aside, however weed infestation does not provide us a fair choice of fertilizers application. The maximum maize grain yield was recorded under nitrogen-phosphorus combination and promising results were obtained. The weeds and maize benefited equally in terms of fresh and dry weed biomass with an application of fertilizer in particular N singly or together with P. In view of this, application of fertilizer should be changed from broadcast to band and/or placement. In general, a positive interaction was seen between N and P promoting the growth of maize and weeds. It can be said that herbicide application for weed control is important because of the fact that hand weeding is not economical, difficult, time consuming because of perennial weeds and hot weather conditions in the month of June.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  12. Ahmad Kamal N, Muhammad NS, Abdullah J
    Environ Pollut, 2020 Apr;259:113909.
    PMID: 31927277 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.113909
    Malaysia is a tropical country that is highly dependent on surface water for its raw water supply. Unfortunately, surface water is vulnerable to pollution, especially in developed and dense urban catchments. Therefore, in this study, a methodology was developed for an extensive temporal water quality index (WQI) and classification analysis, simulations of various pollutant discharge scenarios using QUAL2K software, and maps with NH3-N as the core pollutant using an integrated QUAL2K-GIS. It was found that most of the water quality stations are categorized as Class III (slightly polluted to polluted). These stations are surrounded by residential areas, industries, workshops, restaurants and wet markets that contribute to the poor water quality levels. Additionally, low WQI values were reported in 2010 owing to development and agricultural activities. However, the WQI values improved during the wet season. High concentrations of NH3-N were found in the basin, especially during dry weather conditions. Three scenarios were simulated, i.e. 10%, 50% and 70% of pollution discharge into Skudai river using a calibrated and validated QUAL2K model. Model performance was evaluated using the relative percentage difference. An inclusive graph showing the current conditions and pollution reduction scenarios with respect to the distance of Skudai river and its tributaries is developed to determine the WQI classification. Comprehensive water quality maps based on NH3-N as the core pollutant are developed using integrated QUAL2K-GIS to illustrate the overall condition of the Skudai river. High NH3-N in the Skudai River affects water treatment plant operations. Pollution control of more than 90% is required to improve the water quality classification to Class II. The methodology and analysis developed in this study can assist various stakeholders and authorities in identifying problematic areas and determining the required percentage of pollution reduction to improve the Skudai River water quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  13. Wong JKH, Lee KK, Tang KHD, Yap PS
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Jun 01;719:137512.
    PMID: 32229011 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137512
    The ubiquitous occurrences of microplastics in the environment have raised much concern and resulted in voluminous studies related to microplastics. Studies on microplastics pollution of the marine environment have received significantly higher attention compared to those of the freshwater and terrestrial environments. With the impetus to better understand microplastics in the freshwater and terrestrial environments, this review elucidates the findings of >100 articles related to the prevalence, fates and impacts of microplastics therein and the sustainable solutions, mostly in the past 10 years. This review shows the interconnection between terrestrial and freshwater microplastics with wastewater and sewage treatment plants as the most significant contributors of environmental microplastics via sludge and effluent discharges. Microplastics in both ecosystems comprise the primary and secondary forms with the latter resulted from weathering of the former. Besides retaining in soil and infiltrating with rainwater underground, terrestrial microplastics also enter the freshwater environment. The environmental microplastics interact with the biotic and abiotic components resulting in entrainment, settlement, biofouling, degradation, fragmentation and entry into the food chain, with subsequent transfer across the food chain. The abundance of environmental microplastics is attributed to population density and urbanization though tidal cycle, storms, floods and human activities can affect their distribution. The leaching of additives from microplastics poses major health concern and sustainable solutions target at reduction of plastics use and disposal, substitution with bioplastics and wastewater treatment innovations. Further studies on classification, detection, characterization and toxicity of microplastics are necessary to permit more effective formulation of solutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  14. Khan MF, Hamid AH, Rahim HA, Maulud KNA, Latif MT, Nadzir MSM, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Aug 15;730:139091.
    PMID: 32413602 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139091
    The Southeast Asian (SEA) region is no stranger to forest fires - the region has been suffering from severe air pollution (known locally as 'haze') as a result of these fires, for decades. The fires in SEA region are caused by a combination of natural (the El Niño weather pattern) and manmade (slash-and-burn and land clearing for plantations) factors. These fires cause the emissions of toxic aerosols and pollutants that can affect millions of people in the region. Thus, this study aims to identify the impact of the SEA haze on the Southern region of the Malaysian Peninsula and Borneo region of East Malaysia using the entire air quality observation data at surface level in 2015. Overall, the concentration of PM10 was about two-fold higher during the haze period compared to non-haze period. The concentrations of CO, flux of CO and flux of BC were aligned with PM10 during the entire observation period. The wind field and cluster of trajectory indicated that the Southern Malaysian Peninsula and Borneo were influenced mainly from the wildfires and the combustion of peat soil in the Indonesian Borneo. This study finds that wildfires from Borneo impacted the Southern Malaysian Borneo more seriously than that from Sumatra region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  15. Nui Jia Jun, Khairil Shazmin Kamarudin, Asma Ali, Noor Salihah Zakaria
    Introduction: In Malaysia, private office workers tend to be more physically inactive due to work burden. This study aimed to determine physical activity level, motivation factors and barrier towards physical activity among private office workers. Methods: A cross sectional study using convenience sampling was conducted at nine private com- panies in Selangor involving 106 office workers aged 21 to 55 years old. Self-administered questionnaires includ- ing Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) and Physical Activity Barrier (PAB) were administered. Results: Over half of the respondents (58.5%) were having low physical activity level. The main motivation factors include physical condition, psychological condition and mastery. Meanwhile, tired after work, laziness, lack of discipline, family commitment and adverse weather were the main perceived barriers. A weak positive correlation was found between total motivation score and total physical activity (r=0.296; p=0.002). In contrast, there was a weak negative correlation between barriers and total physical activity (r=-0.237; p=0.015). Conclusion: The current physical activity level, its main motivation factors and barriers among private office workers were identified, providing an opportunity to create effective setting-based health promotion and intervention. It is also recommended that policy suggestions are made to influence and prepare essential partners (e.g. companies and employees) to promote ways of incorporating physical activity into one’s daily routine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  16. Norfazillah Ab Manan, Rozita Hod, Hanizah Mohd Yusoff, Mazrura Sahani, Rosnah Ismail, Wan Rozita Wan Mahiyuddin
    Int J Public Health Res, 2016;6(1):707-712.
    Air pollution has been widely known to have an influence on health of the general population.
    Air pollution can result from natural causes, human activities and transboundary air pollution.
    Weather and climate play crucial role in determining the pattern of air quality. In recent years,
    air pollution and recurrent episodes of haze has become a major concern in Malaysia.
    Surveillance data on concentrations of main air pollutants such as carbon dioxide, (CO2),
    Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM10)
    were found to be higher during the haze days and this may have an impact on health of the
    community as reflected by an increase in hospital admissions particularly the respiratory and
    cardiovascular diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  17. Chow YP, Muhammad J, Amin Noordin BA, Cheng FF
    Data Brief, 2018 Feb;16:23-28.
    PMID: 29167816 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.11.015
    This data article provides macroeconomic data that can be used to generate macroeconomic volatility. The data cover a sample of seven selected countries in the Asia Pacific region for the period 2004-2014, including both developing and developed countries. This dataset was generated to enhance our understanding of the sources of macroeconomic volatility affecting the countries in this region. Although the Asia Pacific region continues to remain as the most dynamic part of the world's economy, it is not spared from various sources of macroeconomic volatility through the decades. The reported data cover 15 types of macroeconomic data series, representing three broad categories of indicators that can be used to proxy macroeconomic volatility. They are indicators that account for macroeconomic volatility (i.e. volatility as a macroeconomic outcome), domestic sources of macroeconomic volatility and external sources of macroeconomic volatility. In particular, the selected countries are Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines, which are regarded as developing countries, while Singapore, Japan and Australia are developed countries. Despite the differences in level of economic development, these countries were affected by similar sources of macroeconomic volatility such as the Asian Financial Crisis and the Global Financial Crisis. These countries were also affected by other similar external turbulence arising from factors such as the global economic slowdown, geopolitical risks in the Middle East and volatile commodity prices. Nonetheless, there were also sources of macroeconomic volatility which were peculiar to certain countries only. These were generally domestic sources of volatility such as political instability (for Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines), natural disasters and anomalous weather conditions (for Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and Australia) and over-dependence on the electronic sector (for Singapore).
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  18. Chong AW, Raman R
    Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2017 Sep;69(3):291-295.
    PMID: 28929057 DOI: 10.1007/s12070-017-1071-z
    Keratosis obturans appears to be an obscure and relatively uncommon entity, even in literature search of journals and reference texts, so much so that there is not even any prevalence or incidence statistics available. However, the condition did not appear to be as uncommon based on our clinical observations. We have managed to obtain 64 patients representing 67 ears with keratosis obturans in our study period of about 18 months with a pattern of occurrence during this period. Humid weather seemed to play a role in the frequency of its appearance during certain period in our observation. There also appears to be a correlation between the severity of symptoms (predominantly pain and hearing loss) and the presenting appearance of the condition, i.e., presence or absence of granulation tissue, as well as that the degree of difficulty in exenteration of the keratosis obturans (matrix and content) depending on the expansion of the bony canal. Our figures showed the majority of the patients are females and young individuals, the majority of them occur unilaterally. The condition also appear to stop short of involving the tympanic membrane with only the bony canal being expanded with the surrounding oedema creating an apparent "canal stenosis".
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  19. Tan SN, Sani D, Lim CW, Ideris A, Stanslas J, Lim CTS
    PMID: 32051689 DOI: 10.1155/2020/8068797
    Edible bird's nest (EBN) which is solidified swiftlet's saliva contains high nutritional value. It is widely consumed in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. However, previous proximate analysis of Malaysia EBN was not representative of all the regions in Malaysia. In recent years, safety issues such as high nitrate and nitrite contents, presence of heavy metal, adulteration, fungal infection, and cancer cell stimulation were associated with EBN. Hence, this study aimed to determine the proximate analysis, safety profile during normal weather and hazy periods, and its effect on cancer cells stimulation in Malaysia-farmed EBN. Seven raw cleaned EBN samples were sourced from 6 different regions in Malaysia. Proximate analysis and safety profile were performed using official AOCA methods and Malaysian Standard. High protein (53.03-56.37%) and carbohydrate content (27.97-31.68%) with an acceptable level of moisture (10.8-14.04%) and ash (2.22-3.38%) were reported. A good safety profile was obtained with low nitrite and nitrate levels, with undetectable heavy metals and no significant growth of pathogenic microorganism except mould. Epidermal growth factor was detected but below the quantification level with the chicken EGF ELISA kit. The microculture tetrazolium (MTT) assay was performed for growth stimulation assessment comparing human EGF and EBN. There was no significant cell growth observed in cancer cells after EBN treatment. In conclusion, EBN Malaysia has a good nutritional profile, free of heavy metals, and an acceptable level of nitrate, nitrite, and microorganism profile except for mould contents. Furthermore, the in vitro study indicated that EBN was not associated with cancer cell growth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
  20. Anyamba A, Chretien JP, Small J, Tucker CJ, Linthicum KJ
    Int J Health Geogr, 2006 Dec 28;5:60.
    PMID: 17194307
    BACKGROUND: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) related climate anomalies have been shown to have an impact on infectious disease outbreaks. The Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA/CPC) has recently issued an unscheduled El Niño advisory, indicating that warmer than normal sea surface temperatures across the equatorial eastern Pacific may have pronounced impacts on global tropical precipitation patterns extending into the northern hemisphere particularly over North America. Building evidence of the links between ENSO driven climate anomalies and infectious diseases, particularly those transmitted by insects, can allow us to provide improved long range forecasts of an epidemic or epizootic. We describe developing climate anomalies that suggest potential disease risks using satellite generated data.

    RESULTS: Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the equatorial east Pacific ocean have anomalously increased significantly during July - October 2006 indicating the typical development of El Niño conditions. The persistence of these conditions will lead to extremes in global-scale climate anomalies as has been observed during similar conditions in the past. Positive Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) anomalies, indicative of severe drought conditions, have been observed across all of Indonesia, Malaysia and most of the Philippines, which are usually the first areas to experience ENSO-related impacts. This dryness can be expected to continue, on average, for the remainder of 2006 continuing into the early part of 2007. During the period November 2006 - January 2007 climate forecasts indicate that there is a high probability for above normal rainfall in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Islands, the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. Gulf Coast and Florida, northern South America and equatorial east Africa. Taking into consideration current observations and climate forecast information, indications are that the following regions are at increased risk for disease outbreaks: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and most of the southeast Asia Islands for increased dengue fever transmission and increased respiratory illness; Coastal Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Colombia for increased risk of malaria; Bangladesh and coastal India for elevated risk of cholera; East Africa for increased risk of a Rift Valley fever outbreak and elevated malaria; southwest USA for increased risk for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome and plague; southern California for increased West Nile virus transmission; and northeast Brazil for increased dengue fever and respiratory illness.

    CONCLUSION: The current development of El Niño conditions has significant implications for global public health. Extremes in climate events with above normal rainfall and flooding in some regions and extended drought periods in other regions will occur. Forecasting disease is critical for timely and efficient planning of operational control programs. In this paper we describe developing global climate anomalies that suggest potential disease risks that will give decision makers additional tools to make rational judgments concerning implementation of disease prevention and mitigation strategies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Weather
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