The cranial chamber (proventriculus) and caudal chamber (ventriculus) of the stomach of the Red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) were examined by means of light microscopy. Both chambers presented folds of the tunica mucosa lined by a simple prismatic epithelium that was positive for neutral mucin. Simple tubular glands occupied the lamina propria of both chambers; in the ventriculus of older birds, they showed a coiled base. These ventricular glands were lined by simple cuboidal cells represented by the chief cells and a few large basal cells. The luminal and tubular koilin rodlets and folds of the ventriculus were positive to periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain. The proventricular glands were situated between the inner and outer layers of the lamina muscularis mucosae. Cells lining the tubulo-alveolar units of the proventricular glands showed a dentate appearance. Vacuoles were not observed, and the cells were negative for Alcian-PAS stain. The tunica submucosa was very thin in the proventricular wall. In the ventriculus, it was not separated from the lamina propria owing to the absence of any lamina muscularis mucosae. The tunica muscularis of the proventriculus was formed by a thick inner layer of circular smooth muscle fibres and a thin outer layer of longitudinal fibres. In addition to these layers, oblique muscle fibres formed the most internal layer of the tunica muscularis in the ventriculus.
INTRODUCTION: This study was undertaken to establish the craniofacial anthropometric norms of young adult Malaysian Malays.
METHODS: The study group consisted of convenient samples of 100 healthy volunteers (aged 18-25 years), with an equal number of female and male subjects who had no history of mixed racial parentage. 22 linear measurements were taken twice from 22 landmarks over six craniofacial regions.
RESULTS: The Malays shared many similar sizes of measurements with the Singaporean Chinese. Their left eye fissure length and mouth width (ch-ch) were almost identical for both genders. However, Malay females had an upper lip height (sn-sto) (left) and ear width (pra-pa) similar to Singaporean Chinese females. Six other measurements, viz. the head width (eu-eu), head circumference (on-op), face height (n-gn), lower face height (sn-gn), (left) eye fissure height (ps-pi), cutaneous upper lip height (sn-ls) and cutaneous upper lip height (ls-sto), were 0.4-4.3 mm less in the Malays. Measurements for another four parameters, viz. the length of the head (g-op), biocular width (ex-ex), lower vermillion height (sto-li) and (left) ear length (sa-sba), were 0.5-3.6 mm higher in the Malays. Only three measurements were obviously different; the height of the head (v-n) and intercanthal width (en-en), were lower, and the protrusion of the nasal tip (sn-prn) was higher in the Malays.
CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that three features, i.e. the height of the head (v-n), intercanthal width (en-en) and protrusion of the nasal tip (sn-prn) may be useful in differentiating a Malay face from a Singaporean Chinese one.
Fast and non-invasive systems of the three-dimensional (3D) technology are a recent trend in orthodontics. The reproducibility of facial landmarks is important so that 3D facial measurements are accurate and may-be applied clinically. The aim of this study is to evaluate the reproducibility of facial soft tissue landmarks using a non-invasive stereo-photogrammetry 3D camera.
Organ weights are routinely measured during autopsies as a crude screening tool to detect possible organ pathology. In several centers, inclusion of major organ weights indicates whether an autopsy report has achieved its standard of practice, which in turn should be subjected to an audit. Previous studies show statistical variation in organ weights across different populations. Malaysian pathologists have relied on Western data and crude subjective determination in the interpretation of normal organ weights. Hence, the need for a reference range as a guide for pathologists is acute. Organ weights from traumatic deaths between 2004 and 2017 were analyzed in the UKM Medical Centre. Statistical analysis was performed to form reference ranges for normal weights of the brain, heart, lung, liver, spleen, and kidneys. In addition, the data were compared between sexes, races, and body mass index values to determine whether organ weights were affected by these parameters. In this study, reference ranges for organ weights are presented for Malaysian adult men and women.
In this study, we demonstrated the occurrence of stomatal patchiness and its spatial scale in leaves from various sizes of trees grown in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia. To evaluate the patterns of stomatal behavior, we used three techniques simultaneously to analyze heterobaric or homobaric leaves from five tree species ranging from 0.6 to 31 m in height: (i) diurnal changes in chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, (ii) observation and simulation of leaf gas-exchange rates and (iii) a pressure-infiltration method. Measurements were performed in situ with 1000 or 500 μmol m(-2) s(-1) photosynthetic photon flux density. Diurnal patterns in the spatial distribution of photosynthetic electron transport rate (J) mapped from chlorophyll fluorescence images, a comparison of observed and simulated leaf gas-exchange rates, and the spatial distribution of stomatal apertures obtained from the acid-fuchsin-infiltrated area showed that patchy stomatal closure coupled with severe midday depression of photosynthesis occurred in Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) Ashton, a higher canopy tree with heterobaric leaves due to the higher leaf temperature and vapor pressure deficit. However, subcanopy or understory trees showed uniform stomatal behavior throughout the day, although they also have heterobaric leaves. These results suggest that the occurrence of stomatal patchiness is determined by tree size and/or environmental conditions. The analysis of spatial scale by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging showed that several adjacent anatomical patches (lamina areas bounded by bundle-sheath extensions within the lamina) may co-operate for the distributed patterns of J and stomatal apertures.
To assess the applicability of Pont's Index in a Malaysian population by obtaining baseline measurements of dental arch shape based on premolar arch width, molar arch width and the combined width of the maxillary incisors. A secondary aim was to determine whether a correlation exists between arch widths, Pont's Index and the facial framework.
Simulium (Nevermannia) khunklangense sp. nov. is described from females, males, pupae and larvae collected in Doi Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand. This new species is placed in the vernum species-group of the subgenus Nevermannia and is similar to S. (N.) chomthongense Takaoka & Srisuka described from Doi Inthanon National Park, Thailand, but is distinguished in the male by the number of enlarged upper-eye facets and the relative width of the hind basitarsus against the hind tibia and femur, and in the pupa by the short common basal stalk of the gill and the cocoon with an anterodorsal bulge or a short anterodorsal projection. Taxonomic notes are provided to separate this new species from five other known species of the vernum species-group, which share an accessory sclerite on the larval abdomen, a rare characteristics in this species-group.
Video vision mixer based skull-photo superimposition is a popular method for identifying skulls retrieved from unidentified human remains. A report on the reliability of the superimposition method suggested increased failure rates of 17.3 to 32% to exclude and 15 to 20% to include skulls while using related and unrelated face photographs. Such raise in failures prompted an analysis of the methods employed for the research. The protocols adopted for assessing the reliability are seen to vary from those suggested by the practitioners in the field. The former include overlaying the skull- and face-images on the basis of morphology by relying on anthropometric landmarks on the front plane of the face-images and evaluating the goodness of match depending on mix-mode images; the latter consist of orienting the skull considering landmarks on both the eye and ear planes of the face- and skull-images and evaluating the match utilizing images seen in wipe-mode in addition to those in mix-mode. Superimposition of a skull with face-images of five living individuals in two sets of experiments, one following the procedure described for the research on reliability and the other applying the methods suggested by the practitioners has shown that overlaying the images on the basis of morphology depending on the landmarks on the front plane alone and assessing the match in mix-mode fails to exclude the skull. However, orienting the skull relying on the relationship between the anatomical landmarks on the skull- and face-images such as Whitnall's tubercle and exocanthus in the front (eye) plane and the porion and tragus in the rear (ear) plane as well as assessing the match using wipe-mode images enables excluding that skull while superimposing with the same set of face-images.
Simulium (Gomphostilbia) sofiani sp. nov. is described on the basis of reared adult female, male, pupal and larval specimens collected from Cameron Highlands, Pahang state, Malaysia. This new species is placed in the ceylonicum species-group within the subgenus Gomphostilbia and is easily distinguished from all the related known species by the combination of the following characteristics: an elongate sensory vesicle and yellow hair tuft on the stem vein of the wing in the female, the greater number of large upper-eye facets (15 or 16 vertical columns and 15 or 16 horizontal rows) and almost entirely darkened hind basitarsus in the male, and the gill bearing a long common basal stalk and 8 filaments arranged as [(1+2)+(1+2)] +2 filaments from dorsal to ventral in the pupa.
This study aimed to define the width and length of the dental arch in 12-year-old Vietnamese children, and to elucidate differences between genders and among ethnic groups. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 4565 12 years-old children from the 4 major ethnic groups in Vietnam (Kinh, Muong, Thai, and Tay), with a healthy and full set of 28 permanent teeth that had never had any orthodontic treatment and with no reconstructive materials at the measured points. The mean variables in all subjects were 36.39 mm for upper inter-canine width; 46.88 mm for upper inter-first molar width; 59.43 mm for upper inter-second molar width; 10.41 mm for upper anterior length; 32.15 mm for upper posterior length 1; 45.52 mm for upper posterior length 2; 28.31 mm for lower inter-canine width; 41.63 mm for lower inter-first molar width; 54.57 mm for lower inter-second molar width (LM2W); 7.06 mm for lower anterior length (LAL); 26.87 mm for lower posterior length 1 (LP1L); and 41.29 mm for lower posterior length 2. Significant differences in these parameters between genders were found in all ethnic groups, except for LAL in the Kinh and Thai groups, and LP1L in the Tay group. Significant ethnic differences were also found in almost all parameters except LM2W in both males and females. Taken together, the representative sizes of dental arches of 12-year-old Vietnamese children have been defined. Our data indicate that there are some variations in dental arch dimensions among ethnic groups and between genders.
The cystic artery (CA) is known to exhibit variations in its origin and branching pattern. This is attributed to the developmental changes occurring in the primitive ventral splanchnic arteries. During routine dissection of a male cadaver, we observed that the CA originated from the middle hepatic artery (MHA) at a distance of about 1 cm from its origin, and the MHA originated from the right hepatic artery at a distance of 2.1 cm from its origin. The CA traversed for a distance of 1.5 cm, giving off a branch to the cystic duct. It then passed anterior to the cystic duct. The origin of the CA was located to the left of the common hepatic duct, outside the Calot's triangle. The topographical anatomy of the arterial system of the hepatobiliary region and their anomalous origin should be considered during hepatobiliary surgeries. This knowledge is also important for interventional radiologists in routine clinical practice.
Euparadistomum is described from 7 species of small mammal in Malaysia. The worms display characteristics intermediate between E. buckleyi Singh and E. pearsoni Talbot particularly with regard to body shape and arrangement of vitelline fields. The nature of morphological variation is discussed and comment made on the possible life-cycle of the parasite.
Establishing identification during skull-photo superimposition relies on correlating the salient morphological features of an unidentified skull with those of a face-image of a suspected dead individual using image overlay processes. Technical progression in the process of overlay has included the incorporation of video cameras, image-mixing devices and software that enables real-time vision-mixing. Conceptual transitions occur in the superimposition methods that involve 'life-size' images, that achieve orientation of the skull to the posture of the face in the photograph and that assess the extent of match. A recent report on the reliability of identification using the superimposition method adopted the currently prevalent methods and suggested an increased rate of failures when skulls were compared with related and unrelated face images. The reported reduction in the reliability of the superimposition method prompted a review of the transition in the concepts that are involved in skull-photo superimposition. The prevalent popular methods for visualizing the superimposed images at less than 'life-size', overlaying skull-face images by relying on the cranial and facial landmarks in the frontal plane when orienting the skull for matching and evaluating the match on a morphological basis by relying on mix-mode alone are the major departures in the methodology that may have reduced the identification reliability. The need to reassess the reliability of the method that incorporates the concepts which have been considered appropriate by the practitioners is stressed.
At first sight, echolocating bats face a difficult trade-off. As flying animals, they would benefit from a streamlined geometric shape to reduce aerodynamic drag and increase flight efficiency. However, as echolocating animals, their pinnae generate the acoustic cues necessary for navigation and foraging. Moreover, species emitting sound through their nostrils often feature elaborate noseleaves that help in focussing the emitted echolocation pulses. Both pinnae and noseleaves reduce the streamlined character of a bat's morphology. It is generally assumed that by compromising the streamlined charactered of the geometry, the head morphology generates substantial drag, thereby reducing flight efficiency. In contrast, it has also been suggested that the pinnae of bats generate lift forces counteracting the detrimental effect of the increased drag. However, very little data exist on the aerodynamic properties of bat pinnae and noseleaves. In this work, the aerodynamic forces generated by the heads of seven species of bats, including noseleaved bats, are measured by testing detailed 3D models in a wind tunnel. Models of Myotis daubentonii, Macrophyllum macrophyllum, Micronycteris microtis, Eptesicus fuscus, Rhinolophus formosae, Rhinolophus rouxi and Phyllostomus discolor are tested. The results confirm that non-streamlined facial morphologies yield considerable drag forces but also generate substantial lift. The net effect is a slight increase in the lift-to-drag ratio. Therefore, there is no evidence of high aerodynamic costs associated with the morphology of bat heads.
Homoplastic evolution of 'unique' morphological characteristics in the Schismatoglottideae - many previously used to define genera - prompted this study to compare morphology and function in connection with pollination biology for Aridarum nicolsonii, Phymatarum borneense and Schottarum sarikeense. Aridarum nicolsonii and P. borneense extrude pollen through a pair of horned thecae while S. sarikeense sheds pollen through a pair of pores on the thecae. Floral traits of spathe constriction, presence and movement of sterile structures on the spadix, the comparable role of horned thecae and thecae pores, the presence of stamen-associated calcium oxalate packages, and the timing of odour emission are discussed in the context of their roles in pollinator management. Pollinators for all investigated species were determined to be species of Colocasiomyia (Diptera: Drosophilidae).