Displaying publications 1261 - 1280 of 10000 in total

  1. Ahmad Mahir Razali, Nurulkamal Masseran, Noriszura Ismail, Malina Zulkifli
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1363-1370.
    The aim of this paper was to identify the determinants that influence vehicle theft by applying a negative binomial regression model. The identification of these determinants is very important to policy-makers, car-makers and car owners, as they can be used to establish practical steps for preventing or at least limiting vehicle thefts. In addition, this paper also proposed a crime mapping application that allows us to identify the most risky areas for vehicle theft. The results from this study can be utilized by local authorities as well as management of internal resource planning of insurance companies in planning effective strategies to reduce vehicle theft. Indirectly, this paper has built ingenuity by combining information obtained from the database of Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia and insurance companies to pioneer the development of location map of vehicle theft in Malaysia.
  2. Faiz Bukhari Mohd Suah, Musa Ahmad, Lee YH
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1795-1805.
    Sensor Al(III) optik berasaskan prinsip pengukuran pantulan dengan menggunakan manik polimer terkandung polimer (PIMs) terpegun telah dibangunkan. Manik PIMs terpegun yang disediakan dalam kajian ini mengandungi manik poli(vinil klorida) (PVC), Aliquat 336, diositil pthalat (DOP) dan reagen eriokrom sianin R (ESR). Sensor yang menggunakan manik PIMs terpegun ini menunjukkan rangsangan yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan sensor yang tidak menggunakan manik PIMs. Masa rangsangan sensor pula ditetapkan selepas 3 min dengan nilai pH optimum 6.0. Sensor Al(III) optik ini memberikan rangsangan linear pada julat 5.56×10-5 - 3.52×10-4 molL-1, dengan nilai had pengesanan terendah (LOD) yang dikira ialah 3.41×10-5 molL-1. Kajian validasi nilai ion Al(III) bagi beberapa sampel air semula jadi yang ditambah dengan ion Al(III) menggunakan sensor Al(III) optik yang dibangunkan dalam kajian ini, menunjukkan tiada perbezaan secara signifikan pada nilai ion Al(III) yang diperoleh apabila dibandingkan dengan keputusan yang diperoleh menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom konvensional.
  3. Norsyazana Ahmad Zamree, Suzyrman Sibly, Noor Azzah Said
    Floods are known to be commonly occurring natural disasters in most part of the world. In 2014, the
    east coast of Peninsular Malaysia was affected by the worst flood ever recorded in history. The worst
    flood affected area were Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. The 2014 flood caused physical and
    monetary losses amounting nearly millions of dollars. Among the worst hit infrastructures in 2014 flood
    disaster were hospitals. This has led to the realization of hospital disaster preparedness and management
    is important which needs to be closely monitored and addressed. This paper investigates the disaster
    preparedness level of selected hospitals affected by flood disasters in Kelantan. Guided interviews with
    the flood-affected hospital disaster committees were carried out and summarized in a summary table to
    give a clear picture of the level of hospital disaster preparedness during the 2014 flood disaster. The
    results show that despite the existence of disaster action plan and protocols there is no standard disaster
    preparedness model being used by hospitals.
  4. Nor Hernamawarni AM, Nor SA, Rahimi CA
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:65-78.
    This study aims to develop and examine the counseling modules in reducing communication apprehension problem experienced in four dimension such as group discussion, meeting, dyad and public speaking by students in higher education institutions. Moreover, this study also aims to observe the effects of main time and time-group interaction. Approach used in this study was quantitative by using quasi-experimental design involving three types of tests, namely the pre-test, post-test and follow-up test. Sample of study involved a total of 60 students at a one of university in northern Malaysia. The study involved two groups namely, the treatment group that used the new approach by the combines solution focused brief counseling and cognitive behavioral and a control group using the existing approach known as cognitive focus group counseling Corey. Personnel Report Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24) questionaire was used to observes the changes in the level of communication apprehension before and after the group counseling intervention. Results indicated that both modules can reduce the communication apprehension among students.
  5. Iqbal Y, Ahmad N, Ihsanullah, Khan S, Saleem M
    The present study was to investigate the use of granular activated charcoal (GAC) as a potential material for removal of toxic aliphatic compounds by adsorption. Commercial granular charcoal was degassed at 105°C, 300°C and 800°C for a period of twenty-four hours, which was then used as an adsorbent for the adsorption of methylamine, dimethylamine and trimethylamine from their aqueous solutions at 25°C. The time dependence studies showed that four hours are the optimum time for the maximum adsorption of the alkylamines, irrespective of their nature and concentrations (0.005M & 0.01M). Adsorption was greater from higher concentration than lower concentration of adsorbate solution. Lower adsorption of alkylamines was observed when the charcoal was evacuated at high temperature. The adsorption sequence of alkylamines followed the order dimethylamine > trimethylamine > methylamine. The amount of adsorption using different adsorption isotherm, i.e. Freundlich and Langmuir were evaluated. L-type isotherms were also observed for the adsorption data. Further, the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were found applicable to the adsorption data and the values of the adsorption capacity i.e. "k" and monolayer adsorption capacity "b" were calculated and in agreement with the adsorption patterns.
    [Kajian dilakukan untuk melihat kegunaan arang teraktif granul sebagai bahan berpotensi untuk mengeluarkan sebatian alifatik toksik dengan jerapan. Arang granulat komersial dinyahgas pada 105°C, 300°C dan 800°C untukj angka masa 24 jam dan seterusnya digunakan sebagai penjerap bagi jerapan metilamina, dimetilamina dan trietilamina dari larutan akueus pada 25°C. Kajian kebergantungan masa menunjukkan bahawa masa optimum untuk jerapan maksimum alkil amina ialah 4 jam, tidak kita bentuk dan kepekatan (0.005M & 0.01 M). Pencapaian jerapan adalah lebih tinggi pada kepekatan tinggi dibandingkan dengan larutan jerap berkepekatan rendah. Jerapan rendah oleh alkilamina diperhatikan apabila arang dinyahgas pada suhu tinggi. Susunan jerapan alkilamina diperhatikan apabila arang dinyahgas pada suhu tinggi. Susunan jerapan alkilamina mengikut tertib dimetilamina > trimetilamina > metilamina. Amaun jerapan menggunakan isoterma jerapan berbeza, iaitu Freundlich dan Langmuir telah dinilai Isoterma jenis juga diperhatikan untuk data jerapan. Tambahan pula, isoterma Freundlich dan Langmuir didapati berguna untuk data jerapan dan nilai kapasiti jerapan, iaitu 'k' dan kapasiti jerapan lapisan mono dihitung dan didapati konsisten dengan corak jerapan].
  6. Safarina Ahmad, Ismanizan Ismail, Zamri Zainal, NurulFarhana Zakaria
    Kajian ke atas kaedah inokulasi eksplan menggunakan vektor penandaan tanpa promoter, pCAMDIN ke atas tomato varieti tempatan MT1, bagi tujuan mutagenesis penyelitan T-DNA menggunakan kaedah infiltrasi agro telah dijalankan. Bahagian daun muda disuntik dengan larutan yang mengandungi Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 100 mg/l Str, 50 mg/l Kan, 10mM MES dan 100 μM Acetosyringone. Infiltrasi dilakukan ke atas sampel daun dengan menggunakan medium LB, bahagian permukaan daun dilukakan dan infiltrasi agro dilakukan ke atas sampel daun pokok tomato yang berada di dalam rumah kaca. Tisu yang diinfiltrasi tidak mengalami kecederaan dan kekal hijau selepas 5 hari. Infiltrasi yang
    mudah dilakukan dan pengekspresan transien GUS yang dapat dicerap berlaku pada sampel yang dianalisa adalah antara kebaikan kaedah ini. Seterusnya, fragmen gen gus telah berjaya diamplifikasi. Kejayaan integrasi gen gus ke dalam tomato juga dapat dilihat melalui penghibridan Southern. Berdasarkan keputusan ini, dapat dicadangkan bahawa penyelitan transgen daripada vektor rekombinan pCAMDIN telah berlaku dalam genom tomato.
  7. Hashim U, Abdul Fatah M, Ahmad I, Majlis B
    A study was performed on a series of ultra thin SiO2 films in order to determine the factors affecting the oxide growth and also the effect of temperature to the film surface roughness. The samples of ultra thin SiO2 were prepared through a dry oxidation method using a high temperature furnace. There are three levels of temperature used, that is 900, 950 and 1000°C and the samples were grown at 0.333 litre/min, 0.667 liter/min and 1 liter/min oxygen flow rate and different oxidation times of 1, 2 and 3 minutes. The thickness was determined using an ellipsometer and the micro morphology of the oxide surface was obtained by using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The thickness of the oxide ranged from 1 to 5 nm. All the data has been interpreted using Taguchi’s method to analyze the most affecting factors in producing an ultra thin silicon dioxide. The optimum parameters are 900°C, 0.333 litre/min and at 1 minute time. The most influential parameter is temperature. The temperature also affects the surface roughness. The AFM result of 950°C with RMS value of 0.1088 nm is better than the 900°C oxide with RMS value 0.4553 nm. This shows that oxides need to be grown at a higher temperature to provide better surface roughness which is also important in ultra thin gate oxide characteristics.
  8. Ahmad Nazrul Rosli, Hasan Abu Kassim, Shrivastava K
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39:281-283.
    We used the density functional theory to calculate the vibrational frequencies of clusters of atoms. We obtained the bond distances and angles for which the energy of the Schrödinger equation is minimum. We found the bond distance between two Se atoms to be 232.1 pm when double zeta wave function was used. The frequency of oscillations was calculated to be 325.3 cm-1 but the intensity was zero because Se2 molecules were present in a very small number. When polarised double zeta wave function (DZP) was used, the bond length of Se2 was found to be 223.1 pm and the frequency is 367.4 cm-1. Similarly for other clusters of selenium, we calculated the frequencies and compared with the experimental data. The experimental Raman spectra give 250 cm-1 for a selenium glass. By comparing the experimental frequencies with those calculated we found that linear Se3 was present in the glass. This indicates the possibility of linear growth in the glass.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:205-211.
    Nata de coco, a dessert originally from the Philippines is produced by fermentation of coconut water with a culture of Acetobacter xylinum, a gram negative bacterium. Acetobacter xylinum metabolizes glucose in coconut juice and converts it into bacterial cellulose that has unique properties including high purity, crystallinity and mechanical strength. Because the main component of nata de coco is bacterial cellulose, nata de coco was purified, extracted and characterized to determine whether pure cellulose could be isolated from it. The FTIR spectra of bacterial cellulose from nata de coco showed distinguish peaks of 3440 cm-1, 2926 cm-1, 1300 cm-1, 1440 cm-1, 1163 cm-1 and 1040 cm-1, which correspond to O-H stretching, C-H stretching, C-H bending, CH2 bending, C-O-C stretching and C-O stretching, respectively, and represent the fingerprints of pure cellulose component. Moreover, the FTIR curve showed a pattern similar to other bacterial cellulose spectra reported by report. Thermal analysis showed a DTG peak at 342°C, which falls in the range of cellulose degradation peaks (330°C - 370°C). On the other hand, the TGA curve showed 1 step of degradation, and this finding confirmed the purity of nata de coco. Bacterial cellulose powder produced from nata de coco was found to be soluble only in cupriethylenediamine, a well known solvent for cellulose; thus, it was confirmed that nata de coco is a good source of bacterial cellulose. The purity of bacterial cellulose produced from nata de coco renders it suitable for research that uses pure cellulose.
  10. Ahmad Nazarudin Mohd Roseli, Tsan Fui Ying, Mohd Fauzi Ramlan
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1187-1192.
    Syzygium myrtifolium (Roxb.) Walp. is a popular landscape plant in Malaysia. This species is always planted as hedge plant and topiary. However, it requires frequent trimming to maintain its form and aesthetic functions as it grows vigorously. Conventional trimming technique by using trimming shear or trimming machine is currently practiced in landscape maintenance which is time consuming, labour intensive and costly. Therefore, a study was conducted to investigate the effects of a plant growth retardant, paclobutrazol, on the growth and physiological response of S. myrtifolium. The plants were planted in polyethylene bags sized 33 cm in height × 27 cm in diameter and filled with soil, organic matter and sand (3:2:1). Paclobutrazol at rates of 0, 1.25, 2.50 and 3.75 g L-1 were soil drenched at 30 days after the plants were trimmed and new shoots were produced. Paclobutrazol significantly reduced plant height and leaf area but increased the leaf area index. Reduced photosynthetic rates were recorded with the treated plants as compared to the control plants. In addition, paclobutrazol at 3.75 g L-1 significantly reduced the transpiration rate as compared with the control plants and plants treated with 1.25 g L-1 of paclobutrazol. However, stomatal conductance was not affected significantly by paclobutrazol. The growth inhibition effect of paclobutrazol reduced the trimming activity in S. myrtifolium. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement indicated that physiological processes in the paclobutrazol-treated plants were not affected. Paclobutrazol is concluded to offer a better approach in maintaining the growth of S. myrtifolium.
  11. Azizah Ahmad Fauzi, Zaleha Shafiei, Badiah Baharin, Nurulhuda Mohd
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:19-24.
    Bacteriocin or Bacteriocin like inhibitory substances (BLIS) is a protein antibiotic that has a relatively narrow spectrum of killing activity. It could potentially serve as a natural alternative to antibiotics in reducing the development of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Antimicrobial activity of the strains of Lactobacillus sp. isolated from healthy subjects (test strains) against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and other periodontal pathogens (indicator strains) isolated from subgingival plaques of aggressive periodontitis patients were determined by using deferred antagonism test and agar-well diffusion method. Strains of Lactobacillus sp., Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and black pigmented bacteria were selectively isolated from TJA, TSBV and TSBA agars, respectively. Mean diameter zone of inhibition of at least 10 mm was considered as positive results for both methods. Out of 25 strains of Lactobacillus sp. screened, only eight test strains of Lactobacillus sp. showed the specific antimicrobial activity against certain strains of indicator periodontal pathogens during deferred antagonism test. However, out of eight potential strains, only three strains, which were Lactobacillus sp. strain S, Lactobacillus sp. strain V and Lactobacillus sp. strain W consistently showed positive inhibitory activity against black pigmented bacteria by deferred antagonism test and agar-well diffusion method. Therefore, these three strains should be considered as potential BLIS producer strains for further study.
  12. Ahmad A, Abd. Aziz Z, Shuhaimi-Othman M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1657-1663.
    A study on the chironomids (Diptera:Chironomidae) diversity at pristine ecosystem was carried out at upstream of Sungai Langat, Selangor. The study determines chironomids distribution and composition at 7 streams and river within the upstream site of Langat Catchment. Chironomid was sampled using Surber net and water quality was measured based on Malaysia WQI. The result indicated that Chironomidae was represented by three subfamilies namely Chironominae, Orthocladiinae and Tanypodinae, which comprises of 2502 individuals. Chironominae was the most dominant subfamily (1619 individuals) followed by Orthocladinae (629 individuals) and Tanypodinae (254 individuals). Polypedilum (subfamily: Chironominae) is the most dominant genus found followed by Rheocricotopus (subfamily: Orthocladiinae), Microtendipes and Cryptochironomus. Polypedilum was abundant in all stations except Sg. Langat 3 which was dominated by Rheocricotopus. Sungai Langat 3 has the highest number of individual (1113) which is (44.5%) from total chironomid individual and followed by Sg. Lolo with 468 individuals that were dominated by Polypedilum.
  13. Haryati Yaacob, Mohd Rosli Hainin, Ahmad Safuan, Chag FL
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:467-474.
    Quality of bond between layers of asphaltic concrete course is a key element to ensure the performance of a modern asphalt pavement. A proper interlayer bond ensures the structural integrity of the pavement and prevents possible distresses from occurring within the designed service life. In Malaysia, delamination is a common distress related to insufficient degree of adhesion though slippage failure can be occasionally encountered. Generally, bond development is closely related to the design factors and construction factors. This paper however focused on the construction factors only, hoping to provide some useful information which might be overlooked by the contractors during construction but is of extreme important especially in enhancing the bond development in the asphalt layers. The construction factors in particular interest discussed in this paper include curing time of asphalt emulsion, surface condition of a pavement and technology and quality of workmanship and construction. It is important to note that both design factors and construction factors are inter-related in optimizing the degree of adhesion. Thus, all factors need to be carefully identified and fulfilled in order to maximize the bond strength between pavement surfacing layers for a better quality and longer service life of pavement in Malaysia.
  14. Muhamad Rusdi Ahmad Rusmil, Iekhsan Othman, Che Anuar Che Mohamad
    Venom is a mixture of biologically active toxins that affect normal physiological functions. With the advance in technology, the complexity and functions of venom and its toxins are slowly being revealed. It has become important source for therapeutic, diagnostic and cosmetic agents. However, there is concern among the Muslim community pertaining to halal and safety issues on the venom and venom-derived product usage. There are few studies that discuss the Islamic views in the usage of venom and venom-based product in medicine and cosmetic applications. There is a need for Muslim scientists and scholars to seriously identify the potential ethical and safety issues in the usage of venom and venom-derived products in view of the widespread application in medicine and cosmetic, which subsequently forming the basis for relevant and reliable shariah ruling. This is an attempt to review the relevant articles based on the following keywords: venom and Islamic ruling, venom-based product, venom and medicine, venom and cosmetic, antivenom, venom toxin, snake poison and venom diagnostics. It will also attempt to clarify and elaborate the implication of the “halal” status for venom-based product. Finaly the current available shariah rulings on the usage of venom and venom-based product both in medical and cosmetic area and the related principle of fiqh involved will be analyzed. The findings from this review, particularly the current available ruling will allow various parties to be well informed on the current ruling and related issues on the usage of this products.
  15. Nadzirah Ahmad B, Chen T, Kumagai S, Chen S
    Previous studies demonstrated that perceived overweight has a larger role than actual body weight does in suicidal ideation and attempts. Despite high suicidal rate found among university students, studies have been limited in examining the role of perceived overweight in relation to suicidality in this population. This study aims to examine the relationship between a wish to die with perceived overweight and actual weight, measured by Body Mass Index (BMI) in university students. The sample comprised of 2,000 incoming freshmen in a Japanese university. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the association between a wish to die and perceived overweight and actual weight. Results indicated a wish to die prevalence of 5.8% (n=115) and perceived overweight prevalence of 15.8% (n=315) among the freshmen. Perceived overweight significantly increased the odds of a wish to die by two-fold (Odds Ratio (OR) =2.01, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 1.20- 3.37), in contrast to actual weight which was not significantly associated with a wish to die. Findings implied the necessity to promote healthy attitudes towards body weight and self-acceptance regardless of weight status among university students that could reduce the potential risk of a wish to die from progressing along the continuum of suicidality in later life.
  16. Ahmad A.M., Shuhaimi Othman, Barzani-Gasim M., Mohd Alwi N.
    A preliminary study was conducted to determine the presence and abundance of aquatic worms in Lake Chini ecosystem, Pahang (Gumum Sea). Samplings were conducted twice in 2000. Water quality analysis was conducted to determine the water quality of the lake at the sampling locations. Results showed that nutrient levels in the water body was low and values for other physical parameters such as temperature, pH and conductivity suggested that Gumum Sea in Lake Chini is free from pollution. According to Malaysian interim river classification (Department of Environment, Malaysia), Lake Chini falls within class I to III which indicates good water quality. Annelida was the most dominant phylum found in the study area, which comprise of two major families namely Naididae and Tubificidae. This phylum contributed about 59% of the total individuals sampled and the rests were Arthropoda and Plathyhelmintes. Naididae was the most dominat family and contributed over 98% of the toal population of aquatic worms present. Dero, Aulophorus, Pristina, Branchiodrilus and Ripistes were amongst the dominant genera and showed good adaptations to the pollution free ecosystem of Lake Chini.
  17. Khairul Nizam Mohd Ramli, Che Abd. Rahim Mohamed, Zaharuddin Ahmad
    Sains Malaysiana, 2007;36:9-13.
    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti kepelbagaian nisbah 234U/238U yang wujud di dalam jumlah pepejal terampai (TSS) pada lapan stesen yang berbeza di Kuala Selangor, Selangor. Prosedur kajian ini melibatkan proses persampelan, pemendakan, resin penukaran anion, pemendakan elektrik dan teknik pengiraaan spektrometer alfa. Nisbah 234U/238U adalah paling tinggi di Stesen 8 (234U/238U = 2.98) dan Stesen 2 (234U/238U = 3.34) pada persampelan pertama. Manakala pada persampelan kedua julat nisbah 234U/238U adalah lebih luas iaitu antara 1.29 (Stesen 4) hingga 11.57 (Stesen 6). Ini disebabkan oleh berlakunya pergerakan 234U bersama-sama mikroorganisme di dalam fasa terampai dan berlaku proses penurunan U(VI) kepada U(IV) yang akan memendakkan uranium daripada air ke dalam sedimen.
  18. Ahmad Zaharin Aris, Mohd Harun Abdullah, Praveena SM
    Groundwater is the prime source of freshwater in most small islands. A detailed groundwater and seawater chemistry study was undertaken from March 2006 to January 2007 to examine the evolution of groundwater in the shallow aquifer of Manukan Island, Sabah, Malaysia. Coastal groundwater aquifers especially for small islands are often exposed to heavy pumping and consequently to risks of seawater intrusion. Major ion chemistry analysis showed that the groundwater quality of the island experienced changes attributed to seawater intrusion. The groundwater has undergone a compositional change from Ca-rich to Na-rich which can be explained mostly by simple mixing process and cation exchange process. From the PHREEQC simulation model, calcite, dolomite and aragonite solubility showed positive mean values (0.65; 1.11; 0.51, respectively) of the saturation indices (SI) indicating supersaturation which attributed from the simple mixing and eventually cation exchange process. This information is important in protecting and remediating the disturbed aquifer situation.
  19. Araoyinbo AO, Ahmad Fauzi M, Sreekantan S, Azizan Aziz
    The formation of nano pores on aluminum at 30oC- 38oC, employing a one step anodization technique which does not require removing the oxide layer formed is presented. A 20% phosphoric acid electrolyte (concentration higher than the normal anodization concentration of 5 to 10%) at a cell potential of 60 volts was used. A platinum electrode was used as the cathode electrode while the aluminum substrate as the anode electrode. A dc powered electrochemical cell to provide the required amount of current density (without the use of temperature controlled water bath) suitable or necessary for pore formation at room temperature was employed. The results obtained show that pore formation at room temperature is achievable and the pore diameter ranged between 80-120 nm.
  20. Sahilah A, Nor’ Aishah H, Noraida I, Ahmad Azuhairi A
    Twenty (n=20) beef isolates of Escherichia coli O157:H7 were examined for the detection of Shiga- toxin 1 and 2 (stx1 and stx2) genes by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and characterized using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR) fingerprinting. All isolates were obtained from the laboratory of Food Science and Biotechnology, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor. In the detection of stx1 and stx2 genes, 14 of isolates (14/20) were positive to stx1 and stx2. 5 isolates (5/20) were positive to stx1 and 1 isolate (1/20) was negative by either of stx1 or stx2 genes. Using RAPD-PCR analysis, two oligonucleotides were chosen because they yielded clearly and reproducible band. There were OPAR8 (5’-TGGGGCTGTC-3’) and OPAR20 (5’-ACGGCAAGGA-3’). Subsequently, all 20 isolates of E.coli O157:H7 were subtyped using OPAR8 and OPAR20. Primer OPAR8 produced 8 RAPD-PCR fingerprinting namely P1 to P11. Whereas, OPAR20 produced 16 RAPD-PCR fingerprinting of Q1-Q18. Combination of two primers was analyzed using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA). Dendogram performed from cluster analysis showed that all the 20 isolates of E.coli O157:H7 differentiated into 20 individual isolates which may suggest the high level of local geographical genetic variation.
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