Displaying publications 1361 - 1380 of 1933 in total

  1. Goh Shu Meng, Swe
    Introduction: Smartphone addiction is a hotly debated public health issue and it affects every generation especially the youth and younger generation nowadays (Generation Z / i-Generation) and contributes to the poor mental health status like stress, anxiety and depression. This study is carried out to determine the prevalence of smartphone addic-tion and its association with stress, anxiety and depression among the undergraduate students in Unitversity Malaysia Sabah. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. A total number of 456 undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah with at least a smartphone device were enrolled in the study by stratified random sampling. A self-administered questionnaire, Smartphone Addiction Scale Malay Version (SAS-M) and The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21 Items (DASS-21) Malay Version were used for data collection. The prevalence of smartphone addiction, stress, anxiety and depression among un-dergraduate students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah were determined. Simple linear regression was used to determine the effect of smartphone addiction to stress, anxiety and depression. Results: Prevalence of smartphone addiction among undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah is 61.2% (95% CI : 56.5%, 65.7%). The prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression among undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah are 34.9%, 58.6% and 42.5% respectively. The univariate analysis shows that smartphone addiction is significantly associated with stress (Regression Coeeficient = 0.774, 95% CI 0.54, 1.01 ; P-value
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Al-Okaily M, Alqudah H, Matar A, Lutfi A, Taamneh A
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug 18.
    PMID: 32837976 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106176
    The COVID-19 pandemic has produced an unprecedented change in the educational system worldwide. Besides the economic and social impacts, there is a dilemma of accepting the new educational system "e-learning" by students within educational institutions. In particular, universities students have to handle several kinds of environmental, electronic and mental struggles due to COVID-19. To catch the current circumstances of more than two hundred thousand Jordanian university student during COVID-19. 2,500 students have been randomly selected to respond on an online survey using universities' portals and websites between March and April 2020. At the end of the data gathering process, we have received 587 records. The dataset includes 1) Demographics of students; 2) students' perspectives concerning the factors influencing their intention to use e-learning system within the Jordanian universities context. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Next, the result has confirmed the positive of direct effect variables (subjective norm, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness) on the students' intention to use e-learning system. Next, the result has also confirmed the mediating effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use between subjective norm and the behavioral intention to use the e-learning system with partially supported.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Shahzad A, Hassan R, Aremu AY, Hussain A, Lodhi RN
    Qual Quant, 2020 Aug 04.
    PMID: 32836471 DOI: 10.1007/s11135-020-01028-z
    In response to the emerging and ever solution to the COVID-19 outbreak. This study proposes a theoretical framework based on literature and model to determined E-learning portal success. The study compared males and females to E-learning portal usage. The study objective is to check the difference between male and female E-learning portals' accessibility among the students' perspective. The study included service quality, system quality, information quality, user satisfaction, system use, and E-learning portal success. The empirical data of 280 students participated from the different universities of Malaysia through google surveys analyzed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. The study further divided the full model into two domains, which are female and male. In the male model, information quality and system quality have direct relationships with user satisfaction. Information quality also supported the relationship with system use. At the same time, there is a positive relationship between user satisfaction and E-learning portals. Likewise, in the female model, E-service quality and Information quality both are supported by system use and user satisfaction. Similarly, system quality has a positive relationship with user satisfaction, and user satisfaction has a positive relationship with E-learning portals. The study will be further helpful for the Malaysian universities policy-makers such as top management, ministry of higher education, Malaysian universities union in designing the policies and programs on E-learning Portal Success in the country. The findings of the study reveal that males and females have a different level of in terms of usage of towards E-learning portals in Malaysian Universities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Norshida Hashim, Tuan Sarifah Aini Syed Ahmad, Siti Nur Dina Mohd Ali, Norfazlika Abd Karim
    Vocabulary is essential in mastering any languages. However, learning vocabulary is tedious as it requires students to memorize numerous words and perform a lot of exercises. Thus, it is essential to provide fun learning activities for learning vocabulary in order to promote students’ engagement in the learning process. Since the Arabic language is learnt in various levels of learning institutions such as schools and universities, a card game has a great potential to be utilized as a learning tool to enhance the learning of Arabic language vocabulary. This paper investigated perceptions of students on using a card game named as Ahsulu! in learning the Arabic language vocabulary at the intermediate level of Arabic language proficiency. This study involved students of Degree in Biology and Degree in Chemistry at Universiti Teknologi MARA Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Pilah Campus, Malaysia, who were selected based on purposive sampling. The data gathered by using an online survey and were analyzed descriptively by using Social Science Statistical Package (SPSS) Version 23. The findings suggest that using Ahsulu! as a learning tool could promote fun learning, ensure learning to take place and increase communication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Wang N, Rahman MNBA, Daud MAKBM
    Front Psychol, 2020;11:593063.
    PMID: 33584429 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.593063
    In order to improve early childhood physical education, in this study, the talent cultivation mechanism for undergraduates was explored under the "full-practice" concept, oriented by preschooler mental health. First, from the perspective of preschooler psychology, the mechanisms of ability training and talent cultivation for undergraduates majoring in early childhood education were explored under the "full-practice" concept. Considering that the physical, psychological, and intellectual development of preschoolers shall follow the rules of physical education, and current early childhood education mainly focuses on intelligence education in China, early childhood physical education was analyzed further in this study. By investigating the undergraduate majors of early childhood education in Henan University, this study first summarized the current problems in early childhood education systems in universities. Secondly, combined with the form of physical education in kindergartens, strategies for talent cultivation and curriculum setting of early childhood physical education majors in colleges and universities were proposed. Finally, from the perspective of innovation and diversification of training forms, the cultivation of early childhood educators' physical education ability was analyzed at multiple levels and multiple objectives, and the integrated training system of early childhood education talents was constructed. The results show that, among all the courses for early childhood education major, compulsory courses account for 81.2% and optional courses account for 18.8%. In addition, a survey on undergraduates' attitudes toward the curriculum of their major demonstrates that 81.2% of the undergraduates thought that the range and content of practical courses should be increased, indicating that undergraduates majoring in early childhood education are dissatisfied with the current curriculum system, and they have an increased demand for practical courses. Correspondingly, it is vital to build and improve on the early childhood physical education. In terms of its talent cultivation, the "full-practice" concept helps combine theory with practice to improve the effectiveness of education and teaching, pushing forward the reform of the education system. Meanwhile, data- and intelligence-oriented teaching will become the new direction of modern sports development, as well as an important link for tracking and monitoring children's sports teaching in China. Through the continuous introduction of wearable artificial intelligence (AI) products, real-time monitoring of children's physical conditions can be realized, which helps improve the effectiveness of early childhood physical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  6. Nurul Izzati Binti Hasnun, Nurul Aziera Binti Zainol Abidin, Nurhana Binti Roslan, Mohamad Shukri Bin Abdul Hamid
    Friendship is a topic that should be emphasized and studied, and it can be positive or negative. There are many forms of friendship that can be termed, but it may also differ from one's perspective and certain characteristics of a person. The value of friendship is very important to study in order to know the level of our friendships. In college student development, peer influence can also influence student engagement in engaging in their college activities. It can be seen in terms of involvement in sports activities, curriculum activities and more. The main purpose of this study was to develop of Friendship instrument in chemistry and engagement of SQS UUM students and find the relationships between genders with chemistry and engagement. Using Factor Analysis in order to develop valid and reliable of the friendship Instrument based on chemistry and engagement. In order to study the validity of the data, face validity was used before the instrument was distributed in which the pilot study was conducted. To determine which factor is best, the analysis uses varimax rotation and selects which component is best and meets the criteria. Normality test was used to find the data was normal or nonnormal. Spearman Correlation and Chi Square Test method used in the non-normal data to find the relationship of selected variables.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  7. Seif AA, Eldamanhoury HM, Darahim K, Boulos DNK, Bahaa N, A M C, et al.
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2021 Mar 01;45(1):109-120.
    PMID: 33544038 DOI: 10.1152/advan.00166.2020
    The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the primary diagnostic tool in cardiovascular diseases. Hence its interpretation is a core competency in medicine, where obvious deficiencies have been reported among learners. The aim of this study was to introduce the fundamentals of ECG knowledge and interpretation through early clinical exposure (ECE) based on a six-step approach for preclinical students (n = 110) and to study its influence on their knowledge and interpretation skills thereafter. The first step employed a blended learning format using didactic lectures on normal and pathological ECGs, each preceded by preinstructional videos. The second step focused on psychomotor skills and utilized laboratory exercises for ECG recording and interpretation. The third step focused on vertical integration, where the clinical relevance of the procedure was established with integrated lectures. The fourth step used the Moodle platform, where opportunities for peer interactions and clarifications by clinical faculty were made available. The fifth step incorporated clinical and diagnostic reasoning through cardiology ward visits and interpretation of patient ECGs. The sixth step was designed for critical thinking and problem solving through case-based discussions with peers and faculty. Students were assessed with multiple-choice questions and objective structured practical examination. Learner perceptions of the approach were evaluated with a feedback questionnaire and focus group discussion. Statistical analysis showed that ECE through a six-step approach significantly enhanced knowledge and interpretation of ECG as evidenced by the pre- and posttest scores. Analysis of the focus group data revealed that learner engagement and skills of critical thinking were enhanced along with diagnostic and clinical reasoning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Rohin, M. A. K., Sagar, H., Ridzwan, N.
    The present work aimed to investigate the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice of
    prophetic food consumption among UniSZA students. The present work was conducted from
    September 2017 until April 2018 at the UniSZA Gong Badak Campus, Terengganu. In this
    cross-sectional study, a total of 217 students were recruited by convenience purposive
    sampling method. A questionnaire was based on the prophetic food consumption details,
    consisting of four sections, namely; demographic data, knowledge, attitude, and practice of
    the consumption. Reliability test found that the validity and internal consistency of the
    questionnaire to be acceptable with a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.752. Data were analysed
    using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2013 and SPSS version 21.0. The results showed that most
    of the respondents had good knowledge of prophetic food consumption (45.6%). More than
    half had a good level of attitude (66.4%), and only a minority of them (38.2%) had a poor
    practice of prophetic food consumption. Based on Independent t-test and One-Way ANOVA
    statistical test, there was a significant difference in the mean attitude scores between male and
    female students, mean attitude and practice scores between the three age groups, mean
    knowledge scores between the three fields of study groups, and mean knowledge, attitude, and
    practice scores between the four religions. A positive correlation was observed for the three
    domains, namely between knowledge and attitude (r = 0.71), knowledge and practice (ρ =
    0.37), and attitude and practice (ρ = 0.43), based on Spearman or Pearson correlation test. In
    conclusion, the importance of prophetic food must be highlighted and shared among
    multi-religious university students for them to be more familiar with the relevant health and
    sustainability issues. The students may employ effective attitude and behaviour towards the
    practical implementation of prophetic food if they are provided with more integrated
    knowledge in the learning environment of the university.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Mohd Amiruddin Mohd Kassim, Pang, Nicholas Tze Ping, Sandi James
    Introduction: The current COVID-19 pandemic has sequelae reverberating around Malaysia, particularly in university students, as Malaysian university students are isolated in their university campuses in semi-quarantine status. This article seeks to review the existing literature on the specialized issue of university student-related psychological sequelae of COVID-19, and seeks to offer some recommendations through the process.
    Methods: Existing literature demonstrates that COVID-19 has affected university students psychosocially, with the rate of anxiety and depression markedly increased. There have been significant alterations of lifestyle related to education, in accordance with the new normal, resulting in isolation and feelings of disengagement with education. Moreover, with the current uncertainties regarding their studies and possible financial depression postpandemic, the future is deeply worrying and will adversely affect their mental health.
    Results: Quantitatively, recent findings indicate 33.3% of the undergraduates in a higher education institution are noted to be in stress. Therefore, multiple interventions have been implemented; a customized ultra-brief psychological module, an online tele psychiatry hotline (COVID Cares) and tele-counselling, which have received universally positive feedback.
    Conclusion: In conclusion, the review demonstrates that undergraduates’ psychological health is an aspect that needs urgent attention as it is not merely limited to the fear of COVID-19, but also related to the social aspects of the pandemic. Multiple interventions have been seen to be efficacious in reducing the psychological sequelae
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Mohd Zarawi Mat Nor, Najib Majdi Yaacob
    Introduction: The USM Pre-clinical medical students’ guidance and counselling needs questionnaire (USM-MS- GCN-Q) is an English-language guidance and counselling needs questionnaire which was developed specifically for pre-clinical medical students. The aim of this study is to highlight the construct validity of USM-MSGCN-Q among pre-clinical medical students. Methods: In June 2017, a cross-sectional study on 208 pre-clinical medical students was conducted in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). This self-administered USM-MSGNC-Q consisted of four constructs and 20 items with a 5-point Likert scale within each item. A confirmatory factor analysis was em- ployed to test the hypothesized measurement model. Results: The final measurement model fitted the data well. The four-factor model initially consisted of 20 items however, it was reduced to 18 items with the goodness of fit indices suggesting good model fit (RMSEA 0.89, GFI .915 and ChiSq/df 2.642). Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) was 0.879 for self-leadership skills, 0.929 for communication skills, 0.871 for learning skills, and 0.870 for psychological coping skills. The overall Cronbach’s value was 0.922. Respective composite reliability values were 0.879,0.952,0.879 and 0.835 while the Average Variance Extracted values were 0.729, 0.911, 0.595 and 0.630. Conclusion: This study has confirmed that self-leadership, communication, learning and psychological coping skills were the components of guidance and counselling needs which influences the effectiveness of guidance and coun- selling sessions with pre-clinical medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  11. Verma RK, Wong S, Chakravarthi S, Barua A
    J Clin Diagn Res, 2014 Apr;8(4):HC10-3.
    PMID: 24959464 DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/7829.4286
    INTRODUCTION:Human Immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has become one of the most serious health problems in the world. Medical students awareness, attitudes and opinions must be assessed as they are leading health care professionals who provide treatment and care to the HIV and AIDS individuals. This survey was conducted to assess the level of awareness, attitudes and opinions of third year till fifth year medical students concerning HIV and AIDS from universities around Klang Valley area, Malaysia.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS:A total of 327 medical students of third to fifth been took part in the survey. Self prepared and self validated questionnaire was used to assess the study outcomes. Students were asked to fill the consent forms before filling the questionnaires. The results were analyzed by using SPSS version 17. A cross-sectional study among medical students was performed. Data was analyzed with non-parametric spearman's correlation test to find the difference at p-value < 0.05.
    RESULTS: A great majority knew that HIV can be spread via tattoo or body piercing (89.3%), from mother to child (97.9%), being a homosexual (93.3%) and even having circumcision for protection (71.9%). Also, they were aware that HIV cannot be transferred via sneezing and cough (95.1%), swimming pools (89.0%), and toilet seats (89.6%). However, only a few were aware of other modes of transmission, such as visiting the barbers (41.3%) , and having blood splashed on outer body surface including mouth and eyes (49.2%). Only a few negative attitudes were shown such as being unsure about keeping close vicinity to HIV patients and being unsure of whether HIV negative people should be allowed to marry HIV positive patients (median=3).
    CONCLUSION: An optimal plan of education with awareness campaign and preclinical experiences should be made in the future curriculum to increase the knowledge, confidence and minimize phobia among students.
    KEYWORDS: Cross-sectional study; Prevention; Transmission
    Study site: Two universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  12. Mohamad NE, Sidik SM, Akhtari-Zavare M, Gani NA
    BMC Public Health, 2021 03 04;21(1):438.
    PMID: 33663451 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-10440-5
    BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental health problems worldwide, including Malaysia, and this issue has gained concern and attention from many, including experts and authorities globally. While average levels of stress and worry may help to motivate students to perform well in their studies, excessive feelings will increase their level of anxiety.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at selected government and private universities throughout Malaysia. A total of 1851 students participated in this study. The students were asked to complete self-administered questionnaires, including socio-demographic, academic, and psychosocial characteristics. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) questionnaire was used to measure the prevalence risk of anxiety among the students. Chi-square analysis was conducted to find the relationship between the variables and anxiety, and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the predictors.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 97.90%, where 1821 out of 1860 students participated in the study. The prevalence risk of anxiety in this study was recorded at 29%. The data revealed that academic year, financial support for the study, alcohol consumption, poor sleep quality, body mass index (BMI), having a good friend in the university, having doubt regarding the future, actively involved in the society, and having problems with other students and lecturer(s) were significantly associated with risk of anxiety; with the academic year as the primary predictor.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight the current prevalence risk of anxiety among university students in Malaysia. The outcome of this study can serve as the evident baseline data and help with the development of specific interventions in addressing and managing the issue appropriately.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Hamidah H, Azila T, Kelvin J M, NurulIzzatie M, Khadijah N Roslih
    Introduction: Burnout is a psychological syndrome experienced by an individual who is exposed to chronic stress. It is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It is often associ- ated with feelings of hopelessness and difficulties in dealing with work efficiency. As for students, going-through the process of learning is a complex stressful phenomenon causing of poor academic performance. The aim of the study was to explore causes of student nurses’ burnout followed by the intention to leave the program. Methods: This is a cross sectional study with total of 127 respondents selected based on Krejci Morgan (1970) sample size calculation from year 1 till year 3 nursing students. Maslach Burnout Inventory (2016) was used to measure the burnout-self test comprised of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal achievement. Twenty-two (22 items) with 7- points scale measuring responses of “Never (0)” to “Every day (7).” For Part B, three open ended questions applied to the intention of leaving the program. Results: A total of 35% of students had the intention of leaving the nursing program and 54% occurred during the first and second year of the study. Stress and financial struggles triggered the intention of quitting the program and 68% felt the study was breaking them down. Conclusion: Pursuing the program despite of the glitches worth the fights, 99 % of respondents acknowledged that this program is worth their future profession. Through this program they learnt to handle their emotional problem calmly and look after patients and colleague’s problem effectively. Nursing is a field of knowledge of humanities, exclusively in the care of patients and Nursing has been able to educate and transform the society who were insufficient in lives into useful human beings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  14. Norkiah Binti Arsat, Segaran Ramodran, Farah RazeeraVidy, Nor Hafiqah Binti Mohd Taib, Dylela Lee Geem
    Introduction: Nursing students have been educated with critical thinking in client care. However, nursing students are often considered to be lacking in critical thinking especially during their clinical experience. This is likely due to lack of knowledge of critical thinking as the opportunities for learning critical thinking (LCT) are limited and less en- couraged to use critical thinking during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it contributes to poor learning outcomes.The aim of this study was to identify level of LCT and critical thinking disposition (CTD) among diploma nursing student of UMS. Methods: A cross sectional survey design using purposive sampling methods. Sixty (60) of 66 year3 nursing students completed aCTD Inventory for Chinese Medical College Students (CTDI-M) by Wang et al (2019) and The LCT Inventory (LCTI) and the Teaching Critical Thinking Inventory (TCTI) developed by van Zyl, M.A., Bays, C.L., & Gilchrist, C. (2013).Approval to conduct study obtained from Dean of faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UMS. Results: The data were analyzed through descriptive method using SPSS for window 21.0. Total score for CTD ranging from a low (M= 1.5) to a high (M=5.00), Mean value 3.86, (SD +/- .572). Total high-level CDT 58(96.7%). Total LCT scores ranging from a low (M=2.00) to high (M=5.00) and Mean value 4.02, (SD +/- .711). Total high level LCT 54(90%). The two subscale categories were analyzed for perceived LCT. Respondents reported significantly high level of both instructor helped in LCT 51(85%) and 56 (93.3%) provides support and encourage- ment in LCT, mean value 4.19 (SD+/-.713). Conclusion: The level of CTD and LCT was high, shows that nursing students perceive themselves as having a high level of critical thinking motivation, instructor providing guidance to assist and encourage to learn using critical thinking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  15. Li Tsu Chong, Josephine Magdeline Joseph, Nur Atikah Binti Mohd Taib, Nurfirna Suzleyna Binti Mohd Salleh, Jennefer Henry
    Introduction: Medication error always happens among the nurses either the trained out staffs nor in nursing students. These errors may harm any patient that is involved and it may lead tolegislation issue. Therefore, this study aims to identify nursing students knowledge and assurance in medication administration. Methods: This study using a cross-sectional survey design using a convenience sampling method. Ethical approval was obtained from The Fac- ulty of Medicine and Health Sciences Ethical Committee. Adapted questionnaire divided into three sections with 14 multi-choice questions for each section (pharmacology, drug management and drug calculation) score (0-14) and Self perceived certainty on their correct answer were scored (1-high certainty, 2-moderate and 3-low certainty). Questionnaires were distributed through the online google form to Diploma of Nursing students of year two and three of Faculty Medicine and Health Science of University Malaysia Sabah. Result reported in mean (+SD). Results: Total of71 students volunteered responded to the survey. 42.3% of respondents (n=30) are the Year Two students and 57.7% (n=41) are the Year Three students.In knowledge about pharmacology mean score was 9.33 (2.37) and their certainty mean score was 1.9 (0.55), Drug management mean score was 8.42 (2.55) and their certainty mean score was 1.90 (0.45), While for their drug calculation mean score was 8.04 (3.03) and certainty mean score was
    2.13 (0.51). Conclusion: Knowledge in drug management and drug calculation both were below the appropriate score (less than 9) respectively. These indicate that more practices and training on the medication administration should be done to the students in order familiar with the context of medication administration. Their certainty level found moderate indicate that their confidence level on medication administration should be reinforced. Nursing educators need to facilitate the students in their learning process and training periods to gain their confidence before their graduation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  16. Segaran Ramodran, Soong Shui Fun, Cynthia Francis, Dayang Natasha, Myra Yusrrie
    Introduction: Promotion of internationalization of higher education is a strategic marketing in public and private Ma- laysia universities.University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) hosted the international nursing mobility programme involving 15 nursing students from Hunan and Yangtze University of China. Students from China obtained hands-on learn- ing experience and exposed to indigenous health practices in Sabah. After 12 weeks of the programme, although casual face-value audit of the mobility program was deemed adequate, there was a need to objectively gauge the Chinese student’s satisfaction and identify issue of contention that can be remedied. This study is to evaluate Chi- nese international nursing students’ satisfaction during their mobility posting tenure in UMS and identify issues of discontentment for improvement. Methods: the study entailed a cross sectional survey involving a convenient sam- ple of all 15 nursing students from China who had completed the 12-week UMS-nursing mobility programme. The study tool consisted of a 25-item questionnaire which used Likert-like statements to anchor level of satisfaction on 5 sub-domains itemsnamely; arrival orientation; logistic arrangements; learning opportunities; cultural experience and perceived worth-for-money. Results: Cumulative ratings counts from 15 Chinese international students who had participated in the UMS-nursing mobility program in this study rated the following sub-domains as satisfactory and highly satisfactory: (i) learning experience (88%), (ii) Sabah’s cultural experience (90%), (iii) worth for money (88
    %). Sub-domains rated as dissatisfactory or strongly dissatisfactory by the China students were: (i) adequacy of 1st - day arrival orientation (72%), (ii) quality of logistic arrangement (72%). Conclusion: Findings imply that the China students were satisfied with the overall learning experience during the UMS-nursing mobility programme. However, areas of grievances such as the conduct of the 1st - day arrival orientation and logistics management of the UMS-mo- bility program needs to be addressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  17. Mazlinda M, Azra F A, Segaran Ramodran, Marlinah P, Adawiyah N R, Randall M, et al.
    Introduction: Resilience is an important coping mechanism that nurses need to inculcate as they often faced with numerous psychosocial conflicts and stressors in providing day to day patient care. Student nurses are particularly vulnerable to psychosocial stressors and studies indicates that poor resilience is associated with poor academic performance, burn out, depression and high risk of drop out. This study was to examine the level of resilience and associated factors among nursing students in University Malaysia Sabah. Methods: The study entailed a descriptive cross-sectional survey assessing the level of resilience involving student nurses. Ethical clearance for this study was obtained from REC UMS and as well as respondent’s consent. A total of 100(N) nursing students was selected through stratified sampling by year of study (year 1, n=35; year 2 n=35; and year 3 n=30). Sample selection randomization for each year of study was done using full name list generated using Microsoft excel. The study tool consists of a validated instrument (reliability α= 0.82) benchmarked from a previous study which captured respondent`s demo- graphics and a 28-item inquiry related to resilience. Data analysis use descriptive statistics and Fisher`s-Exact test for correlates. Results: In this study among 100 nursing students 82% (n=82) had high resilience score (cut-off mean score more than 3.5) and 18% low resilience score (cut-off mean score lower than 3.4). Comparing distribution of resilience scores, respondents with low resilience scores were higher among thefirst-year nursing student and stu- dents of family origin from rural settings. Conclusion: Findings imply that most nursing students in this study have a high level of resilience and a small cohort of the student nurses have low resilience vulnerable to stressors and risk poor achievement and drop out. There is a need to address nursing students with poor resilience and this paper will discuss some pragmatic strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
    Investing in natural cosmetics contributes to the sustainability of natural resources in two ways – the emission of less harmful by-products, and the conservation of ecosystems through sustainable harvesting of resources. Therefore, studying students’ (millennials’) behaviour and attitude towards these products may help improve awareness-raising approaches on their benefits for local market acceptance. A study was conducted in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia with the aim to understand the current perception and habits of UMT students towards natural cosmetics and their readiness to convert to natural cosmetics. 521 responses were collected through an online survey that focused on three themes: Stage of Change, Decisional Balance Inventory, and Product Knowledge and Perception. The study found that most of the respondents (79%) claim to be using natural cosmetics, while only nine percent are not considering at all. Eighty-six percent of those users practice label reading habits although most respondents could not distinguish natural cosmetics from synthetic ones if solely based on personal knowledge and appearance of product. This proves that product design does influence customers’ purchasing behaviours. Moreover, results indicate that existing natural cosmetic users are quite likely to maintain the habit, while others are still indecisive. Meanwhile, label reading habits are quite likely to be maintained by many respondents. Hence, based on results, businesses should acknowledge that there is a demand in natural cosmetics among Malaysian millennials, and should increase their promotional activities, improve product design and affordability in order to grab consumers’ attention to switch from synthetic to natural cosmetics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
    This paper examines the determinants of pro-environmental behaviour among university students. It uses the theory of planned behaviour in determining the factors that lead to such behaviour. The determinants consist of environmental awareness, psychological factors (motivation, moral norms, perceived behavioural control and attitude), environmental knowledge and personality traits (agreeableness, extroversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience). Data was collected using convenience sampling through self-administered surveys and online forms distributed to 400 students in a public university in Malaysia. Data was subjected to construct validity and reliability analysis. The findings highlighted that motivation, agreeableness and perceived behavioural control were positively related to the practice of pro-environmental behaviour, whereas environmental awareness, moral norms, attitude and environmental knowledge were negatively related. Some personality traits, namely neuroticism, openness to experience, conscientiousness and extraversion, did not show any significant relationship with the practice of pro-environmental behaviour. This study provides a scope to improvise and incorporate environmental practices into the habits of students by aligning their goals with the universities’ dimensions, including curriculum, campus operation, research and outreach activities. The results could make an important contribution in establishing a sustained green culture through a new university paradigm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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