METHOD: In this study, P. minor plants were exogenously elicited with MeJA and leaf samples were subjected to SWATH-MS proteomics analysis. A previously published translated transcriptome database was used as a reference proteome database for a comprehensive protein sequence catalogue and to compare their differential expression.
RESULTS: From this proteomics informed by transcriptomics approach, we have successfully profiled 751 proteins of which 40 proteins were significantly different between control and MeJA-treated samples. Furthermore, a correlation analysis between both proteome and the transcriptome data sets suggests that significantly upregulated proteins were positively correlated with their cognate transcripts (Pearson's r = 0.677) while a weak correlation was observed for downregulated proteins (r = 0.147).
DISCUSSION: MeJA treatment induced the upregulation of proteins involved in various biochemical pathways including stress response mechanism, lipid metabolism, secondary metabolite production, DNA degradation and cell wall degradation. Conversely, proteins involved in energy expensive reactions such as photosynthesis, protein synthesis and structure were significantly downregulated upon MeJA elicitation. Overall protein-transcript correlation was also weak (r = 0.341) suggesting the existence of post-transcriptional regulation during such stress. In conclusion, proteomics analysis using SWATH-MS analysis supplemented by the transcriptome database allows comprehensive protein profiling of this non-model herbal species upon MeJA treatment.