Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 458 in total

  1. Soomro MA, Ali MH, Zailani S, Tseng ML, Makhbul ZM
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Jan;30(3):5717-5729.
    PMID: 35978247 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-22558-z
    The objective of this study is to explore the similarities and differences in the barriers and motivations between the plastic and resins and food and beverages industries as these two industries are the major contributors of solid waste in Malaysia. Prior studies are lacking with regard to explaining the barriers and motivations in solid waste management from the Malaysian context. This study is focused on 10 firms from the plastics and resins industry and 9 from the food and beverages industry in Malaysia. Through Rasch measurement theory, the results indicate that the barriers of lack of skills and qualifications and lack of closed-loop control and the motivations of cost savings and a business model are performed differently. The findings further confirm that the lack of skills and qualifications is a more difficult barrier to overcome than the lack of closed-loop control, while the motivation factor of a business model is more difficult to achieve than cost savings. In terms of practical contribution, this study provides results that can help policy makers in Malaysia to close the gaps present regarding the adoption of solid waste management practices and to devise appropriate incentives. The study also supports managers of companies in regard to working on the most pressing hindering and promoting factors in the field of solid waste management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  2. Chan DYL, Chong CY, Teh PL, Lee SWH
    Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2024 Mar;24 Suppl 1:342-350.
    PMID: 38169136 DOI: 10.1111/ggi.14790
    AIM: Mobility applications have the potential to support low-income older adults in facing mobility challenges. However, there is a generally lower uptake of technology in this segment. To understand factors affecting the intention to use a mobility app, we drew upon the Protection Motivation Theory, and tested a model of low-income older adults' technology adoption.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted across seven states in Malaysia among community-dwelling low-income older adults aged ≥60 years old (n = 282). Measurement items were adapted from pre-validated scales and 7-point Likert Scales were used. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was utilized to assess the hypothesized model.

    RESULTS: Mobility technology awareness was found to shape an individual's threat and coping appraisals associated with their intention to use a mobility app. The decision of a low-income older adult to adopt a mobility app as a protective action is not a direct function of threat and coping appraisals but is indirect, and mediated by the underlying cost-benefit perceptions of non-adoption and adoption of the mobility app. In terms of technology perceptions, perceived usefulness is a significant predictor, but not perceived ease of use.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study entails a new model by uncovering the psychological factors encompassing mobility technology awareness, threat-coping appraisals, and cost-benefit perceptions on Technology Acceptance Model studies. These insights have important implications for the development and implementation of a mobility app among low-income older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; 24: 342-350.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  3. Haykal D, Treacy P, Lim T, Clatici VG, Fakih-Gomez N, Leal-Silva H, et al.
    J Cosmet Dermatol, 2023 Dec;22(12):3237-3240.
    PMID: 37944932 DOI: 10.1111/jocd.16023
    Patient expectations in cosmetic dermatology exhibit significant variations across countries, cultures, and ethnicities, thereby reflecting individual desires, concerns, and goals. While some individuals seek aesthetic enhancements, others prioritize addressing specific skin conditions within the context of beauty norms in their respective countries. The provision of personalized and culturally sensitive care plays a crucial role in meeting these diverse expectations. Skin characteristics and concerns differ among ethnicities, influencing treatment preferences. For instance, individuals with darker skin tones may prioritize the treatment of pigmentation disorders, whereas those with lighter skin tones may focus on achieving a fair complexion. Furthermore, differences in facial anatomy among various ethnicities necessitate tailored treatment approaches. This commentary aims to contribute to the effective understanding and management of patient expectations, ultimately leading to satisfactory outcomes. Additional research and regional studies are required to further deepen our understanding of patient expectations in cosmetic dermatology and enable the delivery of improved and culturally appropriate care on a global scale.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  4. Yang M, Al Mamun A, Gao J, Rahman MK, Salameh AA, Alam SS
    Sci Rep, 2024 Jan 03;14(1):339.
    PMID: 38172184 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-50436-2
    Addressing the growing popularity of mobile health (m-Health) technology in the health industry, the current study examined consumers' intention and behaviour related to the usage of digital applications based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). In particular, this study quantitatively assessed the moderating role of perceived product value and mediating role of intention to use m-Health application among Indonesians. This study adopted a cross-sectional design and collected quantitative data from conveniently selected respondents through an online survey, which involved 2068 Telegram users in Indonesia. All data were subjected to the analysis of partial least square- structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The obtained results demonstrated the moderating effect of perceived product value on the relationship between intention to use m-Health application (m-health app) and actual usage of m-Health app and the mediating effects of intention to use m-Health app on the relationships of perceived critical mass, perceived usefulness, perceived convenience, perceived technology accuracy, and perceived privacy protection on actual usage of m-Health app. However, the intention to use m-Health app did not mediate the influence of health consciousness and health motivation on the actual usage of m-Health app. Overall, this study's findings on the significance of intention to use m-Health app and perceived product value based on the UTAUT framework serve as insightful guideline to expand the usage of m-Health app among consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  5. Washif JA, Pyne DB
    Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 2025 Feb 01;20(2):321-327.
    PMID: 39265975 DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2024-0227
    BACKGROUND: In high-performance sport, the support provided by sport scientists and other staff can be a valuable resource for coaches and athletes.

    PURPOSE: We propose and detail here the approach of "minimal, adequate, and accurate" sport-science support to ensure that programs of work and solutions are both economical and effective.

    METHODS: Our support provision advocates for utilization of "minimal" resources (employing the least amount of time, tools, and funding) necessary to achieve the desired outcomes. We strive for "adequate" information that fulfills specific objectives without excess and with the requirement that methods and data used are "accurate" (valid and reliable). To illustrate the principles of this approach, we outline a real-world example of supporting 100-m track (athletics) sprinters preparing and competing in an international competition. The provision of performance support emphasizes an integrated approach, combining knowledge and insights from multiple sport-science disciplines. The key facets managed under this approach are (1) neuromuscular readiness, (2) wellness monitoring, (3) movement observation, (4) motivation, (5) biomechanics and performance analysis, and (6) qualitative feedback. These facets are based on the specific performance determinants and influencing factors of an event (100-m dash).

    CONCLUSIONS: Application of this quantitative and qualitative approach can enhance the ability to make informed decisions. Nevertheless, the approach must be planned, evaluated, and refined on a regular basis to enable effective decision making in sport-science support. The 3-element approach of "minimal, adequate, and accurate" should be codesigned and supported by the athletes, coaches, and staff to ensure successful implementation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  6. Zakaria MI, Isa RM, Shah Che Hamzah MS, Ayob NA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2006 Jan;13(1):43-51.
    PMID: 22589590
    Medical standby is the provision of emergency medical care and first aid for participants and/or spectators in a pre-planned event. This article describes the framework and the demographics of a medical standby at the 4(th) National Youth Camping and Motivation Program in Pasir Puteh, Kelantan from 30(th) July until the 3(rd) August 2004. The framework of the medical team is described based on the work process of any medical stand by. A medical encounter form was created for the medical standby defining the type of case seen (medical or trauma), name, age, race and diagnosis of the patient. We concluded that interagency collaboration during the initial planning and during the event itself is needed to ensure the smooth running of the medical standby. Most of the medical encounters were minor illnesses which are similar to previous studies and there was no case transferred to the hospital during that period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  7. Amiri A, Ahmadi G, Shanbedi M, Savari M, Kazi SN, Chew BT
    Sci Rep, 2015;5:17503.
    PMID: 26643279 DOI: 10.1038/srep17503
    Capacitive deionization (CDI) is a promising procedure for removing various charged ionic species from brackish water. The performance of graphene-based material in capacitive deionization is lower than the expectation of the industry, so highly-crumpled, few-layered graphene (HCG) and highly-crumpled nitrogen-doped graphene (HCNDG) with high surface area have been introduced as promising candidates for CDI electrodes. Thus, HCG and HCNDG were prepared by exfoliation of graphite in the presence of liquid-phase, microwave-assisted methods. An industrially-scalable, cost-effective, and simple approach was employed to synthesize HCG and HCNDG, resulting in few-layered graphene and nitrogen-doped graphene with large specific surface area. Then, HCG and HCNDG were utilized for manufacturing a new class of carbon nanostructure-based electrodes for use in large-scale CDI equipment. The electrosorption results indicated that both the HCG and HCNDG have fairly large specific surface areas, indicating their huge potential for capacitive deionization applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  8. Arnulf JK, Larsen KR, Martinsen ØL, Bong CH
    PLoS One, 2014;9(9):e106361.
    PMID: 25184672 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106361
    Some disciplines in the social sciences rely heavily on collecting survey responses to detect empirical relationships among variables. We explored whether these relationships were a priori predictable from the semantic properties of the survey items, using language processing algorithms which are now available as new research methods. Language processing algorithms were used to calculate the semantic similarity among all items in state-of-the-art surveys from Organisational Behaviour research. These surveys covered areas such as transformational leadership, work motivation and work outcomes. This information was used to explain and predict the response patterns from real subjects. Semantic algorithms explained 60-86% of the variance in the response patterns and allowed remarkably precise prediction of survey responses from humans, except in a personality test. Even the relationships between independent and their purported dependent variables were accurately predicted. This raises concern about the empirical nature of data collected through some surveys if results are already given a priori through the way subjects are being asked. Survey response patterns seem heavily determined by semantics. Language algorithms may suggest these prior to administering a survey. This study suggests that semantic algorithms are becoming new tools for the social sciences, opening perspectives on survey responses that prevalent psychometric theory cannot explain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  9. Biglari V, Alfan EB, Ahmad RB, Hajian N
    PLoS One, 2013;8(10):e73853.
    PMID: 24146741 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073853
    Previous researches show that buy (growth) companies conduct income increasing earnings management in order to meet forecasts and generate positive forecast Errors (FEs). This behavior however, is not inherent in sell (non-growth) companies. Using the aforementioned background, this research hypothesizes that since sell companies are pressured to avoid income increasing earnings management, they are capable, and in fact more inclined, to pursue income decreasing Forecast Management (FM) with the purpose of generating positive FEs. Using a sample of 6553 firm-years of companies that are listed in the NYSE between the years 2005-2010, the study determines that sell companies conduct income decreasing FM to generate positive FEs. However, the frequency of positive FEs of sell companies does not exceed that of buy companies. Using the efficiency perspective, the study suggests that even though buy and sell companies have immense motivation in avoiding negative FEs, they exploit different but efficient strategies, respectively, in order to meet forecasts. Furthermore, the findings illuminated the complexities behind informative and opportunistic forecasts that falls under the efficiency versus opportunistic theories in literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  10. Ngeow WC, Choong KF, Ong TK, Shim CN, Wee JM, Lee MY, et al.
    Br Dent J, 2008 Dec 13;205(11):583.
    PMID: 19079084 DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2008.1034
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  11. Jamayet NB, Kirangi JK, Husein A, Alam MK
    Eur J Dent, 2017 4 25;11(1):130-134.
    PMID: 28435380 DOI: 10.4103/1305-7456.202636
    Enucleation and evisceration are the most common surgical procedures that are performed to manage tumor, trauma, and infection. Given the consequences of surgical intervention, the conditions of the remaining eye socket may affect future prosthetic rehabilitation. A custom-made ocular prosthesis can be used to help restore the esthetics and functional defects and to improve the quality of life of patients with such conditions. An assessment must be performed on the prosthetic outcome before rehabilitation. The etiology of defect, type of surgery, condition of the remaining socket, and patient's age should all be considered. This report discusses three different etiological eye defects that have undergone enucleation and evisceration and describes the factors that have a significant role in the esthetic and functional outcome of the prosthesis. This report should serve as a helpful aid for maxillofacial prosthodontists to understand the primary objective of rehabilitating each eye defect and to meet patient expectations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  12. Palermo V, Hernandez Y
    Ecol Econ, 2020 Nov;177:106791.
    PMID: 33144752 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106791
    The frequency and intensity of extreme climate events are increasing all around the world, due to climate change. Climate adaptation strategies are therefore needed, since mitigation strategies alone are not sufficient to avoid serious impacts of climate change. However, adaptation to climate change is not straightforward, as it is highly influenced by diverse and conflicting interests as well as epistemological (or scientific) uncertainties. Therefore, a minimum requirement for its success is the active participation of stakeholders and citizens in the adaptation policy cycle. This paper presents a case study on a participatory process involving civil servants from different municipalities in Malaysia, in Southeast Asia, with a view to considering the optimal level of engagement that is required for climate adaptation planning. The exercise consisted of a Focus Group session, where participants were asked to discuss the level of stakeholder and citizen participation that should be adopted within the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy initiative. Contrary to authors' expectations, the participants tended to suggest medium to high levels of participation in the planning process. During the dialogues, a walking activity through the city, aimed at identifying hotspots of climate risks and defined as "safety walks", was one of the ideas proposed as a high-potential participatory method, spreading in the adaptation framework. Safety walks could complement climate modelling and enhance the robustness of climate risk assessments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  13. Agrawal R, Agarwal A, Jabs DA, Kee A, Testi I, Mahajan S, et al.
    Ocul Immunol Inflamm, 2019 Dec 10.
    PMID: 31821096 DOI: 10.1080/09273948.2019.1653933
    Purpose: To standardize a nomenclature system for defining clinical phenotypes, and outcome measures for reporting clinical and research data in patients with ocular tuberculosis (OTB).Methods: Uveitis experts initially administered and further deliberated the survey in an open meeting to determine and propose the preferred nomenclature for terms related to the OTB, terms describing the clinical phenotypes and treatment and reporting outcomes.Results: The group of experts reached a consensus on terming uveitis attributable to tuberculosis (TB) as tubercular uveitis. The working group introduced a SUN-compatible nomenclature that also defines disease "remission" and "cure", both of which are relevant for reporting treatment outcomes.Conclusion: A consensus nomenclature system has been adopted by a large group of international uveitis experts for OTB. The working group recommends the use of standardized nomenclature to prevent ambiguity in communication and to achieve the goal of spreading awareness of this blinding uveitis entity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  14. Turagam N, Mudrakola DP, Yelamanchi RS, Deepthi M, Natarajan M
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2019 02 14;9(1):94-98.
    PMID: 30923701 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_220_18
    Denture esthetics as defined by Glossary of prosthodontics terms the effect produced by a dental prosthesis that affects the beauty and attractiveness of the person. [1] Removable partial dentures (RPDs) are the widely accepted and treatment of choice for most cases as it is both effective and affordable. Partially edentulous treatment planning includes both esthetics and masticatory function. A prosthesis that is highly esthetic will improve patient's motivation and acceptance. It is a very wrong notion to expect that patients will tolerate unesthetic partial dentures because good masticatory capability has been achieved. Esthetics plays a vital role in the success of partial dentures, and the length and mobility of the patient's lips play a significant role in achieving it. [2] Patients with short lips or highly mobile lips pose problems as esthetics are compromised because most clasp arms, denture borders, and other components will show when the patient smiles or speaks. [3] RPDs can easily look artificial; hence, special emphasis should aim toward restoring function, phonetics, esthetics with a long-term benefits which requires meticulous attention during fabrication. This case reports is an esthetic clasp designed for a cast partial denture for a young girl for esthetic and function.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  15. Al-Kumaim NH, Alhazmi AK, Ramayah T, Shabbir MS, Gazem NA
    Front Psychol, 2021;12:637808.
    PMID: 33643168 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.637808
    Value Co-Creation (VCC) plays a major role in engaging knowledgeable individuals in a community via innovation, problem solving, and new service/product development. This study investigates the personal factors that influence individuals' engagement in value co-creation in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through the use of online platforms. Some higher education institutions have successfully established or used appropriate online platforms, such as online forums, web applications, and mobile applications to engage their community in ideation or crowdsourcing as a part of the value co-creation process. On the other hand, some HEIs have failed to engage their community in value co-creation activities, and even if they managed to engage some individuals in value co-creation once, they failed to sustain these individuals' engagement in value co-creation using online platforms. Using the Stimulus Organism Response (S-O-R) framework, this study examines the relationship between relevant personal factors (commitment and knowledge self-efficacy) and other motivational factors that provide perceived benefits with value co-creation engagement. Data was collected from 308 respondents at five Malaysian research universities. The software analysis tool Smart PLS is used for data analysis and validation. The results demonstrate that personal factors and perceived benefits as a motivational factor has a significant effect on individual engagement in value co-creation. However, the significance of these findings varies from one individual to another. The implications of these findings are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  16. 'Aaishah Radziah Jamaludin, Fadhilah Yusof, Suhartono
    MATEMATIKA, 2020;36(1):15-30.
    Johor Bahru with its rapid development where pollution is an issue that needs to be considered because it has contributed to the number of asthma cases in this area. Therefore, the goal of this study is to investigate the behaviour of asthma disease in Johor Bahru by count analysis approach namely; Poisson Integer Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (Poisson-INGARCH) and Negative Binomial INGARCH (NB-INGARCH) with identity and log link function. Intervention analysis was conducted since the outbreak in the asthma data for the period of July 2012 to July 2013. This occurs perhaps due to the extremely bad haze in Johor Bahru from Indonesian fires. The estimation of the parameter will be done by quasi-maximum likelihood estimation. Model assessment was evaluated from the Pearson residuals, cumulative periodogram, the probability integral transform (PIT) histogram, log-likelihood value, Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Our result shows that NB-INGARCH with identity and log link function is adequate in representing the asthma data with uncorrelated Pearson residuals, higher in log likelihood, the PIT exhibits normality yet the lowest AIC and BIC. However, in terms of forecasting accuracy, NB-INGARCH with identity link function performed better with the smaller RMSE (8.54) for the sample data. Therefore, NB-INGARCH with identity link function can be applied as the prediction model for asthma disease in Johor Bahru. Ideally, this outcome can assist the Department of Health in executing counteractive action and early planning to curb asthma diseases in Johor Bahru.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
    Simulated Patient (SP) is defined as a layperson that simulates to portray the role of a patient with health-related conditions based on varying levels of training. International Medical University (IMU) has been utilising SP for more than 10 years for simulation activities including learning sessions and examination. Due to a series of complex interaction within the SP programme, the aim of the study was to explore the experience of lecturer, student and SPs towards the interaction within the SP programme. The findings of the research were aimed to improve the teaching sessions and examination through the improvement of the SP programme. A total of 17 participants were recruited for 6 interviews, including both focus group and one-to-one interview session. The researcher used a list of guide questions to explore both positive and negative experiences. Manual transcribing and coding technique were used for data analysis, while Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) was used for data management and additional analysis. The themes for the lecturer group were: SP resemble a real patient, The making of scenario, and SP feedback; while the themes for the students group were: Simulated patient as an effective learning tool, Fairness, and Feedback from simulated patient; whereas Effective learning session, Motivation and Preparation prior class were the themes for the SP group. SPs’ contribution was valuable if the SP is able to resemble a real patient and able to demonstrate effective feedback skills. Standardisation of the character portrayal and SP feedback influenced the fairness along the students’ journey. Lecturers, SPs and students influenced the success of an SP-based simulation session.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  18. Hammad Farhi Mohd Saudi, Jamal Abdul Nassir Shaari
    The purpose of this case study is to look at how “Lean Techniques and Principles” can be successfully introduce and implement in the higher education institution or university context. In the last two decades, Lean techniques and principle has been applied to improve production system in manufacturing processes. Lean was introduced in the 1950s by Womack and Jones known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) by the legendary car manufacturer Toyota, the world’s most profitable automaker and have spent decades perfecting lean practices in the production. The method used was to produce more productivity while using fewer resources and identifying activities which creates value for customers, activities which do not create value but are required and actions which do not create value and can be eliminated. This case study demonstrates how “Lean Principles” can be adopted to the administration services particularly in the registration process for new student intake in USIM. The objective of this case study includes : to identify the needs of improving the registration process by eliminating the waste (Muda) such as time wastage, human resource wastage, to introduce the apparatus required to reduce and eliminate waste, to redesign the process using the lean techniques and principles to eliminate waste and to continually improve the process with the goal to achieve perfection for customer satisfaction and university’s reputation. How Lean Principles can transform the work process in the registration procedure, process efficiency, the reasons for implementing Lean in the process, minimize the lead time, minimize the financial cost and the role of management. This paper contains a comprehensive discussion and findings of the development of Lean principles and management through one of the models, namely; Value Stream Mapping (VSM) process which can enhance the operational process in the university environment to improve the process, particularly in the new student registration process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  19. Yong HS, Chan KL, Dhaliwal SS, Cheong WH, Chiang GL, Mak JW
    Theor Appl Genet, 1981 Nov;59(6):345-8.
    PMID: 24276567 DOI: 10.1007/BF00276447
    Glucose phosphate isomerase (E.C. and phosphoglucomutase (E.C. were found to be polymorphic in a laboratory colony of Aedes albopictus. The glucose phosphate isomerase locus is represented by two alleles resulting in three genotypes, while the phosphoglucomutase locus is represented by at least five alleles giving rise to a total of 15 genotypes. The inheritance of these two enzymes is of the Mendelian type with codominant alleles. Present data indicate that these genes are not linked.Of 105 mosquitoes analysed for these two gene-enzyme systems, the frequencies for glucose phosphate isomerase alleles are Gpi (S)=0.68 and Gpi (F)=0.32, while the frequencies for phosphoglucomutase alleles are Pgm (A)=0.16, Pgm (B)=0.11, Pgm (C)=0.19, Pgm (D)=0.30 and Pgm (F)= 0.24. The frequencies of the three glucose phosphate isomerase genotypes are in accord with Hardy-Weinberg expectations (X 1 (2) =2.74). Similarly, the frequencies of the 15 phosphoglucomutase genotypes probably do not differ significantly from Hardy-Weinberg expectations (X 10 (2) = 18.45).
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  20. Naicker AS, Vinoshn DK, Yuliawiratman BS, Alaga A, Kevin Ng WS, Naicker MS, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 03;76(2):183-189.
    PMID: 33742626
    INTRODUCTION: In recent years, many unresolved issues pertaining to house officers in Malaysia have led to a longer waiting time and a 'glut' of medical graduates with a surprising 20% dropout amongst those who join the housemanship programme. This appears to reflect the changing times, mindsets and work expectations of millennials who comprise this cohort reflecting a need to consider possibilities of career shifts especially so in these uncertain times. This study explores the perceptions, awareness and interest in alternative career options amongst recent graduates and house officers.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a study done between 2018 and 2019 using a questionnaire which was shared on various social platforms. Data analysis was done using Excel spreadsheet.

    RESULTS: A total of 450 house officers and 657 medical graduates responded. Expectedly 66.8% claimed lifelong passion whilst another 12.1% claimed family influence as their reason to do medicine. Most were aware of their career challenges and 40% of them were keen to consider career change and reskilling indicating a possible shift from traditional expectations of a medical career.

    CONCLUSION: Whilst medicine is often considered a true calling, current challenges will require mental and emotional flexibility to explore other career opportunities. Thus, engagement programmes should be directed at medical graduates and house officers to identify and support those open to career transitions. This will help address current issues of internship bottleneck and rising dropout rates amongst internees. Early career change engagements will give them insight into their true career goals whilst opening up opportunities for those who wish to change.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
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