Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 240 in total

  1. Prasojo LD, Habibi A, Mohd Yaakob MF, Pratama R, Yusof MR, Mukminin A, et al.
    Heliyon, 2020 Jan;6(1):e03144.
    PMID: 31938746 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e03144
    Researchers in educational psychology have researched Teacher Self-Concept (TSC) and Teacher Efficacy (TE) as two main predictors predicting burnout. Guided by a model developed by Zhu, Liu, Fu, Yang, Zhang & Shi (2018), the researchers aimed at building a model involving TSC, TE, and three components of burnout; Emotional Exhaustion (EE), Depersonalization (DP), and Reduced Personal Accomplishment (RPA) through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The researchers investigated predicting factors of burnout by reporting TSC and TE that might directly affect the components and examine the probability of TE to become a mediator of the correlation between TSC and burnout. This research also examined whether the difference emerges constantly among demographic information (gender and teaching experience) regarding all involved variables. A sample of 876 teachers across three Indonesian provinces completed a printed form of questionnaires. Some statistical procedures namely Content Validity Index (CVI), Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM), and t-test were conducted. Findings informed that the model is valid and reliable. TSC could directly affect EE, DE, and RPA, as well as indirectly influence them mediated by TE. Besides, TE is also reported to have significant relationships with EE, DE, and RPA. No significant differences in terms of age and teaching experiences emerge, except for EE.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  2. Walters K, Yaacob H
    Genet Epidemiol, 2023 Apr;47(3):249-260.
    PMID: 36739616 DOI: 10.1002/gepi.22517
    Currently, the only effect size prior that is routinely implemented in a Bayesian fine-mapping multi-single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis is the Gaussian prior. Here, we show how the Laplace prior can be deployed in Bayesian multi-SNP fine mapping studies. We compare the ranking performance of the posterior inclusion probability (PIP) using a Laplace prior with the ranking performance of the corresponding Gaussian prior and FINEMAP. Our results indicate that, for the simulation scenarios we consider here, the Laplace prior can lead to higher PIPs than either the Gaussian prior or FINEMAP, particularly for moderately sized fine-mapping studies. The Laplace prior also appears to have better worst-case scenario properties. We reanalyse the iCOGS case-control data from the CASP8 region on Chromosome 2. Even though this study has a total sample size of nearly 90,000 individuals, there are still some differences in the top few ranked SNPs if the Laplace prior is used rather than the Gaussian prior. R code to implement the Laplace (and Gaussian) prior is available at https://github.com/Kevin-walters/lapmapr.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  3. Najam M, Rasool RU, Ahmad HF, Ashraf U, Malik AW
    Biomed Res Int, 2019;2019:7074387.
    PMID: 31111064 DOI: 10.1155/2019/7074387
    Storing and processing of large DNA sequences has always been a major problem due to increasing volume of DNA sequence data. However, a number of solutions have been proposed but they require significant computation and memory. Therefore, an efficient storage and pattern matching solution is required for DNA sequencing data. Bloom filters (BFs) represent an efficient data structure, which is mostly used in the domain of bioinformatics for classification of DNA sequences. In this paper, we explore more dimensions where BFs can be used other than classification. A proposed solution is based on Multiple Bloom Filters (MBFs) that finds all the locations and number of repetitions of the specified pattern inside a DNA sequence. Both of these factors are extremely important in determining the type and intensity of any disease. This paper serves as a first effort towards optimizing the search for location and frequency of substrings in DNA sequences using MBFs. We expect that further optimizations in the proposed solution can bring remarkable results as this paper presents a proof of concept implementation for a given set of data using proposed MBFs technique. Performance evaluation shows improved accuracy and time efficiency of the proposed approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  4. Rijal OM, Ebrahimian H, Noor NM, Hussin A, Yunus A, Mahayiddin AA
    Comput Math Methods Med, 2015;2015:424970.
    PMID: 25918551 DOI: 10.1155/2015/424970
    A novel procedure using phase congruency is proposed for discriminating some lung disease using chest radiograph. Phase congruency provides information about transitions between adjacent pixels. Abrupt changes of phase congruency values between pixels may suggest a possible boundary or another feature that may be used for discrimination. This property of phase congruency may have potential for deciding between disease present and disease absent where the regions of infection on the images have no obvious shape, size, or configuration. Five texture measures calculated from phase congruency and Gabor were shown to be normally distributed. This gave good indicators of discrimination errors in the form of the probability of Type I Error (δ) and the probability of Type II Error (β). However, since 1 -  δ is the true positive fraction (TPF) and β is the false positive fraction (FPF), an ROC analysis was used to decide on the choice of texture measures. Given that features are normally distributed, for the discrimination between disease present and disease absent, energy, contrast, and homogeneity from phase congruency gave better results compared to those using Gabor. Similarly, for the more difficult problem of discriminating lobar pneumonia and lung cancer, entropy and homogeneity from phase congruency gave better results relative to Gabor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  5. Ch'ng YH, Osman MA, Jong HY
    Malays J Med Sci, 2021 Apr;28(2):161-170.
    PMID: 33958970 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2021.28.2.15
    Background: Specific language impairment (SLI) diagnosis is inconvenient due to manual procedures and hardware cost. Computer-aided SLI diagnosis has been proposed to counter these inconveniences. This study focuses on evaluating the feasibility of computer systems used to diagnose SLI.

    Methods: The accuracy of Webgazer.js for software-based gaze tracking is tested under different lighting conditions. Predefined time delays of a prototype diagnosis task automation script are contrasted against with manual delays based on human time estimation to understand how automation influences diagnosis accuracy. SLI diagnosis binary classifier was built and tested based on randomised parameters. The obtained results were cross-compared to Singlims_ES.exe for equality.

    Results: Webgazer.js achieved an average accuracy of 88.755% under global lighting conditions, 61.379% under low lighting conditions and 52.7% under face-focused lighting conditions. The diagnosis task automation script found to execute with actual time delays with a deviation percentage no more than 0.04%, while manually executing time delays based on human time estimation resulted in a deviation percentage of not more than 3.37%. One-tailed test probability value produced by both the newly built classifier and Singlims_ES were observed to be similar up to three decimal places.

    Conclusion: The results obtained should serve as a foundation for further evaluation of computer tools to help speech language pathologists diagnose SLI.

    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  6. Hariharan M, Chee LS, Yaacob S
    J Med Syst, 2012 Jun;36(3):1309-15.
    PMID: 20844933 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-010-9591-z
    Acoustic analysis of infant cry signals has been proven to be an excellent tool in the area of automatic detection of pathological status of an infant. This paper investigates the application of parameter weighting for linear prediction cepstral coefficients (LPCCs) to provide the robust representation of infant cry signals. Three classes of infant cry signals were considered such as normal cry signals, cry signals from deaf babies and babies with asphyxia. A Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is suggested to classify the infant cry signals into normal and pathological cries. PNN is trained with different spread factor or smoothing parameter to obtain better classification accuracy. The experimental results demonstrate that the suggested features and classification algorithms give very promising classification accuracy of above 98% and it expounds that the suggested method can be used to help medical professionals for diagnosing pathological status of an infant from cry signals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability*
  7. Wharton RH, Eyles DE, Warren M, Moorhouse DE, Sandosham AA
    Bull World Health Organ, 1963;29:357-74.
    PMID: 14058228
    Although mosquitos of the Anopheles umbrosus group have long been recognized as important vectors of human malaria in Malaya, there have been doubts about the origin of some of the malaria infections found, especially in A. umbrosus and A. letifer. Investigations have accordingly been carried out in the Malayan swamp-forest, in conjunction with laboratory studies, into the nature of malaria infections in wild-caught mosquitos, the biting behaviour of anophelines and the presence of malaria infection in man and animals. The authors conclude from the results reported in this paper that A. umbrosus is a vector of mouse deer malaria and rarely, if ever, transmits primate malaria; that A. letifer transmits both human and mouse deer malaria; and that A. baezai and A. roperi are probably vectors of mouse deer malaria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability*
  8. Barakat A, Al-Majid AM, Soliman SM, Lotfy G, Ghabbour HA, Fun HK, et al.
    Molecules, 2015;20(11):20642-58.
    PMID: 26610441 DOI: 10.3390/molecules201119710
    The synthesis of the new diethyl ammonium salt of diethylammonium(E)-5-(1,5-bis(4-fluorophenyl)-3-oxopent-4-en-1-yl)-1,3-diethyl-4,6-dioxo-2-thioxohexaydropyrimidin-5-ide 3 via a regioselective Michael addition of N,N-diethylthiobarbituric acid 1 to dienone 2 is described. In 3, the carboanion of the thiobarbituric moiety is stabilized by the strong intramolecular electron delocalization with the adjacent carbonyl groups and so the reaction proceeds without any cyclization. The molecular structure investigations of 3 were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction as well as DFT computations. The theoretically calculated (DFT/B3LYP) geometry agrees well with the crystallographic data. The effect of fluorine replacement by chlorine atoms on the molecular structure aspects were investigated using DFT methods. Calculated electronic spectra showed a bathochromic shift of the π-π* transition when fluorine is replaced by chlorine. Charge decomposition analyses were performed to study possible interaction between the different fragments in the studied systems. Molecular docking simulations examining the inhibitory nature of the compound show an anti-diabetic activity with Pa (probability of activity) value of 0.229.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  9. Annavi G, Newman C, Buesching CD, Macdonald DW, Burke T, Dugdale HL
    Ecol Evol, 2014 Jun;4(12):2594-609.
    PMID: 25360289 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1112
    HFCs (heterozygosity-fitness correlations) measure the direct relationship between an individual's genetic diversity and fitness. The effects of parental heterozygosity and the environment on HFCs are currently under-researched. We investigated these in a high-density U.K. population of European badgers (Meles meles), using a multimodel capture-mark-recapture framework and 35 microsatellite loci. We detected interannual variation in first-year, but not adult, survival probability. Adult females had higher annual survival probabilities than adult males. Cubs with more heterozygous fathers had higher first-year survival, but only in wetter summers; there was no relationship with individual or maternal heterozygosity. Moist soil conditions enhance badger food supply (earthworms), improving survival. In dryer years, higher indiscriminate mortality rates appear to mask differential heterozygosity-related survival effects. This paternal interaction was significant in the most supported model; however, the model-averaged estimate had a relative importance of 0.50 and overlapped zero slightly. First-year survival probabilities were not correlated with the inbreeding coefficient (f); however, small sample sizes limited the power to detect inbreeding depression. Correlations between individual heterozygosity and inbreeding were weak, in line with published meta-analyses showing that HFCs tend to be weak. We found support for general rather than local heterozygosity effects on first-year survival probability, and g2 indicated that our markers had power to detect inbreeding. We emphasize the importance of assessing how environmental stressors can influence the magnitude and direction of HFCs and of considering how parental genetic diversity can affect fitness-related traits, which could play an important role in the evolution of mate choice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  10. Abdul-Latiff MA, Ruslin F, Fui VV, Abu MH, Rovie-Ryan JJ, Abdul-Patah P, et al.
    Zookeys, 2014.
    PMID: 24899832 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.407.6982
    Phylogenetic relationships among Malaysia's long-tailed macaques have yet to be established, despite abundant genetic studies of the species worldwide. The aims of this study are to examine the phylogenetic relationships of Macaca fascicularis in Malaysia and to test its classification as a morphological subspecies. A total of 25 genetic samples of M. fascicularis yielding 383 bp of Cytochrome b (Cyt b) sequences were used in phylogenetic analysis along with one sample each of M. nemestrina and M. arctoides used as outgroups. Sequence character analysis reveals that Cyt b locus is a highly conserved region with only 23% parsimony informative character detected among ingroups. Further analysis indicates a clear separation between populations originating from different regions; the Malay Peninsula versus Borneo Insular, the East Coast versus West Coast of the Malay Peninsula, and the island versus mainland Malay Peninsula populations. Phylogenetic trees (NJ, MP and Bayesian) portray a consistent clustering paradigm as Borneo's population was distinguished from Peninsula's population (99% and 100% bootstrap value in NJ and MP respectively and 1.00 posterior probability in Bayesian trees). The East coast population was separated from other Peninsula populations (64% in NJ, 66% in MP and 0.53 posterior probability in Bayesian). West coast populations were divided into 2 clades: the North-South (47%/54% in NJ, 26/26% in MP and 1.00/0.80 posterior probability in Bayesian) and Island-Mainland (93% in NJ, 90% in MP and 1.00 posterior probability in Bayesian). The results confirm the previous morphological assignment of 2 subspecies, M. f. fascicularis and M. f. argentimembris, in the Malay Peninsula. These populations should be treated as separate genetic entities in order to conserve the genetic diversity of Malaysia's M. fascicularis. These findings are crucial in aiding the conservation management and translocation process of M. fascicularis populations in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  11. Chang CC, Li C, Webb GI, Tey B, Song J, Ramanan RN
    Sci Rep, 2016;6:21844.
    PMID: 26931649 DOI: 10.1038/srep21844
    Periplasmic expression of soluble proteins in Escherichia coli not only offers a much-simplified downstream purification process, but also enhances the probability of obtaining correctly folded and biologically active proteins. Different combinations of signal peptides and target proteins lead to different soluble protein expression levels, ranging from negligible to several grams per litre. Accurate algorithms for rational selection of promising candidates can serve as a powerful tool to complement with current trial-and-error approaches. Accordingly, proteomics studies can be conducted with greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Here, we developed a predictor with a two-stage architecture, to predict the real-valued expression level of target protein in the periplasm. The output of the first-stage support vector machine (SVM) classifier determines which second-stage support vector regression (SVR) classifier to be used. When tested on an independent test dataset, the predictor achieved an overall prediction accuracy of 78% and a Pearson's correlation coefficient (PCC) of 0.77. We further illustrate the relative importance of various features with respect to different models. The results indicate that the occurrence of dipeptide glutamine and aspartic acid is the most important feature for the classification model. Finally, we provide access to the implemented predictor through the Periscope webserver, freely accessible at http://lightning.med.monash.edu/periscope/.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  12. Lee SL, Ng KK, Saw LG, Norwati A, Salwana MH, Lee CT, et al.
    Am J Bot, 2002 Mar;89(3):447-59.
    PMID: 21665641 DOI: 10.3732/ajb.89.3.447
    A field survey of Virgin Jungle Reserve (VJR) compartments in Peninsular Malaysia allowed us to identify six populations of Intsia palembanica for this study. These were Pasoh Forest Reserve (FR) (Pasoh), Sungai Lalang FR (Lalang), Bukit Lagong FR (Lagong), Bubu FR (Bubu), Bukit Kinta FR (Kinta), and Bukit Perangin FR (Perangin). About 40 adult individuals were sampled in each population. In addition, progeny arrays were collected from nine mother plants at Lagong for a mating system study. A total of nine allozymes, encoded by 14 putative gene loci, were consistently resolved in I. palembanica. The mating system study showed that the species exhibited a mixed-mating system, with multilocus outcrossing rate of 0.766. The levels of diversity were comparably high (mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus = 2.4, mean effective number of alleles per polymorphic locus = 1.64, and mean expected heterozygosity (H(e)) = 0.242), and the majority of the diversity was partitioned within population (G(ST) = 0.040 and F(ST) = 0.048). Significant levels of inbreeding were detected in Bubu and Perangin. Probability tests of recent effective population size reduction using the Infinite Allele Model showed the occurrence of genetic bottlenecks on Lalang and Kinta. Two genetically unique populations (Pasoh and Perangin) were inferred using jackknife analysis. By using the neutral mutation rates, effective population size (N(e)) to maintain the H(e) was 80-800 000 individuals. A simulation study based on pooled samples, however, circumscribed the N(e) to 200 and 210 individuals. Implications of the study for managing the species and the VJRs are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  13. Kumar IS, Nadarajah K
    Plants (Basel), 2020 Nov 05;9(11).
    PMID: 33167299 DOI: 10.3390/plants9111491
    Rice blast, sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight are major rice diseases found worldwide. The development of resistant cultivars is generally perceived as the most effective way to combat these diseases. Plant disease resistance is a polygenic trait where a combinatorial effect of major and minor genes affects this trait. To locate the source of this trait, various quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies have been performed in the past two decades. However, investigating the congruency between the reported QTL is a daunting task due to the heterogeneity amongst the QTLs studied. Hence, the aim of our study is to integrate the reported QTLs for resistance against rice blast, sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight and objectively analyze and consolidate the location of QTL clusters in the chromosomes, reducing the QTL intervals and thus identifying candidate genes within the selected meta-QTL. A total of twenty-seven studies for resistance QTLs to rice blast (8), sheath blight (15) and bacterial leaf blight (4) was compiled for QTL projection and analyses. Cumulatively, 333 QTLs associated with rice blast (114), sheath blight (151) and bacterial leaf blight (68) resistance were compiled, where 303 QTLs could be projected onto a consensus map saturated with 7633 loci. Meta-QTL analysis on 294 QTLs yielded 48 meta-QTLs, where QTLs with membership probability lower than 60% were excluded, reducing the number of QTLs within the meta-QTL to 274. Further, three meta-QTL regions (MQTL2.5, MQTL8.1 and MQTL9.1) were selected for functional analysis on the basis that MQTL2.5 harbors the highest number of QTLs; meanwhile, MQTL8.1 and MQTL9.1 have QTLs associated with all three diseases mentioned above. The functional analysis allows for determination of enriched gene ontology and resistance gene analogs (RGAs) and other defense-related genes. To summarize, MQTL2.5, MQTL8.1 and MQTL9.1 have a considerable number of R-genes that account for 10.21%, 4.08% and 6.42% of the total genes found in these meta-QTLs, respectively. Defense genes constitute around 3.70%, 8.16% and 6.42% of the total number of genes in MQTL2.5, MQTL8.1 and MQTL9.1, respectively. This frequency is higher than the total frequency of defense genes in the rice genome, which is 0.0096% (167 defense genes/17,272 total genes). The integration of the QTLs facilitates the identification of QTL hotspots for rice blast, sheath blight and bacterial blight resistance with reduced intervals, which helps to reduce linkage drag in breeding. The candidate genes within the promising regions could be utilized for improvement through genetical engineering.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  14. Kewalramani R, Murthy CS, Gupta R
    J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2019 08 31;9(4):347-351.
    PMID: 31528537 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2019.08.001
    Introduction: Elusive second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in maxillary first molar are often missed during endodontic therapy and are a major cause of treatment failures. Its prevalence is known to vary among different populations and there is limited information on its prevalence in Indian population.

    Aim: This study investigated the prevalence and location of second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal in mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molar using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images in an Indian population.

    Materials and methods: CBCT images of 598 three rooted maxillary first molars were studied. In each CBCT image, the floor of pulp chamber was located and advanced by 2 mm to standardize the observation for MB2 canal. Its location was determined in relation to mesiobuccal (MB1) and palatal (P) canal.

    Statistical analysis: The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The presence of MB2 canal was correlated with age, gender and tooth position using Chi square test.

    Results: The prevalence of MB2 canal in three rooted maxillary first molar was 61.9%. It was seen that the prevalence of MB2 was highest in 20-40years age group (67.4%) followed by > 40 years (57.5%) and lowest in <20 years (50.6%) and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.005). It is located mesiopalatally; 2.5 mm ± 0.6 mm palatally and 1.0 ± 0.4mmmesially to the MB1 canal or present directly on the line joining the MB1 and palatal canal.

    Conclusion: There is a high probability of finding MB2 canal in Indian patients. The access cavity must be modified from a triangular shape to rhomboid shape. Troughingmesiopaltally (about 2.5 mm palatally and 1 mm mesially) from MB1 to a depth of about 2 mm from the floor of pulp chamber may be necessary for locating MB2 canal.

    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  15. Rigdon EE, Becker JM, Sarstedt M
    Psychometrika, 2019 09;84(3):772-780.
    PMID: 31292860 DOI: 10.1007/s11336-019-09677-2
    Parceling-using composites of observed variables as indicators for a common factor-strengthens loadings, but reduces the number of indicators. Factor indeterminacy is reduced when there are many observed variables per factor, and when loadings and factor correlations are strong. It is proven that parceling cannot reduce factor indeterminacy. In special cases where the ratio of loading to residual variance is the same for all items included in each parcel, factor indeterminacy is unaffected by parceling. Otherwise, parceling worsens factor indeterminacy. While factor indeterminacy does not affect the parameter estimates, standard errors, or fit indices associated with a factor model, it does create uncertainty, which endangers valid inference.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability Theory
  16. Abd Manan TSB, Khan T, Sivapalan S, Jusoh H, Sapari N, Sarwono A, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 May 15;665:196-212.
    PMID: 30772550 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.060
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are carcinogenic compounds, composed of benzene rings. The objective of this research was to identify the optimum condition for the degradation of PAHs contaminated water using photo-Fenton oxidation process via response surface methodology (RSM). Aqueous solution was prepared and potable water samples were collected from water treatment plants in Perak Tengah, Perak, Malaysia in September 2016. The reaction time, pH, molarity of H2O2 and FeSO4 were analyzed followed by RSM using aqueous solution. A five level central composite design with quadratic model was used to evaluate the effects and interactions of these parameters. The response variable was the percentage of total organic carbon (TOC) removal. PAHs quantification was done using gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis. The regression line fitted well with the data with R2 value of 0.9757. The lack of fit test gives the highest value of Sum of Squares (15,666.64) with probability F value 0.0001 showing significant quadratic model. The optimum conditions were established corresponding to the percentage of TOC removal. The PAHs removal efficiency for potable water samples ranged from 76.4% to 91% following the first order of kinetic rates with R2 values of >0.95. Conventional water treatment techniques are not effective for PAHs removal. Thus, advanced oxidation processes may be considered as an alternative to conventional water treatment techniques in Malaysia and other developing countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  17. Rhodes NJ, Liu J, O'Donnell JN, Dulhunty JM, Abdul-Aziz MH, Berko PY, et al.
    Crit Care Med, 2018 02;46(2):236-243.
    PMID: 29116995 DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002836
    OBJECTIVE: Piperacillin-tazobactam is a commonly used antibiotic in critically ill patients; however, controversy exists as to whether mortality in serious infections can be decreased through administration by prolonged infusion compared with intermittent infusion. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to describe the impact of prolonged infusion piperacillin-tazobactam schemes on clinical endpoints in severely ill patients.

    DESIGN: We conducted a systematic literature review and meta-analysis searching MEDLINE, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and the Cochrane Library from inception to April 1, 2017, for studies.

    INTERVENTIONS: Mortality rates were compared between severely ill patients receiving piperacillin-tazobactam via prolonged infusion or intermittent infusion. Included studies must have reported severity of illness scores, which were transformed into average study-level mortality probabilities.

    MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Two investigators independently screened titles, abstracts, and full texts of studies meeting inclusion criteria for this systematic review and meta-analysis. Variables included author name, publication year, study design, demographics, total daily dose(s), average estimated creatinine clearance, type of prolonged infusion, prevalence of combination therapy, severity of illness scores, infectious sources, all-cause mortality, clinical cure, microbiological cure, and hospital and ICU length of stay. The review identified 18 studies including 3,401 patients who received piperacillin-tazobactam, 56.7% via prolonged infusion. Across all studies, the majority of patients had an identified primary infectious source. Receipt of prolonged infusion was associated with a 1.46-fold lower odds of mortality (95% CI, 1.20-1.77) in the pooled analysis. Patients receiving prolonged infusion had a 1.77-fold higher odds of clinical cure (95% CI, 1.24-2.54) and a 1.22-fold higher odds of microbiological cure (95% CI, 0.84-1.77). Subanalyses were conducted according to high (≥ 20%) and low (< 20%) average study-level mortality probabilities. In studies reporting higher mortality probabilities, effect sizes were variable but similar to the pooled results.

    CONCLUSIONS: Receipt of prolonged infusion of piperacillin-tazobactam was associated with reduced mortality and improved clinical cure rates across diverse cohorts of severely ill patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  18. Sockalingam SNMP, Zakaria ASI, Khan KAM, Azmi FM, Noor NM
    Case Rep Dent, 2020;2020:6972196.
    PMID: 32695527 DOI: 10.1155/2020/6972196
    The correction of rotated malpositioned tooth/teeth into the dental arch alignment in the mixed-dentition is often a challenging task for paediatric dentists. Failure in addressing this issue can bring about detrimental effect to the developing dentition and increases the probability of a complex orthodontic treatment in later years. Factors such as severity of the malpositioned teeth, patient's treatment compliance, limitation in specific functions of the selected appliance, availability of bone and space may dictate the success of the treatment. The combined use of a simple sectional orthodontic wire appliance and a 2 × 4 orthodontic appliance has been shown to produce a positive effect. The appliances resulted in derotation of the rotated malpositioned teeth and bringing them into arch alignment in two cases. This treatment option had eliminated the detrimental effects to the developing dentition and helped patients to enhance their smile and dental aesthetics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
  19. Saranya K, Ponnada SR, Cheruvathoor JJ, Jacob S, Kandukuri G, Mudigonda M, et al.
    J Forensic Odontostomatol, 2021 Apr 30;1(39):16-23.
    PMID: 34057154
    Juvenile crime or delinquency has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent times. In many countries, including India, the minimum age for criminal responsibility is 16 years. The present study aimed to estimate the probability of a south Indian adolescent either being or being older than the legally relevant age of 16 years using Demirjian's tooth formation stages. Orthopantomograms (OPG) of 640 south Indian adolescents (320 boys and 320 girls) aged between 12 and 20 years were retrospectively analyzed. In each OPG, Demirjian's formation stage of the mandibular left third molar was recorded and the data was subjected to statistical analysis. Descriptive and Pearsons correlation statistics were performed. The empirical probabilities were provided relative to the medico-legal question of predicting 16 years of age. The distribution of age throughout the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentile follows a logical distribution pattern horizontally and vertically. Pearson's correlation statistics showed a strong positive correlation between the Demirjian's stages and age for both sexes. Therefore, it can be concluded that stage "F" can be used to predict the attainment of age equal to or older than 16 years with a probability of 93.9% for boys and 96.6% for girls.
    Matched MeSH terms: Probability
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