Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 837 in total

  1. McDougall C
    Med J Malaya, 1954 Dec;9(2):132-8.
    PMID: 14355276
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care
  2. Norhani Mohidin, Chia, Jho Yan, Mohd Norhafizun Mohd Saman, Nazeem Desai
    Patients who lost their eyes as results of accidents or diseases (e.g. retinoblastoma) usually underwent enucleation or evisceration. They were then fi tted with ocular prosthesis to prevent collapse of the globe and also for cosmetic effects. Custom made ocular prosthesis is almost unheard of in this country for most hospitals supply ready-made (stock) prosthesis. The cosmetic results of stock prosthesis are often unsatisfactory. Besides being uncomfortable, stock prosthesis may also induce allergic reaction that may lead to papillary conjunctivitis. The Optometry Clinic at UKM started its custom made prosthetic service in 2010. We described here two cases of patients who complained of discomfort with their old stock prosthesis and re-fitted with custom made prosthesis. We also highlight the importance of proper hygiene and maintenance so that ocular prosthesis can be used for as long as possible. This article aims to create awareness among eye care practitioners and showcase the cosmetic benefi ts of custom made ocular prosthesis.
    Study site: Optometry clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  3. Ade Suzana Eka Putri, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Amrizal Muhammad Nur
    Indonesian government secures the access of the poor towards health services through subsidised schemes. This study is aimed to describe the pattern of health expenditure by households and to describe the pattern of health service utilisation across household’s socioeconomic level in the city of Padang after seven years of the introduction of subsidised schemes. A household survey was conducted involving 918 households, with multistage random sampling method. The proportion of out-of-pocket (OOP) health spending as a share of household’s capacity to pay was regressive across consumption quintiles. The proportion of households with catastrophic health expenditure was 1.6% while 1.1% faced impoverished health expenses. Among those who need health care, the utilisation among the rich was higher than the poor. Health insurance schemes in Padang provides financial protection, however with regards to household’s capacity to pay, the poor has the higher burden of health payment. The gap on health service utilisation between the poor and the better-offs was still apparent for outpatient services and it has been narrowed for inpatient care. This study suggests that the subsidised schemes for the poor are highly needed and the possibility of the leakage of subsidies to the rich should be considered by the government.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care
  4. Nora, M.S., Tahir, A., Nuraimy, A., Hamzah, A.G.
    This is a cross sectional study to assess the performance of Putrajaya Health Clinic in meeting the client's expectation among 403 clients who came to seek medical treatment through a systematic random sampling in the month of July 2006. Our aim is not only to reduce dissatisfaction among clients but also try to meet their expectations; we have adopted SERVQUAL method which defined satisfaction as the difference between perceptions and expectations. We would also like to refer this dissatisfaction as not able to meet clients' expectations. It was found that there were only 6.9% of clients dissatisfied in Putrajaya Health Clinic, but they had not been able to meet 81.5% of clients' expectation. As for demographic characteristics, there appeared to be a significant association between client's satisfaction and age, gender, ethnicity and educational level. For outpatient's, the greatest dissatisfaction is in the dimension of Reliability. Clients were not happy with the waiting time at the clinic. Apart from recruiting more staff, management should develop a comfortable waiting environment to reduce the agony of waiting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  5. Sa’ida Munira Johari, Suzana Shahar, Roslee Rajikan, Safiyyah A. Aziz
    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a common disorder among elderly and may worsen to dementia. The aim of this study is to develop a nutrition and lifestyle booklet to implement better lifestyle modification, as an effort to delay cognitive decline. A series of discussions with a research group comprising of dieticians, nutritionists, a geriatrician and a public health physician were conducted to ascertain the content of the booklet. There were seven guidelines in the booklet including; eat more fish, eat more foods rich in folic acid, eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, do activities to stimulate memory, stop smoking and alcohol drinking and stay cheerful and positive. Evaluation of acceptance for the booklet was carried out which comprised of assessment on content, graphic and design among elderly and health staff at health clinic in Cheras. The assessment involved 15 Malay elderly subjects aged 60 to 81 years (mean age 66.1 ±6.6 years), with 60.0% men and 40.0% women and 10 health staff aged 36.6 ± 12.0 years, with range of 27 to 58 years, consists of 20.0% men and 80.0% women also participated. Most of elderly subjects (80.0%, n = 12) indicated they understood information in the booklet. Meanwhile, 20.0% (n = 3) of elderly expressed they did not fully understand the content of the booklet in particular on sentence and terminology. All health staff (100.0%) understood the information in the booklet. This booklet was well accepted by elderly subjects and health staff, however adding more graphics, simplifying sentence structures and minimizing scientific terminologies to improve understanding were suggested. The booklet has the potential to increase the nutritional and health knowledge of elderly specifically with MCI. This would motivate them to adopt healthy eating and lifestyle, thus reducing cognitive decline and prevent dementia.
    Keywords: Cognitive, education, booklet, elderly, lifestyle
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  6. Nurly Zahureen, M., Ardi, A., Wan Rosealaiza, W.A.G., Nur Aiza, Z., Suzana, H., Norazemi, A.
    The National Health Morbidity Survey 1996 showed only 34.2% of women aged 20 years and above had done breast self examination (BSE). This data showed the practice of BSE is still low despite of various awareness programmes and activities carried out. A cross sectional study through Systematic Random Sampling was done at Out Patient Department, Kuantan Health Office to know the knowledge and practice of BSE among women aged 20~60 years. The results showed 94.9% respondents had received information about BSE, however only 31.6% knew the appropriate time to do BSE, 14.7% knew the purpose of doing at that time and only 29.9% knew how frequent they should do BSE. 74% of respondents did BSE, however 70.2% of them did not do monthly and 67.2% did not do at the suggested time. There was an association between the practice of BSE with the knowledge and sociodemographic characteristics i.e. educational level, income, ethnic group and marital status.
    Key word: Breast self-examination, breast cancer, Kuantan.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  7. Nur Eliana Ahmad Tarmizi, Periasamy, Chenthilnathan, Singh, Avatar Singh Mohan, Irfan Mohamad
    Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 2017;12(2):114-117.

    Foreign bodies (FB) are most often lodged in the upper digestive tract and amongst the common encounter in outpatient clinic. In most instances, the ingested FB passes uneventfully through the gastrointestinal tract without any harm but in certain cases, it can migrate extraluminally and lead to serious complication. Long standing migrated FB can cause devastating complications like neck abscess and injuries to the major blood vessels. In the present case, a wooden toothpick had migrated to the soft tissue of the neck. A careful and detailed history with clinical-radiographic investigation helped to locate the ingested FB and aided in its successful removal.

    Study site: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Hospital Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  8. Ahmad Faizal S, Sidi H, Wahab S, Leny SS, Mat Zin N, Baharuddin N
    Introduction: Marital satisfaction is vital to the wellbeing and functioning of the individual and family. Marital dissatisfaction can lead to detrimental effects on mental, physical and family health. The study aimed to determine the proportion of marital dissatisfaction in outpatient setting and its association with sexual functioning and psychiatric morbidity in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in selected primary care using purposive sampling. Data collection was done using socio-demographic questionnaire and several validated Malay version of self-administered questionnaires. Marital satisfaction was measured by the Malay version of Golombok–Rust Inventory of Marital State (Mal-GRIMS).
    Results: The prevalence of marriage dissatisfaction in sample population was about 37.3% with almost equal prevalence in both, 36.5% (male) and 37.8% (female). Using a regression analysis, the significant factors that affect marital dissatisfaction were respondent’s age group between 31-40 years old (Adjusted Odds Ratio, AOR. =11.4, 95% Confidence Interval, CI. =1.2-110.9), spouse’s salary of RM1000-RM2000 (lower income category) (AOR=7.3, 95% CI= 1.9-28.1), anxiety case (AOR= 4.8, 95% CI=1.1-21.5), depression case (AOR= 4.8, 95% CI=1.0-22.8), female sexual dysfunction in term of arousal function (AOR= 0.01, 95% CI=0.0-0.7), satisfaction dysfunction (AOR= 9.4, 95% CI= 1.5-58) and pain function (AOR=43.7, 95% CI=1.28 - 1489.2).
    Conclusion: Marital dissatisfaction can be influenced by financial factor, sexual dysfunction and presence of psychiatric morbidity. Hence, in management of marital discord, thorough screening of these factors should be prioritized in clinical setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  9. Mohammad NB, Rahman NAA, Haque M
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2018 4 17;10(1):7-14.
    PMID: 29657502 DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_227_17
    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death around the world including Malaysia. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the single largest cause of death in the developed countries and is one of the main contributors to the disease burden in developing countries.
    Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted to determine knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding the risk of CVD in patients attending an outpatient clinic in Kuantan, Malaysia. A total of 100 patients comprising 52 male and 48 female subjects were selected through convenient sampling method.
    Results: Of the total subjects, 86% were Malays. The mean scores (standard deviation) for KAP were 60.75±4.823, 54.36±8.711, and 33.43±4.046, respectively, whereas the maximum scores obtained by the subjects for KAP were 71, 65, and 43, respectively. Regarding questions related to knowledge, 88% subjects knew irregular eating pattern can cause disease and the benefits of vegetable intake. Most subjects recognized that smoking and obesity were CVD risk factors. Regarding questions related to attitude, 96% agreed that exercise can prevent CVD. More than half of the subjects followed healthy lifestyle. There were statistically significant differences observed in knowledge level between sexes (P = 0.046) and races (P = 0.001). Nevertheless, there was no statistically significant difference observed in KAP across different education levels of the subjects regarding the risk of CVD (P-value = 0.332, 0.185, and 0.160, respectively).
    Conclusion: This study revealed that patients had good knowledge and attitude regarding CVD risk factors. Yet, the number of smokers is still quite high. Development of better public information system is essential for the well-being of the society.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  10. Ling JES, Tong SF
    Malays Fam Physician, 2017;12(1):2-13.
    PMID: 28503268
    INTRODUCTION: Traditionally, family planning initiatives were concentrated on women despite it being a family matter. As family dynamics evolved over the years, fathers' involvement in family planning has become crucial in enhancing the family well-being.
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to identify the role played by men in family planning activities and the association of socio-economic characteristics with these roles.
    METHODOLOGY: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in a university primary care clinic. All married male attendees to the clinic, aged 50 years and below, were approached to answer a set of self-administered questionnaires, asking for their involvement in family planning practices. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
    RESULTS: There were 167 participants in the study. A high proportion of men participated in the discussions regarding previous pregnancies (60.42%), future child planning (89.76%) and desired family size (89.76%). However, the discussions on the usage of family planning methods (FPMs; 39.16%) were significantly low. Socio-economic factors associated with higher likelihood of men discussing family planning activities were older age (p < 0.0), higher education level (p = 0.010), higher monthly income (p < 0.001) and longer duration of marriage (p = 0.0049).
    CONCLUSIONS: The level of participation of men varied in the discussions of four family planning activities. The roles taken by men in family planning were associated with older age and higher socio-economic class. The majority of men needs to be encouraged to play a more active role in the discussion of FPMs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  11. Michal, C.S., Nadirah, S., Juhanah, G., Praneetha, P., Mohan, G.
    The Emergency Department (ED) provides treatment for acutely ill patients in need of urgent medical attention. Despite the availability of the primary care unit ‘Klinik Kesihatan’, where non urgent patients should be treated, Malaysia’s public hospitals still need to deal with overcrowding of non-urgent patients in ED. The main aim of the study was to assess the willingness of non-urgent patients to be redirected to Klinik Kesihatan. This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Hospital Tuaran Emergency Department, Sabah. Non-urgent patients were interviewed using a questionnaire, to find out the purpose of their visit to Emergency Department. A total of 318 non-urgent patients out of 457 patients were interviewed during the study duration. 41 respondents (12.9%) were willing to be redirected towards a Klinik Kesihatan. No associated factors were found when compared with the unwilling to be redirected group. Among 277 respondents who rejected redirection to Klinik Kesihatan, 70.4% agreed to pay a surcharge to be treated in the Emergency Department and there was no association found with the employment status (p= 0.391). Most patients were not willing to accept redirection to a Klinik Kesihatan and would prefer to visit the Emergency Department despite knowing that their condition or illness is one that does not require emergency treatment. Social media, advertisements and pamphlets must be made available to educate patients on the proper use of the Emergency Department.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  12. Ab-Rahman S, Sulaiman AR, Muzaffar T
    Trauma Case Rep, 2016 Apr;3:32-35.
    PMID: 29942842 DOI: 10.1016/j.tcr.2016.05.004
    Irreducible dislocation of the interphalangeal joint (IPJ) big toe is a rare injury Hitori et al. (2006) . We report a case of the right big toe IPJ dislocation following a trauma. The problem was diagnosed and managed at other medical centers with standard treatment of closed manual reduction and splint. The right big toe was splinted accordingly and the patient was referred to our orthopedic outpatient clinic. At the clinic, a repeat plain radiograph was ordered due to high suspicion of the irreducible IPJ.
    Study site: orthopedic clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  13. Mahdy, Z.A., Rahana, A.R., Zaleha, M.I., Muhammad Za’im, S.H., Mukudan, K., Jumaida, A.B.
    Medicine & Health, 2017;12(1):27-33.
    Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia in pregnancy. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of antenatal anemia and iron deficiency in the Malaysian population and its correlation with sociodemographic and obstetric profile. It was a cross-sectional study conducted at an urban health clinic over a period of six months. A single blood sample was drawn from apparently healthy pregnant mothers at antenatal booking and sent for laboratory assessment of full blood count and serum ferritin as screening tools for anemia and iron status. SPSS version 19.0 was used for statistical analyses. The results showed that out of 250 subjects, 43.6% had anemia and 31.6% had iron deficiency. Whilst 47.7% of subjects with anemia were iron deficient, 19.1% of subjects without anemia were also iron deficient. Serum ferritin correlated negatively with period of gestation at booking (p<0.001), with 77.6% of these women not having prior iron supplements. Serum ferritin was also significantly lower among grandmultiparae (p=0.01). Iron deficiency was significantly (p=0.024) more common among Indians (42.5%) compared to Malays (33.5%) and Chinese (13.0%). In conclusion, continuation of the current practice of routine antenatal iron supplementation is still warranted and justifiable in Malaysia as there is high prevalence of iron deficiency in pregnancy not only in the presence of anemia but also in the presence of normal hemoglobin values. Keywords: anaemia, ferritn, pregnancy
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  14. Ali, N., Abdul Mutalip, M.H., Kamaruddin, R., Manickam, M.A., Ahmad, N.A.
    Background: Early detection of alcohol abuse and associated risk(s) is necessary. It requires easy and reliable screening tools that are culturally
    adapted to the local context.
    Objectives: The aims of this study were to cross culturally adapt, test for its reliability and validity of the Malay version of Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Testing (AUDIT-M).
    Methods: The cross-cultural adaptation process involved four stages: translation, synthesis, back translation and field pre-testing. The final version of AUDIT-M was pre-tested and post-tested within a 10-day interval among 37 respondents at the Tampin Health Clinic. Analysis of reliability and validity testing were done using SPSS version 21.
    Results: There were 37 participants in this study. The Intra-Class Correlation (ICC) with single measures of the test-retest scores was 0.93 (Cronbach alpha = 0.97), while the internal consistency reliability yielded (Cronbach alpha=0.92). Validity testing for the Pre-test and Post-test analysis with the Pearson correlation analysis was r=0.938.
    Conclusion: The translated Malay version of the AUDIT-M was found to be easy to understand and adaptable in the Malaysian context.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  15. Wong, L. K. S., Muthupalaniappen, L., Tie, S. T.
    Medicine & Health, 2017;12(2):275-285.
    Adult influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations are grossly underutilized although there is clear benefit in reducing mortality and morbidity among those at risk. The aim of the study was to assess primary care physician’s knowledge on adult influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations, their beliefs and barriers to vaccination. A cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaires was conducted at eight primary care centres in Kuching, Sarawak. A total of 108 primary care physicians participated in this study. Median age of participants was 29 years (IQR 4.0). The median knowledge score for influenza vaccine was 9 (IQR 3) and for pneumococcal vaccine was 8 (IQR 4). Female participants scored higher compared to their male counterparts for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines (P = 0.005 & 0.007). The highest percentage of correct responses for influenza vaccination was for side effects (75.3%) while the lowest was for contraindications (9.3%). The highest percentage of correct responses for pneumococcal vaccination was for side effects (69.1%) while the lowest was for advocated target groups (6.2%). Most participants believed that pneumococcal and influenza vaccines were safe (92.8 & 99%) and beneficial for patients (89.7 & 93.8%). Cost of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines (94.8% & 96.9%) and their availability (86.6% & 89.7%) were the main barriers to prescribing them. Primary care physicians in the public sector have moderate knowledge of both adult vaccinations. Areas of knowledge paucity and barriers need to be addressed to ensure a more comprehensive health care delivery to the aging Malaysian population.
    Keywords: adult, belief, influenza vaccines, knowledge, pneumococcal vaccines
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  16. Norhayati MN, Masseni AA, Azlina I
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e2983.
    PMID: 28243527 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2983
    BACKGROUND: The outcomes of the physician-patient discussion intervene in the satisfaction of cardiovascular disease risk patients. Adherence to treatment, provision of continuous care, clinical management of the illness and patients' adjustment are influenced by satisfaction with physician-patient interaction. This study aims to determine the patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interaction and over six months after following prevention counselling, its associations with modifiable cardiovascular risk factors amongst moderately-high risk patients in a primary healthcare clinic in Kelantan, Malaysia.
    METHODS: A prospective survey was conducted amongst patients with moderately-high cardiovascular risk. A total of 104 moderately-high risk patients were recruited and underwent structured prevention counselling based on the World Health Organization guideline, and their satisfaction with the doctor-patient interaction was assessed using 'Skala Kepuasan Interaksi Perubatan-11,' the Malay version of the Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale-21. Systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were measured at baseline and at a follow-up visit at six months. Descriptive analysis, paired t test and linear regression analyses were performed.
    RESULTS: A total of 102 patients responded, giving a response rate of 98.1%. At baseline, 76.5% of the respondents were satisfied with the relation with their doctor, with the favourable domain of distress relief (85.3%) and rapport/confidence (91.2%). The unfavourable domain was interaction outcome, with satisfaction in only 67.6% of the respondents. Between the two visits, changes had occurred in total cholesterol (P = 0.022) and in systolic blood pressure (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  17. Rahman, Md. Shamsur, Matanjun, David, Parash, M. Tanveer Hossain, Shimmi, Sadia Choudhury, Tan, Tek Song, D’Souza, Urban John Arnold, et al.
    The main objective of this study was to obtain information regarding the effects of educational and socio-economic status of the patients on the prescribing pattern of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) by the qualified medical personnel in the outpatient departments (OPDs) of two selected polyclinics in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. A total of 200 selected patients (100 from each polyclinic) attending the OPDs were interviewed using a questionnaire. Again data were collected, photocopied and later analyzed. Educated and higher income group of patients mostly attended in a Private Polyclinic (PPC) whereas less educated and lower income group of patients generally attended UMS Polyclinic (UPC). This was reported as a probable reason for the wide variations in the prescribing pattern with respect to pharmacological subclasses of NSAIDs in the OPDs of two polyclinics. The present results strongly support that probable reason. The number of patients taking NSAIDs before coming to hospital was more in PPC compared to UPC. They were influenced by pharmacists, friends and doctor’s advice given previously. In conclusion, it may be mentioned that overall prescribing pattern of NSAIDs among two polyclinics is rational.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  18. Kang CY, Md Said S, Abdul Manaf R
    Introduction: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Malaysian aged ≥ 18 years increased from 11.6% (2006) to 17.5% (2015). Positive self–care behaviour leads to good glycaemic control. The objective of this study is to determine the self-care behaviour, its associated factors and predictors among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients in government health clinics at a district of Northern Peninsular Malaysia.
    Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 546 T2DM patients aged ≥ 18 years, recruited by simple random sampling method. A validated self-administered questionnaire including socio-demographic characteristics, diabetes profile, knowledge, Health Belief Model (HBM) and Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activity Scale (SDSCA) was used. Data were analysed using SPSS version 22.0. Self-care behaviour is the dependent variable.
    Results: The respondents practised 3.4 (SD = 1.11) days self-care behaviour past 1 week. The predictors of self-care behaviour were self-efficacy (standardized β = 0.257, p < 0.001), knowledge (standardized β = 0.112, p = 0.007), female (standardized β = 0.107, p = 0.010), combination oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHA) and insulin (standardized β = -0.182, p = 0.002), and monthly income < RM1,000 (standardized β = -0.129, p = 0.002). The entire group of variables significantly predicted self-care behaviour [F (6, 539) = 15.79, p < 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.140] with total variance of 14.9%. Self-efficacy was the strongest predictor in self-care behaviour.
    Conclusion: The findings enable us to identify the specific groups with predicted lower self-care behaviour which are useful in future planning and implementation of intervention.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  19. Aneesa Abdul Rashid, Nurainul Hana Shamsuddin, Raja Dalila Athirah Raja Malek Ridhuan, Nurin Amalina Sallahuddin, Devaraj, Navin Kumar
    Introduction: In first six months of life, breastfeeding is the recommended form of feeding by the World Health Organisation for the growing child. To enable the working mother to continue this noble practice, adequate workplace breastfeeding support and self- efficacy is needed. This study aims to determine the prevalence of breastfeeding among working mothers of children aged three months to two years and factors associated with breastfeeding practice including workplace support and mother’s self-efficacy. Method: This is a cross sectional questionnaire study carried out in a rural Health Clinic in Selangor using socio-demographic data, Workplace Breastfeeding Support Scale (WBSS), and the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (BSES-SF). This study was conducted for a period of three months from April to June 2015. The respondents were employed Malaysian mothers of healthy infants aged three months to two years. A total of 84 participants were involved in the study. Data analysis was done with SPSS 22.Results: The prevalence of breastfeeding among working mothers were high at 97.6%. We found significant association of breastfeeding practice with workplace breastfeeding support (p=0.005) and self-efficacy (p= 0.017). We also noted a significant correlation between breastfeeding workplace support and breast feeding self-efficacy (r= 0.40, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  20. Danial M, Hassali MA, Ong LM, Khan AH
    BMC Pharmacol Toxicol, 2018 Aug 29;19(1):52.
    PMID: 30157959 DOI: 10.1186/s40360-018-0243-0
    BACKGROUND: Accurate identification and routine preventive practices are crucial steps in lessening the incidence of medications and patients related adverse drug reactions (ADRs).

    METHODS: Three years retrospective study was conducted among chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients at multi-wards in a tertiary healthcare center. Data collected included demographic characteristics, physical examination results, comorbid conditions, laboratory tests and medications taken. Only medication prescribed during the hospital stay were considered in this study.

    RESULTS: From this study only one ADR incident was definitely preventable and majority of other ADRs (88.3%) were possibly preventable. Type of renal replacement therapy (p = 0.023) and stages of renal function (p = 0.002) were significantly associated with survivability of the hospitalized CKD patients after ADRs. Highest percentage of mortality based on categories were 50-59 years (20.0%), male (16.3%), Indian ethnicity (23.7%), obese (15.0%), smoking (17.1%), consumes alcohol (17.4%), conservative management of renal disease (19.5%) and renal function of care and prevention of ADRs among CKD patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
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