METHODS: De-identified residual specimens from women aged 16-24 years submitted for chlamydia testing were collected from three pathology laboratories in Victoria and New South Wales. Limited demographic information, and chlamydia test results were also collected. Patient identifiers were sent directly from the laboratories to the National HPV Vaccination Program Register, to obtain HPV vaccination histories. Samples underwent HPV genotyping using Seegene Anyplex II HPV 28 assay.
RESULTS: Between April and July 2018, 362 residual samples were collected, the majority (60.2%) of which were cervical swabs. Demographic data and vaccination histories were received for 357 (98.6%) women (mean age 21.8, SD 2.0). Overall, 65.6% of women were fully vaccinated, 9.8% partially, and 24.7% unvaccinated. The majority (86.0%) resided in a major city, 35.9% were classified in the upper quintile of socioeconomic advantage and chlamydia positivity was 7.8%.The prevalence of quadrivalent vaccine-targeted types (HPV6/11/16/18) was 2.8% (1.5-5.1%) overall with no differences by vaccination status (p = 0.729). The prevalence of additional nonavalent vaccine-targeted types (HPV31/33/45/52/58) was 19.3% (15.6-23.8%). One or more oncogenic HPV types were detected in 46.8% (95% CI 41.6-52.0%) of women.
CONCLUSIONS: HPV testing of residual chlamydia specimens provides a simple, feasible method for monitoring circulating genotypes. Applied on a larger scale this method can be utilised to obtain a timely assessment of nonavalent vaccine impact among young women not yet eligible for cervical screening.
METHOD: This study was performed among the indigenous people in Kuching and Sibu (Sarawak) and Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) using the Public Attitudes Toward Epilepsy (PATE) scale. A higher score indicates poorer attitude.
RESULT: A total of 360 respondents (41.7% Kadazan-Dusun, 30.6% Bidayuh, and 24.7% Iban) aged 34.6 ± 12.6 years completed the questionnaire. They were predominantly females and had lower education level and income compared with the West Malaysians. The Sabah population had significantly lower mean scores (better attitudes) than those in Sarawak, in both personal and general domains (p
METHODS: The scale was translated following the standard procedures. For psychometric validation, the Turkish version of the PATE scale was administered to 201 native Turkish speakers above the age of 18 who had no history of seizures or epilepsy. It was found that the respondents were able to fill out the scale quickly and without difficulty in understanding the translated items on the scale.
RESULTS: Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be 0.843 for the overall scale and above 0.7 for each individual item. Cronbach's alpha was 0.78 for the general domain and 0.792 for the personal domain. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were carried out and showed that the scale had a structure similar to that of the original scale, with the 14 items grouped under two dimensions, similar to the original scale.
CONCLUSION: The Turkish version of the PATE scale was a valid and reliable tool to measure the attitudes toward epilepsy in Turkish society.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chest radiographs of patients confirmed with COVID-19 in Hospital Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists. The radiographic pattern, distribution among subgroups and evolution of the disease over time were determined.
RESULTS: Among the 82 patients studied, 65 (79.3%) were males. Mean age of our cohorts was 37 ± 15 years. Baseline chest radiographs were abnormal in 37 patients (45.1%). Over half (52.9%) of the symptomatic patients had abnormal baseline radiograph. Among the children, patients with comorbidities, and patients 60 years of age and above, the abnormal radiographs were 14.3%, 71.4% and 69.3% respectively. Ground glass opacities were the commonest abnormal radiographic feature (35.4%), were peripherally located (35.4%) with predilection for the lower zones (29.3%). Most radiographic abnormalities were multifocal (20.7%) and frequently located in the left lung (19.5%). Radiographic recovery was observed in 15 of 18 patients (83%). Computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated greater extent of the disease than observed in radiographs of the same patient.
CONCLUSIONS: COVID-19 pneumonia presented with a specific radiographic pattern in our cohort of patients, comprising of ground glass opacities in peripheral and basilar distribution, affecting a single lung field and was observed in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Chest radiograph is a useful adjunct screening tool, and in combination with clinical and epidemiological assessment may facilitate in early diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia.
PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 19-year-old lady presented with a bleeding, fungating breast mass worsened with topical herbal concoction. Examination revealed a 10 × 15 cm fungating breast mass that obliterated her nipple- areolar complex (NAC). Computed Tomography (CT) scan reported a huge heterogeneously enhancing mass 10.6 × 14.5 × 15.1 cm with loss of normal fat plane with the overlying skin but a clear fat plane with the pectoralis muscle posteriorly.
DISCUSSION: Giant breast masses that fungate and ulcerate usually indicate a sinister pathology. Traditional remedies have been reported to exacerbate growth. In cases where most of the breast parenchyma and NAC has been destroyed, it is no longer possible to proceed with breast conserving techniques. Breast reconstruction is crucial in adolescents and should be tailored to the patient's existing breast size as well as body habitus.
CONCLUSION: In juvenile giant fibroadenomas where breast parenchyma and NAC has been destroyed, breast reconstruction is the goal. The lack of consensus in both diagnosis and management further compounds the difficulty in dealing with this sensitive population. Awareness needs to be raised regarding negative effects related to traditional medicine.
METHODS: We conducted molecular detection, genetic characterization, and Bayesian time-scale evolution analyses of NiV using pooled Pteropid bat roost urine samples from an outbreak area in 2012 and archived RNA samples from NiV case patients identified during 2012-2018 in Bangladesh.
RESULTS: NiV-RNA was detected in 19% (38/456) of bat roost urine samples and among them; nine N gene sequences were recovered. We also retrieved sequences from 53% (21 out of 39) of archived RNA samples from patients. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all Bangladeshi strains belonged to NiV-BD genotype and had an evolutionary rate of 4.64 × 10-4 substitutions/site/year. The analyses suggested that the strains of NiV-BD genotype diverged during 1995 and formed two sublineages.
CONCLUSION: This analysis provides further evidence that the NiV strains of the Malaysian and Bangladesh genotypes diverged recently and continue to evolve. More extensive surveillance of NiV in bats and human will be helpful to explore strain diversity and virulence potential to infect humans through direct or person-to-person virus transmission.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 47 patients with 88 IPS e.max Press single crowns were examined at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, using modified United States Public Health Service evaluation criteria (USPHS). These 88 crowned teeth included 19 vital and 69 nonvital teeth that were restored with different post and core materials. The periodontal status was compared using the plaque index (PI), gingival recession (GR), modified papillary bleeding index (MPBI) and probing pocket depth (PPD) between the crowned teeth and contralateral control (sound) teeth.
RESULTS: About 96.6% of the crowns exhibited satisfactory clinical performance. The mean survival rate at three years was 97.7%, and 100% at two years with a low incidence of fractures. There were no staitistically significant differences in the mean gingival recession (p = 0.182) and mean plaque scores (p = 0.102) between crowned and control teeth. The crowned teeth had higher mean MPBI (p = 0.000) and PPD (p = 0.051) compared to the contralateral sound teeth. Periodontal response in relation to subgingival crown margins, was statistically significantly lower regarding pocket depths (p = 0.01) and bleeding on probing (p = 0.00).
CONCLUSION: IPS e.max Press crowns exhibited satisfactory clinical performance with high survival rate. No dentinal sensitivity was recorded. Plaque retention and gingival recession were similar to contralateral control teeth. Poor periodontal health was related to the subgingival crown margins.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The IPEN Adolescent observational, cross-sectional, multicountry study involves recruiting adolescent participants (ages 11-19 years) and one parent/guardian from neighbourhoods selected to ensure wide variations in walkability and socioeconomic status using common protocols and measures. Fifteen geographically, economically and culturally diverse countries, from six continents, participated: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hong Kong SAR, India, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Portugal, Spain and USA. Countries provided survey and accelerometer data (15 countries), GIS data (11), global positioning system data (10), and pedestrian environment audit data (8). A sample of n=6950 (52.6% female; mean age=14.5, SD=1.7) adolescents provided survey data, n=4852 had 4 or more 8+ hours valid days of accelerometer data, and n=5473 had GIS measures. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour were measured by waist-worn ActiGraph accelerometers and self-reports, and body mass index was used to categorise weight status.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval was received from each study site's Institutional Review Board for their in-country studies. Informed assent by adolescents and consent by parents was obtained for all participants. No personally identifiable information was transferred to the IPEN coordinating centre for pooled datasets. Results will be communicated through standard scientific channels and findings used to advance the science of environmental correlates of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and weight status, with the ultimate goal to stimulate and guide actions to create more activity-supportive environments internationally.