Displaying publications 1761 - 1780 of 17413 in total

  1. Heo CC, Kurahashi H, Nishida K, Tan Siew H, Mohamed Z, Mohamed AM, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2008 Dec;25(3):254-6.
    PMID: 19287366
    Fannia prisca Stein, 1918 is newly recorded from peninsular Malaysia. This record is based on 4 male specimens from Mount Berembun, Brinchang, Cameron Highland, Pahang state, peninsular Malaysia. It is previously recorded from China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Bonin Island, Thailand and oriental region. The male of Fannia prisca can be differentiated from male Fannia scalaris by the following features: for F. prisca, mid-coxa without spine; mid-tibia normal or without stout triangular ventral projection; and hind tibia usually with 2 av, while F. scalaris has several stout hook-like spines on the anterior margin; mid-tibia with stout triangular ventral projection and hind tibia usually with 3 av. Both F. prisca and F. scalaris can be differentiated from Fannia leucosticta by looking at its hind tibia, which only has 1 av.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  2. Rohani A, Chan ST, Abdullah AG, Tanrang H, Lee HL
    Trop Biomed, 2008 Dec;25(3):232-6.
    PMID: 19287362
    The adult population and species composition of mosquitoes collected in Ranau, Sabah are described. A total of 5956 mosquitoes representing 8 genera and 41 species were collected using human landing catch, indoor and outdoor. Anopheles maculatus was the most common species (15.6%) followed by Culex quinquefasciatus (12.8%), Culex pseudovishnui (12.1%), Anopheles balabacensis (11.1%), Culex vishnui (9.7%), Aedes vexans (9.6%), Culex tritaeniorhyncus (6.6%), Anopheles donaldi (5.6%) and others in very small percentage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  3. Ooi CP, Rohani A, Zamree I, Chua WS
    Trop Biomed, 2005 Jun;22(1):69-71.
    PMID: 16880756 MyJurnal
    Artificial feeding of mosquitoes with blood meal is an important technique in the studies of mosquito feeding. Owing to the difficulty in obtaining suitable artificial membranes for mosquito feeding from other sources, several easily obtainable membranes in Malaysia were tested for their suitability as a replacement. Skin of chicken, fish, and salted sausage were obtained and tested against cattle skin membrane as a control. The results showed that cattle skin is still the most favorable membrane to be used, with full engorgement rate of around 57% using fresh human blood. However, processed chicken skin was shown having potential for further testing since with feeding using human blood kept overnight at 4 degrees C, an engorgement rate of 50% was obtained.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  4. Choudhry FR, Munawar K, Kassab YW, Bakrin FS, Al-Worafi YM, Khan TM
    Int Q Community Health Educ, 2021 Jan;41(2):199-207.
    PMID: 32249680 DOI: 10.1177/0272684X20916621
    AIMS: The Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network recently warned that the Zika virus-containing mosquitoes are being found in Pakistan and the health sector is on high alert. It is thus significant to understand public beliefs and perceptions of the Zika virus and vaccination in the current scenario of Pakistan.

    METHODS: Twenty semistructured qualitative interviews were conducted and analyzed through an inductive approach to analysis.

    RESULTS: The findings were presented in three main categories which were coded: Reality vs. Conspiracy, Vaccination Concerns, and Public Worries. The majority believed that the Zika virus is a real problem and that authorities might be trying to hide the Zika cases in Pakistan. Moreover, they believed that health organizations are being incompetent by failing to take timely remedial measures to manage the Zika. However, 20% have an opposing view and believed that the Zika virus is a conspiracy against Pakistan from the West.

    CONCLUSION: Overall, most participants were concerned about the lack of treatment and preventive methods and emphasized the need to create awareness among the public. It is observed that the participants' perceptions ranged from perceiving the Zika virus as real to as a conspiracy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  5. Salem SA, Rashidbenam Z, Jasman MH, Ho CCK, Sagap I, Singh R, et al.
    Tissue Eng Regen Med, 2020 08;17(4):553-563.
    PMID: 32583275 DOI: 10.1007/s13770-020-00271-7
    BACKGROUND: The urinary tract can be affected by both congenital abnormalities as well as acquired disorders, such as cancer, trauma, infection, inflammation, and iatrogenic injuries, all of which may lead to organ damage requiring eventual reconstruction. As a gold standard, gastrointestinal segment is used for urinary bladder reconstruction. However, one major problem is that while bladder tissue prevents reabsorption of specific solutes, gastrointestinal tissue actually absorbs them. Therefore, tissue engineering approach had been attempted to provide an alternative tissue graft for urinary bladder reconstruction.

    METHODS: Human adipose-derived stem cells isolated from fat tissues were differentiated into smooth muscle cells and then seeded onto a triple-layered PLGA sheet to form a bladder construct. Adult athymic rats underwent subtotal urinary bladder resection and were divided into three treatment groups (n = 3): Group 1 ("sham") underwent anastomosis of the remaining basal region, Group 2 underwent reconstruction with the cell-free scaffold, and Group 3 underwent reconstruction with the tissue-engineered bladder construct. Animals were monitored on a daily basis and euthanisation was performed whenever a decline in animal health was detected.

    RESULTS: All animals in Groups 1, 2 and 3 survived for at least 7 days and were followed up to a maximum of 12 weeks post-operation. It was found that by Day 14, substantial ingrowth of smooth muscle and urothelial cells had occurred in Group 2 and 3. In the long-term follow up of group 3 (tissue-engineered bladder construct group), it was found that the urinary bladder wall was completely regenerated and bladder function was fully restored. Urodynamic and radiological evaluations of the reconstructed bladder showed a return to normal bladder volume and function.Histological analysis revealed the presence of three muscular layers and a urothelium similar to that of a normal bladder. Immunohistochemical staining using human-specific myocyte markers (myosin heavy chain and smoothelin) confirmed the incorporation of the seeded cells in the newly regenerated muscular layers.

    CONCLUSION: Implantation of PLGA construct seeded with smooth muscle cells derived from human adipose stem cells can lead to regeneration of the muscular layers and urothelial ingrowth, leading to formation of a completely functional urinary bladder.

    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  6. Ohara T, Hoeksema BW, Wee HB, Reimer JD
    Mar Environ Res, 2021 Aug;170:105445.
    PMID: 34392055 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105445
    Offshore Onna Village, Okinawa Island, Japan, there is a large and densely covered coral assemblage of free-living mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) on a reef slope at depths from 20 m to 32 m, covering an area of approximately 350 × 40 m2. From previous research, it is known that migration distances of mushroom corals may depend on coral shapes, coral sizes, substrate, and bottom inclination. However, until now there have been no published examples of regular Fungiidae movement and behavior from typhoon-exposed coastlines, such as those in the western Pacific Ocean. Our surveys across three years offshore Onna Village show that mushroom corals always move in down-slope direction from shallow to deeper reef zones. The results indicated that mushroom corals migrated faster in autumn than in other seasons, and that oval-elongate fungiids, and particularly those with a smooth underside, migrated more quickly than species with other shapes. Surprisingly, we observed a negative relationship between the presence of typhoons and migration rates. We also observed active migration by fungiid individuals to escape situations in which they were threatened to become overgrown by Acropora corals, or when they needed to escape from burial underneath coral debris.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  7. Abdullah NA, Asri LN, Husin SM, Shukor AM, Darbis NDA, Ismail K, et al.
    Environ Monit Assess, 2021 Sep 07;193(10):634.
    PMID: 34491451 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09426-y
    We studied the water quality of the riparian firefly sanctuary of Sungai Rembau, or Rembau River, in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, from January 2018 to November 2018 to determine the possible influence of the physico-chemical characteristics of the water on the firefly populations living within the sanctuary. We set up a total of five water quality sampling stations and 10 firefly sampling stations along the river. Dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured in situ, while chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) were analysed in the laboratory. Firefly samples were collected using a sweep net at both day and night for 1 min. Sungai Rembau was categorized as Class II on the Malaysian water quality index (WQI), which indicates slight pollution. Except for EC and DO, the water quality parameter values were not significantly different (p > 0.05) between the sampling stations. A total of 529 firefly individuals consisting of Pteroptyx tener (n = 525, 99.24%), P. malaccae (n = 3, 0.57%) and P. asymmetria (n = 1, 0.19%) were collected. There was significant correlation between firefly abundance and BOD (r =  - 0.198, p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  8. Apriono C, Muin F, Juwono FH
    Sensors (Basel), 2021 Aug 28;21(17).
    PMID: 34502698 DOI: 10.3390/s21175807
    Recently, rapid advances in radio detection and ranging (radar) technology applications have been implemented in various fields. In particular, micro-Doppler radar has been widely developed to perform certain tasks, such as detection of buried victims in natural disaster, drone system detection, and classification of humans and animals. Further, micro-Doppler radar can also be implemented in medical applications for remote monitoring and examination. This paper proposes a human respiration rate detection system using micro-Doppler radar with quadrature architecture in the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) frequency of 5.8 GHz. We use a mathematical model of human breathing to further explore any insights into signal processes in the radar. The experimental system is designed using the USRP B200 mini-module as the main component of the radar and the Vivaldi antennas working at 5.8 GHz. The radar system is integrated directly with the GNU Radio Companion software as the processing part. Using a frequency of 5.8 GHz and USRP output power of 0.33 mW, our proposed method was able to detect the respiration rate at a distance of 2 m or less with acceptable error. In addition, the radar system could differentiate different frequency rates for different targets, demonstrating that it is highly sensitive. We also emphasize that the designed radar system can be used as a portable device which offers flexibility to be used anytime and anywhere.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  9. Ling AJW, Chang LS, Babji AS, Latip J, Koketsu M, Lim SJ
    Food Chem, 2022 Jan 15;367:130755.
    PMID: 34390910 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130755
    Sialic acids are a group of nine-carbon α-keto acids. Sialic acid exists in more than 50 forms, with the natural types discovered as N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), deaminoneuraminic acid (2-keto-3-deoxy-nonulononic acid or Kdn), and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). Sialic acid level varies depending on the source, where edible bird's nest (EBN), predominantly Neu5Ac, is among the major sources of sialic acid. Due to its high nutritive value and complexity, sialic acid has been studied extensively through acid, aqueous, and enzymatic extraction. Although detection by chromatographic methods or mass spectrometry is common, the isolation and recovery work remained limited. Sialic acid is well-recognised for its bioactivities, including brain and cognition development, immune-enhancing, anti-hypertensive, anticancer, and skin whitening properties. Therefore, sialic acid can be used as a functional ingredient in the various industries. This paper reviews the current trend in the biochemistry, sources, extraction, and functions of sialic acids with special reference to EBN.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  10. Lum WM, Benico G, Doan-Nhu H, Furio E, Leaw CP, Leong SCY, et al.
    Harmful Algae, 2021 07;107:102070.
    PMID: 34456025 DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2021.102070
    Red tides and associated fisheries damage caused by the harmful raphidophyte Chattonella were reassessed based on the documented local records for 50 years to understand the distribution and economic impacts of the harmful species in the Western Pacific. Blooms of Chattonella with fisheries damage have been recorded in East Asia since 1969, whereas they have been only recorded in Southeast Asia since the 1980s. Occurrences of Chattonella have been documented from six Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, with mass mortalities mainly of farmed shrimp in 1980-1990s, and farmed fish in 2000-2010s. These occurrences have been reported with the names of C. antiqua, C. marina, C. ovata, C. subsalsa and Chattonella sp., owing to the difficulty of microscopic species identification, and many were not supported with molecular data. To determine the distribution of C. marina complex and C. subsalsa in Southeast Asia, molecular phylogeny and microscopic observation were also carried out for cultures obtained from Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand. The results revealed that only the genotype of C. marina complex has been detected from East Asia (China, Japan, Korea and Russia), whereas both C. marina complex (Indonesia and Malaysia) and C. subsalsa (Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) were found in Southeast Asia. Ejection of mucocysts has been recognized as a diagnostic character of C. subsalsa, but it was also observed in our cultures of C. marina isolated from Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, and Russia. Meanwhile, the co-occurrences of the two harmful Chattonella species in Southeast Asia, which are difficult to distinguish solely based on their morphology, suggest the importance of molecular identification of Chattonella genotypes for further understanding of their distribution and negative impacts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  11. Masre SF, Jufri NF, Ibrahim FW, Abdul Raub SH
    Rev Med Virol, 2021 09;31(5):1-9.
    PMID: 33368788 DOI: 10.1002/rmv.2207
    Understanding the molecules that are essential for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) entry can provide insights into viral infection and dissemination. Recently, it has been identified from several studies that angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor and transmembrane serine protease 2 are the main entry molecules for the SARS-CoV-2, which produced the pandemic of Covid-19. However, additional evidence showed several other viral receptors and cellular proteases that are also important in facilitating viral entry and transmission in the target cells. In this review, we summarized the types of SARS-CoV-2 entry molecules and discussed their crucial roles for virus binding, protein priming and fusion to the cellular membrane important for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  12. Apanaskevich DA, Apanaskevich MA, Nooma W, Ahantarig A, Trinachartvanit W
    Syst Parasitol, 2021 06;98(3):207-230.
    PMID: 33893604 DOI: 10.1007/s11230-021-09972-6
    Re-examination of the holotype of Dermacentor atrosignatus Neumann, 1906 (Acari: Ixodidae) stored in the Natural History Museum (London, UK) revealed that this taxon is identical with D. auratus Supino, 1897 and should be treated as a junior synonym of the latter species. A correct name for the distinct species previously identified as D. atrosignatus Neumann, 1906 sensu Wassef & Hoogstraal, 1984 should be D. tricuspis (Schulze, 1933) n. comb., n. stat. Adults of D. tricuspis are redescribed here. Re-examination of extensive holdings of Oriental Dermacentor Koch, 1844 ticks stored in the United States National Tick Collection revealed that a morphologically distinct new species of this genus, namely D. falsosteini D. Apanaskevich, M. Apanaskevich & Nooma n. sp. should be recognized. Adults of D. tricuspis and D. falsosteini n. sp. can be distinguished from other species of Oriental Dermacentor and each other by the colour pattern of the conscutum and scutum, the pattern of punctations on the pseudoscutum and scutum, the shape of female genital structures and spurs on coxa I. Dermacentor tricuspis is recorded from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand where the adults were mostly collected from various species of wild pigs (Artiodactyla: Suidae) and vegetation; few adults were available from other mammals (Artiodactyla: Bovidae; Carnivora: Canidae, Felidae, Ursidae; Pholidota: Manidae), as well as humans and reptiles (Squamata: Elapidae, Varanidae). One male was reared from a nymph collected on a rodent (Rodentia: Muridae). Dermacentor falsosteini n. sp. is found in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand where the adults were collected from bearded pig, Sus barbatus Müller, wild boar, S. scrofa Linnaeus, unidentified wild pig, Sus sp. (Artiodactyla: Suidae), Malayan tapir, Tapirus indicus Desmarest (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae), human and vegetation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  13. Rosland NA, Ikhsan N, Min CC, Yusoff FM, Karim M
    Curr Microbiol, 2021 Nov;78(11):3901-3912.
    PMID: 34522979 DOI: 10.1007/s00284-021-02642-2
    The emerging aquaculture industry is in need of non-antibiotic-based disease control approaches to minimize the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Bacterial infections mainly caused by Vibrio spp. have caused mass mortalities of fish especially during the larval stages. The objectives of this study were to verify the potential of symbiotic probiont strains, isolated from microalgae (Amphora, Chlorella, and Spirulina) for suppressing the growth of Vibrio spp. and at the same time ascertain their abilities to enhance microalgal biomass by mutualistic interactions through microalgae-bacteria symbiosis. In addition, in vivo studies on Artemia bioencapsulated with probiont strains (single strain and mix strains) and microalgae were evaluated. The selected potential probionts were identified as Lysinibacillus fusiformis strain A-1 (LFA-1), Bacillus sp. strain A-2 (BA-2), Lysinibacillus fusiformis strain Cl-3 (LFCl-3), and Bacillus pocheonensis strain S-2 (BPS-2) using 16s rRNA. The cell densities of Amphora culture supplemented with BA-2 and Chlorella culture supplemented with LFCl-3 were higher than those of the controls. Artemia bioencapsulated with mix strains (LFA-1 + BA-2 + LFCl-3 + BPS-2) and Amphora demonstrated the highest survival rate compared to the controls, after being challenged with V. harveyi (60 ± 4%) and V. parahaemolyticus (78 ± 2%). Our study postulated that BA-2 and LFCl-3 were found to be good promoting bacteria for microalgal growth and microalgae serve as a vector to transport probiotic into Artemia. Moreover, mixture of potential probionts is beneficial for Artemia supplementation in conferring protection to Artemia nauplii against pathogenic Vibrios.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  14. Yang J, Lu J, Zhu Q, Tao Y, Zhu Q, Guo C, et al.
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2021 Aug;132(2):161-166.
    PMID: 33972168 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2020.12.016
    As one of Lianyungang's most famous specialties, Acanthogobius hasta is delicious and nutritious fish, but is extremely susceptible to spoilage during transportation and storage. In this study, Lactobacillus plantarum MMB-07 was isolated from traditional fermented sour fish to reduce losses and improve the utilization and food value of A. hasta. L. plantarum MMB-07 had good ability of acid production and acid resistance. Moreover, it could also inhibit common pathogens in food or aquatic products to ensure the safety of fermented products. MMB-07 was used to ferment A. hasta and obtain fermented Suanyu rich in nutrition value and good flavor. The volatile base nitrogen was 18.44 mg/100 g and the fermented fish meat maintained second-grade freshness. Thiobarbituric acid assay was 0.90 mg/kg and fat in fish meat was oxidized to a low degree. The studies indicated that MMB-07 has a high application prospect in low salt fermented fish.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  15. MyJurnal
    This study was conducted to determine the proximate composition and energetic value of selected marine fish and shellfish from the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. This study has included 20 species of fish (10 pelagic fish and 10 demersal fish) and 4 species of shellfish. For pelagic fish, Longtail shad (terubuk) was found to contain significantly lower moisture (59.31+0.00%), but significantly higher fat content (23.15+0.00%) compared to other fish species. For demersal fish, moisture and ash contents ranged between 74-82%, and 0.9-2.1%, respectively. Long-tailed butterfly ray contained the highest protein (22.22+1.24%) compared to other fish studied. The highest fat content of demersal fish was in Moonfish at 6.89+2.76%. For shellfish, prawn contained the highest protein (19.12+1.44%). The fat content of shellfish ranged between 1-2%. Oyster contained significantly higher carbohydrate at 6.45+0.00%, compared to other shellfish. Longtail shad contained the highest energetic value of 13.34 kJ g-1 of all samples. These values are useful references for consumers in order to choose fish and shellfish based on their nutritional contents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  16. Zhang, Q., Ismail, N., Cheng, L.H.
    Chicken breast muscle powder (CBMP) was treated as a function of heating temperature, heating time and amount of alkali added. The pre-treated CBMP was then blended with modified waxy corn starch (MWCS) and characterized by flow analysis and temperature sweep. Flow analysis revealed that the blend behaved as a shear thickening and time dependent fluid with a yield stress. Statistical analysis showed that only linear and quadratic effects of heating temperature and heating time caused significant effects on flow behaviour index, consistency index and yield stress (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  17. Wong SK, Chin KY, Suhaimi FH, Fairus A, Ima-Nirwana S
    Nutr Metab (Lond), 2016;13:65.
    PMID: 27708685 DOI: 10.1186/s12986-016-0123-9
    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) consists of several medical conditions that collectively predict the risk for cardiovascular disease better than the sum of individual conditions. The risk of developing MetS in human depends on synergy of both genetic and environmental factors. Being a multifactorial condition with alarming rate of prevalence nowadays, establishment of appropriate experimental animal models mimicking the disease state in humans is crucial in order to solve the difficulties in evaluating the pathophysiology of MetS in human. This review aims to summarize the underlying mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of dietary, genetic, and pharmacological models of MetS. Furthermore, we will discuss the usefulness, suitability, pros and cons of these animal models. Even though numerous animal models of MetS have been established, further investigations on the invention of new animal model and clarification of plausible mechanisms are still necessary to confer a better understanding to researchers on the selection of animal models for their studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  18. Rathbone, Michael John
    This article presents an overview of long acting products used in animal health, production
    and reproduction. The topic represents a niche field of controlled release that few formulation scientists become specialists and experts in, but it is a field which has made significant contribution to the area of controlled release technology, and one which is of major importance to human kind due to their dependence on farmed animals as a source of hide, protein, milk and eggs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  19. Mayappan, Ramani, Ahmad Badri Ismail, Zainal Arifin Ahmad
    The microstructural evolution of Sn-40Pb/Cu joints has been investigated under 125 o C thermal exposure conditions using single shear lap joints. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the morphology of the phases and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) was used to estimate the elemental compositions of the phases. A double layer of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn were observed. The Cu6Sn5 developed with a scalloped morphology, while the Cu3Sn always grew as a somewhat undulated planar layer in phase with the Cu6Sn5. The Cu6Sn5 layer began to transform from scallop shape to planar type after aging for 375 hours due to reduction in the interfacial energy. The intermetallic layers showed a linear dependence on the square root of aging time. The growth rate constant of the intermetallic compounds are estimated as 15.2 x 10 - 14 and 0.152 x 10 -14 cm 2 /s for Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn intermetallic, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
  20. Mohd Azlan Abdul Majid, Mariam Setapa, Noorita Mohammad
    Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan, kesan ekonomi semasa dan faktor pencemaran terhadap modal, perbelanjaan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi terutamanya kepada Malaysia dan dibandingkan dengan negara seperti Jepun, Singapura dan Zimbabwe. Persoalan utama adalah sama ada modal dan perbelanjaan dapat berterusan menyumbangkan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi ataupun tidak. Untuk mengkaji perhubungan, kami gunakan Test Unit Root (TUR); Augmented Dickey-Fuller Method (ADF), Phillip-Perron Test (PP) dan Kwiatkowski-Phillip-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS), Test Johansen Cointegration (TJC), diikuti Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dan akhir sekali Test Granger Causality (TGC). Tujuan pengujian ini adalah untuk mengukur perhubungan, kestabilan dan kesahihan model. Kedua, untuk mengkaji kesan impak ekonomi kami gunakan Impulse Respond dan ujian Variance Decomposition yang menyelidik kesan berapa banyak dan berapa panjang model bertindakbalas kepada kesan Kegawatan Ekonomi Asia pada 1997 dan Kesan Serangan Pengganas di Amerika Syarikat pada September 2011. Ketiga kami juga megukur kesan perbelanjaan isi rumah dan kerajaan terhadap alam persekitaran. Kertas kerja ini mendapati, ia menyokong idea modal penjana pertumbuhan tetapi natijah perbelanjaan penjana pertumbuhan adalah berbeda mengikut tahap pertumbuhan. Di mana Malaysia dan Singapura menyokong sepenuhnya tetapi Jepun dan Zimbabwe hanya menyokong separa sahaja. Apabila kami mengukur impak kesan ekonomi pula, di dapati pada negara Zimbabwe tiada kesan antara krisis pada tahun 1997 ataupun pada 2001. Tetapi impak pada negara seperti Jepun, Malaysia dan Singapura pula berhadapan dalam posisi tidak baik pada krisis tahun 1997 tetapi keadaan yang baik pula pada krisis tahun 2001. Akhir sekali kami juga bangunkan theori pencemaran dimana untuk negara Zimbabwe ke semua pembolehubah seperti Perbelanjaan isi rumah (HC), Perbelanjaan Kerajaan (GC) dan Modal Tetap Kasar (GFC) tidak mempengaruhi pencemaran iaitu Karbon Dioksida (CO2). Tetapi natijah untuk negara Malaysia dan Singapura pula hanya HC mencipta CO2, tidak untuk GC dan GFC. Dan pengakhiran sekali Negara Jepun pula semua pembolehubah seperti GC,HC dan GFC mencipta pencemaran. Kesimpulannya krisis yang berlaku pada negara Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2001 memberi kesan terus pada Negara Amerika tetapi tidak pada negara seperti Malaysia, Jepun dan Singapura, walhal negara-negara ini menadapat lambakan di dalam pasaran modal akibat perubahan ketidaktentuan dalam ekonomi Amerika seterusnya meningkatkan secara langsung Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP). Walaubagaimanapun negara Zimbabwe tidak mempunyai kesan langsung sama ada sebelum atupun selepas masalah krisis ekonomi ini. Apabila kertas kerja ini mengkaji daripada sudut pembangunan lestari didapati Negara Zimbabwe seperti HC dan GC tidaklah mencemar seperti negara Malaysia dan Singapura yang menunjukkan HC punca pencemaran dan bukannya GC yang mungkin disebabkan skala ekonominya yang lebih kecil. Untuk negara Jepun pula disebabkan negara ini mempunyai skala ekonomi yang lebih besar HC dan GC adalah agen kepada pencemaran. Implikasinya model ini sepatutnya diambil kira dalam pembuat keputusan terutamanya untuk meninkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animals
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