MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire entitled the Family Presence Risk-Benefit Scale and Family Presence Self-Confidence Scale. Purposive sampling method was used to include 130 nurses working in eight Intensive Care Units at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Descriptive statistics and Pearson's Correlation test were used to analyse the variables of FPDR.
RESULTS: Findings revealed that nurses in the critical care setting perceived low risk-benefit and low self-confident with regards to family presence during resuscitation. Pearson correlation analysis showed no correlation between perceptions of risk-benefits and self-confidence among critical care nurses (r = -0.016).
CONCLUSION: Relatively, nurses perceived that family presence during resuscitation would place high risk and low benefit to the family members. Thus there is a need for education, training, and guideline to enrich the concept of FPDR and its implementation.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Scopus, CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection databases were selected. Screening was conducted independently by at least two authors and the decision for inclusion was done through discussion or involvement of an arbiter against a predetermined criteria. Included articles will be evaluated for quality using A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews and Risk of Bias in Systematic Review tools, while primary systematic review articles will be cross-checked and reported for any overlapping using the 'corrected covered area' method. Only narrative synthesis will be employed according to the predefined themes into two major dimensions-theory and knowledge generation (focusing on cognitive taxonomy due to its ability to be generalised across disciplines), and clinical-based competence (focusing on psychomotor and affective taxonomies due to discipline-specific influence). The type of technology used will be identified and extracted.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The OoSR involves analysis of secondary data from published literature, thus ethical approval is not required. The findings will provide a valuable insight for policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers in terms of technology-based learning implementation and gaps identification. The findings will be published in several reports due to the extensiveness of the topic and will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conferences.
METHODS: A total of 208 dentists from DSC nationwide completed an online questionnaire in June 2022. Demographic data and information on dentists' expanded roles were retrieved. Responses on dentists' satisfaction and perceived barriers were collected using a 5-point ordinal scale. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare the mean rank differences for CS. Factors influencing CS were analysed using multiple logistic regression (MLR) (P < .05).
RESULTS: The mean age of the respondents was 32.68 ± 2.48 years. Almost half (49.0%) of the respondents were attached to a non-hospital-based clinic. The majority (72.0%) of them were permanently attached to the DSC. About half of the dentists (51.0%) strongly agreed that they received no financial incentives for their expanded role at the MOH DSC. Dentists attached at a non-hospital-based clinic (P = .046), working with more than 15 years of experience (P = .013), and having 12 to 18 months' duration of attachment (P = .014) were more satisfied. MLR analysis revealed that non-Malay respondents (odds ratio [OR], 1.54; P = .035) and those who applied for scholarships more than 3 times (OR, 1.85; P = .050) were more satisfied. In contrast, more than 19 months at the DSC decreased CS (OR, 0.44; P = .029).
CONCLUSIONS: Despite having a similar organisational structure, DSC dentists had different satisfaction levels. Dentists' ethnicity, duration of attachment, and frequency of applying for scholarships influenced their CS. Future career advancement plans in the MOH should consider these important influencing factors to ensure the delivery of quality health care from their personnel.
METHODS: Data were derived from 360 inpatient medical records from six types C public and private hospitals in an Indonesian rural province. These data were accumulated from inpatient medical records from four major disciplines: medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics. The dependent variable was provider moral hazards, which included indicators of up-coding, readmission, and unnecessary admission. The independent variables are Physicians' characteristics (age, gender, and specialization), coders' characteristics (age, gender, education level, number of training, and length of service), and patients' characteristics (age, birth weight, length of stay, the discharge status, and the severity of patient's illness). We use logistic regression to investigate the determinants of moral hazard.
RESULTS: We found that the incidences of possible unnecessary admissions, up-coding, and readmissions were 17.8%, 11.9%, and 2.8%, respectively. Senior physicians, medical specialists, coders with shorter lengths of service, and patients with longer lengths of stay had a significant relationship with the incidence of moral hazard.
CONCLUSION: Unnecessary admission is the most common form of a provider's moral hazard. The characteristics of physicians and coders significantly contribute to the incidence of moral hazard. Hospitals should implement reward and punishment systems for doctors and coders in order to control moral hazards among the providers.
METHODS: A quasi-experimental multiple time series was conducted starting in September 2017 and ending in June 2018. 140 nurses were sampled using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique; 132 were completed the study 67 the intervention group, while 65 in the control group.
RESULTS: There were no significant differences in nurses' job performance or commitment between the 2 groups (control and intervention). A repeated measure MANOVA test for both groups revealed that the interaction between group and time was statistically significant (F (4, 127) = 144.841; P = .001; Wilk's Λ = 0.180; η2 = .820), indicating that groups had a significantly different pattern of job performance and commitment over time. A repeated test The MANCOVA test for both groups across time revealed significant differences in nurses' job performance and nurses' commitment at a less than 0.05 significance level (F (2127) = 320.724; P = .001; Wilk's Λ = 0.165; η2 = 0.835), and the overall effect of time was significant for all dependent variables (F (4125) = 36.879; P = .001; Wilk's Λ = 0.459; η2 = 0.541).
CONCLUSION: The educational intervention was effective in improving nursing job performance among the study sample. The improved commitment of respondents in the intervention group was attributed to the improvement in job performance.
DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.
SETTING: This study is part of a larger national study on the perception of the Malaysian public healthcare professionals on FMSs.
PARTICIPANTS: PHCPs from three categories of health facilities, namely hospitals, health clinics and health offices.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Qualitative analysis of written comments of respondents' expectation of FMSs.
RESULTS: The participants' response rate was 58% (780/1345) with an almost equal proportion from each public healthcare facility. We identified 21 subthemes for the 623 expectation comments. The six emerging themes are (1) need for more FMSs, (2) clinical roles and functions of FMSs, (3) administrative roles of FMSs, (4) contribution to community and public health, (5) attributes improvement and (6) research and audits. FMSs were expected to give attention to clinical duty. Delivering this responsibility with competence included having the latest medical knowledge in their own and others' medical disciplines, practising evidence-based medicine in prehospital and posthospital care, better supervision of staff and doctors under their care, fostering effective teamwork, communicating more often with hospital specialists and making appropriate referral. Expectations ranged from definite and strong for more FMSs at the health clinics to low expectation for FMSs' involvement in research; to mal-expectation on FMSs' involvement in community and public health programmes.
CONCLUSIONS: There were some remarkable differences in expectations on FMSs from the three different PHCPs. These ranged from being clinically competent and administratively available for patients and staff at the health clinics, to mal-expectations on FMSs to engage in public health affairs. Relevant parties, including FMSs themselves, could take appropriate self-improvement initiatives to enhance public practice of family medicine and patient care.
DESIGN: Using a descriptive qualitative research approach informed by Levesque's framework of access to healthcare, we conducted phone interviews in the Malaysian language, which were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed inductively using a reflexive thematic analysis approach.
SETTING: Primary care clinics in five states in Peninsular Malaysia.
PARTICIPANTS: Adult patients with obesity receiving face-to-face care for obesity from healthcare providers in Peninsular Malaysia.
RESULTS: We interviewed 22 participants aged 24-62, with the majority being female (77%), Malay (95%), married (73%) and with tertiary education (82%). Most participants attended obesity management services at public primary care clinics. We identified five themes: (1) moving from perceiving the need to seeking obesity care is a non-linear process for patients, (2) providers' words can inspire patients to change, (3) patients' needs and preferences are not adequately addressed in current obesity care, (4) over-focusing on weight by patients and healthcare providers can lead to self-blame and loss of hope for patients and (5) obesity healthcare can have consequences beyond weight loss.
CONCLUSION: Patients lack the self-regulatory skills to continue their lifestyle changes and struggle with self-blame and hopelessness. Over-focusing on weight by patients and obesity healthcare increase patients' self-stigmatisation. While provider-initiated weight discussions and engaging and personalised consultation provide the initial step towards weight management, obesity healthcare could be enhanced by behavioural support and patient education on the complexity of obesity. Further considerations could be given to shifting from a weight-centric to a more holistic health-centred approach in obesity healthcare.
OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aimed to identify elements influencing user engagement metrics in social media posts by HCPs aimed to reduce lifestyle risk factors.
METHODS: Relevant studies in English, published between January 2006 and June 2023 were identified from MEDLINE or OVID, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL databases. Included studies were those that examined social media posts by HCPs aimed at reducing the 4 key lifestyle risk factors. Additionally, the studies also outlined elements in social media posts that influenced user engagement metrics. The titles, abstracts, and full papers were screened and reviewed for eligibility. Following data extraction, narrative synthesis was performed. All investigated elements in the included studies were categorized. The elements in social media posts that influenced user engagement metrics were identified.
RESULTS: A total of 19 studies were included in this review. Investigated elements were grouped into 9 categories, with 35 elements found to influence user engagement. The 3 predominant categories of elements influencing user engagement were communication using supportive or emotive elements, communication aimed toward behavioral changes, and the appearance of posts. In contrast, the source of post content, social media platform, and timing of post had less than 3 studies with elements influencing user engagement.
CONCLUSIONS: Findings demonstrated that supportive or emotive communication toward behavioral changes and post appearance could increase postlevel interactions, indicating a favorable response from the users toward posts made by HCPs. As social media continues to evolve, these elements should be constantly evaluated through further research.
DESIGN: Scoping reviews support identification of a broad range of literature, including all types of study designs. We adopted Arksey and O'Malley's five-stage approach: identifying the research question; identifying relevant studies; study selection; charting the data; and collating, summarising and reporting results.
DATA SOURCES: Databases searched included Academic Search Complete, Springer, Factiva, ProQuest, Ebsco, Informit, VOCEDplus and Scopus.
REVIEW METHOD: Based on our research question and inclusion and exclusion criteria we selected relevant literature and summarised and reported it using Arksey and O'Malley's framework.
RESULTS: The review yielded five articles from four countries: Sweden, Belgium, Malaysia and Australia.
CONCLUSION: From this scoping review, we identified key themes related to supervisors' experiences, including clarification of expectations, support from managers and colleagues, the need for shared understanding between university, students and supervisors and required skills and competence in supervising students.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The scoping review will be conducted based on the methodology developed by Arksey and O'Malley's scoping review methodology, and Levac et al 's methodological enhancement. An experienced information specialist (HM) searched the following databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. The search terms were both keywords in the title and/or abstract and subject headings (eg, MeSH, EMTREE) as appropriate. Search results were downloaded, imported and stored into a 'Refworks' folder specifically created for reference management. The preliminary search was conducted between 7 December 2017 and 14 December 2017. Quantitative methods using content analysis will be used to categorise study findings on factors associated with trust between patients, clients and healthcare providers. The collection of studies will be also examined for heterogeneity. Qualitative analysis on peer reviewed articles of qualitative interviews and focus group discussion will be conducted; it allows clear identification of themes arising from the data, facilitating prioritisation, higher order abstraction and theory development. A consultation exercise with stakeholders may be incorporated as a knowledge translation component of the scoping study methodology.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval will be obtained for the research project from the Institutional Review Board. The International Medical University will use the findings of this scoping review research to improve the understanding of trust in healthcare, in its endeavour to improve health services delivery in its healthcare clinics and hospitals, and in its teaching and learning curriculum. The findings will also help faculty make evidence based decisions to focus resources and research as well as help to advance the science in this area. Dissemination of the results of the scoping review will be made through peer-reviewed publications, research reports and presentations at conferences and seminars.