MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross sectional study was carried out to examine the breast cancer prevention information seeking behavior among 450 students at one private university in Malaysia.
RESULTS: The mean age of respondents was 25±4.3 years. Common interpersonal information sources were doctors, friends, and nurses and common channel information sources were television, brochure, and internet. Overall, 89.9% used cell phones, 46.1% had an interest in receiving cell phone breast cancer prevention messages, 73.9% used text messaging, and 36.7% had an interest in receiving text breast cancer prevention messages. Bivariate analysis revealed significant differences among age, eduation, nationality and use of cell phones.
CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of health information seeking behavior is important for community health educators to target populations for program development.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was an experimental before and after study performed between October 2014 and March 2015. Five hundred and eighty students were randomly assigned into intervention and control groups. All were required to complete both pre-intervention and post-intervention questionnaires. Those in the intervention group were given an information leaflet to read before answering the post-intervention questionnaire.
RESULTS: Almost half (48.3%) of the students had poor knowledge, with a score less than 5, and only 51 (8.8%) exhibited good knowledge, with a score of 11 and above. After educational intervention, the number of students with poor knowledge was reduced to 177 (29.3%) and the number of students who exhibited good knowledge increased to 148 (25.5%). Students from the intervention group demonstrated significant higher total scores in knowledge regarding 'HPV infection and cervical cancer' (p=0.000) and 'HPV vaccination and cervical cancer prevention' (p=0.000) during post-intervention as compared to the control group.
CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge on HPV infection and vaccination is low among pre-university students. Educational intervention in the form of information leaflets appears effective in creating awareness and improving knowledge.
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 600 students from higher education institutions in Melaka aged between 18 to 30 years old. Multistage sampling of the institutions was performed. Valid and reliable self-administered questionnaire in the national language, Bahasa Malaysia, was used as to collect data on sociodemographic, personal background, knowledge on STIs and sources of information for STIs. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS software version 25.
RESULTS: The response rate for this study was 88%. The mean knowledge score was 24.1 ±5.1 out of 38. HIV was the most known STIs while gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis and chlamydial infections were among the least known STIs. Oral intercourse was the least known sexual activity that could transmit STIs. Higher proportion of respondents had correct knowledge on control and preventive measures of STIs (between 78% and 95%) compared to correct knowledge on sign and symptoms of STIs (between 8.5% and 67.8%). More than 90% of the respondents were unaware that a person infected with STIs could be symptom free. Four variables were identified as the determinants of the knowledge on STIs, which were level of education, place of stay, history of sexual and reproductive health education and involvement in STIs awareness programs (F (4,445) = 11.405, p <0.001, R2 = 0.093).
CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge on STIs among students in higher education institutions was unsatisfactory. The existing sexual education programs can be strengthened by delivering more information on other STIs rather than focusing on HIV only. The future program should focus on students of diploma and/or skill certificate and staying off-campus.
METHODS: A school environment study was performed among randomly selected students in eight randomly selected secondary schools in Penang, Malaysia. Information on eye symptoms and demographic data was collected by a standardised questionnaire. BUT was measured by two methods, self-reported BUT (SBUT) and by the non-invasive Tearscope (NIBUT). Dust was collected by vacuuming in 32 classrooms and analysed for five fungal DNA sequences. Geometric mean (GM) for total fungal DNA was 7.31*104 target copies per gram dust and for Aspergillus/Penicillium DNA 3.34*104 target copies per gram dust. Linear mixed models and 3-level multiple logistic regression were applied adjusting for demographic factors.
RESULTS: A total of 368 students (58%) participated and 17.4% reported weekly eye symptoms the last 3 months. The median SBUT and TBUT were 15 and 12s, respectively. Students wearing glasses (OR 2.41, p=0.01) and with a history of atopy (OR=2.67; p=0.008) had more eye symptoms. Girls had less eye symptoms than boys (OR=0.34; p=0.006) Indoor carbon dioxide in the classrooms was low (range 380-720ppm), temperature was 25-30°C and relative air humidity 70-88%. Total fungal DNA in vacuumed dust was associated with shorter SBUT (4s shorter per 105 target copies per gram dust; p=0.04) and NIBUT (4s shorter per 105 target copies per gram dust; p<0.001). Aspergillus/Penicillium DNA was associated with shorter NIBUT (5s shorter per 105 target copies per gram dust; p=0.01).
CONCLUSION: Fungal contamination in schools in a tropical country can be a risk factor for impaired tear film stability among students.