Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 25 in total

  1. Lily Zakiah, M.D., Saimy, I., Maimunah, A.
    Several studies had shown that the problem of plate waste in hospitals ranged from 17% to 67%. This study aimed to determine the extent of plate waste in a district government hospital, the type of food item wasted and the factors contributing to food waste. A oross»sectional study was conducted in a district hospital, involving four third class wards. A total of 300 patients were included in the study. A plate waste was dehned as the proportion of edible portion of food served that was discarded by patients. The serving size was established by weighing each food item served over breakfast, lunch and dinner on a seven·day rotation menu, using the procedure recommended by the National Food Service Management, During the study period, the left over from each patient’s plate was weighed for all meals. The plate waste for each patient was determined by dividing the total weight of the left over with the average serving weight for the same serving in the same ward. Each patient was also given a self-administered questionnaire to obtain information on reasons or not consuming the ood items served. The overall mean ercentage plate waste of all food served in the four wards was 42.6%. Plate wastage occurred most at dinner (53.2%) and least at breakfast (31 .3%). Vegetables were the most wasted food items. Females wasted significantly higher than males for all meals. Food taste, portion size, appetite and staff service efficiency were factors found signihcantly contributing to plate waste. With almost half of the food served was wasted, hospital management need to direct more attention towards addressing the problem of plate waste since it has both nutritional and cost implications.
  2. Fadilah SA, Maimunah A
    Singapore Med J, 2001 Mar;42(3):126-8.
    PMID: 11405566
    A patient was admitted for breathlessness associated with post-splenectomy multiple pseudocysts and succumbed after internal drainage of the pseudocyst. Although the occurrence of pseudocyst following splenectomy is uncommon, failure to identify and treat this condition at an early stage could result in fatal consequences. Imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of pseudocyst occurring after splenectomy. The advent of interventional radiology has provided better treatment option for patients with solitary pancreatic pseudocysts with success rates similar to those with open surgery but with lower morbidity and mortality rates. However, its role in the management of multiple pseudocysts remains to be defined.
  3. Andiesta NS, Hamid MA, Lee K, Pau A
    JMIR Res Protoc, 2018 Jun 06;7(6):e10053.
    PMID: 29875086 DOI: 10.2196/10053
    BACKGROUND: In 2012, nearly 4000 children in Malaysia were referred to hospital pediatric dental services due to dental caries. Recent research has reported the effectiveness of dental home visits in preventing caries development in young children. Dental home visits (DHVs) are described as an ongoing relationship between the dentist and their patients, providing all aspects of a preventive oral health care program in the presence of the parents at home.

    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of dental home visits and oral health information, in the form of educational leaflets, in preventing new caries development in young children, compared to those receiving only educational leaflets over a period of two years. Cost-effectiveness analysis will be used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of dental home visits.

    METHODS: This is a collaborative project with the Oral Health Division of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The Oral Health Division will provide access to a subsample from the National Oral Health of Preschoolers Survey which was carried out in 2015. The population of interest is children aged 5 and 6 years from kindergartens in the Selangor state of Malaysia. The study adopted a societal perspective for cost-effectiveness analysis and all types of resources that are of value to society will be included in analyzing the costs; such as cost to the patient, cost to the provider or institution, and indirect costs because of loss of productivity.

    RESULTS: The trial has been approved by the International Medical University Malaysia's Joint Research and Ethics Committee (Project ID: IMU R157-2014 [File III - 2016]). This trial is currently recruiting participants.

    CONCLUSIONS: The number of young children in Malaysia who have been referred to the hospital children's dentistry service for severe caries is disturbing. The cost of dental treatment in young children is high due to the severity of the caries which require an aggressive treatment, and the need for general anesthesia or sedation. This study will provide information on the cost and effectiveness of DHVs in caries prevention of young children in Malaysia.


  4. Lim TO, Bakri R, Morad Z, Hamid MA
    Diabetes Care, 2002 Dec;25(12):2212-7.
    PMID: 12453963 DOI: 10.2337/diacare.25.12.2212
    OBJECTIVE: Bimodality in blood glucose (BG) distribution has been demonstrated in several populations with a high prevalence of diabetes and obesity. However, other population studies had not found bimodality, thus casting doubt on its universality. We address this question in four ethnic populations-namely Malay, Chinese, Indian, and the indigenous people of Borneo.

    RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A national health survey was conducted in Malaysia in 1996. A total of 18,397 subjects aged > or =30 years had post-challenge BG measurements taken. To test whether BG was consistent with a bimodal distribution, we fitted unimodal normal and skewed distribution as well a mixture of two normal distributions to the data by age and ethnic groups.

    RESULTS: Age-specific prevalence of diabetes varied from 1.3 to 26.3%. In all ethnic/age groups, the bimodal model fitted the log BG data better (likelihood ratio tests, all P values <0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: Bimodality in BG distribution is demonstrable even in populations with a very low prevalence of diabetes and obesity. Previous studies that found unimodality had failed to detect the second mode because of inadequate sample size, bias due to treatment of subjects with known diabetes, and inclusion of subjects with type 1 diabetes in the sample. Bimodality implies that diabetes is a distinct entity rather than an arbitrarily defined extreme end of a continuously distributed measurement.
  5. Samad SA, Maimunah A, Zulfiqar A, Zaharah M
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Mar;50(1):82-6.
    PMID: 7752982
    The sonographic and CT appearances of 9 large cavernous hemangiomas of the liver were studied. On sonography, 6 masses (67%) exhibit heterogenous echo pattern; where in 2 patients the echotexture was a mixture of hypoechoic and isoechoic areas and in 4 patients there are varying amounts of bright hyperreflective areas similar to the texture typical of small hemangiomas. The masses were predominantly hypoechoic in the remaining 3 patients (33%). Incremental bolus or bolus-infusion dynamic CT showed peripheral contrast enhancement of varying intensities and thickness in all patients. The lesions were incorrectly diagnosed as hepatomas in 4 patients, suspected as hemangiomas with a differential diagnosis of hepatomas in 4 patients and an early liver abscess in 1 patient. It is concluded that large cavernous hemangiomas of the liver do not exhibit the typical homogenous hyperreflective echotexture as exhibited by small lesions and they mimic primary and secondary hepatic neoplasms. However, the diagnosis of hemangioma should be entertained when such a mass contains bright hyperechoic areas within its heterogenous echo pattern and exhibit peripheral enhancement on contrast enhanced CT. In addition to correlation with appropriate clinical information, confirmation of diagnosis include delayed scanning during a routine incremental bolus dynamic CT, single-slice dynamic contrast enhanced CT, angiography or isotope scintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging depending on the availability of facility.
  6. Lim TO, Rugayah B, Maimunah AH
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Aug;59(3):357-71.
    PMID: 15727382 MyJurnal
    We determine the familial aggregation and determinants of post challenge blood glucose (BG) in four ethnic populations. A national health survey was conducted in Malaysia in 1996. 18,372 subjects aged 30 years or older had post challenge BG measurements and another 846 subjects were pre-diagnosed to have diabetes on drug treatment. We imputed the BG of diagnosed diabetics by randomly selecting a value from the BG distribution of undiagnosed diabetics. Covariates of interest include ethnicity, gender, age, urban-rural residence, body mass index (BMI), physical activity, education, and household income. Ethnic and gender differences in mean BG persisted after adjustment for other covariates. Age and BMI were the only two factors with strong, positive and consistent effects on mean BG in all ethnic-sex groups. Family resemblance for BG as measured by intraclass correlation was small and homogenous across all ethnic groups and did not differ from resemblance in BG between spouses. In conclusion, BMI was the only consistent modifiable predictor of BG in all ethnic-sex groups. Environmental factors are probably more important than genetic factors as determinant of BG in the four ethnic populations studied.
  7. Samad SA, Zulfiqar MA, Maimunah A
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Mar;48(1):33-9.
    PMID: 8341170
    Single gas-containing pyogenic liver abscesses in 11 patients were studied by ultrasound and computed tomography (CT). On ultrasound, all abscesses were predominantly echogenic compared to the normal liver parenchyma. The gas collections appeared as hyperreflective areas arranged in clusters associated with acoustic shadowing and ring-down artifacts. Ten abscesses (90%) had ill-defined margins on ultrasound, causing underestimation of their sizes in these patients. All abscesses were shown to be multiloculated and had clearly defined borders on CT, not appreciated or mistaken for multiplicity of abscesses on ultrasound. Ultrasound may be inadequate in the evaluation of gas-containing liver abscesses, as they have complex echotexture in addition to ring-down artifacts, acoustic shadows and poorly-defined margins; leading to underestimation of abscess size, difficulty in identifying loculations and erroneous interpretation of multiplicity of abscess cavities.
  8. Zeehaida M, Zairi NZ, Rahmah N, Maimunah A, Madihah B
    Trop Biomed, 2011 Apr;28(1):188-93.
    PMID: 21602786
    Transmission of soil-transmitted helminthes infection is by faecal oral route, and is influenced by food preference. Kelantanese love to consume ulam which are raw vegetables and herbs. Some of the herbs grow on grounds with high humidity and are abundant near drainage areas, these are also places with higher likelihood of harbouring viable parasite ova. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of soiltransmitted helminthes in vegetables, herbs and fruits found in our local setting. The results by microscopy showed that there was no helminthes ovum or protozoan parasite in the samples. However, Strongyloides stercoralis rhabdatiform larvae were identified in water samples used to wash pegaga, kesum and water spinach, and the number of larvae observed were 152, 9 and 16 respectively. Analysis by real-time PCR confirmed the microscopic observation of this helminth. This study highlighted that vegetables and herbs are likely sources of Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Thus vegetable sellers as well as the food handlers are the two important groups who are at high risk of acquiring the infection.
  9. Saadatnia G, Haj Ghani H, Khoo BY, Maimunah A, Rahmah N
    Trop Biomed, 2010 Apr;27(1):125-30.
    PMID: 20562822
    In vitro culture of Toxoplasma gondii can provide tachyzoites which are active, viable and with desirable purity. Thus the aim of this study was to optimize the cell culture method for T. gondii propagation to obtain a consistent source of parasites with maximum yield and viability, but minimum host cell contamination for use in production of excretory-secretory antigen. Tachyzoites with seed counts of 1x10(6), 1x10(7) and 1x10(8) harvested from infected mice were added to VERO cells of different degrees of confluence, namely 50%, 85% and 100%, and examined periodically using an inverted microscope. When the maximum release of the tachyzoites was observed from the host cells, the culture supernatant was removed and the tachyzoites harvested. Using a Neubauer chamber, the percentages of viable tachyzoites and host cell contamination were determined using trypan blue stain. Parameters that gave the best yield and purity of viable tachyzoites were found to be as follows: VERO cells at 85% confluence in DMEM medium and inoculum comprising 1x10(7) tachyzoites. After about 3 days post infection, the tachyzoites multiplied 78x, with a yield of ~7.8x10(8) per flask, 99% viability and 3% host cell contamination. This study has successfully optimized the method of propagation of T. gondii tachyzoites in VERO cells which produce parasites with high yield, purity and viability.
  10. Ludin CM, Radzi JM, Maimunah A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2003 Jul;10(2):87-90.
    PMID: 23386803 MyJurnal
    The present study, analyzes data from 1991 to 2000 for rotavirus infection among children with diarrhoea and acute gastroenteritis admitted to the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM). The Latex Slide Agglutination Test was used for the detection of rotavirus antigens. Out of 1097 stool samples tested, 207 samples or 18.8 % were found to be positive for rotavirus. The infection occurred most frequently in infants and young children from 6 months to 2 years of age. The infection was recorded highest in the year of 2000 - 48 cases (34.1%) and the lowest in 1999 - 5 cases (6.6%). Stool examination and cultures from the rotavirus positive samples revealed no parasites and enteropathogenic bacteria. These observations suggested that rotavirus could still remain as an important agent causing diarrhoea and gastroenteritis in young children admitted to HUSM.
  11. Fadilah SA, Cheong SK, Maimunah A, Toh ST, Shamin AS
    Postgrad Med J, 2001 Nov;77(913):733-4, 737-9.
    PMID: 11677287
  12. Ong LC, Dhillon MK, Selladurai BM, Maimunah A, Lye MS
    J Paediatr Child Health, 1996 Apr;32(2):173-6.
    PMID: 9156530
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the type and outcome of early post-traumatic seizures in children and the factors associated with it.

    METHODOLOGY: A prospective observational study on all consecutive children with head injuries at the General Hospital Kuala Lumpur between November 1993 and December 1994. The onset, type and frequency of seizures occurring within the first week of injury were documented. Using inpatients as a cohort, logistic regression analysis was used to determine clinical and radiological variables significantly associated with seizures. The outcome 6 months post-injury was assessed using the Glasgow Outcome Scale.

    RESULTS: Fifty-three of 966 children (5.5%) developed seizures within the first week of trauma. Seven (13.2%) occurred within 1 h of injury, 30 (56.6%) between 1 and 24 h and 16 (30.2%) after 24 h. Factors significantly associated with early post-traumatic seizures were female sex, age less than 2 years, loss of consciousness for more than 24h and acute subdural haematoma (P<0.01). Children with seizures had a poorer outcome (death or severe disability) than inpatients without seizures (21/53 vs 19/182, P<0.001). The outcome was worst in children with recurrent partial seizures, who had a longer injury-seizure interval and were more likely to have focal neurologic deficits compared to those with sporadic or generalized seizures.

    CONCLUSIONS: Anticonvulsant prophylaxis to minimize the adverse effects of early seizures in head injury should be considered for young children (less than 2 years old) with subdural haematoma and a prolonged duration of coma. Prompt and effective control of recurrent seizures is recommended.

  13. Samad SA, Sharifah NA, Zulfiqar MA, Maimunah A, Yahya A, Zainudin W
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Dec;48(4):421-6.
    PMID: 8183166
    Realtime ultrasonography with general purpose sector transducer was used to guide 87 percutaneous biopsies on 82 patients with lesions suspected to be mediastinal masses on plain chest radiographs. In seven patients who had dyspnea the biopsies were done in erect or semi-erect sitting positions. Definitive diagnosis was obtained from 66 lesions (80.5%) where 46 (70.0%) were mediastinal and the remaining 20 lesions (30.0%) arising from the lung. Of the 46 mediastinal lesions where specific diagnosis were made, 42 (91.0%) were anterior and four (0.9%) posterior mediastinal lesions. The majority of these anterior mediastinal masses were lymphomatous nodes followed by germ cell tumours whereas all four posterior mediastinal masses were neurogenic. Of the lung lesions, 19 were primary malignancies. The remaining lung lesion which was located posteriorly was cryptococcus infection. One patient developed massive hemothorax, but subsequently recovered. No significant complications were encountered in the remaining patients. Surgery was carried on 11 patients. There is correlation between definitive diagnosis from percutaneous biopsy and final diagnosis after surgery in 80% of patients. It is proposed that all percutaneous biopsies for thoracic masses which abut the chest wall and cause mediastinal widening on a plain chest radiograph be guided by ultrasound. It can be effectively accomplished with ease and safety even without the use of dedicated biopsy ultrasound probes or biopsy attachments, and on patients in erect or semi-erect positions.
  14. Ludin CM, Afifi SA, Hasenan N, Maimunah A, Anuar AK
    PMID: 1948280
    Stool samples from 836 cases with diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis from the Pediatric ward, Penang General Hospital, were examined for Cryptosporidium oocysts. A dimethyl sulfoxide modified acid fast technique was used for the identification of the parasites. 36 samples or 4.3% were found to be positive for Cryptosporidium. The prevalence of infection was higher (2.39%) in children with diarrhea and vomiting than in children with acute gastroenteritis alone (0.8%). Stool examination and cultures from the Cryptosporidium positive samples revealed no other parasites, rotavirus or enteropathogenic bacteria. This suggests that Cryptosporidium may be an important agent in the causation of diarrhea in young children. A routine laboratory examination for the detection of Cryptosporidium in the search for causal agents of childhood diarrhea in our environment may, therefore, be significant.
  15. Abdullah A, Mahmud MR, Maimunah A, Zulfiqar MA, Saim L, Mazlan R
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2003 Jul;32(4):442-5.
    PMID: 12968546
    INTRODUCTION: Accurate preoperative imaging of the temporal bone in patients receiving cochlear implants is important. High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are the 2 preoperative imaging modalities that provide critical information on abnormalities of the otic capsule, pneumatisation of the mastoid, middle ear abnormalities, cochlear ducts patency and presence of cochlear nerve.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The HRCT and MR imaging in 46 cochlear implant patients in our department were reviewed.

    RESULTS: Majority of our patients [34 patients (73.9%)] showed normal HRCT of the temporal bone; 5 (10.9%) patients had labyrinthitis ossificans, 2 (4.3%) had Mondini's abnormality and 2 (4.3%) had middle ear effusion. One patient each had high jugular bulb, hypoplasia of the internal auditory canal and single cochlear cavity, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The above findings contribute significantly to our surgical decisions regarding candidacy for surgery, side selection and surgical technique in cochlear implantation.

  16. Khoo EM, Sararaks S, Lee WK, Liew SM, Cheong AT, Abdul Samad A, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Sep;27(6):670-7.
    PMID: 25563351 DOI: 10.1177/1010539514564007
    This study aimed to develop an intervention to reduce medical errors and to determine if the intervention can reduce medical errors in public funded primary care clinics. A controlled interventional trial was conducted in 12 conveniently selected primary care clinics. Random samples of outpatient medical records were selected and reviewed by family physicians for documentation, diagnostic, and management errors at baseline and 3 months post intervention. The intervention package comprised educational training, structured process change, review methods, and patient education. A significant reduction was found in overall documentation error rates between intervention (Pre 98.3% [CI 97.1-99.6]; Post 76.1% [CI 68.1-84.1]) and control groups (Pre 97.4% [CI 95.1-99.8]; Post 89.5% [85.3-93.6]). Within the intervention group, overall management errors reduced from 54.0% (CI 49.9-58.0) to 36.6% (CI 30.2-43.1) and medication error from 43.2% (CI 39.2-47.1) to 25.2% (CI 19.9-30.5). This low-cost intervention was useful to reduce medical errors in resource-constrained settings.
  17. Khoo EM, Lee WK, Sararaks S, Abdul Samad A, Liew SM, Cheong AT, et al.
    BMC Fam Pract, 2012 Dec 26;13:127.
    PMID: 23267547 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-13-127
    BACKGROUND: Patient safety is vital in patient care. There is a lack of studies on medical errors in primary care settings. The aim of the study is to determine the extent of diagnostic inaccuracies and management errors in public funded primary care clinics.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in twelve public funded primary care clinics in Malaysia. A total of 1753 medical records were randomly selected in 12 primary care clinics in 2007 and were reviewed by trained family physicians for diagnostic, management and documentation errors, potential errors causing serious harm and likelihood of preventability of such errors.

    RESULTS: The majority of patient encounters (81%) were with medical assistants. Diagnostic errors were present in 3.6% (95% CI: 2.2, 5.0) of medical records and management errors in 53.2% (95% CI: 46.3, 60.2). For management errors, medication errors were present in 41.1% (95% CI: 35.8, 46.4) of records, investigation errors in 21.7% (95% CI: 16.5, 26.8) and decision making errors in 14.5% (95% CI: 10.8, 18.2). A total of 39.9% (95% CI: 33.1, 46.7) of these errors had the potential to cause serious harm. Problems of documentation including illegible handwriting were found in 98.0% (95% CI: 97.0, 99.1) of records. Nearly all errors (93.5%) detected were considered preventable.

    CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of medical errors was high in primary care clinics particularly with documentation and medication errors. Nearly all were preventable. Remedial intervention addressing completeness of documentation and prescriptions are likely to yield reduction of errors.

  18. Lim TO, Ding LM, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Fatimah S, Siti S, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):108-28.
    PMID: 11072496 MyJurnal
    We describe the distribution of body weight, height and body mass index (BMI) by age, sex and ethnicity in Malaysian adults. A national sample of 28,737 individuals aged 20 or older had usable data. They were selected by stratified 2-stage cluster sampling. Percentile tables and curves by age, sex and ethnicity are presented. The body weight and BMI distributions were right skewed, while that of height was symmetrical. BMI distribution showed the expected increase with age, while that of height decrease with age. Differences in BMI between the 2 sexes and among the 4 ethnic groups were observed. Indian had the highest BMI, followed by Malay, Chinese and other indigenous ethnic group.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
  19. Lim TO, Ding LM, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Kew ST, Maimunah AH, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):65-77.
    PMID: 11072493 MyJurnal
    We describe the distribution of capillary blood glucose (BG) by age, sex and ethnicity in Malaysian adults. A national sample of 20,041 individuals aged 30 or older had usable data. They were selected by stratified 2-stage cluster sampling. BG was measured using reflectance photometer. Percentile tables and curves by age, sex and ethnicity are presented. The BG distribution was right skewed and showed the expected increase with age. Except in Indian, women had higher BG than men. There were also marked ethnic differences. Indian had the highest BG concentration, followed by Chinese, Malay and other indigenous ethnic group.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
  20. Lim TO, Ding LM, Goh BL, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Maimunah AH, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):90-107.
    PMID: 11072495 MyJurnal
    We describe the distribution of blood pressure (BP) by age, sex and ethnicity in Malaysian adults. A national sample of 21,391 individuals aged 30 or older had usable data. They were selected by stratified 2-stage cluster sampling. BP was measured using an automated oscillometric device, Visomat. Percentile tables and curves by age, sex and ethnicity are presented. The systolic and diastolic BP distribution was right skewed and showed the expected increase with age. This was markedly so in Malay and other indigenous women; as a result they had most severe hypertension.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
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