Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 32 in total

  1. Nor Azura Azmi, Faridah Mydin Kutty
    Evaluation of pre-qualifying interprofessional education (IPE) programmes is important in exploring its effectiveness. The University of the West of England Interprofessional Questionnaire (UWE IPQ) has been rigorously validated, yet few studies using this tool have been published. We aimed to explore the attitudes of final year allied health profession (AHP), midwifery and nursing students towards IPE in this study. Differences between students’ attitudes towards IPE according to gender, undergraduate programmes, academic background and experience were also explored. A total of 103 participants, AHP (n = 10), midwifery (n = 19) and nursing (n = 74) students took part in the study. This study design used a cross-sectional questionnaire survey, and was conducted within the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton. The validated UWE IPQ was administered to a volunteer sample of final year AHP, nursing and midwifery students in June 2010. Findings revealed that majority of the students rated their communication and teamwork skills (76.7%), interprofessional learning (74.8%) and interprofessional relationships (92.2%) positively, but they held negative attitudes towards interprofessional interactions (69.9%). Significant differences were found between participants’ attitudes towards interprofessional learning in relation to undergraduate programmes (p = 0.01) and prior working experience in health and social care (p = 0.03). IPE has shaped the students’ views regarding their collaborative learning and teamwork. Therefore, introducing IPE initiative from the beginning of the pre-qualifying stage at universities would motivate them to become interprofessional collaborative-ready professionals.
  2. Nor Azura, Soib, Taib, Shahid, Iqbal
    This paper proposes a novel double series resonant dc-dc converter with uniform voltage stress on a
    transformer. It consists of a half-bridge inverter with two power switches (IGBTs), two series resonant
    tank, two high-voltage transformers and a symmetrical voltage multiplier circuit. A symmetrical voltage
    multiplier circuit is connected at the secondary side of the high voltage transformer to generate desired
    high voltage dc output. Due to use of voltage multiplier circuit, the proposed converter requires smaller
    turns ratio of the high voltage transformer, leading to reduction in size and volume of the transformer.
    The proposed converter operates in discontinuous current mode by varying the switching frequency of
    the converter. In a discontinuous current mode operation, all the power switches and output diodes of the
    rectifier circuit turn-on and turn-off under zero current switching conditions. Therefore, it has features
    of low switching losses and possibility of light-load operation. Besides, it costs less and is smaller in
    size compared with conventional double series resonant dc-dc converter. It also has a simple operating
    principle and suitable for high voltage and high power applications. Experimental results confirm the
    proposed converter performs better than the others.
  3. Nor Azura Azmi, Nor Azlin Mohd. Nordin, Nor Azila Noh
    The study evaluated the function of median sensory nerve fibers, as well as determining the relationship between its function with the duration of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and body mass index (BMI) among CTS patients in Physiotherapy Unit, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital (HUKM). Thirty subjects (6 males and 24 females) with mean age 53.30 +/- 9.20 years and duration of the CTS 51.17 +/- 50.22 months participated in this study. The sensitivity of median sensory nerve was evaluated using Current Perception Threshold (CPT) Test with stimulation frequencies of 5 Hz, 250 Hz and 2000 Hz; which demonstrated the function of C, A-delta and A-beta nerve fiber respectively. Majority of the CTS patients had normal function in the 3 types of median sensory nerve fiber. Forty percents of the subjects had abnormality in the Aa function, 7% had abnormality of the A-beta function and 27% demonstrated abnormality in the C fiber function. Spearman Correlation Test showed no significant relationship between the function of median sensory nerve and the duration of CTS and body mass index (BMI) (p > 0.05). In conclusion, although majority of the patients demonstrated normal median sensory nerve function, abnormality of the A-beta, A-delta and C fibers sensitivity in some patients requires attention to prevent worsening of the nerve function thus avoiding related complications. Physiotherapists in HUKM may intensify the use of nerve stimulating modalities such as Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) to normalize the nerve functions of these patients.
    Keywords: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Current perception threshold; Median sensory nerve sensitivity; Body mass index
    Study site: Physiotherapy Unit, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  4. Nor Azura Abdul Rahim, Zulkifli Mohamad Ariff, Azlan Ariffin
    A study of kaolin addition in polypropylene (PP-kaolin) melt was carried out to characterize its flow behaviour and viscoelasticity at different temperatures. The compound of 20 wt% kaolin was prepared by melt mixing using two roll-mill heated at 185°C, while the compounded composites were put through a single screw extruder to evaluate its melt flow properties. The prepared PPKaolin composites exhibited a shear thinning behaviour and appeared to be strongly dependent on temperature. Moreover, it was also found that the power law index was constantly increased as the temperature increased. Meanwhile, a similar trend was observed for swelling ratio, whereby it also increased with increasing temperature. It was also observed that changes in the die temperatures would result in the formation of obvious bubble like surface morphology, and it became more prominent when the temperature was lowered.
  5. Saadi Ahmad Kamaruddin, Nor Azura Md Ghani, Norazan Mohamed Ramli
    Neurocomputing has been adjusted effectively in time series forecasting activities, yet the vicinity of exceptions that frequently happens in time arrangement information might contaminate the system preparing information. This is because of its capacity to naturally realise any example without earlier suspicions and loss of sweeping statement. In principle, the most widely recognised calculation for preparing the system is the backpropagation (BP) calculation, which inclines toward minimisation of standard slightest squares (OLS) estimator, particularly the mean squared mistake (MSE). Regardless, this calculation is not by any stretch of the imagination strong when the exceptions are available, and it might prompt bogus expectation of future qualities. In this paper, we exhibit another calculation which controls the firefly algorithm of least median squares (FFA-LMedS) estimator for neural system nonlinear autoregressive moving average (ANN-NARMA) model enhancement to provide betterment for the peripheral issue in time arrangement information. Moreover, execution of the solidified model in correlation with another hearty ANN-NARMA models, utilising M-estimators, Iterative LMedS and Particle Swarm Optimisation on LMedS (PSO-LMedS) with root mean squared blunder (RMSE) qualities, is highlighted in this paper. In the interim, the actual monthly information of Malaysian Aggregate, Sand and Roof Materials value was taken from January 1980 to December 2012 (base year 1980=100) with various levels of anomaly issues. It was found that the robustified ANN-NARMA model utilising FFA-LMedS delivered the best results, with the RMSE values having almost no mistakes at all in all the preparation, testing and acceptance sets for every single distinctive variable. Findings of the studies are hoped to assist the regarded powers including the PFI development tasks to overcome cost overwhelms.
  6. Nor Azura Md Ghani, Liong, Choong-Yeun, Abdul Aziz Jemain
    This paper is an attempt to perceive and order guns using a two-layer neural system model taking into account a feedforward backpropagation calculation. Numerical properties from the joined pictures were utilised for enhanced gun characterisation execution. Inputs of the system model were 747 pictures blackmailed from the discharging pin impression of five differing guns model, Parabellum Vector SPI 9mm. Components created from the dataset were further grouped into preparation set (523 components), testing set (112 components) and acceptance set (112 components). Under managed learning, exact results exhibited that a two-layer BPNN of 11-11-5 arrangement, with tansig/purelin exchange capacities and a “trainlm” preparing calculation, had productively delivered 87% right aftereffect of grouping. The order result serves to be progressed and contrasted with the previous works. Finally, the joined picture districts can offer some accommodating data on the grouping of gun.
  7. Nor Azura Md Ghani, Liong CY, Abdul Aziz Jemain
    Pengecaman senjata api semakin serius dan amat penting di dalam bidang penyiasatan jenayah khususnya untuk tempoh dua dekad ini. Dalam makalah ini, suatu sistem untuk pengecaman senjata api berasaskan tapak kelongsong peluru telah diperkenalkan. Tapak kelongsong peluru adalah satu daripada penunjuk yang amat penting dalam membantu menyelesaikan masalah pengecaman pistol. Peluru yang telah digunakan akan meninggalkan lebih daripada 30 ciri yang amat berharga pada tapak kelongsong bagi membantu pihak tertentu mengecam pistol yang telah diguna. Ciri-ciri tersebut sebagai suatu gabungan membentuk apa yang dikenali sebagai kesan cap jari bagi pistol. Lantaran itu, kajian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan fitur yang sesuai bagi pengecaman senjata api. Terlebih dahulu imej tapak kelongsong peluru ini telah ditemberengkan kepada tiga bahagian, membentuk tiga set imej yang berlainan. Imej-imej ini juga dilakukan prapemprosesan untuk membentuk tiga set imej lagi. Fitur-fitur seterusnya disaring daripada imej asal tapak kelongsong peluru dan imej yang telah melalui prapemprosesan. Dua puluh fitur yang berbeza secara signifikan telah diperoleh dan dikirakan untuk imej-imej asal dan yang telah dilakukan prapemprosesan. Kesemua pemprosesan telah dilakukan menggunakan pengaturcaraan MATLAB. Suatu skim berdasarkan analisis korelasi seterusnya telah diperkenalkan untuk pencarian fitur berdasarkan konsep meminimumkan lewahan data tetapi memastikan ciri-ciri unik tersimpan. Fitur-fitur yang berkorelasi tinggi akan digugurkan pasangannya dan hasilnya tinggal cuma tujuh fitur sahaja. Ketujuh-tujuh fitur ini telah diuji sebagai suatu vektor fitur untuk mengelaskan lima pistol daripada model yang sama menggunakan analisis diskriminan. Hasil pengelasan menunjukkan lebih 80% daripada imej-imej tapak kelongsong peluru itu telah dikelaskan dengan jayanya.
  8. Nor Azura I, Azlina I, Rosnani Z, Norhayati MN
    Malays J Med Sci, 2020 May;27(3):84-92.
    PMID: 32684809 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2020.27.3.9
    Background: Because of their frequent, regular contact with antenatal mothers, healthcare providers play an important role in promoting the health benefits of antenatal exercise. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of an antenatal-exercise counseling module on knowledge and self-efficacy of staff nurses.

    Methods: A quasi-experimental design was conducted. The intervention and control groups consisted of 66 nurses randomly selected from the Tumpat and Pasir Mas districts, respectively, in Kelantan. The intervention group received an antenatal-exercise counseling module, and the control group performed counseling based on self-reading. Knowledge and self-efficacy were assessed at the baseline and at week 4. Analysis of variance and repeated measure analysis of covariance were performed using SPSS.

    Results: There was a significant difference in the knowledge scores [estimated marginal mean (95% confidence interval, CI): 33.9 (33.29, 34.53) versus 27.4 (26.52, 28.29); P < 0.001)] and the self-efficacy scores [estimated marginal mean (95% CI): 31.3 (30.55, 32.03) versus 27.4 (26.03, 28.74); P = 0.005)] between intervention and control groups at week 4 after adjusting for duration of practice and formal training.

    Conclusion: The antenatal-exercise counseling module is recommended for use in routine counseling in health centers to promote healthy lifestyles among pregnant women.

  9. Wan Ali WNS, Ahmad Tarmidzi NA
    Eur J Dent, 2021 Oct;15(4):798-801.
    PMID: 34384124 DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1731584
    Impression compound has been introduced for more than 100 years. Since then, it has been widely used to obtain a preliminary impression of the edentulous arch. Although the use of impression compound has declined markedly over recent years as newer materials have become available, the cost-effectiveness and desirable physical and mechanical properties make this material indispensable in developing countries and teaching institutions. Its high viscosity characterizes impression compound as a mucocompressive impression material, which enables the full depth of the sulcus to be recorded for the retention of complete dentures. Literature reviews revealed that most contact allergies to impression materials are towards polyether, very few are towards alginate and polysulfide, and no reported cases have been found toward impression compound. This case report demonstrates a recent rare case of contact allergy towards impression compound during a routine impression taking for a fully edentulous arch in a 61-year-old woman. The patient developed symptoms of an allergic reaction, and the management of the condition was described.
  10. Azami NA, Lau NS, Furusawa G
    Data Brief, 2022 Dec;45:108597.
    PMID: 36164294 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108597
    Bacillus sp. CCB-MMP212 is a Gram-positive bacterium isolated from mangrove sediment in Matang Perak, Malaysia (4.85496°E, 100.73495°N). Genome sequencing was performed using the Oxford Nanopore and Illumina platforms. The assembled genome was annotated using the rapid annotation subsystem technology server (RAST) (rast.nmpdr.org). The genome size of the Bacillus sp. CCB-MMP212 was 6,151,644 base pairs (bp) with a G+C content of 34.75%. The genome includes 6,311 coding sequences and 58 RNAs. The sequence has been deposited at Genbank with the accession number of JALDQE000000000. Interestingly, an arsenic resistance (ars) operon consisted of arsenic resistance operon repressor (arsR), ACR3 family arsenite efflux transporter (arsB), and arsenate reductase (arsC) genes were found in the genome. In addition, the arsenic inducible gene (arsI), which encoded a dioxygenase with C•As lyase activity, was also found in the ars operon. The enzyme is crucial for the methylation of methylarsonous acid [MAs(III)] and trivalent roxarsone [Rox(III)]. This dataset reveals the genetic ability of this strain in arsenic resistance. To the best of our knowledge, the arsI encoding C•As lyase is rarely reported within the genus Bacillus. Therefore, the dataset presented in this manuscript provides further insight into the arsenic resistance mechanisms of the genus Bacillus.
  11. Muda NA, Ramlan H, Damanhuri HA
    Neuro Endocrinol. Lett., 2017 Jul;38(3):224-235.
    PMID: 28759191
    OBJECTIVES: Impairment in glucose homeostasis is one of the factors that may alter the feeding drive, hunger and satiety signals, which essential to maintain a sufficient level of energy for daily activities especially among the elderly. Adrenal medulla is one of the important organs that involves in glucose homeostasis through secretion of catecholamines. The catecholamines biosynthesis pathway utilizes various enzymes and protein kinases. The aims of this study are to investigate the effects of age on the biosynthetic pathway of catecholamines in adrenal medulla by determining the level of blood glucose and blood catecholamines, the gene and protein expression of biosynthetic catecholamine enzymes (TH, DBH and PNMT) as well as protein kinase substrates that involved in the phosphorylation of TH in 2DG-induced rats.

    METHODS: Adrenal medulla from male Sprague Dawley rats at the age of 3-months (n=12) and 24-months (n=12) were further divided into two groups: 1) treatment group with 2DG to create glucoprivation condition and 2) the vehicle group which received normal saline as control.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the level of glucose, adrenaline and noradrenaline were increased in response to acute glucoprivation conditions in both young and old rats. No age-related differences were found in the basal gene expression of the enzymes that involved in the catecholamines biosynthesis pathway. Interestingly the expressions of TH and DBH protein as well as the level of TH phosphorylation at Ser40, PKA, PKC and ERK1/2 substrates were higher in basal condition of the aged rats. However, contradicted findings were obtained in glucoprivic condition, which the protein expressions of DBH, pERK1/2 and substrates for pPKC were increased in young rats. Only substrate for pCDK was highly expressed in the old rats in the glucoprivic condition, while pPKC and pERK1/2 were decreased significantly. The results demonstrate that adrenal medulla of young and old rats are responsive to glucose deficit and capable to restore the blood glucose level by increasing the levels of blood catecholamines.

    CONCLUSION: The present findings also suggest that, at least in rats, aging alters the protein expression of the biosynthetic catecholamine enzymes as well as protein kinase substrates that may attenuate the response to glucoprivation.

  12. Furusawa G, Azami NA, Teh AH
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e10929.
    PMID: 33732545 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10929
    BACKGROUND: Oligosaccharides from polysaccharides containing uronic acids are known to have many useful bioactivities. Thus, polysaccharide lyases (PLs) and glycoside hydrolases (GHs) involved in producing the oligosaccharides have attracted interest in both medical and industrial settings. The numerous polysaccharide lyases and glycoside hydrolases involved in producing the oligosaccharides were isolated from soil and marine microorganisms. Our previous report demonstrated that an agar-degrading bacterium, Catenovulum sp. CCB-QB4, isolated from a coastal area of Penang, Malaysia, possessed 183 glycoside hydrolases and 43 polysaccharide lyases in the genome. We expected that the strain might degrade and use uronic acid-containing polysaccharides as a carbon source, indicating that the strain has a potential for a source of novel genes for degrading the polysaccharides.

    METHODS: To confirm the expectation, the QB4 cells were cultured in artificial seawater media with uronic acid-containing polysaccharides, namely alginate, pectin (and saturated galacturonate), ulvan, and gellan gum, and the growth was observed. The genes involved in degradation and utilization of uronic acid-containing polysaccharides were explored in the QB4 genome using CAZy analysis and BlastP analysis.

    RESULTS: The QB4 cells were capable of using these polysaccharides as a carbon source, and especially, the cells exhibited a robust growth in the presence of alginate. 28 PLs and 22 GHs related to the degradation of these polysaccharides were found in the QB4 genome based on the CAZy database. Eleven polysaccharide lyases and 16 glycoside hydrolases contained lipobox motif, indicating that these enzymes play an important role in degrading the polysaccharides. Fourteen of 28 polysaccharide lyases were classified into ulvan lyase, and the QB4 genome possessed the most abundant ulvan lyase genes in the CAZy database. Besides, genes involved in uronic acid metabolisms were also present in the genome. These results were consistent with the cell growth. In the pectin metabolic pathway, the strain had genes for three different pathways. However, the growth experiment using saturated galacturonate exhibited that the strain can only use the pathway related to unsaturated galacturonate.

  13. Pathmanathan SG, Samat NA, Mohamed R
    Malays J Med Sci, 2009 Apr;16(2):27-32.
    PMID: 22589655 MyJurnal
    Ongoing surveillance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance against antimicrobial agents is fundamental to monitor trends in susceptibility patterns and to appropriately guide clinicians in choosing empirical or directed therapy. The in vitro activity level of eight antimicrobial drugs was assessed against 97 clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa collected consecutively for three months in 2007 from a Malaysian hospital. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined using the E-test method in addition to the hospital's routine diagnostic testing by the disk diffusion method. Respiratory and wound swab isolates were the most frequently encountered isolates. The E-test and disk diffusion methods showed high concordance in determining the in vitro activity of the antimicrobial agents against the E isolates. Piperacillin-tazobactam was the most active antimicrobial agent with 91.8% susceptibility, followed by the aminoglycosides (amikacin, 86.6% and gentamicin, 84.5%), the quinolone (ciprofloxacin, 83.5%) and the beta-lactams (cefepime, 80.4%, ceftazidime, 80.4%, imipenem, 79.4% and meropenem, 77.3%). Incidence of multidrug resistance was 19.6% (19 out of 97 isolates). Periodic antibiotic resistance surveillance is fundamental to monitor changes in susceptibility patterns in a hospital setting.

    Study site: Hospital Kuala Lumpur
  14. Zun Liang Chuan, Nor Azura Md Ghani, Choong-Yeun Liong, Abdul Aziz Jemain
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1339-1344.
    Oleh sebab kejadian jenayah bersenjata api semakin berleluasa, pengecaman senjata api yang digunakan oleh penjenayah amat diperlukan sebagai bahan bukti dalam mahkamah. Beberapa sistem pengecaman senjata api telah diutarakan sebagai pengganti kepada cara penyiasatan tradisional yang amat bergantung kepada kepakaran ahli balistik. Pemetakan rantau tumpuan (ROI) berdasarkan kedudukan titik sauh (PAP) sempadan bulatan kesan pin peletup pada tapak kelongsong peluru merupakan langkah yang amat penting dalam sistem pengecaman senjata api automatik. Walau bagaimanapun, kaedah yang digunakan dalam kajian lepas bagi mengesan PAP sempadan bulatan tersebut adalah sangat kompleks dan memerlukan masa pemprosesan yang panjang. Kajian ini menerokai algoritma yang efisien dan berkemampuan untuk mengesan PAP sempadan bulatan secara automatik. Algoritma yang diutarakan merupakan gabungan daripada penapis penajaman reruang, penormalan histogram, pengambangan dan penganggar kuasa dua terkecil tak berpemberat. Dua kaedah pengambangan yang terkenal telah diuji dan dibandingkan, iaitu kaedah pengambangan berasaskan pengelompokan dan kaedah berasaskan entropi. Di samping itu, penerokaan kesan saiz dan bentuk ROI terhadap kadar pengelasan senjata api turut dipersembahkan. Sebanyak 747 imej kesan pin peletup jenis sempadan bulatan peletup yang dihasilkan oleh lima pucuk pistol yang berlainan daripada jenis yang sama digunakan untuk menguji algoritma yang diutarakan. Kadar pengelasan imej kesan pin peletup yang memberangsangkan (> 95%) telah dicapai dengan algoritma yang dicadangkan. Kajian juga mendapati bahawa saiz dan bentuk pemetakan ROI mempunyai kesan langsung terhadap kadar pengelasan senjata api.
  15. Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Nur Amirah Ishak, Nor Azura Azmi, Chai Siaw Chui, Fatimah Hani Hassan
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2018;16(101):203-209.
    Neurophobia, defined as ‘the fear of neural sciences and neurology’ is reported among medical students, which threatened their performance in neurology course. This phenomenon has not been studied among rehabilitation sciences students despite the significance of neurology as an area for rehabilitation. In this study we aim to assess the perceptions of neurology course and the possibility of neurophobia existence among rehabilitation sciences students of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). We also aimed to identify learning methods which are regarded as useful among the students. A survey using self-administered questionnaires was conducted among 73 students from School of Rehabilitation Sciences of the university. Questions in the questionnaire were adapted from previous studies, in which neurophobia was indicated by poor knowledge and low confidence level in managing neurology course. Results showed that the percentage of participants who perceived having good knowledge of neurology was significantly higher than the percentage who claimed of having poor knowledge level (90.4% versus 9.6%, p < 0.01). Similarly, the percentage of participants who claimed having high confidence to handle neurology cases was higher than the percentage who expressed lack of confidence (79.2% versus 20.8%, p = 0.03). However, neurology course was perceived as difficult by majority of the participants (78.1%) when compared to other courses. Majority of the participants (97.3%) perceived clinical teaching as a useful method of learning rehabilitation science courses including neurology followed by problem-based learning (90.4%). While limited exposure to neurology cases was claimed as the main reason to why neurology is difficult. In conclusion, although neurology is perceived as a difficult course among rehabilitation sciences students, the students did not report lack of knowledge and confidence in the course. This implies that neurophobia does not exist among UKM rehabilitation students. Enhancement of learning methods may assist in reducing the level of difficulty of neurology course among the students.
  16. Md Ghani NA, Liong CY, Jemain AA
    Forensic Sci Int, 2010 May 20;198(1-3):143-9.
    PMID: 20211535 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2010.02.011
    The task of identifying firearms from forensic ballistics specimens is exacting in crime investigation since the last two decades. Every firearm, regardless of its size, make and model, has its own unique 'fingerprint'. These fingerprints transfer when a firearm is fired to the fired bullet and cartridge case. The components that are involved in producing these unique characteristics are the firing chamber, breech face, firing pin, ejector, extractor and the rifling of the barrel. These unique characteristics are the critical features in identifying firearms. It allows investigators to decide on which particular firearm that has fired the bullet. Traditionally the comparison of ballistic evidence has been a tedious and time-consuming process requiring highly skilled examiners. Therefore, the main objective of this study is the extraction and identification of suitable features from firing pin impression of cartridge case images for firearm recognition. Some previous studies have shown that firing pin impression of cartridge case is one of the most important characteristics used for identifying an individual firearm. In this study, data are gathered using 747 cartridge case images captured from five different pistols of type 9mm Parabellum Vektor SP1, made in South Africa. All the images of the cartridge cases are then segmented into three regions, forming three different set of images, i.e. firing pin impression image, centre of firing pin impression image and ring of firing pin impression image. Then geometric moments up to the sixth order were generated from each part of the images to form a set of numerical features. These 48 features were found to be significantly different using the MANOVA test. This high dimension of features is then reduced into only 11 significant features using correlation analysis. Classification results using cross-validation under discriminant analysis show that 96.7% of the images were classified correctly. These results demonstrate the value of geometric moments technique for producing a set of numerical features, based on which the identification of firearms are made.
  17. Ramli A, Ramli NI, Kamarudin K, Bahari SE, Azmi NA
    This study aims to identify the perception of third year physiotherapy students on the teaching and learning during clinical placements. A sample of 154 third year undergraduate and diploma students from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, the Universiti Teknologi Mara and the Kolej Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu completed the questionnaire. High internal reliability of teaching and learning activities scale in the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach alpha (α = 0.94). Findings showed significant differences (p < 0.05) of perception among students in the clinical block between different levels of education, the ideal number of students in a group during clinical teaching session, and in the activity of ‘patient-centered activities,’ as well as 'feedback to the student.’ These findings demonstrated that the level of education does influence the students’ perceptions on their teaching and learning during clinical placements. In conclusion, the level of education is a contributory factor that influences the students’ rate of learning in clinical education.
    Keywords: Clinical education, physiotherapy students, perception, undergraduate, diploma
  18. Miswan N, Lau NS, Azami NA, Furusawa G
    Microbiol Resour Announc, 2023 Jan 24;12(1):e0100022.
    PMID: 36598229 DOI: 10.1128/mra.01000-22
    Vibrio sp. strain CCB-PB317 with potential arsenic detoxification was isolated from a mangrove in Pulau Betong, Malaysia. Here, we report a draft genome sequence of strain CCB-PB317, which comprised 5,157,574 bp with a G+C content of 44.9%. The genome contains genes related to an arsenic resistance system coupled with glycolytic metabolism.
  19. Azami NA, Lian MQ, Furusawa G, Teh AH
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2023;41(22):12565-12571.
    PMID: 36656114 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2167111
    Among the enzymes required for the efficient utilisation of pectin is polygalacturonase. Saccharobesus litoralis harbours two polygalacturonases belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 28 (GH28). One of them, PGQ1, cleaved polygalacturonate exolytically at the non-reducing end into monomeric units. It was most active at 60 °C and pH 8, with Km and kcat values of 2.3 mg/ml and 6.4 s-1 respectively. Its homology model of a right-handed parallel β-helix core consisted of Asp297 as the general acid and either Asp276 or Asp298 as the general base. By inferring the substrate binding modes at the -1 and +1 subsites from known crystal structures, a hexagalacturonate could be docked into the highly electropositive binding cleft. Interestingly, while no residues were present in the vicinity to make up the +2 and +4 subsites, Arg361 and Arg430 could readily bind to the carboxyl groups of the galacturonates at the +3 and +5 subsites respectively. Structural comparison suggested that this binding pattern with missing subsites might be unique to closely related exopolygalacturonases. As S. litoralis grew much more slowly on extracellular galacturonate due to the lack of a transporter for the monosaccharide, PGQ1 probably functioned in the periplasm to help degrade oligopectates completely.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
  20. Khor, Kang Nan, Mohamad Halim Abd Wahid, Nor Azura Malini Ahmad Hambali, Vithyacharan Retnasamy, Mukhzeer Mohamad Shahimin
    Separation and sorting of microparticles have set foot in critical diagnostics, advanced chemical and biomedical assessment. By utilizing specific characteristics for sorting, various techniques have been developed and optimized. Evanescent field optical trapping of microparticles is one of the emerging technologies to sort and separate in a non-mechanical and non-destructively several particles simultaneously. This paper describes the studies carried out, both theoretically and experimentally, to optimize the propulsion of polymer particles on copper ion-exchanged channel waveguides, to ultimately allow for the trapping and separation of mammalian adipose tissue derived stem cells (AT-SCs) according to their size and refractive index. The propulsion of polymer particles was observed to increase with the supplied input power and with laser polarization at transverse electric (TE) mode. The propulsion of particles was demonstrated to peak on a 4μm channel width of a 1μm thick copper ion-exchanged waveguide. The work carried out provides the optimal optical and waveguide parameters to be exploited for trapping and sorting AT-SCs on copper ion-exchanged waveguides
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