METHODS: The theoretical model was verified by SPSS26.0 and smartPLS3.0, and to assess the measurement and structural models, the PLS approach to structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed.
RESULTS: The study found that (a) positive academic emotions play a mediating role between perceived TPACK support and deep learning, perceived peer support and deep learning, and perceived technology usefulness and ease of use and deep learning; (b) learning self-efficacy plays a mediating role between perceived TPACK support and deep learning, perceived peer support and deep learning, and perceived technology usefulness and ease of use and deep learning.
DISCUSSION: The findings of this study fill the gaps in the research on the theoretical models of deep learning in the online environment and provide a theoretical basis for online teaching, learning quality, and practical improvement strategies.
Methods: Cervical cancer cases were extracted from the provincial cancer registry from 1989 to 2013. Age-adjusted incidence rates were calculated using population statistics from the census bureau and adjusted to the Segi world standard population. Bayesian hierarchical modelling was employed to spatiotemporally map cervical cancer incidence trends in Songkhla province in 5-year period.
Results: Overall, the incidence of cervical cancer decreased in Songkhla province. The three districts with a Muslim population of greater than 70% had consistently lower cervical cancer rates from 1989 to 2013 compared with the rest of the predominantly Buddhist districts. Hotspots of incidence were identified in Sadao, Hat Yai and the juncture of Mueang Songkhla and Singhanakhon in each 5-year period.
Conclusions: Distinct cervical cancer incidence trends by religion over time indicate differences in sexual habits, lifestyle and religion-associated culture between Muslims and Buddhists, and suggest divergent risk factor profiles for these groups. The high incidence rates in Sadao and Hat Yai is likely explained by the main road to Malaysia, which runs across these two areas and has frequent commercial sex trade. Female sex workers should be targeted as a vulnerable population for screening efforts to address this continuing burden of cervical cancer.
METHODS: A stratified random sample of 679 female Chinese university students (age, mean ± SD = 19.792 ± 1.007) participated in the study. The surveys comprised the Theory of Reasoned Action Questionnaire (TRA-Q) and the Body Shape Questionnaire (BS-Q) to assess their body shape concerns and behavioral intentions regarding eating disorders. Structural equation modeling was used to test the extended TRA model, with body shape as an additional predictor and BMI as a moderator.
RESULTS: Body shape positively affected attitudes (β = 0.444, p
METHODS: The authors describe a modified second toe transfer that addresses cosmesis in six patients. These include (1) harvesting a flap from the adjacent side of the great toe and insetting it into the volar aspect of the second toe to give more bulk, (2) making skin excisions on each side of the tip to reduce the bulbous appearance, and (3) excising the eponychium to produce apparent lengthening of the nail.
RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 18 months (range, 6 to 36 months). The procedure resulted in good function and improved cosmesis in all six cases. Part of the great toe flap was lost in one case. The mean two-point discrimination in the transferred toes was 10.1 mm, with protective sensation present in the flaps. The range of motion of the transferred toe was 14 to 38 degrees at the metatarsophalangeal joint, 16 to 55 degrees at the proximal interphalangeal joints, and 20 to 36 degrees in the distal interphalangeal joints. All patients except one were happy with the appearance of the transferred toe.
CONCLUSION: This novel approach will allow patients to take advantage of the lower morbidity to the donor site afforded by second toe-to-thumb transfer and provide the patients with a more aesthetic appearance of the new thumb.