Extruded plant proteins, also known as textured vegetable proteins (TVPs), serve as vital components in plant-based meat analogue, yet their structural and nutritional characteristics remain elusive. In this study, we examined the impact of high-moisture (HM) and low-moisture (LM) extrusion on the structures, digestion and absorption of three types of plant proteins. Extrusion transformed plant proteins from spherical to fibrous forms, and formed larger aggregate particles. It also led to the disruption of original disulfide bonds and hydrophobic interactions within protein molecules, and the formation of new cross-links. Intriguingly, compared to native plant proteins, TVPs' α-helix/β-sheet values decreased from 0.68 to 0.69 to 0.56-0.65. Extrusion increased the proportion of peptides shorter than 1 kD in digesta of TVPs by 1.44-23.63%. In comparison to unextruded plant proteins, TVPs exhibited lower content of free amino acids in cell transport products. Our findings demonstrated that extrusion can modify protein secondary structure by diminishing the α-helix/β-sheet value, and impact protein tertiary structure by reducing disulfide bonds and hydrophobic interactions, promoting the digestion and absorption of plant proteins. These insights offer valuable scientific backing for the utilization of extruded plant-based proteins, bolstering their role in enhancing the palatability and nutritional profile of plant-based meat substitutes.
The digestion behavior of epoxy triglyceride, the main cytotoxic product of deep-frying oil, remains unknown, which may affect its biosafety. In this study, epoxy triglyceride (EGT) and triglyceride (GT) were used to reveal the effect of epoxy group on digestion. Digestibility rate analysis showed that the free fatty acids release rate of EGT was slower. To clarify this phenomenon, binding ability with salt ions in digestive juice and particle size were also been studied. Cluster size analysis indicated that epoxy group increased triglyceride particle size, resulting in smaller contact area between EGT and lipase. Interface behaviors displayed EGT decreased binding ability with salt ions in digestive juice. Spectroscopic analysis showed EGT caused the red shift of lipase peak, indicating that epoxy group changed lipase structure. Molecular dynamics simulation suggested EGT leads to loosen lipase structure. In conclusion, this study highlights that epoxy group could weaken the triglyceride digestion.
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of replacing soybean meal with soya waste at different levels on intake, digestibility and growth in goats. Eighteen male goat kids with initial body weight (BW) of 13.0 kg were distributed equally to three dietary groups. They were fed Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and concentrate mixture, and each goat was assigned to an individual pen. Soybean meal in the concentrate mixture was replaced with soya waste at 0% (T1), 50% (T2) and 100% (T3) levels in respective dietary groups. These diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Results showed that animals fed T3 diet exhibited higher Napier grass intake than those fed T1 or T2 diet. There was no influence on total intakes of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), metabolic BW, per cent BW and metabolisable energy by the dietary groups. However, there was an increasing trend on intake and digestibility of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) with increasing levels of soya waste in the diets. Animals fed T3 diet showed higher intake and digestibility of NDF than those fed T1 diet. There was no influence of the dietary groups on digestibilities of DM, OM and CP. Similarly, there was no effect of them on the final BW, total BW gain, daily BW gain, feed conversion ratio and feed cost. Soya waste can replace 100% soybean meal in diets for growing goats, because no change was observed in nutrient intake, digestibility and growth performance; inclusion of soya waste enhanced the intake and digestibility of NDF.
Present work investigated the effects of processing (homogenization, sterilization) and cold storage on physicochemical properties, in vitro digestion and Caco-2 cellular uptake of bovine milk. Extreme heat sterilization and low temperature storage have significant impact on particle size and phospholipidome of bovine milk. In addition, cold storage of bovine milks led to formation of β' polymorphs crystals and endothermic peak with Toffset higher than body temperature. Processing and cold storage also increased the initial digestibility but reduced the overall digestibility of bovine milk. This might be related to the decreased particle size of the milk fat globules, changed in the phospholipidome of the MFGM and formation of β' polymorphs crystals in frozen milk. It is interesting to note that PE has relatively faster digestion meanwhile SM has relatively slower digestion. HTST milk which demonstrated lesser changed in terms of phospholipidome demonstrated highest cellular uptakes of most fatty acids.
In this study, supercritical carbon dioxide solution-enhanced dispersion (SEDS) was used to encapsulate hemp seed oil (HSO) within matrices of hemp seed protein isolate (HPI), pea protein (PPI) and soy protein (SPI) (0.5 % w/v) in complex with alginate (AL) (0.01 % w/v). The effects of different pH levels (3-9), NaCl concentrations (0-200 mmol/L) and simulated gastrointestinal conditions on HSO release and digestion patterns were analyzed. The findings revealed that SPI/AL microcapsules effectively maintained structural integrity and controlled oil release across diverse pH levels and salt concentrations. During gastrointestinal phases, minimal oil release was observed during oral digestion (<25 % for all samples), while significant (P
The digestion behavior of lipids plays a crucial role in their nutritional bioaccessibility, which subsequently impacts human health. This study aims to investigate potential variations in lipid digestion profiles among individuals of different ages, considering the distinct physiological functions of the gastrointestinal tract in infants, aging populations, and healthy young adults. The digestion fates of high oleic peanut oil (HOPO), sunflower oil (SO), and linseed oil (LINO) were investigated using in vitro digestion models representing infants, adults, and elders. Comparatively, lipid digestion proved to be more comprehensive in adults, leading to free fatty acid (FFA) levels of 64.53%, 62.32%, and 57.90% for HOPO, SO, and LINO, respectively. Besides, infants demonstrated propensity to selectively release FFAs with shorter chain lengths and higher saturation levels during the digestion. In addition, in the gastric phase, particle sizes among the elderly were consistently larger than those observed in infants and adults, despite adults generating approximately 15% FFAs within the stomach. In summary, this study enhances our fundamental comprehension of how lipids with varying degrees of unsaturation undergo digestion in diverse age groups.
Anaerobic digestion is a promising way for resource recovery from waste cooking oil (WCO) due to its high bio-methanation potential. In-situ mild alkaline (pH 8) enhanced two-stage continuous stirred tank reactors (ALK-2-CSTRs) were implemented to explore its efficiency in co-digesting WCO and sewage sludge with stepwise increase of WCO in the co-substrates. Results demonstrate that the ALK-2-CSTRs effectively promoted methane yield from the co-substrates via promoting hydrolysis, long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) degradation and protecting methanogens from exposure to high concentration of LCFAs directly. The maximum methane yield of the ALK-2-CSTRs is 39.2% higher than that of a single stage CSTR system at the optimal feed mixture of 45:55 (WCO:SS [VS]). The thermophilic operation applied to the stage-1 of the ALK-2-CSTRs failed to improve the methane yield when the methanogenic performance was stable; while upon WCO overloaded, the elevated temperature mitigated the deterioration of methanogenesis by stimulating the bioconversion of the toxic LCFAs, especially the unsaturated oleic acid. Microbial community analysis reveals the ALK-2-CSTRs stimulated the growth of lipolytic bacteria and hydrogenotrophic methanogens, which suggests the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic pathway was promoted. Cost evaluation demonstrates the economical superiority of the ALK-2-CSTR over the prevailing strategies developed for enhancing methane yield from the co-substrates.
Vermiform appendix is considered as a vestigial organ, and it has minimal or no role to play in the digestion and absorption of food. It is an enigma to the clinicians due to its variable positions and symptoms caused by its inflammation. In the available literature, there are many reports on various positions, size and disease of appendix. However, there is no report on an anteriorly located appendicular attachment to the caecum. During dissection classes for medical undergraduates, an appendix with its base attached to the anterior wall of the caecum was noted. The entire appendix was attached to the ileum through a mesoappendix and was readily visible when the anterior abdominal wall was reflected. This position could be a boon to the clinicians and radiologists during diagnosis and surgery of the appendix.
Free-living animals must make dietary choices in terms of chemical and physical properties, depending on their digestive physiology and availability of food resources. Here we comprehensively evaluated the dietary choices of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) consuming young leaves. We analysed the data for leaf toughness and digestibility measured by an in vitro gas production method, in addition to previously reported data on nutrient composition. Leaf toughness, in general, negatively correlated with the crude protein content, one of the most important nutritional factors affecting food selection by leaf-eating primates. This result suggests that leaf toughness assessed by oral sensation might be a proximate cue for its protein content. We confirmed the importance of the leaf chemical properties in terms of preference shown by N. larvatus; leaves with high protein content and low neutral detergent fibre levels were preferred to those of the common plant species. We also found that these preferred leaves were less tough and more digestible than the alternatives. Our in vitro results also suggested that N. larvatus were little affected by secondary plant compounds. However, the spatial distribution pattern of plant species was the strongest factor explaining the selection of the preferred leaf species.
The primary biological treatment method for organic sludge is composting and/or anaerobic digestion, but their product (compost or biogas) is of little economic benefit; therefore, an improved process to produce a high-value product is required to make sludge management more sustainable. Maximizing NH3 gas recovery during composting processes has the potential benefit of producing high-value microalgal biomass. However, the majority of produced ammonia does not evaporate as NH3 gas but retains as NH4+-N in the compost after fermentation. The present study investigates the effects of the timing of Ca(OH)2 dosing (on days 2, 5, and 9), and the Ca(OH)2 dose (1.1-2.6 mmol/batch), on lab-scale thermophilic composting of anaerobic sludge. The effects on NH3 recovery, organic matter degradability, and microbial activity are evaluated. Ca(OH)2 dosing immediately improved the emission of NH3, with yields 50-69% higher than those under control conditions. The timing of the dosing did not influence NH3 recovery or organic matter degradability. Higher Ca(OH)2 doses resulted in higher NH3 recovery, while microbial activity was temporarily and marginally inhibited. The pH of the compost reached 10-11.5 but quickly dropped to 8-8.5 within a day, probably because of neutralization of Ca(OH)2 by the emitted CO2 and release of NH3, which maintained the microbial activity. The present study indicated that Ca(OH)2 dosing would be useful to apply during thermophilic composting for NH3 recovery to cultivate high-value microalgal biomass, which enables this process to obtain a more economic benefit.
The human gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by a vast population of bacteria, numbering ~100 trillion. These microorganisms have been shown to play a significant role in digestion, metabolism, and the immune system. The aim of this study was to review and discuss how the human body interacts with its gut microbiome and in turn the effects that the microorganisms have on its host, overall resulting in a true mutualistic relationship.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of varying crude protein (CP) levels on intake, growth performances and nutrient digestibility of Dorper lambs at pre- and post-weaning period. Twenty lambs at 7 days old with an initial body weight of 2.91 kg were individually penned and randomly assigned into four (4) dietary groups using a randomised complete block design. In Trial I, pre-weaning lambs were fed with creep feeding (CF) diet containing 14% crude protein (CP) as a control diet (CON14), 16% (CF16), 18% (CF18) and 20% (CF20) of CP for 84 days. Following Trial 1, the animals were fed with a growing ration (GR) diet for 96-day feeding trial. The diets consisted of 11% CP as a control diet (CON11), 14% (GR14), 16% (GR16) and 18% (GR18) of CP. The water was available ad libitum and the feed intake was measured daily by the difference of feed offered and refused. The increase of CP level resulted in a linear increase of dry matter intake (DMI), nutrient intake and average daily gain (ADG) in pre- and post-weaning lambs. The DMI (g/day) of lambs fed with CF20 (1059.92) was significantly higher (p 0.05) compared to those fed with CF16 (217.95). For post-weaning lambs, GR16 had significantly higher ADG than CON11 (43.14), but it was no difference with GR14 (72.94) and GR18 (69.41). However, increased CP level resulted in linear increase of DM, ash, organic matter (OM) and CP digestibility. The present finding suggested that the optimum CP level for pre- and post-weaning Dorper lambs in Malaysia was 16% and 14%, respectively.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the interactive effects of dietary crude palm oil (CPO) concentration and water temperature on lipid and FA digestibility in rainbow trout. Four isolipidic diets with 0, 5, 10, or 20% (w/w) CPO, at the expense of fish oil, were formulated and fed to groups of trout maintained at water temperatures of 7, 10, or 15 degrees C. The apparent digestibility (AD) of the FA, measured using yttrium oxide as an inert marker, decreased with increasing chain length and increased with increasing unsaturation within each temperature regimen irrespective of CPO level fed to the fish. PUFA of the n-3 series were preferentially absorbed compared to n-6 PUFA in all diet and temperature treatments. Except for a few minor FA, a significant (P < 0.05) interaction between diet and temperature effects on FA digestibility was found. Increasing dietary levels of CPO lead to significant reductions in the AD of saturates and, to a lesser extent, also of the other FA. Lowering water temperature reduced total saturated FA digestibility in trout regardless of CPO level. Based on the lipid class composition of trout feces, this reduction in AD of saturates was due in part to the increasing resistance of dietary TAG to digestion. Increasing CPO level and decreasing water temperature significantly increased TAG content in trout fecal lipids, with saturates constituting more than 60% of the FA composition. Total monoene and PUFA digestibilities were not significantly affected by water temperature in fish fed up to 10% CPO in their diet. The potential impact of reduced lipid and FA digestibility in cold-water fish fed diets supplemented with high levels of CPO on fish growth performance requires further research.
Resistant starch type III (RS3 ) was produced from sago (Metroxylon sagu) and evaluated for its characteristics as a prebiotic. Two RS3 samples designated sago RS and HCl-sago RS contained 35.71% and 68.30% RS, respectively, were subjected to hydrolyses by gastric juice and digestive enzymes and to absorption. Both sago RS and HCl-sago RS were resistant to 180 min hydrolysis by gastric acidity at pH 1 to 4 with less than 0.85% hydrolyzed. Both samples were also resistant toward hydrolysis by gastrointestinal tract enzymes and intestinal absorption with 96.75% and 98.69% of RS3 were recovered respectively after 3.5 h digestion and overnight dialysis at 37 °C. Sago RS3 supported the growth of both beneficial (lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) and pathogenic microbes (Escherichia coli, Campylobacter coli, and Clostridium perfringens) in the range of 2.60 to 3.91 log10 CFU/mL. Hence, prebiotic activity score was applied to describe the extent to which sago RS3 supports selective growth of the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains over pathogenic bacteria. The highest scores were obtained from Bifidobacterium sp. FTDC8943 grown on sago RS (+0.26) and HCl-sago RS (+0.24) followed by L. bulgaricus FTDC1511 grown on sago RS (+0.21). The findings had suggested that sago RS3 has the prebiotic partial characteristics and it is suggested to further assess the suitability of sago RS3 as a prebiotic material.
Introduction: Rice husk has portrayed great potential in becoming a sustainable biomass source in producing silica, cellulose and carbon materials, which garnered widespread interest among researchers. The objective of the current study is to determine the morphological and compositional changes in rice husk due to the synergistic effects of ther- mochemical treatment. Methods: Washed and dried rice husk was blended into a fine powder and then subjected to step-wise heat treatment and acid digestion to produce white ash. The intermittent products, as well as the original rice husk and the final ash product, were characterised using analytical instruments to document the morphologi- cal and chemical composition changes. Results: This report highlights the production of pure rice husk ash using a step-wise treatment using a combination of thermochemical treatment and carbonisation. The results showed that a partial breakdown of the lignocellulose components was achieved using directed thermal treatment at low tem- perature. The ionic impurities were leached out in subsequent heated acid treatment. Thereafter, the carbonaceous organic matter was completely converted to carbon during the carbonisation of the sample and the remaining carbon residue was removed during calcination. High purity ash contained agglomerated and nanostructured silica in the dimensions of 20 to 50 nm in the amorphous form. Conclusion: The step-wise treatment allowed systematic removal of each compound while maintaining the amorphous mineral phase of silica and avoiding carbon fixation. Under- standing the effect of each treatment offers insight to produce purer silica from rice husk.
The distribution of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in surface sediments was examined in waters off the coast of Marang, Terengganu. A total of 20 samples were collected using Ponar grab and analysed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer after closed digestion with acid. The sediments were filtered using a dry sieving method to determine their particle size. The spatial distribution maps on the concentration of selected metals were drawn using the ArcGIS software. Results showed that the average concentration of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were 2.33±0.38 µg/g dry weight, 28.4±3.78 µg/g dry weight, 0.09±0.01 µg/g dry weight and 8.35±1.48 µg/g dry weight, respectively. The level of pollution was also evaluated using the Index of Geoaccumulation (Igeo) and Pollution Load Index (PLI). All Igeo and PLI values obtained were low, which indicated low or no pollution. Meanwhile, the sediment mean size ranged between -0.77Ø and 3.18Ø, which characterised a sandy type of sediment. Correlation analysis showed a positive correlation between the heavy metals and sediment size. The results indicated that there was a common source of heavy metal pollution in the study area, possibly from shipping activities. Overall, there was no significant heavy metal pollution in the waters off Marang. This finding is important as the data could be used to evaluate the risk of metal contamination and the impact of anthropogenic activities on the marine environment.
Opisthorchiasis is endemic in parts of Southeast Asia, including the northern and northeastern regions of Thailand. In these regions, the transmission by fish intermediate hosts has received little attention. We investigated the intensity of Opisthorchis viverrini metacercariae (OV MC) in wild cyprinid fishes from five districts within the Nakhon Phanom Province, Northeast Thailand. Fishes were procured from local markets in five districts throughout three different seasons (hot, rainy and cold) between February 2018 and January 2019. The samples were identified, counted and weighed before metacercariae detection was performed via the artificial digestion method. A total of 2,149 freshwater fishes, representing 20 species were collected. The fish most commonly contaminated with OV MC were Anematichthys repasson and Hampala dispar. The intensity of OV MC in Nakhon Phanom was 0.23 OV MC/fish and varied among districts, ranging from 0.07 to 0.52. A low intensity of OV MC/fish (defined as <=1 cyst) was found in all three different seasons in the Nakhon Phanom Province; hot season (0.55), cold season (0.22) and the rainy season (0.13). The intensity of OV MC/fish was moderate (defined as >1 cyst) in the Renu Nakhon district (2.5) in the hot season. By fish species, H. dispar yielded the highest, with a moderate intensity of 2.1. In natural freshwater cyprinid fish in Nakhon Phanom, OV MC infection is endemic with intensity rates varying according to district, season and fish species.
Understanding the nature of ruminant nutrition and digestion is essential to improve feeding management and animal production. Among many approaches, manipulating ruminant nutrition and fermentation through feed supplementation is being practised and researched. Over the last decade, the utilization of vegetable oils in feed formulation and their effects on various aspects of ruminants have been reported by many researchers. It is important to understand the lipid metabolism in ruminants by microorganisms because it affects the quality of ruminant-derived products such as meat and milk. Majority of vegetable oil supplementation could reduce rumen protozoa population in ruminants due to the effects of medium-chain fatty acids (FAs). However, vegetable oil also contains unsaturated FAs that are known to have a negative effect on cellulolytic bacteria which could show inhibitory effects of the fibre digestion. In this paper, the physiology of nutrient digestion of ruminants is described. This paper also provides a current review of studies done on improvement and modification of rumen fermentation and microbial population through vegetable oil supplementation.
Cow (CwC) and camel casein (CaC) hydrolysates were generated using Alcalase™ (CwCA and CaCA) and Pronase-E (CwCP and CaCP) each for 3 and 6 h, and investigated for their potential to inhibit key lipid digesting enzymes i.e., pancreatic lipase (PL) and cholesteryl esterase (CE). Results revealed stronger PL and CE inhibition by CaC hydrolysates compared to CwC. Potent hydrolysates (CwCP-3 h and CaCA-6 h) upon simulated gastrointestinal digestion (SGID) showed significant improvement in inhibition of both PL and CE. However, both the SGID hydrolysates showed similar extent of PL and CE inhibition and were further sequenced for peptide identification. Peptides MMML, FDML, HLPGRG from CwC and AAGF, MSNYF, FLWPEYGAL from CaC hydrolysates were predicted to be most active PL inhibitory peptides. Peptide LP found in both CwC and CaC hydrolysates was predicted as active CE inhibitor. Thus, CwC and CaC could be potential source of peptides with promising CE and PL inhibitory properties.