METHODS: The visuals were analyzed by employing the Visual Discourses of Disability (ViDD) framework that juxtaposes the "perspectivizing-personizing" cline with the "enabling-disabling" continuum. The data studied comprise a total of 432 images sourced from three domains, namely (1) The Star, a Malaysian mainstream English newspaper (2012-2021); (2) Alzheimer's Disease Foundation Malaysia (ADFM) website (2019-2021); and (3) the Ministry of Health Malaysia (2019-2021) website. Findings from the visual analyses were corroborated by four representatives of ADFM in a group interview.
RESULTS: There is a predominance of stigmatized images, constructing dementia as a loss and deficit, thus depicting individuals in distanced suffering. Generic representations of people through stock images, a unique focus on the hands, representations of brain degeneration through abstractions and missing puzzle pieces are also prevalent. Despite these, the interview data confirmed that the perspectivizing aspect may be necessary to educate the public on what dementia entails. While personizing images that depict personhood and actual persons living with dementia are ideal, the use of stock images may be necessary if there is a need to maintain confidentiality and observe sensitivities. Similarly, images with positive emotions are encouraged but disabling ones are equally important to reflect reality and inculcate empathy.
CONCLUSION: When capturing, selecting and publishing images of dementia, organizations should deliberate on different visual elements which evoke empowerment, advocacy, handicapping and othering implications as outlined in the ViDD framework. Any decision should only be made after considering the purposes of publications and implications such images have on the intended audiences.
DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: A questionnaire survey was conducted with 99 respondents in selected hospitals in Selangor, Malaysia.
FINDINGS: This study aims to discover the perception of PWDs towards FM service quality, and it has found a gap for improvement. The area that requires the highest attention includes the importance of (1) assurance on accessibility despite maintenance activity being conducted (2) criticality of facilities maintenance itself, (3) assurance on comfort and safety, (4) reliable medium to ask for assistance or giving feedback, (5) signage that is clearly seen and easily understood and (6) staff responsiveness.
RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: This instrument is validated by PWDs under the physical disability category only, specifically in the hospital context. Future research is recommended to identify the FM service quality aspect for different categories of disability (sensory, mental or intellectual impairment).
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The findings provide evidence for FM to consider PWDs' perceptions in FM strategy development. Even FM provides a healthcare support system. FM service quality partly reflects healthcare service quality.
SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Accommodating the need of PWDs through the improvement of FM service quality aspect will partly fulfil the right of PWDs for equality of access to healthcare.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This SERVQUAL tools can be improvised and used to measure the perception of PWDs on FM service quality systematically and holistically. Understanding the service quality aspect is important for a facility manager to precisely measure and prioritise what is truly important to the building users with special needs and try to accommodate this need in the management activity.
METHODS: Fifteen participants completed the intervention using Wii VR games in this pilot study. Depressive, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS) and Capabilities of Upper Extremity (CUE) questionnaires were used to measure psychological well-being and upper limb motor function respectively. Upper limb reaction time was measured using reaction time test.
RESULTS: Results showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in DASS questionnaire and average reaction time score after intervention.
CONCLUSION: There is a potential for using interactive VR games as an exercise tool to improve psychological wellbeing and upper limb reaction time among adults with disabilities.
METHODS: We analyzed the collaborative 2019 Rehabilitation Database of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study and World Health Organization for neurological and mental disorders available for 204 countries and territories. Point prevalence and YLDs with 95% uncertainty intervals (UI) are presented.
RESULTS: Globally, 8.1 million (7.1-9.2) or 1.2% of children under 5 years are estimated to have CP with 16.1 million (11.5-21.0) or 2.4% having intellectual disability. Over 98% resided in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). CP and intellectual disability accounted for 6.5% and 4.5% of the aggregate YLDs from all causes of adverse health outcomes respectively. African Region recorded the highest prevalence of CP (1.6%) while South-East Asia Region had the highest prevalence of intellectual disability. The top 10 countries accounted for 57.2% of the global prevalence of CP and 62.0% of the global prevalence of intellectual disability.
CONCLUSION: Based on this Database, CP and intellectual disability are highly prevalent and associated with substantial YLDs among children under 5 years worldwide. Universal early detection and support services are warranted, particularly in LMICs to optimize school readiness for these children toward inclusive education as envisioned by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify the symptom responses and disease burden of long COVID in individuals with spinal cord injury.
METHODS: This case-control study was conducted on patients with SCI residing at a specialised rehabilitation centre in Bangladesh. Forty patients with SCI with and without long COVID symptoms (LCS) were enrolled in this study at a 1:1 ratio according to WHO criteria.
RESULT: Twelve LCS were observed in patients with SCI, including fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, memory loss, headache, respiratory problems, anxiety, depression, insomnia, problem in ADL problem in work, palpitation, and weakness. The predictors of developing long COVID include increasing age (p<0.002), increasing BMI (p<0.03), and longer duration of spinal cord injury (p<0.004). A significant difference (p<0.01) in overall years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLD) for non-long COVID cases was 2.04±0.596 compared to long COVID (LC) cases 1.22±2.09 was observed.
CONCLUSION: Bangladeshi patients of SCI presented 12 long COVID symptoms and have a significant disease burden compared to non long COVID cases.
METHODS: To measure caregiver burden and functional disability of the care recipient, we employ the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and the Barthel Index, respectively. Then we utilized the ordinary least squares (OLS) methodology and estimated four regression models. Models 1, 2, and 3 examined the impact of the variables of the caregiver burden, responsibility and love, and the quality of the caregiver-caregiver recipient relationship, respectively, on family caregivers' willingness to care. Model 4 was the full model. To testify whether the caregiver burden is likely to act as a mediator, path analysis was used, and the path was adjusted and verified.
RESULTS: According to the survey, in Shanghai, only half of the caregivers had a very high care willingness to care for disabled older relatives, while nearly one-tenth of the caregivers had a low willingness. It was the caregiver burden rather than the functional disability of older adults that harms family caregivers' willingness to care. Responsibility and caring out of love were positively related to care willingness. Relationship quality was the most important influencing factor, explaining 10.2% of the variance in care willingness. Path analysis demonstrated that responsibility, caring out of love, and relationship quality directly and through the mediation of caregiver burden indirectly affected care willingness.
CONCLUSION: Our results revealed that reciprocal altruism presented by the quality of the caregiver-care recipient relationship had a significantly positive impact on family caregivers' willingness to care. In addition, the caregiver burden was found not only directly affected care willingness, but also acted as a mediator. To promote the perfection of laws and policies, comprehensive samples of different types of cities should be included and the measurement of key variables could be further improved in future studies.
AIM: The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the buddy program training module to enhance the daily living function, social participation and emotional status of older adults in residential aged care homes.
METHODS: A quasi-experimental study was conducted with 30 pairs of buddies and older adults for both the experimental group and control group in two randomly selected residential aged care homes. The buddies in the experimental group received the buddy program training module related to activities of daily living (basic and instrumental) while the buddy-older adults pairs in the control group continued to perform their usual daily life activities in residential aged care homes. Baselines were performed before intervention and at eight weeks post-intervention.
RESULTS: Over the eight weeks, for the older adults in the experimental group, there was a significant main effect of time after the intervention on BADL (p = 0.010). There were no significant interaction effects for the experiment group and control group on IADL and social participation. Also, there were no significant interaction effects for all domains in emotional status: depression, anxiety and stress. For buddies, there was a significant interaction effect for depression (p = 0.045) in the control group.
CONCLUSIONS: The buddy program training module can be used as a guideline for older adults with more significant disabilities in residential aged care homes in managing activities of daily living. Future studies could be implemented to explore the intergenerational buddy program among older adults and young children in the community.
METHODS: Data for this study came from the four waves of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey. A latent growth model was used to analyze the functional disability of 5044 older adults aged 60 and over in 2011 who survived to 2018.
RESULTS: Pathologies are closely associated with functional disability trajectories, and higher numbers of comorbidities relate to more disabilities. Risk factors and intra- and extra-individual factors affect functional disability trajectories and work through independent and shared mechanisms. The effects of risk factors can be traced to childhood conditions, and higher childhood and adulthood socioeconomic status is related to fewer functional disabilities.
CONCLUSION: Functional disability trajectories are dynamic processes related to pathologies, intra-, and extra-individual factors, and life-course risk factors, and thus prevention and control measures should focus on both childhood and adulthood. Promoting working in later life and improving childhood socioeconomic status deserve prompt attention. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2023; 23: 817-829.