This paper highlights a preliminary study on the potential of a tipping flush gate to be used in an open storm drain to remove sediment. The investigation was carried out by using a plasboard model of the tipping flush gate installed in a rectangular flume. A steady flow experiment was carried out to determine the discharge coefficients and also the outflow relationship of the tipping flush gate. The velocity produced by the gate at various distances downstream of the gate during flushing operation was measured using a flowmeter and the velocity at all the points was higher than the recommended self-cleansing design available in the literature. A preliminary experiment on the efficiency of flushing was conducted using uniform sediment with d50 sizes of 0.81, 1.53 and 4.78 mm. Results generally showed that the number of flushes required to totally remove the sediment from the initial position by a distance of 1 m increased by an average of 1.50 times as the sediment deposit bed thickness doubled. An equation relating the number of flushes required to totally remove the sediment bed for 1 m with the sediment bed deposit thickness was also developed for the current study.
Retropharyngeal infections (RPIs) are uncommon in young infants and are difficult to diagnose due to their non-classical presentation. RPI can occasionally be complicated with multiple cranial nerve palsies but rarely in isolation. Isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy (HNP) due to RPI has been described in the literature but mostly in older children and adults. Assessment for hypoglossal nerve function is challenging in a young infant because the conventional signs of hypoglossal nerve dysfunction are difficult to elicit in this age group. Early recognition and treatment of RPI are associated with good HNP recovery. We present a case of a young infant with tongue deviation and difficulty with feeding attributed to an isolated HNP caused by suppurative retropharyngeal lymphadenitis. The infant underwent incision and drainage with complete recovery of the tongue function after 8 weeks.
Percutaneous needle procedures are known to carry the rare complication of seeding along the tract. Here we would like to present a case of seeding along a percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) tract, to the skin, from a pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
A method for securing closed suction drains in the neck is described where it serves to prevent leakage, slippage and accidental removal. This method involves passing a stay suture through the most proximal holes of the drain and suturing it to the skin and an overlying short length of the tube externally. Drains secured in this manner can be left in the wound for up to fourteen days with no associated complications from our experience in sixty-two patients following head and neck surgery.
Malignant pleural effusion with persistent air leak (PAL) is a rare manifestation of lung malignancy. We present a woman in her 50s with postpleuroscopy PAL. Pleural biopsy confirmed adenocarcinoma with detection of epidermal growth factor receptor mutation in exon 19. An indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) was inserted and connected to an Atrium Express Mini ambulatory drain. This procedure reduced the length of hospital stay. Autopleurodesis with resolution of PAL occurred at week 3 of IPC insertion.
The universal probe is a tool devised to allow navigation-directed biopsies and drainage procedures to be performed in a simple manner using a single hardware and software.
The current study aims to verify the existing equations for incipient motion for a rigid rectangular channel. Data from experimental work on incipient motion from a rectangular flume with two different widths, namely 0.3 and 0.6 m, were compared with the critical velocity value predicted by the equations of Novak & Nalluri and El-Zaemey. The equation by El-Zaemey performed better with an average discrepancy ratio value of 1.06 compared with the equation by Novak & Nalluri with an average discrepancy ratio value of 0.87. However, as the sediment deposit thickness increased, the equation by El-Zaemey became less accurate. A plot on the Shields Diagram using the experimental data had shown the significant effect of the sediment deposit thickness where, as the deposit becomes thicker, the dimensionless shear stress θ value also increased. A new equation had been proposed by incorporating the sediment deposit thickness. The new equation gave improved prediction with an average discrepancy ratio value of 1.02.
Inflow and infiltration are important aspects of sewerage systems that need to be considered during the design stage and constantly monitored once the sewerage system is in operation. The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship of rainfall as well as inflow infiltration with sewage flow patterns through data collected from fieldwork. Three sewer pipelines were selected at the residential areas of Taman Lepar Hilir Saujana, Bandar Putra and Kota Sas for data collection. Sewage flow data were collected in terms of flowrate, velocity and depth of flow using flowmeters with ultrasonic sensors that utilize the continuous Doppler effect in the sewer pipelines, while rainfall intensity data were collected using rain gauges installed at the study locations. Based on the result, the average infiltration rates of Qpeak and Qave for the locations were 17% and 21%, which exceeded the respective values of 5% and 10% stated in Hammer and Hammer. The flowrate of wastewater in the sewer pipelines was found to be directly proportional to rainfall. These findings indicate that the sewer pipelines in the study areas may have been affected by capacity reduction, whereas the sewerage treatment plants receiving the wastewater influent may have been overloaded.
Fungal endophthalmitis is rare but may complicate glaucoma drainage device surgery. Management is challenging as the symptoms and signs may be subtle at initial presentation and the visual prognosis is usually poor due to its resistant nature to treatment. At present there is lesser experience with intravitreal injection of voriconazole as compared to Amphotericin B. We present a case of successfully treated Aspergillus endophthalmitis following Baerveldt glaucoma drainage device implantation with intravitreal and topical voriconazole.
A multi-gate n-type In₀.₅₃Ga₀.₄₇As MOSFET is fabricated using gate-first self-aligned method and air-bridge technology. The devices with different gate lengths were fabricated with the Al2O3 oxide layer with the thickness of 8 nm. In this letter, impact of gate length variation on device parameter such as threshold voltage, high and low voltage transconductance, subthreshold swing and off current are investigated at room temperature. Scaling the gate length revealed good enhancement in all investigated parameters but the negative shift in threshold voltage was observed for shorter gate lengths. The high drain current of 1.13 A/mm and maximum extrinsic transconductance of 678 mS/mm with the field effect mobility of 364 cm(2)/Vs are achieved for the gate length and width of 0.2 µm and 30 µm, respectively. The source/drain overlap length for the device is approximately extracted about 51 nm with the leakage current in order of 10(-8) A. The results of RF measurement for cut-off and maximum oscillation frequency for devices with different gate lengths are compared.
Scapular abscess is a rare clinical diagnosis. This is a report of an atypical case of extensive intramuscular scapular abscess involving the anterior and posterior aspects of the scapula with extension into the axillary region following minor trauma in a young healthy adolescent, describing a single posterolateral approach to the scapula to evacuate the abscess. Following surgical drainage and antibiotic treatment, patient recovered without any complication.
Malignant biliary obstruction (MBO) encompasses a variety of malignancies arising from the pancreaticobiliary system. This can be divided into malignant hilar biliary obstruction (MHBO) or malignant distal biliary obstruction (MDBO) biliary obstruction to which clinical outcomes and technical considerations of various biliary drainage methods may differ. EUS biliary drainage (EUS-BD) has been increasingly influential in the management of MBO together with other familiar biliary drainage methods such as ERCP and percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD). Conventionally, ERCP has always been the primary choice of endoscopic biliary drainage in both MHBO and MDBO and that PTBD or EUS-BD is used as a salvage method when ERCP fails for which current guidelines recommends PTBD, especially for MHBO. This review was able to show that with today's evidence, EUS-BD is equally efficacious and possesses a better safety profile in the management of MBO and should be on the forefront of endoscopic biliary drainage. Therefore, EUS-BD could be used either as a primary or preferred salvage biliary drainage method in these cases.
Surface sediments were collected from the north western intertidal area (14 sites), drainage (3 sites), and rivers (3 sites) of Peninsular Malaysia in April 2005. The samples were analyzed for their concentrations of Cd, Ni, and Zn. The ranges for the total concentrations (µg/g dry weight) of Cd, Ni, and Zn were found to be 0.79-2.48, 6.46-73.92, and 33.6-484.14, respectively. Factory drainage site at Juru exceeded the established sediment quality values (Effect Range Median-ERM) for Zn and Ni, while the concentrations of Zn were also found to have exceeded the ERM at drainages at Kuala Kurau Town and Sg. Juru sites. The geochemical study, based on the sequential extraction technique on the sediments, revealed that the metal percentages of non-resistant fractions of the drainage at Kuala Kurau Town (drainage), Sg. Juru (river), Kuala Juru (intertidal), and factory drainage site at Juru were higher than the resistant fractions of the metals. These indicated that the sites (intertidal, river, and drainages) received anthropogenic inputs of these metals. Therefore, the point source of anthropogenic input in these sites should be given attention in future in order to mitigate the environmental problem on the living resources in the north western of Peninsular Malaysia. The present monitoring data are useful for future establishment of sediment quality guideline for Malaysian aquatic environment.
Conventional lateral and vertical n-channel MOS transistors with channel length in the range of 100nm to 50nm have been systematically investigated by means of device simulation. The comparison analysis includes critical parameters that govern device performance. Threshold voltage VT roll-off, leakage current Ioff, drain saturation current IDsat and sub-threshold swing S were analyze and compared between the device. Due to double gate (DG) structure over the side of silicon pillar a better electrostatics potential control of channel is obtained in vertical device shown by an analysis on VT roll-off. A two decade higher of Ioff in planar device is observed with Lg=50nm. A factor of three times larger IDsat is observed for vertical MOSFETs compared to planar device. The sub-threshold swing S remains almost the same when the Lg larger than 80 nm. It increased rapidly when the Lg is scaled down to 50 nm due to the short channel effect SCE. However, the vertical device has a steady increase whereas the planar device has suffered immediate enhance of SCE. The analysis results confirmed that vertical MOSFET with double-gate structure is a potential solution to overcome SCE when scaled the channel length to 50nm and beyond.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) caused imminent acute infection of respiratory tract known as Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Complications of hepatobiliary system especially liver often found in post-acute COVID-19 patients. However, there are only few studies specifically discussing about liver abscess in patients who had history of contracted COVID-19. We present a case of a 54-years-old gentleman with no previous medical illness and no history of vaccination, who was presented with ruptured liver abscess post COVID-19 infection Category 4 (symptomatic with lung infection and the need of oxygen supplementation). Percutaneous drainage was performed to drain the abscess and collections.
Post-traumatic parotid sialocoele is a subcutaneous extravasation of saliva from the parotid gland secondary to traumatic disruption of its duct or parenchyma. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the best therapy for parotid sialocoele, as it is resistant to conservative management. The present paper puts forward a relatively simple, safe and effective technique for the treatment of parotid sialocoele, specifically a peroral drainage technique. The results justify our recommendation to use this approach for the treatment of sialocoele.