Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 104 in total

  1. Thomas V, Leng YP, Hay TB
    Med J Malaysia, 1976 Jun;30(4):331-3.
    PMID: 979741
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust*
    Med J Malaya, 1961 Mar;15:102-12.
    PMID: 14469397
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust*
  3. Jathar LD, Ganesan S, Awasarmol U, Nikam K, Shahapurkar K, Soudagar MEM, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jun 01;326:121474.
    PMID: 36965686 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121474
    Recently, solar photovoltaic (PV) technology has shown tremendous growth among all renewable energy sectors. The attractiveness of a PV system depends deeply of the module and it is primarily determined by its performance. The quantity of electricity and power generated by a PV cell is contingent upon a number of parameters that can be intrinsic to the PV system itself, external or environmental. Thus, to improve the PV panel performance and lifetime, it is crucial to recognize the main parameters that directly influence the module during its operational lifetime. Among these parameters there are numerous factors that positively impact a PV system including the temperature of the solar panel, humidity, wind speed, amount of light, altitude and barometric pressure. On the other hand, the module can be exposed to simultaneous environmental stresses such as dust accumulation, shading and pollution factors. All these factors can gradually decrease the performance of the PV panel. This review not only provides the factors impacting PV panel's performance but also discusses the degradation and failure parameters that can usually affect the PV technology. The major points include: 1) Total quantity of energy extracted from a photovoltaic module is impacted on a daily, quarterly, seasonal, and yearly scale by the amount of dust formed on the surface of the module. 2) Climatic conditions as high temperatures and relative humidity affect the operation of solar cells by more than 70% and lead to a considerable decrease in solar cells efficiency. 3) The PV module current can be affected by soft shading while the voltage does not vary. In the case of hard shadowing, the performance of the photovoltaic module is determined by whether some or all of the cells of the module are shaded. 4) Compared to more traditional forms of energy production, PV systems offer a significant number of advantages to the environment. Nevertheless, these systems can procure greenhouse gas emissions, especially during the production stages. In conclusion, this study underlines the importance of considering multiple parameters while evaluating the performance of photovoltaic modules. Environmental factors can have a major impact on the performance of a PV system. It is critical to consider these factors, as well as intrinsic and other intermediate factors, to optimize the performance of solar energy systems. In addition, continuous monitoring and maintenance of PV systems is essential to ensure maximum efficiency and performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  4. Huang SL, Yin CY, Yap SY
    J Hazard Mater, 2010 Feb 15;174(1-3):839-42.
    PMID: 19836131 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.09.129
    In this study, the particle size distribution and concentration of metallic elements of solvent- and water-based paint dust from bulk dust collected from dust-collecting hoppers were determined. The mean particle size diameter over a 12-week sampling period was determined using a particle size analyzer. The metals composition and concentration of the dust were determined via acid digestion technique followed by concentration analysis using inductively coupled plasma. The volume weighted mean particle diameters were found to be 0.941+/-0.016 and 8.185+/-0.201 microm for solvent- and water-based paint dust, respectively. The mean concentrations of metals in solvent-based paint dust were found to be 100+/-20.00 microg/g (arsenic), 1550+/-550.00 microg/g (copper), 15,680+/-11,780.00 microg/g (lead) and 30,460+/-10,580.00 microg/g (zinc) while the mean concentrations of metals in water-based paint dust were found to be 20.65+/-6.11 microg/g (arsenic), 9.14+/-14.65 microg/g (copper), 57.46+/-22.42 microg/g (lead) and 1660+/-1260 microg/g (zinc). Both paint dust types could be considered as hazardous since almost all of the dust particles were smaller than 10 microm. Particular emphasis on containment of solvent-based paint dust particles should be given since it was shown that they were very fine in size (<1 microm) and had high lead and zinc concentrations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust*; Industry*
  5. Singh N, Banerjee T, Murari V, Deboudt K, Khan MF, Singh RS, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Jan;263:128030.
    PMID: 33297051 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128030
    Size-segregated airborne fine (PM2.1) and coarse (PM>2.1) particulates were measured in an urban environment over central Indo-Gangetic plain in between 2015 and 2018 to get insights into its nature, chemistry and sources. Mean (±1σ) concentration of PM2.1 was 98 (±76) μgm-3 with a seasonal high during winter (DJF, 162 ± 71 μgm-3) compared to pre-monsoon specific high in PM>2.1 (MAMJ, 177 ± 84 μgm-3) with an annual mean of 170 (±69) μgm-3. PM2.1 was secondary in nature with abundant secondary inorganic aerosols (20% of particulate mass) and water-soluble organic carbon (19%) against metal enriched (25%) PM>2.1, having robust signature of resuspensions from Earth's crust and road dust. Ammonium-based neutralization of particulate acidity was essentially in PM2.1 with an indication of predominant H2SO4 neutralization in bisulfate form compared to Ca2+ and Mg2+-based neutralization in PM>2.1. Molecular distribution of n-alkanes homologues (C17-C35) showed Cmax at C23 (PM2.1) and C18 (PM>2.1) with weak dominance of odd-numbered n-alkanes. Carbon preference index of n-alkanes was close to unity (PM2.1: 1.4 ± 0.3; PM>2.1: 1.3 ± 0.4). Fatty acids (C12-C26) were characterized with predominance of even carbon with Cmax at n-hexadecanoic acid (C16:0). Low to high molecular weight fatty acid ratio ranged from 2.0 (PM>2.1) to 5.6 (PM2.1) with vital signature of anthropogenic emissions. Levoglucosan was abundant in PM2.1 (758 ± 481 ngm-3) with a high ratio (11.6) against galactosan, emphasizing robust contribution from burning of hardwood and agricultural residues. Receptor model resolves secondary aerosols and biomass burning emissions (45%) as the most influential sources of PM2.1 whereas, crustal (29%) and secondary aerosols (29%) were found responsible for PM>2.1; with significant variations among the seasons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  6. Fu X, Yuan Q, Zhu X, Li Y, Meng Y, Hashim JH, et al.
    Environ Sci Process Impacts, 2021 Aug 01;23(8):1171-1181.
    PMID: 34278392 DOI: 10.1039/d1em00115a
    Pathogens are commonly present in the human respiratory tract, but symptoms are varied among individuals. The interactions between pathogens, commensal microorganisms and host immune systems are important in shaping the susceptibility, development and severity of respiratory diseases. Compared to the extensive studies on the human microbiota, few studies reported the association between indoor microbiome exposure and respiratory infections. In this study, 308 students from 21 classrooms were randomly selected to survey the occurrence of respiratory infections in junior high schools of Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Vacuum dust was collected from the floor, chairs and desks of these classrooms, and high-throughput amplicon sequencing (16S rRNA and ITS) and quantitative PCR were conducted to characterize the absolute concentration of the indoor microorganisms. Fifteen bacterial genera in the classes Actinobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Cyanobacteria were protectively associated with respiratory infections (p < 0.01), and these bacteria were mainly derived from the outdoor environment. Previous studies also reported that outdoor environmental bacteria were protectively associated with chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma, but the genera identified were different between acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Four fungal genera from Ascomycota, including Devriesia, Endocarpon, Sarcinomyces and an unclassified genus from Herpotrichillaceae, were protectively associated with respiratory infections (p < 0.01). House dust mite (HDM) allergens and outdoor NO2 concentration were associated with respiratory infections and infection-related microorganisms. A causal mediation analysis revealed that the health effects of HDM and NO2 were partially or fully mediated by the indoor microorganisms. This is the first study to explore the association between environmental characteristics, microbiome exposure and respiratory infections in a public indoor environment, expanding our understanding of the complex interactions among these factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  7. Alahmad B, Al-Hemoud A, Kang CM, Almarri F, Kommula V, Wolfson JM, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2021 Aug 01;282:117016.
    PMID: 33848912 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117016
    BACKGROUND: Kuwait and the Gulf region have a desert, hyper-arid and hot climate that makes outdoor air sampling challenging. The region is also affected by intense dust storms. Monitoring challenges from the harsh climate have limited data needed to inform appropriate regulatory actions to address air pollution in the region.

    OBJECTIVES: To compare gravimetric measurements with existing networks that rely on beta-attenuation measurements in a desert climate; determine the annual levels of PM2.5 and PM10 over a two-year period in Kuwait; assess compliance with air quality standards; and identify and quantify PM2.5 sources.

    METHODS: We custom-designed particle samplers that can withstand large quantities of dust without their inlet becoming overloaded. The samplers were placed in two populated residential locations, one in Kuwait City and another near industrial and petrochemical facilities in Ali Sabah Al-Salem (ASAS) to collect PM2.5 and PM10 samples for mass and elemental analysis. We used positive matrix factorization to identify PM2.5 sources and apportion their contributions.

    RESULTS: We collected 2339 samples during the period October 2017 through October 2019. The beta-attenuation method in measuring PM2.5 consistently exceeded gravimetric measurements, especially during dust events. The annual levels for PM2.5 in Kuwait City and ASAS were 41.6 ± 29.0 and 47.5 ± 27.6 μg/m3, respectively. Annual PM2.5 levels in Kuwait were nearly four times higher than the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Regional pollution was a major contributor to PM2.5 levels in both locations accounting for 44% in Kuwait City and 46% in ASAS. Dust storms and re-suspended road dust were the second and third largest contributors to PM2.5, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: The premise that frequent and extreme dust storms make air quality regulation futile is dubious. In this comprehensive particulate pollution analysis, we show that the sizeable regional anthropogenic particulate sources warrant national and regional mitigation strategies to ensure compliance with air quality standards.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  8. Sun Y, Zhang M, Ou Z, Meng Y, Chen Y, Lin R, et al.
    Eur Respir J, 2022 Nov;60(5).
    PMID: 35618276 DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00260-2022
    BACKGROUND: Indoor microbial exposure is associated with asthma, but the health effects of indoor metabolites and chemicals have not been comprehensively assessed.

    METHODS: We collected classroom dust from 24 junior high schools in three geographically distanced areas in Malaysia (Johor Bahru, Terengganu and Penang), and conducted culture-independent high-throughput microbiome and untargeted metabolomics/chemical profiling.

    RESULTS: 1290 students were surveyed for asthma symptoms (wheeze). In each centre, we found significant variation in the prevalence of wheeze among schools, which could be explained by personal characteristics and air pollutants. Large-scale microbial variations were observed between the three centres; the potential protective bacteria were mainly from phyla Actinobacteria in Johor Bahru, Cyanobacteria in Terengganu and Proteobacteria in Penang. In total, 2633 metabolites and chemicals were characterised. Many metabolites were enriched in low-wheeze schools, including plant secondary metabolites flavonoids/isoflavonoids (isoliquiritigenin, formononetin, astragalin), indole and derivatives (indole, serotonin, 1H-indole-3-carboxaldehyde), and others (biotin, chavicol). A neural network analysis showed that the indole derivatives were co-occurring with the potential protective microbial taxa, including Actinomycetospora, Fischerella and Truepera, suggesting these microorganisms may pose health effects by releasing indole metabolites. A few synthetic chemicals were enriched in high-wheeze schools, including pesticides (2(3H)-benzothiazolethione), fragrances (2-aminobenzoic acid, isovaleric acid), detergents and plastics (phthalic acid), and industrial materials (4,4-sulfonyldiphenol).

    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first association study between high-throughput indoor chemical profiling and asthma symptoms. The consistent results from the three centres indicate that indoor metabolites/chemicals could be a better indicator than the indoor microbiome for environmental and health assessments, providing new insights for asthma prediction, prevention and control.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  9. Othman M, Latif MT
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Apr;27(10):11227-11245.
    PMID: 31956949 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-07633-7
    Urban road dust contains anthropogenic components at toxic concentrations which can be hazardous to human health. A total of 36 road dust samples from five different urban areas, a commercial (CM), a high traffic (HT), a park (GR), a rail station (LRT), and a residential area (RD), were collected in Kuala Lumpur City followed by investigation into compositions, sources, and human health risks. The concentrations of trace metals in road dust and the bioaccessible fraction were determined using inductively couple plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) while ion concentrations were determined using ion chromatography (IC). The trace metal concentrations were dominated by Fe and Al with contributions of 53% and 21% to the total trace metal and ion concentrations in road dust. Another dominant metal was Zn while the dominant ion was Ca2+ with average concentrations of 314 ± 190 μg g-1 and 3470 ± 1693 μg g-1, respectively. The most bioaccessible fraction was Zn followed by the sequence Sr > Cd > Cr > Cu > Ni > Co > Mn > As > V > Pb > Fe > Al > U. The results revealed that the highest trace metal and ion concentrations in road dust and in the bioaccessible fraction were found at the LRT area. Based on the source apportionment analysis, the major source of road dust was vehicle emissions/traffic activity (47%), and for the bioaccessible fraction, the major source was soil dust (50%). For the health risk assessments, hazard quotient (HQ) and cancer risk (CR) values for each element were
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis*
  10. Dewika M, Markandan K, Irfan NA, Mohd Abdah MAA, Ruwaida JN, Sara YY, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 May;324:138270.
    PMID: 36878370 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138270
    The emergence of microplastics (MPs) pollution as a global environmental concern has attracted significant attention in the last decade. The majority of the human population spends most of their time indoors, leading to increased exposure to MPs contamination through various sources such as settled dust, air, drinking water and food. Although research on indoor MPs has intensified significantly in recent years, comprehensive reviews on this topic remain limited. Therefore, this review comprehensively analyses the occurrence, distribution, human exposure, potential health impact and mitigation strategies of MPs in the indoor air environment. Specifically, we focus on the risks associated with finer MPs that can translocate into the circulatory system and other organs, emphasizing the need for continued research to develop effective strategies to mitigate the risks associated with MPs exposure. Our findings suggest that indoor MPs impose potential risk to human health, and strategies for mitigating exposure should be further explored.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  11. Zakka WP, Lim NHAS, Khun MC, Samadi M, Aluko O, Odubela C
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Apr;31(17):25129-25146.
    PMID: 38468004 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-32786-0
    Every structure might be exposed to fire at some point in its lifecycle. The ability of geopolymer composites to withstand the effects of fire damage early before it is put out is of great importance. This study examined the effects of fire on geopolymer composite samples made with high-calcium fly ash and alkaline solution synthesised from waste banana peduncle and silica fume. A ratio of 0.30, 0.35, and 0.4 was used in the study for the alkaline solution to fly ash. Also used were ratios of 0.5, 0.75, and 1 for silica oxide (silica fume) to potassium hydroxide ratio. The strength loss, residual compressive strength, percentage strength loss, relative residual compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and microstructural properties of the thirteen mortar mixes were measured after exposure to temperatures of 200, 400, 600, and 800 °C for 1 h, respectively. The results reveal that geopolymer samples exposed to elevated temperatures showed great dimensional stability with no visible surface cracks. There was a colour transition from dark grey to whitish brown for the green geopolymer mortar and brown to whitish brown for the control sample. As the temperature rose, weight loss became more pronounced, with 800 °C producing the most significant weight reduction. The optimum mixes had a residual compressive strength of 25.02 MPa after being exposed to 200 °C, 18.72 MPa after being exposed to 400 °C, 14.04 MPa after being exposed to 600 °C, and 7.41 MPa after being exposed to 800 °C. The control had a residual compressive strength of 8.45 MPa after being exposed to 200 °C, 6.67 MPa after being exposed to 400 °C, 3.16 MPa after being exposed to 600 °C, and 2.23 MPa after being exposed to 800 °C. The relative residual compressive strength decreases for green geopolymer mortar are most significant at 600 and 800 °C, with an average decrease of 0.47 and 0.30, respectively. The microstructure of the samples revealed various phase changes and new product formations as the temperature increased.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust*
  12. Othman N, Ismail Z, Selamat MI, Sheikh Abdul Kadir SH, Shibraumalisi NA
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Oct 26;19(21).
    PMID: 36360801 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192113923
    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used in industrial and commercial applications, until they were banned in the late 1970s as a result of their significant environmental pollution. PCBs in the environment gained scientific interest because of their persistence and the potential threats they pose to humans. Traditionally, human exposure to PCBs was linked to dietary ingestion. Inhalational exposure to these contaminants is often overlooked. This review discusses the occurrence and distribution of PCBs in environmental matrices and their associated health impacts. Severe PCB contamination levels have been reported in e-waste recycling areas. The occurrence of high PCB levels, notably in urban and industrial areas, might result from extensive PCB use and intensive human activity. Furthermore, PCB contamination in the indoor environment is ten-fold higher than outdoors, which may present expose risk for humans through the inhalation of contaminated air or through the ingestion of dust. In such settings, the inhalation route may contribute significantly to PCB exposure. The data on human health effects due to PCB inhalation are scarce. More epidemiological studies should be performed to investigate the inhalation dose and response mechanism and to evaluate the health risks. Further studies should also evaluate the health impact of prolonged low-concentration PCB exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  13. Lee YZ, Kow ASF, Jacquet A, Lee MT, Tham CL
    Exp Appl Acarol, 2023 Dec;91(4):509-539.
    PMID: 37995026 DOI: 10.1007/s10493-023-00857-5
    The prevalence of house dust mite (HDM) allergy, especially in Asian countries with rapid urbanization, has been increasing. House dust mites thrive in places with relatively high humidity. With the combination of climate change, naturally high humidity, and urbanization, tropical countries like Malaysia are becoming a hotspot for HDM allergy fast. With a previously reported sensitization rate of between 60 and 80%, it is a worrying trend for Malaysia. However, due to incomplete and out-of-date data, as seen by the limited study coverage in the past, these numbers do not paint a complete picture of the true HDM allergy scene in Malaysia. This review briefly discusses the HDM fauna, the HDM sensitization rate, the common diagnosis and therapeutic tools for HDM allergy in Malaysia, and makes suggestions for possible improvements in the future. This review also highlights the need of more comprehensive population-based prevalence studies to be done in Malaysia, encompassing the three main HDMs-Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, and Blomia tropicalis-as the lack of up-to-date studies failed to give a clearer picture on the current scenario of HDM allergy in Malaysia. Future studies will be beneficial to the nation in preparing a better blueprint for the management and treatment of HDM allergy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  14. Fu X, Norbäck D, Yuan Q, Li Y, Zhu X, Hashim JH, et al.
    Environ Int, 2020 05;138:105664.
    PMID: 32200316 DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105664
    Indoor microbial diversity and composition are suggested to affect the prevalence and severity of asthma by previous home microbiome studies, but no microbiome-health association study has been conducted in a school environment, especially in tropical countries. In this study, we collected floor dust and environmental characteristics from 21 classrooms, and health data related to asthma symptoms from 309 students, in junior high schools in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The bacterial and fungal composition was characterized by sequencing 16s rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, and the absolute microbial concentration was quantified by qPCR. In total, 326 bacterial and 255 fungal genera were characterized. Five bacterial (Sphingobium, Rhodomicrobium, Shimwellia, Solirubrobacter, Pleurocapsa) and two fungal (Torulaspora and Leptosphaeriaceae) taxa were protective for asthma severity. Two bacterial taxa, Izhakiella and Robinsoniella, were positively associated with asthma severity. Several protective bacterial taxa including Rhodomicrobium, Shimwellia and Sphingobium have been reported as protective microbes in previous studies, whereas other taxa were first time reported. Environmental characteristics, such as age of building, size of textile curtain per room volume, occurrence of cockroaches, concentration of house dust mite allergens transferred from homes by the occupants, were involved in shaping the overall microbial community but not asthma-associated taxa; whereas visible dampness and mold, which did not change the overall microbial community for floor dust, was negatively associated with the concentration of protective bacteria Rhodomicrobium (β = -2.86, p = 0.021) of asthma. The result indicates complex interactions between microbes, environmental characteristics and asthma symptoms. Overall, this is the first indoor microbiome study to characterize the asthma-associated microbes and their environmental determinant in the tropical area, promoting the understanding of microbial exposure and respiratory health in this region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis
  15. Siti Nur Haseela Izani, Anati Ali
    MATEMATIKA, 2019;35(2):187-200.
    The heat and mass transfer of steady magnetohydrodynamics of dusty Jeffrey fluid past an exponentially stretching sheet in the presence of thermal radiation have been investigated. The main purpose of this study is to conduct a detailed analysis of flow behaviour of suspended dust particles in non-Newtonian fluid. The governing equations hav been converted into dimensionless form, and then solved numerically via the Keller-box method. The expression of Sherwood number, Nusselt number and skin friction have been evaluated, and then displayed in tabular forms. Velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are presented graphically. It is observed that large value of dust particles mass concentration parameter has reduced the flow velocity significantly. Increase in radiation parameter enhances the temperature, whereas the increment in Schmidt number parameter reduces the concentration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust
  16. Mohd Azimie Ahmad, Norazura Ismail, Mohamad Rizza Othman
    The trends of safety incident process have been put in the statistical research and development in order to prevent
    and mitigate the phenomenon. One of the incidents is known as dust explosion. It represents a constant hazard to
    industries which includes any manufacturing using and handling combustible dust materials. Lack of sharing and
    know-how on best practices in managing the workplace must be avoided throughout the industries. The severity and
    the consequences of not taking the safety precautions at workplace have not been foreseen by the process team. This
    present paper discusses the best practices in managing the hazards from the catastrophes to happen again. In addition,
    the mitigation response has also been explored thoroughly through database of best practices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust; Industry
  17. Norela Sulaiman, Toh LF, Hazzila Abdul Samat, Ismail Sahid, Maimon Abdullah, Mohd. Rozali Othman
    Sains Malaysiana, 2007;36(2):91-95.
    This study was carried out to determine the concentrations of cypermethrin in total suspended particulate in air in several farming areas of Cameron Highlands. Samples of total suspended particulate were collected using a high volume air sampler (Model Graseby) from six different sampling sites around Cameron Highlands. Laboratory analysis of total suspended particulate was conducted by the standard method. High dosages of cypermethrin were used by farmers in the dry season. Results of the study showed that the concentrations of cypermethrin in total suspended particulate in the air samples were higher during the dry season (May-July 2004) compared to the rainy season (September-October 2004). There was a significant positive correlation between the concentrations of cypermethrin and total suspended particulate (p<0.05).
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust
  18. Latif MT, Ngah SA, Dominick D, Razak IS, Guo X, Srithawirat T, et al.
    J Environ Sci (China), 2015 Jul 1;33:143-55.
    PMID: 26141887 DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2015.02.002
    The aim of this study was to determine the source apportionment of dust fall around Lake Chini, Malaysia. Samples were collected monthly between December 2012 and March 2013 at seven sampling stations located around Lake Chini. The samples were filtered to separate the dissolved and undissolved solids. The ionic compositions (NO3-, SO4(2-), Cl- and NH4+) were determined using ion chromatography (IC) while major elements (K, Na, Ca and Mg) and trace metals (Zn, Fe, Al, Ni, Mn, Cr, Pb and Cd) were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed that the average concentration of total solids around Lake Chini was 93.49±16.16 mg/(m2·day). SO4(2-), Na and Zn dominated the dissolved portion of the dust fall. The enrichment factors (EF) revealed that the source of the trace metals and major elements in the rain water was anthropogenic, except for Fe. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis (HACA) classified the seven monitoring stations and 16 variables into five groups and three groups respectively. A coupled receptor model, principal component analysis multiple linear regression (PCA-MLR), revealed that the sources of dust fall in Lake Chini were dominated by agricultural and biomass burning (42%), followed by the earth's crust (28%), sea spray (16%) and a mixture of soil dust and vehicle emissions (14%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis*
  19. Noor H, Yap CL, Zolkepli O, Faridah M
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):51-7.
    PMID: 11072491 MyJurnal
    Exposure to Portland cement dust has long been associated with the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and varying degrees of airway obstruction in man. Apart from respiratory diseases, it was also found to be the cause of lung and laryngeal cancer, gastrointestinal tumours and also dermatitis. This study was done to investigate the effect of dust exposure on ventilatory lung function of Portland cement factory workers in Rawang, Selangor. Spirometry tests of 62 male workers (exposed to total dust concentration of 10,180 micrograms/m3 and PM10 of 8049 micrograms/m3) and 70 subjects from UPM (exposed to mean total dust of 192 micrograms/m3 and PM10 of 177 micrograms/m3--controls) revealed significant differences in spirometry values between the groups. The workers showed i) significantly lower FEV1% and FEF25-75%, and higher FMFT, ii) reduced FEV1% with increasing level of dust exposure and iii) higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms. Therefore, we suggest that exposure to dust in the cement factory leads to higher incidence of respiratory symptoms and impaired lung function.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust*; Industry*
  20. Nakao A, Tomita M, Wagai R, Tanaka R, Yanai J, Kosaki T
    J Environ Radioact, 2019 Aug;204:86-94.
    PMID: 30986719 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.03.028
    Radiocesium (RCs) is selectively adsorbed on interlayer sites of weathered micaceous minerals, which can reduce the mobility of RCs in soil. Therefore, soils developed from mica-deficient materials (e.g. serpentine soils) may have a higher risk of soil-to-plant transfer of RCs. Soils were collected from three serpentine soil profiles; Udepts in Oeyama, Japan, and Udepts and Udox in Kinabalu, Malaysia. Soil was sampled every 3 cm from 0 to 30 cm depth and sieved to isolate soil particles of ≤20 μm diameter for the assessment of radiocesium interception potential (RIP) after a series of pretreatments. One subset was treated with H2O2 to remove organic matter (OM). Another subset was further treated with hot sodium citrate to remove hydroxy-Al polymers (Al(OH)x). RIPuntreated was <0.4 mol kg-1 whereas mica-K content was <0.02% by weight for ≤20-μm soil particles from Udepts and Udox in Kinabalu, Malaysia, values as low as those of non-micaceous minerals (e.g. kaolinite and smectite). Neither OM nor Al(OH)x removal resulted in a large increase in RIP value for these soils. These results clearly indicated that serpentine soils in Malaysia have very few RCs selective adsorption sites due to the absence of micaceous minerals. In contrast, soil from Udepts in Oeyama, Japan showed average RIPuntreated of 5.6 mol kg-1 and mica-K content of 0.72% by weight for the ≤20-μm particles. Furthermore, the RIP value was significantly increased to an average of 22.5 mol kg-1 after removing both OM and Al(OH)x. These results strongly suggest that weathered micaceous minerals primarily control the ability to retain RCs. These micaceous minerals cannot originate from serpentine minerals, and are probably incorporated as an exotic material, such as Asian dust. This hypothesis is supported by the δ18O value of quartz isolated from the ≤20-μm soil particles from Oeyama, Japan (+16.13‰±0.11‰), very similar to that of Asian dust. In conclusion, serpentine soils in Japan may exhibit a reduced risk of soil-to-plant transfer of RCs due to the historical deposition of Asian dust.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dust/analysis*
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