Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 237 in total

  1. Fuziah P, Sherina MS, Nor Afiah MZ, Jefferelli SB
    Family Physician, 2005;13:16-19.
    Emotional disorders are common human emotional states that include anxiety, depression, social impairment and somatic symptoms. Emotional disorders are common in the community and therefore an important issue in primary care practice. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of emotional disorders among adults at a rural primary care clinic in Malaysia and to identify the associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Klinik Kesihatan Sungai Mati, Muar, Johor from 1st November to 31st December 1998. A self-administered 30-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) was used to screen for emotional disorders. Out of 414 patients seen during the study period, 368 fulfilled the selection criteria and agreed to participate in the study (response rate 88.9%). The prevalence of emotional disorders among the adult patients in this study was 15.2%. Factors such as age, race, gender, marital status, education level and employment were analyzed for association with emotional disorders. However, none of these factors were found to be significantly associated with emotional disorders in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  2. Avoi R, Liaw YC
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Sep 16;18(18).
    PMID: 34574665 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18189740
    Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading killer from a single infectious agent globally. In 2019, Malaysia's TB incidence rate was 92 per 100,000 population, and the TB mortality rate was estimated at 4 cases per 100,000 population per year. However, the state of Sabah had a higher burden of TB with a notification rate of 128 per 100,000 population and a TB case fatality rate of 8% compared to the national figure. This study aims to provide a comprehensive report on TB deaths epidemiology and its associated factors at a sub-national level. This nested case-control study used Sabah State Health Department TB surveillance data from the Malaysia national case-based TB registry (MyTB) between 2014 and 2018. Cases were defined as all-cause TB deaths that occurred before anti-TB treatment completion from the time of TB diagnosis. Controls were randomly selected from TB patients who completed anti-TB treatment. The TB mortality rate had increased significantly from 9.0/100,000 population in 2014 to 11.4/100,000 population in 2018. The majority of TB deaths occurred in the first two months of treatment. TB-related deaths were primarily due to advanced disease or disseminated TB, whereas non-TB-related deaths were primarily due to existing comorbidities. Many important independent risk factors for TB deaths were identified which are useful to address the increasing TB mortality rate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  3. Chahnazarian A
    Comp Soc Res, 1984;7:231-55.
    PMID: 12340260
    "This paper will focus on ethnic differentials in the nuptiality of West Malaysia and on their evolution since the Second World War. The growing similarity of nuptiality patterns in the Malay, Chinese, and Indian communities will be outlined and the influence of age and sex distributions on the observed changes will be examined. The sources of data for this study are the 1947, 1957, and 1970 Population Censuses and the 1974 Malaysian Family and Fertility Survey."
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution*
  4. Hoy DG, Rao C, Hoa NP, Suhardi S, Lwin AM
    Int J Stroke, 2013 Oct;8 Suppl A100:21-7.
    PMID: 23013164 DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2012.00903.x
    Stroke is a leading cause of death in Asia; however, many estimates of stroke mortality are based on epidemiological models rather than empirical data. Since 2005, initiatives have been undertaken in a number of Asian countries to strengthen and analyse vital registration data. This has increased the availability of empirical data on stroke mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  5. Tee HS, Saad AR, Lee CY
    J Med Entomol, 2011 Jul;48(4):797-805.
    PMID: 21845938
    The population size, age-class structure, and movement of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattidae), were studied in three sewers in Penang, Malaysia, from September 2008 to October 2009. Eighteen to 20 glass-jar traps (two per manhole) were deployed for a 24-h period during each sampling occasion at each sewer. Adults and nymphs were active throughout the study period, with an average monthly trap catch of 57-97 adults and 79-99 nymphs. The mean proportions of adults and nymphs at the three sewers ranged from 0.47 to 0.57. Of the 2177 male and 2717 female cockroaches marked and released over the three sewers, recapture rates were 29.4-45.8 and 30.8-47.0%, respectively. The proportion of marked males and females did not differ significantly from the proportion of recaptured marked males and females. However, the mean number of times a marked female was recaptured was significantly greater than that of males. Of the 783 males and 1,030 females that were marked and recaptured, 19.4 and 24.7%, respectively, had moved between manholes, and significantly more females than males moved between manholes. Of the 406 recaptured marked adults that moved between manholes, 90.4% moved a distance of 2-20 m from their initial release site; one male moved 192 m, the longest distance recorded. Trap catch on each sampling occasion was positively correlated with daily mean temperature. The number of cockroach movements between manholes also was correlated with the mean daily minimum temperature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  6. Pagalavan L
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Dec;60(5):599-605.
    PMID: 16515111
    A 5 year retrospective review of cases of melioidosis was carried out in Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Johor Bahru. There were 44 new cases of melioidosis which was proven by either blood or pus culture growing Burkholderia pseudomallei from the period between January 1999 and December 2003. Of these, 38 (86.4%) were males compared to only 6 (13.6%) females. Thirty-one (70.5%) were Malays, 7 (15.9%) were Chinese, 5 (11.4%) were Indians and 1 (2.2%) was a Sarawakian. The peak age group was between 50 and 59 years (31.8%). Out of these 44 new cases, only 32 medical records could be retrieved and analysed. Twenty-four out of 32 patients (75%) analysed had diabetes mellitus, 4 had chronic or end stage renal failure (CRF/ESRF) and only 1 had Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). One case of "near drowning" was also recorded. Twenty-one out of 44 patients or 47.7% died, of which 8 (38.1%) died within 24 hours of admission. Pulmonary involvement was recorded in 62.6% of the patients but many had signs and symptoms of multiorgan involvement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  7. Norsa'adah B
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Dec;60(5):670-1.
    PMID: 16515127
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  8. Pang TY, Radin Umar RS, Azhar AA, Ahmad MM, Nasir MTM, Harwant S
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):45-50.
    PMID: 11072490 MyJurnal
    This study examines the accident characteristics of injured motorcyclists in Malaysia. The aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of motorcyclists who are at higher fatality risk and subsequently be the targeted group for the fatality-reduction countermeasures. A total of 412 motorcycle crash victims with serious or fatal injuries were analysed. The results showed that the injured motorcyclists were predominant young, novice riders of less than 3 years licensure and male. A fatal outcome was more likely to be associated with a larger engine capacity motorcycle, collision with a heavy vehicle, head on collision, and collision at a non-junction road. In contrast, a non-fatal outcome was more likely to be associated with a small engine capacity motorcycle, collision with another motorcycle or passenger car, junction accidents, and side or rear collisions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  9. Mohd Noor N, Mohd Sidik S
    Family Physician, 2003;12:30-35.
    Introduction: Depression is an important problem in primary care practice and is the commonest psychiatric disorder among the elderly.
    Aim: To assess the prevalence of depression among the elderly patients attending a rural primary health care clinic in Malaysia and to identify its associated factors.
    Method: The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) questionnaire was used as a screening instrument. Patients with positive GDS scores for depression were further assessed for Major Depression.
    Results: 14% of the patients were found to have depression. The associated factors identified were gender, marital status, educational level, total family monthly income, living arrangement and if they had someone to confide in. Further clinical evaluation using the DSM IV Criteria for major depression revealed that two-thirds of the patients with depression were suffering from major depression.
    Conclusion: The prevalence of depression among the elderly patients at a rural primary health care clinic was high. Primary health care doctors and staff should take extra care to detect depression when managing elderly patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  10. Muhammad Zayyid M, Saidatul Saadah R, Adil AR, Rohela M, Jamaiah I
    Trop Biomed, 2010 Dec;27(3):442-6.
    PMID: 21399584 MyJurnal
    This is a survey of 120 children for scabies and head lice infestations in a welfare home in Pulau Pinang. Children from this welfare home (Rumah Kanak-Kanak Taman Bakti, Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang) were randomly selected. Majority of them were Malays (72.5%) and the rest were Indians. The infestation rates were highest in the 10-12 years age group with 46% and 70% for scabies and head lice respectively. Head lice was more commonly seen in girls (65%) than boys (29%). Scabies was more commonly seen in boys (50%) than girls (16%). Overall prevalence rate for scabies was 31% and for head lice infestation was 49%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  11. Mohd-Karim MI, Sulaiman AR, Munajat I, Syurahbil AH
    Malays Orthop J, 2015 Jul;9(2):9-12.
    PMID: 28435602 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1507.005
    BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to find out the age when tibiofemoral angle starts to be in valgus and reaches maximum angle. The differences of the angles between genders were also studied.

    METHODOLOGY: This cross sectional study on tibiofemoral angle was conducted among 160 normal healthy children using clinical measurement method. The children between 2 18 months to 6 years old were assigned to 5 specific age groups of 32 children with equal sex distribution.

    RESULT: This study had shown a good inter-observer reliability of tibiofemoral angle measurement with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.87 with narrow margin of 95% confident interval (95% CI: 0.73, 0.94). The mean tibiofemoral angle for children at 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 years old were 2.25° (SD=0.53), 8.73° (SD=0.95), 7.53° (SD=1.40), 7.27° (SD=1.14) and 6.72° (SD=0.98) respectively. The age when they achieved maximum valgus tibiofemoral angle was 3 years old. The maximum mean (SD) tibiofemoral angle for boys, girls and all children were 8.91° (SD=1.17), 8.56° (SD=0.62) and 8.73° (SD=0.95)respectively. The mean tibiofemoral angle showed no statistically significant difference between girls and boys except for the 5-year-old group, in which the mean TF angle for girls was 7.560 (SD=0.95) and for the boys was 6.970 (SD=1.26) with p-value of 0.037.

    CONCLUSION: Measurement of tibiofemoral angle using the clinical method had a very good inter-observer reliability. The tibiofemoral angle in Malay population was valgus since the age of 2 years with maximum angle of 8.730 (SD=0.95) achieved at the age of 3 years.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  12. Chan SC, Mahmud M
    Family Physician, 2003;12(2&3):19-24.
    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to screen for psychiatric symptomatology in Form 4 students in Ipoh, Perak and to determine demographic characteristics, contributing factors and the key person consulted for psychiatric / emotional problems. Methods: Between December 1997 and March 1998, 84 Form 4 students selected by random sampling from 2 Ipoh schools (one co-educational - S1 and one all boys - S2) were screened using the 30-item Malay version General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) and a demographic questionnaire. S1 students were interviewed by a psychiatrist (second author) to assess for anxiety / depression / somatization using DSM IIIR criteria. Results: Eighty three students (98.8%) completed their questionnaires. Twenty four students (28.9%) had high GHQ scores (8 and above). There was no significant association found between GHQ scores and gender, race, parental occupation and marital status / situation, number of siblings, frequency of illness and Penialian Menengah Rendah (PMR) results. A significant association was found between the GHQ scores and the students' birth order and perceived performance in the past 6 months as compared to PMR. Fifty percent consulted their friends for emotional problems, 29.2% their parents, 4.9% their siblings. None consulted their teacher / school counselor. Conclusion: Further studies are recommended to look into the prevalence of psychiatric symptomatology amongst our Malaysian secondary school students and into the possible use of the Malay version GHQ-30 as a screening tool in this age group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  13. Bachok N, Nordin RB, Awang CW, Ibrahim NA, Naing L
    PMID: 17120976
    Head lice infestation contributes a significant morbidity among schoolchildren in Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was designed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of head lice infestation among primary schoolchildren in Kelantan, Malaysia. Six schools were randomly selected from three sub-districts of Kuala Krai, Kelantan. A total of 463 eleven-year-old pupils were screened by visual scalp examination and fine-toothed combing. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demography and associated factors of head lice infestation. The prevalence of head lice infestation was 35.0% (95% Cl: 30.6, 39.3) with 11.9% inactive, 23.1% active, 18.2% light and 16.8% heavy infestations. The associated factors were girls; family income of RM247 or less; head lice infestation of family member and having four or more siblings. The high prevalence of head lice infestation in this study indicates the need for regular school health program that emphasis on the eradication of head lice. The significant associated factors identified in this study reconfirm the importance of controlling the transmissibility of head lice. Pupils and parents should be informed regarding factors that may facilitate the transmission of head lice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  14. GBD 2021 Adult BMI Collaborators
    Lancet, 2025 Mar 08;405(10481):813-838.
    PMID: 40049186 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(25)00355-1
    BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity is a global epidemic. Forecasting future trajectories of the epidemic is crucial for providing an evidence base for policy change. In this study, we examine the historical trends of the global, regional, and national prevalence of adult overweight and obesity from 1990 to 2021 and forecast the future trajectories to 2050.

    METHODS: Leveraging established methodology from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study, we estimated the prevalence of overweight and obesity among individuals aged 25 years and older by age and sex for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2050. Retrospective and current prevalence trends were derived based on both self-reported and measured anthropometric data extracted from 1350 unique sources, which include survey microdata and reports, as well as published literature. Specific adjustment was applied to correct for self-report bias. Spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression models were used to synthesise data, leveraging both spatial and temporal correlation in epidemiological trends, to optimise the comparability of results across time and geographies. To generate forecast estimates, we used forecasts of the Socio-demographic Index and temporal correlation patterns presented as annualised rate of change to inform future trajectories. We considered a reference scenario assuming the continuation of historical trends.

    FINDINGS: Rates of overweight and obesity increased at the global and regional levels, and in all nations, between 1990 and 2021. In 2021, an estimated 1·00 billion (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 0·989-1·01) adult males and 1·11 billion (1·10-1·12) adult females had overweight and obesity. China had the largest population of adults with overweight and obesity (402 million [397-407] individuals), followed by India (180 million [167-194]) and the USA (172 million [169-174]). The highest age-standardised prevalence of overweight and obesity was observed in countries in Oceania and north Africa and the Middle East, with many of these countries reporting prevalence of more than 80% in adults. Compared with 1990, the global prevalence of obesity had increased by 155·1% (149·8-160·3) in males and 104·9% (95% UI 100·9-108·8) in females. The most rapid rise in obesity prevalence was observed in the north Africa and the Middle East super-region, where age-standardised prevalence rates in males more than tripled and in females more than doubled. Assuming the continuation of historical trends, by 2050, we forecast that the total number of adults living with overweight and obesity will reach 3·80 billion (95% UI 3·39-4·04), over half of the likely global adult population at that time. While China, India, and the USA will continue to constitute a large proportion of the global population with overweight and obesity, the number in the sub-Saharan Africa super-region is forecasted to increase by 254·8% (234·4-269·5). In Nigeria specifically, the number of adults with overweight and obesity is forecasted to rise to 141 million (121-162) by 2050, making it the country with the fourth-largest population with overweight and obesity.

    INTERPRETATION: No country to date has successfully curbed the rising rates of adult overweight and obesity. Without immediate and effective intervention, overweight and obesity will continue to increase globally. Particularly in Asia and Africa, driven by growing populations, the number of individuals with overweight and obesity is forecast to rise substantially. These regions will face a considerable increase in obesity-related disease burden. Merely acknowledging obesity as a global health issue would be negligent on the part of global health and public health practitioners; more aggressive and targeted measures are required to address this crisis, as obesity is one of the foremost avertible risks to health now and in the future and poses an unparalleled threat of premature disease and death at local, national, and global levels.

    FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  15. World Dev Forum, 1987 Nov 30;5(21):1-2.
    PMID: 12269045
    Throughout India and China, South Korea and Taiwan, Pakistan and Malaysia, the same sentiment recurs: "The birth of girl is an occasion for gloom, not cheer, for bitterness, not pleasure." In all these countries "patriarchal traditions and social stigmas" make females the unwanted sex, reports Asiaweek. The tragic result: prenatal gender tests are flourishing. And for many women, if the test indicates a female, they abort. In India, sex tests and abortions are legal, cheap and readily available. Some 1500 sex-tested girls are aborted annually in Bombay alone. In China, abortions are legal, but gender tests strictly forbidden. Says one official: We cannot afford to let people know what sex the fetus is because all the girls would be aborted." Yet the numbers of baby girls in China have been reduced--and illicit gender tests and female infanticide are considered partly to blame. In South Korea, gender tests have been banned and most abortions are illegal, but "clandestine tests" are available, and according to the government some 30,000 pregnancies are terminated annually. The number of aborted females is not known, but birth ratios have shown "an alarming swing towards males" in recent years. Can laws and education change the social attitudes against girls in these Asian countries? Indian activist Vibhuti Patel, a lobbyist for stronger controls over sex-testing, hopes so. She urges a "continuous campaign" to fight the "centuries-old values" that encourages gender tests. Says Patel: Nothing less than the very survival of women is at stake."
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution*
  16. Rahimi R, Ali N, Md Noor S, Mahmood MS, Zainun KA
    Malays J Pathol, 2015 Dec;37(3):259-63.
    PMID: 26712672 MyJurnal
    Suicidal feelings and a sense of hopelessness have been regarded as part of the ageing process more so in the context of being elderly and having physical difficulties. As older adults are the fastest growing population in the world, suicides among this population is also expected to increase. The authors retrospectively reviewed all cases recorded by the National Suicide Registry Malaysia (NSRM) for the year 2009. Suicide in victims 65 years and older totaled 23 in number and accounted for 7.1% of all suicides. All the cases were autopsied. The case records were retrospectively analyzed with respect to age, gender, ethnicity and method of death. Comparisons were also made between males and females, levels of education, presence of stressor and life events antecedent to suicide. The ages of these suicide victims ranged from 65 to 94 years. Men comprised almost 70% of the cases. The average age of the victim was 73 years. Hanging was the most common method of suicide, accounting for 56.5% of the cases. Other methods included jumping from height (13.1%), exposure to unspecified chemicals (13.1% ), jumping/lying before moving object (4.3%), exposure to pesticides (4.3%) and injuring oneself using sharp object (4.3%). Death of a loved one, legal problems, financial problems and physical illness were the stressors identified contributing to the suicide act.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  17. Mohd-Zaki AH, Brett J, Ismail E, L'Azou M
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2014;8(11):e3159.
    PMID: 25375211 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003159
    A literature survey and analysis was conducted to describe the epidemiology of dengue disease in Malaysia between 2000 and 2012. Published literature was searched for epidemiological studies of dengue disease, using specific search strategies for each electronic database; 237 relevant data sources were identified, 28 of which fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The epidemiology of dengue disease in Malaysia was characterized by a non-linear increase in the number of reported cases from 7,103 in 2000 to 46,171 in 2010, and a shift in the age range predominance from children toward adults. The overall increase in dengue disease was accompanied by a rise in the number, but not the proportion, of severe cases. The dominant circulating dengue virus serotypes changed continually over the decade and differed between states. Several gaps in epidemiological knowledge were identified; in particular, studies of regional differences, age-stratified seroprevalence, and hospital admissions.


    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  18. Ibrahim NI, Mohanadas D
    Work, 2012;41 Suppl 1:2452-60.
    PMID: 22317086 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0480-2452
    This study was conducted to investigate pervasiveness of the musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) among staffs in a specialized healthcare centre. Sixty-eight staffs from three departments namely Cardiovascular Lab (CVL), Nuclear Radiology, and General Radiography were recruited in this study. A modified Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) was distributed among study population. The result shows that the prevalence of MSD was highest in lower back (88.2%), neck (76.5%) and shoulder (60.3%) for the past 12 months followed by lower back and elbow (44.1%), and wrist (39.1%) correspondingly, for the past 7 days. Present results suggest that healthcare professionals - radiographers, patient assistants and nurses incurs MSD risks through work tasks as well as psychosocial factors. These include awkward posture during patient handling, workload, work stress and time pressure. Therefore, an ergonomics improvement on the job design and workspace are needed in order to reduce the MSD risks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  19. Ali NM, Shahar S, Kee YL, Norizan AR, Noah SA
    Inform Health Soc Care, 2012 Dec;37(4):217-29.
    PMID: 22583111 DOI: 10.3109/17538157.2012.654843
    Designing a system for the elderly is crucial, as aging is associated with physiological changes that may impair perception, cognition and other social aspects; therefore, many aspects need consideration, especially in interface design. This study was conducted to develop a digital nutritional education package (WE Sihat) by following appropriate guidelines for elderly people to achieve better design interface and interaction. Touch-screen technology was used as a platform for user interaction. The nutritional content was based on previous nutrition studies and a lifestyle education package on healthy aging, which contains four modules. The questionnaires were distributed to 31 Malay subjects aged 60-76 years old, containing an evaluation about the overall content, graphics, design layout, colour, font size, audio/video, user-perceived satisfaction and acceptance levels. The findings showed positive feedback and acceptance. Most subjects agreed that the digital nutritional education package can increase their nutritional knowledge for a healthy lifestyle and is easy to use. The touch-screen technology was also well accepted by elderly people and can be used as a kiosk for disseminating nutrition education for healthy aging.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
  20. Sreeramareddy CT, Ramakrishnareddy N, Harsha Kumar H, Sathian B, Arokiasamy JT
    PMID: 22185233 DOI: 10.1186/1747-597X-6-33
    BACKGROUND: Nearly four-fifths of estimated 1.1 million smokers live in low or middle-income countries. We aimed to provide national estimates for Nepal on tobacco use prevalence, its distribution across demographic, socio-economic and spatial variables and correlates of tobacco use.
    METHODS: A secondary data analysis of 2006 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) was done. A representative sample of 9,036 households was selected by two-stage stratified, probability proportional to size (PPS) technique. We constructed three outcome variables 'tobacco smoke', 'tobacco chewer' and 'any tobacco use' based on four questions about tobacco use that were asked in DHS questionnaires. Socio-economic, demographic and spatial predictor variables were used. We computed overall prevalence for 'tobacco smoking', 'tobacco chewing' and 'any tobacco use' i.e. point estimates of prevalence rates, 95% confidence intervals (CIs) after adjustment for strata and clustering at primary sampling unit (PSU) level. For correlates of tobacco use, we used multivariate analysis to calculate adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and their 95% CIs. A p-value < 0.05 was considered as significant.
    RESULTS: Total number of households, eligible women and men interviewed was 8707, 10793 and 4397 respectively. The overall prevalence for 'any tobacco use', 'tobacco smoking' and 'tobacco chewing' were 30.3% (95% CI 28.9, 31.7), 20.7% (95% CI 19.5, 22.0) and 14.6% (95% CI 13.5, 15.7) respectively. Prevalence among men was significantly higher than women for 'any tobacco use' (56.5% versus 19.6%), 'tobacco smoking' (32.8% versus 15.8%) and 'tobacco chewing' (38.0% versus 5.0%). By multivariate analysis, older adults, men, lesser educated and those with lower wealth quintiles were more likely to be using all forms of tobacco. Divorced, separated, and widowed were more likely to smoke (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.14, 1.94) and chew tobacco (OR 1.36, 95% CI 0.97, 1.93) as compared to those who were currently married. Prevalence of 'tobacco chewing' was higher in eastern region (19.7%) and terai/plains (16.2%). 'Tobacco smoking' and 'any tobacco use' were higher in rural areas, mid-western and far western and mountainous areas.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of tobacco use is considerably high among Nepalese people. Demographic and socioeconomic determinants and spatial distribution should be considered while planning tobacco control interventions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Distribution
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