Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 101 in total

  1. Colella JP, Agwanda BR, Anwarali Khan FA, Bates J, Carrión Bonilla CA, de la Sancha NU, et al.
    Science, 2020 11 13;370(6518):773-774.
    PMID: 33184198 DOI: 10.1126/science.abe4813
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling*
    Med J Malaya, 1961 Mar;15:102-12.
    PMID: 14469397
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling*
  3. Shafie IN, Anderson TJ, Penderis J, Eckersall PD, McLaughlin M
    Vet J, 2013 Sep;197(3):836-41.
    PMID: 23820135 DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.05.039
    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a potential source for disease-specific biomarkers that may assist in the staging and determining the prognosis of neurodegenerative conditions in animals. However, the validity of such putative biomarkers may be influenced by pre-analytical variables, including the procedures adopted to collect and store the CSF. This study assessed the effect of three handling practices on the stability of a panel of CSF proteins: clusterin (also known as apolipoprotein J), haptoglobin, cystatin C, and transthyretin (TTR). The three handling procedures for canine CSF were mimicked in the laboratory as follows: (1) storage in a refrigerator overnight (4 °C for 18 h); (2) carrying a sample in the pocket of a clinician (37 °C for 4h); and (3) mailing a sample to a remote laboratory for analysis (room temp for 48 h). The impact of these three scenarios on the concentrations of the selected proteins was assessed using Western blotting and compared to an aliquot of CSF that had been kept frozen. The level of clusterin was significantly reduced following 48 h at room temperature (P<0.05), while the concentration of the dimeric form of TTR increased following this handling procedure and also when held at 37 °C for 4h. A reducing agent prevented this increase at 37 °C. In conclusion, exposing CSF samples to various environmental conditions can significantly alter their protein content, a factor that must be considered in studies assessing potential biomarkers in canine CSF.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling/methods; Specimen Handling/veterinary
  4. College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of, Malaysia
    Malays J Pathol, 2005 Jun;27(1):73-4.
    PMID: 16676699
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling/standards*
  5. Lee CH, Ngeow YF
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Mar;38(1):23-6.
    PMID: 6633329
    Genital discharge from patients unth. smear positive gonorrhoea was transported from the clinic to the laboratory in. Stuart's transport medium (Oxoid CM 111). Within. six hours of transit time the recovery rate of gonococci was 94%. When compared with "bedside" inoculation onto Modified Thayer Martin medium, there was no significant difference in recovery rates up to 6 hours of transportation in Stuart's transport medium, However, the rate of isolation of gonococci was significantly reduced after 20 to 30 hours of transportation. It is concluded that Stuart's transport medium is an acceptable transport medium for specimens containing gonococci when specimens reach the laboratory within 6 hours of collection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling*
  6. Lee HL
    Malays J Pathol, 1989 Aug;11:33-6.
    PMID: 2632998
    A total of 101 entomological specimens recovered from human cadavers were processed and studied. Analysis of the data indicated that about 95% of these specimens were maggots of flies. Maggots of the blowfly Chrysomya (Family: Calliphoridae) especially Ch. rufifacis and Ch. megacephala were predominantly found in 77 cases (76.2%) while larvae of several other flies of the genera Sarcophaga, Calliphora, Lucilia and hermetia were also recovered. It was notable that Musca domestica or other related flies were not found in all these specimens. The age of these larvae was useful in the determination of the minimum time lapsed after death. However, more biological studies on animal carcases should be conducted for more accurate determinations. Methods of collection, preservation and despatching of specimens were also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling*
  7. Goossens B, Abdullah ZB, Sinyor JB, Ancrenaz M
    Folia Primatol., 2004 Jan-Feb;75(1):23-6.
    PMID: 14716150
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling/methods*
  8. FinNie O, Aye SA, Krishnappa P, Ravindran R
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Mar;78(2):202-206.
    PMID: 36988531
    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of tissue processing is to fix the tissue in a solid medium toenable thin sections. Conventional method of tissue processing is the standardized method of tissue processing which has been used for more than 10 decades. However, the conventional method is time-consuming, and the overall turnaround time for the histopathology report is at least two days. The objective of this study is to identify the protocol for tissue processing procedure using domestic microwave oven. To determine the tissue processing time when using domestic microwave oven. To compare the morphological quality of tissue slides made by domestic microwave oven and conventional method using automated tissue processor.

    MATRIALS AND METHODS: The conventional protocol and three microwave protocols of tissue processing were used in this study. A pilot study was done prior to the real run to determine the baseline timing for microwave protocol. The baseline timing was fixed at 2 minutes,30 minutes,5 minutes and 25 minutes. The processing time of the microwave protocol was adjusted from 62 minutes to 70 minutes to 77 minutes by increasing the dehydration and wax impregnation time while the time for tissue fixation and clearing remain the same throughout all the microwave protocols.

    RESULTS: The group 2 microwave protocol produced the sections that is closely comparable to group 1 conventional protocol. The morphological quality of histopathology slides is best observed when the processing time of microwave protocol is 62 minutes.

    CONCLUSION: The most appropriate microwave protocol for tissue processing is group 2 as the morphological quality of histopathology slides are more superior than that of group 1 with an overall percentage of 80% of satisfactory slides in group 2 and 76.68% in group 1.

    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling*
  9. Rao M, Rashid FA, Sabri FSAH, Jamil NN, Zain R, Hashim R, et al.
    Clin Infect Dis, 2021 05 04;72(9):e352-e356.
    PMID: 32761244 DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1156
    BACKGROUND: The ideal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARs-CoV-2) testing method would be accurate and also be patient-performed to reduce exposure to healthcare workers. The aim of this study was to compare patient-performed testing based on a morning saliva sample with the current standard testing method, healthcare worker-collected sampling via a nasopharyngeal swab (NPS).

    METHODS: This was a prospective single center study which recruited 217 asymptomatic adult male participants in a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) quarantine center who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 8-10 days prior to isolation. Paired NPS and saliva specimens were collected and processed within 5 hours of sample collection. Real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) targeting Envelope (E) and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) genes was performed and the results were compared.

    RESULTS: Overall, 160 of the 217 (74%) participants tested positive for COVID-19 based on saliva, NPS, or both testing methods. The detection rate for SARS-CoV-2 was higher in saliva compared to NPS testing (93.1%, 149/160 vs 52.5%, 84/160, P < .001). The concordance between the 2 tests was 45.6% (virus was detected in both saliva and NPS in 73/160), whereas 47.5% were discordant (87/160 tested positive for 1 whereas negative for the other). The cycle threshold (Ct) values for E and RdRp genes were significantly lower in saliva specimens compared to NP swab specimens.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that saliva is a better alternative specimen for detection of SARS-CoV-2. Taking into consideration, the simplicity of specimen collection, shortage of PPE and the transmissibility of the virus, saliva could enable self-collection for an accurate SARS-CoV-2 surveillance testing.

    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  10. Nurul Fazlinda Mohd Fadzil, Amir Shah Ruddin Md Sah, Mohd Shafiq Zakeyuddin, Zarul Hazrin Hashim, Mohd Syaiful Mohammad, Khalid Puteh
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2016;27(11):79-85.
    A study was conducted at five selected rivers around Bukit Merah Reservoir,
    Perak, Malaysia for eight weeks in order to determine the fish diversity and distribution. A
    total of 28 species comprised of 9 families were identified. The study depicted that there
    were significant changes to the fish composition when compared to previous study which
    had captured 36 species due to different areas covered and different types of sampling
    gear used between both studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  11. Rahim, Z.H.A.
    Ann Dent, 1998;5(1):-.
    Saliva collection is non-invasive and less stressful when compared with blood collection. Extensive studies on saliva has been carried out and the use of saliva as a biological sample in clinical diagnosis and for monitoring hormones, drugs and pollutants and viruses has been recommended. The complexities associated with saliva such as proper collection device and strict standardisation of a number of factors which include time of collection, types of saliva and storage made it less favourable to blood.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  12. Noor Azlinda Ahmad, Zawani Amirah Rasid, Zuraimy Adzis
    Lightning is among the most deadly natural phenomena to mankind. This phenomenon
    is seen to increase globally as well as in Malaysia. Lightning does strike open areas
    such as playing fields and playgrounds and these areas are places people gather.
    Sensors that can detect the early occurrence of lightning have been developed for
    detecting approaching lightning activity in this project. The main objective is to provide
    early lightning warning system to the public and hence to reduce the number of
    fatalities due to lightning strike. The warning circuit was designed and simulated using
    Multism11. Basic operational method of the circuit is based on the comparative
    voltage method using LM339N integrated circuit comparator (IC). Light Emitting Diodes
    (LEDs) were used as indicators to indicate if the incoming voltage level is higher or
    lower than that of the safety level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  13. Nur A'shirah Mohd Azman, Adekunle Qudus Adeleke
    This paper assessed the effect of time overruns on apartment building among
    Kuantan Malaysian construction industries. A survey was conducted among 10
    construction industries in Kuantan Pahang. Using proportionate stratified random
    sampling, out of which 10 questionnaires were distributed for data analysis. Using
    five point Likert scale categories from previous studies, statistical analysis affirmed a
    significant positive relationship between time overruns and apartment building
    among Kuantan Malaysian construction industries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  14. Zaidi Che Cob, Aziz Arshad, Japar Sidik Bujang, Mazlan Abdul Ghaffar
    A total of 230 individuals of Strombus were sampled at various locations along the Johor Straits, Malaysia. There were four species of Strombus present in the study areas i.e. Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758; Strombus urceus Linnaeus, 1758; Strombus marginatus subspecies succinctus Linnaeus, 1767; Strombus marginatus subspecies robustus Sowerby, 1874; and Strombus vittatus subspecies vittatus Linnaeus, 1758. Strombus canarium was the most common, widely distributed and most abundant, followed by S. urceus, while the others were only rarely found. Among the species Strombus marginatus and Strombus vittatus were two new distribution records for the Johor Straits. Since all Strombus were traditionally harvested and consumed by the locals since long ago, further studies are needed particularly regarding the population dynamics and fishery of the harvested species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  15. Nurul Izni Rusli, Mastura Shafinaz Zainal Abidin, Budi Astuti, Ali NK, Abdul Manaf Hashim
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:643-648.
    We report the formation of macropores in n-Si (100) substrates for different etching times of 20, 40 and 60 min at a constant current density of 25 mA/cm2 under front-side illumination in HF:ethanol (1:4) solution. After etching for 20 min, four-branch-shaped pores of various sizes were observed at discrete locations. Etching time of 40 min led to the formation of highly connected four-branch-shaped pores as the branches of adjacent pores appeared to connect to each other. As the etching time was increased further to 60 min, the density of interconnected branches increased remarkably. The macropore formation process occurred in three consecutive phases. The current burst model was used to discuss this process. Formation of four-branch-shaped pores at random locations were observed because current bursts are more likely to nucleate where other current bursts took place initially.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  16. Gopinath D, Menon RK
    Methods Mol Biol, 2021;2327:1-15.
    PMID: 34410636 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1518-8_1
    Evidence on the role of the oral microbiome in health and disease is changing the way we understand, diagnose, and treat ailments. Numerous studies on diseases affecting the oral cavity have revealed a large amount of data that is invaluable for the advancements in diagnosing and treating these diseases. However, the clinical translation of most of these exploratory data is stalled by variable methodology between studies and non-uniform reporting of the data.Understanding the key areas that are gateways to bias in microbiome studies is imperative to overcome this challenge faced by oral microbiome research. Bias can be multifactorial and may be introduced in a microbiome research study during the formulation of the study design, sample collection and storage, or the sample processing protocols before sequencing. This chapter summarizes the recommendations from literature to eliminate bias in the microbiome research studies and to ensure the reproducibility of the microbiome research data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  17. Mohd Thabit AA, Peariasamy KM, Kuan PX, Fern Ying DK, Nheu N, Cyncynatus C, et al.
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2021;43:102144.
    PMID: 34302954 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102144
    BACKGROUND: The standard for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis is RT-PCR from nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs. Major airports require COVID-19 screening, and saliva has the potential as a substitute specimen for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis. We investigated the utility of fresh drooled saliva against NPS for COVID-19 screening of travelers.

    METHODS: We recruited 81 travelers and 15 non-travelers (including ten controls) prospectively within a mean of 3·22 days of RT-PCR confirmed COVID-19. Each study participant provided 2 mls of early morning fresh drooled whole saliva separately into a sterile plastic container and GeneFiX™ saliva collection kit. The saliva specimens were processed within 4 h and tested for SARS-CoV-2 genes (E, RdRP, and N2) and the results compared to paired NPS RT-PCR for diagnostic accuracy.

    RESULTS: Majority of travellers were asymptomatic (75·0%) with a mean age of 34·26 years. 77 travelers were RT-PCR positive at the time of hospitalization whilst three travelers had positive contacts. In this group, the detection rate for SARS-CoV-2 with NPS, whole saliva, and GeneFiX™ were comparable (89·3%, 50/56; 87·8%, 43/49; 89·6%, 43/48). Both saliva collection methods were in good agreement (Kappa = 0·69). There was no statistical difference between the detection rates of saliva and NPS (p > 0·05). Detection was highest for the N2 gene whilst the E gene provided the highest viral load (mean = 27·96 to 30·10, SD = 3·14 to 3·85). Saliva specimens have high sensitivity (80·4%) and specificity (90·0%) with a high positive predictive value of 91·8% for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis.

    CONCLUSION: Saliva for SARS-CoV-2 screening is a simple accurate technique comparable with NPS RT-PCR.

    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling
  18. Bahyah MK, Murad ZA, Ghazali I, Roszaman R, Noraziana AW, Mokhtar A, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Mar;65(1):23-6.
    PMID: 21265243 MyJurnal
    A one year study was carried out to determine the outcome of the seminal fluid parameters collected via masturbation and coitus interruptus in 151 patients who were undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI) and patients who came for seminal analysis. There were no statistically significant differences in terms of volume, concentration, progressive motility and normal morphology from specimens collected via coitus interruptus compared to specimens collected via masturbation. Pregnancy outcomes were also comparable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling/methods*
  19. Chua KB
    Microbes Infect., 2003 May;5(6):487-90.
    PMID: 12758277
    During the outbreak of Nipah virus encephalitis involving pigs and humans in peninsular Malaysia in 1998/1999, a conventional approach was initially undertaken to collect specimens from fruit bats by mist-netting and shooting, as an integral part of wildlife surveillance of the natural reservoir host of Nipah virus. This study describes a novel method of collecting fruit bats' urine samples using plastic sheets for isolation of Nipah virus. This novel approach resulted in the isolation of several other known and unidentified infectious agents besides Nipah virus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling/methods*
  20. Hayati AR, Khong TY, Zainul R
    Malays J Pathol, 1998 Dec;20(2):99-102.
    PMID: 10879270
    144 placentas were sampled from all cases of stillbirth weighing 500 g and above seen over a period of thirteen months in the UKM Unit of the Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Sampling was limited to 1-3 blocks per placenta for histological study. Placental abnormalities were found in 121 (85%) placentas, 78 of which had definite lesions known to contribute to foetal death while the remainder showed lesions suggestive of an underlying disease. This study supports the usefulness of limited sampling of the placenta in the face of unavailability of complete placental examination and autopsy for assessment of the cause of stillbirth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Specimen Handling/methods*
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