Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 117 in total

  1. Ahmad H, Zulkifli MZ, Hassan NA, Harun SW
    Appl Opt, 2012 Apr 10;51(11):1811-5.
    PMID: 22505174 DOI: 10.1364/AO.51.001811
    We propose and demonstrate a tunable S-band multiwavelength Brillouin/Raman fiber laser (MBRFL) with a tuning range of between 1490 to 1530 nm. The proposed MBRFL is designed around a 7.7 km long dispersion compensating fiber in a simple ring configuration, acting as a nonlinear medium for the generation of multiple wavelengths from stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and also as a nonlinear gain medium for stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) amplification. A laser source with a maximum power of 12 dBm acts as the Brillouin pump (BP), while two 1420 nm laser diodes with a total power of 26 dBm act as the Raman pumps (RPs). The MBRFL can generate a multiwavelength comb consisting of even and odd Stokes at an average power of -12 dBm and -14 dBm respectively, and by separating the even and odd Stokes outputs, a 20 GHz channel spacing is obtained between two consecutive wavelengths. Due to the four-wave mixing (FWM) effect, anti-Stokes lines are also observed. The multiwavelength comb generated is not dependent on the BP, thus providing high stability and repeatability and making it a highly potential source for many real-world applications. This is the first time, to the knowledge of the authors, that a tunable MBRFL has been developed using SRS to obtain gain in the S-band region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  2. Kanmalar M, Abdul Sani SF, Kamri NINB, Said NABM, Jamil AHBA, Kuppusamy S, et al.
    Cell Mol Biol Lett, 2022 Jan 29;27(1):9.
    PMID: 35093030 DOI: 10.1186/s11658-022-00307-x
    Bladder cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in males. It can present across the whole continuum of severity, from mild through well-differentiated disease to extremely malignant tumours with poor survival rates. As with other vital organ malignancies, proper clinical management involves accurate diagnosis and staging. Chemotherapy consisting of a cisplatin-based regimen is the mainstay in the management of muscle-invasive bladder cancers. Control via cisplatin-based chemotherapy is threatened by the development of chemoresistance. Intracellular cholesterol biosynthesis in bladder cancer cells is considered a contributory factor in determining the chemotherapy response. Farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1 (FDFT1), one of the main regulatory components in cholesterol biosynthesis, may play a role in determining sensitivity towards chemotherapy compounds in bladder cancer. FDFT1-associated molecular identification might serve as an alternative or appendage strategy for early prediction of potentially chemoresistant muscle-invasive bladder cancer tissues. This can be accomplished using Raman spectroscopy. Developments in the instrumentation have led to it becoming one of the most convenient forms of analysis, and there is a highly realistic chance that it will become an effective tool in the pathology lab. Chemosensitive bladder cancer tissues tend to have a higher lipid content, more protein genes and more cholesterol metabolites. These are believed to be associated with resistance towards bladder cancer chemotherapy. Herein, Raman peak assignments have been tabulated as an aid to indicating metabolic changes in bladder cancer tissues that are potentially correlated with FDFT1 expression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  3. Muthudoss P, Kumar S, Ann EYC, Young KJ, Chi RLR, Allada R, et al.
    J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2022 Feb 20;210:114581.
    PMID: 35026592 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpba.2022.114581
    Particle size distribution (PSD), spatial location and particle cluster size of ingredients, polymorphism, compositional distribution of a pharmaceutical product are few of the most important attributes in establishing the drug release-controlling microstructural and solid state properties that would be used to (re)design or reproduce similar products. There are numerous solid-state techniques available for PSD analysis. Laser diffraction (LD) is mostly used to study PSD of raw materials. However, a constraint of LD is the interference between the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and excipients, where it is very challenging to measure API size in a tablet. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) is widely employed in establishing the polymorphism of API and excipients. This research examined a commercial osmotic tablet in terms of extracting solid state properties of API and functional excipient by Raman Imaging. Establishing repeatability, reproducibility, and sample representativeness when the samples are non-uniform and inhomogeneous necessitates multiple measurements. In such scenarios, when employing imaging-based techniques, it can be time-consuming and tedious. Advanced statistical methodologies are used to overcome these disadvantages and expedite the characterization process. Overall, this study demonstrates that Raman imaging can be employed as a non-invasive and effective offline method for assessing the solid-state characteristics of API and functional excipients in complex dosage forms like osmotic tablets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman*
  4. Leong N, Yaacob MH, Md Zain AR, Tengku Abdul Aziz TH, Christianus A, Chong CM, et al.
    PMID: 38377639 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2024.123974
    Fish epidermal mucus is an important reservoir of antipathogenic compounds which serves as the first line of the immune defence. Despite its significant role in the physiology and health of fish, detailed profiling of fish epidermal mucus has yet to be explored. Therefore, this study investigates a label-free colloidal surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic (SERS) method for profiling grouper mucus. Gold nanoparticles were first synthesised using the standard citrate reduction and characterised using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. The influence of acidified sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) at pH 3 as the aggregating agent on the enhancement of the SERS spectrum of different analyte samples including rhodamine 6G (R6G) dye, lysozyme solution and hybrid grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × Epinephelus lanceolatus) mucus was observed. Based on the results, an optimal Na2SO4 concentration of 1 M was recorded to achieve the highest enhancement of the SERS signal for R6G and grouper mucus, while the optimal concentration for lysozyme was 0.1 M. The results indicated a higher degree of aggregation induced by lysozyme than R6G and grouper mucus. A few overlapping peaks of the SERS spectra of lysozyme and grouper mucus made it possible to confirm the presence of lysozyme as potential biomarkers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods
  5. Afishah Alias, Siti Rahayu Mohd Hashim, Wajir, Julynnie, Fauziah Abdul Aziz, Mihaly, Judith
    Unaffected, affected and heavily affected teeth enamel were studied by using FT-Raman spectroscopy. The 14 permanent teeth’s enamel surface were measured randomly, resulting in total n=43 FT-Raman spectra. The results obtained from FT-Raman spectra of heavily affected, affected and unaffected tooth’s enamel surfaces did not show any significant difference. In this study, Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to compare the intensity between the categories of enamel as well as the surfaces of teeth samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  6. Mohamad, D., Young, R.J., Mann, A.B., Watts, D.C.
    The aim of the study was to evaluate post-polymerization of resin composite by measuring NanoHardness (H), Young’s Modulus (E) and Degree of Conversion (DC) using nanoindentation and Micro-Raman spectroscopy. For this purpose a computer-controlled NanoIndenter™ and a Renishaw 1000 Raman Spectrometer fitted with an Olympus microscope attachment, operated at 638 nm, were used. A light-activated resin composite was used in this study, (Z250, 3MESPE). Sub-groups (n=3) of specimens were irradiated for 20, 30, 40 s. All samples for nanoindentation were polished metallographically and typically 50 nanoindentations were performed per specimen. After curing and polishing, half of the samples were tested immediately (Group 1); the others after being stored dry at 37 °C for 7 days (Group 2) to allow scope for postpolymerization. H values ranged from 1.08 to 1.40 GPa for Group 1, and from 1.64 to1.71 GPa for Group 2. E values in Group 1 ranged from 19.60 to 19.94 GPa and for Group 2, from 21.42 to 22.05 GPa. DC values ranged from 55 to 66.39%, and 60.90 to 66.47% for Group 1 and Group 2 respectively. All values obtained shown significant different between Groups 1 and 2 (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  7. Zaidi Embong
    This review briefly describes some of the techniques available for analysing surfaces and illustrates their usefulness with a few examples such as a metal and alloy. In particular, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and laser Raman spectroscopy are all described as advanced surface analytical techniques. In analysing a surface, AES and XPS would normally be considered first, with AES being applied where high spatial resolution is required and XPS where chemical state information is needed. Laser Raman spectroscopy is useful for determining molecular bonding. A combination of XPS, AES and Laser Raman spectroscopy can give quantitative analysis from the top few atomic layers with a lateral spatial resolution of
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  8. Rosli AN, Zabidi NA, Kassim HA, Shrivastava KN
    PMID: 21571582 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2011.04.051
    We have calculated the vibrational frequencies of clusters of atoms from the first principles by using the density-functional theory in the local density approximation (LDA). We are also able to calculate the electronic binding energy for all of the clusters of atoms from the optimized structure. We have made clusters of BanOm (n, m=1-6) and have determined the bond lengths, vibrational frequencies as well as intensities in each case. We find that the peroxide cluster BaO2 occurs with the O-O vibrational frequency of 836.3 cm(-1). We also find that a glass network occurs in the material which explains the vibrational frequency of 67 cm(-1). The calculated values agree with those measured from the Raman spectra of barium peroxide and Ba-B-oxide glass. We have calculated the vibrational frequencies of BaO4, GeO4 and SiO4 each in tetrahedral configuration and find that the vibrational frequencies in these systems depend on the inverse square root of the atomic mass.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman*
  9. Banihashemian SM, Periasamy V, Boon Tong G, Abdul Rahman S
    PLoS One, 2016;11(3):e0149488.
    PMID: 26999445 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149488
    Studying the effect of a magnetic field on oligonucleotide DNA can provide a novel DNA manipulation technique for potential application in bioengineering and medicine. In this work, the optical and electrochemical response of a 100 bases oligonucleotides DNA, cytosine-guanine (CG100), is investigated via exposure to different magnetic fields (250, 500, 750, and 1000 mT). As a result of the optical response of CG100 to the magnetic field, the ultra-violet-visible spectrum indicated a slight variation in the band gap of CG100 of about 0.3 eV. Raman spectroscopy showed a significant deviation in hydrogen and phosphate bonds' vibration after exposure to the magnetic field. Oligonucleotide DNA mobility was investigated in the external electric field using the gel electrophoresis technique, which revealed a small decrease in the migration of CG100 after exposure to the magnetic field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods*
  10. Lam SE, Mat Nawi SN, Abdul Sani SF, Khandaker MU, Bradley DA
    Sci Rep, 2021 04 12;11(1):7939.
    PMID: 33846448 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-86942-4
    Preliminary study has been made of black human hair, carbon concentration of some 53%, a model in examining the potential of hair of the human head in retrospective and emergency biodosimetry applications, also offering effective atomic number near to that of water. The hair samples were exposed to [Formula: see text]Co gamma rays, delivering doses from 0 to 200 Gy. Structural alterations were observed, use being made of Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Most prominent among the features observed in the first-order Raman spectra are the D and G peaks, appearing at 1370 [Formula: see text] and 1589 [Formula: see text] respectively, the intensity ratio [Formula: see text] indicating dose-dependent defects generation and annealing of structural alterations. The wavelengths of the PL absorption and emission peaks are found to be centred at [Formula: see text] nm and [Formula: see text] nm, respectively. The hair samples mean band gap energy ([Formula: see text]) post-irradiation was found to be [Formula: see text] eV, of the order of a semiconductor and approximately two times the [Formula: see text] of other carbon-rich materials reported via the same methodology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman*
  11. Mohd Nor Ihsan NS, Abdul Sani SF, Looi LM, Cheah PL, Chiew SF, Pathmanathan D, et al.
    Prog Biophys Mol Biol, 2023 Sep;182:59-74.
    PMID: 37307955 DOI: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2023.06.002
    Amyloidosis is a deleterious condition caused by abnormal amyloid fibril build-up in living tissues. To date, 42 proteins that are linked to amyloid fibrils have been discovered. Amyloid fibril structure variation can affect the severity, progression rate, or clinical symptoms of amyloidosis. Since amyloid fibril build-up is the primary pathological basis for various neurodegenerative illnesses, characterization of these deadly proteins, particularly utilising optical techniques have been a focus. Spectroscopy techniques provide significant non-invasive platforms for the investigation of the structure and conformation of amyloid fibrils, offering a wide spectrum of analyses ranging from nanometric to micrometric size scales. Even though this area of study has been intensively explored, there still remain aspects of amyloid fibrillization that are not fully known, a matter hindering progress in treating and curing amyloidosis. This review aims to provide recent updates and comprehensive information on optical techniques for metabolic and proteomic characterization of β-pleated amyloid fibrils found in human tissue with thorough literature analysis of publications. Raman spectroscopy and SAXS are well established experimental methods for study of structural properties of biomaterials. With suitable models, they offer extended information for valid proteomic analysis under physiologically relevant conditions. This review points to evidence that despite limitations, these techniques are able to provide for the necessary output and proteomics indication in order to extrapolate the aetiology of amyloid fibrils for reliable diagnostic purposes. Our metabolic database may also contribute to elucidating the nature and function of the amyloid proteome in development and clearance of amyloid diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods
  12. Mustapa MA, Yuzir A, Latif AA, Ambran S, Abdullah N
    PMID: 38310743 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2024.123977
    A rapid, simple, sensitive, and selective point-of-care diagnosis tool kit is vital for detecting the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) strain. Currently, the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is the best technique to detect the disease. Although a good sensitivity has been observed in RT-PCR, the isolation and screening process for high sample volume is limited due to the time-consuming and laborious work. This study introduced a nucleic acid-based surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor to detect the nucleocapsid gene (N-gene) of SARS-CoV-2. The Raman scattering signal was amplified using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) possessing a rod-like morphology to improve the SERS effect, which was approximately 12-15 nm in diameter and 40-50 nm in length. These nanoparticles were functionalised with the single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (ssDNA) complemented with the N-gene. Furthermore, the study demonstrates method selectivity by strategically testing the same virus genome at different locations. This focused approach showcases the method's capability to discern specific genetic variations, ensuring accuracy in viral detection. A multivariate statistical analysis technique was then applied to analyse the raw SERS spectra data using the principal component analysis (PCA). An acceptable variance amount was demonstrated by the overall variance (82.4 %) for PC1 and PC2, which exceeded the desired value of 80 %. These results successfully revealed the hidden information in the raw SERS spectra data. The outcome suggested a more significant thymine base detection than other nitrogenous bases at wavenumbers 613, 779, 1219, 1345, and 1382 cm-1. Adenine was also less observed at 734 cm-1, and ssDNA-RNA hybridisations were presented in the ketone with amino base SERS bands in 1746, 1815, 1871, and 1971 cm-1 of the fingerprint. Overall, the N-gene could be detected as low as 0.1 nM within 10 mins of incubation time. This approach could be developed as an alternative point-of-care diagnosis tool kit to detect and monitor the COVID-19 disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods
  13. Curran DJ, Rubin L, Towler MR
    PMID: 26327784 DOI: 10.4137/CMAMD.S29061
    An off-the-shelf Raman Spectrometer (RS) was used to noninvasively determine the presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals on the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) of a single gout sufferer. The spectrum sourced from the clinically diagnosed gout sufferer was compared to that sourced from an age-matched healthy subject scanned using the same protocol. Minimal signal processing was conducted on both spectra. Peaks characteristic of MSU crystals were evident on the spectrum sourced from the gout sufferer and not on the spectrum from the healthy control.

    Study done in Canada
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  14. Khan AF, Sajjad W, Rahim NA
    Recent Pat Nanotechnol, 2016;10(1):77-82.
    PMID: 27018275
    BACKGROUND: It is well-known that multi-layer films with nanostructure can give novel properties by interfacial phenomenon and quantum confinement effects. Nanostructured multi-layer thin films are presently being analyzed for their vast applications in the area of optoelectronics technology particularly photovoltaics. Hereof, two dimensional thin films with nanostructure are of prime importance due to their structure dependent optical, electrical, and opto-electronic properties. It has been revealed that these films exhibit quantum confinement effects with band gap engineering. The main focus of the research is to evaluate the effect on structural and optical properties with number of layers.

    METHODS: Nanostructured SnO2-Ge multi-layer thin films were fabricated using electron beam evaporation and resistive heating techniques. Alternate layers of SnO2 and Ge were deposited on glass substrate at a substrate temperature of 300 °C in order to obtain uniform and homogeneous deposition. The substrate temperature of 300 °C has been determined to be effective for the deposition of these multi-layer films from our previous studies. The films were characterized by investigating their structural and optical properties. The structural properties of the as-deposited films were characterized by Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) and Raman spectroscopy and optical properties by Ultra-Violet-Near infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) spectroscopy.

    RESULTS: RBS studies confirmed that the layer structure has been effectively formed. Raman spectroscopy results show that the peaks of both Ge and SnO2 shifts towards lower wavenumbers (in comparison with bulk Ge and SnO2, suggesting that the films consist of nanostructures and demonstrate quantum confinement effects. UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy showed an increase in the band gap energy of Ge and SnO2 and shifting of transmittance curves toward higher wavelength by increasing the number of layers. The band gap lies in the range of 0.9 to 1.2 eV for Ge, while for SnO2, it lies between 1.7 to 2.1 eV.

    CONCLUSION: Analysis of results suggests that the nanostructured SnO2-Ge multi-layer thin film can work as heterojunction materials with quantum confinement effects. Accordingly, the present SnO2-Ge multi-layer films may be employed for photovoltaic applications. Few relevant patents to the topic have been reviewed and cited.

    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  15. Teh AA, Ahmad R, Kara M, Rusop M, Awang Z
    J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 2012 Oct;12(10):8201-4.
    PMID: 23421197
    We report the use of a new precursor as active agents to promote the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in methane ambient using a simple thermal chemical vapour deposition method. The agents consist of ammonia and methanol mixed at different ratios and was found to enhance the growth of CNTs. The optimum methanol to ammonia ratio was found to be 8 to 5, whereby longer and denser CNTs were produced compared to other ratios. The result was found otherwise when the experiment was done solely in methane ambient. In addition, CNT growth on substrates coated with double layer Ni catalyst was improved in terms of quality and density compared to a single coated substrates. This finding is supported by Raman spectrometry analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  16. Bradley DA, Siti Rozaila Z, Khandaker MU, Almugren KS, Meevasana W, Abdul Sani SF
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2019 May;147:105-112.
    PMID: 30852298 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.02.016
    We explore the utility of controlled low-doses (0.2-100 Gy) of photon irradiation as initiators of structural alteration in carbon-rich materials. To-date our work on carbon has focused on β-, x- and γ-irradiations and the monitoring of radiotherapeutic doses (from a few Gy up to some tens of Gy) on the basis of the thermoluminescence (TL) signal, also via Raman and X-ray photo-spectroscopy (XPS), providing analysis of the dose dependence of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). The work has been extended herein to investigate possibilities for analysis of structural alterations in graphite-rich mixtures, use being made of two grades of graphite-rich pencil lead, 8H and 2B, both being in the form produced for mechanical pencils (propelling or clutch pencils). 2B has the greater graphite content (approaching 98 wt %), 8H being a mixture of C, O, Al and Si (with respective weight percentages 39.2, 38.2, 9.8 and 12.8). Working on media pre-annealed at 400 °C, both have subsequently been irradiated to penetrating photon-mediated doses. Raman spectroscopy analysis has been carried out using a 532 nm laser Raman spectrometer, while for samples irradiated to doses from 1 to 40 Gy, XPS spectra were acquired using Al Kα sources (hv ∼1400 eV); carbon KLL Auger peaks were acquired using 50 eV Pass Energy. At these relatively low doses, alterations in order-disorder are clearly observed, defect generation and internal annealing competing as dominating effects across the dose range.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  17. Nizam MK, Sebastian D, Kairi MI, Khavarian M, Mohamed AR
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1039-1045.
    The synthesis of high quality graphene via economic way is highly desirable for practical applications. In this study, graphene flake was successfully synthesized on Cu/MgO catalyst derived from recovered Cu via etching in ammonium persulfate solution. Recovered Cu acted as efficient active metal in Cu/MgO catalyst with good crystal structure and composition according to XRD and XRF results. FESEM, EDX, HRTEM, Raman spectroscopy and SAED analysis were carried out on the synthesized graphene. The formation of single, bilayer and few layer of graphene from Cu/MgO catalyst derived from recovered Cu was feasible.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  18. Low JSY, Thevarajah TM, Chang SW, Goh BT, Khor SM
    Crit Rev Biotechnol, 2020 Dec;40(8):1191-1209.
    PMID: 32811205 DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2020.1808582
    Cardiovascular disease is a major global health issue. In particular, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) requires urgent attention and early diagnosis. The use of point-of-care diagnostics has resulted in the improved management of cardiovascular disease, but a major drawback is that the performance of POC devices does not rival that of central laboratory tests. Recently, many studies and advances have been made in the field of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), including the development of POC biosensors that utilize this detection method. Here, we present a review of the strengths and limitations of these emerging SERS-based biosensors for AMI diagnosis. The ability of SERS to multiplex sensing against existing POC detection methods are compared and discussed. Furthermore, SERS calibration-free methods that have recently been explored to minimize the inconvenience and eliminate the limitations caused by the limited linear range and interassay differences found in the calibration curves are outlined. In addition, the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) in SERS techniques to promote multivariate analysis and enhance diagnostic accuracy are discussed. The future prospects for SERS-based POC devices that include wearable POC SERS devices toward predictive, personalized medicine following the Fourth Industrial Revolution are proposed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman/instrumentation; Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods*
  19. Chidan Kumar CS, Parlak C, Fun HK, Tursun M, Keşan G, Chandraju S, et al.
    PMID: 24632158 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.02.033
    The structure of 2-acetyl-5-chlorothiophene (ACT) has been characterized by FT-IR, Raman and single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The isomers, optimized geometric parameters, normal mode frequencies and corresponding vibrational assignments of ACT (C6H5ClOS) have been examined by the density functional theory, with the Becke-3-Lee-Yang-Parr functional and the 6-311+G(3df,p) basis set. Reliable vibrational assignments have been investigated by the potential energy distribution analysis. ACT crystallizes in monoclinic space group C2/c with the O,S-cis isomer. There is a good agreement between the theoretically predicted structural parameters and vibrational frequencies and those obtained experimentally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
  20. Basirun WJ, Sookhakian M, Baradaran S, Mahmoudian MR, Ebadi M
    Nanoscale Res Lett, 2013;8(1):397.
    PMID: 24059434 DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-8-397
    Graphene oxide (GO) film was evaporated onto graphite and used as an electrode to produce electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) films by electrochemical reduction in 6 M KOH solution through voltammetric cycling. Fourier transformed infrared and Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of ERGO. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy characterization of ERGO and GO films in ferrocyanide/ferricyanide redox couple with 0.1 M KCl supporting electrolyte gave results that are in accordance with previous reports. Based on the EIS results, ERGO shows higher capacitance and lower charge transfer resistance compared to GO.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spectrum Analysis, Raman
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