Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 23 in total

  1. Adeel A, Kee DMH, Qasim Daghriri Y
    Front Public Health, 2022;10:965278.
    PMID: 36339231 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.965278
    PURPOSE: We seek to understand whether relationship conflicts of co-workers affect the validation of creative ideas or not. Furthermore, what boundary conditions may help prevent potential drawbacks of relationship conflicts with co-workers to validate their creative ideas?

    DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The proposed model was tested by using multisource data collected across two points in time from final year nursing students and medical dispensers of five nursing colleges of south-Punjab, Pakistan. The model was analyzed with Mplus for random coefficient models for direct effects, mediated moderation, and UCINET for central tendency of creative idea validation.

    FINDINGS: It was found that relationship conflicts with co-workers were negatively related to their validation of creative ideas. However, supervisory support and team affective tone independently attenuate the negative effects of relationship conflicts with co-workers and the validation of creative ideas. Positive affective tone emerged as a positive predictor of creative idea validation. Additionally, positive affective tone as affected by supervisory support attenuated the negative relationship between relationship conflicts with co-workers and their validation of creative ideas. Finally, the relationship between relationship conflicts with co-workers and their validation of creative ideas is more positive when both supervisory support and positive affective tone are high, however, low otherwise.

    PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This study will help policymakers understand what might be hindering the transfer of creative ideas to influential others (Leaders, Managers, etc.) and what they need to do to enhance the creative pool of their organizations. Although developing an environment that fosters creativity is important for the organizations, developing strategies to manage relationship conflicts related to supervisory support and positive affective tone will help transfer creative ideas to higher offices even when there are dysfunctional conflicts.

    ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This research shifts the conventional focus of understanding creativity from the generating side by explaining challenges that creative individuals face in promoting creative ideas with more criticism and offense by coworkers than support. Also, the interplay between the relationship conflicts with co-workers and team affective tone affected by supervisory support for validation of creative ideas enhanced our understanding of the boundary conditions of relationship conflict and creative idea validation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  2. Wang T, Chen H, Hamat B, Zhao Y
    PLoS One, 2023;18(11):e0286682.
    PMID: 37988342 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286682
    AIMS: Through an in-depth study of Qatari culture, to explore the application of the essence of the unique national culture to World Cup creative design, and to provide new ideas and reference design framework and ideas for the integration of culture and World Cup creative design.

    METHOD: Carry out design practice with Qatari culture, and discuss in detail the specific strategy of integrating national culture into the cultural and creative design of the World Cup. First, conduct user interviews based on grounded theory to collect and evaluate demand indicators and establish a hierarchical model, and then use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze user needs, construct design elements for the World Cup cultural and creative design, and calculate the weight of each design element to determine the design Ordering among elements. Finally, the optimal scheme is selected by scoring the scheme through fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method (FCE), so as to determine the final design scheme of the product.

    CONCLUSION: The article explores the specific practice method of integrating culture and design, and provides a solution reference for how to integrate excellent national culture into the World Cup cultural and creative design, which not only improves the cultural and spiritual connotation of the product, but also effectively realises the heritage and innovation of culture.

    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  3. Hidayat S, Febrianto Z, Eliyana A, Purwohedi U, Anggraini RD, Emur AP, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(1):e0280003.
    PMID: 36626372 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280003
    Employee creativity is important for TV companies because it can improve organizational performance and increase success and survival based on the ability to create innovations. In response to this, field reporters who work for TV companies also need high creativity in facing the challenges of their work and in creating innovations. This research aims to test the roles of perceived organizational support, proactive personality, the meaning of work, and work engagement in affecting employee creativity. The total numbers of respondents were 119 selected from 14 private television companies in Indonesia. The method in this study is a quantitative approach using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tool with the SmartPls 3.0 application. Most of the hypotheses of this study show significant results. However, there is one finding that a proactive personality is not able to strengthen employee creativity. This indicates that employees' behavior at work is sometimes different from the personality. This study is the first to look at news reporters' employee creativity using the suggested model. As a result, organizations can use the study's findings as a starting point to determine the best strategy for fostering creativity within their workforce.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  4. Gopinathan S, Kaur AH, Ramasamy K, Raman M
    F1000Res, 2021;10:927.
    PMID: 35035891 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.72860.3
    The pandemic has created challenges in all sectors of the economy and education. Traditional teaching approaches seem futile in the new context, thus the need to constantly reinvent the delivery to meet the fast-paced changes in the education domain. Hence, Design Thinking (DT) is an alternative approach that might be useful in the given context. DT is known to be a human-centric approach to innovative problem-solving processes. DT could be employed in the delivery process to develop twenty-first-century skills and enhance creativity and innovation, in an attempt to identify alternative solutions. The study explores the role of design thinking (DT) in the form of empathy, thinking process, gamified lessons and curriculum enhancement, which leads to innovative delivery among teachers. It enhances and facilitates innovative content delivery by leveraging creativity. The study targeted 131 teachers, whereby 61 are primary school teachers and 70 are secondary school teachers. A questionnaire constituting of 23 close-ended questions using the 5-point Likert scale was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using SmartPLS to establish relationships between DT and Innovative Delivery in schools. The data was further analyzed to seek co-relations between the DT steps and the successful transformation of content delivery by teachers. The study established a framework for the application of design thinking for teachers as the primary support in developing activities for their students. It shows that thinking process, gamifying lessons and curriculum enhancement have positive significance in innovative delivery, whereas empathy did not show a significant positive relationship. The outcome of this study will help fill the gap towards creating an interesting method of delivery in schools and constantly innovating the method to suit the evolving generation. This insight is crucial for the Ministry of Education and policymakers to enhance teachers' ability to innovatively deliver content to students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  5. Tan CS, Chin XY, Chng ST, Lee J, Ooi CS
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 19;19(18).
    PMID: 36142114 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191811841
    The literature has consistently shown that social support has a positive relationship with creativity. However, further investigation is needed to clarify the causal relationship between the two constructs. The present study addressed this need by exploring the impact of experimentally induced perceived social support on creativity among young adults. A total of 135 undergraduate students in Malaysia participated in an online experiment. All participants first answered the creative self-efficacy scale and were then randomly allocated to the experimental and control groups. Perceived social support was primed by a writing test and measured by the Multidimensional Scales of Perceived Social Support. Both groups also answered a divergent thinking test (measured for fluency, flexibility, and originality) and a self-rated creativity scale. Multivariate analysis of covariance showed that, after statistically controlling for the effect of creative self-efficacy, participants in the experimental group reported higher scores in perceived social support and all creativity measures than their counterparts in the control group. The results demonstrated that the manipulation is effective and the induced perceived social support leads to higher creativity. Our findings not only offer empirical evidence of the causality of social support and creativity but also has practical value for creativity development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  6. Mehmood K, Ullah U, Usman M, Abbas A, Han S
    BMC Psychol, 2024 Dec 05;12(1):728.
    PMID: 39639366 DOI: 10.1186/s40359-024-02242-2
    This research investigates how despotic leadership influences follower creativity within the hospitality context. Grounded in social exchange theory (SET), the research delves into the mediating role of psychological safety in the link between despotic leadership and follower creativity. Additionally, it explores how power distance moderates this relationship, potentially alleviating the adverse implications of despotic leadership. By analyzing data collected from 447 employees in China, our findings reveal that despotic leadership behaviors diminish follower creativity. The results emphasize the crucial role of psychological safety as a mediating factor in this relationship. Furthermore, the study uses moderated path analysis to reveal that high power distance intensifies the negative impact of despotic leadership on psychological safety, further reducing employees' creativity. The research concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for both theoretical and practical applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  7. Ahmad, R., Virgiyanti, W., Mahmod, M., Habbal, A., Chit, S.C.
    Crowdsourcing introduces new perspectives in innovation, allowing for new products and services to shift away from the traditional manufacture-centric model to a more user-centric one. In order for businesses to reap the benefits of open innovation, it is necessary to understand the factors that motivate ideators to contribute valuable ideas. Equally, there is an urgency to identify the challenges faced by ideators in crowdsourcing for open innovation to retain the participants of crowdsourcing communities. This paper presents a structured review to address the aforementioned issues. Our findings reveal that the intrinsic factors that drive participation in open innovation are related to the learning experience that results from sharing ideas. Extrinsic factors like social motivation are frequently mentioned in different studies. This study also highlights the need for organisations to develop strategies for interacting with their contributors in order to sustain their participation and idea contribution. In conclusion, this paper can serve as a guideline for practitioners to improve crowdsourcing platforms with the inclusion of important motivational features. It can also serve as reference for organisations for formulating policies to regulate idea contribution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  8. Yong LM
    Percept Mot Skills, 1994 Oct;79(2):739-42.
    PMID: 7870496
    This paper describes an empirical study of the relation between creativity and intelligence of 397 Malaysian secondary school pupils. The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, Figural Form A and Verbal Form A (Malay Language version), and the Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test were administered to 181 boys and 216 girls from five secondary schools located in the urban and suburban areas of Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya in Malaysia. Analysis indicated that scores on verbal creativity were related to intelligence while those on figural creativity were not.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  9. Tan CY, Chuah CQ, Lee ST, Tan CS
    PMID: 34299693 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18147244
    The impact of happiness on creativity is well-established. However, little is known about the effect of creativity on well-being. Two studies were thus conducted to examine the impact of creativity on subjective well-being. In the first study, 256 undergraduate students (Study 1a) and 291 working adults (Study 1b) self-reported their creativity, stress, and subjective well-being. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed a positive relationship between creativity and subjective well-being after controlling the effect of self-perceived stress and demographics in both samples. Study 2 then employed an experimental design to examine the causal relationship between creativity and subjective well-being. Half of the 68 undergraduates underwent a creativity priming task followed by a divergent thinking test as well as self-reported stress and subjective well-being. The priming task was found to boost creative performance in the pilot study (Study 2a) and the actual study (Study 2b). Moreover, after controlling the effect of self-perceived stress, ANCOVA analysis showed that participants receiving the priming reported higher subjective well-being scores than their counterparts in the control group. The overall findings not only shed light on the facilitative effect of creativity on subjective well-being but also highlight the necessity of considering the reciprocal relationship of the two constructs in future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  10. Loo JL, Ang JK, Subhas N, Ho BK, Zakaria H, Alfonso CA
    Psychodyn Psychiatry, 2017;45(1):45-57.
    PMID: 28248565 DOI: 10.1521/pdps.2017.45.1.45
    The subjective nature of psychodynamic psychotherapy (PP) makes training and supervision more abstract compared to other forms of psychotherapy. The issues encountered in the learning and supervision process of PP of Malaysian psychiatry trainees are discussed in this article. Issues of preparation before starting PP, case selection, assessment of patients, dynamic formulations, supervision, anxieties in the therapy, countertransference, termination of therapy, the treatment alliance, transfer of care, the therapeutic setting, and bioethical considerations are explored. Everyone's experience of learning PP is unique and there is no algorithmic approach to its practice. With creative thinking, effort, and "good enough" supervision, a trainee can improve PP skills, even in underserved areas of the world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  11. Tan CS, Nasir H, Pheh KS, Cong CW, Tay KW, Cheong JQ
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Oct 17;19(20).
    PMID: 36293965 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192013386
    Executive functioning and its related components have been found to promote well-being. However, there is a limited understanding of the underlying mechanism. Drawing from the job demands-resources and PERMA models, the present study examined the hypothetical mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between executive functioning deficit and well-being among 314 working adults in Malaysia. Participants answered a survey consisting of the Executive Skills Questionnaire-Revised (ESQ-R; a new measure of executive functioning deficits for working adults), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Employee Well-Being Scale, and Self-Rated Creativity Scale. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the ESQ-R score was negatively associated with all other target variables, while the latter was positively related to each other. Moreover, supporting the hypotheses, the results of mediation analysis using PROCESS macro found that work engagement mediated the negative relationship between executive functioning deficits and well-being after statistically controlling for the creativity score. The findings not only replicate the beneficial role of executive functioning in employees' well-being but also shed light on the underlying process of the relationship. Implications and directions for future studies are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  12. Bao D, Mydin F, Surat S, Lyu Y, Pan D, Cheng Y
    Med Educ Online, 2024 Dec 31;29(1):2379110.
    PMID: 39016967 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2024.2379110
    This study investigated the relationship between challenge-hindrance stressors and innovative behavior of medical postgraduates in China, examining the mediating role of academic engagement and the moderating effect of relaxation. Drawing from a sample of 437 medical postgraduates from three Chinese universities, our findings revealed that challenge stressors positively correlated with innovative behavior, while the direct relationship between hindrance stressors and innovative behavior was not statistically significant. Furthermore, academic engagement mediated the relationship between two types of stressors and innovative behavior. Challenge stressors enhanced academic engagement, which in turn fostered innovative behavior. Conversely, hindrance stressors were found to diminish academic engagement, which in turn indirectly limited innovative behavior. Additionally, relaxation was identified as a moderating factor that helped mitigate the negative effects of hindrance stressors on academic engagement and indirectly on innovative behavior. These results suggested that academic engagement as a mechanism played a pivotal role in determining how different stressors influenced innovative behavior, underscoring the need for stress management, particularly through relaxation techniques, to maintain high levels of academic engagement and innovative behavior. This study offers practical insights for medical education policymakers and educators in China, emphasizing the importance of balancing stressors and incorporating relaxation practices to enhance the innovative capabilities of medical postgraduates in demanding academic environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  13. Abdullah JM
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Mar;25(2):1-14.
    PMID: 30918450 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.2.1
    People can work wonders without a room. Rooms make people think within a box, and people who are not confined within a room can wonder while thinking and solve problems as they see them in the environment. The dearth in the growth of professionals trained in the neurosciences who will use neurotechnology in the future is a dire situation facing Malaysia, according to the Academy of Sciences Malaysia's 2017 Emerging Science, Engineering and Technology (ESET) study. Further, this human resource needs to be fundamentally cultivated at schools from a very young age. The author describes the activities that have taken place in the country via a bottom-up approach over the last two years and hopes that eventually these endeavours will end with the creation of an ASEAN Brain, Mind, Behaviour and Neuroscience Institute for Creativity and Innovation being established with the full support of the Government of Malaysia or other local and international financial donors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  14. Bruno Lot Tanko, Fadhlin Abdullah, Zuhaili Mohamad Ramly, Wallace Imoudu Enegbuma
    Value management explicitly targets to optimize value by providing necessary
    functions at the least cost without sacrificing quality and performance. However, the
    activities/methods of this technique in emerging economies are here and there
    related to informal methodology. Therefore, the occurrence of these activities in an
    evolving economy requires investigation. The exploration of the extent to which the
    measured variables influenced the latent factors informed the need for this study.
    Data was retrieved via self-administered questionnaire from 344 registered and
    practicing construction professionals in Nigeria. The data was analyzed using SPSS for
    descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
    measure of sampling adequacy revealed that the internal consistency of the
    developed research instrument was appropriate. Confirmatory factor analysis
    indicates satisfactory goodness of fit among acknowledged determinants of the
    model. Furthermore, the study revealed three (3) phases of the activities/methods of
    value management in the Nigerian construction industry which include: information,
    information/function analysis, and creativity/evaluation/development/presentation
    phases. This means that value management activities and methods are being
    practiced in Nigeria, however not as per the typical methodology or standard. The
    need to carry out the practice according to the formal value management
    methodology is therefore recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  15. Nor Azira Ayob, Sity Daud, Nurul Nadia Abu Hassan
    Human resource development comprises skills, abilities, creativity and talent are amongst factors in
    human capital as well as emulous aspect. Hence, the emphasis on human capital development and
    emulous aspect is important to become a good leader for family, community and country. It is also
    important in ensuring entrepreneurs can compete in market economy today and they are able to meet
    customer demand. Thus, the objectives are the emphasis on the factors that are able to contribute in
    improving human capital and emulous of women. This is because, the right factor will enable the government to carry out in accordance with the factors that have been identified. In obtaining the
    factors contribute to human capital development, the survey method was conducted on 145 respondents
    among Bumiputera women entrepreneurs in Melaka state and supported with qualitative data from 10
    informants. The findings through exploratory factor analysis found that there are four main factors that
    contribute to human capital development among Bumiputera women entrepreneurs which are
    education and training, experience, social support and creativity, while three main factors that
    contribute to emulous among Bumiputera women entrepreneurs are financial assistance, facilities and
    infrastructure and commitment. Thus, the government is advised to emphasize on education and
    training as well as financial assistance to improve their abilities on human capital and emulous that is
    appropriate to support the women entrepreneurs need to increase their performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  16. Mohd Ibrahim SD, Muda M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2015 Jul-Aug;22(4):64-8.
    PMID: 26715909 MyJurnal
    Sekolah Menengah Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra (SMSTMFP) and Sekolah Kebangsaan Kubang Kerian (3) (SKKK3) were selected by the Department of Neurosciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), in 2011 to be a 'school-based Neuroscience Club' via the 'Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) - Community' project. This community project was known as "The Brain Apprentice Project". The objectives of this project were to promote science and the neurosciences beyond conventional classroom teachings whilst guiding creativity and innovation as well as to assist in the delivery of neuroscience knowledge through graduate interns as part of the cultivation of neuroscience as a fruitful future career option. All of the planned club activities moulded the students to be knowledgeable individuals with admirable leadership skills, which will help the schools produce more scientists, technocrats and professionals who can fulfil the requirements of our religion, race and nation in the future. Some of the activities carried out over the years include the "My Brain Invention Competition", "Mini Brain Bee Contest", "Recycled Melody" and "Brain Dissection". These activities educated the students well and improved their confidence levels in their communication and soft skills. The participation of the students in international-level competition, such as the "International Brain Bee", was one of the ways future professionals were created for the nation. The implementation of Neuroscience Club as one of the organisations in the school's cocurriculum was an appropriate step in transferring science and neuroscience knowledge and skills from a higher education institution, namely USM, to both of the schools, SMSTMFP and SKKK3. The club members showed great interest in all of the club's activities and their performance on the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) or Primary School Achievement Test and Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or Malaysian Certificate of Education examinations improved tremendously.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  17. Palaniappan AK
    Percept Mot Skills, 2000 Dec;91(3 Pt 1):970-2.
    PMID: 11153876
    Scores for creative perception of 101 boys and 69 girls on What Kind of Person Are You and Something About Myself were not significant for overall scores on both measures, but boys obtained somewhat higher means on Initiative than girls. Further replications on similar samples are needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  18. Palaniappan AK
    Percept Mot Skills, 1993 Dec;77(3 Pt 1):948-50.
    PMID: 8284182
    A bilingual version of the Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory was given to 70 Malaysian students. The two 50-item subscales, 'Something About Myself' and 'What Kind of Person Are You?", require the respondent to choose one of two alternatives. Test-retest reliability and criterion validity indices for this version suggest the bilingual form is suitable to assess the creative perception of these students. Replication with other groups is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity*
  19. Yin Y, Yang L, Liu B
    Front Psychol, 2020;11:1559.
    PMID: 32733339 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01559
    To diversify the creative thinking of preschool education students and improve their ability to innovate and start a business, a survey of preschool education students under entrepreneurial psychology theory was conducted in this research. Based on the theoretical foundation of entrepreneurial psychology, this article analyzed the entrepreneurial psychological quality and psychological education of college students. By investigating preschool education students in a certain college in Sichuan as the research object, the author explored the current entrepreneurial intentions of college students and their entrepreneurial psychological problems. In response to the current entrepreneurial situation of college graduates, relevant countermeasures were proposed from the perspective of the school to support their entrepreneurial psychology. Among the 205 preschool education college students, the students were more willing to give full play to their professional expertise in terms of employment intentions. At the same time, there were still situations in which students were dissatisfied with the prospects of preschool education career development and wanted to achieve the value of life through other approaches. Most students in preschool education had a wait-and-see attitude toward entrepreneurship. Only 35% of students had a clear intention to start a business and made their plans for entrepreneurship. More than 90% of students held that they had developed inadequate entrepreneurial ability, and 80% of students believed that they lacked the required professional knowledge. These two factors constitute the main reasons for students' negative attitudes toward entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, colleges may stimulate the potential of students' self-development through the improvement of entrepreneurial psychological education courses, the construction of psychological consultation institutions on campus, and the establishment of interactive platforms for entrepreneurship. In this way, students' entrepreneurial psychology can be cultivated in an all-round way. Therefore, to deal with the weak overall entrepreneurial consciousness of college students, the colleges should cultivate entrepreneurial innovative talents by strengthening the psychological education of entrepreneurship for students, and help college students achieve entrepreneurial success.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
  20. Barling PM, Ramasamy P
    Clin Teach, 2011 Mar;8(1):37-42.
    PMID: 21324071 DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-498X.2010.00419.x
    This paper presents our experience of running a special study module (SSM) in the second semester of the first year of our 5-year medical programme, worth 10 per cent of that semester's assessment, in which each student constructs an individually selected model illustrating a specific aspect of the teaching course.
    Matched MeSH terms: Creativity
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