Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 24 in total

  1. Prananto JA, Minasny B, Comeau LP, Rudiyanto R, Grace P
    Glob Chang Biol, 2020 08;26(8):4583-4600.
    PMID: 32391633 DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15147
    Tropical peatlands are vital ecosystems that play an important role in global carbon storage and cycles. Current estimates of greenhouse gases from these peatlands are uncertain as emissions vary with environmental conditions. This study provides the first comprehensive analysis of managed and natural tropical peatland GHG fluxes: heterotrophic (i.e. soil respiration without roots), total CO2 respiration rates, CH4 and N2 O fluxes. The study documents studies that measure GHG fluxes from the soil (n = 372) from various land uses, groundwater levels and environmental conditions. We found that total soil respiration was larger in managed peat ecosystems (median = 52.3 Mg CO2  ha-1  year-1 ) than in natural forest (median = 35.9 Mg CO2  ha-1  year-1 ). Groundwater level had a stronger effect on soil CO2 emission than land use. Every 100 mm drop of groundwater level caused an increase of 5.1 and 3.7 Mg CO2  ha-1  year-1 for plantation and cropping land use, respectively. Where groundwater is deep (≥0.5 m), heterotrophic respiration constituted 84% of the total emissions. N2 O emissions were significantly larger at deeper groundwater levels, where every drop in 100 mm of groundwater level resulted in an exponential emission increase (exp(0.7) kg N ha-1  year-1 ). Deeper groundwater levels induced high N2 O emissions, which constitute about 15% of total GHG emissions. CH4 emissions were large where groundwater is shallow; however, they were substantially smaller than other GHG emissions. When compared to temperate and boreal peatland soils, tropical peatlands had, on average, double the CO2 emissions. Surprisingly, the CO2 emission rates in tropical peatlands were in the same magnitude as tropical mineral soils. This comprehensive analysis provides a great understanding of the GHG dynamics within tropical peat soils that can be used as a guide for policymakers to create suitable programmes to manage the sustainability of peatlands effectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  2. Kong Y, Ma NL, Yang X, Lai Y, Feng Z, Shao X, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2020 Oct;265(Pt A):114951.
    PMID: 32554093 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114951
    Greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O), contribute significantly to global warming, and they have increased substantially over the years. Reforestation is considered as an important forestry application for carbon sequestration and GHGs emission reduction, however, it remains unknown whether reforestation may instead produce too much CO2 and N2O contibuting to GHGs pollution. This study was performed to characterize and examine the CO2 and N2O emissions and their controlling factors in different species and types of pure and mixture forest used for reforestation. Five soil layers from pure forest Platycladus orientalis (PO), Robinia pseudoacacia (RP), and their mixed forest P-R in the Taihang mountains of central China were sampled and incubated aerobically for 11 days. The P-R soil showed lower CO2 and N2O production potentials than those of the PO soils (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  3. Kurniawan TA, Liang X, Singh D, Othman MHD, Goh HH, Gikas P, et al.
    J Environ Manage, 2022 Jan 01;301:113882.
    PMID: 34638040 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113882
    Due to its increasing demands for fossil fuels, Indonesia needs an alternative energy to diversify its energy supply. Landfill gas (LFG), which key component is methane (CH4), has become one of the most attractive options to sustain its continued economic development. This exploratory study seeks to demonstrate the added value of landfilled municipal solid waste (MSW) in generating sustainable energy, resulting from CH4 emissions in the Bantargebang landfill (Jakarta). The power generation capacity of a waste-to-energy (WTE) plant based on a mathematical modeling was investigated. This article critically evaluated the production of electricity and potential income from its sale in the market. The project's environmental impact assessment and its socio-economic and environmental benefits in terms of quantitative and qualitative aspects were discussed. It was found that the emitted CH4 from the landfill could be reduced by 25,000 Mt annually, while its electricity generation could reach one million kW ⋅h annually, savings on equivalent electricity charge worth US$ 112 million/year (based on US' 8/kW ⋅ h). An equivalent CO2 mitigation of 3.4 × 106 Mt/year was obtained. The income from its power sale were US$ 1.2 ×106 in the 1st year and 7.7 ×107US$ in the 15th year, respectively, based on the projected CH4 and power generation. The modeling study on the Bantargebang landfill using the LFG extraction data indicated that the LFG production ranged from 0.05 to 0.40 m3 per kg of the landfilled MSW. The LFG could generate electricity as low as US' 8 per kW ⋅ h. With respect to the implications of this study, the revenue not only defrays the cost of landfill's operations and maintenance (O&M), but also provides an incentive and means to further improve its design and operations. Overall, this work not only leads to a diversification of primary energy, but also improves environmental protection and the living standard of the people surrounding the plant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  4. Jovani-Sancho AJ, O'Reilly P, Anshari G, Chong XY, Crout N, Evans CD, et al.
    Glob Chang Biol, 2023 Aug;29(15):4279-4297.
    PMID: 37100767 DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16747
    There are limited data for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from smallholder agricultural systems in tropical peatlands, with data for non-CO2 emissions from human-influenced tropical peatlands particularly scarce. The aim of this study was to quantify soil CH4 and N2 O fluxes from smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia and assess their environmental controls. The study was carried out in four regions in Malaysia and Indonesia. CH4 and N2 O fluxes and environmental parameters were measured in cropland, oil palm plantation, tree plantation and forest. Annual CH4 emissions (in kg CH4 ha-1  year-1 ) were: 70.7 ± 29.5, 2.1 ± 1.2, 2.1 ± 0.6 and 6.2 ± 1.9 at the forest, tree plantation, oil palm and cropland land-use classes, respectively. Annual N2 O emissions (in kg N2 O ha-1  year-1 ) were: 6.5 ± 2.8, 3.2 ± 1.2, 21.9 ± 11.4 and 33.6 ± 7.3 in the same order as above, respectively. Annual CH4 emissions were strongly determined by water table depth (WTD) and increased exponentially when annual WTD was above -25 cm. In contrast, annual N2 O emissions were strongly correlated with mean total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in soil water, following a sigmoidal relationship, up to an apparent threshold of 10 mg N L-1 beyond which TDN seemingly ceased to be limiting for N2 O production. The new emissions data for CH4 and N2 O presented here should help to develop more robust country level 'emission factors' for the quantification of national GHG inventory reporting. The impact of TDN on N2 O emissions suggests that soil nutrient status strongly impacts emissions, and therefore, policies which reduce N-fertilisation inputs might contribute to emissions mitigation from agricultural peat landscapes. However, the most important policy intervention for reducing emissions is one that reduces the conversion of peat swamp forest to agriculture on peatlands in the first place.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  5. Busman NA, Melling L, Goh KJ, Imran Y, Sangok FE, Watanabe A
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Feb 01;858(Pt 2):159973.
    PMID: 36347298 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159973
    Information on temporal and spatial variations in soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes from tropical peat forests is essential to predict the influence of climate change and estimate the effects of land use on global warming and the carbon (C) cycle. To obtain such basic information, soil carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes, together with soil physicochemical properties and environmental variables, were measured at three major forest types in the Maludam National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia, for eight years, and their relationships were analyzed. Annual soil CO2 fluxes ranged from 860 to 1450 g C m⁻2 yr⁻1 without overall significant differences between the three forest sites, while soil CH4 fluxes, 1.2-10.8 g C m⁻2 yr⁻1, differed. Differences in GHG fluxes between dry and rainy seasons were not necessarily significant, corresponding to the extent of seasonal variation in groundwater level (GWL). The lack of significant differences in soil CO2 fluxes between the three sites could be attributed to set-off between the negative and positive effects of the decomposability of soil organic matter as estimated by pyrophosphate solubility index (PSI) and GWL. The impact of El-Niño on annual CO2 flux also varied between the sites. The variation in soil CH4 fluxes from the three sites was enhanced by variations in temperature, GWL, PSI, and soil iron (Fe) content. A positive correlation was observed between the annual CH4 flux and GWL at only one site, and the influence of soil properties was more pronounced at the site with the lowest GWL and the highest PSI. Variation in annual CH4 fluxes was controlled more strongly by temperature where GWL was the highest and GWL and plant growth fluctuations were the least. Inter-annual variations in soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes confirmed the importance of long-term monitoring of these at multiple sites supporting different forest types.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  6. Rahim S, Isa MH, Shams S, Jeludin M, Abdul Rahman EK, Hj Md Juani R, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Dec;31(58):66029-66043.
    PMID: 39612092 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-35580-0
    A landfill biocover is essential for addressing environmental concerns, especially in waste management, as it plays a crucial role in mitigating the release of methane gas. This study investigates the geotechnical characteristics of soil amended with organic wastes for landfill biocover applications. Various organic waste amendments, viz., rice husk, crushed coconut coir, and compost, were examined at different percentages (0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%) compared with conventional landfill cover material, i.e. natural clay, as biocovers. Laboratory experiments analysed geotechnical characteristics, including organic content, Atterberg limit, compaction, consolidation, and desiccation cracking. The study revealed that organic waste amendment significantly impacted the geotechnical characteristics of landfill biocover, enhancing organic content and porosity and reducing permeability and desiccation susceptibility. Soils amended with organic content support methanotrophic bacteria growth and reduce methane emissions in landfills. The most promising biocovers were identified as 75CR (crushed coconut coir/wastewater sludge/clay in percentage ratio of 70:5:25), followed by 75CT (compost/wastewater sludge/clay in percentage ratio of 70:5:25), and 25RH (rice husk/wastewater sludge/clay in percentage ratio of 20:5:75). Biocovers offer sustainable landfill alternatives, underscoring the need to understand their geotechnical characteristics for successful installation in landfills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  7. Govindan SS, Agamuthu P
    Waste Manag Res, 2014 Oct;32(10):1005-14.
    PMID: 25323145 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X14552551
    Waste management can be regarded as a cross-cutting environmental 'mega-issue'. Sound waste management practices support the provision of basic needs for general health, such as clean air, clean water and safe supply of food. In addition, climate change mitigation efforts can be achieved through reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from waste management operations, such as landfills. Landfills generate landfill gas, especially methane, as a result of anaerobic degradation of the degradable components of municipal solid waste. Evaluating the mode of generation and collection of landfill gas has posted a challenge over time. Scientifically, landfill gas generation rates are presently estimated using numerical models. In this study the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Waste Model is used to estimate the methane generated from a Malaysian sanitary landfill. Key parameters of the model, which are the decay rate and degradable organic carbon, are analysed in two different approaches; the bulk waste approach and waste composition approach. The model is later validated using error function analysis and optimum decay rate, and degradable organic carbon for both approaches were also obtained. The best fitting values for the bulk waste approach are a decay rate of 0.08 y(-1) and degradable organic carbon value of 0.12; and for the waste composition approach the decay rate was found to be 0.09 y(-1) and degradable organic carbon value of 0.08. From this validation exercise, the estimated error was reduced by 81% and 69% for the bulk waste and waste composition approach, respectively. In conclusion, this type of modelling could constitute a sensible starting point for landfills to introduce careful planning for efficient gas recovery in individual landfills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  8. Shaw G, Atkinson B, Meredith W, Snape C, Steven M, Hoch A, et al.
    J Environ Radioact, 2014 Jul;133:18-23.
    PMID: 23958331 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.07.006
    Following gas generation in a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF), (14)C-containing gases could migrate through the geosphere, eventually diffusing into soils at the Earth's surface. This paper reports summary results from laboratory and field experiments to obtain information on the probable rates of a) diffusive transport and b) oxidation of (12/13)CH(4) (as a surrogate for (14)CH4) in a typical agricultural soil in the UK. Rates of CH(4) oxidation were generally low in the field and undisturbed soil columns, though a re-packed column of homogenised topsoil oxidised ambient atmospheric CH(4) 20× faster than an undisturbed soil column. In contrast to low observed rates of CH(4) oxidation, the effective diffusion of CH(4) through the soil was rapid. Isotopically labelled CH(4) injected at a depth of 45 cm in the field diffused to the surface and exited the soil over a time period ranging from 8 to 24 h. The rate of CH(4) diffusion through the soil was increased by the presence of ryegrass roots which increased soil porosity and decreased water content. δ(13)C values for laboratory column soils after labelled CH(4) injection experiments showed no sign of residual (13)C, despite the extremely high δ(13)C values of the injected (12/13)CH(4). If laboratory observations are confirmed by measurements in field samples it can be concluded that the majority of (14)CH(4) from a GDF which enters a soil with low methanotrophic activity will be lost to the free atmosphere after diffusing rapidly through the soil column.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  9. Abushammala MF, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Basri H, Ahmed Hussein El-Shafie, Kadhum AA
    Waste Manag Res, 2011 Aug;29(8):863-73.
    PMID: 20858637 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X10382064
    The decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfills under anaerobic conditions produces landfill gas (LFG) containing approximately 50-60% methane (CH(4)) and 30-40% carbon dioxide (CO(2)) by volume. CH(4) has a global warming potential 21 times greater than CO(2); thus, it poses a serious environmental problem. As landfills are the main method for waste disposal in Malaysia, the major aim of this study was to estimate the total CH(4) emissions from landfills in all Malaysian regions and states for the year 2009 using the IPCC, 1996 first-order decay (FOD) model focusing on clean development mechanism (CDM) project applications to initiate emission reductions. Furthermore, the authors attempted to assess, in quantitative terms, the amount of CH(4) that would be emitted from landfills in the period from 1981-2024 using the IPCC 2006 FOD model. The total CH(4) emission using the IPCC 1996 model was estimated to be 318.8 Gg in 2009. The Northern region had the highest CH(4) emission inventory, with 128.8 Gg, whereas the Borneo region had the lowest, with 24.2 Gg. It was estimated that Pulau Penang state produced the highest CH(4) emission, 77.6 Gg, followed by the remaining states with emission values ranging from 38.5 to 1.5 Gg. Based on the IPCC 1996 FOD model, the total Malaysian CH( 4) emission was forecast to be 397.7 Gg by 2020. The IPCC 2006 FOD model estimated a 201 Gg CH(4) emission in 2009, and estimates ranged from 98 Gg in 1981 to 263 Gg in 2024.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  10. Abualqumboz MS, Malakahmad A, Mohammed NI
    J Air Waste Manag Assoc, 2016 06;66(6):597-608.
    PMID: 27249105 DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2016.1154115
    Landfills throughout the world are contributing to the global warming problem. This is due to the existence of the most important greenhouse gases (GHG) in landfill gas (LFG); namely, methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The aim of this paper is quantifying the total potential emissions, as well as the variation in production with time of CH4 from a proposed landfill (El Fukhary landfill) in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Two different methods were adopted in order to quantify the total potential CH4 emissions; the Default methodology based on the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) 1996 revised guidelines and the Landfill Gas Emissions model (LandGEM V3.02) provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The second objective of the study has been accomplished using the Triangle gas production model. The results obtained from both Default and LandGEM methods were found to be nearly the same. For 25 years of disposing MSW, El Fukhary landfill expected to have potential CH4 emissions of 1.9542 ± 0.0037 ×109 m3. Triangle model showed that the peak production in term of CH4 would occur in 2043; 28 years beyond the open year. Moreover, the model shows that 50 % of the gas will be produced approximately at the middle of the total duration of gas production. Proper control of Methane emissions from El Fukhary landfill is highly suggested in order to reduce the harmful effects on the environment.

    IMPLICATIONS: Although, GHG emissions are extensively discussed in the developed countries throughout the world, it has gained little concern in the developing countries because they are forced most of the time to put environmental concerns at the end of their priority list. The paper shows that developing countries have to start recognizing their fault and change their way of dealing with environmental issues especially GHG emissions (mainly Methane and carbon dioxide). The authors estimated the potential methane emissions from a proposed central landfill that has been approved to be built in Palestine, a country that is classified as a developing country.

    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  11. Musa MA, Idrus S, Hasfalina CM, Daud NNN
    PMID: 30314290 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15102220
    In this study, the performance of a laboratory scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor operating at mesophilic temperature (35 °C) was examined. Cattle slaughterhouse wastewater (CSWW) was used as the main substrate. The total and effective volumes of the reactor were 8 L and 6 L, respectively. Twelve different organic loading rates (OLR) were applied and the performance was evaluated. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was more than 90% during batch study. In the continuous study, COD removal was also approximately 90% at OLR 0.4 g/L d-1 which subsequently dropped to below 50% when the loading rate increased to 15 g/L d-1. Approximately 5 L/d of biogas was obtained with high methane concentration at stages VI and XI corresponding to OLR of 2 and 10 g/L d-1, respectively. It was observed that the concentration of volatile fatty acids was low and that the alkalinity of the wastewater was sufficient to avoid acidification. Specific methane yields of 0.36 and 0.38 LCH₄/g COD added were achieved at OLR 7 and 10 g/L d-1. A hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 day was sufficient to remove greater than 70% of COD which correspond to 89% methane concentration. Parameters like soluble COD, NH₃-N, pH, alkalinity, total suspended solid (TSS), fats, oil, and grease were also investigated. The results show that the UASB reactor could serve as a good alternative for anaerobic treatment of CSWW and methane production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  12. Rosid SJM, Toemen S, Iqbal MMA, Bakar WAWA, Mokhtar WNAW, Aziz MMA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Dec;26(36):36124-36140.
    PMID: 31748998 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06607-8
    A rapid growth in the development of power generation and transportation sectors would result in an increase in the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere. As it will continue to play a vital role in meeting current and future needs, significant efforts have been made to address this problem. Over the past few years, extensive studies on the development of heterogeneous catalysts for CO2 methanation have been investigated and reported in the literatures. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of methanation research studies over lanthanide oxide catalysts has been reviewed. The utilisation of lanthanide oxides as CO2 methanation catalysts performed an outstanding result of CO2 conversion and improvised the conversion of acidity from CO2 gas to CH4 gas. The innovations of catalysts towards the reaction were discussed in details including the influence of preparation methods, the structure-activity relationships as well as the mechanism with the purpose of outlining the pathways for future development of the methanation process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  13. Shafiullah M, Khalid U, Shahbaz M
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Mar;28(9):11415-11429.
    PMID: 33118073 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-11331-9
    This study empirically investigates the effect of meat consumption on greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) in the USA. The impact of meat consumption on greenhouse gas emissions is examined by controlling for economic growth and energy consumption. The empirical analysis finds that all these variables are cointegrated for the long run. Moreover, meat consumption aggravates greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, meat consumption (except for beef) has a U-shaped relationship with carbon emissions and an inverted U-shaped relationship with methane and nitrous oxide emissions. The causality analysis indicates a unidirectional causality running from meat consumption to greenhouse gas emissions. These empirical findings indicate that the US livestock sector has the potential to become more environmentally friendly with careful policy formulation and implementation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  14. Abushammala MF, Basri NE, Elfithri R
    Environ Monit Assess, 2013 Dec;185(12):9967-78.
    PMID: 23797636
    Methane (CH₄) emissions and oxidation were measured at the Air Hitam sanitary landfill in Malaysia and were modeled using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change waste model to estimate the CH₄ generation rate constant, k. The emissions were measured at several locations using a fabricated static flux chamber. A combination of gas concentrations in soil profiles and surface CH₄ and carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions at four monitoring locations were used to estimate the CH₄ oxidation capacity. The temporal variations in CH₄ and CO₂ emissions were also investigated in this study. Geospatial means using point kriging and inverse distance weight (IDW), as well as arithmetic and geometric means, were used to estimate total CH₄ emissions. The point kriging, IDW, and arithmetic means were almost identical and were two times higher than the geometric mean. The CH₄ emission geospatial means estimated using the kriging and IDW methods were 30.81 and 30.49 gm(−2) day(−1), respectively. The total CH₄ emissions from the studied area were 53.8 kg day(−1). The mean of the CH₄ oxidation capacity was 27.5 %. The estimated value of k is 0.138 year(−1). Special consideration must be given to the CH₄ oxidation in the wet tropical climate for enhancing CH₄ emission reduction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  15. Yacob S, Hassan MA, Shirai Y, Wakisaka M, Subash S
    Chemosphere, 2005 Jun;59(11):1575-81.
    PMID: 15894045
    Anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases, especially CO2 and CH4 has been recognized as one of the main causes of global warming. Several measures under the Kyoto Protocol 1997 have been drawn up to reduce the greenhouse gases emission. One of the measures is Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) that was created to enable developed countries to cooperate with developing countries in emission reduction activities. In Malaysia, palm oil industry particularly from palm oil mill effluent (POME) anaerobic treatment has been identified as an important source of CH4. However, there is no study to quantify the actual CH4 emission from the commercial scale wastewater treatment facility. Hence, this paper shall address the CH4 emission from the open digesting tanks in Felda Serting Hilir Palm Oil Mill. CH4 emission pattern was recorded for 52 weeks from 3600 m3 open digesting tanks. The findings indicated that the CH4 content was between 13.5% and 49.0% which was lower than the value of 65% reported earlier. The biogas flow rate ranged between 0.8l min(-1)m(-2) and 9.8l min(-1)m(-2). Total CH4 emission per open digesting tank was 518.9 kgday(-1). Relationships between CH4 emission and total carbon removal and POME discharged were also discussed. Fluctuation of biogas production was observed throughout the studies as a result of seasonal oil palm cropping, mill activities, variation of POME quality and quantity discharged from the mill. Thus only through long-term field measurement CH4 emission can be accurately estimated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  16. Cooper HV, Evers S, Aplin P, Crout N, Dahalan MPB, Sjogersten S
    Nat Commun, 2020 01 21;11(1):407.
    PMID: 31964892 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14298-w
    Conversion of tropical peat swamp forest to drainage-based agriculture alters greenhouse gas (GHG) production, but the magnitude of these changes remains highly uncertain. Current emissions factors for oil palm grown on drained peat do not account for temporal variation over the plantation cycle and only consider CO2 emissions. Here, we present direct measurements of GHGs emitted during the conversion from peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation, accounting for CH4 and N2O as well as CO2. Our results demonstrate that emissions factors for converted peat swamp forest is in the range 70-117 t CO2 eq ha-1 yr-1 (95% confidence interval, CI), with CO2 and N2O responsible for ca. 60 and ca. 40% of this value, respectively. These GHG emissions suggest that conversion of Southeast Asian peat swamp forest is contributing between 16.6 and 27.9% (95% CI) of combined total national GHG emissions from Malaysia and Indonesia or 0.44 and 0.74% (95% CI) of annual global emissions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  17. Candyrine SCL, Mahadzir MF, Garba S, Jahromi MF, Ebrahimi M, Goh YM, et al.
    PLoS One, 2018;13(7):e0199840.
    PMID: 29975711 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199840
    Twenty male Saanen goats were randomly assigned to four levels of lovastatin supplementation and used to determine the optimal dosage and sustainability of naturally produced lovastatin from fermentation of palm kernel cake (PKC) with Aspergillus terreus on enteric methane (CH4) mitigation. The effects on ruminal microbiota, rumen fermentation, feed digestibility and health of animal were determined over three measuring periods (4-, 8- and 12-weeks) and the accumulation of lovastatin in tissues was determined at the end of the experiment. The diets contained 50% rice straw, 22.8% concentrates and 27.2% of various proportions of untreated or treated PKC to achieve the target daily intake level of 0 (Control), 2, 4 or 6 mg lovastatin/kg body weight (BW). Enteric CH4 emissions per dry matter intake (DMI), decreased significantly (P<0.05) and equivalent to 11% and 20.4%, respectively, for the 2 and 4 mg/kg BW groups as compared to the Control. No further decrease in CH4 emission thereafter with higher lovastatin supplementation. Lovastatin had no effect on feed digestibility and minor effect on rumen microbiota, and specifically did not reduce the populations of total methanogens and Methanobacteriales (responsible for CH4 production). Similarly, lovastatin had little effect on rumen fermentation characteristics except that the proportion of propionate increased, which led to a decreasing trend (P<0.08) in acetic: propionate ratio with increasing dosage of lovastatin. This suggests a shift in rumen fermentation pathway to favor propionate production which serves as H+ sink, partly explaining the observed CH4 reduction. No adverse physiological effects were noted in the animals except that treated PKC (containing lovastatin) was less palatable at the highest inclusion level. Lovastatin residues were detected in tissues of goats fed 6 mg lovastatin/kg BW at between 0.01 to 0.03 μg/g, which are very low.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  18. Tan KC, Lim HS, Mat Jafri MZ
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2014 Jun;21(12):7567-77.
    PMID: 24599658 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-2697-y
    This study aimed to predict monthly columnar ozone (O3) in Peninsular Malaysia by using data on the concentration of environmental pollutants. Data (2003-2008) on five atmospheric pollutant gases (CO2, O3, CH4, NO2, and H2O vapor) retrieved from the satellite Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) were employed to develop a model that predicts columnar ozone through multiple linear regression. In the entire period, the pollutants were highly correlated (R = 0.811 for the southwest monsoon, R = 0.803 for the northeast monsoon) with predicted columnar ozone. The results of the validation of columnar ozone with column ozone from SCIAMACHY showed a high correlation coefficient (R = 0.752-0.802), indicating the model's accuracy and efficiency. Statistical analysis was utilized to determine the effects of each atmospheric pollutant on columnar ozone. A model that can retrieve columnar ozone in Peninsular Malaysia was developed to provide air quality information. These results are encouraging and accurate and can be used in early warning of the population to comply with air quality standards.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  19. Yuzir A, Chelliapan S, Sallis PJ
    Bioresour Technol, 2012 Apr;109:31-7.
    PMID: 22318083 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.01.038
    The degradation of (RS)-MCPP was investigated in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) using nitrate as an available electron acceptor under different COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratios. Results showed high soluble COD removal efficiency (80-93%) when the reactor was operated at high COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratios. However, the COD removal started to decline (average 15%) at high nitrate concentrations coinciding with a drop in nitrate removal efficiency to 37%, suggesting that the denitrification activity dropped and affected the AnMBR performance when nitrate was the predominant electron acceptor. Additionally, the removal efficiency of (RS)-MCPP increased from 2% to 47% with reducing COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratios, whilst the (RS)-MCPP specific utilisation rate (SUR) was inversely proportional to the COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratio, suggesting that a lower COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratios had a positive influence on the (RS)-MCPP SUR. Although nitrate had a major impact on methane production rates, the methane composition was stable (approximately 80%) for COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratios of 23 or more.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  20. Yacob S, Ali Hassan M, Shirai Y, Wakisaka M, Subash S
    Sci Total Environ, 2006 Jul 31;366(1):187-96.
    PMID: 16125215
    The world currently obtains its energy from the fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. However, the international crisis in the Middle East, rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves as well as climate change have driven the world towards renewable energy sources which are abundant, untapped and environmentally friendly. Malaysia has abundant biomass resources generated from the agricultural industry particularly the large commodity, palm oil. This paper will focus on palm oil mill effluent (POME) as the source of renewable energy from the generation of methane and establish the current methane emission from the anaerobic treatment facility. The emission was measured from two anaerobic ponds in Felda Serting Palm Oil Mill for 52 weeks. The results showed that the methane content was between 35.0% and 70.0% and biogas flow rate ranged between 0.5 and 2.4 L/min/m(2). Total methane emission per anaerobic pond was 1043.1 kg/day. The total methane emission calculated from the two equations derived from relationships between methane emission and total carbon removal and POME discharged were comparable with field measurement. This study also revealed that anaerobic pond system is more efficient than open digesting tank system for POME treatment. Two main factors affecting the methane emission were mill activities and oil palm seasonal cropping.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
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