Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 181 in total

  1. Muthu DS
    Family Practitioner, 1979;3:10-16.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide; Suicide, Attempted
  2. Tatum M
    Lancet, 2023 Jun 10;401(10392):1915.
    PMID: 37302400 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01176-5
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide*
  3. Tan CK
    Family Practitioner, 1986;9:53-57.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide
  4. Seghatoleslam T, Habi H, Rashid RA, Mosavi N, Asmaee S, Naseri A
    Iran J Public Health, 2012;41(5):39-45.
    PMID: 23113176
    THE CURRENT STUDY AIMED TO TEST THE HYPOTHESIS: Is suicide predictable? And try to classify the predictive factors in multiple suicide attempts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide, Attempted
  5. Lai MH, Maniam T, Chan LF, Ravindran AV
    J Med Internet Res, 2014;16(1):e30.
    PMID: 24472876 DOI: 10.2196/jmir.2973
    Suicide is a serious and increasing problem worldwide. The emergence of the digital world has had a tremendous impact on people's lives, both negative and positive, including an impact on suicidal behaviors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide/prevention & control*
  6. Bhupinder S, Kumara TK, Syed AM
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Jun;65(2):123-6.
    PMID: 23756796
    This article describes the completed suicide patterns which occurred in the Timur Laut district of Penang Island, Malaysia. In a prospective cohort study over the three years period (2007-2009) there were 138 cases of suicide deaths. The number of suicide deaths for the year 2007, 2008 and 2009 were 45, 41 and 52 deaths, respectively. Majority of the suicide deaths were by jumping from height (47.1%), followed by hanging (34.1%) and by drowning (10.9%). The male victims outnumbered females in a 3 : 1 ratio.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide*
  7. Saifuddin, T.M., Amilin, N., Zafri, A.
    Huntington disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with psychiatric, cognitive, and motor symptoms. Psychiatric symptoms often manifest years before neurologic signs in HD patients. The present of psychiatric symptoms might increase risk of suicide in HD patient. We presented a case of HD who admitted to Psychiatry ward due to suicidal attempt and shows improvement with low dose of Olanzapine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide; Suicide, Attempted
  8. Sarjit Singh, Siti Nidzwani Mohamad Mahdi
    Helium gas inhalation for suicide is a relatively new technique and practically unheard of in Malaysia. The internet has helped spread this technique rapidly across the globe. We report a case of helium gas inhalation as a suicide attempt in Malaysia. Such a case offers a diagnostic challenge upon presentation. Simple techniques of ensuring adequate oxygenation can help in treatment of such cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide; Suicide, Attempted
  9. Stuart AM, Merfield CN, Horgan FG, Willis S, Watts MA, Ramírez-Muñoz F, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Feb;30(7):16984-17008.
    PMID: 36622585 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-24951-0
    A small proportion of the thousands of pesticides on the market today are associated with a disproportionately high incidence of severe acute pesticide poisoning and suicide. Paraquat stands out as one of the most lethal pesticides in common use, frequently involved in fatal incidents due to suicides or accidental exposure. Even though paraquat has been banned in over 67 countries, it is still widely used in many others, particularly in Asia and Latin America. Based on a literature review and consultations, this paper identifies options for replacing paraquat and distils practical lessons from numerous successes around the world. Our aim is to support regulators, policymakers, agronomists and the supply chain sector with practical information related to phasing out paraquat. Production data consistently failed to show any negative effects of banning paraquat on agricultural productivity. A wide range of alternative approaches to weed management and crop defoliation are available, many of which do not rely on herbicides. Over 1.25 million farmers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) successfully produce a range of crops for private voluntary standards (PVS) in food and fiber supply chains which prohibit paraquat use. We conclude from the findings of this study that eliminating paraquat will save lives without reducing agricultural productivity. Less hazardous and more sustainable alternatives exist. To enhance successful adoption and uptake of these methods on a wide scale, farmers require training and support within an enabling policy environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide*
  10. O'Connor RC, Worthman CM, Abanga M, Athanassopoulou N, Boyce N, Chan LF, et al.
    Lancet Psychiatry, 2023 Jun;10(6):452-464.
    PMID: 37182526 DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00058-5
    Globally, too many people die prematurely from suicide and the physical comorbidities associated with mental illness and mental distress. The purpose of this Review is to mobilise the translation of evidence into prioritised actions that reduce this inequity. The mental health research charity, MQ Mental Health Research, convened an international panel that used roadmapping methods and review evidence to identify key factors, mechanisms, and solutions for premature mortality across the social-ecological system. We identified 12 key overarching risk factors and mechanisms, with more commonalities than differences across the suicide and physical comorbidities domains. We also identified 18 actionable solutions across three organising principles: the integration of mental and physical health care; the prioritisation of prevention while strengthening treatment; and the optimisation of intervention synergies across social-ecological levels and the intervention cycle. These solutions included accessible, integrated high-quality primary care; early life, workplace, and community-based interventions co-designed by the people they should serve; decriminalisation of suicide and restriction of access to lethal means; stigma reduction; reduction of income, gender, and racial inequality; and increased investment. The time to act is now, to rebuild health-care systems, leverage changes in funding landscapes, and address the effects of stigma, discrimination, marginalisation, gender violence, and victimisation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide*
  11. Bahar N, Ismail WS, Hussain N, Haniff J, Bujang MA, Hamid AM, et al.
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2015 Jun;7(2):223-9.
    PMID: 25367507 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12162
    This article aims to study the pattern of youth suicide cases in Malaysia, following which preventive actions can then be planned and practiced to reduce these suicide cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide/statistics & numerical data*; Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data*
  12. Md Hussain H, Ahmad Zafri AB
    Family Physician, 1993;5:31-32.
    A 13-year old Malay girl presented with multiple parasuicide attempts. She made multiple attempts at suicide and at the last attempt she developed liver damage. This article discusses the etiology and different methods used to prevent future suicidal attempts in this patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide
  13. Lamprell BA
    Med J Malaya, 1948;3:34-40.
    The author during a long tropical service has seen a distressing number of cases of tropical neurasthenia including a number that ended in suicide. The condition is common in Malaya of which he is writing. In a group of rubber plantations with an average staff of 75 (presumably Europeans) in the past two years, one has committed suicide, eight have been repatriated for nervous breakdown, and two have been sent on home leave for the same reason. In a series of 33 invalidings analysed by SQUIRES [no reference given] 45 per cent. [15] were for psychological reasons. Neurasthenia in the tropics differs from that seen in practice in temperate countries by the predominance of cerebral over spinal symptoms. The mild cases show increased irritability with occasional outbursts of uncon rolled rages, restlessness, and moderate amnesia. In the intermediate cases these symptoms are worse and periods of worry and depression occur, often amounting to delusions of persecution with insomnia. In the severe cases, the depression is predominant; to this is added procrastination and indecision, loss of confidence, fear of insanity and of loss of employment, which constitute a vicious cycle that may end in suicide. The author classes the causes as personal and environmental, the former being the more important; the prominence of the personal factor is due to the tendency for social misfits and others who are dissatisfied with home conditions to seek employment in the tropics where they hope to find life easier. The environmental factors are (i) Exile from one's own country and loss of firm roots in a place that one calls home, (ii) The excessive stimuli of the tropics; under this heading the author includes the direct effects of the climate and discusses the sexual factor, (iii) Overwork and excessive responsibility, (iv) Isolation and monotony; under this last heading [the sequence of thought is obscure to the reviewer] he includes a suggestion that the recent increased rate of breakdown in Malaya may be due to years of war strain and present economic and political difficulties. The preventive measures he advocates include more careful selection of candidates for service in the tropics and the suggestion that a psychiatric assessment as well as a physical examination should be made; more frequent home leave; annual local leave to a hill station; shorter office hours; more security of tenure of appointments in commercial undertakings; and freedom to marry early in his service. Finally, the author suggests that, since this problem is an admittedly serious one, the Malayan branch of the British Medical Association should make a study of its aetiology and prevention, and convey their conclusions to the Government and to commercial and industrial associations. L. E. Napier.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide
  14. Zhi GYJ, Flaherty GT, Hallahan B
    J Travel Med, 2019 May 10;26(3).
    PMID: 30860264 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taz016
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide, Attempted/prevention & control*; Suicide, Assisted/legislation & jurisprudence
  15. Pridmore S, Money TT, Pridmore W
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Mar;25(2):15-19.
    PMID: 30918451 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.2.2
    Background: The predominant, current western view is that all suicide is the result of mental disorder. This view is much too narrow and does not admit extensive information regarding the social, economic, and forensic factors (among many others) which may contribute to completed suicide. A consequence of this narrow view is that prevention strategies mainly focus on the detection and treatment of mental disorder. A preferred approach is to place greater emphasis on public health approaches to suicide prevention.

    Objective: To develop and suggest a body of information which may be useful in a public health approach to suicide.

    Conclusion: It is suggested that the following be available to the general public: i) suicide is a fact of life which should be minimised, ii) suicide has many different triggers, iii) most people who take their lives are able to make decisions, and iv) increased public discussion and understanding of suicide is desirable. Five pieces of information that may be useful to those contemplating suicide include: i) don't murder the part of you that wants to live, ii) suicide actions may leave you alive but disabled, iii) suicide hurts other people, iv) suicidal impulses do pass if you hold on, and v) suicide is a waste.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide
  16. Kontaxakis V, Paplos KG, Havaki-Kontaxaki BJ, Ferentinos P, Kontaxaki MI, Kollias CT, et al.
    Psychiatriki, 2009 Oct;20(4):305-11.
    PMID: 22218231
    Attitudes towards assisted death activities among medical students, the future health gatekeepers, are scarce and controversial. The aims of this study were to explore attitudes on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide among final year medical students in Athens, to investigate potential differences in attitudes between male and female medical students and to review worldwide attitudes of medical students regarding assisted death activities. A 20- item questionnaire was used. The total number of participants was 251 (mean age 24.7±1.8 years). 52.0% and 69.7% of the respondents were for the acceptance of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, respectively. Women's attitudes were more often influenced by religious convictions as well as by the fact that there is a risk that physician-assisted suicide might be misused with certain disadvantaged groups. On the other hand, men more often believed that a request for physician-assisted suicide from a terminally ill patient is prima-facie evidence of a mental disorder, usually depression. Concerning attitudes towards euthanasia among medical students in various countries there are contradictory results. In USA, the Netherlands, Hungary and Switzerland most of the students supported euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. However, in many other countries such as Norway, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Italy, Germany, Sudan, Malaysia and Puerto Rico most students expressed negative positions regarding euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide, Assisted*
  17. Aishvarya S, Maniam T, Sidi H, Oei TP
    Compr Psychiatry, 2014 Jan;55 Suppl 1:S95-100.
    PMID: 23433220 DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2013.01.005
    The aim of this paper was to review the literature on suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia. PsyINFO, PubMed, Medline databases from 1845 to 2012 and detailed manual search of local official reports from Ministry of Health, Malaysian Psychiatric Association and unpublished dissertations from 3 local universities providing postgraduate psychiatric training, were included in the current review. A total of 13 studies on suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia were found and reviewed. The review showed that research on suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia was fragmented and limited, at best. Approximately 50% of existing research on suicide ideation and intent simply focused on sociodemographic data. Fifty-four percent of the data were obtained from hospitals. No study has been conducted on treatment and interventions for suicide ideation and intent. None of the studies used validated suicide scales. The impact of culture was rarely considered. It was clear from the review that for researchers, clinicians and public health policy makers to gain a better understanding of suicide behavior especially suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia, more systematic and empirically stringent methodologies and research frameworks need to be used.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide, Attempted*
  18. Abdollahpour Ranjbar H, Parhoon H, Mohammadkhani S, Munawar K, Moradi A, Jobson L
    Suicide Life Threat Behav, 2021 06;51(3):586-595.
    PMID: 33565166 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12735
    OBJECTIVE: This study compared cognitive control (working memory, interference control, perseveration) and cognitive emotion regulation among Iranian women with depression who had attempted suicide, had only suicidal ideation, and healthy controls.

    METHOD: Participants (N = 75) completed a clinical interview, cognitive control tasks, and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire.

    RESULTS: Those with suicidal ideation or previous attempts had poorer cognitive control and cognitive emotion regulation than controls. Furthermore, those who had attempted suicide had poorer cognitive control and reported greater use of self-blame, rumination, and catastrophizing, and less use of acceptance, than those with suicidal ideation only. There was an indirect effect of cognitive control deficits on suicidality through cognitive emotion regulation (self-blame, acceptance, rumination, catastrophizing).

    CONCLUSIONS: Exploring these cognitive deficits and difficulties can assist in further understanding the risk factors for suicidality and improve targeted interventions. This is of particular relevance in Iran where the need for policies and interventions targeting the prevention of suicide has been identified.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide, Attempted*
  19. Frank AO
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Jun;31(4):281-4.
    PMID: 927232
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide, Attempted/prevention & control*
    Med J Malaya, 1954 Sep;9(1):1-45.
    PMID: 13213452
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide/statistics & numerical data*
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