Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Mohamed Najib Salleh, Halim Mad Lazim, Hendrik Lamsali
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):179-187.
    Body measurement is the first process that must be encountered before any
    custom-made compression garment can be designed. The current practice of
    obtaining the measurement is by traditional methods using tools like
    measuring tape. However, this method is considered to be time-consuming
    and usually not accurate. The most popular solution to the problem is by using
    non-contact measurement. The development of the 3D whole body scanner
    has made non-contact body measurement become a reality due to its capacity
    to capture a vast amount of information. However, the cost to buy the whole
    body scanner is quite expensive. Moreover, their sizes are also bulky which
    make them less portable. Thus, a handheld body scanner provides a solution
    to the problem. Despite that, current handheld scanner only provide image
    and visualization aspect, but not the measurement aspect. This paper reports
    the development of a method to acquire body data from a 3D handheld
    scanner. In this new method, the point cloud of a body part was collected
    using the handheld scanner. Then, the data was transformed into point
    coordinates. Several processes were developed to filter the number of points
    to allow for faster processing time and increasing the measurement accuracy.
    In the first process, only points at specific height/layers are selected. In the
    second process, the remaining points are rearranged according to their height
    and angle. In the last process, the number of points is further reduced. In this
    process, the number of points per layer is limited to 72 points. Results show
    that the method can be used to determine body measurement.
    MeSH terms: Body Weights and Measures; Clothing; Culture; Human Body; Imaging, Three-Dimensional
  2. Nur Amirah Zaker, Parnabas, Vincent A.
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):153-162.
    The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between coachathlete
    relationship and motivation among UiTM Shah Alam athletes. The
    participants in this study consisted of 260 athletes (130 male and 130 female)
    participating in different individual and team sports. The coach-athlete
    relationship was measured by using Coach-Athlete Relationship
    Questionnaire (CART-Q) meanwhile The Sport Motivation Scale-II (SMS-II)
    was used to measure the athletes’ motivation level. Pearson correlation test
    shows moderate linear correlation between coach-athlete relationship and
    motivation (r = .32, p = .00). Thus, this finding revealed that athletes who
    have a good quality of relationship with their coaches tend to be more
    motivated due to the power of coaches that can influence the athletes’
    psychological well-being and physical performance.
  3. Loh, L.Y. Amy, Teo, E. Wah, Polman, Remco
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):143-150.
    Introduction. Coaching behaviour, motivational climate and its influence
    towards performance satisfaction are important in understanding the
    development and growth of athletes. In general, positive coaching behaviours
    could help in enhancing the motivational climate and satisfaction of athletes
    while negative coaching behaviour might have the opposite effect. Therefore,
    this study explored the influence of volleyball coaches’ behaviour on elite
    volleyball players’ motivational climate and performance satisfaction.
    Methodology. Three hundred and twenty eight elite volleyball players (137
    male and 191 female, age: 24.42 ± 8.92 years old) participated in this study.
    They completed three questionnaires: the Coaching Behaviour Questionnaire
    (CBQ), Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ2),
    and Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire (ASQ). These questionnaires were
    used to assess athletes’ perceptions of their coaches’ behaviour, to examine
    the influence of athletes’ perceptions of the individual feedback received on
    their perceptions of the team’s motivational climate and to measure the elite
    volleyball players’ satisfaction of their team’s performance. Results &
    Discussion. There was a positive relationship between motivational climate
    and performance satisfaction (r=0.25); coaching behaviour and performance
    satisfaction (r=0.26); motivational climate and performance satisfaction
    (r=0.40). For CBQ, the mean score showed that coach support (2.97 ± 0.40)
    was the most important as compared to negative coaching behaviour (2.44 ±
    0.45). For ASQ, the mean score showed that team integration (5.33 ± 1.00)
    was the most important subscale influencing athlete satisfaction. The lowest
    rated athlete satisfaction was external agents, example, facilities and
    supporters (4.56 ± 0.95). For PMCSQ-2, a higher mean was reported for taskinvolving
    climate, example, cooperative learning, effort/improvement,
    important role (5.36 ± 0.89) than ego-involving climate, example, intra-team
    member rivalry, unequal recognition, punishment for mistakes (4.09 ± 0.95). Conclusion. Coaches should look into their own coaching behaviour because
    it is a fundamental aspect in enhancing the performance of athletes with
    respect to motivational climate and performance satisfaction.
  4. Singh, Yasminder Kaur Mahinderjit, Koh, Denise Choon Lian
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):129-143.
    Perkembangan motor kasar merupakan asas kepada pergerakan lanjutan dan
    kemahiran spesifik dalam sukan. Kajian ini merupakan satu kajian
    eksperimental yang bertujuan mengkaji tahap perkembangan motor kasar
    dikalangan kanak-kanak di daerah Kuala Pilah. Antara objektif kajian ini
    adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap pengusaan kemahiran lokomotor dan
    kawalan objek dalam kalangan kanak-kanak di daerah tersebut, mengenal
    pasti perbezaan perkembangan motor kasar dalam kalangan kanak-kanak
    tersebut berdasarkan jantina dan mengenal pasti perbezaan perkembangan
    motor kasar dalam kalangan kanak-kanak tersebut berdasarkan lokasi sekolah
    iaitu bandar dan luar bandar. Kajian ini penting kerana perkembangan dan
    penguasaan motor kasar di kalangan kanak-kanak adalah amat penting bagi
    penglibatan sukan, permainan dan aktiviti rekreasi. Kegagalan penguasaan
    kemahiran motor memberikan kesan ke atas kanak-kanak dalam konteks
    pergaulan harian, keyakinan diri dan masalah pembelajaran. Kajian ini
    melibatkan seramai 160 orang kanak -kanak yang berumur 7 tahun mewakili
    8 buah sekolah rendah yang dipilih berdasarkan persampelan bertujuan. Data
    dikumpul berdasarkan pemerhatian berstruktur terhadap ke semua sampel
    semasa menjalani ujian TGMD (Test of Gross Motor Develepment) dan
    diinterpretasi menggunakan nilai GMQ (Gross Motor Quotients) Hasil
    analisis data mendapati tahap perkembangan kemahiran lokomotor dan
    kawalan objek kanak-kanak di daerah Kuala Pilah adalah majoritinya ditahap
    purata dengan 85.6 % berada ditahap sekurang-kurangnya purata dan ke
    bawah. Dapatan Ujian-t menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang
    signifikan antara jantina dalam perkembangaan motor kasar kanak-kanak di
    Daerah Kuala Pilah. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat perbezaan yang
    signifikan antara kanak-kanak daripada sekolah bandar dan luar bandar dalam
    perkembangaan motor kasar.
    MeSH terms: Aspirin; Ataxia Telangiectasia
  5. Shitu, Zayyanu, Isyaku Hassan, Aung, Myat Moe Thwe, Musa, Rabiu Muazu, Tuan Hairulnizam Tuan Kamaruzaman
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):115-128.
    One of the major problems causing medication errors is ineffective
    communication between patients and health personnel. This paper discusses
    the communication issues in the healthcare environment and how
    medication errors can be avoided through effective communication. An
    internet-based search was conducted to locate relevant articles published
    between 2004 and 2017. Only articles that touch upon communication and
    health-related issues were selected. Online sources such as PubMed,
    ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar were utilized. The importance of good
    communication practices for effective health and improved patient safety in
    hospital settings has been highlighted. It is evident from this review that
    poor communication most frequent causes adverse effects, delay in
    treatment, medication errors, and wrong-site surgery. The major
    communication issues in healthcare environment include language barriers,
    the medium of communication, physical setting, and social setting.
    Healthcare workers tend to use technical language in the workplace because
    they consider the tone of communication to be always professional. It has
    been established that knowledge on professional-patient communication is
    essential and valuable in improving therapeutic outcomes. Patients need
    knowledge and support in order to be able and motivated to undergo
    medicine therapy. Health practitioners need to take responsibility for
    demanding and creating an environment where high-quality healthcare
    counselling is routinely practiced. To promote safe and effective practice in hospitals and avoid medication errors, clinicians should adhere to teamwork
    and effective communication with the patients. There is a need for designing
    strategies such as effective communication and teamwork amongst
    healthcare professionals, which can consequently influence the quality of
    healthcare services and patient outcomes.
    MeSH terms: Communication; Communication Barriers; Counseling; Delivery of Health Care; Health Personnel; Humans; Language; Medication Errors; Touch; Workplace; Medical Errors; Internet; PubMed; Patient Safety
  6. Nur Naqiyah Mohamad Zahidi, Shariman Ismadi Ismail
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):99-113.
    The role of skill in task execution among elite rugby players has become the
    focus of numerous researchers. Thus, this study aimed to explore the
    frequency, the most highly utilized and successful as well as unsuccessful
    attempts of evasive agility skills executed by attacking ball carriers among
    elite rugby players and their relationship to selected phase outcomes. The
    study undertaken was a structured non-participant observational descriptive
    study, conducted through notational analysis of the recorded 2015 Rugby
    World Cup matches with the sample being attacking ball carriers among the
    top three and bottom three elite rugby teams which participated in the 2015
    Rugby World Cup. The descriptive analyses of the current study undertaken
    revealed that attacking ball carriers among the top three displayed a 59%
    (straight), 39% (side-step) and 2% (crossover-step) while the bottom three
    exhibited a 45% (straight), 52% (side-step) and 3% (crossover-step) of these
    movement patterns. Alternatively, the inferential statistical analyses indicated
    that for both the teams there was no significant difference in the frequency of
    the execution of the side-step and crossover-step (p>0.05) while a significant
    difference was observed for these teams for the straight evasive agility skill
    (p0.05) while a significant
    difference was observed for these teams for the straight evasive agility skill
    MeSH terms: Football; Soccer; Athletic Performance
  7. Rozella Ab Razak, Kee, Kang Mea, Raja Nurul Jannat Raja Hussain, Nur Atikah Mohamed Kassim, Nuraimi Othman
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):89-98.
    Throwing ball velocity is one of the indicators that determine softball
    performance. However, most of the training on throwing only focused on the
    major muscles and they neglected the assisted muscles such as hand grip and
    trunk rotation muscles that also crucial in improving the throwing
    performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the effect of
    hand grip strength training, and trunk rotation strength training towards the
    throwing ball velocity among female collegiate softball players. 54 female
    collegiate softball players were equally divided into three training groups
    which are hand grip strength training group (HG), trunk rotation strength
    training group (TR), and basic strength training group (CG). All the groups
    performed the same basic strength training program with different additional
    strength training according to the group`s treatment. Each group trained 3
    days per week for 6 weeks. Throwing ball velocity was assessed before
    (pretest) and after (posttest) the 6 weeks training program via one-way
    between groups analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the mean gained
    score in throwing ball velocity between each group. The result shows that all
    group significantly differences in throwing ball velocity (p
    MeSH terms: Analysis of Variance; Baseball; Female; Humans; Rotation; Muscle, Skeletal; Hand Strength; Resistance Training; Torso
  8. Mohd Saufi Dali, Parnabas, Vincent A.
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):73-87.
    The present study has been conducted to investigate the effects of self-talk on
    free throw performance and the level of anxiety among male novice
    basketball players. Forty-eight (48) male novice basketball players (22.27 ±
    1.47 years) was selected. The participants were assigned into four matched
    groups of twelve (12) participants: instructional self-talk (IST), motivational
    self-talk (MST) and the combination of instructional and motivational
    self-talk (CIMST) and control. Throw accuracy and anxiety’s level were
    measured on a 5-point scale and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults
    (STAI). Training protocol contains a pre-test and post-test to indicate the
    intervention effect on anxiety level and free throw performance. The
    participants compete against each other to get the highest score in post free
    throw performance. The data were analyzed by using mixed between-within
    subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA). The finding showed that state and
    trait anxiety level of post-intervention was significantly lower than
    pre-intervention in all groups (p
  9. Muhammad Hamdan, Hosni Hasan, Shariman Ismadi Ismail, Hashbullah Ismail, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):59-72.
    Knee and hip extension are two proposed mechanisms of non-traumatic
    anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. This study aimed to investigate the
    changes of the hip extension angles following exertion induced by an
    overground simulated soccer match-play. Fifteen male recreational players
    consented to this study and were required to complete a 90 minutes of
    simulated soccer match-play. Knee and hip angles were measured at initial
    contact during 45° anticipated side-cutting tasks performed prior to the
    simulation (time 0 min), at the end of the first half (time 45 min) prior to the
    second half (time 60 min) and at the end of the soccer match simulation (time
    105 min). A two (group: dominant, nondominant) × four (time: 0 min, 45
    min, 60 min and 105 min) mixed between- and within- subjects ANOVA was
    utilized. Results revealed that both knee and hip extension angles were
    significantly altered over time (knee: F3,102 = 4.464, p = 0.005, η2 = 0.116;
    hip: F3,102 = 9.998, p = 0.000, η2 = 0.227), however no significant differences
    were observed between dominant and nondominant sides (knee: F1,34 =
    0.026, p = 0.872, η2 = 0.001; hip: F1,34 = 0.225, p = 0.638, η2 = 0.007).
    Pairwise comparisons indicated that the knee and hip is more during the
    second half of the simulation (time 60 min and time 105 min), compared to
    pre-exertion (time 0 min) (p < 0.05). The more erect knee and hip landing
    postures observed suggested a greater risk of ACL injury during the latter
    stage of each halves of match-play, supporting epidemiological observations.
    Further interrogations of the kinematic differences in the knees and hips
    across limb dominance are warranted for a more comprehensive
    understanding of the changes in a multiplanar perspective following soccer
    specific fatigue development.
  10. Mohamad Nizam Mohamed Shapie, Oliver, Jon, O’Donoghue, Peter, Tong, Richard
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):27-41.
    Background & Study Aim: The purpose of the current case study was to
    describe the activity pattern of individual exponents during competitive fights
    completed before and after six weeks circuit training programme. Material
    & Methods: Thirteen and 16-year-old experimental (E13 and E16) and
    control (C13 and C16) participants were paired and videoed with fighting
    before and after 6-week training. Exponents were chosen based on their age,
    maturation, weight, competitive standard (none had participated in an official
    silat match), and initial fitness performance. All matches were converted into
    .mpg files and analysed using the same procedure. The distribution of
    outcomes was analysed and used as an index of performance for more
    detailed analysis. Results: The E13 increased the frequency of kicking during
    competition post-training, which is suggested to reflect transference of
    improved fitness to competition. Both E13 and C13 improved the ability to
    dodge their opponent attacks, likely reflecting a response to technical
    coaching. The frequency of actions during competition generally decreased
    for both older participants, suggesting limited fitness transference to
    competition. All individuals demonstrated some meaningful improvements
    in fitness following the intervention period. However, these responses did not
    necessarily reflect the group finding. Conclusions: This was the first case
    study to examine the changes in competitive fighting performance of four
    young performers from experimental and control groups following a silatspecific
    circuit training programme. Therefore, fitness gains together with
    technical coaching may transfer to competition in younger exponents, while
    alterations in strategy may have been more decisive in the older group. The
    research has provided further insight of fitness development and trainability,
    and also transference fitness into competitive performance in youth silat which may help to facilitate coaches of the demands and requirements of the
    combat sport.
    MeSH terms: Adolescent; Body Weights and Measures; Filing; Humans; Sports; Exercise; Control Groups; Circuit-Based Exercise; Mentoring
  11. Zulkifli Ahmad, Mohd Najeb Jamaludin, Abdul Hafidz Omar
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):15-25.
    Physical fatigue or muscle fatigue is a common problem that affects people
    who are vigorously involved in activities that require endurance movements.
    It becomes more complicated to measure the fatigue level when the dynamic
    motion of the activity is included. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a
    wearable device that can be used for monitoring physical fatigue condition
    during aerobic exercise. A 10-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) microcontroller
    board was used to process the data sensed by Ag/AgCl electrodes
    and real-time transmitted to the computer through Bluetooth's technology.
    The wearable was attached to the knee and connected to the biopotential
    electrodes for sensing the muscle movement and convert it into the electrical
    signal. The signal then processed by using the fourth-order Butterworth filter
    to filter the low-pass filter frequency and eliminate the noise signal. The
    results reveal that the fatigue level increased gradually based on the rating of
    perceived exertion (RPE), using 10-point Borg's scale, which is rated by the
    subject’s feeling. Both muscle's activities in lower limb rise as speed is
    increased, and it was also observed that the rectus femoris is functioning
    more than gastrocnemius due to the size of muscle fiber. Furthermore, it
    was established that the maximum volumetric contraction (MVC) could be
    used as a reference and indicator for measuring the percentage of contraction
    in pre-fatigue but not to fatigue induced experiment. However, this wearable
    device for EMG is promising to measure the muscle signal in the dynamic
    motion of movement. Consequently, this device is beneficial for a coach to
    monitor their athlete's level of exhaustion to be not over-exercise, which also
    can prevent severe injury.
  12. Kamarudin N, Hisamuddin N, Ong HM, Ahmad Azmi AF, Leong SW, Abas F, et al.
    Molecules, 2018 Aug 21;23(9).
    PMID: 30134576 DOI: 10.3390/molecules23092099
    Curcuminoids derived from turmeric rhizome have been reported to exhibit antinociceptive, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. We evaluated the peripheral and central antinociceptive activities of 5-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)penta-2,4-dien-1-one (DHHPD), a novel synthetic curcuminoid analogue at 0.1, 0.3, 1 and 3 mg/kg (intraperitoneal), through chemical and thermal models of nociception. The effects of DHHPD on the vanilloid and glutamatergic systems were evaluated through the capsaicin- and glutamate-induced paw licking tests. Results showed that DHHPD significantly (p < 0.05) attenuated the writhing response produced by the 0.8% acetic acid injection. In addition, 1 and 3 mg/kg of DHHPD significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the licking time spent by each mouse in both phases of the 2.5% formalin test and increased the response latency of mice on the hot-plate. However, the effect produced in the latter was not reversed by naloxone, a non-selective opioid receptor antagonist. Despite this, DHHPD decreased the licking latency of mice in the capsaicin- and glutamate-induced paw licking tests in a dose response manner. In conclusion, DHHPD showed excellent peripheral and central antinociceptive activities possibly by attenuation of the synthesis and/or release of pro-inflammatory mediators in addition to modulation of the vanilloid and glutamatergic systems without an apparent effect on the opioidergic system.
    MeSH terms: Analgesics/pharmacology*; Analgesics/chemistry*; Animals; Behavior, Animal/drug effects; Disease Models, Animal; Male; Motor Activity/drug effects; Plant Extracts/pharmacology; Plant Extracts/chemistry; Molecular Structure; Rotarod Performance Test; Mice; Nociception/drug effects*; Nociceptive Pain/drug therapy*; Nociceptive Pain/etiology
  13. Asan NB, Hassan E, Shah JVSRM, Noreland D, Blokhuis TJ, Wadbro E, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Aug 21;18(9).
    PMID: 30134629 DOI: 10.3390/s18092752
    In this paper, we investigate the use of fat tissue as a communication channel between in-body, implanted devices at R-band frequencies (1.7⁻2.6 GHz). The proposed fat channel is based on an anatomical model of the human body. We propose a novel probe that is optimized to efficiently radiate the R-band frequencies into the fat tissue. We use our probe to evaluate the path loss of the fat channel by studying the channel transmission coefficient over the R-band frequencies. We conduct extensive simulation studies and validate our results by experimentation on phantom and ex-vivo porcine tissue, with good agreement between simulations and experiments. We demonstrate a performance comparison between the fat channel and similar waveguide structures. Our characterization of the fat channel reveals propagation path loss of ∼0.7 dB and ∼1.9 dB per cm for phantom and ex-vivo porcine tissue, respectively. These results demonstrate that fat tissue can be used as a communication channel for high data rate intra-body networks.
    MeSH terms: Adipose Tissue*; Animals; Electronics/methods*; Humans; Models, Anatomic; Swine; Human Body; Phantoms, Imaging; Prostheses and Implants*
  14. Boo HS, Chik I, Ngiu CS, Lim SY, Jarmin R
    Am J Case Rep, 2018 Aug 23;19:998-1003.
    PMID: 30135416 DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.909717
    BACKGROUND The esophagus can be affected by a variety of disorders that may be primary or secondary to another pathologic process, but the resulting symptoms are usually not pathognomonic for a specific problem, making diagnosis and further management somewhat challenging. High resolution impedance manometry (HRiM) has established itself as a valuable tool in evaluating esophageal motility disorder. HRiM is superior in comparison with conventional water perfused manometric recordings in delineating and tracking the movement of functionally defined contractile elements of the esophagus and its sphincters, and in distinguishing the luminal pressurization of spastic esophageal contraction from a trapped bolus. Making these distinctions can help to identify achalasia, distal esophageal spasm, functional obstruction, and subtypes according to the latest Chicago Classification of Esophageal Motility Disorders version 3.0. CASE REPORT We report a case series of 4 patients that presented with dysphagia; and with the ancillary help of the HRiM, we are able to diagnose esophageal motility disorder and evaluate its pathogenetic mechanism. This approach aids in tailoring each management individually and avoiding disastrous mismanagement. CONCLUSIONS From the series of case reports, we believe that HRiM has an important role to play in deciding appropriate management for patients presenting with esophageal motility disorders, and HRiM should be performed before deciding on management.
    MeSH terms: Adult; Aged; Deglutition Disorders/etiology; Female; Humans; Male; Manometry/methods*; Middle Aged; Esophageal Motility Disorders/classification; Esophageal Motility Disorders/complications; Esophageal Motility Disorders/diagnosis*; Esophageal Motility Disorders/physiopathology; Electric Impedance
  15. Mahmood S, Shah KU, Khan TM
    Sci Rep, 2018 08 22;8(1):12550.
    PMID: 30135554 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-30512-8
    A systematic review was performed to estimate the duration of protection of Hepatitis-B vaccine after primary vaccination during infancy. The number of seropositive participants with anti-HBs antibody titer ≥ 10 mIU/ml and seronegative participants who had anti-HBs antibody titer ≤ 10 mIU/ml after booster dose was the main outcome criteria to find out the protection time of Hepatitis-B vaccine. Twelve studies were selected for systematic review. Overall, results from the meta-analysis have revealed that the risk of Anti-HBs Titer ≤ 10 mIU/ml reduced by 50%. Upon performing the sub-group analysis it was revealed that the overall risk of having Anti-HBs Titre ≤ 10 mIU/ml was reduced up to 62% among the subjects age 21-30 years (0.38 [0.34, 0.44]; I2 = 0.0%, p = 0.938). Furthermore, it was observed that the risk of having titre level less than 10 mIU/ml for plasma derived vaccines were to be 56% [0.44, CI 0.33-0.57, I2 90.9%, p = <0.001]. Vaccination in early infancy does not ensure protection against Hepatitis-B infection. There is a strong correlation between the duration of protection and time elapsed after primary immunization during infancy.
    MeSH terms: Adult; Hepatitis B/immunology; Hepatitis B/prevention & control*; Hepatitis B Antibodies/blood; Humans; Immunization, Secondary; Infant; Vaccination; Hepatitis B Vaccines/immunology*
  16. Khoo JJ, Ishak SN, Lim FS, Mohd-Taib FS, Khor CS, Loong SK, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2018 10 25;55(6):1642-1647.
    PMID: 30137379 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy122
    The Borrelia genus consists of spirochete bacteria known to cause Lyme disease (LD) and relapsing fever in humans. Borrelia pathogens are commonly transmitted via arthropod vectors such as ticks, mites, or lice. Here, we report the molecular screening of LD group Borrelia sp. from ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from rodents trapped in recreational forests and a semiurban residential area in the Selangor state in Malaysia. Of 156 adult ticks surveyed, 72 ticks were determined as positive for Borrelia sp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). All Borrelia PCR-positive ticks belonged to the Ixodes granulatus Supino species. Borrelia sp. was not detected in other tick species examined, including Dermacentor sp. and Amblyomma sp. ticks. Thirteen Borrelia PCR-positive tick samples were selected for further sequence analyses. Phylogenetic analyses of partial flaB gene sequences revealed that the Borrelia sp. were closely related to the LD group borreliae, Borrelia yangtzensis; a novel Borrelia genospecies reported in East Asian countries including Japan, Taiwan, and China. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Borrelia sp. related to Borrelia yangtzensis detected in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. The zoonotic potential of the Borrelia sp. reported here merits further investigation, as it may explain the previously reported serological evidence for borrelial infections in Malaysia.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Borrelia/genetics; Borrelia/isolation & purification*; Female; Malaysia; Male; Rodentia/parasitology*; Ixodes/microbiology*
  17. Khairil M, Burslem DFRP
    Tree Physiol, 2018 11 01;38(11):1752-1760.
    PMID: 30137635 DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpy082
    Aluminium (Al) accumulation is a common trait expressed in at least 60 plant families and particularly prevalent in tropical woody plants. However, the functional significance and genetic or physiological controls on Al accumulation are currently unknown. We tested the hypothesis that differential expression of Al accumulation among wild populations of the Al-accumulating tropical shrub Melastoma malabathricum L. is associated with habitat-related variation in total and exchangeable soil Al concentrations. Mature leaves and seeds were sampled from 20 populations of M. malabathricum growing in six habitats across Peninsular Malaysia, and soil was collected from each site. The seeds were grown in hydroponic solutions comprising 50% Hoagland's solution amended with Al in the form of 1.0 mM AlCl3 to test the hypothesis that differential expression of foliar Al accumulation is an inherited trait. Foliar Al concentrations varied significantly among populations, but were not consistently different among plants growing in different habitats and showed no relationship to total or exchangeable Al concentrations in soils collected at the 20 sites. Mean foliar Al concentration in wild plants was positively correlated with foliar calcium (Ca) concentrations, and with total soil nitrogen (N), Ca and magnesium (Mg) concentrations, across the 20 populations, and Al addition increased foliar concentrations of phosphorus, Ca, Mg and potassium in seedlings. The differential expression of Al accumulation in M. malabathricum populations is uncoupled to local variation in soil Al concentrations, but may be sensitive to local soil-related variation in the availability of other macro-nutrients, in particular N, Ca and Mg. Further research on the factors controlling Al uptake should focus on the plasticity of this trait within populations of Al accumulators and interactions with micro-habitat variation in the availability of the macronutrient cations.
    MeSH terms: Aluminum; Cations; Chlorides; Environment; Magnesium; Malaysia; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Potassium; Seeds; Soil; Aluminum Compounds; Ecosystem; Hydroponics; Seedlings
  18. Manin BO, Drakeley CJ, Chua TH
    PLoS One, 2018;13(8):e0202905.
    PMID: 30138386 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202905
    Anopheles balabacensis, the primary vector of Plasmodium knowlesi in Sabah, Malaysia, is both zoophilic and anthropophilic, feeding on macaques as well as humans. It is the dominant Anopheles species found in Kudat Division where it is responsible for all the cases of P. knowlesi. However there is a paucity of basic biological and ecological information on this vector. We investigated the genetic variation of this species using the sequences of cox1 (1,383 bp) and cox2 (685 bp) to gain an insight into the population genetics and inter-population gene flow in Sabah. A total of 71 An. balabacensis were collected from seven districts constituting 14 subpopulations. A total of 17, 10 and 25 haplotypes were detected in the subpopulations respectively using the cox1, cox2 and the combined sequence. Some of the haplotypes were common among the subpopulations due to gene flow occurring between them. AMOVA showed that the genetic variation was high within subpopulations as compared to between subpopulations. Mantel test results showed that the variation between subpopulations was not due to the geographical distance between them. Furthermore, Tajima's D and Fu's Fs tests showed that An. balabacensis in Sabah is experiencing population expansion and growth. High gene flow between the subpopulations was indicated by the low genetic distance and high gene diversity in the cox1, cox2 and the combined sequence. However the population at Lipasu Lama appeared to be isolated possibly due to its higher altitude at 873 m above sea level.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Anopheles/genetics*; Electron Transport Complex IV/genetics; Electron Transport Complex IV/chemistry; DNA, Mitochondrial/chemistry*; Haplotypes; Malaysia; Genetic Variation*; Insect Proteins/genetics; Insect Proteins/chemistry; Gene Flow; Phylogeography; Mosquito Vectors/genetics*
  19. Yenugu VMR, Ambavaram VBR, Moniruzzaman M, Madhavi G
    J Sep Sci, 2018 Nov;41(21):3966-3973.
    PMID: 30138541 DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201800626
    In the present study, a sensitive and fully validated liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry method was developed for the quantification of three potential genotoxic impurities in rabeprazole drug substance. The separation was achieved on Symmetry C18 column (100 × 4.6 mm, 3.5 μm) using 0.1% formic acid in water as mobile phase A and acetonitrile as mobile phase B in gradient elution mode at 0.5 mL/min flow rate. Triple quadrupole mass detection with electrospray ionization was operated in selected ion recording mode for the quantification of impurities. The calibration curves were demonstrated good linearity over the concentration range of 1.0-4.5 ppm for O-phenylenediamine, 1.8-4.5 ppm for 4-nitrolutidine-N-oxide and 1.0-4.5 ppm for benzyltriethylammonium chloride with respect to 10 mg/mL of rabeprazole. The correlation coefficient obtained in each case was >0.998. The recoveries were found satisfactory over the range between 94.22 and 106.84% for all selected impurities. The method validation was carried out following International Conference on Harmonization guidelines, from which the developed method was able to quantitate the impurities at 1.0 ppm for O-phenylenediamine, 1.8 ppm for 4-nitrolutidine-N-oxide and 1.0 ppm for benzyltriethylammonium chloride. Furthermore, the proposed method was successfully evaluated for the determination of selected impurities from bulk drug and formulation samples of rabeprazole within the acceptable limits.
    MeSH terms: Chromatography, Liquid; Drug Compounding*; Drug Contamination*; Mass Spectrometry; Rabeprazole/toxicity; Rabeprazole/chemistry*
  20. Abdalla YOA, Nyamathulla S, Shamsuddin N, Arshad NM, Mun KS, Awang K, et al.
    Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2018 10 01;356:204-213.
    PMID: 30138658 DOI: 10.1016/j.taap.2018.08.014
    1'-S-1'-acetoxychavicol acetate (ACA) has been previously reported to reduce tumor volume in nude mice, at an effective dose of 1.56 mg/kg body weight. However, the detailed toxicological profile for ACA has not yet been performed. Herein, we investigated the toxicity of intravenous administration of ACA in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats, both acutely (with single doses of 2.00, 4.00 and 6.66 mg/kg body weight, for 14 days), and sub-acutely (with weekly injections of 0.66, 1.33, and 2.22 mg/kg, for 28 days). In both toxicity studies, treatment with ACA did not affect behavior, food/water intake or body weight, nor did it induce any changes in clinically relevant hematological and biochemical parameters or mortality, suggesting that the LD50 of ACA was higher than 6.66 mg/kg body weight, regardless of sex. Sub-acutely, there was however, mild focal inflammation of kidneys and lobular hepatitis, but these were not associated with significant functional adverse effects. Therefore, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for intravenous administration of ACA in the present 28-day sub-acute study was 2.22 mg/kg body weight, in both male and female rats. These findings provide useful information regarding the safety of ACA use in a healthy, non-tumor-bearing rat model.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic/administration & dosage; Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic/toxicity*; Behavior, Animal/drug effects; Benzyl Alcohols/administration & dosage; Benzyl Alcohols/toxicity*; Blood Cell Count; Body Weight/drug effects; Drinking/drug effects; Eating/drug effects; Female; Inflammation/chemically induced; Inflammation/pathology; Lethal Dose 50; Male; Rats, Sprague-Dawley; No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level; Rats; Toxicity Tests, Subchronic; Administration, Intravenous
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