Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Kerk, Lee Chang, Rohanin Ahmad
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):381-392.
    Optimization is central to any problem involving decision making. The area
    of optimization has received enormous attention for over 30 years and it is still popular
    in research field to this day. In this paper, a global optimization method called Improved
    Homotopy with 2-Step Predictor-corrector Method will be introduced. The method in-
    troduced is able to identify all local solutions by converting non-convex optimization
    problems into piece-wise convex optimization problems. A mechanism which only consid-
    ers the convex part where minimizers existed on a function is applied. This mechanism
    allows the method to filter out concave parts and some unrelated parts automatically.
    The identified convex parts are called trusted intervals. The descent property and the
    global convergence of the method was shown in this paper. 15 test problems have been
    used to show the ability of the algorithm proposed in locating global minimizer.
    MeSH terms: Algorithms; Attention; Decision Making; Learning; Trust
  2. Bako Sunday Samuel, Mohd Bakri Adam, Anwar Fitrianto
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):365-380.
    Recent studies have shown that independent identical distributed Gaussian
    random variables is not suitable for modelling extreme values observed during extremal
    events. However, many real life data on extreme values are dependent and stationary
    rather than the conventional independent identically distributed data. We propose a stationary
    autoregressive (AR) process with Gumbel distributed innovation and characterise
    the short-term dependence among maxima of an (AR) process over a range of sample
    sizes with varying degrees of dependence. We estimate the maximum likelihood of the
    parameters of the Gumbel AR process and its residuals, and evaluate the performance
    of the parameter estimates. The AR process is fitted to the Gumbel-generalised Pareto
    (GPD) distribution and we evaluate the performance of the parameter estimates fitted
    to the cluster maxima and the original series. Ignoring the effect of dependence leads to
    overestimation of the location parameter of the Gumbel-AR (1) process. The estimate
    of the location parameter of the AR process using the residuals gives a better estimate.
    Estimate of the scale parameter perform marginally better for the original series than the
    residual estimate. The degree of clustering increases as dependence is enhance for the AR
    process. The Gumbel-AR(1) fitted to the threshold exceedances shows that the estimates
    of the scale and shape parameters fitted to the cluster maxima perform better as sample
    size increases, however, ignoring the effect of dependence lead to an underestimation of
    the parameter estimates of the scale parameter. The shape parameter of the original
    series gives a superior estimate compare to the threshold excesses fitted to the Gumbel
    distributed Generalised Pareto ditribution.
    MeSH terms: Probability; Cluster Analysis; Normal Distribution
  3. Hooi, M.H., Tiong, W. K., Tay, K. G., Chiew,K. L., Sze, S. N.
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):333-350.
    In this paper, we look at the propagation of internal solitary waves over three
    different types of slowly varying region, i.e. a slowly increasing slope, a smooth bump and
    a parabolic mound in a two-layer fluid flow. The appropriate mathematical model for this
    problem is the variable-coefficient extended Korteweg-de Vries equation. The governing
    equation is then solved numerically using the method of lines. Our numerical simulations
    show that the internal solitary waves deforms adiabatically on the slowly increasing slope.
    At the same time, a trailing shelf is generated as the internal solitary wave propagates
    over the slope, which would then decompose into secondary solitary waves or a wavetrain.
    On the other hand, when internal solitary waves propagate over a smooth bump or a
    parabolic mound, a trailing shelf of negative polarity would be generated as the results of
    the interaction of the internal solitary wave with the decreasing slope of the bump or the
    parabolic mound. The secondary solitary waves is observed to be climbing the negative
    trailing shelf.
    MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical; Radiation; Physical Phenomena
  4. Amir S. A. Hamzah, Ali H. M. Murid
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):293-311.
    This study presents a mathematical model examining wastewater pollutant removal through
    an oxidation pond treatment system. This model was developed to describe the reaction
    between microbe-based product mPHO (comprising Phototrophic bacteria (PSB)), dissolved
    oxygen (DO) and pollutant namely chemical oxygen demand (COD). It consists
    of coupled advection-diffusion-reaction equations for the microorganism (PSB), DO and
    pollutant (COD) concentrations, respectively. The coupling of these equations occurred
    due to the reactions between PSB, DO and COD to produce harmless compounds. Since
    the model is nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs), coupled, and dynamic, computational
    algorithm with a specific numerical method, which is implicit Crank-Nicolson
    method, was employed to simulate the dynamical behaviour of the system. Furthermore,
    numerical results revealed that the proposed model demonstrated high accuracy when
    compared to the experimental data.
    MeSH terms: Algorithms; Bacteria; Diffusion; Models, Theoretical; Oxidation-Reduction; Oxygen; Biological Oxygen Demand Analysis; Ponds; Waste Water
  5. Higuchi Y, Soga T, Parhar IS
    Front Pharmacol, 2018;9:1549.
    PMID: 30687104 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2018.01549
    Stress induces various neurobiological responses and causes psychiatric disorders, including depression. Monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) plays an important role in various functions of the brain, such as regulation of mood, anxiety and aggression, and dysregulation of MAO-A is observed in stress-related psychiatric disorders. This study addressed the question whether acute social stress induces changes to transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional regulation of MAO-A expression in the brain. Using male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), we investigated whether acute social stress, induced by the presence of a dominant male fish, changes the expression of MAO-A. We measured gene expression of MAO-A by quantitative PCR, enzymatic activity of MAO-A by the luminescent method, and 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in the brain of socially stressed and control fish. Socially stressed males showed decreased MAO-A mRNA levels, consistent MAO-A enzymatic activity, increased 5-HT turnover in the brain, and elevated plasma cortisol levels, compared to controls. Our results suggest that acute social stress suppresses the transcription of MAO-A gene, enhances 5-HT metabolism but does not affect the production of MAO-A protein.
    MeSH terms: Aggression; Animals; Anxiety; Brain; Chromatography, Liquid; Depression; Depressive Disorder; Hydrocortisone; Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid; Male; Monoamine Oxidase; Neurobiology; RNA, Messenger; Mass Spectrometry; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Cichlids
  6. Zulkhairi Amin FA, Sabri S, Mohammad SM, Ismail M, Chan KW, Ismail N, et al.
    Adv Pharmacol Sci, 2018;2018:6179596.
    PMID: 30687402 DOI: 10.1155/2018/6179596
    Both honeybees (Apis spp.) and stingless bees (Trigona spp.) produce honeys with high nutritional and therapeutics value. Until recently, the information regarding potential health benefits of stingless bee honey (SBH) in medical databases is still scarce as compared to the common European bee honey (EBH) which is well known for their properties as therapeutic agents. Although there have been very few reports on SBH, empirically these products would have similar therapeutic quality as the EBH. In addition, due to the structure of the nest, few studies reported that the antimicrobial activity of SBH is a little bit stronger than EBH. Therefore, the composition of both the types of honey as well as the traditional uses and clinical applications were compared. The results of various studies on EBH and SBH from tissue culture research to randomised control clinical trials were collated in this review. Interestingly, there are many therapeutic properties that are unique to SBH. Therefore, SBH has a great potential to be developed for modern medicinal uses.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Anti-Infective Agents; Bees; Honey; Immunologic Tests; Research; Databases, Factual
  7. Lock C, Kwok J, Kumar S, Ahmad-Annuar A, Narayanan V, Ng ASL, et al.
    PMID: 30687707 DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00357
    Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a syndrome comprising gait disturbance, cognitive decline and urinary incontinence that is an unique model of reversible brain injury, but it presents as a challenging spectrum of disease cohorts. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), with its ability to interrogate structural white matter patterns at a microarchitectural level, is a potentially useful tool for the confirmation and characterization of disease cohorts at the clinical-research interface. However, obstacles to its widespread use involve the need for consistent DTI analysis and interpretation tools across collaborator sites. We present the use of DTI profiles, a simplistic methodology to interpret white matter injury patterns based on the morphology of diffusivity parameters. We examined 13 patients with complex NPH, i.e., patients with NPH and overlay from multiple comorbidities, including vascular risk burden and neurodegenerative disease, undergoing extended CSF drainage, clinical assessments, and multi-modal MR imaging. Following appropriate exclusions, we compared the morphology of DTI profiles in such complex NPH patients (n = 12, comprising 4 responders and 8 non-responders) to exemplar DTI profiles from a cohort of classic NPH patients (n = 16) demonstrating responsiveness of white matter injury to ventriculo-peritoneal shunting. In the cohort of complex NPH patients, mean age was 71.3 ± 7.6 years (10 males, 2 females) with a mean MMSE score of 21.1. There were 5 age-matched healthy controls, mean age was 73.4 ± 7.2 years (1 male, 4 females) and mean MMSE score was 26.8. In the exemplar cohort of classic NPH patients, mean age was 74.7 ± 5.9 years (10 males, 6 females) and mean MMSE score was 24.1. There were 9 age-matched healthy controls, mean age was 69.4 ± 9.7 years (4 males, 5 females) and mean MMSE score was 28.6. We found that, despite the challenges of acquiring DTI metrics from differing scanners across collaborator sites and NPH patients presenting as differing cohorts along the spectrum of disease, DTI profiles for responsiveness to interventions were comparable. Distinct DTI characteristics were demonstrated for complex NPH responders vs. non-responders. The morphology of DTI profiles for complex NPH responders mimicked DTI patterns found in predominantly shunt-responsive patients undergoing intervention for classic NPH. However, DTI profiles for complex NPH non-responders was suggestive of atrophy. Our findings suggest that it is possible to use DTI profiles to provide a methodology for rapid description of differing cohorts of disease at the clinical-research interface. By describing DTI measures morphologically, it was possible to consistently compare white matter injury patterns across international collaborator datasets.
  8. Swathirajan CR, Vignesh R, Waldrop G, Shanmugasundaram U, Nandagopal P, Solomon SS, et al.
    Curr HIV Res, 2018;16(4):302-314.
    PMID: 30543175 DOI: 10.2174/1570162X17666181212122607
    BACKGROUND: Anti-viral cytokine expressions by cytotoxic T-cells and lower activation rates have been reported to correlate with suppressed HIV replication in long-term non-progressors (LTNP). Immune mechanisms underlying disease non-progression in LTNP might vary with HIV-1 subtype and geographical locations.

    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates cytokine expression and T-cells activation in relation to disease non-progression in LTNP.

    METHODS: HIV-1 Subtype C infected LTNP (n=20) and progressors (n=15) were enrolled and flowcytometry assays were performed to study HIV-specific CD8 T-cells expressing IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α and MIP-1β against gag and env peptides. CD4+ T-cell activation was evaluated by surface expression of HLADR and CD38.

    RESULTS: Proportions of cytokines studied did not differ significantly between LTNP and progressors, while contrasting correlations with disease progression markers were observed in LTNP. CD4+ T-cell activation rates were significantly lower in LTNP compared to progressors which indicate the potential role of T-cell activation rates in disease non-progression in LTNP.

    CONCLUSION: LTNP and progressors showed similar CD8+ T-cell responses, but final conclusions can be drawn only by comparing multiple immune factors in larger LTNP cohort with HIV-1 infected individuals at various levels of disease progression. A possible role of HIV-1 subtype variation and ethnic differences in addition to host-genetic and viral factors cannot be ruled out.

  9. Chai, Jin Sian, Hoe, Yeak Su, Ali H. M. Murid
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):0-0.
    A mathematical model is considered to determine the effectiveness of disin-
    fectant solution for surface decontamination. The decontamination process involved the
    diffusion of bacteria into disinfectant solution and the reaction of the disinfectant killing
    effect. The mathematical model is a reaction-diffusion type. Finite difference method and
    method of lines with fourth-order Runge-Kutta method are utilized to solve the model
    numerically. To obtain stable solutions, von Neumann stability analysis is employed to
    evaluate the stability of finite difference method. For stiff problem, Dormand-Prince
    method is applied as the estimated error of fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. MATLAB
    programming is selected for the computation of numerical solutions. From the results
    obtained, fourth-order Runge-Kutta method has a larger stability region and better ac-
    curacy of solutions compared to finite difference method when solving the disinfectant
    solution model. Moreover, a numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the effect
    of different thickness of disinfectant solution on bacteria reduction. Results show that
    thick disinfectant solution is able to reduce the dimensionless bacteria concentration more
    MeSH terms: Bacteria; Decontamination; Diffusion; Disinfectants; Models, Theoretical; Sterilization
  10. Shaymaa Mustafa, Zainal Abdul Aziz, Arifah Bahar, Mohd Khairul Nizar Shamsuddin
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):261-269.
    Riverbank filtration (RBF) system is a surface water technology that is based
    on the natural treatment of filtration instead of the use of chemicals, to pre-treat sur-
    face water and provides public water supplies. Hydraulic conductivity value is one of the
    significant factors affecting the water quality in RBF systems. In this article, an analyti-
    cal modelling is developed to investigate the effect of this parameter on one dimensional
    contaminant transport in RBF system. The model is solved by using Green’s function
    approach. The model is applied for the first RBF system conducted in Malaysia. Gener-
    ally, the results show that increasing the hydraulic conductivity value lead to an increase
    in contaminant concentration in pumping well area.
  11. McCoy R
    Med Confl Surviv, 2018 Dec;34(4):301-308.
    PMID: 30676084 DOI: 10.1080/13623699.2018.1564186
    MeSH terms: Humans; International Cooperation; Malaysia; National Health Programs/organization & administration; Nuclear Warfare/prevention & control*; Social Responsibility*; Social Welfare/statistics & numerical data*; Radioactive Hazard Release/prevention & control; Nuclear Weapons*
  12. Azmirul Ashaari, Tahir Ahmad, Wan Munirah Wan Mohamad
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):235-244.
    Pressurized water reactor (PWR) type AP1000 is a third generation of a nuclear
    power plant. The primary system of PWR using uranium dioxide to generate heat energy
    via fission process. The process influences temperature, pressure and pH value of water
    chemistry of the PWR. The aim of this paper is to transform the primary system of PWR
    using fuzzy autocatalytic set (FACS). In this work, the background of primary system
    of PWR and the properties of the model are provided. The simulation result, namely
    dynamic concentration of PWR is verified against published data.
    MeSH terms: Hot Temperature; Paper; Power Plants; Pressure; Temperature; Water; Uranium Compounds
  13. Siti Rohani Mohd Nor, Fadhilah Yusof, Arifah Bahar
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):227-233.
    The incorporation of non-linear pattern of early ages has led to new research
    directions on improving the existing stochastic mortalitymodel structure. Several authors
    have outlined the importance of encompassing the full age range in dealing with longevity
    risk exposure, by not ignoring the dependence between young and old ages. In this study,
    we consider the two extensions of the Cairns, Blake and Dowd model that incorporate the
    irregularity profile seen at the mortality of lower ages, which are the Plat, and the O’Hare
    and Li models respectively. The models’ performances in terms of in-sample fitting and
    out-sample forecasts were examined and compared. The results indicated that the O’Hare
    and Li model performs better as compared to the Plat model.
  14. Tan, Renee H.J., Yee, Anne, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Mas Ayu Said, Mahmoud Danaee, Chang, Lua Ahai
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(1):40-46.
    Background: The rise in substance-use-related problems among Malaysian adolescents called for a study to
    assess the efficacy of an anti-drug educational program to improve the knowledge, attitude and perception
    (KAP) of Malaysian students regarding substance use.
    Methods: This study involved 573 students from four Malaysian Chinese schools in Malacca. Each student
    filled out a Likert-scale mandarin translated questionnaire (KAP-C) on substance use ( Pre-test). Following an
    educational program on substance use, the KAP-C questionnaire was given again to the students, immediately
    following the program (PT 1), and after a month (PT 2) and two months (PT3) of the programme.
    Results: The students showed improvement in knowledge of the types of substance use in PT 1 (p
    MeSH terms: Adolescent; Humans; Perception; Surveys and Questionnaires; Schools; Students
  15. Bassoumah, B., Adam, M.A.
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(1):32-38.
    The study aimed at government efforts in making maternal and child healthcare services more available to
    rural women, many of whom who still seek care from traditional practitioners during the postpartum period
    after childbirth. In this research, we explored the role of traditional practitioners, such as Traditional Birth
    Attendants (TBAs), herbalists and spiritualists, in traditional maternity care and the implications for the health
    of the expectant mother, foetus or baby. This qualitative inquiry used purposive sampling and snowballing to
    select the respondents in their various localities. It was observed that the traditional practitioners performed
    both spiritual and medical roles during pregnancy and childbirth.
    In the study, we discovered that both mothers and babies were exposed to health risks, as administration
    of the herbal medicines and assistance at deliveries were carried out under unhygienic conditions. The
    techniques used in labour management were not in compliance with the recommendations of the World
    Health Organisation. The stages of maternity were characterised with the application of herbal concoctions
    with spirituality attached.
    The study recommends re-examination of mediating socio-cultural factors to professional health care. There
    is a need for the Ghana Health Service to ensure the efficacy and safety of herbal drugs as well as to monitor
    the production and application of such medicines.
    MeSH terms: Child; Female; Fetus; Ghana; Government; Humans; Infant; Midwifery; Mothers; Pregnancy; Surveys and Questionnaires; Herbal Medicine; Spirituality; Parturition; Delivery, Obstetric; Postpartum Period
  16. Tamrin, K.F., Adilah, A.N., Hamdi, M.M., Jong, R.P.
    A glucose meter (or glucometer) is a medical device for determining the approximate concentration of glucose in the
    blood by pricking a finger to draw blood sample using a sharp needle. However, diabetic patient has quite slow level in
    wound healing process which causes their fingers constantly in a state of wounded and exposed to bacteria. More
    importantly, two main factors for the weakness of invasive technique is a painful process and cost often because constant
    monitoring of glucose level is very expensive. The main objective of this research is to design and develop a non-invasive
    optical measuring technique to measure body glucose level automatically and painlessly using a laser pointer and a
    smartphone. Images captured by the smartphone is analysed using a Matlab software to determine the refractive index of
    the urine sample. Calibration of the system is performed by correlating the results with that of the glucometer. Both
    results compare well with R-squared value of 92.9%. The system can be potentially used for remote health and patient
    MeSH terms: Smartphone; Bacteria; Calibration; Diabetes Mellitus; Glucose; Humans; Lasers; Needles; Refractometry; Software; Wound Healing; Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring
  17. Zin, M.Z.M., Nurfahiratul, A.H., Rohaya, S.
    Muslim profesional sering dikaitkan dengan komitmen individu dalam penghayatan amalan religiositi. Persoalannya,
    adakah profesionalisme dan penghayatan amalan religiositi mempunyai hubungan secara positif? Sekiranya saling
    berkaitan, apakah amalan yang dimaksudkan? Justeru, kaedah kualitatif phenomenology digunakan untuk mengenalpasti
    amalan-amalan religiositi yang dilaksanakan. Penulisan ini terbentuk hasil daripada beberapa siri temu bual separa
    berstruktur, analisis dokumen dan kaedah pemerhatian bukan penyertaan di dalam meneliti amalan religiositi yang
    dipraktikkan semasa bekerja, yang mempengaruhi pemantapan profesionalisme belia Muslim. Hasil kajian menunjukkan
    bahawa profesionalisme seseorang itu terhasil daripada penghayatan amalan religiositi melalui i) amalan infiradi dan ii)
    amalan ijtima’i, yang kemudiannya membentuk pemantapan profesionalisme individu terhadap Allah s.w.t
    (habluminallah) dan terhadap masyarakat dan rakan sekerja (habluminannas).
  18. Mahdi, A.F.
    Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs) has been a matter considerable interest and worldwide public controversy. Due to
    the world’s fastest growing recognition that addresses food safety issues and other uncertainties. In order to solve this
    problem, conducted research is appropriate to evaluate the consumers’ awareness towards the existing of genetically
    modified foods in the urban and rural area in Sarawak. This study conducted to identify the level of awareness towards
    consumers because they had little knowledge on genetically modified foods and they also cannot assess genetically
    modified foods by themselves. Furthermore, this study will provide the firm’s top management to more concern about
    genetically modified and also provides knowledge for the further research. A 46 structured questions consumer survey
    has been prepared with a total 351 respondents from urban and 100 respondents from rural had been collected
    emphasizing on awareness of the consumers about genetically modified foods, the acceptability of GMFs by consumers
    and legislations and information sources were assessed in the questionnaire. The results show that the level of genetically
    modified food in both urban and rural area is very low. Consumers failed to indicate or identify its appearance due to
    lack of labeling and information in packaging. The study showed that the consumers were not aware which products
    contain genetically modified despite living in urban or rural areas. Since GMFs will be merging in the future, there is
    need finding out the consumer’s awareness, attitudes, and perceptions toward GMFs. This study will provide a better
    understanding of the company, marketer, and consumers on the level of consumers toward GMFs. Moreover, by
    identifying awareness, attitudes, and perceptions allow the companies and marketers to fulfill the needs and wants of
    consumers of difference segment as well preferences.
  19. Jong, R.P., Tamrin, K.F.
    Problem based learning has been adopted worldwide in several disciplines of education particularly in medicine. The
    opportunity for implementation of problem based learning component was observed with the implementation of openended
    laboratory in engineering education. Achievements of students in two cohorts were compared to assess the
    effectiveness of the problem based learning component implementation component in Engineering Laboratory 4. The
    results shows promising improvement in students’ achievements.
  20. Tamrin, K.F.
    Learning is often quoted as a lifelong process. In other words, life is about learning. As prominent institutions, universities are concerned with valued and measurable learning among undergraduate students so that their mastery level of a particular content knowledge can be quantitatively gauged. Of many types of assessments, summative assessment plays a greater role in majority of engineering courses due to nature of the content knowledge. This paper mathematically investigates the fairness issue of equal weightage for all summative assessments i.e., assignments, mid-term test and end-term examination. A multiple objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) is utilized to assign equal weight for the aforementioned assessments. It was found that the number of students failing the selected engineering course increases by about five times using the MOORA method. The finding clearly reveals the advantages of the former method (unequal weights) as compared to MOORA method in terms of catering students with different learning styles and speed of knowledge acquisition.
    MeSH terms: Engineering; Learning; Students; Universities; Knowledge
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