Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 469 in total

  1. Ravindran J, Parampalam SD
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Jun;55(2):280-2.
    PMID: 19839163
    The obstetric flying squad has been used in obstetric practice since 1933 to manage obstetric emergencies occurring in domicilliary practice. It has often been criticised in such situations as only delaying effective treatment to the patient. We have introduced the obstetric flying squad in an urban setting to cater for obstetric emergencies occurring in private practice. This service has been used on ten occasions since its inception without any maternal deaths being recorded or any delay in the provision of emergency care. The flying squad has led to closer cooperation between the government and private sectors in providing obstetric care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Ambulances*
  2. Hu SJ, Katagiri H, Kobayashi H
    Health Phys, 1995 Jan;68(1):67-70.
    PMID: 7989197
    When the definition of calm in atmospheric diffusion analyses is changed from 0.5 m s-1 to 0.1 m s-1, actual and more accurate low wind speeds and wind directions can be used to calculate the average air concentrations due to continuous releases of radionuclides at 10-m stack height more realistically and accurately. However, this modified calm condition has little affect on the calculated adult thyroid exposure for a postulated accident.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants, Radioactive/analysis*
  3. Puad HA, Noor MY
    J Environ Radioact, 2004;73(3):289-305.
    PMID: 15050361
    Crude oil terminal sludge contains technologically enhanced naturally occurring radionuclides such as (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra, thus cannot be disposed of freely without proper control. The current method of disposal, such as land farming and storing in plastic drums is not recommended because it will have a long-term impact on the environment. Due to its organic nature, there is a move to treat this sludge by thermal methods such as incineration. This study has been carried out to determine the behaviors of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra present in the sludge during combustion at a certain temperature and time. The percentage of volatilization was found to vary between 2% and 70%, (238)U was the most volatile in comparison with (232)Th, (228)Ra and (226)Ra. (238)U is found to be significantly volatilized above 500 degrees C, and might reach maximum volatilization at above 700 degrees C. A mathematical model was developed to predict the percentage of volatilization of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra contained in the sludge. With this known percentage of volatilization, the concentration of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra present in the bottom and filter ashes can be calculated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants, Radioactive/analysis*
  4. Newman-Morris G
    Med J Malaysia, 1974 Dec;29(2):107-9.
    PMID: 4282393
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollution/prevention & control
  5. Flaherty G, Sabir K
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2016 Sep-Oct;14(5):531-532.
    PMID: 27524682 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2016.08.001
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Travel*
  6. Abdullah Mohd Noh, Nordin Ayoub, Siti Zurina Mat Noor, Norhafizah Zahari, Mardhiyati Mohd Yunus
    Radon exists naturally in the air. It can accumulate inside the buildings which may affect the indoor air quality. Radon is a radioactive gas that produces alpha particles during decay time. The alpha particles might cause harm to the human lungs and stomach. Inhalation of radon is one of the causes of lung cancer disease. Samples of inhaled radon in different rooms at the workplace were taken hourly through a passive diffusion chamber. The detection method was done using Alpha Spectrometry. The short term measurement was applied in the study to monitor the average weekly radon reading in different rooms in the Medical Imaging Laboratory of the University of Selangor (UNISEL). All tested rooms showed the existence of radon gas with different concentrations. Some of them showed the maximum reading of radon concentration which was higher than the radon action level of 148Bq/m3 or 4pCi/l. Their weekly average of radon concentration is contributing almost 50% of the accumulated radon concentration in the laboratory. It is highly recommended that monitoring the concentration of radon in indoor air is performed to ensure it is at a safe and healthy level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants, Radioactive; Air Pollution, Indoor
  7. Shakil MH, Munim ZH, Tasnia M, Sarowar S
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Nov 25;745:141022.
    PMID: 32711074 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141022
    The current Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) outbreak has had a substantial impact on many aspects of general life. Although a number of studies have been published on the topic already, there has not been a critical review of studies on the impacts of COVID-19 by and on environmental factors. The current study fills this gap by presenting a critical analysis of 57 studies on the nexus between COVID-19 and the environment, published in nine journals up to May 2020. Majority of the studies in our sample are published in Science of the Total Environment (74%), and studies used mostly descriptive statistics and regression as research methods. We identified four underlying research clusters based on a systematic content analysis of the studies. The clusters are: (1) COVID-19 and environmental degradation, (2) COVID-19 and air pollution, (3) COVID-19 and climate/metrological factors and (4) COVID-19 and temperature. Besides a critical analysis of the studies in each cluster, we propose research questions to guide future research on the relationship between COVID-19 and the environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollution*
  8. Abdul Aziz FAB, Abd Rahman N, Mohd Ali J
    Comput Intell Neurosci, 2019;2019:6252983.
    PMID: 31239836 DOI: 10.1155/2019/6252983
    Due to the rapid development of economy and society around the world, the most urban city is experiencing tropospheric ozone or commonly known as ground-level air pollutants. The concentration of air pollutants must be identified as an early precaution step by the local environmental or health agencies. This work aims to apply the artificial neural network (ANN) in estimating the ozone concentration forecast in Bangi. It consists of input variables such as temperature, relative humidity, concentration of nitrogen dioxide, time, UVA and UVB rays obtained from routine monitoring, and data recorded. Ten hidden layer is utilized to obtain the optimized ozone concentration, which is the output layer of the ANN framework. The finding showed that the meteorology condition and emission patterns play an important part in influencing the ozone concentration. However, a single network is sufficient enough to estimate the concentration despite any circumstances. Thus, it can be concluded that ANN is able to give reliable and satisfactory estimations of ozone concentration for the following day.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants/analysis
  9. Azmi SZ, Latif MT, Ismail AS, Juneng L, Jemain AA
    Air Qual Atmos Health, 2010 Mar;3(1):53-64.
    PMID: 20376168
    Over the last decades, the development of the Klang Valley (Malaysia), as an urban commercial and industrial area, has elevated the risk of atmospheric pollutions. There are several significant sources of air pollutants which vary depending on the background of the location they originate from. The aim of this study is to determine the trend and status of air quality and their correlation with the meteorological factors at different air quality monitoring stations in the Klang Valley. The data of five major air pollutants (PM(10), CO, SO(2), O(3), NO(2)) were recorded at the Alam Sekitar Sdn Bhd (ASMA) monitoring stations in the Klang Valley, namely Petaling Jaya (S1), Shah Alam (S2) and Gombak (S3). The data from these three stations were compared with the data recorded at Jerantut, Pahang (B), a background station established by the Malaysian Department of Environment. Results show that the concentrations of CO, NO(2) and SO(2) are higher at Petaling Jaya (S1) which is due to influence of heavy traffic. The concentrations of PM(10) and O(3,) however, are predominantly related to regional tropical factors, such as the influence of biomass burning and of ultra violet radiation from sunlight. They can, though, also be influenced by local sources. There are relatively stronger inter-pollutant correlations at the stations of Gombak and Shah Alam, and the results also suggest that heavy traffic flow induces high concentrations of PM(10), CO, NO(2) and SO(2) at the three sampling stations. Additionally, meteorological factors, particularly the ambient temperature and wind speed, may influence the concentration of PM(10) in the atmosphere.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants; Air Pollution
  10. Rabaan AA, Al-Ahmed SH, Al-Malkey M, Alsubki R, Ezzikouri S, Al-Hababi FH, et al.
    Infez Med, 2021 03 01;29(1):10-19.
    PMID: 33664169
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has become a pandemic worldwide. On a daily basis the number of deaths associated with COVID-19 is rapidly increasing. The main transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 is through the air (airborne transmission). This review details the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the aerodynamics, and different modes of transmission (e.g. droplets, droplet nuclei, and aerosol particles). SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted by an infected person during activities such as expiration, coughing, sneezing, and talking. During such activities and some medical procedures, aerosols and droplets contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 particles are formed. Depending on their sizes and the environmental conditions, such particles stay viable in the air for varying time periods and can cause infection in a susceptible host. Very few studies have been conducted to establish the mechanism or the aerodynamics of virus-loaded particles and droplets in causing infection. In this review we discuss the various forms in which SARS-CoV-2 virus particles can be transmitted in air and cause infections.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Microbiology*
  11. Yue X, Ma NL, Sonne C, Guan R, Lam SS, Van Le Q, et al.
    J Hazard Mater, 2021 03 05;405:124138.
    PMID: 33092884 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124138
    Indoor air pollution with toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is a threat to human health, causing cancer, leukemia, fetal malformation, and abortion. Therefore, the development of technologies to mitigate indoor air pollution is important to avoid adverse effects. Adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation are the current approaches for the removal of VOCs and PM2.5 with high efficiency. In this review we focus on the recent development of indoor air pollution mitigation materials based on adsorption and photocatalytic decomposition. First, we review on the primary indoor air pollutants including formaldehyde, benzene compounds, PM2.5, flame retardants, and plasticizer: Next, the recent advances in the use of adsorption materials including traditional biochar and MOF (metal-organic frameworks) as the new emerging porous materials for VOCs absorption is reviewed. We review the mechanism for mitigation of VOCs using biochar (noncarbonized organic matter partition and adsorption) and MOF together with parameters that affect indoor air pollution removal efficiency based on current mitigation approaches including the mitigation of VOCs using photocatalytic oxidation. Finally, we bring forward perspectives and directions for the development of indoor air mitigation technologies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants; Air Pollution, Indoor
  12. Sanusi MSM, Ramli AT, Hashim S, Lee MH
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2021 Jan 15;208:111727.
    PMID: 33396058 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.111727
    Continuous depletion in tin productions has led to a newly emerging industry that is a tin by-product (amang) processing industry to harness mega tons of tin by-products produced in the past. Amang composed of profitable multi-heavy minerals and rare-earth elements. With poorly established safety and health practices in operating plant, amang poses extremely high radioactivity problem associated with high occupational ionizing radiation exposures to workers and continuously impacting the local environment with radioactive contamination from industrial effluent and solid waste into lithosphere and water bodies. The radioactivity level of 238U and 232Th series in the mineral varies from few hundreds up to ~200,000 and ~400,000 Bq kg-1 respectively and are potential to yield more than ~ 30,000 nGy h-1 of gamma (γ) radiation exposure to plant workers. The study found out that for 8 h of work time, a worker is estimated to receive an average effective dose of 0.1 mSv per day from external γ radiation source with a maximum up to 2 mSv per day for extreme exposure situation. Interferences of different exposure routes for examples inhalation of equivalent equilibrium concentration (ECC) of 222Rn and 220Rn progenies and airborne long-lived α particles from the dusty working environment could pose a higher total effective dose as much as 5 mSv per day and 115 mSv per year. The value is 5 times higher than the annual dose limit for designated radiation worker (20 mSv) in Peninsular Malaysia. The study found that 41% of the total received an effective dose received by a worker is contributed by 222Rn, 32% of airborne particulates and dust, 23% from external γ exposure and 4% from 220Rn. Based on radioecological risk assessment, the study found out that the aquatic environment is the highly exposed group to ionizing radiation from industrial effluent discharge and sand residues. With the impotent establishment of radiation protection in the industry, plus the country newly introduced long-term plan to revive tin mining as well as its accessory amang mineral, it is necessary for the government to harmonize current regulation to improve the worker safety and health as well as sustaining local environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants, Radioactive/analysis*
    Fine particulate matter (aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 μm) (PM2.5) has become a major concern because it can adsorb chemicals e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) onto its surface. Although PAHs are priority pollutants that can cause adverse health effect, there is still limited information concerning indoor exposures to PAHs in Malaysia. This study aimed to characterise the distribution of PAHs bounded to PM2.5in primary school environments. Indoor and outdoor PM2.5 were collected between May and July 2017 using low volume samplers (LVS) at three public primary schools in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. PAHs were extracted by ultrasonic extraction with Dichloromethane: n-Hexane (1:1, v/v) as the extraction solvent and analysed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Based on the results, the average total concentration of PAHs (∑PAHs) ranged from 3.8 to 10.1 ng m-3and 1.6 to 8.0 ng m-3for outdoors and indoors, respectively. PAHs in PM2.5samples indicated the potential contribution of combustion at high temperature and indoor sources and the infiltration of outdoor PAHs were the important sources for outdoor and indoor, respectively. In addition, the diagnostic ratio analysis showed that vehicular emissions were the most predominant sources of PAHs in school environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants; Air Pollution, Indoor
  14. Amir Abdullah, M.D., Leman, A.M., Norhidayah, A., Syafiq Syazwan, M.M.
    A poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a crucial problem which produces by the improper maintenance of Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) ducting. A budget constraint intimidates for the practise of monitoring of the MVAC ducting. Thus IAQ measurements were conducted at the room where the air supplied by centralized air conditioning. It has been performed at four different offices that supply by two different Air Handling Unit (AHU). Walkthrough survey was conducted and the area samplings were selected for data collection. This paper examines the result of comparison of air ducting and air quality at academic office building, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The parameters involved were Temperature (°C), Relative Humidity (RH), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO). Pictures were also captured to demonstrate the real conditions inside the ducting by using Mechanical Robot. Thus, duct cleaning was recommended to be an exceptional platform for the IAQ improvement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Conditioning; Air Pollution, Indoor
  15. Ahmad Syazrin Muhammad, Juliana Jalaludin, NurAqilah M. Yusof
    Exposure to traffic air pollutant have shown a significant health effect on respiratory systems and decreased in lung function among traffic policemen. The main objective of this study was to determine the relationships between personal exposure levels to PM2.5 and respiratory health among traffic policemen working at Traffic Police Station in Kuala Lumpur and general duty policemen attached to Police Headquarters, Bukit Aman. A cross sectional comparative study was conducted among 50 traffic policemen from Traffic Police Station Kuala Lumpur and 50 general duty policemen from Police Headquarters Bukit Aman as comparative group. A purposive sampling method was used to select the respondents based on inclusive criteria such as age between 25 to 60 years, no history of respiratory disease and working not less than 3 years as traffic policemen. Questionnaire based on ATS (1978) was used to collect information on socio-demographic and respiratory symptoms. Spirometer (Spirolab II Model) was used to perform lung function tests. Personal Air Sampling Pump (Aircheck 52) was used to measure personal exposure level to PM2.5. The mean exposure level of PM2.5 among the traffic policemen was 22.33 ± 8.54μg/m³ compared to only 5.60 ± 4.29μg/m³ for comparative group. There was a significant difference in all lung function parameters between the exposed group and comparative group.From the finding, it shows that there was significant relationship between working duration (years) and lung function parameters among both exposed and comparative group. The result from this research shows that traffic policemen were determined as having lower lung function parameters due to their nature of work and the environment. Also, there was a significant association between exposure to fine particle (PM2.5) and lung function among the exposed group. Finding from this study indicated that exposure to elevated concentration level to traffic related air pollutant was the risk factors in the development of respiratory diseases as shown by the higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and the reduction in lung function among traffic policemen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants; Air Pollution
  16. Ang TN, Young BR, Taylor M, Burrell R, Aroua MK, Baroutian S
    Chemosphere, 2020 Jan;239:124839.
    PMID: 31726519 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124839
    The inhalational anaesthetic agent - sevoflurane is widely employed for the induction and maintenance of surgical anaesthesia. Sevoflurane possesses a high global warming potential that imposes negative impact to the environment. The only way to resolve the issue is to remove sevoflurane from the medical waste gas before it reaches the atmosphere. A continuous adsorption study with a fixed-bed column was conducted using two commercial granular activated carbons (E-GAC and H-GAC), to selectively remove sevoflurane. The effect of bed depth (Z, 5-15 cm), gas flow rate (Q, 0.5-6.0 L/min) and inlet sevoflurane concentration (C0, ∼55-700 mg/L) was investigated. E-GAC demonstrated ∼60% higher adsorption capacity than H-GAC under the same operating conditions. Varying the levels of Z, Q and C0 showed significant differences in the adsorption capacities of E-GAC, whereas only changing the C0 level had significant differences for H-GAC. Three breakthrough models (Adams-Bohart, Thomas, and Yoon-Nelson) and Bed-depth/service time (BDST) analysis were applied to predict the breakthrough characteristics of the adsorption tests and determine the characteristic parameters of the column. The Yoon-Nelson and Thomas model-predicted breakthrough curves were in good agreement with the experimental values. In the case of the Adams-Bohart model, a low correlation was observed. The predicted breakthrough time (tb) based on kinetic constant (kBDST) in BDST analysis showed satisfactory agreement with the measured values. The results suggest the possibility of designing, scaling up and optimising an adsorption system for removing sevoflurane with the aid of the models and BDST analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants/analysis*
  17. Wong SF, Yap PS, Mak JW, Chan WLE, Khor GL, Ambu S, et al.
    Environ Health, 2020 04 03;19(1):37.
    PMID: 32245482 DOI: 10.1186/s12940-020-00579-w
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia has the highest rate of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Southeast Asian region, and has ongoing air pollution and periodic haze exposure.

    METHODS: Diabetes data were derived from the Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Surveys conducted in 2006, 2011 and 2015. The air pollution data (NOx, NO2, SO2, O3 and PM10) were obtained from the Department of Environment Malaysia. Using multiple logistic and linear regression models, the association between long-term exposure to these pollutants and prevalence of diabetes among Malaysian adults was evaluated.

    RESULTS: The PM10 concentration decreased from 2006 to 2014, followed by an increase in 2015. Levels of NOx decreased while O3 increased annually. The air pollutant levels based on individual modelled air pollution exposure as measured by the nearest monitoring station were higher than the annual averages of the five pollutants present in the ambient air. The prevalence of overall diabetes increased from 11.4% in 2006 to 21.2% in 2015. The prevalence of known diabetes, underdiagnosed diabetes, overweight and obesity also increased over these years. There were significant positive effect estimates of known diabetes at 1.125 (95% CI, 1.042, 1.213) for PM10, 1.553 (95% CI, 1.328, 1.816) for O3, 1.271 (95% CI, 1.088, 1.486) for SO2, 1.124 (95% CI, 1.048, 1.207) for NO2, and 1.087 (95% CI, 1.024, 1.153) for NOx for NHMS 2006. The adjusted annual average levels of PM10 [1.187 (95% CI, 1.088, 1.294)], O3 [1.701 (95% CI, 1.387, 2.086)], NO2 [1.120 (95% CI, 1.026, 1.222)] and NOx [1.110 (95% CI, 1.028, 1.199)] increased significantly from NHMS 2006 to NHMS 2011 for overall diabetes. This was followed by a significant decreasing trend from NHMS 2011 to 2015 [0.911 for NO2, and 0.910 for NOx].

    CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggest that long-term exposure to O3 is an important associated factor of underdiagnosed DM risk in Malaysia. PM10, NO2 and NOx may have mixed effect estimates towards the risk of DM, and their roles should be further investigated with other interaction models. Policy and intervention measures should be taken to reduce air pollution in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants; Air Pollution
  18. Norfazillah Ab Manan, Rozita Hod, Hanizah Mohd Yusoff, Mazrura Sahani, Rosnah Ismail, Wan Rozita Wan Mahiyuddin
    Int J Public Health Res, 2016;6(1):707-712.
    Air pollution has been widely known to have an influence on health of the general population.
    Air pollution can result from natural causes, human activities and transboundary air pollution.
    Weather and climate play crucial role in determining the pattern of air quality. In recent years,
    air pollution and recurrent episodes of haze has become a major concern in Malaysia.
    Surveillance data on concentrations of main air pollutants such as carbon dioxide, (CO2),
    Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM10)
    were found to be higher during the haze days and this may have an impact on health of the
    community as reflected by an increase in hospital admissions particularly the respiratory and
    cardiovascular diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants; Air Pollution
  19. Yu H, Zahidi I
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Mar 15;864:161135.
    PMID: 36566867 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161135
    The over-exploitation of mineral resources has led to increasingly serious dust pollution in mines, resulting in a series of negative impacts on the environment, mine workers (occupational health) and nearby residents (public health). For the environment, mine dust pollution is considered a major threat on surface vegetation, landscapes, weather conditions and air quality, leading to serious environmental damage such as vegetation reduction and air pollution; for occupational health, mine dust from the mining process is also regarded as a major threat to mine workers' health, leading to occupational diseases such as pneumoconiosis and silicosis; for public health, the pollutants contained in mine dust may pollute surrounding rivers, farmlands and crops, which poses a serious risk to the domestic water and food security of nearby residents who are also susceptible to respiratory diseases from exposure to mine dust. Therefore, the second section of this paper combines literature research, statistical studies, and meta analysis to introduce the public mainly to the severity of mine dust pollution and its hazards to the environment, mine workers (occupational health), and residents (public health), as well as to present an outlook on the management of mine dust pollution. At the same time, in order to propose a method for monitoring mine dust pollution on a regional scale, based on the Dense Dark Vegetation (DDV) algorithm, the third section of this paper analysed the aerosol optical depth (AOD) change in Dexing City of China using the data of 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2021 from the NASA MCD19A2 Dataset to explore the mine dust pollution situation and the progress of pollution treatment in Dexing City from 2010 to 2021. As a discussion article, this paper aims to review the environmental and health risks caused by mine dust pollution, to remind the public to take mine dust pollution seriously, and to propose the use of remote sensing technologies to monitor mine dust pollution, providing suggestions for local governments as well as mines on mine dust monitoring measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollution*
  20. Khokhar MF, Nisar M, Noreen A, Khan WR, Hakeem KR
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Jan;24(3):2827-2839.
    PMID: 27838904 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7907-3
    This study emphasizes on near surface observation of chemically active trace gases such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over Islamabad on a regular basis. Absorption spectroscopy using backscattered extraterrestrial light source technique was used to retrieve NO2 differential slant column densities (dSCDs). Mini multi-axis-differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) instrument was used to perform ground-based measurements at Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Islamabad, Pakistan. Tropospheric vertical column densities (VCDs) of NO2 were derived from measured dSCDs by using geometric air mass factor approach. A case study was conducted to identify the impact of different materials (glass, tinted glass, and acrylic sheet of various thicknesses used to cover the instrument) on the retrieval of dSCDs. Acrylic sheet of thickness 5 mm was found most viable option for casing material as it exhibited negligible impact in the visible wavelength range. Tropospheric NO2 VCD derived from ground-based mini MAX-DOAS measurements exceeded two times the Pak-NEQS levels and showed a reasonable comparison (r (2) = 0.65, r = 0.81) with satellite observations (root mean square bias of 39 %) over Islamabad, Pakistan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants/analysis*
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