Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 226 in total

  1. Habib A, Md Yunus Z, Azize NA, Ch'ng GS, Ong WP, Chen BC, et al.
    Eur J Pediatr, 2013 Sep;172(9):1277-81.
    PMID: 23358709 DOI: 10.1007/s00431-013-1947-1
    Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI; MIM 222700) is an inherited aminoaciduria with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Biochemically, affected patients present with increased excretion of the cationic amino acids: lysine, arginine, and ornithine. We report the first case of LPI diagnosed in Malaysia presented with excessive excretion of homocitrulline. The patient was a 4-year-old male who presented with delayed milestones, recurrent diarrhea, and severe failure to thrive. He developed hyperammonemic coma following a forced protein-rich diet. Plasma amino acid analysis showed increased glutamine, alanine, and citrulline but decreased lysine, arginine and ornithine. Urine amino acids showed a marked excretion of lysine and ornithine together with a large peak of unknown metabolite which was subsequently identified as homocitrulline by tandem mass spectrometry. Molecular analysis confirmed a previously unreported homozygous mutation at exon 1 (235 G > A, p.Gly79Arg) in the SLC7A7 gene. This report demonstrates a novel mutation in the SLC7A7 gene in this rare inborn error of diamino acid metabolism. It also highlights the importance of early and efficient treatment of infections and dehydration in these patients.

    CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of LPI is usually not suspected by clinical findings alone, and specific laboratory investigations and molecular analysis are important to get a definitive diagnosis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  2. Yahya P, Sulong S, Harun A, Wangkumhang P, Wilantho A, Ngamphiw C, et al.
    Int J Legal Med, 2020 Jan;134(1):123-134.
    PMID: 31760471 DOI: 10.1007/s00414-019-02184-0
    Ancestry-informative markers (AIMs) can be used to infer the ancestry of an individual to minimize the inaccuracy of self-reported ethnicity in biomedical research. In this study, we describe three methods for selecting AIM SNPs for the Malay population (Malay AIM panel) using different approaches based on pairwise FST, informativeness for assignment (In), and PCA-correlated SNPs (PCAIMs). These Malay AIM panels were extracted from genotype data stored in SNP arrays hosted by the Malaysian node of the Human Variome Project (MyHVP) and the Singapore Genome Variation Project (SGVP). In particular, genotype data from a total of 165 Malay individuals were analyzed, comprising data on 117 individual genotypes from the Affymetrix SNP-6 SNP array platform and data on 48 individual genotypes from the OMNI 2.5 Illumina SNP array platform. The HapMap phase 3 database (1397 individuals from 11 populations) was used as a reference for comparison with the Malay genotype data. The accuracy of each resulting Malay AIM panel was evaluated using a machine learning "ancestry-predictive model" constructed by using WEKA, a comprehensive machine learning platform written in Java. A total of 1250 SNPs were finally selected, which successfully identified Malay individuals from other world populations with an accuracy of 90%, but the accuracy decreased to 80% using 157 SNPs according to the pairwise FST method, while a panel of 200 SNPs selected using In and PCAIMs could be used to identify Malay individuals with an accuracy of approximately 80%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  3. Cox-Singh J, Lu HY, Davis TM, Ilett KF, Hackett LP, Matusop A, et al.
    Int J Parasitol, 2003 Nov;33(13):1545-52.
    PMID: 14572517
    Thirty-two patients reporting to the Lundu District Hospital, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, with uncomplicated falciparum malaria were recruited into a multifaceted study to assess treatment response. Following combined chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine treatment the patients were followed for 28 days according to the World Health Organisation in vivo drug response protocol. The in vivo study revealed that 13 (41%) of the patients had a sensitive response to treatment, five (16%) cleared asexual stage parasites but had persistent gametocytes, 11 (34%) had RI type resistance and three (9%) had RII type resistance requiring quinine intervention before day 7 for parasite clearance. Although clinically insignificant, patients with persistent gametocytes, surviving chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine treatment during maturation, were placed in the reduced response to treatment group for analysis. Allelic typing detected 100% prevalence of the pfcrt K76T marker associated with chloroquine resistance and 78% prevalence of the pfdhfr NRNL haplotype associated with sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine treatment failure. High serum chloroquine levels and pfdhfr haplotypes with
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  4. Külheim C, Yeoh SH, Wallis IR, Laffan S, Moran GF, Foley WJ
    New Phytol, 2011 Sep;191(4):1041-1053.
    PMID: 21609332 DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03769.x
    Eucalyptus is characterized by high foliar concentrations of plant secondary metabolites with marked qualitative and quantitative variation within a single species. Secondary metabolites in eucalypts are important mediators of a diverse community of herbivores. We used a candidate gene approach to investigate genetic associations between 195 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 24 candidate genes and 33 traits related to secondary metabolites in the Tasmanian Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus). We discovered 37 significant associations (false discovery rate (FDR) Q < 0.05) across 11 candidate genes and 19 traits. The effects of SNPs on phenotypic variation were within the expected range (0.018 < r(2) < 0.061) for forest trees. Whereas most marker effects were nonadditive, two alleles from two consecutive genes in the methylerythritol phosphate pathway (MEP) showed additive effects. This study successfully links allelic variants to ecologically important phenotypes which can have a large impact on the entire community. It is one of very few studies to identify the genetic variants of a foundation tree that influences ecosystem function.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  5. Singh R, Tan SG, Panandam JM, Rahman RA, Ooi LC, Low ET, et al.
    BMC Plant Biol, 2009;9:114.
    PMID: 19706196 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-9-114
    Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) is well suited to a perennial crop like oil palm, in which the economic products are not produced until several years after planting. The use of DNA markers for selection in such crops can greatly reduce the number of breeding cycles needed. With the use of DNA markers, informed decisions can be made at the nursery stage, regarding which individuals should be retained as breeding stock, which are satisfactory for agricultural production, and which should be culled. The trait associated with oil quality, measured in terms of its fatty acid composition, is an important agronomic trait that can eventually be tracked using molecular markers. This will speed up the production of new and improved oil palm planting materials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  6. Ali E, Sultana S, Hamid SBA, Hossain M, Yehya WA, Kader A, et al.
    Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2018 Jun 13;58(9):1495-1511.
    PMID: 28033035 DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2016.1264361
    Gelatin is a highly purified animal protein of pig, cow, and fish origins and is extensively used in food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. However, the acceptability of gelatin products greatly depends on the animal sources of the gelatin. Porcine and bovine gelatins have attractive features but limited acceptance because of religious prohibitions and potential zoonotic threats, whereas fish gelatin is welcomed in all religions and cultures. Thus, source authentication is a must for gelatin products but it is greatly challenging due to the breakdown of both protein and DNA biomarkers in processed gelatins. Therefore, several methods have been proposed for gelatin identification, but a comprehensive and systematic document that includes all of the techniques does not exist. This up-to-date review addresses this research gap and presents, in an accessible format, the major gelatin source authentication techniques, which are primarily nucleic acid and protein based. Instead of presenting these methods in paragraph form which needs much attention in reading, the major methods are schematically depicted, and their comparative features are tabulated. Future technologies are forecasted, and challenges are outlined. Overall, this review paper has the merit to serve as a reference guide for the production and application of gelatin in academia and industry and will act as a platform for the development of improved methods for gelatin authentication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  7. Barratt DT, Sia AT, Tan EC, Somogyi AA
    Pain Med, 2021 Nov 26;22(11):2648-2660.
    PMID: 34015137 DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnab172
    OBJECTIVE: Pain severity and opioid requirements in the postoperative period show substantial and clinically significant inter-patient variation due mainly to factors such as age, surgery type, and duration. Genetic factors have not been adequately assessed except for the neuronal OPRM1 rs1799971 and COMT rs4680, whereas the contribution of innate immune signaling pathway genetics has seldom been investigated.

    SETTING: Hospital surgical ward.

    SUBJECTS: Women (107 Indian, 184 Malay, and 750 Han Chinese) undergoing total hysterectomy surgery.

    METHODS: Morphine consumption, preoperative pain, and postoperative pain were evaluated in relation to genetic variability comprising 19 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 14 genes involved in glial activation, inflammatory signaling, and neuronal regulation, plus OPRM1 (1 SNP) and COMT (3 SNPs).

    RESULTS: Pre- and postoperative pain and age were associated with increased and decreased morphine consumption, respectively. In Chinese patients, only 8% of the variability in consumption could be explained by these nongenetic and genetic (BDNF, IL1B, IL6R, CRP, OPRM1, COMT, MYD88) factors. However, in Indian patients, 41% of morphine consumption variability could be explained by age (explaining <3%) and variants in OPRM1 rs1799971, CRP rs2794521, TLR4 rs4986790, IL2 rs2069762, COMT rs4818, TGFB1 rs1800469, and IL6R rs8192284 without controlling for postoperative pain.

    CONCLUSIONS: This is the highest known value reported for genetic contributions (38%) to morphine use in the acute postoperative pain setting. Our findings highlight the need to incorporate both genetic and nongenetic factors and consider ethnicity-dependent and nonadditive genotypic models in the assessment of factors that contribute to variability in opioid use.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  8. Matejcic M, Saunders EJ, Dadaev T, Brook MN, Wang K, Sheng X, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2018 Nov 05;9(1):4616.
    PMID: 30397198 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06863-1
    Chromosome 8q24 is a susceptibility locus for multiple cancers, including prostate cancer. Here we combine genetic data across the 8q24 susceptibility region from 71,535 prostate cancer cases and 52,935 controls of European ancestry to define the overall contribution of germline variation at 8q24 to prostate cancer risk. We identify 12 independent risk signals for prostate cancer (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  9. Isa MN, Boyd E, Turner TL, Tolmie J, Connor JM
    PMID: 8629150
    The chromosome in situ suppression hybridization or chromosome painting technic was applied to confirm and eliminate the markers involving chromosome 21 segments using a chromosome 21 DNA library. The library ATCCLL21SNO2 was amplified, directly biotinylated using the polymerase chain reaction. The results demonstrated a translocation of chromosome 21 material on chromosome 2 and X and eliminate the origin of the marker. Thus, the technique provides an important tool to complement the conventional G-banding technic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  10. Taheri S, Abdullah TL, Rafii MY, Harikrishna JA, Werbrouck SPO, Teo CH, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 Feb 28;9(1):3047.
    PMID: 30816255 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39944-2
    Curcuma alismatifolia widely used as an ornamental plant in Thailand and Cambodia. This species of herbaceous perennial from the Zingiberaceae family, includes cultivars with a wide range of colours and long postharvest life, and is used as an ornamental cut flower, as a potted plant, and in exterior landscapes. For further genetic improvement, however, little genomic information and no specific molecular markers are available. The present study used Illumina sequencing and de novo transcriptome assembly of two C. alismatifolia cvs, 'Chiang Mai Pink' and 'UB Snow 701', to develop simple sequence repeat markers for genetic diversity studies. After de novo assembly, 62,105 unigenes were generated and 48,813 (78.60%) showed significant similarities versus six functional protein databases. In addition, 9,351 expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) were identified with a distribution frequency of 12.5% total unigenes. Out of 8,955 designed EST-SSR primers, 150 primers were selected for the development of potential molecular markers. Among these markers, 17 EST-SSR markers presented a moderate level of genetic diversity among three C. alismatifolia cultivars, one hybrid, three Curcuma, and two Zingiber species. Three different genetic groups within these species were revealed using EST-SSR markers, indicating that the markers developed in this study can be effectively applied to the population genetic analysis of Curcuma and Zingiber species. This report describes the first analysis of transcriptome data of an important ornamental ginger cultivars, also provides a valuable resource for gene discovery and marker development in the genus Curcuma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  11. Saha N, Mak JW, Tay JS, Liu Y, Tan JA, Low PS, et al.
    Hum Biol, 1995 Feb;67(1):37-57.
    PMID: 7721278
    A population genetic study was undertaken to provide gene frequency data on the additional blood genetic markers in the Semai and to estimate the genetic relations between the Semai and their neighboring and linguistically related populations by genetic distance and principal components analyses. Altogether 10 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic blood genetic markers (plasma proteins and red cell enzymes) were studied in a group of 349 Senoi Semai from 11 aboriginal settlements (villages) in the Pahang State of western Malaysia. Both the red cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD) loci reveal the presence of polymorphic frequencies of a nondeficient slow allele at the G6PD locus and a fast allele at the PGD locus. The Semai are characterized by high prevalences of ahaptoglobinemia and G6PD deficiency, high frequencies of HP*1, HB*E, RH*R1, ACP*C, GLO1*1, PGM1*2+, and GC*1F and corresponding low frequencies of ABO*A, HbCoSp, HB*B0, TF*D, CHI, and GC*2. Genetic distance analyses by both cluster and principal components models were performed between the Semai and 14 other populations (Malay; Javanese; Khmer; Veddah; Tamils of Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and India; Sinhalese; Oraon; Toda and Irula of India; Chinese; Japanese; Koreans) on the basis of 30 alleles at 7 polymorphic loci. A more detailed analysis using 53 alleles at 13 polymorphic loci with 10 populations was carried out. Both analyses give genetic evidence of a close relationship between the Semai and the Khmer of Cambodia. Furthermore, the Semai are more closely related to the Javanese than to their close neighbors--the Malay, Chinese, and Tamil Indians. There is no evidence for close genetic relationship between the Semai and the Veddah or other Indian tribes. The evidence fits well with the linguistic relationship of the Semai with the Mon-Khmer branch of the Austro-Asiatic language family.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  12. Bulbeck D
    Hum Biol, 2013 Feb-Jun;85(1-3):95-133.
    PMID: 24297222
    Genetic research into Southeast Asia's "negritos" has revealed their deep-rooted ancestry, with time depth comparable to that of Southwest Pacific populations. This finding is often interpreted as evidence that negritos, in contrast to other Southeast Asians, can trace much of their ancestry directly back to the early dispersal of Homo sapiens in the order of 70 kya from Africa to Pleistocene New Guinea and Australia. One view on negritos is to lump them and Southwest Pacific peoples into an "Australoid" race whose geographic distribution had included Southeast Asia prior to the Neolithic incursion of "Mongoloid" farmers. Studies into Semang osteology have revealed some hints of Southwest Pacific affinities in cranial shape, dental morphology, and dental metrical "shape." On the other hand, the Andamanese have been shown to resemble Africans in their craniometrics and South Asians in their dental morphology, while Philippine negritos resemble Mongoloid Southeast Asians in these respects and also in their dental metrics. This study expands the scope of negrito cranial comparisons by including Melayu Malays and additional coverage of South Asians. It highlights the distinction between the Mongoloid-like Philippine negritos and the Andamanese and Semang (and Senoi of Malaya) with their non-Mongoloid associations. It proposes that the early/mid-Holocene dispersal of the B4a1a mitochondrial DNA clade across Borneo, the Philippines, and Taiwan may be important for understanding the distinction between Philippine and other negritos.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  13. Al-abd NM, Mahdy MA, Al-Mekhlafi AM, Snounou G, Abdul-Majid NB, Al-Mekhlafi HM, et al.
    PLoS One, 2013;8(7):e67853.
    PMID: 23861823 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067853
    The accuracy of the conclusions from in vivo efficacy anti-malarial drug trials depends on distinguishing between recrudescences and re-infections which is accomplished by genotyping genes coding P. falciparum merozoite surface 1 (MSP1) and MSP2. However, the reliability of the PCR analysis depends on the genetic markers' allelic diversity and variant frequency. In this study the genetic diversity of the genes coding for MSP1 and MSP2 was obtained for P. falciparum parasites circulating in Yemen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  14. Omar SZ, Qvist R, Khaing SL, Muniandy S, Bhalla S
    J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2008 Apr;34(2):174-8.
    PMID: 18412778 DOI: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2008.00755.x
    The aim of the present study was to determine the existence or prevalence of thrombophilic markers such as Factor V Leiden, prothrombin G20210A, protein S, protein C, activated protein C and anti-thrombin in pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertensive patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  15. Wekesa SN, Inoshima Y, Murakami K, Sentsui H
    Vet Microbiol, 2001 Nov 08;83(2):137-46.
    PMID: 11557154
    Using the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and direct sequencing, capsid protein and non-structural protein 1 (nsP1) regions of Sagiyama virus and eight Getah virus strains were analysed. The viruses were isolated from Malaysia and various areas of Japan over a period of 30 years. Based on the available published sequence data, oligonucleotide primers were designed for RT-PCR and the sequences were determined. Our findings showed that though there were differences in the nucleotide sequences in the nsP1 region, there was 100% amino acid homology. On the other hand, in the capsid region, the nucleotide differences caused a major difference in the amino acid sequence. Therefore, the difference in the capsid region is one of the useful markers in the genetic classification between Sagiyama virus and strains of Getah virus, and might be responsible for the serological difference in complement fixation test. The genomic differences among the Getah virus strains are due to time factor rather than geographical distribution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  16. Tang K, Ngoi SM, Gwee PC, Chua JM, Lee EJ, Chong SS, et al.
    Pharmacogenetics, 2002 Aug;12(6):437-50.
    PMID: 12172212
    The MDR1 multidrug transporter plays a key role in determining drug bioavailability, and differences in drug response exist amongst different ethnic groups. Numerous studies have identified an association between the MDR1 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) exon 26 3435C>T and differences in MDR1 function. We performed a haplotype analysis of the MDR1 gene in three major ethnic groups (Chinese, Malays and Indians) by examining 10 intragenic SNPs. Four were polymorphic in all three ethnic groups: one occurring in the non-coding region and three occurring in coding exons. All three coding SNPs (exon 12 1236C>T, exon 21 2677G>T/A and exon 26 3435C>T) were present in high frequency in each ethnic group, and the derived haplotype profiles exhibited distinct differences between the groups. Fewer haplotypes were observed in the Malays (n = 6) compared to the Chinese (n = 10) and Indians (n = 9). Three major haplotypes (> 10% frequency) were observed in the Malays and Chinese; of these, two were observed in the Indians. Strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) was detected between the three SNPs in all three ethnic groups. The strongest LD was present in the Chinese, followed by Indians and Malays, with the corresponding LD blocks estimated to be approximately 80 kb, 60 kb and 40 kb, respectively. These data strongly support the hypothesis that strong LD between the neutral SNP exon 26 3435C>T and a nearby unobserved causal SNP underlies the observed associations between the neutral SNP and MDR1 functional differences. Furthermore, strong LD between exon 26 3435T and different unobserved causal SNPs in different study populations may provide a plausible explanation for conflicting reports associating the same exon 26 3435T allele with different MDR1 functional changes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  17. Yong RY, Gan LS, Chang YM, Yap EP
    Hum Genet, 2007 Nov;122(3-4):237-49.
    PMID: 17588179
    Amelogenin paralogs on Chromosome X (AMELX) and Y (AMELY) are commonly used sexing markers. Interstitial deletion of Yp involving the AMELY locus has previously been reported. The combined frequency of the AMELY null allele in Singapore and Malaysia populations is 2.7%, 0.6% in Indian and Malay ethnic groups respectively. It is absent among 541 Chinese screened. The null allele in this study belongs to 3 Y haplogroups; J2e1 (85.7%), F* (9.5%) and D* (4.8%). Low and high-resolution STS mapping, followed by sequence analysis of breakpoint junction confirmed a large deletion of 3 to 3.7-Mb located at the Yp11.2 region. Both breakpoints were located in TSPY repeat arrays, suggesting a non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) mechanism of deletion. All regional null samples shared identical breakpoint sequences according to their haplogroup affiliation, providing molecular evidence of a common ancestry origin for each haplogroup, and at least 3 independent deletion events recurred in history. The estimated ages based on Y-SNP and STR analysis were approximately 13.5 +/- 3.1 kyears and approximately 0.9 +/- 0.9 kyears for the J2e1 and F* mutations, respectively. A novel polymorphism G > A at Y-GATA-H4 locus in complete linkage disequilibrium with J2e1 null mutations is a more recent event. This work re-emphasizes the need to include other sexing markers for gender determination in certain regional populations. The frequency difference among global populations suggests it constitutes another structural variation locus of human chromosome Y. The breakpoint sequences provide further information to a better understanding of the NAHR mechanism and DNA rearrangements due to higher order genomic architecture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  18. Tey S, Shahrizaila N, Drew AP, Samulong S, Goh KJ, Battaloglu E, et al.
    Neurogenetics, 2019 08;20(3):117-127.
    PMID: 31011849 DOI: 10.1007/s10048-019-00576-3
    Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is a form of inherited peripheral neuropathy that affects motor and sensory neurons. To identify the causative gene in a consanguineous family with autosomal recessive CMT (AR-CMT), we employed a combination of linkage analysis and whole exome sequencing. After excluding known AR-CMT genes, genome-wide linkage analysis mapped the disease locus to a 7.48-Mb interval on chromosome 14q32.11-q32.33, flanked by the markers rs2124843 and rs4983409. Whole exome sequencing identified two non-synonymous variants (p.T40P and p.H915Y) in the AHNAK2 gene that segregated with the disease in the family. Pathogenic predictions indicated that p.T40P is the likely causative allele. Analysis of AHNAK2 expression in the AR-CMT patient fibroblasts showed significantly reduced mRNA and protein levels. AHNAK2 binds directly to periaxin which is encoded by the PRX gene, and PRX mutations are associated with another form of AR-CMT (CMT4F). The altered expression of mutant AHNAK2 may disrupt the AHNAK2-PRX interaction in which one of its known functions is to regulate myelination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  19. Ma RC, Hu C, Tam CH, Zhang R, Kwan P, Leung TF, et al.
    Diabetologia, 2013 Jun;56(6):1291-305.
    PMID: 23532257 DOI: 10.1007/s00125-013-2874-4
    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Most genetic variants identified for type 2 diabetes have been discovered in European populations. We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in a Chinese population with the aim of identifying novel variants for type 2 diabetes in Asians.

    METHODS: We performed a meta-analysis of three GWAS comprising 684 patients with type 2 diabetes and 955 controls of Southern Han Chinese descent. We followed up the top signals in two independent Southern Han Chinese cohorts (totalling 10,383 cases and 6,974 controls), and performed in silico replication in multiple populations.

    RESULTS: We identified CDKN2A/B and four novel type 2 diabetes association signals with p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  20. Chin KL, Sarmiento ME, Norazmi MN, Acosta A
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2018 12;113:139-152.
    PMID: 30514496 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2018.09.008
    Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), is an infectious disease with more than 10.4 million cases and 1.7 million deaths reported worldwide in 2016. The classical methods for detection and differentiation of mycobacteria are: acid-fast microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen staining), culture, and biochemical methods. However, the microbial phenotypic characterization is time-consuming and laborious. Thus, fast, easy, and sensitive nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have been developed based on specific DNA markers, which are commercially available for TB diagnosis. Despite these developments, the disease remains uncontrollable. The identification and differentiation among MTBC members with the use of NAATs remains challenging due, among other factors, to the high degree of homology within the members and mutations, which hinders the identification of specific target sequences in the genome with potential impact in the diagnosis and treatment outcomes. In silico methods provide predictive identification of many new target genes/fragments/regions that can specifically be used to identify species/strains, which have not been fully explored. This review focused on DNA markers useful for MTBC detection, species identification and antibiotic resistance determination. The use of DNA targets with new technological approaches will help to develop NAATs applicable to all levels of the health system, mainly in low resource areas, which urgently need customized methods to their specific conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
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