Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 8364 in total

  1. Say YH, Ban ZL, Arumugam Y, Kaur T, Tan ML, Chia PP, et al.
    J Biosci, 2014 Dec;39(5):867-75.
    PMID: 25431415
    This study investigated the association of Uncoupling Protein 2 gene (UCP2) 45-bp I/D polymorphism with obesity and adiposity in 926 Malaysian subjects (416 males;265 obese; 102/672/152 Malays/Chinese/Indians). The overall minor allele frequency (MAF) was 0.14, while MAFs according to Malay/Chinese/Indian were 0.17/0.12/0.21. The polymorphism was associated with ethnicity, obesity and overall adiposity (total body fat percentage, TBF), but not gender and central adiposity (waist-hip ratio, WHR). Gender- and ethnicity-stratified analysis revealed that within males, the polymorphism was not associated with ethnicity and anthropometric classes. However, within females, significantly more Indians, obese and those with high TBF carried I allele. Logistic regression analysis among females further showed the polymorphism was associated with obesity and overall adiposity; however, when adjusted for age and ethnicity, this association was abolished for obesity but remained significant for overall adiposity [Odds Ratio (OR) for ID genotype = 2.02 (CI=1.18, 3.45; p=0.01); I allele =1.81 (CI=1.15, 2.84; p=0.01)]. Indeed, covariate analysis controlling for age and ethnicity also showed that those carrying ID genotype or I allele had significantly higher TBF than the rest. In conclusion, UCP2 45-bp I/D polymorphism is associated with overall adiposity among Malaysian women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ion Channels/genetics*; Mitochondrial Proteins/genetics*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics; Adiposity/genetics*
  2. Chong YL, Ng KH
    Virus Genes, 2017 Dec;53(6):774-777.
    PMID: 28456924 DOI: 10.1007/s11262-017-1459-6
    Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a single-stranded DNA virus in Parvoviridae family, causing respiratory diseases in human. The recent identifications of genomic recombination among the four human bocavirus genotypes and related non-human primate bocaviruses have shed lights into the evolutionary processes underpinning the diversity of primate bocavirus. Among these reports, however, we found inconsistency and possible alternative interpretations of the recombination events. In this study, these recombination events were reviewed, and the related genome sequences were re-analysed, aiming to inform the research community of bocavirus with more consistent knowledge and comprehensive interpretations on the recombination history of primate bocavirus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Primates/genetics*; Recombination, Genetic/genetics*; Genome, Viral/genetics*; Bocavirus/genetics*
  3. Ayub Khan SM, Few LL, See Too WC
    Mol Med Rep, 2018 May;17(5):7442-7450.
    PMID: 29568919 DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2018.8762
    Choline kinase (CK) is the first enzyme in the CDP-choline pathway for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, the most abundant phospholipid in the mammalian cell membrane. This enzyme exists as three isozymes (α1, α2 and β) and the CKα isozyme has been implicated in cancer pathogenesis. Inhibition of CK activity has been proposed for cancer therapies. MicroRNAs (miRNAs/miRs) are non‑coding RNAs that serve important roles in diverse biological pathways and human diseases, including cancer. However, the regulation of CKα gene expression by miRNAs has never been investigated, to the best of the authors' knowledge. In the present study, two miRNA mimics, miR‑876‑5p and miR‑646, were transfected into the HepG2 cell line and the effect of these miRNAs on the levels of CKα mRNA were determined by reverse transcription‑quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Cells transfected with 25 nM miR‑876‑5p for 48 h exhibited significantly lower levels of CKα mRNA. Following optimization, miR‑876‑5p caused four times lower levels of CKα mRNA compared to the negative control. Effects of the miRNAs on HepG2 cell viability and cellular morphology were additionally analyzed using an MTT cell viability assay and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. HepG2 cells that were transfected with the optimum concentration of miR‑876‑5p for the optimum duration exhibited 25% lower viability than negative control and signs of apoptosis in electron micrographs. The results suggested miR‑876‑5p as a potential miRNA modulator of CKα expression in the cells, and may be relevant for the design of more effective anticancer strategy targeting CK.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choline Kinase/genetics*; Neoplasms/genetics; RNA, Messenger/genetics; MicroRNAs/genetics*
  4. Say YH
    J Physiol Anthropol, 2017 Jun 14;36(1):25.
    PMID: 28615046 DOI: 10.1186/s40101-017-0142-x
    BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that insertions/deletions (INDELs) are the second most common type of genetic variations and variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) represent a large portion of the human genome, they have received far less attention than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and larger forms of structural variation like copy number variations (CNVs), especially in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of complex diseases like polygenic obesity. This is exemplified by the vast amount of review papers on the role of SNPs and CNVs in obesity, its related traits (like anthropometric measurements, biochemical variables, and eating behavior), and its related complications (like hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and insulin resistance-collectively known as metabolic syndrome). Hence, this paper reviews the types of INDELs and VNTRs that have been studied for association with obesity and its related traits and complications. These INDELs and VNTRs could be found in the obesity loci or genes from the earliest GWAS and candidate gene association studies, like FTO, genes in the leptin-proopiomelanocortin pathway, and UCP2/3. Given the important role of the brain serotonergic and dopaminergic reward system in obesity susceptibility, the association of INDELs and VNTRs in these neurotransmitters' metabolism and transport genes with obesity is also reviewed. Next, the role of INS VNTR in obesity and its related traits is questionable, since recent large-scale studies failed to replicate the earlier positive associations. As obesity results in chronic low-grade inflammation of the adipose tissue, the proinflammatory cytokine gene IL1RA and anti-inflammatory cytokine gene IL4 have VNTRs that are implicated in obesity. A systemic proinflammatory state in combination with activation of the renin-angiotensin system and decreased nitric oxide bioavailability as found in obesity leads to endothelial dysfunction. This explains why VNTR and INDEL in eNOS and ACE, respectively, could be predisposing factors of obesity. Finally, two novel genes, DOCK5 and PER3, which are involved in the regulation of the Akt/MAPK pathway and circadian rhythm, respectively, have VNTRs and INDEL that might be associated with obesity.

    SHORT CONCLUSION: In conclusion, INDELs and VNTRs could have important functional consequences in the pathophysiology of obesity, and research on them should be continued to facilitate obesity prediction, prevention, and treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/genetics*; Minisatellite Repeats/genetics*; Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics; INDEL Mutation/genetics*
  5. Jorquera R, González C, Clausen P, Petersen B, Holmes DS
    Database (Oxford), 2018 01 01;2018:1-6.
    PMID: 30239665 DOI: 10.1093/database/bay089
    Efficient extraction of knowledge from biological data requires the development of structured vocabularies to unambiguously define biological terms. This paper proposes descriptions and definitions to disambiguate the term 'single-exon gene'. Eukaryotic Single-Exon Genes (SEGs) have been defined as genes that do not have introns in their protein coding sequences. They have been studied not only to determine their origin and evolution but also because their expression has been linked to several types of human cancer and neurological/developmental disorders and many exhibit tissue-specific transcription. Unfortunately, the term 'SEGs' is rife with ambiguity, leading to biological misinterpretations. In the classic definition, no distinction is made between SEGs that harbor introns in their untranslated regions (UTRs) versus those without. This distinction is important to make because the presence of introns in UTRs affects transcriptional regulation and post-transcriptional processing of the mRNA. In addition, recent whole-transcriptome shotgun sequencing has led to the discovery of many examples of single-exon mRNAs that arise from alternative splicing of multi-exon genes, these single-exon isoforms are being confused with SEGs despite their clearly different origin. The increasing expansion of RNA-seq datasets makes it imperative to distinguish the different SEG types before annotation errors become indelibly propagated in biological databases. This paper develops a structured vocabulary for their disambiguation, allowing a major reassessment of their evolutionary trajectories, regulation, RNA processing and transport, and provides the opportunity to improve the detection of gene associations with disorders including cancers, neurological and developmental diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Exons/genetics*; Open Reading Frames/genetics*; Protein Isoforms/genetics; Eukaryota/genetics*
  6. Hook SA, Musa SM, Ripley DM, Hibbitt JD, Grunow B, Moritz T, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(12):e0224397.
    PMID: 31790403 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224397
    Elasmobranchs display various reproductive modes, which have been key to their evolutionary success. In recent decades there has been a rise in the number of reported cases of foetal abnormalities including fertilised, double-embryos held within one egg capsule, hereafter referred to as twins. Previously, the occurrences of twin egg cases have been reported in two batoid and one shark species. We report the first cases of twins in three species of oviparous elasmobranchs: the undulate ray (Raja undulata), the nursehound (Scyliorhinus stellaris), and the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). We investigated the genetic relationships between the twins in S. stellaris, and S. canicula using microsatellite markers. Whilst the S. stellaris twins displayed the same genotypes, we found that the S. canicula twin individuals arose through heteropaternal superfecundation. This is the first reported incidence of such a paternity in elasmobranchs. The relationship between environmental change and reproductive strategy in elasmobranchs is unclear and further research is needed to determine its effect on the prevalence and mechanisms of formation of elasmobranch twins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Twins/genetics*; Microsatellite Repeats/genetics*; Elasmobranchii/genetics; Oviparity/genetics*
  7. Hamzah A, Thoa NP, Nguyen NH
    J Appl Genet, 2017 Nov;58(4):509-519.
    PMID: 28980200 DOI: 10.1007/s13353-017-0411-8
    Quantitative genetic analysis was performed on 10,919 data records collected over three generations from the selection programme for increased body weight at harvest in red tilapia (Oreochromis spp.). They were offspring of 224 sires and 226 dams (50 sires and 60 dams per generation, on average). Linear mixed models were used to analyse body traits (weight, length, width and depth), whereas threshold generalised models assuming probit distribution were employed to examine genetic inheritance of survival rate, sexual maturity and body colour. The estimates of heritability for traits studied (body weight, standard length, body width, body depth, body colour, early sexual maturation and survival) across statistical models were moderate to high (0.13-0.45). Genetic correlations among body traits and survival were high and positive (0.68-0.96). Body length and width exhibited negative genetic correlations with body colour (- 0.47 to - 0.25). Sexual maturity was genetically correlated positively with measurements of body traits (weight and length). Direct and correlated genetic responses to selection were measured as estimated breeding values in each generation and expressed in genetic standard deviation units (σG). The cumulative improvement achieved for harvest body weight was 1.72 σG after three generations or 12.5% per generation when the gain was expressed as a percentage of the base population. Selection for improved body weight also resulted in correlated increase in other body traits (length, width and depth) and survival rate (ranging from 0.25 to 0.81 genetic standard deviation units). Avoidance of black spot parent matings also improved the overall red colour of the selected population. It is concluded that the selective breeding programme for red tilapia has succeeded in achieving significant genetic improvement for a range of commercially important traits in this species, and the large genetic variation in body colour and survival also shows that there are prospects for future improvement of these traits in this population of red tilapia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight/genetics*; Selection, Genetic/genetics*; Weight Gain/genetics*; Tilapia/genetics*
  8. Mazumdar P, Binti Othman R, Mebus K, Ramakrishnan N, Ann Harikrishna J
    Ann Bot, 2017 Nov 28;120(6):893-909.
    PMID: 29155926 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcx112
    Background and Aims: Studies on codon usage in monocots have focused on grasses, and observed patterns of this taxon were generalized to all monocot species. Here, non-grass monocot species were analysed to investigate the differences between grass and non-grass monocots.

    Methods: First, studies of codon usage in monocots were reviewed. The current information was then extended regarding codon usage, as well as codon-pair context bias, using four completely sequenced non-grass monocot genomes (Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana, Phoenix dactylifera and Spirodela polyrhiza) for which comparable transcriptome datasets are available. Measurements were taken regarding relative synonymous codon usage, effective number of codons, derived optimal codon and GC content and then the relationships investigated to infer the underlying evolutionary forces.

    Key Results: The research identified optimal codons, rare codons and preferred codon-pair context in the non-grass monocot species studied. In contrast to the bimodal distribution of GC3 (GC content in third codon position) in grasses, non-grass monocots showed a unimodal distribution. Disproportionate use of G and C (and of A and T) in two- and four-codon amino acids detected in the analysis rules out the mutational bias hypothesis as an explanation of genomic variation in GC content. There was found to be a positive relationship between CAI (codon adaptation index; predicts the level of expression of a gene) and GC3. In addition, a strong correlation was observed between coding and genomic GC content and negative correlation of GC3 with gene length, indicating a strong impact of GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC) in shaping codon usage and nucleotide composition in non-grass monocots.

    Conclusion: Optimal codons in these non-grass monocots show a preference for G/C in the third codon position. These results support the concept that codon usage and nucleotide composition in non-grass monocots are mainly driven by gBGC.

    Matched MeSH terms: Codon/genetics*; Musa/genetics; Araceae/genetics; Phoeniceae/genetics
  9. Yew CW, Hoque MZ, Pugh-Kitingan J, Minsong A, Voo CLY, Ransangan J, et al.
    Ann. Hum. Genet., 2018 07;82(4):216-226.
    PMID: 29521412 DOI: 10.1111/ahg.12246
    The region of northern Borneo is home to the current state of Sabah, Malaysia. It is located closest to the southern Philippine islands and may have served as a viaduct for ancient human migration onto or off of Borneo Island. In this study, five indigenous ethnic groups from Sabah were subjected to genome-wide SNP genotyping. These individuals represent the "North Borneo"-speaking group of the great Austronesian family. They have traditionally resided in the inland region of Sabah. The dataset was merged with public datasets, and the genetic relatedness of these groups to neighboring populations from the islands of Southeast Asia, mainland Southeast Asia and southern China was inferred. Genetic structure analysis revealed that these groups formed a genetic cluster that was independent of the clusters of neighboring populations. Additionally, these groups exhibited near-absolute proportions of a genetic component that is also common among Austronesians from Taiwan and the Philippines. They showed no genetic admixture with Austro-Melanesian populations. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis showed that they are closely related to non-Austro-Melansian Filipinos as well as to Taiwan natives but are distantly related to populations from mainland Southeast Asia. Relatively lower heterozygosity and higher pairwise genetic differentiation index (FST ) values than those of nearby populations indicate that these groups might have experienced genetic drift in the past, resulting in their differentiation from other Austronesians. Subsequent formal testing suggested that these populations have received no gene flow from neighboring populations. Taken together, these results imply that the indigenous ethnic groups of northern Borneo shared a common ancestor with Taiwan natives and non-Austro-Melanesian Filipinos and then isolated themselves on the inland of Sabah. This isolation presumably led to no admixture with other populations, and these individuals therefore underwent strong genetic differentiation. This report contributes to addressing the paucity of genetic data on representatives from this strategic region of ancient human migration event(s).
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics*; Genetics, Population*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics*
  10. Ng HF, Ngeow YF
    Microb Drug Resist, 2023 Feb;29(2):41-46.
    PMID: 36802272 DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2022.0068
    Linezolid is one of the antibiotics used to treat the Mycobacteroides abscessus infection. However, linezolid-resistance mechanisms of this organism are not well understood. The objective of this study was to identify possible linezolid-resistance determinants in M. abscessus through characterization of step-wise mutants selected from a linezolid-susceptible strain, M61 (minimum inhibitory concentration [MIC]: 0.25 mg/L). Whole-genome sequencing and subsequent PCR verification of the resistant second-step mutant, A2a(1) (MIC: >256 mg/L), revealed three mutations in its genome, two of which were found in the 23S rDNA (g2244t and g2788t) and another one was found in a gene encoding the fatty-acid-CoA ligase FadD32 (c880t→H294Y). The 23S rRNA is the molecular target of linezolid and mutations in this gene are likely to contribute to resistance. Furthermore, PCR analysis revealed that the c880t mutation in the fadD32 gene first appeared in the first-step mutant, A2 (MIC: 1 mg/L). Complementation of the wild-type M61 with the pMV261 plasmid carrying the mutant fadD32 gene caused the previously sensitive M61 to develop a reduced susceptibility to linezolid (MIC: 1 mg/L). The findings of this study uncovered hitherto undescribed mechanisms of linezolid resistance in M. abscessus that may be useful for the development of novel anti-infective agents against this multidrug-resistant pathogen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bacterial Proteins/genetics; Mutation/genetics; RNA, Ribosomal, 23S/genetics; Drug Resistance, Bacterial/genetics
  11. Hoh BP, Deng L, Julia-Ashazila MJ, Zuraihan Z, Nur-Hasnah M, Nur-Shafawati AR, et al.
    Hum Genomics, 2015 Jul 22;9:16.
    PMID: 26194999 DOI: 10.1186/s40246-015-0039-x
    Fine scale population structure of Malays - the major population in Malaysia, has not been well studied. This may have important implications for both evolutionary and medical studies. Here, we investigated the population sub-structure of Malay involving 431 samples collected from all states from peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. We identified two major clusters of individuals corresponding to the north and south peninsular Malaysia. On an even finer scale, the genetic coordinates of the geographical Malay populations are in correlation with the latitudes (R(2) = 0.3925; P = 0.029). This finding is further supported by the pairwise FST of Malay sub-populations, of which the north and south regions showed the highest differentiation (FST [North-south] = 0.0011). The collective findings therefore suggest that population sub-structure of Malays are more heterogenous than previously expected even within a small geographical region, possibly due to factors like different genetic origins, geographical isolation, could result in spurious association as demonstrated in our analysis. We suggest that cautions should be taken during the stage of study design or interpreting the association signals in disease mapping studies which are expected to be conducted in Malay population in the near future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*; Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics*
  12. Roos A, van der Ven PFM, Alrohaif H, Kölbel H, Heil L, Della Marina A, et al.
    Brain, 2023 Oct 03;146(10):4200-4216.
    PMID: 37163662 DOI: 10.1093/brain/awad152
    Filamin-A-interacting protein 1 (FILIP1) is a structural protein that is involved in neuronal and muscle function and integrity and interacts with FLNa and FLNc. Pathogenic variants in filamin-encoding genes have been linked to neurological disorders (FLNA) and muscle diseases characterized by myofibrillar perturbations (FLNC), but human diseases associated with FILIP1 variants have not yet been described. Here, we report on five patients from four unrelated consanguineous families with homozygous FILIP1 variants (two nonsense and two missense). Functional studies indicated altered stability of the FILIP1 protein carrying the p.[Pro1133Leu] variant. Patients exhibit a broad spectrum of neurological symptoms including brain malformations, neurodevelopmental delay, muscle weakness and pathology and dysmorphic features. Electron and immunofluorescence microscopy on the muscle biopsy derived from the patient harbouring the homozygous p.[Pro1133Leu] missense variant revealed core-like zones of myofibrillar disintegration, autophagic vacuoles and accumulation of FLNc. Proteomic studies on the fibroblasts derived from the same patient showed dysregulation of a variety of proteins including FLNc and alpha-B-crystallin, a finding (confirmed by immunofluorescence) which is in line with the manifestation of symptoms associated with the syndromic phenotype of FILIP1opathy. The combined findings of this study show that the loss of functional FILIP1 leads to a recessive disorder characterized by neurological and muscular manifestations as well as dysmorphic features accompanied by perturbed proteostasis and myopathology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carrier Proteins/genetics; Cytoskeletal Proteins/genetics; Mutation/genetics; Filamins/genetics
  13. Singh JKD, Mazumdar P, Othman RY, Harikrishna JA
    J Biotechnol, 2024 May 20;387:69-78.
    PMID: 38582406 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2024.04.001
    Banana, a globally popular fruit, is widely cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions. After fruit harvest, remaining banana plant materials are low-value byproducts, mostly composted or used as fibre or for food packaging. As an aim to potentially increase farmer income, this study explored underutilised banana biomass as a novel plant tissue for production of a high-value product. Protein scFvTG130 used in this study, is an anti-toxoplasma single chain variable fragment antibody that can be used in diagnostics and neutralising the Toxoplasma gondii pathogen. Using detached banana leaves, we investigated the factors influencing the efficacy of a transient expression system using reporter genes and recombinant protein, scFvTG130. Transient expression was optimal at 2 days after detached banana leaves were vacuum infiltrated at 0.08 MPa vacuum pressure for a duration of 3 min with 0.01% (v/v) Tween20 using Agrobacterium strain GV3101 harbouring disarmed virus-based vector pIR-GFPscFvTG130. The highest concentration of anti-toxoplasma scFvTG130 antibody obtained using detached banana leaves was 22.8 µg/g fresh leaf tissue. This first study using detached banana leaf tissue for the transient expression of a recombinant protein, successfully demonstrated anti-toxoplasma scFvTG130 antibody expression, supporting the potential application for other related proteins using an underutilised detached banana leaf tissue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recombinant Proteins/genetics; Toxoplasma/genetics; Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics; Agrobacterium/genetics
  14. Subki A, Ho CL, Ismail NFN, Zainal Abidin AA, Balia Yusof ZN
    PLoS One, 2020;15(7):e0235431.
    PMID: 32726320 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235431
    The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is an important crop in Malaysia but its productivity is hampered by various biotic and abiotic stresses. Recent studies suggest the importance of signalling molecules in plants in coping against stresses, which includes thiamine (vitamin B1). Thiamine is an essential microelement that is synthesized de novo by plants and microorganisms. The active form of thiamine, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), plays a prominent role in metabolic activities particularly as an enzymatic cofactor. Recently, thiamine biosynthesis pathways in oil palm have been characterised but the search of novel regulatory element known as riboswitch is yet to be done. Previous studies showed that thiamine biosynthesis pathway is regulated by an RNA element known as riboswitch. Riboswitch binds a small molecule, resulting in a change in production of the proteins encoded by the mRNA. TPP binds specifically to TPP riboswitch to regulate thiamine biosynthesis through a variety of mechanisms found in archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes. This study was carried out to hunt for TPP riboswitch in oil palm thiamine biosynthesis gene. Riboswitch detection software like RiboSW, RibEx, Riboswitch Scanner and Denison Riboswitch Detector were utilised in order to locate putative TPP riboswitch in oil palm ThiC gene sequence that encodes for the first enzyme in the pyrimidine branch of the pathway. The analysis revealed a 192 bp putative TPP riboswitch located at the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the mRNA. Further comparative gene analysis showed that the 92-nucleotide aptamer region, where the metabolite binds was conserved inter-species. The secondary structure analysis was also carried out using Mfold Web server and it showed a stem-loop structure manifested with stems (P1-P5) with minimum free energy of -12.26 kcal/mol. Besides that, the interaction of riboswitch and its ligand was determined using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and it yielded an exothermic reaction with 1:1 stoichiometry interaction with binding affinities of 0.178 nM, at 30°C. To further evaluate the ability of riboswitch to control the pathway, exogenous thiamine was applied to four months old of oil palm seedlings and sampling of spear leaves tissue was carried out at days 0, 1, 2 and 3 post-treatment for expression analysis of ThiC gene fragment via quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Results showed an approximately 5-fold decrease in ThiC gene expression upon application of exogenous thiamine. Quantification of thiamine and its derivatives was carried out via HPLC and the results showed that it was correlated to the down regulation of ThiC gene expression. The application of exogenous thiamine to oil palm affected ThiC gene expression, which supported the prediction of the presence of TPP riboswitch in the gene. Overall, this study provides the first evidence on the presence, binding and the functionality of TPP riboswitch in oil palm. This study is hoped to pave a way for better understanding on the regulation of thiamine biosynthesis pathway in oil palm, which can later be exploited for various purposes especially in manipulation of thiamine biosynthesis pathways in combating stresses in oil palm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thiamine/genetics*; Thiamine Pyrophosphate/genetics*; Arecaceae/genetics*; Riboswitch/genetics*
  15. Nong W, Qu Z, Li Y, Barton-Owen T, Wong AYP, Yip HY, et al.
    Commun Biol, 2021 01 19;4(1):83.
    PMID: 33469163 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-01637-2
    Whole genome duplication (WGD) has occurred in relatively few sexually reproducing invertebrates. Consequently, the WGD that occurred in the common ancestor of horseshoe crabs ~135 million years ago provides a rare opportunity to decipher the evolutionary consequences of a duplicated invertebrate genome. Here, we present a high-quality genome assembly for the mangrove horseshoe crab Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (1.7 Gb, N50 = 90.2 Mb, with 89.8% sequences anchored to 16 pseudomolecules, 2n = 32), and a resequenced genome of the tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus (1.7 Gb, N50 = 109.7 Mb). Analyses of gene families, microRNAs, and synteny show that horseshoe crabs have undergone three rounds (3R) of WGD. Comparison of C. rotundicauda and T. tridentatus genomes from populations from several geographic locations further elucidates the diverse fates of both coding and noncoding genes. Together, the present study represents a cornerstone for improving our understanding of invertebrate WGD events on the evolutionary fates of genes and microRNAs, at both the individual and population level. We also provide improved genomic resources for horseshoe crabs, of applied value for breeding programs and conservation of this fascinating and unusual invertebrate lineage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Horseshoe Crabs/genetics*; Genome/genetics; Gene Duplication/genetics*; MicroRNAs/genetics*
  16. Wong YC, Ng AWR, Chen Q, Liew PS, Lee CW, Sim EUH, et al.
    ACS Synth Biol, 2023 Apr 21;12(4):909-921.
    PMID: 37026178 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00580
    Bacteriophage N15 is the first virus known to deliver linear prophage into Escherichia coli. During its lysogenic cycle, N15 protelomerase (TelN) resolves its telomerase occupancy site (tos) into hairpin telomeres. This protects the N15 prophage from bacterial exonuclease degradation, enabling it to stably replicate as a linear plasmid in E. coli. Interestingly, purely proteinaceous TelN can retain phage DNA linearization and hairpin formation without involving host- or phage-derived intermediates or cofactors in the heterologous environment. This unique feature has led to the advent of synthetic linear DNA vector systems derived from the TelN-tos module for the genetic engineering of bacterial and mammalian cells. This review will focus on the development and advantages of N15-based novel cloning and expression vectors in the bacterial and mammalian environments. To date, N15 is the most widely exploited molecular tool for the development of linear vector systems, especially the production of therapeutically useful miniDNA vectors without a bacterial backbone. Compared to typical circular plasmids, linear N15-based plasmids display remarkable cloning fidelity in propagating unstable repetitive DNA sequences and large genomic fragments. Additionally, TelN-linearized vectors with the relevant origin of replication can replicate extrachromosomally and retain transgenes functionality in bacterial and mammalian cells without compromising host cell viability. Currently, this DNA linearization system has shown robust results in the development of gene delivery vehicles, DNA vaccines and engineering mammalian cells against infectious diseases or cancers, highlighting its multifaceted importance in genetic studies and gene medicine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Vectors/genetics; Mammals/genetics; Plasmids/genetics; Prophages/genetics
  17. Alhusayni S, Roswanjaya YP, Rutten L, Huisman R, Bertram S, Sharma T, et al.
    BMC Plant Biol, 2023 Nov 24;23(1):587.
    PMID: 37996841 DOI: 10.1186/s12870-023-04594-0
    BACKGROUND: Nitrogen-fixing nodules occur in ten related taxonomic lineages interspersed with lineages of non-nodulating plant species. Nodules result from an endosymbiosis between plants and diazotrophic bacteria; rhizobia in the case of legumes and Parasponia and Frankia in the case of actinorhizal species. Nodulating plants share a conserved set of symbiosis genes, whereas related non-nodulating sister species show pseudogenization of several key nodulation-specific genes. Signalling and cellular mechanisms critical for nodulation have been co-opted from the more ancient plant-fungal arbuscular endomycorrhizal symbiosis. Studies in legumes and actinorhizal plants uncovered a key component in symbiotic signalling, the LRR-type SYMBIOSIS RECEPTOR KINASE (SYMRK). SYMRK is essential for nodulation and arbuscular endomycorrhizal symbiosis. To our surprise, however, despite its arbuscular endomycorrhizal symbiosis capacities, we observed a seemingly critical mutation in a donor splice site in the SYMRK gene of Trema orientalis, the non-nodulating sister species of Parasponia. This led us to investigate the symbiotic functioning of SYMRK in the Trema-Parasponia lineage and to address the question of to what extent a single nucleotide polymorphism in a donor splice site affects the symbiotic functioning of SYMRK.

    RESULTS: We show that SYMRK is essential for nodulation and endomycorrhization in Parasponia andersonii. Subsequently, it is revealed that the 5'-intron donor splice site of SYMRK intron 12 is variable and, in most dicotyledon species, doesn't contain the canonical dinucleotide 'GT' signature but the much less common motif 'GC'. Strikingly, in T. orientalis, this motif is converted into a rare non-canonical 5'-intron donor splice site 'GA'. This SYMRK allele, however, is fully functional and spreads in the T. orientalis population of Malaysian Borneo. A further investigation into the occurrence of the non-canonical GA-AG splice sites confirmed that these are extremely rare.

    CONCLUSION: SYMRK functioning is highly conserved in legumes, actinorhizal plants, and Parasponia. The gene possesses a non-common 5'-intron GC donor splice site in intron 12, which is converted into a GA in T. orientalis accessions of Malaysian Borneo. The discovery of this functional GA-AG splice site in SYMRK highlights a gap in our understanding of splice donor sites.

    Matched MeSH terms: Nitrogen Fixation/genetics; Plant Proteins/genetics; Symbiosis/genetics; Plant Root Nodulation/genetics
  18. Osei GY, Adu-Amankwaah J, Koomson S, Beletaa S, Asiamah EA, Smith-Togobo C, et al.
    Mol Biol Rep, 2023 Nov;50(11):9575-9585.
    PMID: 37776413 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-023-08810-w
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a serious global health concern, with a high incidence and mortality rate. Although there have been advancements in the early detection and treatment of CRC, therapy resistance is common. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a type of small non-coding RNA that regulates gene expression, are key players in the initiation and progression of CRC. Recently, there has been growing attention to the complex interplay of miRNAs in cancer development. miRNAs are powerful RNA molecules that regulate gene expression and have been implicated in various physiological and pathological processes, including carcinogenesis. By identifying current challenges and limitations of treatment strategies and suggesting future research directions, this review aims to contribute to ongoing efforts to enhance CRC diagnosis and treatment. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the role miRNAs play in CRC carcinogenesis and explores the potential of miRNA-based therapies as a treatment option. Importantly, this review highlights the exciting potential of targeted modulation of miRNA function as a therapeutic approach for CRC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biomarkers, Tumor/genetics; Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic/genetics; Gene Regulatory Networks/genetics; Carcinogenesis/genetics
  19. Sahayarayan JJ, Thiyagarajan R, Prathiviraj R, Tn K, Rajan KS, Manivannan P, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2024 Dec;197:107028.
    PMID: 39426637 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2024.107028
    The 21st century has witnessed several clinical outcomes regarding AMR. One health concept has been foreseen as a standard global public health initiative in ensuring human, animal and environmental health. The present study explores critical Gram-negative ESKAPE pathogens encompassing Acinetobacter baumannii (ACB), Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPX) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAE). A comparative genomic analysis approach was utilized for identifying novel and putative genes coercing global health consequences stressing the significance of the above iatrogenic and nosocomial pathogens. O findings reveal that Pseudomonas aeruginosaPAO1 (PAE) possesses the largest genome, measuring 62,64,404 base pairs, containing 14,342 protein-coding genes and an elevated count of ORFs, surpassing other organisms. Notably, P. aeruginosa PAO1 exhibits a comprehensive metabolic landscape with 355 pathways and 1659 metabolic reactions, encompassing 200 biosynthesis and 132 degradation pathways. Transferases are the predominant enzyme category across all three genomes, followed by oxidoreductases and hydrolases. The pivotal role of beta-lactamase in conferring resistance against antibiotics is also evident in all three microbes. This investigation underscores the PAE genome harbours genes and enzymes associated with heightened virulence in antibiotic resistance. The holistic review combined with comparative genomics underlines the significance of delving into the genomes of these antimicrobial-resistant organisms. In silico methodologies are increasingly stressed in aiding the successful accomplishment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal -3: Good Health and Well-being. The prominent findings establish Carbapenem resistance and evolutionary lineages of the MCR-1 gene conferring AMR landscapes for future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bacterial Proteins/genetics; beta-Lactamases/genetics; Virulence/genetics; Drug Resistance, Bacterial/genetics
  20. Wise CA, Sullivan SG, Black ML, Erber WN, Bittles AH
    Am J Phys Anthropol, 2005 Nov;128(3):670-7.
    PMID: 15864813
    Christmas Island is a remote Australian territory located close to the main Indonesian island of Java. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of the population, which comprises communities of mixed ethnic origin. Analysis of 12 Y-chromosome biallelic polymorphisms revealed a high level of gene diversity and haplotype frequencies that were consistent with source populations in southern China and Southeast Asia. mtDNA hypervariable segment I (HVS-I) sequences displayed high levels of haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity that were comparable to various Asian populations. Genetic distances revealed extremely low mtDNA differentiation among Christmas Islanders and Asian populations. This was supported by the relatively high proportion of sequence types shared among these populations. The most common mtDNA haplogroups were M* and B, followed by D and F, which are prevalent in East/Southeast Asia. Christmas Islanders of European descent were characterized by the Eurasian haplogroup R*, and a limited degree of admixture was observed. In general, analysis of the genetic data indicated population affinities to southern Chinese (in particular from the Yunnan Province) and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia), which was consistent with historical records of settlement. The combined use of these different marker systems provides a useful and appropriate model for the study of contemporary populations derived from different ethnic origins.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics*; Genetics, Population; Chromosomes, Human, Y/genetics*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
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