METHODS: We prospectively recruited all neonates who had CDH repair in four hospitals in Malaysia from June 2018 to October 2020. Intra vesical pressure was used as a proxy for IAP and was measured for 5 consecutive days post surgery. The daily median value was used for analysis. We categorized IAP as <11 mmHg (no IAH), 11-15 mmHg (IAH), and >15 mmHg (severe IAH). Incidence of IAH, its effects on the duration of ventilatory support, and gastrointestinal function were studied.
RESULTS: There were 24 neonates included in this study. They were operated between day 1 and 6 of life (median: 4 days old). IAH was detected within the first 3 days post surgery, with 83% occurring on day one. Those requiring ventilatory support for more than 3 days contributed the largest proportion of IAH (n = 17, 71%). There was strong correlation between days of IAH and duration of ventilation (p
MATERIALS AND METHODS: To determine the extent of variation in reporting of protein electrophoresis results questionnaires were distributed to the pathologists of various laboratories in Malaysia regarding the method, quantification of paraprotein concentrations and immunoglobulin assays, and information regarding current laboratory electrophoresis practices.
RESULTS: Variation was found in the following reporting practices: (a) screening protocol; (b) reporting of serum albumin; (c) numerical reporting of protein fractions and paraprotein; (d) co-migration of a paraprotein with a normal serum protein; (e) reporting of multiple paraprotein bands (f) appearance of small abnormal band and oligoclonal bands and (g) communication about of interferences.
CONCLUSION: The pathologists of the country made recommendations on the reporting of protein electrophoresis. Harmonised reporting will reduce inconsistency, variation in reporting, improve the quality of the report and most importantly improve patient care.