OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to understand the universal concept of halal cosmetics and a framework of critical points that influence consumers in purchasing halal cosmetic products.
METHOD: The method used was Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement by using Web of Science and Scopus databases. This study extends the systematic literature review covering all variables in purchasing halal cosmetics as halal cosmetic is not simply a religious issue, but it is also an opportunity to increase sales and acquire a competitive advantage.
RESULTS: This study found 14 articles that mainly discussed the critical points related to religiosity and product factors, that is, ingredient, halal logo, and halal certification as the highest driver in influencing consumers to purchase halal cosmetics. Other related factors in this study are price, promotion, place, social factors, and characteristics of consumers. These factors should be taken into consideration as they provide a plus point and an extra edge to local or international manufacturers to tap the global markets for halal cosmetic products that cater to both Muslims and non-Muslims communities.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Cosmetic manufacturers and marketers must ensure that their products suit the expectation of consumers as todays halalan and tayyiban products are being searched rather than branded products due to their cleanliness, safety, and hygienic.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study is among the earliest study examining the factors of purchase intention in halal cosmetics using a systematic literature review method that integrates marketing stimulus (product, price, promotion, and place) and other stimuli (social, religious, and characteristics).
METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study in which 339 first trimester pregnant women were sampled from 13 maternal and child health clinics located in all four parliament districts of Kuala Lumpur. Self-administered questionnaires which contained the Malay version of the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ) were used. Descriptive analysis was conducted to determine the physical inactivity prevalence followed by simple and multiple logistic regression to identify the determinants of physical inactivity with significant level of 5%.
RESULTS: The prevalence of physical inactivity was 38.3%. The highest activity was seen in the household activity domain, despite only 24.8% of the respondents were housewives/unemployed. There was little to no participation observed in the vigorous intensity category. The determinants of physical inactivity were primigravida (aOR 3.54 95% CI 1.40, 8.97), education level (aOR 3.77 95% CI 1.35, 10.52) and body mass index (aOR 0.88 95% CI 0.80, 0.97) which explained 22.6% variation of physical inactivity in the final adjusted model.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of physical inactivity among first trimester pregnant mothers in this study was 38.3%, and the highest activity was seen in the household category. Health education on physical activity in pregnancy should be focused on those who are primigravida and have no tertiary education. The educational content should be updated and tailored to current pandemic situation where self-isolation is the new norm, by advocating for home-based, moderate to vigorous intensity physical activities.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a PO mill located in Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia. Thirty-one workers from the four workstations (sterilizer, boiler, oil, and engine rooms) were selected as the respondents in this study. Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer was used in this study to measure the environmental temperature (WBGTin). Body core temperature (BCT), blood pressure (BP), and heart rate (HR) were recorded both before and after working in order to assess the physiological effects of heat stress on workers. A set of questionnaires were used to determine sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents and their symptoms related to heat stress. Data were then analyzed using SPSS Ver28.
RESULTS: The WBGTin was found to be above the ACGIH threshold limit value of heat stress exposure in the engine room, sterilizer, and boiler workstations (>28.0°C). Additionally, there was a significant difference in the worker's BCT in these three workstations before and after work (p<0.05). Only the systolic BP and HR of those working at the boiler workstation showed significant difference between before and after work (p<0.05). The most typical symptoms that workers experience as a result of being exposed to heat at work include headache and fatigue. However, statistical analysis using Spearman Rho's test showed that there is no correlation between heat stress level with physiological changes and health-related symptoms among study respondents (p>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Results of the present study confirmed that workers in PO mill were exposed to high temperatures while at work. Although the evidence indicates the physiological parameters in general are not significantly affected while working, it also demonstrated that worker's body adapts and acclimates to the level of heat. Even so, precautions should still be taken to reduce future heat exposure. It is recommended that a physiological study be carried out that focuses on cognitive function impairment to support the evidence regarding the effects of heat stress on PO mill workers.