Sorbent materials based on a hydrazone Schiff base compound, C(14)H(11)BrN(4)O(4), were prepared either by immobilizing the ligand into sol-gel (SG1) or bonding to silica (SG2). The sorbent materials were characterized by FT-IR, EDX, SEM, TEM, and TGA. The sorption characteristics of a matrix of eight transition metal ions (Ag(+), Cu(2+), Co(2+), Ni(2+), Fe(3+), Pb(2+), Zn(2+), and Mn(2+)) using batch method were studied. Several key parameters that affected the extraction efficiency such as pH, contact time, metal ions concentration, and gel size (for SGl) were investigated and optimized. Under the optimized conditions, the physically immobilized hydrazone sorbent (SG1) exhibits highest selectivity towards Ag(+) ions, while the chemically bonded hydrazone sorbent (SG2) exhibits high extraction for all metal ions tested. However, for practical applications such as the removal and preconcentration of Ag(+), the physically immobilized sorbent (SG1) is preferred.
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/isolation & purification*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Purification/methods*
The contamination of groundwater by heavy metal, originating either from natural soil sources or from anthropogenic sources is a matter of utmost concern to the public health. Remediation of contaminated groundwater is of highest priority since billions of people all over the world use it for drinking purpose. In this paper, thirty five approaches for groundwater treatment have been reviewed and classified under three large categories viz chemical, biochemical/biological/biosorption and physico-chemical treatment processes. Comparison tables have been provided at the end of each process for a better understanding of each category. Selection of a suitable technology for contamination remediation at a particular site is one of the most challenging job due to extremely complex soil chemistry and aquifer characteristics and no thumb-rule can be suggested regarding this issue. In the past decade, iron based technologies, microbial remediation, biological sulphate reduction and various adsorbents played versatile and efficient remediation roles. Keeping the sustainability issues and environmental ethics in mind, the technologies encompassing natural chemistry, bioremediation and biosorption are recommended to be adopted in appropriate cases. In many places, two or more techniques can work synergistically for better results. Processes such as chelate extraction and chemical soil washings are advisable only for recovery of valuable metals in highly contaminated industrial sites depending on economical feasibility.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants; Water Pollution*; Water Purification/methods*; Drinking Water*
Time-lapse resistivity measurements and groundwater geochemistry were used to study salinity effect on groundwater aquifer at the ex-promontory-land of Carey Island in Malaysia. Resistivity was measured by ABEM Terrameter SAS4000 and ES10-64 electrode selector. Relationship between earth resistivity and total dissolved solids (TDS) was derived, and with resistivity images, used to identify water types: fresh (ρ ( e ) > 6.5 Ω m), brackish (3 Ω m < ρ ( e ) < 6.5 Ω m), or saline (ρ ( e ) < 3 Ω m). Long-term monitoring of the studied area's groundwater quality via measurements of its time-lapse resistivity showed salinity changes in the island's groundwater aquifers not conforming to seawater-freshwater hydraulic gradient. In some aquifers far from the coast, saline water was dominant, while in some others, freshwater 30 m thick showed groundwater potential. Land transformation is believed to have changed the island's hydrogeology, which receives saltwater pressure all the time, limiting freshwater recharge to the groundwater system. The time-lapse resistivity measurements showed active salinity changes at resistivity-image bottom moving up the image for two seasons' (wet and dry) conditions. The salinity changes are believed to have been caused by incremental tide passing through highly porous material in the active-salinity-change area. The study's results were used to plan a strategy for sustainable groundwater exploration of the island.
Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water/chemistry*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Water Supply/statistics & numerical data; Water Cycle
Zeolites P in sodium (NaP) and potassium (KP) forms were used as adsorbents for the removal of calcium (Ca2+) and zinc (Zn2+) cations from aqueous solutions. Zeolite KP was prepared by ion exchange of K+ with Na+ which neutralizes the negative charge of the zeolite P framework structure. The ion exchange capacity of K+ on zeolite NaP was determined through the Freundlich isotherm equilibrium study. Characterization of zeolite KP was determined using infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. From the characterization, the structure of zeolite KP was found to remain stable after the ion exchange process. Zeolites KP and NaP were used for the removal of Ca and Zn from solution. The amount of Ca2+ and Zn2+ in aqueous solution before and after the adsorption by zeolites was analysed using the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy method. The removal of Ca2+ and Zn2+ followed the Freundlich isotherm rather than the Langmuir isotherm model. This result also revealed that zeolite KP adsorbs Ca2+ and Zn2+ more than zeolite NaP and proved that modification of zeolite NaP with potassium leads to an increase in the adsorption efficiency of the zeolite. Therefore, the zeolites NaP and KP can be used for water softening (Ca removal) and reducing water pollution/toxicity (Zn removal).
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/isolation & purification; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Purification/methods*
Oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibers were employed to remove dyes from aqueous solutions via adsorption approaches. The EFB fibers were modified using citric acid (CA) and polyethylenimine (PEI) to produce anionic and cationic adsorbents, respectively. The CA modified EFB fibers (CA-EFB) and PEI-modified EFB fibers (PEI-EFB) were used to study the efficiency in removing cationic methylene blue (MB) and anionic phenol red (PR) from aqueous solutions, respectively, at different pHs, temperatures and initial dye concentrations. The adsorption data for MB on the CA-EFB fitted the Langmuir isotherm, while the adsorption of PR on the PEI-EFB fitted the Freundlich isotherm, suggesting a monolayer and heterogeneous adsorption behavior of the adsorption processes, respectively. Both modified fibers can be regenerated up to seven adsorption/desorption cycles while still providing as least 70% of the initial adsorption capacity.
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/isolation & purification*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Purification/methods*
A modular typed dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) device is designed and tested for air and water remediation. The module is made of a number of DBD tubes that can be arranged in series or parallel. Each of the DBD tubes comprises inner electrode enclosed with dielectric barrier and arranged as such to provide a gap for the passage of gases. Non-thermal plasma generated in the gap effectively creates gaseous chemical reactions. Its efficacy in the remediation of gas stream containing high NOx, similar to diesel emission and wastewater containing latex, are presented. A six tubes DBD module has successfully removed more than 80% of nitric oxide from the gas stream. In another arrangement, oxygen was fed into a two tubes DBD to generate ozone for treatment of wastewater. Samples of wastewater were collected from a treatment pond of a rubber vulcanization pilot plant. The water pollution load was evaluated by the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) values. Preliminary results showed some improvement (about 13%) on the COD after treatment and at the same time had increased the BOD5 by 42%. This results in higher BOD5/COD ratio after ozonation which indicate better biodegradability of the wastewater.
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Water Purification/methods*; Waste Water
Studies on the occurrence of pharmaceutical residues in drinking water were conducted especially in developed countries. However, limited studies reported the occurrence of pharmaceutical residues in developing countries. Thus, this study is conducted to fill the knowledge gap of pharmaceutical residue occurrences in developing countries, particularly in Malaysia, along with public awareness level and its potential human health risk. This study investigates public awareness level of drinking water quality and pharmaceutical handling, the occurrence of nine pharmaceutical residues (amoxicillin, caffeine, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, dexamethasone, diclofenac, nitrofurazone, sulfamethoxazole, and triclosan) and potential human health risks in drinking water from Kajang (Malaysia) using commercially competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. In general, the public awareness level of Kajang population showed poor knowledge (82.02%), and less positive attitude (98.88%) with a good practice score (57.3%). Ciprofloxacin was detected at the highest concentration (0.667 ng/L) while amoxicillin was at the lowest concentration (0.001 ng/L) in drinking water from Kajang (Malaysia). Nevertheless, all the reported occurrences were lower than previous studies conducted elsewhere. There was no appreciable potential human health risk for all the pharmaceutical residues as the risk quotient (RQ) values were less than 1 (RQ water risk management and regulation in Malaysia.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Water Quality*; Drinking Water/standards; Drinking Water/chemistry*
Grafting of crosslinked chitosan with monomer, N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, has been carried out to investigate its adsorption capacity toward Orange G (OG) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption performance of modified chitosan (cts(x)-g-PNVP) was examined and compared with that of the unmodified chitosan. The effects of initial pH, contact time and initial dye concentration were investigated in a batch system. The experimental data were correlated with the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacity of cts(x)-g-PNVP (63.7mgg-1) based on Langmuir equation was relatively higher than that of the unmodified chitosan (1.7mgg-1). The kinetic studies showed that the adsorption process was consistent with the pseudo-second order kinetic model. Interaction mechanisms between OG and cts(x)-g-PNVP were also proposed. The overall results suggested that the prepared cts(x)-g-PNVP stands a good candidate as adsorbent for removal of anionic dye from aqueous solutions.
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/isolation & purification; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Purification/methods*
Groundwater hazard assessments involve many activities dealing with the impacts of pollution on groundwater, such as human health studies and environment modelling. Nitrate contamination is considered a hazard to human health, environment and ecosystem. In groundwater management, the hazard should be assessed before any action can be taken, particularly for groundwater pollution and water quality. Thus, pollution due to the presence of nitrate poses considerable hazard to drinking water, and excessive nutrient loads deteriorate the ecosystem. The parametric IPNOA model is one of the well-known methods used for evaluating nitrate content. However, it cannot predict the effect of soil and land use/land cover (LULC) types on calculations relying on parametric well samples. Therefore, in this study, the parametric model was trained and integrated with the multivariate data-driven model with different levels of information to assess groundwater nitrate contamination in Saladin, Iraq. The IPNOA model was developed with 185 different well samples and contributing parameters. Then, the IPNOA model was integrated with the logistic regression (LR) model to predict the nitrate contamination levels. Geographic information system techniques were also used to assess the spatial prediction of nitrate contamination. High-resolution SPOT-5 satellite images with 5 m spatial resolution were processed by object-based image analysis and support vector machine algorithm to extract LULC. Mapping of potential areas of nitrate contamination was examined using receiver operating characteristic assessment. Results indicated that the optimised LR-IPNOA model was more accurate in determining and analysing the nitrate hazard concentration than the standalone IPNOA model. This method can be easily replicated in other areas that have similar climatic condition. Therefore, stakeholders in planning and environmental decision makers could benefit immensely from the proposed method of this research, which can be potentially used for a sustainable management of urban, industrialised and agricultural sectors.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Water Quality*; Drinking Water/analysis; Drinking Water/chemistry
Crosslinked chitosan beads were grafted with N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (NVP) using ammonium persulfate (APS) as free radical initiator. Important variables on graft copolymerization such as temperature, reaction time, concentration of initiator and concentration of monomer were optimized. The results revealed optimum conditions for maximum grafting of NVP on 1g crosslinked chitosan as follows: reaction temperature, 60°C; reaction time, 2h and concentrations of APS and NVP of 2.63×10-1M and 26.99×10-1M, respectively. The modified chitosan beads were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, 13C NMR, SEM and BET to provide evidence of successful crosslinking and grafting reactions. The resulting material (cts(x)-g-PNVP) was evaluated as adsorbent for the removal of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions in a batch experiment. The Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were also applied to describe the equilibrium isotherms. The results showed that the adsorption of the copper ions onto the beads agreed well with Langmuir model with the maximum capacity (qmax) of 122mgg-1.
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry; Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry*; Water Purification*
Chitosan ionic liquid beads were prepared from chitosan and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids to remove Malachite Green (MG) from aqueous solutions. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out as a function of initial pH, adsorbent dosage, agitation time and initial MG concentration. The optimum conditions were obtained at pH 4.0, 0.008g of adsorbent dosage and 20min of agitation time were utilized in the kinetic and isotherm studies. Three kinetic models were applied to analyze the kinetic data and pseudo-second order was found to be the best fitted model with R2>0.999. In order to determine the adsorption capacity, the sorption data were analyzed using the linear form of Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin equations. The isotherm was best fitted by Langmuir isotherm model. The maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) obtained from Langmuir isotherm for two chitosan beads 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate A and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium B are 8.07mgg-1 and 0.24mgg-1 respectively.
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry; Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Purification*
Removal of low-concentration ammonia (1-10 ppm) from aquaculture wastewater was investigated via polysulfone (PSf)/zeolite mixed matrix membrane. PSf/zeolite mixed matrix membranes with different weight ratios (90/10, 80/20, 70/30 and 60/40 wt.%) were prepared and characterized. Results indicate that PSf/zeolite (80/20) was the most efficient membrane for removal of low-concentration ammonia. The ammonia elimination by PSf/zeolite (80/20) from aqueous solution for 10, 7, 5, 3 and 1 ppm of ammonia was 100%, 99%, 98.8%, 96% and 95% respectively. The recorded results revealed that pure water flux declined in higher loading of zeolite in the membrane matrix due to surface pore blockage caused by zeolite particles. On the other hand, ammonia elimination from water was decreased in higher contents of zeolite because of formation of cavities and macrovoids in the membrane substructure.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Purification/methods*; Waste Water/chemistry*
Massive utilization of bisphenol A (BPA) in the industrial production of polycarbonate plastics has led to the occurrence of this compound (at μg/L to ng/L level) in the water treatment plant. Nowadays, the presence of BPA in drinking water sources is a major concern among society because BPA is one of the endocrine disruption compounds (EDCs) that can cause hazard to human health even at extremely low concentration level. Parallel to these issues, membrane technology has emerged as the most feasible treatment process to eliminate this recalcitrant contaminant via physical separation mechanism. This paper reviews the occurrences and effects of BPA toward living organisms as well as the application of membrane technology for their removal in water treatment plant. The potential applications of using polymeric membranes for BPA removal are also discussed. Literature revealed that modifying membrane surface using blending approach is the simple yet effective method to improve membrane properties with respect to BPA removal without compromising water permeability. The regeneration process helps in maintaining the performances of membrane at desired level. The application of large-scale membrane process in treatment plant shows the feasibility of the technology for removing BPA and possible future prospect in water treatment process.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity*; Water Purification/methods*; Drinking Water/analysis*
The demand for high-quality safe and clean water supply has revolutionized water treatment technologies and become a most focused subject of environmental science. Water contamination generally marks the presence of numerous toxic and harmful substances. These contaminants such as heavy metals, organic and inorganic pollutants, oil wastes, and chemical dyes are discharged from various industrial effluents and domestic wastes. Among several water treatment technologies, the utilization of silica nanostructures has received considerable attention due to their stability, sustainability, and cost-effective properties. As such, this review outlines the latest innovative approaches for synthesis and application of silica nanostructures in water treatment, apart from exploring the gaps that limit their large-scale industrial application. In addition, future challenges for improved water remediation and water quality technologies are keenly discussed.
Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Pollution; Water Supply; Water Purification/methods*
Burkholderia pseudomallei causes melioidosis, a life-threatening infection in both humans and animals. Water is an important reservoir of the bacteria and may serve as a source of environmental contamination leading to infection. B. pseudomallei has an unusual ability to survive in water for a long period. This paper investigates physicochemical properties of water associated with the presence of B. pseudomallei in water supply in small ruminant farms in Peninsular Malaysia. Physicochemical properties of water samples taken from small ruminant farms that included temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO2), optical density (OD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were measured after which the samples were cultured for B. pseudomallei. Multivariable logistic regression model revealed that slightly acidic water pH and higher COD level were significantly associated with the likelihood of the B. pseudomallei presence in the water.
Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water/microbiology; Fresh Water/chemistry; Water/chemistry; Water Microbiology/standards*; Water Supply/statistics & numerical data*
A promising biological, sustainable, non-hazardous, safe and environmental friendly management and disposal technique of domestic wastewater sludge is global expectation. Fungal entrapped biosolids as a result of prior fungal treated raw wastewater sludge was recycled to evaluate its performance as inoculum for bioseparation/bioconversion of supplemented sludge in view of continuous as well as scale up wastewater sludge treatment. Encouraging results were achieved in bioseparation of suspended solids and in dewaterability/filterability of treated domestic wastewater sludge. Fungal entrapped biosolids offered 98% removal of total suspended solids (TSS) in supplemented sludge treatment at 6-day without nutrient (wheat flour, WF) supply. Consequently, 99% removal of turbidity and 87% removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) were achieved in supernatant of treated sludge. The lowest value (1.75 x 10(12)m/kg) of specific resistance to filtration (SRF) was observed at 6-day after treatment, which was equivalent to the 70% decrease of SRF. The all results except SRF were not influenced further in treatments accompanied with WF supplementation. The present treatments offered significant (P
Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Purification/methods*
Forward osmosis (FO) is an important desalination method to produce potable water. It was also used to treat different wastewater streams, including industrial as well as municipal wastewater. Though FO is environmentally benign, energy intensive, and highly efficient; it still suffers from four types of fouling namely: organic fouling, inorganic scaling, biofouling and colloidal fouling or a combination of these types of fouling. Membrane fouling may require simple shear force and physical cleaning for sufficient recovery of membrane performance. Severe fouling may need chemical cleaning, especially when a slimy biofilm or severe microbial colony is formed. Modification of FO membrane through introducing zwitterionic moieties on the membrane surface has been proven to enhance antifouling property. In addition, it could also significantly improve the separation efficiency and longevity of the membrane. Zwitterion moieties can also incorporate in draw solution as electrolytes in FO process. It could be in a form of a monomer or a polymer. Hence, this review comprehensively discussed several methods of inclusion of zwitterionic moieties in FO membrane. These methods include atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP); second interfacial polymerization (SIP); coating and in situ formation. Furthermore, an attempt was made to understand the mechanism of improvement in FO performance by zwitterionic moieties. Finally, the future prospective of the application of zwitterions in FO has been discussed.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification; Drinking Water; Waste Water
Increasing agricultural irrigation to counteract a soil moisture deficit has resulted in the production of hazardous agricultural wastewater with high turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD). An innovative, sustainable, and effective solution is needed to overcome the pollution and water scarcity issues caused by the agricultural anthropogenic processes. This research focused on a sustainable solution that utilized a waste (broken lentil) as natural coagulant for turbidity and COD removal in agricultural wastewater treatment. The efficiency of the lentil extract (LE), grafted lentil extract (LE-g-DMC) and aluminium sulphate (alum) coagulants was optimized through the response surface methodology. Three-level Box-Behnken design was used to statistically visualize the complex interactions of pH, concentration of coagulants and settling time. LE achieved a significant 99.55% and 79.87% removal of turbidity and COD at pH 4, 88.46 mg/L of LE and 6.9 minutes of settling time, whereas LE-g-DMC achieved 99.83% and 80.32% removal of turbidity and COD at pH 6.7, 63.08 mg/L of LE-g-DMC and 5 minutes of settling time. As compared to alum, LE-g-DMC required approximately 30% less concentration. Moreover, LE and LE-g-DMC also required 75% and 65% less settling time as compared to the alum. Both LE and LE-g-DMC produced flocs with excellent settling ability (5.77 mg/L and 4.48 mL/g) and produced a significant less volume of sludge (10.60 mL/L and 8.23 mL/L) as compared with the alum. The economic analysis and assessments have proven the feasibility of both lentil-based coagulants in agricultural wastewater treatment.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
Landfill has become an underlying source of surface and groundwater pollution if not efficiently managed, due to the risk of leachate infiltration into to land and aquifers. The generated leachate is considered a serious environmental threat for the public health, because of the toxic and recalcitrant nature of its constituents. Thus, it must be collected and appropriately treated before being discharged into the environment. At present, there is no single unit process available for proper leachate treatment as conventional wastewater treatment processes cannot achieve a satisfactory level for degrading toxic substances present. Therefore, there is a growing interest in examination of different leachate treatment processes for maximum operational flexibility. Based on leachate characteristics, discharge requirements, technical possibilities, regulatory requirements and financial considerations, several techniques have been applied for its degradation, presenting varying degrees of efficiency. Therefore, this article presents a comprehensive review of existing research articles on the pros and cons of various leachate degradation methods. In line with environmental sustainability, the article stressed on the application and efficiency of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system treating landfill leachate due to its operational flexibility, resistance to shock loads and high biomass retention. Contributions of integrated leachate treatment technologies with SBR were also discussed. The article further analyzed the effect of different adopted materials, processes, strategies and configurations on leachate treatment. Environmental and operational parameters that affect SBR system were critically discussed. It is believed that information contained in this review will increase readers fundamental knowledge, guide future researchers and be incorporated into future works on experimentally-based SBR studies for leachate treatment.
Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical; Water Purification; Waste Water
In advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), the aqueous hydroxyl radical (HO) acts as a strong oxidant to react with organic contaminants. The hydroxyl radical rate constant (kHO) is important for evaluating and modelling of the AOPs. In this study, quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) method is applied to model the hydroxyl radical rate constant for a diverse dataset of 457 water contaminants from 27 various chemical classes. The constricted binary particle swarm optimization and multiple-linear regression (BPSO-MLR) are used to obtain the best model with eight theoretical descriptors. An optimized feed forward neural network (FFNN) is developed to investigate the complex performance of the selected molecular parameters with kHO. Although the FFNN prediction results are more accurate than those obtained using BPSO-MLR, the application of the latter is much more convenient. Various internal and external validation techniques indicate that the obtained models could predict the logarithmic hydroxyl radical rate constants of a large number of water contaminants with less than 4% absolute relative error. Finally, the above-mentioned proposed models are compared to those reported earlier and the structural factors contributing to the AOP degradation efficiency are discussed.
Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry; Water Pollution