METHOD: A cross-sectional study was carried out among Malaysian women in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 362 unmarried women, nulliparous and aged between 18 and 25 years old, were included in this study. Participants were conveniently recruited through online platforms as well as face to face using a self-administered questionnaire with five sections consisting of demographics, menstrual characteristics, Working ability, Location, Intensity, Days of pain, Dysmenorrhea (WaLIDD) score for diagnosing and assessing the severity of dysmenorrhea as well as an evaluation of respondents' general knowledge and practices towards dysmenorrhea. The collected data were analysed using the SPSS tool, a descriptive statistic was used to report demographic characteristics. Inferential statistics was used to report the differentiation, association, and correlations of the variables.
RESULTS: The prevalence of primary dysmenorrhea was 73.2%. It was found that the majority of the respondents had poor knowledge (60%) and poor practices (61.88%) of dysmenorrhea. The most common preventive practices among the respondents were using dietary supplements, and herbs, taking a rest and exercising. The findings also indicated that dysmenorrhea among the respondents was significantly associated with family history of dysmenorrhea (p = 0.002), monthly income (p = 0.001), and knowledge level (p = 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Dysmenorrhea has a high prevalence among women in Malaysia in Kula Lumpur driven by low knowledge and lack of evidence-based practices among these women. Thus, it is critical for Government and healthcare authorities to promote education related to women health among Malaysian women.
METHODS: Data came from the South-East Asia Community Observatory health surveillance cohort, 2021-2022. Children aged 7-18 years within selected households in Segamat, Malaysia wore an Axivity AX6 accelerometer on their wrist for 24 hours/day over 7 days, completed the PAQ-C questionnaire, and demographic information was obtained. Accelerometer data was processed using GGIR to determine time spent asleep, inactive, in light-intensity PA (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Differences in accelerometer-measured PA by demographic characteristics (sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic group) were explored using univariate linear regression. Differences between data collected during vs outside Ramadan or during vs after COVID-19 restrictions, were investigated through univariate and multiple linear regressions, adjusted for age, sex and ethnicity.
RESULTS: The 491 participants providing accelerometer data spent 8.2 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 7.9-8.4) hours/day asleep, 12.4 (95% CI = 12.2-12.7) hours/day inactive, 2.8 (95% CI = 2.7-2.9) hours/day in LPA, and 33.0 (95% CI = 31.0-35.1) minutes/day in MVPA. Greater PA and less time inactive were observed in boys vs girls, children vs adolescents, Indian and Chinese vs Malay children and higher income vs lower income households. Data collection during Ramadan or during COVID-19 restrictions were not associated with MVPA engagement after adjustment for demographic characteristics.
CONCLUSIONS: Demographic characteristics remained the strongest correlates of accelerometer-measured 24-hour movement behaviours in Malaysian children and adolescents. Future studies should seek to understand why predominantly girls, adolescents and children from Malay ethnicities have particularly low movement behaviours within Malaysia.
METHODS: A total of 399 women in their second and third trimester of pregnancy were recruited from government maternal and child health clinics in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya and completed a self-administered online questionnaire. Content validity was conducted with an expert panel consisting of 4 members. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using maximum likelihood was conducted to determine the construct validity. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (CAC), while the test-retest reliability was conducted using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).
RESULTS: The questionnaire had an appropriate content validity index of 0.91. The CPQ-P consists of 22 items, measuring 5 constructs, including morning chrono-habits, sleeping habits, evening eating, temporal eating, and pregnancy symptoms. The factor model showed good fit with χ2/df = 2.486, GFI = 0.893, CFI = 0.912, and RMSEA = 0.065. The 22 items in CPQ-P showed fair to excellent test-retest reliability (ICC: 0.42 to 0.98). The 5 constructs in CPQ-P were found to have a good to excellent internal consistency (α = 0.612-0.963).
CONCLUSIONS: The CPQ-P is a valid and reliable tool for assessing lifestyle habits during pregnancy. The questionnaire can be used to identify areas where pregnant women may need additional support or intervention to adopt healthy behaviours and reduce the risk of adverse maternal and foetal outcomes.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT05700136 ( Trial registration date: 26/01/2023.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In silico Molecular Dynamics (MD) was used to determine the interactions of K21 inside the pocket of the targeted protein (crystal structure of fibroblast collagenase-1 complexed to a diphenyl-ether sulphone based hydroxamic acid; PDB ID: 966C; Crystal structure of MMP-2 active site mutant in complex with APP-derived decapeptide inhibitor. MD simulations were accomplished with the Desmond package in Schrödinger Drug Discovery Suite. Blood samples (~ 0.5 mL) collected into K2EDTA were immediately transferred for further processing using the Litron MicroFlow® PLUS micronucleus analysis kit for mouse blood according to the manufacturer's instructions. Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test of K21 Molecule was performed to evaluate K21 and any possible metabolites for their potential to induce point mutations in amino acid-requiring strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli) (WP2 uvrA (tryptophan-deficient)).
RESULTS: Molecular Simulation depicted that K21 has a specific pocket binding on various MMPs and SrtA surfaces producing a classical clouting effect. K21 did not induce micronuclei, which are the result of chromosomal damage or damage to the mitotic apparatus, in the peripheral blood reticulocytes of male and female CD-1 mice when administered by oral gavage up to the maximum recommended dose of 2000 mg/kg. The test item, K21, was not mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium) strains TA98, TA100, TA1535 and TA1537 and E. coli strain WP2 uvrA in the absence and presence of metabolic activation when tested up to the limit of cytotoxicity or solubility under the conditions of the test.
CONCLUSION: K21 could serve as a potent protease inhibitor maintaining the physical and biochemical properties of dental structures.
METHODS: The Menopause Quick 6 (MQ6) questionnaire was translated into the Malay language with an addition of an item, henceforth termed MQ6 (M). Forward and backward translation was performed. Face and content validity were conducted. MQ6 (M) was self-administered to 400 women aged between 40 and 60 attending six primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia. To ascertain the reliability for MQ6 (M), corrected Item-Total Correlation, Squared Multiple Correlation, Cronbach's Alpha if the Item is Deleted, and Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficients (KR20). Exploratory factor analysis was done to determine its' construct validity.
RESULTS: The outcome of the validation was satisfactory. By the Lawshe method, the content validity ratios ranged from 0.6 to 1.0 and the content validity index was 0.914. The Internal consistency for MQ6(M) Cronbach's alpha was 0.711 while Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficients KR20 was 0.676. Factor loading of all four items is above 0.70, indicating a well-defined structure. Whereas factor loading for three items fell within the range of 0.50-0.69 indicating a practically significant threshold for a new questionnaire.
CONCLUSION: MQ6 (M) has acceptable reliability and construct validity to be considered as a self-administered screening tool in primary care clinics in Malaysia.
CASE PRESENTATION: We report a rare case of a young female, with underlying Evans syndrome, who was initially thought to have non-hemorrhagic stroke, eventually diagnosed having isolated non-traumatic, non-aneurysmal convexal subarachnoid haemorrhage.
CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous non-traumatic, non-aneurysmal convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage is a rare entity - of which there are multiple possible etiologies.
INTRODUCTION: The International Osteoporosis Foundation and European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis published guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in 2019. This manuscript seeks to apply this in an international setting, taking additional account of further categorisation of increased risk of fracture, which may inform choice of therapeutic approach.
METHODS: Clinical perspective and updated literature search.
RESULTS: The following areas are reviewed: categorisation of fracture risk and general pharmacological management of osteoporosis.
CONCLUSIONS: A platform is provided on which specific guidelines can be developed for national use to characterise fracture risk and direct interventions.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, selfreported CVS and dry eye symptoms were compared between 80 breastfeeding and 72 non-breastfeeding VDU users. Two questionnaires were administered online, which were the CVS-Questionnaire (CVS-Q) and the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire, to evaluate symptoms of CVS and dry eye, respectively. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare CVS and OSDI scores between groups, while correlations between the scores were analyzed using Spearman's test.
RESULT: Results showed that OSDI scores were significantly higher in the non-breastfeeding group (U = 2263, z-score = - 2.276, p = 0.023), indicating more dry eye symptoms experienced by respondents in this group, while no significant group difference was found in terms of CVS scores (U = 2772, z-score = -0.400, p = 0.689). Additionally, no significant association was observed between breastfeeding status and severity of dry eye symptoms as well as CVS symptoms.
CONCLUSION: This study reported the possible benefit of breastfeeding in reducing dry eye symptoms. The CVS symptoms found in the breastfeeding group were possibly due to VDU usage rather than caused by breastfeeding. Public education on preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of CVS symptoms and ocular dryness among VDU users is essential to improve the quality of life.