Empowering lay screeners, such as pre-school teachers, on vision screening is a cost-effective way to
ensure larger populations of children can be screened. Although the validity of lay screeners in conducting
vision screening were reported in several studies, none showed data concerning improvement of the level
of knowledge among lay screeners after completing vision screening training, which could indicate the
effectiveness of the training program. This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge of pre-school
teachers before and after attending a training program. Sixty pre-school teachers from Tabika and Taska KEMAS
were randomly selected. The Study Group (n = 30) was given theory and practical training on vision screening,
whereas the Control Group (n = 30) was only given brief verbal instructions on how to conduct the screening. A
theory test containing 15 questions related to the training modules were administered to both groups, before
and after their training/briefing respectively. The findings showed that the level of knowledge among preschool
teachers in the Study Group (73.24 ± 11.73%) was significantly higher than the Control Group (56.22
± 13.11%) (p < 0.01). There was also a significant improvement in the level of knowledge among pre-school
teachers in the Study Group after the training (p
Introduction: The incidence of dengue has risen dramatically high over the last few decades worldwide. Some three billion people are at risk of getting infected with dengue. In Malaysia the total number of dengue cases has been rising annually. In Perak, the number of cases for dengue fever and hemorrhagic dengue fever increased from 421 cases per 100000 population in 2012 to 1024 cases per 100000 in 2013 accounting for an increase of 143.2%. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, practice of preventive measures and effectiveness of health promotion related to dengue among residents of a village in Ipoh.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in 2015. Simple random sampling was applied to choose the samples.
Results and discussion: Out of a total of 408 respondents, 61.3% and 74% obtained good scores in knowledge and preventive practice measures respectively. The highest misconceptions occurred on behavior aspects of the Aedes mosquitoes (46.6%) and availability of vaccinations for dengue (40.7%) while 65% of respondents allow fogging activities to be conducted at 2pm (noon). Significant associations were shown between types of occupation and knowledge (p=0.017), level of education and practice (p=0.022), previous exposure among family members and practice (p=0.016), and between knowledge and practice (p=0.011). In conclusion, despite having good knowledge about dengue and potential breeding sites of the Aedes mosquito, the number of dengue cases rising could be due to a quarter of population having poor preventive practices.
Photochemical treatment is one of the pathogen inactivation method to treat plasma, part of a proactive approach used for blood and blood component safety. Three photochemical treatments that have been used were methylene blue, riboflavin and psoralen treatment. This study was done on Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) to evaluate the treatment effects of psoralen, methylene blue and riboflavin on coagulation factors level. Methods: FFP was collected from apheresis plasma units and kept at 22oC to 24oC. A sum of 90 apheresis plasma units and segments were used, separated from each bag and a part used as controls, placed in a -30oC freezer for storage, thawed, and coagulation proteins function was evaluated before and after treatment, at immediate, 30 days and 270 days storage. Results: Significant differences in fibrinogen and coagulation factor levels between before and after treatment with methylene blue, psoralen and riboflavin. However, most of the mean values in treated plasma were within reference ranges. Methylene blue treated FFP showed the lowest changes in fibrinogen and other coagulation factors level whilst riboflavin treated FFP demonstrated the highest changes in coagulation proteins concentrations especially for fibrinogen, FV, FVIII, FIX and FXII. However, FXIII showed the best recovery for all three photochemical methods with reduction level of 3% to 8% compared to pre-treatment. Storage time comparison of immediate, 30 days and 270 days was inconclusive. Conclusion: The coagulation proteins in psoralen treated FFP and MB-FFP were adequately preserved, where MB-FFP showed better preservation than other two photochemical treatments.
This study examined different types of symptoms of problem behaviours among juvenile offenders. Various symptoms of problem behaviours such as social problem, thinking problem, attention problem, rule-breaking behaviour, and aggressive behaviour can be predicted among young juvenile delinquents. There were 404 juvenile offenders participated in the study, consisted of 280 males and 124 females. All respondents convicted with seven different offenses. Prior to that, three research questions were developed: 1. Are there differences in the symptoms of problem behaviours among different types of juvenile offenders? 2. Are there gender differences in the symptoms of problem behaviours among young offenders? 3. Are there any age differences in the symptoms of problem behaviours among juvenile offenders? The results showed there were different symptoms of problem behaviours among young offenders. Gender differences profile also showed mean differences in each symptom of problem behaviours among juvenile offenders. One-way ANOVA results showed significant differences in thought problem F (7) = 2.748, p< .01 and attention problem F (7) = 25.948, p < .01 among different types of delinquent behaviours. Moreover, t-test results revealed that gender differences were significant in social problem; t (402) = -2.710, p
Discolouration of microhybrid composite resin is a common problem faced by both dental practitioners and patients. The accumulation of plaque, penetration of colourant particles from foods and beverages, dietary habits and the smoothness of restorations have been known to influence the quality of the aesthetic restoration. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of polishing systems on surface roughness that led to discolouration of the microhybrid composite resin. Methods: Forty five samples of microhybrid composite resin (Filtex Z100) restorations were polished with two different polishing systems; one-step polishing (OP) system on the distal surface and multiple-step polishing (MP) system on the mesial surface. All samples were then immersed in two common beverages: black coffee and cocoa, for 20 minutes daily throughout 28 days of the experimental period. Results: Data on visual colour measurement and spectrometer colour spectrum was subjected to one-way ANOVA test at a significance level of 0.05. Both solutions were found to cause a significant colour change (p=0.0195) on the microhybrid composite resin. Black coffee solution obtained the highest score (71.6) of visual colour change and the lowest reflectance value (62.818) on the distal surface. Surface roughness evaluation using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) had presented that both polishing systems used produced low level of surface roughness. Conclusion: Although MP system produced a smoother surface compared to OP system, a prolonged exposure to colourant particle found to cause an unacceptable discolouration of microhybrid composite resin.
Ambient groundwater samples collected from five wells in Pulau Tiga have been studied for selected physico-chemical and biological parameters to understand general water quality of the island. This preliminary study on groundwater of Pulau Tiga was undertaken to provide guidance and baseline data for future references. Two field works were undertaken in August and November 2007 to collect the groundwater samples. Groundwater samples were collected from five representatives wells at the low lying area of Pulau Tiga in order to study the in-situ parameters such as DO (dissolved oxygen), EC (electrical conductivity), TDS (total dissolved solids), pH, salinity and temperature. In general, groundwater in Pulau Tiga is moderate in conductivity (330 μS/cm – 1005 μS/cm), and serves as a vital freshwater source to both tourists and local inhabitants. However, bacteriological analysis showed that the groundwater quality was poor, with fecal coliform counts exceeding the WHO permissible limits for drinking water. Through this study, human factor was to be blame for the fecal contamination coliform where the polluted ground water might be originated from sanitation facilities located too close to the wells. The occurrence of total and fecal coliform bacteria in counts suggests poor sanitary handling and warns of the potential presence of disease-causing organisms.
entamoeba histolytica dan/atau entamoeba dispar merupakan protozoa usus yang mempunyai prevalens infeksi yang tinggi dalam kalangan masyarakat pedalaman terutamanya masyarakat Orang Asli. Ia tersebar secara meluas di kawasan tropika dan subtropika serta di negara membangun berbanding negara maju. Sebanyak 111 sampel feses kanak-kanak Orang Asli daripada suku kaum Jahai telah diterima dan disaring untuk entamoeba histolytica dan/atau entamoeba dispar menggunakan kaedah apusan langsung yang memberi hasil positif terhadap 43 sampel atau 38.7%. Oleh sebab amaun sampel yang diterima adalah sedikit, hanya 66 sampel feses sahaja yang dapat diperiksa menggunakan tiga jenis teknik diagnostik berbeza iaitu apusan langsung, kepekatan formalin-eter dan pewarnaan trikrom. Hasil kajian mendapati, prevalens yang tinggi bagi infeksi entamoeba histolytica dan/atau entamoeba dispar iaitu 50% menggunakan
ketiga-tiga teknik diagnosis. Prevalens infeksi yang tinggi juga turut ditunjukkan pada kanak-kanak perempuan iaitu 62.5% berbanding kanak-kanak lelaki 30.8% (p<0.05). Selain itu, daripada segi umur, kanak-kanak yang berumur 7-9 tahun adalah lebih terdedah kepada infeksi entamoeba histolytica dan/atau entamoeba dispar dengan prevalens 60.7% (p>0.05). Teknik pewarnaan trikrom menunjukkan pengesanan 100% ke atas infeksi entamoeba histolytica dan/atau entamoeba dispar, diikuti teknik kepekatan formalin-eter 78.8% dan apusan langsung 72.7%. Prevalens infeksi entamoeba histolytica dan/atau entamoeba dispar yang tinggi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak Orang Asli di Pos Sungai Rual ini berhubungkait dengan pelbagai faktor iaitu status sosioekonomi yang rendah, kekurangan pengetahuan tentang penjagaan kesihatan serta kebersihan diri yang rendah. Peningkatan prevalens infeksi dalam kajian ini juga menunjukkan pentingnya penggunaan teknik diagnostik yang lebih berkesan dalam pemeriksaan rutin bagi mendapatkan hasil diagnosis yang lebih tepat.
Ferit NiZn dan nanotiub karbon diadunkan ke dalam getah asli termoplastik mengikut nisbah campuran 1:1. Kesan penambahan pengisi ke atas sifat magnet, struktur dan morfologi nanokomposit dikaji. Dua parameter magnet, iaitu pemagnetan tepuan dan daya koersif nanokomposit didapati bergantung kepada penambahan pengisi dalam matriks. Interaksi antara kedua-dua pengisi dalam matriks TPNR juga mempengaruh sifat magnet. Pengisi hibrid (ferit NiZn dan nanotiub karbon) bertabur sekata dalam matriks termoplastik getah asli. Kehabluran semi-amorfus fasa polipropilena didapati berlawanan dengan peningkatan kehabluran pengisi apabila kandungan pengisi bertambah.
Entomologi forensik adalah satu bidang ilmu yang menggunakan serangga sebagai bahan bukti untuk menganggarkan selang masa kematian atau selang post-mortem (PMI). Penentuan PMI tersebut berdasarkan kepada saiz dan peringkat perkembangan serangga. Chrysomya villeneuvi merupakan salah satu spesies langau yang boleh dijadikan sebagai petunjuk yang baik untuk menganggarkan PMI apabila ia ditemukan pada mayat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu data asas dan graf perkembangan bagi lalat Ch. villeneuvi pada suhu yang berbeza. Data yang diperoleh juga digunakan untuk membangunkan jadual jam darjah terkumpul (ADH). Justifikasi kajian dijalankan kerana data perkembangan lalat spesies ini belum dibangunkan di Malaysia. Penentuan PMI terpaksa dilakukan dengan berpandukan kepada data perkembangan Ch. megacephala. Ini akan menyebabkan pengiraan PMI menjadi kurang tepat. Kajian terdahulu juga hanya melibatkan kajian berkaitan morfologi dan tingkah laku spesies ini. Kajian perkembangan telur, larva dan pupa lalat Ch. villeneuvi dijalankan pada suhu bawah 25, 27, 30, 33 dan 37ºC di makmal dengan menggunakan kebuk pertumbuhan serangga. Sumber asal lalat dewasa diperoleh dengan meletakkan bangkai tikus di Pusat Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya, Batu 16, Gombak. Lalat dewasa dipelihara di makmal untuk dijadikan sumber koloni. Lebih kurang 150 biji telur dibiakkan dengan meletakkannya ke dalam bekas yang mengandungi 200 g hati lembu sebagai sumber makanan untuk larva yang baru menetas. Lima ekor larva diukur panjangnya setiap tiga jam untuk mendapatkan satu nilai purata untuk setiap suhu. Pemprosesan slaid dan pengambilan foto larva dilakukan untuk mengetahui peringkat perkembangan larva. Ch. villeneuvi mengambil masa selama 9.40 ± 0.02 hari pada suhu 25ºC, 9.34 ± 0.04 hari (27ºC), 9.00 ± 0.07 hari (30ºC), 7.95 ± 0.02 hari (33ºC) dan 7.51 ± 0.02 hari (37ºC) untuk melengkapkan satu kitar hidup. Pada suhu pembiakan yang berbeza, terdapat perbezaan signifikan (p<0.001) ke atas masa perkembangan kitar hidup lalat Ch. villeneuvi. Semakin tinggi suhu dan nilai ADH, semakin pendek satu kitar hidup lalat Ch. villeneuvi. Kajian ini menyatakan tentang tempoh peringkat dalam kitar hidup berdasarkan suhu membantu dalam pembangunan data ADH. Penyiasat forensik di Malaysia boleh menganggarkan PMI berdasarkan graf perkembangan dan data ADH yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini apabila Ch. villeneuvi ditemui pada mayat.
Zinc oxide nanowires (ZnO NWs) have an efficacious place in nanoworld due to their tremendous properties and applications. In the present work, structural and electrical properties of ZnO NWs have been modified by carbon (C) ions- beam irradiation. With ion-beam energy of 0.8MeV, the physical behaviors of NWs have been studied under different doses from 1×1012 to 1×1014 ions/cm2. The microstructural and Raman spectroscopy studies showed that the wurtzite crystal structure of the ZnO NWs has been changed into disordered amorphous one under high C ion doses. Whereas, the XRD results showed that Zn nanoparticles are fabricated at high C ion-beam irradiation on ZnO NWs. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) depicts the formation of cross junctions and parallel junctions between ZnO NWs after C ion irradiation. DC conductivity measurements have confirmed that the conductivity of NWs decreases with increase in C ion doses. It is concluded that the lattice defects significantly contribute to decrease in the conductivity of ZnO NWs.
Previous studies on honey have shown its potential as an alternative approach in optimizing medical resources for periodontal treatment. However, to date, there has been no study published on the effects of honey on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPDLFs). The aimed of this study was to investigate the effect of Tualang honey on HPDLF proliferation and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level with an intention to establish honey as one of the natural products which may promote healing and regeneration of periodontium. The HPDLFs were cultured and treated with honey at four different concentrations (0.02, 0.3, 1 and 5%) in a 96-well plate and incubated at 37°C with 5% CO2. Proliferation test (MTT test) was assessed up to day 3 whereas ALP level (ALP assay) was assessed up to day 7. The αMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% penicillin streptomycin was used as control. The results for MTT showed that the cell proliferation for 0.02% honey concentration was significantly higher (p<0.05) on day 3 whereas the proliferation were decreased for 1% honey and 5% honey concentration (p<0.05) than control on all the 3 days. There was increased in ALP level in a similar pattern for all concentration groups from day 0 to day 7 without any significant difference compared with control. Therefore, the present data suggests that Tualang honey stimulated HPDLF proliferation at low concentrations and has an inhibitory effect at high concentrations. However, its role in osteoblastic differentiation requires further investigation.
Penyelidikan dijalankan bagi menilai kesan penggunaan filem boleh makan dan filem polietilena (PE) sebagai bahan
penyalut untuk ubi keledek (Ipomoea batatas) goreng. Kepingan ubi keledek disalut dengan lapisan filem boleh makan
yang terdiri daripada 0.045 g/mL selulosa metil (MC), 0.045 g/mL selulosa hidroksipropil metil (HPMC) dan 0.16 g/mL
jagung zein (CZ) sebelum digoreng di dalam minyak sawit pada suhu 170-180°C selama 3 min. Manakala ubi keledek juga
disalut dengan filem tak boleh makan iaitu polietilena (PE) (nisbah PE kepada minyak 1:100 g/g) sebagai perbandingan.
Ubi goreng tanpa salutan filem digunakan sebagai sampel kawalan. Ciri fizikokimia ubi goreng bersalut dianalisa.
Keputusan menunjukkan semua filem melekat pada permukaan ubi setelah digoreng. Penggunaan filem CZ menjadikan
permukaan filem licin dan wujud tanpa sebarang retakan. Filem MC pula memberi lapisan permukaan yang tidak rata
tetapi menyaluti permukaan sampel dengan sekata. Tambahan pula, ubi bersalut MC menunjukkan peratusan lemak paling
sedikit (13.6%) selain kandungan kelembapan yang paling tinggi (17.5%) berbanding sampel lain. Secara keseluruhan,
MC merupakan filem yang terbaik untuk mengekalkan kelembapan bahan goreng dan mengurangkan penyerapan lemak.
Haematological parameters decrease following one unit of whole blood donation which results in a detrimental effect on cardiorespiratory fitness and maximal exercise capacity. However, it remains unclear to what extent blood donation will impact exercise performance across varying levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of a standard blood donation on maximal exercise performance performed 24 h post-blood donation in individuals with varying levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. Methods: Forty-two males (mean age 22 ± 2.1 years) were recruited and segregated into Low, Moderate and Superior fitness groups. Subjects performed a multi-stage shuttle run test on the day prior to a standard blood donation procedure, and subsequently 24 h post-blood donation. Blood samples were taken on both test days and analysed for haematological parameters. Results: Exercise performance, represented by predicted VO2max were 0.6%, 1.0% and 4.1% lower in the Low, Moderate and Superior fitness groups respectively. However, the magnitude of reduction was only statistically significant in the Superior fitness group (p = 0.017). Compared to baseline, all fitness groups demonstrated significant reductions in haematocrit (Low: -8.4%, Moderate: -9.1%, Superior: -7.2%) and haemoglobin (Low: -7.6%, Moderate: -7.8%, Superior: -5.5%) levels at 24 h post-blood donation. Spearman correlation analysis revealed that changes in haemoglobin concentrations were not associated with changes in exercise performance in all groups. Conclusion: Exercise performance was only significantly reduced in the Superior fitness group. Well-trained individuals should be refrained from blood donation just prior to competitions.
Sel osteoblas merupakan sel mononukleus yang bertanggungjawab untuk pembentukan tulang. Sel mononukleus telah terbukti mampu membeza kepada sel osteoblas setelah diaruh oleh kombinasi asid askorbik dan ß-gliserofosfat sebagai faktor pembezaan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah bagi melihat kesan aruhan ß-gliserofosfat terhadap ampaian sel mononukleus daripada darah periferi manusia secara in vitro. Sel mononukleus dipencilkan daripada darah periferi manusia dengan menggunakan larutan Ficoll-Paque™ Plus melalui kaedah pengemparan kecerunan ketumpatan. Sel mononukleus kemudian dikultur selama 7 hari di dalam medium proliferasi sebelum diaruh dengan ß-gliserofosfat pada kepekatan 1 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM, 20 mM, dan 100 mM. Pada hari 0, 1, 3, 7, dan 14, penentuan profil aktiviti enzim alkalin fosfatase (ALP) dan analisis morfologi bagi sel osteoblas dilakukan dalam medium masing-masing. Aktiviti enzim ALP dan analisis morfologi menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan (p<0.05) antara sel yang diaruh dengan sel kawalan negatif melalui statistik ujian-t berpasangan. Kesimpulannya, kehadiran ß-gliserofosfat sahaja mampu untuk mengaruh pembezaan sel mononukleus kepada sel osteoblas. Kesan ß-gliserofosfat terhadap pembezaan sel mononukleus kepada sel osteoblas menunjukkan profil enzimologi (aktiviti enzim ALP) dan morfologi yang hampir sama dengan kawalan positif (asid askorbik dan ß-gliserofosfat). Berdasarkan kepada analisis enzimologi dan morfologi 1 mM ß-gliserofosfat adalah kepekatan yang paling sesuai untuk pembezaan sel osteoblas secara in vitro.
A beamformer in seismology is a signal receptor with a series of geophones, in which a beam of elastic waves is formed like a light beam by adjusting signal delays at individual geophones. Recently, beamforming has extended its applications to surface-wave measurement. In surface-wave measurement, beamforming provides unique advantages over other surface-wave methods, such as full automation in data analysis as well as directional signal reception to minimize scattered noise and multiple reflections in signals. However, certain defects depreciate the value of beamforming in terms of its practicality and feasibility. These include the requirement of having many receivers and the loss of small wavelength data due to spatial aliasing. It leads to insensitivity in identification of lateral variability, which creates the problem of having to smooth out geologic features and complexities like folding, faults and fractures. In this paper, advances in the refinement of beamforming were described on two counts: improvement of sensitivity in identification of lateral variability and recovery of aliased wave numbers, which enables evaluation of shallow material. On the passage to refinement, synthetic waveforms for typical layering systems were generated to figure out characteristics of beamformer velocities in comparison with SASW velocities and theoretical normal-mode velocities.
Moldability of metal injection molding (MIM) is dependent on the outward appearance of the resultant feedstock. Properties of the binders used will influence the properties of the feedstock. Stainless steel powder 316L with mean size 22 μm and the binder system consists of three major fractions of paraffin wax, thermoplastic natural rubber and stearic acid with a powder loading of 65 vol. % was investigated. Comparison was also made with existing palm stearin in the binder system replacing the paraffin wax. Kinetic solvent extractions were done to determine the differences between the binder systems. The feedstock was then injected into tensile bar using vertical injection machine. The results showed that there is a slightly time extension during the solvent extraction as a comparison. The feedstock has been successfully injection molded at 190-200°C. Study of thermal analysis such as DSC and TGA has been done as a preparation for the thermal debinding and sintering process. This study demonstrated that a backbone polymer; thermoplastic natural rubber performs best in term of flow stability and compact quality and also saves in processing time.
Leaves extracts of three different citrus species namely Citrus sinensis (Malta), Citrus paradisi (Grape fruit) and Citrus jambhiri (Khatti) were evaluated for their antioxidant, cytotoxic, antitumor, antimicrobial activities and finally the mineral contents were determined. Four types of extraction solvents (100, 80 and 50% methanol and distilled water heated at 50oC) were used for extraction of antioxidant compounds. Extracts yield increased with the elevated levels of aqueous component of organic solvent and our data showed the highest yield in aqueous extracts. All extraction regimes showed in vitro antioxidant activity. Citrus paradisi showed the highest total flavonoid content (TFC), total phenolic content (TPC), reducing power and 1,1-Diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazil free radical scavenging activity in all combinations of solvents followed by Citrus sinensis and Citrus jambhiri. Antioxidant activity was also increased with higher aqueous component of organic solvents in each case. While Citrus sinensis (in 100% methanolic solvent) and Citrus paradisi (in 50% methanolic extract) showed significant cytotoxicity (LD50 values <1000). Antitumor activity was observed in all extracts, however Citrus sinensis and Citrus paradisi (in 50% aqueous methanolic) extracts had the highest antitumor activity from the selected citrus species whereas no antimicrobial activity was observed at higher concentrations (4000 μgmL-1) against specified strains. We found high calcium contents in all three citrus species tested by atomic absorption method. The results showed that the leaves of selected Citrus species possess significant antioxidant, antitumor and cytotoxic activities. Citrus leaves extracts can be potentially helpful in antioxidant protection in food as well as in human body against lipid peroxidation and free radicals damage. It can further be evaluated after in vivo studies using animal models or identifications of high throughput methods for enhanced biological activities.
In a forensic acarology study, conducted in a secondary forest of Forensic Science Simulation Site, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia (UKM) in Bangi, Selangor, six carcasses consisted of three monkeys and three rabbits were placed individually
in steel enclosures and observed for 35 days. The carcasses, the soil beneath them and pitfall traps were checked daily
for insects and mites. A species of mesostigmatid mite, Macrocheles scutatiformis was discovered and this is a first time
reported in Malaysia. There are about 94.0% of Macrocheles present inside the cages of the monkey and rabbit carcasses.
Most mites in this study were collected from soil beneath the carcasses, on a dung beetle and a Chrysomya rufifacies
larva. Our findings showed that M. scutatiformis have a potential role in forensic investigation involving dead animals
perhaps corpses especially during the dry stage of decomposition.
Proses penuaan seringkali dikaitkan dengan kemerosotan sistem kognitif. Kemerosotan tersebut bermula seawal usia dua puluhan dan berterusan secara linear. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan penuaan ke atas ciri kehubungan antara kawasan otak masih belum difahami. Dalam kajian ini, pengimejan resonans magnet kefungsian (fMRI) digunakan untuk mengkaji kesan penuaan ke atas kehubungan otak yang terhasil daripada tugasan mengulang secara terbalik (BRT). Subjek normal dalam empat kumpulan umur iaitu 20-29 tahun (n=14), 30-39 tahun (n=14), 40-49 tahun (n=10) dan 50-65 tahun (n=14) mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini. Stimulus BRT terdiri daripada satu siri lima perkataan yang diberi secara auditori. Pemetaan statistik berparameter (SPM) dan pemodelan sebab dan akibat dinamik (DCM) digunakan untuk menentukan pengaktifan dan kehubungan otak. Sebanyak 200 model kehubungan intrahemisfera dan 150 interhemisfera dibina bagi menguji kewujudan gandingan antara girus temporal superior (STG), girus Heschl (HG), talamus (TH) dan girus presentral (PCG) kesemua subjek. Keputusan DCM menunjukkan subjek keempat-empat kumpulan umur menggunakan kehubungan intrahemisfera yang sama semasa tugasan BRT. Kehubungan interhemisfera pula didapati berubah menjadi semakin kompleks apabila usia meningkat. Perubahan tersebut didapati bermula pada usia 40 tahun. Keputusan ini menyokong penemuan terdahulu bahawa penuaan menyebabkan perubahan pada sistem neuron otak seterusnya mempengaruhi pemprosesan kognitif.
Areca catechu fronds show higher capability for removal of color and COD and were utilized as an adsorbent for adsorption
process. Areca catechu fronds activated carbon (AC) undergoes activation process after carbonization under purified
carbon dioxide and turned as activated carbon. Three variables were chosen for the preparation optimization which
consists of temperature, activation time and impregnation ratio in order to study the effect toward the removal of color
and COD from cotton textile mill wastewater. For this study, the response surface methodology (RSM) was employed.
Quadratic model were develop based on three variables and responses of color and COD. High values of the coefficient
determination, R2
were obtained from analysis of variance (ANOVA) for both responses. The optimum Areca catechu
fronds activated carbon (AC) preparation condition was established at temperature 797 °C for 1.57 hour of activation
time and 2.75 impregnation ratios, corresponding to the removal of color and COD with 78.83 and 62.41%, respectively.