Displaying publications 301 - 320 of 3717 in total

  1. Low WY, Khoo EM, Tan HM, Hew FL, Teoh SH
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jmhg.2006.02.007
    Background: Depression and erectile dysfunction (ED) are common in aging and the two conditions often co-exist. These conditions have been shown to be associated with hormonal changes in men. This paper examines the association between depression, ED, and hormonal status of men aged above 50 years in the Klang Valley, Malaysia.
    Methods: Five hundred men aged 50 years and above were randomly selected via the electoral roll and invited to participate in a community-based study on men's health: 351 men responded. Respondents were interviewed individually based on a self-developed questionnaire, which included information on socio-demographic data. Erectile function was measured using the International Index for Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) and depression was measured using the 15 item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15).
    Results: Sixty-nine percent of the men were diagnosed with ED. Mean GDS score was 3.33 (SD = 3.29). Nineteen percent (n = 67) of the men had abnormal levels of testosterone (≤11 nmol/l) and this comprised 73% of men with ED (n = 49) and 27% of men without ED (n = 18). There was no significant association between testosterone level and ED (χ2 = 0.68, p = 0.41). Significant association was found between depression (GDS ≥ 5) and men with ED (χ2 = 6.07, p = 0.014). Sex hormone binding globulin and luteinising hormone were negatively correlated with erectile function. Results of the multiple linear regression showed that age and depression are predictors of erectile function.
    Conclusion: Depression and ED should be screened for when either exists in the male patient and treatment directed accordingly. © 2006 WPMH GmbH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  2. Abdul Kadir A, Nordin R, Ismail SB, Yaacob MJ, Wan Mustapha WMR
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2004;3(1&2):9-18.
    Aim. Validation of the Malay version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
    Methods. A validation study was done involving 52 mothers who were at 4-12 weeks post-delivery. The women completed the Malay versions of EPDS and the 30-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). They were then assessed with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS). Psychiatric diagnoses were made based on ICD-10 criteria. The validity of EPDS was tested against this clinical diagnosis and the concurrent validity against the Malay version of 30-item GHQ and HDRS scores was also evaluated.
    Results. The best cut-off score of the Malay version of EPDS was 11.5 with the sensitivity of 72.7% and specificity of 92.6 %.
    Conclusion. The Malay version of EPDS is a valid and reliable screening tool for PND.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  3. Abdul Rahman AA, Al Sadat N, Low WY
    Journal of Men's Health, 2011;8:S50-S53.
    DOI: 10.1016/S1875-6867(11)60021-3
    Background: The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence and associated factors of erectile dysfunction (ED) among men who frequented public primary care clinics in an urban district in Malaysia.
    Methods: A total of 1331 men aged 40-76 years participated in this cross-sectional study. Information on demographic information, medical history and lifestyle factors were obtained through self administered questionnaire. ED was assessed using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5).
    Results: The participants' age ranged from 40-79 years with a mean of 54.7 (±8.3) years. The prevalence of ED was 69.5%. In terms of severity, 33.1% had mild, 26.6% moderate and 9.8% severe ED. The participants with increased age had reportedly higher prevalence of ED. The prevalence of ED increased from 49.7% of men in their 40s to 66.5%, 92.8% and 93.9% of men in their 50s, 60s and 70s respectively. The prevalence of moderate and severe ED also increased with age. The prevalence of severe ED was only 2.1% of men in their 40s and rose to 22.4% of men aged more than 60 years. The prevalence of ED among those with diabetics or heart disease was the highest (89.2%) followed by hypertensives (80.4%) and hypercholesterolaemia (78.9%). Men in their 50s (OR = 2.0) and 60s (OR = 13.5) had higher odds in ED.
    Conclusions: This study found that ED was common among men aged 40 years and above at the primary care setting. The prevalence and severity of ED increased with age. © 2011 WPMH GmbH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  4. Saidi S
    Introduction: A survey in 2011 reported that the prevalence of diabetes in Malaysia is 20.8% (2.8 million people) and 88% have uncontrolled diabetes. Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is one of the common diabetes complications in Malaysia that leads to other devastated situation including infection, amputation and death. In Pahang, 95% of the patients have uncontrolled diabetes and 50% of them suffered from DFU. Self-wound management is an important element in reducing the risk of further complications of DFU. However, little is known on the patients' understanding of diabetes and their practice of self wound management. This study aimed to understand the knowledge, attitude and practice of self-wound management among patients with diabetic ulcer in Pahang.
    Materials and method: A quantitative, cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary hospital in Pahang involving 100 participants. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling from April 2017 until May 2017. Participants' knowledge, attitude and practice of self-wound management were measured using self-administered questionnaires. Additionally, the data on socio-demographic was gathered. The data was computed into SPSS and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
    Results: Out of 100 participants, 95% of them had good knowledge on diabetes and DFU, 84% had a positive attitude towards self-wound management and 56% perceived good practices of self-wound management. However, a chi-square test between knowledge on diabetes and DFU and practice of self-wound management found no significant interaction (p > 0.05). Meanwhile, there was a significant interaction between attitude and practice of self-wound management (p < 0.05).
    Conclusion: Good knowledge on diabetes and DFU do not determine the patients’ practice of self-wound management. However, positive attitude towards self-wound management would contribute to the practice and willingness of the patients to selfmanage their foot ulcer wound at home.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  5. Lau H, Shahar S, Hussin N, Kamarudin MZ, Hamid TA, Mukari SZ, et al.
    Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2019 Mar;19(3):233-239.
    PMID: 30618211 DOI: 10.1111/ggi.13598
    AIM: The 36-month Long-Term Research Grant Scheme project: Towards Usual Aging - Neuroprotective Model for Healthy Longevity among Malaysian Elderly was designed to address multidimensional aspects including psychosocial, biophysical health, nutrition and dietary pattern, and auditory and visual function to highlight the magnitude of these associations in a single study.

    METHODS: A total of 2322 respondents aged ≥60 years were recruited at baseline using the multistage sampling method, followed up at 18 months and 36 months.

    RESULTS: Response rates at baseline, 18 months and 36 months were 87.8%, 77.3% and 67.1%, respectively. At baseline, the prevalence of successful aging, usual aging and mild cognitive impairment was 11%, 73% and 16%, respectively. The prevalence of single and multimorbidity at baseline were 25.9% and 50.3%, respectively. The incidence rates of mild cognitive impairment at 18 months and 36 months were 6.5 and 5.6 per 100 person-years. The incidence rates of multimorbidity at 18 months and 36 months were 23.7 and 21.5 per 100 person-years, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: The Long-Term Research Grant Scheme project: Towards Usual Aging study provides an opportunity to investigate the interactions between wide ranges of aspects of the older population in a nationally representative sample of the older population. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2019; 19: 233-239.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  6. Ong JSK, Menon SK, Kew ST, Menon J, Mavros P, Thong SP, et al.
    APLAR Journal of Rheumatology, 2004;7(3):196-203.
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1479-8077.2004.00094.x
    Aims: To assess the association between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use and upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract-related hospitalizations and to evaluate inpatient healthcare resource utilization associated with these complications in Malaysia.
    Methods: A retrospective case control study was performed using medical records of patients admitted to two Malaysian hospitals during 1999 and 2000. Cases were identified based on mode of presentation at hospital admission. One control was identified for each case, matched by age, sex and admission date. NSAID exposure was determined by drug use during one year prior to admission. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to determine the association between NSAID use and upper GI complications, adjusting for predictors.
    Results: The 273 cases were significantly more likely to have used NSAIDs in the year prior to hospitalization than controls (27.8% vs. 6.2% of patients; P < 0.0001). Conditional logistic regression analysis adjusting for other predictors showed that the odds of being hospitalized for upper GI tract complications were 4.1 times higher among NSAID users than non-users (95% CI = 1.88-9.12). Other risk factors for GI-related hospitalizations were a history of upper GI tract complications (OR = 5.8, 95% CI = 1.28-26.53), use of gastroprotective agents (OR = 5.3, 95% CI = 1.67-16.79), and use of antacids (OR = 5.0, 95% CI = 2.10-11.91) in the previous year.
    Conclusion: This study demonstrated that NSAID exposure was significantly higher among patients hospitalized for GI-related complications than for other reasons, indicating that NSAID use is an independent risk factor for upper GI tract complications in this Malaysian sample.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  7. Sultana S, Hossain Z
    Dental Press J Orthod, 2019 Aug 01;24(3):44.e1-44.e9.
    PMID: 31390447 DOI: 10.1590/2177-6709.24.3.44.e1-9.onl
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to assess the prevalence of normative and perceived orthodontic treatment need in schoolchildren and adolescents, related risk factors, and children/parent's aesthetic perception, compared to orthodontist's opinion, in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.

    METHODS: A random sample of 800 schoolchildren aging 11-15 years was selected from different schools in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were assessed as normative treatment need. The Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth (DMFT) index was used to record caries experience. Children were interviewed on the perception of orthodontic treatment need. Parents also completed a questionnaire on the perception of their child's orthodontic treatment need, assessed by AC/ IOTN.

    RESULTS: According to the DHC/IOTN, only 24.7% were in the category of definite need (grade 4-5) for orthodontic treatment. A significant difference was found between the clinician/children and clinician/parents perceived AC score of IOTN (p= 0.0001). Multiple logistic regression showed children with a higher DMFT were significantly more likely to need orthodontic treatment, according to the DHC of IOTN.

    CONCLUSION: A low proportion of schoolchildren needs normative orthodontic treatment in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Children with a higher DMFT score were significantly more likely to need orthodontic treatment, according to the DHC of IOTN.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  8. Stewart SK
    Malays Orthop J, 2019 Jul;13(2):1-10.
    PMID: 31467644 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1907.001
    Non-union of bone following fracture is an orthopaedic condition with a high morbidity and clinical burden. Despite its estimated global prevalence of nine million annually, the limit of bone regeneration therapy still results in patients living with pain, a reduced quality of life and associated psychological, social and financial repercussions. This review provides an overview of the current epidemiological and aetiological data, and highlights where the clinical challenges in treating non-union lie. Current treatment strategies are discussed as well as promising future research foci. Development in biotechnologies to treat non-union provides exciting scope for more effective treatment for this debilitating condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  9. Leja M, Grinberga-Derica I, Bilgilier C, Steininger C
    Helicobacter, 2019 Sep;24 Suppl 1:e12635.
    PMID: 31486242 DOI: 10.1111/hel.12635
    This review summarizes recent publications on the epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori. Two major systemic analyses, from Malaysia and Ethiopia, were published. The Brazilian Consensus Conference has stated that H pylori infection is an infectious disease with an indication for antimicrobial therapy. A continuous decrease in H pylori prevalence was reported from many regions worldwide, including Korea, China, Iran, and Austria. A cross-sectional H pylori prevalence study conducted in the United Arab Emirates found 41% prevalence in a group of healthy children and adults. Several studies from Asia addressed H pylori prevalence in adults undergoing regular checkup. The largest of such studies, performed in Korea, involved 24 471 subjects and reported 41.5% seroprevalence. A relatively smaller study from East China on 3252 subjects reported 27.5% prevalence. In contrast, a study from Spain reported 87.2% seroprevalence. A report on the association between smoking and H pylori seropositivity was published on behalf of the Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) Project-a consortium of epidemiological studies of gastric cancer. Also, other potential risk factors, including occupational risk factors, water supply, and food were analyzed. Gastroesophageal reflux and sexual partners has been associated with a higher risk for H pylori acquisition, and gut microbiota was suggested to play a role in intrafamilial transmission of H pylori. Finally, in a few studies (from Mexico and Japan), the catalytic model for predicting the potential risk of acquiring H pylori infection in the future was used. As anticipated, a further decline in H pylori-related disease was demonstrated by applying the modeling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  10. Rajah R, Hassali MAA, Murugiah MK
    Public Health, 2019 Feb;167:8-15.
    PMID: 30544041 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2018.09.028
    OBJECTIVES: Health literacy is increasingly recognized as a public health concern. Most of the literature on health literacy concentrate in the Western countries. Therefore, this study aimed to systematically review and examine the available studies on health literacy in Southeast Asian countries and estimate its prevalence in this region.

    STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review.

    METHODS: A search for relevant articles was carried out using Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and MEDLINE (via EBSCOhost), Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar with multiple search terms. Inclusion criteria comprised articles published in English language and assessing general health literacy. Risk of bias reduced with the involvement of two independent reviewers in the screening of the literature and the quality assessment process.

    RESULTS: A total of 11 studies were included, which only consist of studies from five countries out of 11 making up the Southeast Asian region. The overall prevalence of limited health literacy varied considerably, 1.6%-99.5% with a mean of 55.3% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 35.1%-75.6%). A much higher prevalence was noted in studies conducted in healthcare settings, 67.5% (95% CI: 48.6%-86.3%). The most common factors associated with limited health literacy were education attainment, age, income and socio-economic background. Other factors identified were gender and health behaviours.

    CONCLUSIONS: In summary, despite the little evidence available and existences of high heterogeneity among studies, limited health literacy is still prevalent in Southeast Asian countries. Urgent strategies to improve and promote health literacy in the region are highly warranted. Besides, more studies on health literacy with better quality on the methodology aspect are needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  11. Aszrin A, Azarisman SM, Jamaluddin RA, Tariq RA, Noriah NM
    Introduction: Prehypertension precedes overt hypertension and has been acknowledged by many guidelines. Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease in Malaysia. Hypertension prevalence is at 42.6% and population-based control is poor at 26.8%. The objective of the study is to ascertain the cardiovascular risk profile of prehypertensive and mildly hypertensive young adults against age-matched controls in rural Malaysia. Methods: 484 (four hundred and eighty four) subjects attending primary care clinic were screened. 91 (Ninety one) young adults with pre/mild hypertension and normotensive, agematched controls were enrolled. The blood pressure and biochemical profiles for both groups were assessed and compared. Results: Fifty-four subjects and 37 controls were enrolled. Amongst subjects, 46.3% had prehypertension and 53.7% had mild hypertension. Mean values compared to age-matched controls for MAP were 102.68 ± 7.48 vs 83.25 ± 6.08 mmHg (p< 0.001), LDL 3.75 ± 0.95 vs 3.32 ± 0.93 mmol/L (p=0.03), FBG 4.65 ± 0.54 vs 4.33 ± 0.42 mmol/L (p=0.03), BMI 28.81 ± 5.16 vs 24.12 ± 4.91 (p< 0.001). The mean BP was significantly associated with BMI, FBG, triglycerides, HDL and the TC/HDL ratio. Conclusions: Greater BMI, FBG, HDL, triglyceride levels and TC/HDL ratio characterised the young adults with pre/mild hypertension. The data suggests that hypertension in young adults is secondary to metabolic syndrome. © 2018, International Islamic University Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  12. Daud S, Zahid AZM, Mohamad M, Abdullah B, Mohamad NAN
    Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2019 11;300(5):1279-1285.
    PMID: 31435778 DOI: 10.1007/s00404-019-05273-y
    PURPOSE: This study aims to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction during pregnancy and to determine its associated factors.

    METHODS: This 6-month cross-sectional study adopted convenience sampling; inclusion criteria were healthy pregnant women, sexually active and living together with their partner for 3 months prior to recruitment into this study. Women who received advice to avoid sexual intercourse, with any medical illness and/or those conceived via assisted reproductive technology were excluded. Participants filled in a questionnaire consisting of demographic details and Malay Version Female Sexual Function Index Questionnaire. Data were analysed using SPSS 24.0; categorical data were analyzed by Chi-square and Fisher exact test.

    RESULTS: One hundred pregnant women with a mean age of 31 + 4.31 years old participated. By using the cut-off FSFI score of 26.55, 81 (81%) participants were diagnosed to have sexual dysfunction. The mean FSFI score was 20.41 ± 8.45 (range 2.6-33.5; median 23.6). All the mean FSFI scores of first, second and third trimesters were low with 22.80 ± 10.67, 23.81 ± 7.18 and 18.74 ± 8.43, respectively. The mean score for desire, arousal, satisfaction and pain were significantly lower in the third trimester than earlier gestation. There was a significant difference in the incidence of difficulties in desire, arousal, lubrication, satisfaction and pain between first and second trimester combined, as compared to the third trimester of pregnancy. Trimester of pregnancy was found to have a significant association with the incidence of sexual dysfunction.

    CONCLUSION: Sexual dysfunction among pregnant women is a significant burden. Despite being a common health problem, it is often neglected.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  13. Nor NAM, Chadwick BL, Farnell D, Chestnutt IG
    Community Dent Health, 2019 Aug 29;36(3):229-236.
    PMID: 31437389 DOI: 10.1922/CDH_4522Nor08
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and severity of dental caries (at dentine and enamel levels of diagnosis) amongst Malaysian children and to investigate determinant factors associated with caries detection at these different thresholds.

    METHODS: This study involved life-long residents aged 12 years-old in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas in Malaysia (n=595). The survey was carried out in 16 public schools by a calibrated examiner, using ICDAS-II criteria. A questionnaire on socio-demographic and oral hygiene practices was self-administered by parents/guardians. Data were analysed using Mann-Whitney U tests and logistic regression.

    RESULTS: The overall response rate was 74.4%. Caries prevalence at the dentine level or at the dentine and enamel level was significantly (p⟨0.001) higher among children in the non-fluoridated area (D₁₋₆MFT⟩0 = 82.4%, D₄₋₆MFT⟩0 = 53.5%) than in the fluoridated area (D₁₋₆MFT⟩0 = 68.7%, D₄₋₆MFT⟩0 = 25.5%). Considering only the decayed component of the index, no significant differences were observed between the two areas when the detection threshold was set at enamel caries (D₁₋₃) (p=0.506). However, when the detection criteria were elevated to the level of caries into dentine (D₄₋₆) there were clear differences between the fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas (p=0.006). Exposure to fluoridated water proved a significant predictor for lower caries prevalence in the statistical model. Children whose father and mother had a low monthly income had a significantly higher dentine caries prevalence.

    CONCLUSION: Results confirmed existing evidence of the benefit of water fluoridation in caries prevention. Detection criteria set at caries into dentine shows clear differences between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. Exposure to fluoridated water and socio-economic status were associated with caries prevalence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  14. Abusafia AH, Roslan NS, Mohd Yusoff D, Mat Nor MZ
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Aug;13(4):370-376.
    PMID: 31435349 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2018.04.003
    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate academic dishonesty among nursing students at a public university in Malaysia.

    Methods: This study utilized a descriptive and cross-sectional design to evaluate academic dishonesty among nursing students using a purposive sampling method. The participants of this study consisted of 201 students from diploma (Year 2 and 3) and degree (Year 2 to Year 4) nursing programmes. A self-administered, validated questionnaire was used for data collection. Institutional ethics committee clearance was obtained prior to commencement of the study.

    Results: The results of this study showed that 82.1% and 74.6% of nursing students had engaged at least once in an act of academic dishonesty in an academic or clinical setting, respectively. The most frequent form of academic dishonesty in an academic setting was plagiarism (77.1%). There was a significant association between gender and academic dishonesty in a clinical setting (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  15. Gan HM, Eng WWH, Dhanoa A
    Data Brief, 2019 Aug;25:104257.
    PMID: 31384648 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104257
    We report the whole genome sequencing data and de novo genome assemblies for eight extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates from Malaysia consisting of four Klebsiella pneumoniae, two Enterobacter harmaechei, one Citrobacter freundii and one Escherichia coli. We identified at least one ESBL gene in each genome, with blaCTX-M-15 being the most prevalent ESBL gene in the current genomic sampling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  16. Sulaiman W, Othman M, Mokhtar AM, Rosman A, Ong SG, Soo IS, et al.
    APLAR Journal of Rheumatology, 2006;9 Suppl 1:A54-A55.
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1479-8077.2006.00199_24.x
    Objective: To determine the number of RA cases and to evaluate the demographic patterns in all 4 Rheumatology Referral Centers under the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Materials and methods: One thousand and eighty-four rheumatoid arthritis patients from all 4 centers i.e. Hospital Selayang, Putra Jaya, Seremban and Taiping which are situated in the west coast of West Malaysia, using rheumatoid arthritis database comprising of basic clinical and patient questionnaire, until the end of year 2004 were analysed. Results: At the time of documentation, 88.6% were female at all range of ages especially between age of 25 and 54 years (77.6%) with female to male ratio 8 :1. 52.1% were housewives. Mean age of onset of RA was 49.6 ± 11.8 SD with female 49.3 ± 11.7 SD and male 52.0 ± 12.0 SD (p < 0.05). Indian was the predominant ethnic group (54.5%), followed by Malay (31.4%), Chinese (11.6%) and others (27%). Majority had their education up to secondary level (50.8%), followed by primary (32.6%), and tertiary (6.3%) levels while 10.3% of cases had not received any formal education in their lives. 74.4% were seropositive and 87.3% fulfilled at least 4 out of 7 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) revised criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. 74% were diagnosed RA within 2 years after the onset of arthritis. Seropositivity was not significantly related to gender. Positive rheumatoid factor was dominated by Indian followed by Malay and Chinese. 83.3% were married. 23.3% female and 33.9% male between age group 25-54 were employed. 7.4% had achieved their retirement at time of entry whilst 8.9% were unemployed. Employment status was statistically significant across gender (p < 0.001). The cases differed between rheumatology centers as well as individual practices. Conclusion: There are increasing numbers of RA cases in Malaysia. Results from this study did not reflect the true prevalence of RA in Malaysia. Hence, a larger and more comprehensive database on RA with collaboration of all Government and Private Hospitals in the whole nation will provide better information about the patient case mix in different healthcare settings, treatment practice as well as disease complications. The implementation of rheumatology centers with better regional cooperation, will lead to better treatment and outcome in terms of identification of early as well as established RA cases. Early referral to the centers will be made possible for proper treatment institution and rehabilitation. Hence, improve quality of life including socio-economic status especially among those within the productive age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  17. Tah PC, Kee CC, Majid HA
    Nutr Clin Pract, 2020 Oct;35(5):942-950.
    PMID: 31556167 DOI: 10.1002/ncp.10416
    BACKGROUND: Malnutrition among hospitalized patients is closely associated with various medical complications. This study aimed to determine the validity and reliability of a 3-Minute Nutrition Screening (3-MinNS) tool in identifying the risk of malnutrition among hospitalized patients that can be administered by healthcare professionals.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between January and December 2012. A total of 350 adult patients in a teaching hospital were screened for risk of malnutrition using 3-MinNS and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA). To assess interrater reliability, each patient was screened for risk of malnutrition using 3-MinNS by 2 different nurses on 2 different occasions within 24 hours after admission. To assess the validity of 3-MinNS, the level of risk of malnutrition identified by the nurses using 3-MinNS was compared with the risk of malnutrition as assessed by a dietitian using SGA within 48 hours after the patients' enrolment into the study. The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were calculated in detecting patients at risk of malnutrition. Interrater reliability was determined using κ statistics.

    RESULTS: Using SGA, the estimated prevalence of moderate to severe malnutrition was 36.3% (127/350). There was 94% proportional agreement between 2 nurses using 3-MinNS, and interrater reliability was substantial (κ = 0.79, P < .001). The analysis showed that 3-MinNS had moderate sensitivity (61.4%-68.5%) but high specificity (95.1%).

    CONCLUSIONS: The 3-MinNS is a reliable and valid screening tool for use by healthcare professionals for identifying newly admitted medical and surgical patients who are at risk of malnutrition.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  18. Biju N, Sathiyaraj G, Raj M, Shanmugam V, Baskaran B, Govindan U, et al.
    Dis Aquat Organ, 2016 08 09;120(3):225-30.
    PMID: 27503918 DOI: 10.3354/dao03036
    Hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis in cultivated Litopenaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon is caused by the newly emerged pathogen Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP). It has been detected in shrimp cultured in China, Vietnam and Thailand and is suspected to have occurred in Malaysia and Indonesia and to be associated with severely retarded growth. Due to retarded shrimp growth being reported at farms in the major grow-out states of Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha in India, shrimp were sampled from a total of 235 affected ponds between March 2014 and April 2015 to identify the presence of EHP. PCR and histology detected a high prevalence of EHP in both P. monodon and L. vannamei, and infection was confirmed by in situ hybridization using an EHP-specific DNA probe. Histology revealed basophilic inclusions in hepatopancreas tubule epithelial cells in which EHP was observed at various developmental stages ranging from plasmodia to mature spores. The sequence of a region of the small subunit rDNA gene amplified by PCR was found to be identical to EHP sequences deposited in GenBank. Bioassays confirmed that EHP infection could be transmitted orally to healthy shrimp. Histology also identified bacterial co-infections in EHP-infected shrimp sampled from slow-growth ponds with low-level mortality. The data confirm that hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis caused by EHP is prevalent in shrimp being cultivated in India. EHP infection control measures thus need to be implemented urgently to limit impacts of slowed shrimp growth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  19. Arshed N, Ahmad W, Munir M, Farooqi A
    Psychol Health Med, 2021 Mar 21.
    PMID: 33749455 DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2021.1903051
    Developed economies are at the forefront of facing the brunt of non-communicable diseases (NCD). The majority of the health expenditures are routed in managing obesity and mental disorder-related patients, and there is a fall in the productivity of the distressed and NCD prone labour. Several indicators of stress are used in literature to assess its implications. However, empirically no database has maintained the longitudinal data of national stress level. This study focused on constructing the socioeconomic antecedent of non-communicable stress which is leading to several NCDs. For this Multiple Indicator and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model is utilized for 151 countries between 2008 and 2018. The results show that macroeconomic conditions, trade, and environmental quality follow fundamentals in explaining stress. While, national stress index is a significant source of smoking and mental disorder prevalence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  20. Lloyd Wen Feng Lee, Mohd Hafiz Mohd
    MATEMATIKA, 2020;36(2):85-98.

    2 (UKM)43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
    ∗Corresponding author:

    Numerous studies have linked biodiversity with zoonotic disease control. However, researchers have warned against simply believing that the increase in biodiversity can reduce the infection disease in the community. They proposed that amplification effect (increase in biodiversity accompanied by an increase in disease prevalence) might sometimes occur. Thus, we formulated a deterministic model to consider the impact of an amplification or dilution agent on the SNV transmission in the deer mouse population. Bifurcation analysis was carried out to examine the combined influences of the environmental carrying capacity, the interspecific competition strength and the impact of amplification or dilution agent on the deer mouse population. Our results showed that the system with amplification agent required a higher carrying capacity or stronger interspecific strength to compensate for its amplification effect in suppressing the SNV prevalence; this situation explains the lack of reduction in SNV prevalence despite the presence of high biodiversity in some empirical studies. In this study, we highlight the importance of investigating the roles of the additional species in an assemblage to better understand their relationship with the SNV prevalence in deer mouse population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
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