Displaying publications 301 - 320 of 550 in total

  1. Nekkanti S, Kaur K, Balagopal S, Agarwal P
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2020 11 24;10(6):759-765.
    PMID: 33437710 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_339_20
    Aim and Objectives: Toothbrushing is one of the most important factors in controlling plaque accumulation and dental caries. There are vast varieties of toothbrushes available in the market. This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of novel chewable toothbrushes as compared to manual toothbrushes in plaque removal among 10-12-year-old children.

    Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted on 40 healthy children aged between 10 and 12 years of age who were randomly assigned to either of the groups: Group I--Chewable Toothbrushes and Group II--Manual Toothbrushes. Following oral prophylaxis, baseline records of oral hygiene indices (Simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S) in indexed teeth and Turesky modification of Quigley Hein plaque index (TMQHI) were taken. Baseline Saliva samples were collected and sent for Streptococcus mutans counts. Children were then instructed to use their respective toothbrush twice daily for a week. Oral hygiene indices and S. mutans counts were repeated after 1 week.

    Results: Differences in pre-brushing and post-brushing plaque scores and salivary S. mutans counts were statistically significant when compared using paired-sample t test and independent-sample t test. There was a significant reduction in salivary S. mutans counts after using both chewable and manual toothbrushes. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.08).

    Conclusion: Chewable toothbrushes are equally effective in plaque control when compared to manual toothbrushes. These can be a reliable alternative for children who lack manual dexterity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth; Toothbrushing
  2. Yusof NAM, Noor E, Reduwan NH, Yusof MYPM
    Clin Oral Investig, 2021 Mar;25(3):923-932.
    PMID: 32535703 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-020-03380-8
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), periapical radiograph, and intrasurgical linear measurements in the assessment of molars with furcation defects.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This parallel, single-blinded, randomised controlled trial (RCT) consisted of 22 periodontitis patients who had molar with advanced furcation involvement (FI). All patients followed the same inclusion criteria and were treated following the same protocol, except for radiographic evaluation (CBCT vs. periapical). This study proposed and evaluated five parameters that represent the extent and severity of furcation defects in molars teeth, including CEJ-BD (clinical attachment loss), BL-H (depth), BL-V (height), RT (root trunk), and FW (width).

    RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between CBCT and intrasurgical linear measurements for any clinical parameter (p > 0.05). However, there were statistically significant differences in BL-V measurements (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Cervix
  3. Kamal A, Salman B, Ar NH, Samsudin AR
    Clin Oral Investig, 2021 Mar;25(3):1029-1033.
    PMID: 32562076 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-020-03393-3
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy of delivering low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in the management of dry socket at University Dental Hospital Sharjah.

    MATERIALS AND METHOD: Forty-five patients with dry socket were divided into two treatment groups. Group I dry socket patients (n = 30) received conventional treatment while group II patients (n = 15) were irradiated with LLLT at a setting of 200-mW, 6-J, continuous-wave mode using an R02 tipless handpiece (Fotona Er:YAG, Europe), on the buccal, lingual, and middle surfaces of the socket for 30 s from a delivery distance of 1 cm. Pain score and quantification of granulation tissue in the socket were recorded at 0, 4, and 7 days post-dry socket treatment.

    RESULTS: Results showed that the LLLT-irradiated group II sockets showed a much lower VAS pain score of 1-2 as early as day 4, and a richer amount of granulation tissue compared to the conventional treated group I socket. The amount and rate of granulation tissue formation in the dry socket are inversely proportional to the pain score showing significant clinical effectiveness of LLLT on promoting the healing of the dry socket, with improvement in symptoms (P = .001). Conventionally treated dry sockets take at least 7 days to match the effective healing of an LLLT-irradiated dry socket.

    CONCLUSION: LLLT irradiation influences biomodulation of dry socket healing by dampening inflammation, promoting vascularization, stimulating granulation, and controlling pain symptoms.

    CLINICAL RELEVANCE: LLLT may be an additional effective tool for managing dry sockets in general dental practice.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Socket
  4. Alam MK, Alfawzan AA, Haque S, Mok PL, Marya A, Venugopal A, et al.
    Front Pediatr, 2021;9:651951.
    PMID: 34026687 DOI: 10.3389/fped.2021.651951
    To investigate whether the craniofacial sagittal jaw relationship in patients with non-syndromic cleft differed from non-cleft (NC) individuals by artificial intelligence (A.I.)-driven lateral cephalometric (Late. Ceph.) analysis. The study group comprised 123 subjects with different types of clefts including 29 = BCLP (bilateral cleft lip and palate), 41 = UCLP (unilateral cleft lip and palate), 9 = UCLA (unilateral cleft lip and alveolus), 13 = UCL (unilateral cleft lip) and NC = 31. The mean age was 14.77 years. SNA, SNB, ANB angle and Wits appraisal was measured in lateral cephalogram using a new innovative A.I driven Webceph software. Two-way ANOVA and multiple-comparison statistics tests were applied to see the differences between gender and among different types of clefts vs. NC individuals. A significant decrease (p < 0.005) in SNA, ANB, Wits appraisal was observed in different types of clefts vs. NC individuals. SNB (p > 0.005) showed insignificant variables in relation to type of clefts. No significant difference was also found in terms of gender in relation to any type of clefts and NC group. The present study advocates a decrease in sagittal development (SNA, ANB and Wits appraisal) in different types of cleft compared to NC individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Socket
  5. Jaafar, N., Saub, R., Razak, I.A.
    Ann Dent, 1997;4(1):9-12.
    A pilot study was conducted on 135 sixteen-year-old students from three rural schools in Kelantan to establish the prevalence of orofacial pain and discomfort. About 44% reported to have experienced some oro-facial pain in the preceding four weeks. About 27% of those with pain, still experienced the pain at the time of clinical examination but only 8% have consulted professional help. Most of the pain encountered were only mild or moderate in nature. Only 7% and 10% respectively, reported that the pain affected their sleep and concentration to study. The main cause was toothache and sensitivity. The prevalence of discomfort was 22%, the most common causes being recurrent oral ulcers and bleeding gums. The impacts of orofacial pain was mainly manifested at the personal level, and very few affecting social functioning. However, untreated decay and missing teeth were very low (mean DT 0.47, mean MT 0.27), while filled teeth (mean Ff 2.9) was the main component of the DMFf (mean 3.66, sd ± 2.6). Severe periodontal disease and the prevalence of traumatised teeth was not a major public health problem. The high prevalence of pain merit further research. Therefore a larger study involving other age-groups in other states is planned.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Loss
  6. Chan, Y.K., Tien, W.S.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2010;31(1):6-7.
    The prevalence of periodontal abscesses in emergency dental clinics was found to be between 8%-14%. The purpose of this study was to study the clinical features of periodontal abscesses seen in a specialist periodontal unit. There were 14 patients with equal distribution of gender. The mean age was 39.6 years. Twelve upper teeth (86%) were found to be involved as compared to two lower teeth (14%). There were more posterior teeth involved, a total of nine teeth (64%) as compared to five anterior teeth (36%). The mean pocket depth associated with the abscesses was found to be 7.4mm. There were ten buccal sites (71%) as compared to four palatal sites (29%). Average temperature of patients was 36.9° C. Only one patient was found to have cervical lympadenopathy (7%). The teeth involved were found to be mostly mobile with mobility of grade I to III (71%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth
  7. SH, Ku, YS, Tan, Yahya NA
    Ann Dent, 2014;21(1):25-32.
    The study aimed to evaluate the quality of the hybrid
    layer form by three different adhesive systems. Class V
    cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of fourty
    extracted human premolars. The prepared teeth were
    randomly assigned into four groups according to the
    adhesive system and application mode. The systems
    were: Optibond S (OS, total-etch); Optibond Versa (OV,
    two-bottles, self-etch); Single Bond Universal (SBU,
    one-bottle, self-etch) and Single Bond Universal with
    etchant (SBU + etchant). All cavities were restored with
    composite (Filtek Z350XT). The samples were sectioned,
    polished and pretreated to remove minerals, protein
    and water prior to SEM evaluation. From the images,
    thickness of the hybrid layers was measured. Present of
    resin tags and adaptation failure were also recorded. The
    data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA, Dunnett’s
    T3, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. OS group
    showed the highest average hybrid layer thickness (4.34
    µm), followed by SBU + etchant (3.06 µm), OV (1.91 µm)
    and SBU (0.95 µm). Both adhesive and cohesive failures
    were observed in SBU group. Present of prominent resin
    tags were seen in both OS and OV groups. In conclusion,
    all the investigated adhesive systems were able to perform
    distinguishable actions as shown in micro-morphological
    alteration and hybrid layer thickness. Two-bottles, selfetch
    adhesive (OV) was proven to produce negligible
    adaptation failure compared to other adhesive systems in
    the present study. Combined all-in-one adhesive (SBU)
    was found to render a superior bonding performance in
    total-etch mode comparing to self-etch mode.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Preparation
  8. Tin-Oo, M.M., Gopalakrishnan, V., Samsuddin, A.R., Al Salihi, K.A., Shamsuria, O.
    Use of synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) in biomedical applications is well warranted. It has shown to have an excellent biocompatibility in human tooth and bones. Additionally it has been documented to possess antibacterial potentials. The present study was conducted to assess the presence of any such potential in locally produced (HA) using Streptococcus mutans, a common pathogen in the oral cavity. The study was carried out using 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 and 800 mg/ml concentration of HA. The antibacterial property of HA was assessed using Miles and Misra method. Our studies showed that bacterial growth inhibitions of S. mutans occurred from 50 mg/ml, and complete inhibition was perceived at concentrations at 200mg/ml of HA. The antibacterial property HA should be used to good advantage as a bioactive biomaterial in dental and maxillofacial applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth
  9. Raja Azman Raja Awang, Noor Huda Ismail
    Pathologic tooth migration (PTM) is a common complication following moderate to severe chronic periodontitis, which lead to the undesirable consequences such as traumatic occlusion and impaired aesthetic appearance. Multidisciplinary approach had been successfully used in overcoming the problem. However, since periodontal tissue support is reduced in PTM, further migration of teeth may occur as they were always subjected to the external forces such as occlusion and soft tissue pressure during function. This case report described a 41 year-old male with a further migration of his upper right central incisor after periodontal therapy. After multidisciplinary approach was carried out to overcome the problem and the tooth was on stable condition, permanent splinting was placed to secure the tooth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Migration
  10. Ngeow, W.C., Anuar, A.M.
    Ann Dent, 2004;11(1):-.
    A retrospective study was carried out to review the records of 47 patients who had had in total 80 supernumerary teeth (ST) removed under general anaesthesia between 1975 and 2002. Malays made up 38.30%, Chinese 51.06%, and Indians 10.64% of the patients. The predominant age group was 6-10 year-old. The mean age was 12.96 ± 9.49 years. The male and female ratio was 1.35:1. Most of the patients had either one ST (n=31; 65.96%) or two ST (n=11; 23.40%). Five cases of multiple supernumeraries were recorded. Two patients experienced late formation of subsequent ST after the first surgery, thus requiring a second surgery. The majority of ST were conical in shape (n=35; 43.75%). Most of the ST were located in the premaxilla (n=55; 68.8%). Almost a quarter (23.75%) of ST were inclined towards the oral cavity. Some of the effects on the dentition were diastema, cystic changes, rotation, displacement, and retention of the permanent teeth and these were the indications for removal of ST. The most common surgical approach for maxillary ST was from the labial, buccal or labio-buccal approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Supernumerary
  11. Mathew, Thomas
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2011;32(1):28-40.
    It is the aim of all clinicians to accomplish biological tooth movement, which implies the use of low, continuous force. Constant unrelented search for a better wire, which can deliver optimal orthodontic force, has led to the invention of a lot of orthodontic wires such as Stainless steel, Beta Titanium, Nickel Titanium and multi stranded wires. In this study, the loading and unloading properties of 0.016 inch, 0.016x0.022 inch and 0.017x0.025 inch dimensions of stainless steel, conventional NiTi, Super elastic NiTi, and TMA arch wires were determined by means of a modified three point bending test for two inter bracket widths of 5 mm and 6.5 mm for deflection of 1 to 3 mm. The applied forces dependence on cross-sectional size differs from the linear-elastic prediction in super elastic NiTi wires. The stainless steel wires had the highest force values on all the three dimensions and cross section. On loading and unloading, TMA wires had force values in-between stainless steel, conventional NiTi and super elastic NiTi. The conventional NiTi had much lower force values compared to stainless steel and TMA and were linearly progressing compared to Super elastic NiTi. On loading and unloading the super elastic NiTi had force values in the range of conventional NiTi and had constant forces on higher deflection. The studies showed that the force value was comparatively higher in 5 mm inter bracket width than the 6.5 mm inter bracket width for all the cross section and dimension of wires.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Movement
  12. Ngeow, W.C., Zain, R.B., Chai, W.L.
    Ann Dent, 2000;7(1):-.
    The paradental cyst is an odontogenic cyst occurring near to the cervical margin of the lateral aspect of a root as a consequence of an inflammatory process in a periodontal pocket. A distinct form of the paradental cyst occurs not infrequently on the buccal aspects of erupted mandibular third molar, where there is an associated history of pericoronitis. A search of the literature revealed that these cysts had all been reported in relation to partially, newly or fully erupted molars. This report presents one case in which the cyst was noticed to be associated with an unerupted third molar. The histological appearance of the cyst and the gross relationship to the cemento-enamel junction is similar to those typical of paradental cysts reported in the literature. However, the radiographic and clinical appearance of the tooth being unerupted do not tally with paradental cyst and yet exclude the diagnosis of dentigerous cyst. The diagnosis of dental follicular tissue was excluded based on the histopathological presentation. The authors suggested that this case may represent an early form of paradental cyst which in the past may have been dismissed as dental follicular residues and thus, the prevalence of paradental cyst may have been under reported in the literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Eruption
  13. Siti Robayah Mohd Zakri, Kannan, Thirumulu Ponnuraj, Nora Aziz, Siti Fadilah Abdullah, Dasmawati Mohamad, Ismail Ab Rahman, et al.
    The aim of this study was to determine the genotoxicity of a locally produced nanocomposite by Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia using Comet assay. Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) were treated with the nanocomposite at five different concentrations (0.006, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1 mg/ml) along with concurrent negative (medium alone) and positive control (zinc sulfate heptahydrate) and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours in an incubator at 5% CO2. The tail moment was used to assess the extent of DNA damage. The tail moment for the group of SHED treated with nanocomposite (for all the five different concentrations) was not statistically significant as compared to the negative control, suggesting that the locally produced dental nanocomposite did not induce any DNA damage. Hence, it can be concluded that the locally produced nanocomposite is non-genotoxic on stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  14. Nur Sazwi Nordin, Lokman Mohammad Isa, Syed Zahir Idid, Widya Lestari, Basma Ezzat Mustafa, Solachuddin Jauhari Arief Ikhwan, et al.
    Flaxseeds offer a wide range of pharmacological properties including antioxidant,
    antibacterial and anticancer. However its effect on mesenchymal stem cells has not been
    elucidated. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effects of flaxseed crude extract on stem cell
    from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) in terms of cell viability, morphology and
    proliferation activity. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  15. Al-Ahmad BEM, Kashmoola MA, Mustafa NS, Hassan H, Arzmi MH
    Eur J Dent, 2018 4 17;12(1):120-122.
    PMID: 29657536 DOI: 10.4103/ejd.ejd_322_17
    Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between tooth loss and the level of blood pressure with the hypothesis that tooth loss is associated with the increase of hypertension in postmenopausal women.

    Materials and Methods: Sixty postmenopausal female patients aged 51-68 years were included in the study to assess the relationship between tooth loss and the level of blood pressure. The information including sociodemographics, last menstruation period, hypertension history, and the duration of having tooth loss was recorded. Blood pressure was measured using sphygmomanometer and the number of tooth loss was determined.

    Results: The results showed a more significant tooth loss in hypertension (median: 23 + 4; interquartile range [IQR]: 6) compared to the normotension postmenopausal women (median: 18 + 6; IQR: 12; P < 0.05). Furthermore, obese patients had more tooth loss (median: 23 + 5; IQR: 8) than the overweight patients (median: 19 + 8; IQR: 8).

    Conclusion: Tooth loss is associated with the increase of hypertension in postmenopausal women which may have a role in the development of vascular diseases.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Loss
  16. Menon RK, Kar Yan L, Gopinath D, Botelho MG
    J Investig Clin Dent, 2019 Nov;10(4):e12460.
    PMID: 31608608 DOI: 10.1111/jicd.12460
    AIM: Randomized controlled trials might be reporting a higher postoperative infection rate for third molar surgery compared to other study designs due to unclear criteria for the classification of "infections". The aim of the present retrospective study was to assess the infection rate after third molar surgery with and without postoperative antibiotic prescription.

    METHODS: Case records of patients who underwent third molar extractions at the Prince Philip Dental Hospital in Hong Kong between 3 July 2012 and 22 June 2017 were evaluated retrospectively. Data extraction was performed for indications, clinical and radiographic findings, antibiotic treatment, postoperative complications, and treatment for postoperative infection. The odds ratio (OR) for postoperative infection was estimated.

    RESULTS: In total, 1615 extracted over 5 years from 992 patient records were included in the final analysis. Antibiotics were prescribed postoperatively for 44% of the extractions. The overall infection rate was 2.05%. There was no significant difference in infection rates between the groups which underwent extractions with or without antibiotics (OR = .68; P = .289). We found a significantly higher risk for infections with increasing age (P = .002).

    CONCLUSION: Infection rates after third molar extraction is minimal in the current setting, with no significant benefit from postoperative antibiotic prescription.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction
  17. Asif MK, Nambiar P, Khan IM, Aziz ZABCA, Noor NSBM, Shanmuhasuntharam P, et al.
    Radiol Case Rep, 2019 Dec;14(12):1545-1549.
    PMID: 31719943 DOI: 10.1016/j.radcr.2019.10.001
    A patient was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Division and the attending dental specialist suspected a foreign object at the anterior region of the maxilla. The region was scanned using Kodak 9000 3D cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) extraoral imaging system (Carestream Health, Inc.) to determine the type and morphometric characteristic of foreign object. The CBCT images failed to determine the identity and nature of the foreign object. CBCT images were then exported to the Materialise Interactive Medical Image Control System (Mimics) software to evaluate whether this software can help in enhancing the visualization of the foreign object in the maxillofacial region. The findings showed that there was an improved visualization of the foreign body and the type of the object could be determined with certainty. The object was identified as an endodontic file and was clearly visible when visualized as a reconstructed 3D model in Mimics software. Although the identification of abnormalities has been dramatically improved using 3D scans, the visualization can be further enhanced using image processing software like Mimics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth
  18. Haque N, Khan IM, Abu Kasim NH
    Cytokine, 2019 08;120:144-154.
    PMID: 31071675 DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2019.04.018
    The immunomodulatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from autologous and allogeneic sources are useful in stimulating tissue regeneration and repair. To obtain a high number of MSCs for transplantation requires extensive in vitro expansion with culture media supplements that can cause xeno-contamination of cells potentially compromising function and clinical outcomes. In this study stem cells from human extracted deciduous teeth (SHED) were cultured in Knockout™ DMEM supplemented with either pooled human serum (pHS) or foetal bovine serum (FBS) to compare their suitability in maintaining immunomodulatory properties of cells during in vitro expansion. No significant difference in cell survival of SHED grown in pHS (pHS-SHED) or FBS (FBS-SHED) was observed when co-cultured with complement, monocytes or lymphocytes. However, significant changes in the expression of sixteen paracrine factors involved in immunomodulation were observed in the supernatants of FBS-SHED co-cultures with monocytes or lymphocytes compared to that in pHS-SHEDs after both 24 and 120 h of incubation. Further analysis of changing protein levels of paracrine factors in co-cultures using biological pathway analysis software predicted upregulation of functions associated with immunogenicity in FBS-SHED and lymphocyte co-cultures compared to pHS-SHED co-cultures. Pathway analysis also predicted significant stimulation of HMGB1 and TREM1 signalling pathways in FBS-SHED co-cultures indicating activation of immune cells and inflammation. Though FBS supplementation does not impact survival of SHED, our combinatorial biological pathway analysis supports the idea that in vitro expansion of SHEDs in pHS provides optimal conditions to minimise xeno-contamination and inflammation and maintain their immunomodulatory properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction*; Tooth, Deciduous/cytology*
  19. Mohd Ariffin S, Dalzell O, Hardiman R, Manton DJ, Parashos P, Rajan S
    Eur Arch Paediatr Dent, 2020 Aug;21(4):519-525.
    PMID: 32100200 DOI: 10.1007/s40368-020-00515-z
    AIM: Successful endodontic treatment of primary teeth requires comprehensive knowledge and understanding of root canal morphology. The purpose of this study was to investigate the root canal configurations of primary maxillary second molars using micro-computed tomography.

    METHODS: Extracted human primary maxillary second molars (n = 57) were scanned using micro-computed tomography and reconstructed to produce three-dimensional models. Each root canal system was analysed qualitatively according to Vertucci's classification.

    RESULTS: 22.8% (n = 13) of the sample presented with the fusion of the disto-buccal and palatal roots; of these, Type V was the most prevalent classification. For teeth with three separate roots (n = 44), the most common root canal type was Type 1 for the palatal canal (100%) and disto-buccal canal (77.3%) and Type V for the mesio-buccal canal (36.4%). Overall, 7% (n = 4) of mesio-buccal canals were 'unclassifiable'.

    CONCLUSION: The root canal systems of primary maxillary second molars were not only complex but had a range of configurations that may contribute to unfavourable clinical outcomes after endodontic treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Root
  20. Azizah Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamed Ebrahim Parker, Norval E., Phrabhakaran N
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:59-65.
    Cone-beam-computed-tomography (CBCT) has been useful in providing insights of relevant anatomy prior to surgical
    procedures, including the assessment of the proximity of impacted mandibular-third-molar to the inferior-alveolar-canal
    (IAC). It is important to understand the reliability of conventional panoramic-radiograph in the assessment of this criterion
    since it is more commonly used as first line radiographic approach due to its availability and lower radiation dose. This
    study aimed to investigate the reliability of conventional panoramic-radiograph in the evaluation of the proximity of
    impacted mandibular-third-molar root tip to the IAC by correlating the results with CBCT. A total of 65 root tips of impacted
    mandibular-third-molars that had both panoramic radiographs and CBCT images were included in this retrospective study.
    Two trained observers participated in all image evaluations. A prepared standard 1 cm ruler was used to measure the
    proximity of the third-molar root apices to the IACs. Measurements recorded in this study were categorized into positive
    (root apex above a roof of IAC), zero (root apex was superimposed on IAC) and negative (root apex below a roof of IAC).
    Data analysis was carried out using student t-test. In this study, both observers recorded statistically significant differences
    in the measurement between third-molars root apices and the IAC from panoramic radiographs and CBCT images. The low
    reliability of panoramic radiograph to assess the vertical proximity between these two anatomical structures suggests
    the importance of additional assessment with CBCT in cases where panoramic radiograph shows superimposition of the
    third molar root on the roof of the canal and presence of root below the roof of the IAC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Root
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